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Everything posted by JenL

  1. Yeah, I guess it's a funny one. In the webtoon (at least in what's been released for free), JK dates SJ first because SH goes away to Japan due to his dad getting sick and stops contacting her (the usual noble idiocy reason) and so naturally after a few years SJ gets the courage to make a move and she grows to like him...But it's clear that SH is her first love and they have chemistry and will end up together forever...I also think SJ will be painted as a jerk in the end because he'll have to choose between becoming an idol (his life's dream) and JK...He can't have both and he'll probably end up hurting her multiple times by trying to keep both things in his life etc etc. Just my speculation as the story hasn't finished, but it's quite cliche...But still some crazy fans might say SJ is the one she ends up with and ignore SH. I'm not sure what is worse for those rabid SJ fans....if the drama followed the comics, sure they'd date, but then later they'll break up and he could be painted in a less than ideal light....or they change the story for the drama and SJ remains loveable, but they never date and you have to deal with SLS (but at least there's no break up!) I love SJ more in the drama, but I'm glad I'm not too invested in this love triangle. Too painful when you care too much
  2. Fair enough...I have dropped dramas of actors I liked before for the same reason! I really want to watch his next project, but yeah it depends on who they cast him with and the genre. I might be able to do another romance depending. Definitely hoping for action. But there's things I won't touch - I don't watch horror (unless it's about zombies ). Please pick wisely LJW! Yayyy, I'm glad they enjoyed filming this scene. Yes, it would have been so fun to see them do a commentary...I bet it would have been full of stories and banter like their Netflix games.... Hahaha, I think I just enjoy torturing myself since I always seem to like second leads. I think LJW's character in EY surprised me because I was just expecting to hate him the whole time, but he really humanised that character and that's when I was like....this guy is a good actor! Oooh good opinions of Miss Hammurabi...I'm looking forward to watching it and When the Weather is fine as a double watch. I'm the opposite. I feel FOMO if a drama is running and I'm not watching I also hate spoilers and can't avoid them on socials But I guess the good thing about this is that you watched DDSSLLS...I bet you would have avoided this drama if you heard the fall out with the ending before you started! Hahahaha...I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking about poor Jun during The Uncanny Counter. I forgot about the evil son. (For those not watching The Uncanny Counter, the actor who plays Jun's dad from DDSSLLS plays the villain in this drama...also I highly recommend it - it's different to DDSSLLS, but has a lot of heart!) I loved her status...it was so lovely to her fans. And it looks like people found the person who made those figurines! And they've made quite a few for actors - Lee Dong Wook actually took a picture with his: https://www.instagram.com/p/CKAnLZUJl4T/ I think you might be right! I'm guessing they sent it to both the actors...wouldn't make sense to leave the other one out! Hahaha, I saw one of the recent Swoon Instagram updates and was also reminded of KBS - Like maybe they couldn't change the drama, but they could have at least done a reunion! It also made me sad on the comments of this post that some people let the ending ruin the whole drama for them. Totally understand feeling annoyed/ sad about the ending...but it's such a shame if people loved the series, but forget about how wonderful the first 13 episodes really were. Glad everyone here has remembered Hmmm, I was listening to movie OSTs today and stumbled on La La Land, the film with Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone... A part of me wonders if the writers of DDSSLLS were also influenced a little bit by this movie. For those who haven't seen it, it's like this beautiful very sweeping grand romance ( also a musical)....but it has a super bittersweet ending. (Spoiler: The two leads don't end up together. And you find out in the last 10 minutes of the film). I guess I was just reminded because of the colourful, fun nature of the film, the fact the guy plays piano, they also dance among stars in this one scene and one of the main songs is "city of stars" ...also because Lala's piano academy is called "Lala Land." I do also really like this film, so I guess I'm stuck with liking dramas/ films that kick me with bittersweetness! I'll put some info about the film in the spoilers if anyone wanted to compare. The actors did get paired together as a couple 3 times in different films...imagine if that happened to GAR and LJW Haha also found this. I always really liked the way he couldn't be mad at her in this scene because she was just too cute in his eyes
