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Everything posted by JenL

  1. Hahaha, this is a lot for an ordinary person, but less than I expected for you I see Aaron there as discussed!
  2. Episode 5 & 6 -I feel like the story started to stablise for me in these episodes (ie. that I feel more into the drama and the humour started to be more likeable). I think the crazy colourful school world is now fun, but not too out there and the presence of the other other school kids actually start being funnier (eg. SH stopping the nerdy guy from sitting next to him, but when he sees JK still carrying the juice from SJ, he hands it to the same nerdy guy ....or like when SJ eats JK's tonkatsu and orders his gang to bring her all the tonkatsu. Like all of it!) - Glad they included the story with Go Woon - SJ's little sister as it's the key reason how SJ and JK start getting closer in the webtoon too - because she helps GW by teaching her how to do make up. And it's cute to see a mini version of JK at school - even down to the fact that when she wanted to try doing her make up she did a terrible job and looked like a clown too -If I'm honest, totally have a girl crush on JK's sister in the drama. She's like such a cool guy doing the pursuing -I love the building up of tension between SH and JK (as well as SJ and JK)...but I'm so confused as to why he's so hot and cold towards her, especially in the part when she was in the pig costume? Is it because SJ confronted him the night before and made him feel guilty about their friend who had passed away? I can't remember just how hot and cold he was in the webtoon since I've been reading it for awhile - I don't think it was as cold? - Ah no wonder SH was so worked up when he first met JK - it was the same building (this is different to the webtoon since the story with their friend's suicide was much different). I also think it's interesting how they have utilised SH's dad to be the bad guy who fired their friend and pushed him to the brink...different to the webtoon, but not a bad change since it give SJ a reason to dislike him too. -I think what gives SJ's character heart is his relationship with his mum and sister. It was so cute to see his relationship with his sister! I liked that he ate all her noodles...and was in a temper when his sister said she was being bullied. But he also doesn't seem overbearing (ie. left it alone when she didn't want him to take care of it and JK had) -Jk's mum is like every fan girl when they meet their idol -LOL SJ's underwear dance was the best. How embarrassing. But I love how JK teases him about it with the roar. I think MGY is so cute every time she does the rawr at him. Poor SJ...how can he not fall for her?? - Love that everyone came to rescue JK like that - she id definitely no longer an outcast! Also I feel like in the webtoon it'd only be the 2 guys -I like that her female friends came to her aid in this too. Girls can fight good too! I thought I wouldn't have too much to say about this series...but here I am writing an essay again. Yep, it has diverged from the webtoon, but I think that makes it fun to talk about - to compare and guess what will happen. And it does still largely follow along with the main plot points...it's just altered a lot of the finer details. Totally have the same feelings as you about JK and her sister! I love how warm and likeable they've made the characters. She may be lacking self confidence, but I feel like she's also interesting and has lots of funny and weird antics to make you relate to her. Also the sister is just too cool. Man, I'm crushing on her
  3. I really love that someone has compiled all the film references from the drama so far! (More on the Twitter account...these are just a few of the ones I noticed too)
  4. Hahaha, I think everyone gets the same shock no matter what wave it is....mainly because they either don't look up spoilers and will watch without awareness of the emotional rollercoaster that awaits....or they will read the spoilers but then get put off and not watch the drama at all, since they heard the ending was not desirable. I occasionally look up DDSSLLS on Twitter and will always find someone who is either heartbroken or enraged having just finished the drama...and that's when I drop a link to my blog about getting over the ending Most people are comforted from reading it, which is nice I'm so glad you shared this ...haha, it has made me look at the DDSSLLS filming locations again. There's quite a few Korean blogs about the place on Naver too I really hope to go one day! Even if I hadn't watched the drama, I would have loved this type of rainbow art town. https://blog.naver.com/osj892/222127141406 https://m.blog.naver.com/eunpiri715/222124731018 https://blog.naver.com/gkdl79emf/222145156199 Yep, I think they set up this place for pictures. Yeah, I'm not over this drama either as you can see I mean I've been watching other dramas...but so far nothing has hit me as hard in the romance dramas as this.
