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Everything posted by JenL

  1. Thanks for the explanation! Yeah, doubt Netflix will sub it - I don't think they pushed out any promotional videos on their Swoon Youtube channel for Uncanny Counter. I wonder why? Maybe they didn't purchase the rights to show BTS content since I noticed OCN were not required to block any of their BTS/interview videos. I hope Sejeong's fan club sub some/all of it. She seems to have really active/ dedicated fans!
  2. Episode 14 -Watching the kids accept JK was comforting. I did find her friend SA's behaviour weird though. I mean even if she was sad/ mad about not being told the truth, why would she subject her friend to the silent treatment while she was being bullied?! Even her boyfriend was being nice to JK. I actually quite like that dorky guy! -But it was great that SA stood up for her against SJin and then they were soooo cute once they made up and she was pinching JK's cheeks and telling her that her skin would get better for sure one day -Ohhh mannn every SLS sufferer died a little when SJ brushed her hair away and looked lovingly into the bare face of sleeping JK -I really loved that she threw a corndog at the bully's face Revenge is best served with a corndog! Actually everything about that fight scene was so amazing. I like that the girls finally stood off with their former tormenters and it was shown as a Tekken battle. Also thought it was sweet that SJ's lackey came to finish off the bullies And then the girls bonding as friends over Kpop...Bless! -LOL SH's dream that JK runs away with SJ because he's too clingy was hilarious -The bit I loved most about this episode though was HIY covering Flowerpot by Loveholic when SH encourages him to sing Honestly, it is just one of the most beautiful and sad songs about one sided love...and from the first Kdrama I ever watched! I think I've listened to it on repeat so many times since watching this episode... -Hahaha Mr Grapefruit spending the night at JK's house because of the sister picking him up was so funny and cute. Love that the family embrace him so easily...and call him Grapefruit -SJin's character is at breaking point. I feel sorry for her, though I think she's a terrible person. It's all because of her bad daddy issues. Actually there's a song I really like called "Daddy Issues" by a band called The Neighbourhood and it's very popular for fan edits at the moment...it's been used for both SJ x JK and SH x SJin edits -This episode was super painful for SLS fans....Good thing I like both guys! But mannnn, that scene with SJ and JK talking about the girl he liked was like stabs to my heart!! Tteokbokki date ft painnnn...But SJ had the most adorable reactions of amusements to JK's cluelessness...and sometimes I hate when the main girl is not aware...but MGY's portrayal was so adorable and caring that I couldn't even be mad! -SH and JK's date was also really adorable by the beach....a lot of people have said it looked very similar to DO and BK's date by the beach form EY! But yes, all their sun drappled frolicking in matching scarves...can't believe they're going down the webtoon route though with their separation! I feel like they won't actually have JK and SJ date though with only 2 episodes to go. It'll just be a tease and reference to the webtoon's stories I think...otherwise there'll be lots of hate from some fans if SJ and JK date and then break up??
  3. I have so many posts to catch up to on this thread...but lately just been busy with work again and haven't even written my opinions for the last 2 episodes which I really really loved btw. Can't believe the drama ends this week! It actually exceed my expectations to be honest and grew on me in these later episodes! Episode 13 -Wow the kids were so mean when JK's bare face was revealed. I mean it'd be unrealistic if they just accepted her...especially since I think the culture and concept of judging is more of a thing in Asia...but still. It was a bit much! -I really liked that her little brother stuck up for her. He is a total jerk in the webtoon and just gives her a hard time all the time...mind you, there is no big reveal in her high school years in the comics. -I loved that SJ called SJin out on her trash behaviour and told her that she was just destroying herself. As if everyone's second lead syndrome wasn't deep enough already! -SH was a very caring boyfriend though Poor guy ran all over the place looking for her, worried he'd actually jumped off the building He was so comforting to her and even made that embarrassing song for her! -JK's mum is such an Asian parent...they always seem to be angry at you when you're already having an awful day and they haven't asked about it! But I also thought her mum's reaction when she finds out the truth was so touching. It must have hurt a lot...and she's so supportive after that. I like that she takes JK to the plastic surgeon's and then is outraged by all the changes they suggest, recognising that JK's make up talent is better Also loved that she decided to support her dreams by buying her the professional kit...that was a sweet mother-daughter moment! -JK's teacher's speech was so good...I thought he reallllly hit the nail on the head by saying he was terrified of the kid's actions and that fact they laughed at someone being humiliated. I'm glad he talked sense into them and shamed them for their lack of empathy...if only more teachers could do this in real life! Go Mr Grapefruit! -Haha, I only realised this episode that SJ and JK's brother...well they both like each other's sisters And I laughed that they could relate on the onesided love. - I love that in the drama, JK has grown a backbone and faced her bullies...she hasn't gotten to this point in the webtoon...and SH's support was everything! One thing I couldn't stand about this episode though: What was with the potty humour?! Who kick's open their friend's toilet door when they're taking a dump???
