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Posts posted by katakwasabi

  1. 50 minutes ago, joccu__ said:

    Board in main dishes

    So how do we play.? I mean still alphabet and add - /+


    Yep. So there will be 2 answers per person. A dish and a number.


    We will start at 50. Team main dish will -2 and name a food item, team dessert will +2 and name a food item. Whichever team reaches 0 or 100 first wins the round. 


    The same rules as alphabet game applies for food items.

    For example: I start with eggnog, the last alphabet is "G". The next person will name a food item that starts with "G" and it goes on and on and on until we run out of food items to name 🤣.


    I'm so bad at explaining rules. I'm already confused. Hahahaha 😅


    Lets try.








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    @MayanEcho suggested a twist...food items and add/sub. Let's experiment and do a trial run. 


    How it works:

    Desserts team (+) vs Main Dish team (-) if you can add up to a 100 or subtract till reach 0 dishes, the respective team wins! (Idea by@Darkarcana)


    As a rough guide, the teams are divided based on your JH username first alphabet (*this is subject to change).


    Team dessert aka Team add: A, C, E, G, I, K, M, O, Q, S, U, W, Y, symbols


    Team main course aka Team subtract: B, D, F, H, J, L, N, P, R, T, V, X, Z, numbers


    For example, my username is Katakwasabi. So I am Team Dessert.


    Alternatively...you can also choose which ever team you want to be in 😅. Just tell me which group you want to be in since some are playing add/sub on discord and that has another set of rules hahaha.


    Thoughts about this idea @NiteWalker @SilverMoonTea @joccu__ @Alice Wonderland@abs-oluteM @MayanEcho @wallflowersforjane @mademoisellesia @bluepebbles @LaLa @-StrongTower- @Chocolate @SnowBlob and everyone (there's no everyone tag 🙃)? Wanna give it a try?


    Note: you can name any food item, regardless team name. Food is universal! Hahaha


    Group as of 31 Aug:

    Desserts: Katakwasabi, abs-oluteM, mademoisellesia, wallflowersforjane, stroppyse, -StrongTower-, im0202, snowblob, mouse


    Main Dish: joccu__, Chocolate, nitewalker, darkarcana, mayanecho, alice wonderland, MMM8P


    Scoreboard (as of 01 Sept 2020)

    Team Dessert: 4

    Team Main Dish: 1


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  3. Similar to Alphabet Games: Name Your Movies/Drama

    But....with food items!!!


    As a reminder...this is how it works.

    I start the game with "Apple". The last alphabet is "E". The next person will name a food item that starts with "E" and it goes on and on and on until we run out of food items to name 🤣.




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  4. 19 hours ago, SilverMoonTea said:

    Lol someone mistaken @abs-oluteM? I thought abs M portion is bonus question. It's like you can't go wrong with that at least :1000:


    13 hours ago, NiteWalker said:


    when i saw the abs i say no one else but her description also no need to read


    I'm feeling :GengarCool::cool::SquirtleSquadCool: to be mistaken as @abs-oluteM...hahahahaha


    Anyways....the weather is so hottttt. I'm melting ♨️




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  5. 16 hours ago, gilaswan said:

    Does anyone reckon, that of the recently returned actors (likes of Ji Changwook, Kim Soohyun, Joo Won), JCW's drama choices have been the most disappointing? Or are expectations of drama storytelling quality just getting to high? Drama fatigue? Nothing seems quite so riveting to watch these days (except perhaps the recently concluded "It's Okay to Not Be Okay" <-- that was a class entirely of its own, but apparently only to viewers outside of Korea?


    It's probably drama fatigue and too high expectations.


    BR was my first JCW and also KYJ drama (Yes, I never watched their other popular dramas before 😅). I enjoyed Backstreet Rookie and I personally think he did a good job playing a normal guy. His character is probably the most normal drama protagonist I've seen. He works, he isn't rich, he doesn't have psycho tendecies, he doesn't have psycho people around him and he was just nice and kind but not a pushover. BR despite the issues surrounding it, managed to have a simple but meaningful plot. And Kim Yoo Jung was wonderful.


    I was not on the IONTBO train. I don't plan to watch it anytime soon and will have to find the right mood to watch, if not I might end up being too critical. The constant praise it got kinda backfired for me, as it made my expectations super sky high hahaha.


    As for Joowon, his drama hasn't started yet. Will have to wait to see if its good or bad. Alice does have ratings magnet Kim Hee Sun. It might be good 😆.

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