  5. I feel like I haven't offered any opinions for awhile, but because I only just caught up! I feel like I was a little hesitant with the drama at first because it was fun, but a bit too comic-booky. But watching the most recent episodes, I like the cast a lot and the direction of the story, while different to the webtoon in many ways, is very charming and I think I do like it better then the original when it's not too slapstick (Sometimes the humour gets a bit much with the school kids or her family, but the more recent episodes have been much better). Episode 3 & 4 - See when JK stressed about SH finding out about her identity and imagined him as a vampire, and when she confronts him on the sports field and they animate her as a gladiator, I was a bit meh on the story because it seemed a bit too silly? The webtoon does have her stressed about her secret being revealed and her being a slave to SH...but I guess the webtoon takes the whole thing a bit more seriously...while this was a bit too comic book slapsticky for me? -But I was also charmed by Cha Eun Woo as SH in episode 3 when he confronted her as being JK in the comic book store...and took off her glasses and backed her into the book shelf There was a nice shot which showed just how long his eyelashes are...also that scene was kind fluttery since they were both standing by that pretty lamp. -One thing I really like about the drama compared to the webtoon is how warm Moon Ga Young is JK. In the comic book, I always feel like the main character is either super self conscious (a bit more like the main character in My ID is Gangnam Beauty or like troll (when she's at home). She's a nice character, but I feel like MGY really makes her more relatable and gives her heart. And I did laugh at her sprawled at the door frame: -The sister's romance annoyed me at first, but now that I'm currently up to date, I am changing my mind at episode 7 and liking the cuteness of their reversed gender stereotypes! I think in the webtoon she doesn't have a romance. Her character is very independent working woman (except she still lives at home). She does drink a lot, but her purpose in the story is being more of a talent agent who is always trying to get SJ and SH to go back to being idols because she thinks they're pretty and talented. Pretty sure she doesn't have a long romance with JK's teacher of all people! - There are more family scenes in the drama vs. webtoon. In the webtoon, the main focus is her love triangle. And while there are family moments, they aren't as central to the story. JK does have an annoying little brother who likes to put her down, an independent sister and they were both born fairly good looking...but not JK. I also don't really remember what her father is like in the comics, but her mum is super grumpy. But I suppose I don't mind having her family in the story since it shows how she came to be the way she is - One thing I'm not sure I like is the hyper crazy school life...like when JK auditions for that talent show and does the somewhat risque dance...not sure what the point of that scene was? The slacksticky element of the school kids is a bit over the top sometimes. I didn't mind it in Extraordinary You since they're meant to be in a comic book world, but for True Beauty it felt a bit like a copycat element of that world rather than setting up a new different school world. But I think it tones down in the later episodes or I've gotten use to it -I really like SJ's character in the drama too - the way he is around his mum is sooo sweet and I can see people getting second lead syndrome with this bad boy. He also has really fun and playful exchanges with JK - I like that he's more immature than cool (which he seems to be in the webtoon)...and it was funny when he was taking photos of JK with her face mask. - It looks they've changed the story with how SJ and SH's friend died though. In the webtoon, he commits suicide because he was on one of those voting talent shows and the vicious fans who love him at first turn on him suddenly because of rumours etc and he gets depressed, tries to reach his friends who don't pick up that day and then kills himself. In the drama, it looks like he gets fired for a scandal? I think the webtoon story is sadder if that's the case. - Most important thing about Episode 4: Lee Jae Wook and Kim Hye Yoon's cameo! I have to say I enjoyed seeing them film together again and in the BTS, it looked like they had fun with all the casts too. I was surprised at them literally acting as the same characters from EY though. I thought it would have been better if they had played fresh characters in this world, but I still liked the cameo a lot for seeing a reunion between LJW & KHY. And I still like Baek Kyung and Dan oh, so it was fun seeing them in a cut out/ alternative world EY date scene The reactions from fans were mixed- ranging from lots of love and shipping at seeing them together again. Some fans also loved the fact that those two finally went on the movie date that they never went on in EY ....But there was also disappointment because the cameo was so short compared to LTR's cameo and also because Baek Kyung gets rejected once again for Haru even though he's not there! I'm guessing both actors didn't have time to do a longer stint since LJW was probably tying up DDSSLLS at the time.