  4. Haha it's quite possible that Lala's imagination would be this crazy. Actually speaking about Sunja and Manbok, The Swoon included LJW and GAR as both characters in a post which was a collection of "vintage scenes" comparing dramas that had the actors dress up as characters from another time period... There's so many pretty locations photos. If I have time this weekend, I'll be editing my filming locations posts - There's so many new photos I'd like to include! Another thing I found out is that they put a replica piano statue in the place where the rainbow piano originally was situated for the shoot...so it's another permanent filming location photo spot/ commemoration I'm enjoying Miss Hammurabi a lot for all the strong female characters and GAR and KMS/L's performances, both individually and together. I think the civil cases are interesting as well since they make you examine both sides along with the judges. I do find some of the cases quite dramatic though...haha, having sat through a few civil cases for law related subjects in school, my memories of civil cases involved less tears, that's for sure. I find too much crying a bit grating to watch at times (which is why I avoid medical dramas), but I really like the backstories of the courtroom characters, so that has helped to balance it out. At episode 6, I like the politician's story about his photo and the right to forget. It was such an interesting concept for a legal dilemma. Also lots of DDSSLLS links in MH - finally saw Jun's dad as a judge, so not as evil as he normally is And in episode 6, the piano piece playing at the restaurant is Jun and Lala's love song, "Pleasure of Love!" GAR also plays a lot of piano in MH...you're right, it only made sense for her to do a series showing her musical talents....DDSSLLS was perfect for her! I loved their quirkiness...which was a perfect combination of funny, charming and cute/ often heart fluttery, all combined into one. Is anyone watching Run On? If GAR and LJW ever worked together again, I wouldn't mind them both picking up a script from the Run On scriptwriter. The dialogue in that drama is also quirky, though different to what I described above for DDSSLLS. It's more off-beat, ironic/intelligent humour and high level frankness....but it's also a lot of fun! I think the writer is set to give the characters a better ending too
  5. This person's gif game is strong. Another gif of your favourite scene @abs-oluteM ! Credit: Dalh0ng
  6. You know I was looking at old behind the scenes for other dramas and realised that a lot of dramas had a wrap up party or dinner after the drama finished airing (so not the celebrations when they finished filming, but an actual party...I know Extraordinary You and Strong Woman Do Bong Soon did this as there were media photos and the actors did lives from the dinners). I don't know/ or don't think DDSSLLS got one Does anyone else know if they did? I can't tell if it was because the drama wasn't a ratings hit or because last year Covid hit Korea hard and they had rules for gatherings. I think I'll go with the latter though since I did notice that there didn't seem to be parties for bigger Kdramas like Start Up. And I guess even Taiwanese dramas that always wrap up with a dinner chose to do other things like the casts went on camping trips! Imagine if the cast of DDSSLLS went camping together. It would be so cute. Your amazing edits always cheer us up @eNDe! I still look at your amazing magazine covers and spreads...Haha I was reminded of your GAR & LJW pictures a few days ago when this I saw this (old) casting announcement video pop up by one of Go Ara's fan clubs...looks like they had the same idea and wanted to put LJW and GAR's sexy shoots side by side Actually this explanation makes a lot of sense! I do feel like K-Dramas like to promote through variety shows, but if there's nothing available, I guess they could only go to their next available media channels (radio). I guess at least they did that....but I would have liked a magazine shoot too It seems the cast of True Beauty also did a radio interview, but were given a major magazine photo shoot too. I guess they had the advantage of their male lead being an idol and the story being based off a popular webtoon (with the casts all looking a lot like their characters). Oh well, no use crying over split milk. I can only be grateful to Netflix and The Swoon for trying their best and giving us lots of games content which showed us playful GAR and LJW Yeah, I find interviews only really scratch the surface of actor interactions since they tend to talk about the same very introductory elements of the drama when they do their drama promotional rounds...I prefer watching behind the scenes and stuff like games instead...and the more candid interactions if they choose to do Facebook/Instagram lives or post. K-Ent industry is a lot more reserved compared to TW-Ent industry on this front, but I love that GAR is soooo candid on social media. I love that she posts so many photos with co-stars and that she's ...I think it