  3. Hahahahaha, I thought at least someone here who follows me on Twitter must have seen the exchanges and found it amusing I think I opened your message but didn't get a chance to reply, but I'll do when I open Twitter again. Hahaha, well Thanks for the support and for not thinking I'm crazy @Tofu I was trying to disengage in a friendly/ polite way without giving up my views, but it took some time Haha, that account holder is super salty though- they're mad when he's not cast as a main lead, when another actor doesn't know this actor's birthday or past films, when this actor doesn't post on social media or when he does but it's not a picture of their face I don't know how some people can be so obsessive in a salty way 24/7 They follow me on too many socials, so hard to cut ties and I'd prefer to keep the peace since we finally got there. Meh, gotta remember only to respond with short messages and emojis (eg. LOL 😊) Also, they definitely need more Oppas....when one goes on a break no need to get salty, it's time to check out others
  4. I confess to being OCD about unimportant things like chopped up smilies. Especially when it's been brought to my attention, but not fixed. My eyes are twitching as we talk about them
  5. I must admit the half smilies triggered a sense of discomfort for me. I long to erase them for you @SnowBlob Haha, I'm in the same boat. I think there's not actually that many things I'm looking forward to yet this year. I voted for the one I nominated though?
  6. Hardcore fans/ stans are so scary Glad I was never into Kpop, that's for sure! I can't see why liking a particular actor/ idol/ celebrity should turn you so salty about everything to do with them. Me: Says something cheerful on Twitter because that's my way of putting a positive spin on something people have been stressed about. Hardcore fan: "You don't care about x actor! You think I don't care about x actor! You think this and it's wrong. You don't know x actor" Me: "That's not what I said. Everyone can be a fan in their own way....also, I don't care what you think I think about you because I never had an opinion about you in the first place. You also don't know x actor. Stop taking my words out of context" I know, I know, I shouldn't take the bait. But I don't like being bullied when I wasn't looking for a fight/ controversy.
  7. I rarely buy DVDs...but I always liked those ones with additional scenes or commentary where they tell stories about what happened when they filmed a scene etc. Also not sure about Korean DVDs since I never bought one...but I'm a big fan of behind the scenes/ makings, so even just seeing a few extra scenes would have been gold. Oh well! Maybe one day an ex staffer will release some...or they'll have a GAR or LJW DVD from their agencies that features extra scenes from their past works...*wistful dreaming* Ah, Thank you for your lovely words! I'm glad you all got much enjoyment from my blog content and from chatting here. I'm glad we've all been such good company for each other during and after this drama...You guys are like stars (see gif below). And I guess they probably did release the best BTS scenes...at least we got the Sanja-Mabok scenes and beach scenes....so gotta be grateful for sure! Awww she is a hard worker and I hope she continues to get the love and recognition she deserves! Hahaha so true...because that's when you know who they really value in their hearts, eh? Haha, but I like it when they use their character names. It's a little like an in-joke/nickname between them since no other actors except DDSSLLS one will refer to them with those names. Hahaha, those trust issues sound bad! I'm still watching new dramas live, but I'm not very invested in most of my series except The Uncanny Counter (which is very very good). @Just_Me and @eNDe I laughed at the last episode of The Uncanny Counter when one of the characters was going to get caught by the bad guy and pretended to be looking for her dog "Mimi." Also I always look at the mayor and think "Jun's dad is more evil than I thought! No wonder he hated him" I don't mind the other romances I am currently watching, but they definitely don't have the same pull as DDSSLLS. I do really miss seeing LJW and GAR together which is why I think I've been lamenting over the Making