  6. I think it awards are really a combination of these things - GAR is a famous actress, but doesn't have the idol pull the way that ex-idols (ie. Suzy) has, while LJW is a strong up and coming actor, but his character was pulled through the mud in the last few episodes. DDSSLLS didn't have super high ratings or a clear happy ending for its script (and like @Unnie0110 said, this could have been a bit problematic for KBS), so I think they that's why it was so anti-climatic with the awards as well. It's sad that the ending will always come up for this series, whether or not you've gotten over it. One cheer up is at least they did get two individual awards...some of the weekday dramas didn't get anything or got just one (I'm thinking of things like Zombie Detective). I liked that the award speeches at least seemed to show a heartfelt love for working together on the drama and for the meaning of Eunpo Wow, I had not heard that she died and was reunited with Jun! That's new to me. But honestly, I can also see that as a possibility. I thought she might have lost it when I first watched it and was trying to process it. Like you all, I still feel the ending could have been better in many ways and it's hard to be reminded over and over again because of the DVD and awards But lately, I think I've tried to pull myself out of that loop since there's no more post-drama things to be anxious about or to expect and started looking at the beautiful fan art that people made and that's been healing for me too. Another pretty account I found today is: Instagram/ Twitter: Silvertrhee This is a multi-fandom account, but she made nice edits of DDSSLLS when it was on. I like her simpler edits the most...but she picked out some scenes I'd forgotten about and even made the sad scenes look nice. As for the Instagrammer who made those nice videos but deactivated her account, I had a go at making instagram posts like hers and I think I was able to semi imitate the style! Not are perfect as their account...but what do you guys think? She really is very beautiful and positive as an actress inside and out and you're right LJW's 'nickname' for her is still correct because she is such a ball of sunshine. And I think I really like this about her and that's what has me interested in her project from now on. There are lots of pretty actresses in Korea...but I don't always care for all of them because of how they may be off-screen - Go Ara seems so genuine and I really like her off-camera as much as I've liked her on camera, so she has at least one new fan. Also I've noticed she has plenty of loyal international fans - a lot of who have supported her for years and are protective of her, so that's nice to know! I still recommend it with a huge warning about the ending. I usually say it was not a popular ending and you can either stop it at episode 12 and pretend they eloped...or watch till the end, but just be aware that it is an emotional rollercoaster and even though it's technically happy, it's a bit like an open ending where there's not a lot of closure I feel like people will make their own choices if they want to watch and even if they don't, at least they have more information about the ending than if they watched and got the shock and just hated it. Hahaha, I feel like when he said there were so many things he wanted to say and forgot, that might have been one of them ...but at least thanking the cast would have included GAR Yep, I pray for any event or interaction or project really. It'd just be nice to see them together for some proper closure of some sort! Hahaha, I'm also semi-boycotting KBS for other channel shows at the moment (but being an international viewer, my watch probably doesn't affect them. LOL) Hahaha damn that was a hint. They were probably starting to film the angsty scenes as the drama was airing. Well I guess at least the majority of the show was fun. We had a good run for 12/13 episodes...and even episode 15 was kind of nice. That's one of my favourite scenes! I think the kiss blocker implied that something caused the block rather than a dodging/avoidance In the height measuring scene, it's cause she accidentally headbutts him and that's the blocker.