really shows her genuine and more carefree nature, which comes through in her characters as well Awww Thanks! I'm glad you all loved the interview and have watched it a few times Haha I really loved that interaction between LJW and SDI too...that whole father-in-law grilling son-in-law made me laugh so much I would love to see the 3 of them in a drama together. I'm enjoying his character in Miss Hammurabi so far! As for the translation project...I'm still asking some friends. It's been a hectic fortnight at work, so haven't made much progress...but still determined to try and translate/ sub it somehow. Surely someone in this world will be able to hear their quiet talking in that video! Hahaha so true. We have the final say! @purplefin @Unnie0110 @multiloverss @twinkler0415Speaking of LJW's next drama, I heard the actress he was rumoured to be paired with (Park Gyu Young) has just been confirmed for another drama, 'Devil Judge' which will be shown on TVN and whose script is written by the person who did Miss Hammurabi: https://www.soompi.com/article/1452210wpp/ji-sung-kim-min-jung-got7s-jinyoung-and-park-gyu-young-confirmed-for-new-tvn-drama Dare I hope that she's not going to be paired up with LJW?? But I'm going to wait to hear since it could be possible that she could do 2 dramas in the same year depending on when they're scheduled to shoot. I remember hearing that LJW shot Search WWW while overlapping his shooting with Extraordinary You. I just want him to do a good project or get a better pairing! By the way it seems like maybe a lot of fans are starting to miss DDSSLLS...my twitter posts about missing DDSSLLS have been more popular lately and no remarks about the ending! Today's Jun and Lala posts by... Instagrammer: ByJaninini Cute illustrations and poems. They said DDSSLLS made them feel like they were in love again! Also, not the smoothest edit...but they way they look at each other...
  7. There are some actresses that you just can't help to follow across most of their projects because they're just so interesting and take on diverse roles....Also some actresses just have this aura - if I feel like they have bring this warm, genuine and convincing nature to their roles, then I'm sold. Go Ara has this kind of spark...Other actresses who I think have really done this for me in multiple projects include: Park Eun Bin, Park Bo Young, Nam Ji Hyun & Lee Joo Young. I was hoping if LJW had to get paired up with someone other than GAR, it would be someone on this list...for example, Lee Joo Young is super cool and and rarely does romance lines...her and LJW in some sort of action series would be so cool If he has to work with new actresses, these are some of my faves. But honestly, if they could just pair LJW with GAR again, that would work. I'm not hard to please I agree. I feel like GAR is a little bit against the grain when it comes to the industry. But her nature is also what brings varying and often quirky characters to life However, whether the industry want to recognise it officially is sometimes hard to tell...sometimes they have a cookie cutter approach to the stars they pick for awards Award snubs hurt...but I guess you see it everywhere, not just Korea. Even really talented American/International actors who have been in the industry for years experience it when the industry such as the Oscars overlooks them (Eg. Leo Dicaprio, Harrison Ford, Amy Adams) Or in the music world, when the Grammys overlooks certain singers/performers (Eg. The Weeknd was snubbed despite having both a commercially successful and critically acclaimed album, while Taylor Swift picks up awards like every year because the industry like her). I guess even though it sucks, GAR is in good company when you look at the wider world and see it happen to lots of equally talented and hard working people This is true...I hope she knows she has a big group of fans, including international ones...And with the good relationships she's fostered with Directors, as well as how close LJW looked to be with DDSSLLS's director, hopefully they can reunite for some project one day even if it's just a cameo Ahhhh!!! Thank you for the beautiful Mimi Magazine edits!!! I saw them when you posted and saved them instantly! But it's taken me awhile to get back to everyone's replies since I like to write so much I love that sweet fluff ball so much...and I thought the postcard of Lala and Jun were so cute. Your edits are so amazing and pretty. Like mock ups for a real publication I wish we could buy! Thanks so much for taking the time to make them Mimi's (Byeol's) Instagrams were soooo cute today: @twinkler0415 Did you make an unboxing of the DDSSLLS OST?? I saw it pop up on my instagram and then it somehow popped up on my Youtube feed! And to finish off...today's gifs of Lala and Jun are by Instagrammer: Softcon_ok They are a LJW fan, but also a DDSSLLS fan who has a multi-fandom account...but they made his cute little Insta stories where they put these blush sparkles over Lala and Jun. I don't know why I like her idea...I just do because it's cute!