DVD again. I can't rewatch whole series, but whenever I think of a part of DDSSLLS I loved, I'll watch it again. Also I love that One Cloudy Day Instagram since she posts clips of the best scenes. It's like I'm constantly reminded! Oh saddd... I have to say they set their targets a bit too high for a drama with that ending. And I think they could have maybe gotten the love internationally having been a Netflix series and having a lot of fans from other countries, but the language block was hard. I hope that the content is safe somewhere and one day gets leaked! It's be fun to see GAR as a villain! And I can see her in a medical drama, since she has such a calming presence. However, not being a medical drama watcher, I'd probably have to pass unless LJW was also cast in it LJW in a crime thriller would be sooooo good. Some kind of action or whatnot! Could deal with him in comedy too Hahaha really? Well, I'm about to find out what the character is like...but I'm looking forward to it. I'll probably start the drama in 2 weeks once I finish The Uncanny Counter. Haha, he is very charismatic so I think I could see him being talkative in real life! I always think of that Vlog he did for DDSSLLS and he was quite talkative there! Also I found this article that explained that Mokpo revamped the filming sets from the 5th Jan and kept them for tourism purposes and even the mayor went there to open the site :) https://www.newspim.com/news/view/20210105000983 You're about to have this question answered because....*drumroll*....The Radio Interview has been subbed (and he talks a little bit about this)! Let me just send a message to you all!!! :) Here's a pretty gif to celebrate:
  8. Haha, ok that's a lot of people who like it and at least some of you have had similar tastes to me, so I'll give it a go. When my sister is watching along as well so I'm not alone Hahaha, oh I expected that I actually meant smoke pot It's probably a career killer in itself for idols in Korea. But if it's not a gateway to other worse habits or heavier/addictive drugs, I'd let that slide. Controversial opinion maybe, but as with my list above, there are much, much, much worse bad behaviours celebrities can engage with that I hope they do not engage with. List of Oppas and performers who smoke with photos...Might ruin Oppas for those who can't stand smoking: https://www.koreaboo.com/lists/10-korean-celebrities-caught-smoking/ I highly doubt it - he's a health nut! He's really into fitness and still lives at home and his parents encourage sports and fitness. There's also been a few times where he commented on friend's pictures on Instagram telling them smoking is not good for their health. LOL. Also I think he's done films where he had to smoke and was hoping he could get out of it as he didn't want to die from the smoke...hahaha. So I'm guessing not! Also I don't remember him smelling like smoke or anything personally at fan meetings I guess wouldn't be surprised if he was a smoker Haha, this one is young and likes the cool image. And I feel like LJW is quite social since he says he does like to go out on his days off. Smoking/ drinking could be part of that social life especially as a younger gen star. But small vices are fine as long as not the forbidden list of behaviours in my last post! I'd still watch the show if I really wanted to since there's probably other stars I like and I don't want them to ruin that for me, but that actor would be blacklisted from Oppa status for sure Cheating in real life is not ok Like if you want a different younger girlfriend, break up with your wife so she can be free to find better too. Haha, he still gives off bad boy vibes, but I liked his character a lot in Kingdom. Will laugh if it is romance! Also hope his co-star wouldn't have seen his waxing /clippings video JBG does suit the youthful/ oppressed teenager role though! But doesn't that mean he has to keep waxing for those roles anyway? I think some actors enjoy the variety though. Romance, if the story line is good, probably is worthwhile and I have heard male actors talk about wanting to do the romance genre after finding a script they clicked with. I think romance is both overrated and underrated as a genre - it's can be considered "easy" as a story concept and not taken seriously. As with dramas like What's wrong with Secretary Kim? it can be cheesy because scenes are wayyyy obvious with the romance/ everything is centred on the romance plot and nothing else. But when it's done well and weaves into a larger story with lots of heart and meaning, I think it can be quiet important in giving that kick to a drama and making it memorable and likeable.