  7. Hello! So even though I've barely caught up with my other dramas, I decided to pick this one up (I think your hard selling worked @abs-oluteM because I had it in the back of my mind to check this out!)...And I agree with both you and @gilaswan in that I'm drawn to this drama. I don't know if I love as a whole, but there are a few elements I really like: Things I like Episodes 1-4 1. The Dialogue - Almost every character in this world, except for some of the angry side characters like SG's father and coaches, speaks in a very witty and unfiltered way that has quite a movie-like quality to it. It's very different and I enjoy following along with their consistently playful arguments and frank word battles. 2. Character Quirks - As above, almost every character presents with some quirks about them - MJ's love for fake guns or SG's insistence that he assaults his juniors without wanting to explain why. It's interesting to unravel. 3. The Background Music - This sounds so trivial, but I really like the BGM for this drama, especially when they run! There's something light and free about it. I think it's actually why I continued watching after the first 20 mins because the BGM set the mood I liked. 4. The Movie References - Partially because my industry has to do with cinema and partly because I love a good Easter egg, the little references to cinema classics like Psycho, Le Voyage dans la Lune and even the more modern La La Land, feel very smart and fun to look out for. Things I don't know if I like 1-4 1. A little sense of disconnect/ not as deep feelings between characters - The one downside to the dialogue is that because people rarely talk in this style all the time to everyone, I find it hard to see what I normally see to figure out relationships in these series - do people seriously like or dislike each other? I'm not entirely sure if certain characters are close or not because their way of talking could be either ire or jest That's why @Tofu and @stroppyse 's character chart helped...but I feel like it'd be nicer to be more clear in the story. 2. Something about the male lead and second female lead? I laughed at the irony when I saw this comment (below) because I think I am slightly meh about them both for aloofness and abrasiveness! I feel like it's a bit hard to feel close to the characters when they're witty, but don't give much else. The scenes where SG is angry with his father are more telling of the real him than most of the scenes where his dialogue is fun, but sort of circular? I might also just not feel much for Im Si-wan as an actor/celebrity though on the whole. As for DA's toying with MJ, it kind of annoys me too. Feels slightly psychotic to me, though I see that DA is also very capable of fixing things (ie. fixing that interview with WS) as well as winding people up. Anyway I think I'll continue watching because the story is fun and there's things I like about it for sure...and the things I don't know if I like might grow on me or work themselves out depending on storyline.
  8. Hahaha, I'm glad we have the same view points I just think he has a lot of beef with everyone! True, he's a good performer. I saw him live when he toured with S.H,E. And he was charming - he's fluent in English, so he was able to communicate with the crowd and he could actually sing. I do admire that he's able to voice strong opinions, but I also think he has a bit of a temper and holds grudges, so it gets him into trouble. I have no personal likes or dislikes about him really, but just think he's not very wise for all the dramas in real life he could avoid, but doesn't try to avoid, like actually talking about hating his old band members in interviews etc Haven't really been into his drama project choices so never watched them. I know people use to really ship Puff and him in Just You and people use to do it while Puff and Jasper were in their drama together....but then several years later, Jasper and Puff did Before we get married and Aaron was outed, and all the fans are like Jasper and Puff! .....Me, who knew better: The last thing I saw Aaron in was the anthology A Time of Love with Naomi Watanabe and that's because I love Naomiiii and was surprised Aaron was being paired with her because she's a plus sized comedian (But very well loved...just thought Aaron fans might be a bit weird about it). I actually ran into Naomi once in a Taiwanese theme cafe doing a photo shoot, but didn't know who she was until afterwards! This sounds like the sort of torture I like I will try this one I think (No promises though @SilverMoonTea)
  9. Ah this looks good! I haven't watched an Aaron drama in years partly because he's such a drama queen and I only have to look at Taiwanese celeb news to see him doing something dramatic But this drama has that lovely Japanese subtly and quietness to it and I think I'll enjoy it...so I'll try to check it out! (Still trying to catch up on all my dramas!)
  10. Since I've gone into TW oppas, Here's Darren Wang as like an 80's bad bad in school uniform for Our Times. Another high school romance I loved....I have provided gifs since Darren Wang sometimes doesn't strike me as hot until he smirks as @Tofu would know about
  11. Ahhhh, I knew there was something I forgot. Greg Hsu and Patrick Shih in the Ultimate TW school drama of 2019-2020, Someday or One Day. Should have been the first one to come to mind for me, really! Edit: Also Simon Lian had a cameo and I love him.