  8. Glad you've caught up on this drama! I also didn't think I'd like the drama this much, but it has grown on me a lot more than I thought. Ahhh, Okey Dokey has become so iconic now I really love the rawr thing too. MGY is so damn cute every time she makes the rawr sound! Realistically, I think SJ has a sister and know what girls can look like with or without make-up. Also in both the drama and webtoon, I think it's shown that he also likes her weird personality rather than her looks. She's not fawning over him like other girls....but rather always challenging him, bantering with him or caring about him...And I think that grows on him rather than her looks That's true - I think happy and chill is a CEW mask to some degree as it must be very hard to be an idol in many ways. Everything is so damn extreme. It's extreme in terms of training and becoming the 'best of the best' and it's also extreme that your every move is obsessively adored and scrutinised by fans...who are also the first to turn on you when you make a mistake or reveal a side of you they don't like I feel like it'd be huge pressure. Hahaha yes that's true..."Bad" is as broad as "perfect" What I meant is that I rarely come across a male second lead who is considered scheming and malicious when they're in a love triangle...as in their intentions become evil once they're rejected by the female. Most second lead males just end up bowing out the love triangle and "protecting the girl" silently (like SJ). But often female second leads turn "crazy" and sabotage the main couple's relationships rather than graciously bow out of the love competition (like Soo Jin) The only one really savage male second lead that comes to mind is the guy who blackmailed the main male and female lead in Delightful Girl Chun Hyung because he wouldn't take no for an answer. While being clingy is annoying, I guess it's not intentionally being nasty and sabotaging? So I guess I wouldn't count More than Friends second lead. Haha, Baek Kyung is horrible at the start of EY. And it's not because it's LJW, but he's falls outside of my "bad" definition His character, while mean to DO until consciousness, doesn't actually spend every waking moment actively sabotaging the relationship between DO and HR even though he's tempted to. The drama portrays him as frustrated and angry, but not scheming...whereas second female leads often come across as scheming if they're angry the way that Soo Jin's character is in True Beauty? Baek Kyung also does end up bowing out from the love competition from his own choice...whereas I feel like a lot of second lead females don't give up their scheming ways until they're publicly humiliated. But it might just be the dramas I've chosen to watch over my decade of drama watching - I'm picky and don't always watch everything. I haven't seen Heirs or Sunbae Don't Put on that Lipstick....Maybe most of the love triangles I've seen involve more of a 2 females, 1 male situation...but my main point is that I think it's unfair that it's rarer to have a second female lead looking gracious once they've been rejected - why do they have to scheme so often? If a lot of second lead males get to be likeable, it'd be nice if they could subvert this trope for second female leads in love triangles more often
  9. Haha, I know...I feel like my love for Jasper can't compare to @SilverMoonTea at the moment I haven't been keeping up with his China projects...kinda hoping they get released and they're good...or he goes back to doing some TW dramas/ Netflix projects. I once met a HK girl whose name was Amourous. And her parents gave her that name. I wonder if they knew it meant having sexual feelings Maybe they pick names which they think have good meanings since that's how it works in Chinese? You must because you've persisted with watching full series and haven't mentioned dropping them so far and I'm impressed! Haha, you're not alone. I love Jasper, but had to cringe at how contrived that scene looked. I just thought it laid it on a bit thick But I liked looking at Jasper anyway LOL Jasper's wives From that trailer alone...looks like it was shot in one room? I'm not sure it's too my taste...humour a bit obvious? @abs-oluteM @mademoiselle @SilverMoonTea On the topic of Taiwanese dramas...I think a lot has been changing in that industry and there's a lot of potential soon to happen. Last year proved a lot for TW dramas I think and it's nice to still see a fresh wave of viewers showing a lot of love for things like YongJiu Grocery Store, Victim's Game and Someday or One Day. But I do see the drag/ storylines not making sense/ cheese that still happens. Most of this tends to be for more of the 20 Episode series by the mainstream channels like SETTV. GTV etc. But there's been quite a few good shorter series with only 10-13 episodes...and Production companies like Three Phoenixes Production have been bringing the standards up with better story telling and smarter, less slapsticky humour. I'm interested in things like Rainless in a Godless Land which sound more interesting with better production quality. As for kissing/intimacy scenes, I like TW dramas for their ability to be more daring and less freeze kissy than K-Dramas...And I have seen some pretty nice and natural looking chemistry scenes. But I won't deny that sometimes I wish they would strip back the dramatics a bit more (pun intended) for certain romance dramas My main investment with TW dramas is always for actors/ cast chemistry more than just the dramas themselves....I pretty much live for the reality TV that is all the behind-the-scenes footage and fan meets which I feel are more fun and candid than the more reserved Korean ones (though I like my Kdrama actors a lot too)