  9. Feels sad about Malaysia. I use to go every second year or so...but looks like it'll be awhile before that can happen again
  10. Hahaha, depends on what series I watch I guess! But so far after the current dramas finish, the only series I'm interested in for Jan is Sunbae don't put on that lipstick so it's only Rowoon as a possible candidate and I don't feel it yet from the trailers. But I guess it's time to go watch those series I always wanted to see but missed live....so maybe the pool is bigger there. My ones are not even flings...only mild crushes I'm hard to please, but once you make it on my long-term list you're there for a looooong time. Possibly forever. To be honest, I think I'm still hung up on last year's Oppas. From the Taiwanese pool, I was really into Simon Lian and Greg Hsu last year, but this year it's still too early to know. Yeah it's so weird since very few actors are actually his age or younger....but some of them are so baby faced compared to him . I still think about Rowoon saying he had a mature face though they're like 2 years apart But it's kind of versatile being someone who looks mature. They can make him play different ages all the time. LOL, I know! Isn't it just shocking?! @SilverMoonTea you can't be having affairs if you're not cheating on anyone! Look at me and Jasper...I cheat on him because he left me alone to watch Kdramas since he's gone to the mainland to do dubbed dramas Yep, that's the way it works And I agree, the scandals are a big no-no. I don't care if it's something about dating someone since that's personal life. Or if they get caught smoking once etc. But if it's hurting people, disrespecting/assaulting women, womanising, trafficking of any kind, heavy drug use, corruption and bribery, they are dead to me....Expired! Hahaha, Yeah, I don't think Jasper's facial hair is as coarse as JBG's in any case The only scruffy look I've seen on Jasper is when he did More Than Blue. I was not a fan of the film because I don't like the disease trope. But maybe subconsciously I was protesting the facial hair? Haha, stay pretty and clean-faced LJW! But when you're young and good looking, it's the time for filming romances! He's already acting like an ahjussi...I don't want him to look like one too when he decides to do a romance I do understand the not wanting to act in romances though....I think James McAvoy once said that he finds it hard to do romances because you're told to look cool and do really cheesy things like look out into the distance. And you get told off and NG a lot from trying hard to "look cool." But it's fun to play a villain because you can just act hideously and the Directors love it. This is how I got into LDH : Hotel Del Luna. He was so pretty in it. He was also second lead, so probably got me there through his second leadness once again.
  11. This long hair kinda looks Japanese!
  12. Hahaha, I can't say I really have anyone who is a true oppa so far. The only mildly, tentatively interests I might have are Hwang In Yeop and Kang Tae Oh, but I can honestly say that I'm not googling them up or interested in checking out their past projects or anything like that. Just when I watch the shows, I think, ah, cute. It probably doesn't help that I don't have strong feelings for both series either - they're just light watches. I have noticed lately that I seem to like second leads. Constantly having very mild second lead syndrome....
  13. Hahaha we're fickle like that. As soon as the character disappears...our love for oppa is on pause till next project I know you keep hard selling Sweet Home to me....but I'm still too chicken. I prefer Tae oh a lot more in that series...I feel like Siwan has charmed a lot of people, but for some reason he doesn't click with me. I guess I'm the oppa-site (sorry for the terrible, but necessary pun) Reallllly??? I guess I've only ever seen the clean cut photos. JBG also looks quite young so it's a weird contrast! Like if I didn't know their ages, I would have thought JBG was younger than LJW. Hahaha it's too late for me. I think I'll still be into LJW and Jasper even if they had beards (I say this now, but the minute they grow one, I'll probably be the first to leave ). Meh, both those guys have a very tightly held public image so far, so probably will never see a smattered beard photo Hahaha so he'll never make it onto my oppa list But never say never. I do think it's refreshing to see a youngish actor take on so many non-romance roles (since romance roles are probably an easier climb to fame). JBG is also wayyy charismatic and talks so much trash...and sadly, I like those aspects. I have a weakness for charismatic trash-talkers
  14. HAHAHAH what is this show??? Even though he's like a gross old man, I still love JBG BUT I totally didn't expect him to have that much facial hair! He looks like he was naturally hairless like many of the Asian guys I know. This makes me wonder about other young-ish male stars. Hwang Im Yeop? Lee Do Hyun? Lee Jae Wook? Are they naturals or all waxing their beards too??? I don't know if JBG was on my oppa list though. I feel like to get on my list you have to have charmed me through at least one romance and I have not seen him in any. Or they've only been mildly hinted at/ joked about but not a thing (ie. Hot Stove League with Park Eun Bin and even Uncanny Counter with Sejeong).