  12. Yayyyy, it looks like they decided to keep the place after all!! I remember when I wrote my blog piece about filming locations someone said that it was a set that was going to be taken apart....but maybe they decided to keep it to encourage Mokpo tourism/ internal tourism since no one can travel internationally this year or maybe the person misunderstood and thought that the sets were going too, when it was just the crew was packing up. But pretty sure this is now a walk in film location since that DDSSLLS sign looks pretty screwed into the ground! I'm kinda not surprised they kept the set since Mokpo also has the filming location for that other movie 1987: When the Day Comes still intact. Google maps hasn't updated the location so if you look for it, it still shows up with an empty road, but at the bottom, that photo still says 2018 It looks like the place has been revamped for tourists. I saw a photo when they first finished filming and everything was bare and it was full of boxes...This is so lovely If I ever get the chance to go to Korea, I'll take a side trip to Mokpo to see the place where all that magic with Jun and Lala happened...and where Go Ara and Lee Jae Wook spent a lot of their time filming in 2020. LOL the ground that they both walked onnnnn *Not a crazy fan!*
  13. Will get back to other things later, but GAR & LJW translation funds have have technically reached the amount needed, though I put out one more call out on social media just in case others were interested and didn't want to miss out on joining in too :) Some celebration gifs from lovely One Cloudy Day / Melody
  14. I mentioned some stuff in episode opinions before, but to weigh in on the matter because it's so interesting and everyone has made some good points: -I don't think SM should have done what he did and just fought Shin without the help of the other members, it's just so reckless and could have created great danger for himself and others. And he has been told over and over again that he can't fight a level 3 by himself. -But at the same time, I agree with @LaLa in that SM is not a consciously self-serving person. But he is very young - And teenagers often have no real grasp on their emotions and he has some massive wounds in his past. So I feel like it's not so much that he is deeply into fulfilling some personal agenda...but that he has a very hard time controlling himself from thinking about it when he is faced with Shin. Also I did think it was a bit tricky of those in Yung to promise him a meeting with his parents...when his parents had been consumed by a demon?? -I can see why the powers were removed and @abs-oluteM's point about responsibilities, power and personal agenda. I also think as @stroppyse mentioned that SM needs to learn about being less reckless and thinking in a bigger-picture/whole team way. But in terms of how it was handled with the Yung guardians, I thought that was a bit meh. SM didn't get warnings for some of those prior acts...and the disappearing of WG with the summoning of territories happened when SM was trying to figure out his own powers not with Shin...so it feels they should have set boundaries for that and if he had broken that, then take the powers away. -Also, those Yung Guardians have their own personal agendas to reincarnate. So it's not entirely innocent on their part either. And they don't fight the demons either, or provide additional help when a demon is being fought, so that's where I'm like, it sucks to be a counter because it does still feel dangerous and very sacrificial as MO mentioned in her speech. -I guess no issues with SM losing his powers to learn to be better (and he'll probably get them back)...but my main issues are with how those guardians in Yung just exist and dictate rules, but sometimes don't seem to communicate them and have a lot of criticisms?? Also selecting teenagers with murdered parents for counters but expecting them to be calm when they meet the murderer is just having very high expectations!
  15. I'm excited for Park Hyung Sik!! Haha, you don't want them attached to that project... or that female lead?
  16. @stroppyse I can't believe you're making me choose between the counters!!! This is too hard - they're like a package! Haha, can I pick Choi Jang Mul? Because he's so damn cool and refers to himself as the sugar daddy of the counters! But if it had to be out of the main 4, I guess I do like So Mun. He's the trouble-maker for sure and sometimes super immature But he's also the heart of the team and I think he really brings the team together in his innocent way. All of them seem to have been hurt (emotionally) as well as physically and I think So Mun, as someone with a warm and empathetic soul, is healing to all of them. That's why this week's episodes hurt because they lost that healing source in their lives. And for my opinions of last 2 episodes Episodes 9 - I did think SM was wrong for trying to fight Sin by himself because he's been told many times that he won't be able to take on a level 3 demon by himself. But at the same time, I think it was a mixture of emotions - anger and desperation for saving his parents, but perhaps also fear for his grandparents since Sin came to his neighbourhood. I was scared he was going to go home and find his grandparents dead. -Wow, Sin discovering the Territory is such a horrible game changer. Now it's going to be extra hard to fight him -When he was stabbed in the hand...AHHHHHH I was cringing so bad from pseudo pain -I find all of MO scenes to be so touching. She really is the loving mother of the group and her ability to care for others over herself is so so so admirable in that she was willing to pour all her energy into healing SM even though it was hurting her and aging her prematurely. Her powers really suit her, but I hope they also don't cost her in the end. -MT's explanation for what happened to Detective JY was so funny. I had to laugh when he start going on about the dots on the hands after asking her if she knows what evil spirits are. And the whole, "Other people think we're heroes, but we aren't. We just run this noodle shop."