  10. They shouldn't have baited the viewers with Lala's almost-weddings to 2 other guys and Jun crashing those weddings...because it was unfair not to give them a wedding by doing that. But I do appreciate the runaway beach scene. It was sweet and the BTS videos of GAR and LJW were so lovely. If only they had done another version for our OTP. Hahah agreed! I'm up to episode 3 so far and they're both cute, but Jun and Lala definitely remain my faves! I wonder if there's any actors who have gotten an award and then turned down the next role at that station for something else? I assume not all negotiations always go well and I hope LJW's agency won't just make him take a role just to have something for the year. I really hope the project either ends up with an actress I like or that he gets offered something else from another station. Something like upcoming dramas Taxi Driver (SBS) or Beyond Evil (JTBC) would be cool! I have to say it's ironic that they didn't acknowledge GAR in the role that suited her personality best! I think she was quite cut out for the role of Lala and gave the character so much life! But I wonder if it worked against her as in the excuse they would give was that she was not acting as something different or challenging to her personality? For me personally, I think acting is good if you make your character convincing and give the character heart, regardless of if you're similar to the character or not, but also regardless to whether the character is likeable, dislikeable etc. Hahaha conspiracy theories should always be taken with a grain of salt. But I think there are points that could be valid. My personal feelings about why she hasn't gotten as much recognition is: -GAR has often said yes to a diverse range of projects, but most of them were not super mainstream/ unexpected high ratings projects. They were well received, but were not unexpectedly and extremely high in ratings. TV stations probably care about recognition -GAR hasn't gone up the conventional paths of picking more romances or being an idol...which seems to be the easy paths to fame. I guess if you look at some others like Park Shin Hye, they did more romances early in their acting career (You're Beautiful, Heartstrings etc)...I feel like it's more common for drama fans to follow particular genres and romances definitely hold a big slice of the drama genre pie. The other thing would be idol status...ex-idols have huge followings. Bigger fan base = more recognition as a "Brand" which would probably get you awarded. -Lastly @Unnie0110's point makes sense that her cable shows have been more popular than larger channel shows. But she does work hard, so hopefully she'll get her recognition with the right project one day. Nah, this definitely happens just as much in Korea too. It might even be worse if I think about Burning Sun scandal type stuff. But I hope it's never happened to GAR and it's becoming less prominent since some of those big scandal reveals...but I do think the reasons I listed above probably are the main non-conspiracy reasons. Wow, Thanks for sharing! For some reason I thought he got into uni early due to some other behind the scenes or interview things I'd seen, but maybe I'm mistaken. I have seen his audition tapes floating around Twitter before and it's quite interesting to see him perform as a newbie! I'm glad he's technically at GAR's old uni though. Imagine if they ran into each other through uni as well. Haha...my imagination from missing DDSSLLS moments! That Instagram account is lovely and I'm glad they edited the alternative ending we all wanted. Haha, one day I want to try making a longer version of that. Anyway, since we mentioned Instagram, just sharing some nice fan art with you all from Instagram: These expressions are adorable I also love this video edit: https://www.instagram.com/p/CHuCm62DPqN/ The song is: 'What is Love?' by Jaymes Young and it sounds quite sad...wonder if it would make some fans sad because of the lyrics...but I feel like it's still a beautiful edit