  15. I love that this show has such darkness, but also maintains a balance of light and shows how having family and friends can drive away that darkness. The world is not necessarily a safe and happy place...but if you have people who care about you and you also strive to genuinely care for others, you can fight all those bad experiences and even work towards creating a better place for everyone I can't take superhero/ fantasy shows seriously if the villains are not super evil. I guess that's why I always loved Dark Knight but couldn't stand the Avengers. Villains in the real world are not cheesy - they're often pure evil but wear a human face. I think it's good not to trivialise 'evil' in media, especially the kinds that we consume the most - film and TV, but to show it for what it is so that we're reminded of what it is and how to behave and call it out when we encounter it ourselves.
  16. I loved finding out MO's backstory. It was so tragic that she felt such a guilt of being unable to save her son when they were dying. It must have ate away at her in her coma state. Luckily, she was able to be reunited with him...I wonder how it is he came to be a Yung person though? I also had a thing that bothered me about Yung. It wasn't this, though I totally agree that those Yung people were wayyy too weirdly forgiving...and where did those additional 100 people come from?? The thing I was puzzled about was why SuHo was faint already MO was knocked out...but all the Yung people were fine when MT and HN were also being beaten to a pulp by the other level 3 demons? Their Yung Guardians were still functioning, but just freaking about about Wigen who was going to SM. I felt like that was a tiny bit inconsistent...? But honestly that is a very tiny thing since I looooove this show and they've been doing every other thing soooo right in this series Not going to lie, when I saw this on Instagram before I watched the episode I thought that SM had somehow turned evil! There was no context, ok?!
  17. Haha I agree! There were times, it was Jun...but other times I was like this is LJW being himself and laughing along with his character. While the Jun at the ending was a bit abrupt...I don't mind if I watch the ending of DDSSLLS thinking that that is LJW...I mean the clothes and the teasing seem more LJW than Jun. That's how I accept the ending! Also, while I'm sad about not seeing the NG's at least a few of them were released. I'll never get over this one where he goes up to GAR while he's laughing and she playfully hits him for NG'ing Thanks for sharing! I think you're right too. That seemed more like himself than just the character. It was very cute. Ah Dr Cha, always so friendly but awkward with the timing for sure. I think he's quite good at playing very different characters. I like how dreamy When the Weather is Fine looks and if you say "little love line" then...I think I'll be able to watch it soon Of course, Lala and Jun will always be best
  18. Hahaha we were discussing it on the thread...I would shortened it down to Destruction. But I do love a ridiculously long title that sounds mysterious. This one definitely fits the bill
  19. @SnowBlob Title : One day, Destruction Entered The Front Door Of My House Category : Kdrama Synopsis : Editor for a web novel company meets the middle manager between humans and Gods and they make a contract together. Lead : Park Bo Young, Seo In Guk Basically here for the long title and PBY
  20. Hello! Haha I'd kill for some rain here. It's death in Melbourne today. Could be like Malaysia/ Singapore today - it's 35 Degrees. I'm feeling so dead The heat just makes me tired and bored, specially since I'm stuck quarantining at home!