...glad she actually believes him in the next ep even though he sounded hella crazy here! -Equally funny was HN finding out the details of her "relationship" with SM from his grand-dad. I really liked how they joked about it in the BTS video that @Just_Me posted up on the off-week when UC was not showing. Hahaha, Jo Byeong Gyu keeps insisting HN is SM's girlfriend -So to add to everyone' opinion about SM and his emotions and WG - I think that SM is very emotional and that why he can bring about the Territory. And since the creature know to avoid the Territory now, then SM is really the only one who will be able to help them in their fight against the creature since he's the only one who can summon the Territory? Wonder if WG has to sacrifice herself in order for Sin to die? I mean haven't they been waiting forever to reincarnate...? But what would happen to SM's powers... -Even though it was apparently wrong...I loved that they trashed the mayor's interview and dumped waste on him. Also wrecking havoc and spraying all the mayor's croonies was such a fun act of rebellion -Hahaha, the dancing scene at the noodle shop afterwards was so fun! I love that all the counters had the moves. Perhaps it's a prerequisite when they hunt for a new counter - The cliff hanger was good. Of course WG wouldn't want to endanger herself or Yung....but it still caught me by surprise since it wasn't the inspector who made that choice but WG! Episode 10 - I do think that for SM, it's not so much that he's keen to fulfill personal agendas (or no different to say MT who keeps trying to find out his past)...but he is also younger than everyone there and as a teenager, he's not very good at controlling his emotions especially since he's had such deep wounds from his childhood and now he actually knows the killer of his parents is still alive and their souls are trapped...Not saying his actions are justifiable, but that the Yung people are a bit harsh on him given his youth. -Also I thought it was a bit high and mighty for WG to say that not controlling one's emotions make them like evil spirits. I mean SM only has no control over his feelings when it comes to evil spirits rather than humans (Sin, the school bully are pretty much evil spirits etc). I once heard that not doing anything when you're in a position to correct evil is just as bad as being evil itself....so I would think the Yung people are kind of like this by not being flexible about some of the counter's actions -I did think the memory erasing didn't make sense for SM - I mean the kid goes to school and everyone saw him stop limping...if they erased his memory, they'd have to erase like the entire school too -I liked that not everyone wants to be a counter...and not everyone wants to wake up to life again in a coma. I think it was beautifully illustrated this episode that even though there's a perk, it was still a generous decision made by each member of the team. And they all have such strong spirits and have a will to live, even after all the terrible things that happened to them, which is why they can fight demons. -I'm glad JM was smart enough to leave his memories in tact for his safety! I mean imagine if SM had run into Sin without his memories. He would be slaughtered. Also I love how much of a family The Counters are!! I really liked that they checked on him at school -Wait does SM still have elements of his powers? Or he just learnt to fight better so can defend from his bullies if he wants to?? - The gathering of demons sounds so damn scary! I mean, this sounds like a freaking war and it's terrifying because it seems like they can make more demons easily...but the Counters are limited in numbers
  17. Hahaha, you all know me too well now! It's Jasper Liu and Lee Jae Wook on my long-term list so far. Others float in and out
  18. Isn't it just such a pretty name? I've been eyeing it for some time, but needed time to get over DDSSLLS and also it's always the trade off between whether I start a new series or start an older series I haven't seen. Haha I'm already charmed by LJW by just seeing 2 series he's been in...imagine if I had seen everything. I think the levels of obsession might be worse Ruin?! Meh, what a plain name! Bring back the 10 word title! Hahahaha....I love this. You should be paid for naming dramas
  19. @ktcjdrama I also liked that title a lot too! ...Yeah, I really like long and description-y titles I haven't watched the series yet, but it's next on my list since I like Park Min Young, Lee Jae Wook and a few others in that project @mademoiselle That would be the perfect! Lol, I would even settle with Destruction at my House over a complete name change. The name needs to have personality and be
  20. Wooo...just got another donation by the way :) So at least this seems to be going a little better than other DDSSLLS things that were out of my control. Maybe they should have hired me to do DVD promotions Yeah, I feel like her deactivation was like a sign of giving up, which is sad because we've already had so many sad bits and pieces since the end of the drama and she'd spent so much time commemorating it anyway (I feel like it would have taken time to make those video edits daily)...why not just keep it as a pleasant memory of something that got you through 2020? But yeah, like @multiloverss I hope it's just a temporary deactivation... Ooooh what was the message book? If it was this account, how did you know she was the organiser https://www.instagram.com/dodosolsollalasol_sp/ ?? I feel like it would have been hard to get many messages since they didn't have a huge amount of followers... And it seemed like many were international rather than Korean. I feel like we are lucky to have found each other, otherwise it might have been lonely being a fan! Thanks @Just_Me for providing these translations! Maybe I should soft-sub these for Youtube I think YJW's speech was so lovely and captured all the positive and beautiful essence of DDSSLLS being a lovely drama. As for her thanking the writer...I'm like yesss and noooo. It was a beautiful story, but I still think you need help with endings Awww, LJW's speech was also very cute. I like that he always remembers to thank crew and staff. Man, his staffers must have saved a country in their last lives because they are so lucky to work with him and get thanked as well by name Wish he thanked his co-star by name, but I feel like male stars rarely single out their female co-stars unless it's like a couple award, so I guess it was included in the DDSSLLS crew mention! Hopefully! Haha, I always wished one of the magazines had done a photoshoot with them beforehand! Photoshoots always make drama couples look so good together and I think it amps up excitement for their series. Hopefully they'll do one for a brand together someday. Fair enough - I have heard the exaggerating remark before too. I'd really have to see to make a judgement for myself. But I also do think that being awarded comes with a combination of factors - including TV show ratings, acting, character selection and portrayal, industry networking and charisma and idol status etc. I recently watched a drama with Suzy in it for the first time and was surprised that such a fuss was made about her since I thought her acting was ok, but not great - But I know she's pretty and use to be a K-pop idol and I feel like so many of her fans come from that and will love her regardless of the actual quality of acting. I sometimes wonder if actors like GAR just have bad luck with some of those factors LJW is super charismatic and a very nuanced actor, so I can see how he's picking them up though. I'd also have to see with her past characters since I've never seen her past characters too...admittedly when I first started DDSSLLS, I thought Lala was going to be an annoying character! I was like, who is this ditzy rich girl who keeps borrowing monies from this poor part-timer guy?? But her character was so heartwarming and complimentary and not stuck up at all that I ended up really, really liking her! I normally don't love the rich girl trope and even in things like My Love from Another Star where I liked the romance, I wasn't huge on the main female character. However, I think Lala such a refreshing take on the rich girl trope! Yesss, LJW is so adorable. I love that for a cool looking guy in his early 20's who is really into his street wear and Post Malone, he's also not ashamed to mention his mum Haha, I feel like he was nervous because it was an award for his first lead role, which is a step up from his rookie awards. Ah so cuteeeee I'm so glad that Netizens were disappointed with KBS. It makes me feel better that other fans felt the same about how the awards were given out. KBS made choices based on superficial things like ratings and star power...I think it's funny how an actor actually said they were not deserving of the award and the station made a mistake! I have to say, I think SBS were more fair in their awards - Even though Do You Like Brahms? 's Park Eun Bin and Kim Min Jae was up against Big Shot drama couples like The King: Eternal Monash 's Lee Min Ho and Kim Go Eun, they still picked up the award for being the best couple and it's because they were really sweet not only on screen but in all their behind the scenes as well. And I think this was the same for Go Ara and Lee Jae Wook - they had such good chemistry that it was a shame it wasn't recognised in some way or form from the channels Haha, Thank youuu all for being here One day, we'll probably have to move on... But feel free to drop in any time and share any LJW and GAR news, pictures or little sources of cheer up. There is no time limit on this thread for sure. And here are my cute gifs for today: Thanks to our blessed One Cloudy Day/ Melody editor!
  21. My uniforms always included green and they were not flattering at all. Growing up I always wished we had the navy and white japanese sailor uniforms with bows and pleaded skirts
  22. Noooo, but I like this ridiculously long and weird title Please let it be something Destruction related! I also liked Sunbae Don't Put on That Lipstick. I've been a bit meh for the drama since the name change - She Would Never Know sounds more boring to me. Like it just sounds like a really conventional romance title The first name had a bit more character and made you wonder what's up with the lipstick?! Also sounded a bit more cheeky and fun - like younger guy begging more senior female colleague not to make herself pretty for others
  23. Jo Byeong Gyu has also been a school kid a few times over. Haha, So Mun's hair makes him look so different He is Psychometric The Uncanny Counter
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