  21. Nah, I'm not one to pay for webtoons. I read it for free because, like my dramas, I'm ok with 1 chapter/episode per week. If you have the webtoon app, you can read all the already released chapters (127 chapter so far) for free...and then they release 1 chapter a week for free too. But if you're hooked then you have to buy the coins to buy the chapters to keep reading forwards. The moral of the story is don't get hooked
  22. It probably is designer clothing to be honest The artist of the webtoon looks like she'd be into that. Have you ever seen her? She looks exactly like one of her characters! Hahaha, the sister's story is more fun! And yes, the no make up kiss was a sign of his not being shallow (ofc!) Hahaha, I agree about the webtoon too...I stopped reading it for months, then caught up in like 2 days....and pretty much after reading 20 chapters...nothing much had happened. LOL. I'm not sure why I still read it, but I guess the art style is pretty...I'm shallow like that sometimes
  23. Yes, I think a lot of LJW fans also felt disappointed for GAR or at least were sad that she wasn't at the awards. It definitely meant that they loved her acting as Lala for sure! That's so sad that she already had haters as a teen I hope it's better these days as more people are learning to call out bad fan behaviour when they see it. I also think that as you mature as an actor, hopefully there's more respect for you too! Haha I would love to see him do an action. I love him in romances, but it's going to be hard seeing him with someone new if I'm not particularly drawn to them...we'll see though! No worries! I love beautiful gifs too...and the only way I can deal with the bittersweetness of trying to get over a drama I love (and one that missed out on a lot of goodies) is by looking at all the beauty left I think a lot of people who watched the drama miss GAR and LJW's sweetness ...And let's be honest, fangirls seeing any celebrities in a bed scene together will get excited regardless (LOL one of the comments was something like "I came here because of the still which was like clickbait drawing me in" ). Start Up had a good ending, but I think the fans who had SLS were angry at the outcome (I watched the series and I preferred the second lead overall, but I understood why the writer paired the main characters together and I knew the second lead would not end up with the girl, so it wasn't like a DDSSLLS type of shock to the system). But that might explain why the views tapered off for the last video. I know right! There were so many (red herring) hints that they would have a 3rd wedding. There was the 2 times he crashed her weddings, plus the fact he sad every time she was quick to denied they're married, the fact he lied to JM's dad to say he was her husband and he took the teacup that was meant to be for her future husband. The writer's went a bit too hard selling something they were not going to give us. Still, you're right...we just have to imagine that they got married after he came back (more things the audience can't see!) Damn, I'm imagining the NGs if she hit him and he made a face I hope the Queen of Positivity / Golden toad will always be special as his partner in his first lead role! She was his first! Yes, I hope so too! It would be such a beautiful experience for anyone could do it and I think it would bring back such beautiful memories of Eunpo Haha, I think he would make sense if he was still DDSSLLS because it's not like he would have to continue doing anything much. Just send her an emoji now and then Haha, I feel like the editors did mess up in checking the script...but ah well. At least we can edit the script ourselves with all the scenes I think someone put a link where you can still listen to all the BGM on this thread or the DDSSLLS one...but it's not on the same CD. That's so talented of you to learn how to play Twenty Fingers I saw that on Twitter too! It is too adorable!! Hahaha I love that they included the Jun in shorts. But it was iconic to his early fashion sense as a character! We definitely all deserved an explanation for sure! But I guess we can only comfort ourselves by thinking there's more that was left out...as it has always been before in the drama ...only usually they clued us in later...but this time chose not to Yep, he's definitely so charming that you can't help but think he's super super good looking after you keep watching him. And I think charisma and talent is definitely more powerful. Looks can fade, but if you have those other things, you continue to be mesmerising long into the future! And I think LJW did promote DDSSLLS a lot in his own way...he posted a lot of Jun photos and was pretty charming in all his interviews (he was the one who wished for Best couple ). But GAR as the female star was better at posting stuff with both of them. She's less scared of scandal and her agency are less strict with her socials it seems. At least so far LJW and GAR are able to follow their co-stars...a lot of actors follow no one on their instagram accounts and that feels sad to me! Yep, GAR and LJW spoke about there being lots of NGs. In the Korean Telepathy test they also said they both caused the NGs and jokingly agreed the fault was 50-50 between them both...I have to say I'm loving that The Swoon still has all 3 of their games on the front page. It'll be sad once it moves because of promoting new dramas.
  24. Hahaha, Thank you! Aw, that sounds cute with your tennis magazines! You must be good at editing since your tennis friends thought they were real magazines! That's another thing - I always wished GAR and LJW got a photo shoot or something. I know that drama couples don't always get them, but then a lot of them do as well...They would have been so pretty together since they always look good modelling individually. I'm a bit jealous that other drama couples like the pair from Run On have been asked to do a shoot and the other musical couple for Do You Like Brahms? had a shoot before the drama aired. KBS had them on the cover of their own publication (I think that's what it is?)...but it's not like they did a photo shoot, just edited existing picture and even if they did, it probably wouldn't have been as good as a professional magazine like W or Marie Claire. I wonder who organises magazine photo shoots - if the magazines themselves ask the stars or if the stations ask the magazines to cover a particular couple? Since I'm not sure if that Do.do.sol.sol.la.la.sol_ Instagram is ever coming back, I have decided to re-create- some of the videos that I remember she made and thought were cute (haha, I may be plagiarising her ideas). I liked this video she made where she zoomed in on their final group shoot because she noticed that while GAR holds onto both KJH and LJW...she let's go on KJH when cheering, but still continues hanging onto LJW! Coz I'm fussy with fan edits and love super clear looking images, I remember wondering why it was so blurred...but having re-made the video myself I can see it was hard to get it any clearer since there's no other footage and this was gotten through zooming in on pre-existing footage. Ah well, at least you can tell it's them! I can't wait to hear the radio interview subs too ...I need a cheer up... Gotta squeeze every bit of the BTS/ additional content for this series out since we were deprived of additional goodies. I found a picture which talked about what would have been in the DVD and the thought does make me sad since it looks like it would have included Director's commentary/cut, actors' commentary, Deleted scenes, NG scenes, unreleased making and unreleased additional videos I don't care so much about deleted scenes since they are often deleted for a reason (unless there was an explanation for the ending!)...But would have killed for the NG's and unreleased makings! Sorry if this makes you sad too. I just had to vent out my heartache...Also just felt super frustrated that somewhere in the world is additional footage of these two that we all would have happily paid for, but now it's just sitting in storage or worse, deleted! (I hope not though!!) BUT I'm glad we did get the funds to translate the radio interview since that's 30 minutes of footage we were always watching but not understanding. At least now it'll be clear to us and it's quite cute watching them joke around All their first meetings were dreamy! Hahaha, I go through this too. For some actor/ actresses, sadly it's the end because I can't look them with another pairing coz I don't feel that same chemistry...but sometimes it becomes ok or they get paired with someone I love and I do accept the new pairing. (Regardless, GAR and LJW will always be special to me ). It's weird because that's even how I still am with their old projects (if I haven't seen it yet.) Of all LJW's pairings, I feel the most weird about seeing him with Lee Da Hee because I don't know if I love her as a celebrity but I heard a lot of people liked their pairing. Haha, I can deal with Extraordinary You since I watched it before DDSSLLS and I know LJW is the villain and doesn't get the girl even though the chemistry was still very good...but I also like Hye Yoon a lot. Haven't heard a lot about When the Weather is fine, but it looks cute and I'm more likely to watch that at the moment....I think when I'm in a full drought of new GAR and LJW news, I'll probably pick up both When the weather is fine and Miss Hammurabi since I was interested when I saw those dramas, but didn't watch them at the time. This is what I really loved about them both. There was such a respect for each other as actors, but it was playful and they could really bounce off each other's chemistry and energy as well. And the teasing was fun! Sometimes when they're too respectful but there's no teasing, it seems more polite...but these two seemed to get on well because they could laugh together. Hahaha, yes, I would not mind an action/ comedy drama or film with only a tiny romance or bromance. I think of something like Midnight Runners and I'd love to see that happen with LJW. Hahaha hope it was a real whack! It was a very cute scene though - that on going thing where he wanted to be known as her husband...
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