  11. Hahaha, To be honest, I didn't realise how often who showed off his abs until @Tofu said she didn't know if Jasper had ever done a topless scene....and then I suddenly remembered multiple times I had seen this happen These are the ones I know of, now that you're all making me think about this. I guess he does go topless in many of his projects And here I was just following him just for his sweet goofy nature Dramas: - Pleasantly Surprised/Love Myself or You - I Am Sorry I Love You - When I See You Again - In Time with You - Lost? Me Too: Chloe - Before We Get Married - Triad Princess - My Goddess Films: -Live@Love -More than Blue Oh and he's done artsy photos for his good friend from uni, who is a super hipster LGBTQI photographer: https://ent.ltn.com.tw/news/breakingnews/1240651 Hahaha, admit it, you love this Those are my favourites! A lot of people also like his films: More than Blue and Take Me to the Moon Hahaha so true. Oppa tracker and encyclopaedia Haha, yes! He is also @Tofu's Oppa. I tried to watch When We Write Love Story, but just found it kind of boring to be honest. This clip was so cheesy But Jasper was pretty to look at
  12. I need to tell everyone here, especially @Tofu that I love Hwang In Yeop....he has truly earned his Jan Oppa status. How did he worm his way deeper into my heart? I just caught up on True Beauty and he covered my of my favourite songs "Flowerpot" By Loveholic. It just brought back all the old Coffee Prince vibes (The first Kdrama I ever watched)...but also I just love when people cover dreamy indie song so much. Actually one of the reasons Jasper gained Oppa status was because he was a guitarist in an indie band Sooo now I love HIY and I need the full version Hahaha will you go back and watch the old, old Jasper films @SilverMoonTea? Or you can't do it if you're not feeling it for the co-stars? @abs-oluteM You are percent correct. She is the queen of Oppa collecting Hahaha corruption?...I think everyone has normal Oppa acquisition numbers...yours is just super human speed of acquisition TW dramas, if by SETTV, will always be 20+ episodes, so it can be long-ish. Ahhh, the things we learn from our Taiwanese dramas with topless scenes, eh?
  13. Netflix Kr dropped The Uncanny Counter TMI Quiz today...wonder why they did it so late after the series finished airing!
  14. Hahaha not even when we watched Twogether? I guess you like domineering Jasper rather than chill, laid-back cute Jasper I thought you already tagged half the forum Also thought affair dramas were popular though I don't like them myself. World of the Married and Secret Affair really hooked people in Korea...haha how do people of Janghaven feel about it? Hahah correct for me...only 1 Jan Oppa. Hwang In Yeop only 7 is quite a feat. Like Jane, I'm not sure I even watched 7 series in Jan, let alone noticed and fell for 7 oppas Hahaha, I didn't think this was your cup of tea. I feel like we're more into the goofy sweet Twogether Jasper
  15. That is true...although I hold grudges against KBS over the awards, I am glad they offered the leads to LJW and GAR....without this, I guess we wouldn't have had a drama to love And LJW totally did deserve his recognition for playing Jun, but I wish they had recognised GAR as well since she actually did really well as the title character. Even though I like Jun and LJW, I think GAR carried the series too. So that's why I think KBS was unfair. Someone else here at Janghaven who watched DDSSLLS and liked it (though isn't in this LJW/GAR thread) also said that they thought KBS did a poor job promoting the drama including quality of stills etc. I thought they did ok on social media...and the stills were always pretty in my opinion...I don't normally get so into a Korean drama that I look for all the BTS content so can't compare. Do any of you know if this was decent promoting? Would you say this was poor effort? But if KBS could have been involved in external promotions (eg. magazine shoots, interviews), I think they should have been more proactive in securing those for GAR and LJW. And maybe release more BTS videos, though I guess they were trying to save it for 'the DVD'. I realised that Extraordinary You probably has so much Making content because their special DVD with all bonuses got made I have to say the thing I like about Taiwanese dramas is that there is A LOT of BTS footage released for free since they don't sell Making DVDs...Taiwanese dramas can be up to 20 episodes long and the Making footage at the end of each episode is always 10 minutes long (That's like 200 minutes worth of free Making footage altogether!)...Also they often don't just show the actors filming the scenes....but more of them playing together and being silly...but that might be a more cultural thing, since Taiwanese actors are more comfortable being candid: pretending to be married as their characters behind the scenes or play-acting as siblings or telling stories about their personal lives like how they grew up, or cute stories about what their co-stars did for them etc ...Koreans are more reserved...and definitely have crazier fans they would not want to accidentally offend, so I don't think their actors let you see them in a more candid way Friends said it was too hard to hear what they're saying on the video I wanted to translate since it's one of the quieter ones I'll ask someone else and see if they might be able to help...but no promises! In the meantime, here's another great Instagram account with edits of Jun and Lala: Instagrammer: Kdramaparallels This is a multi-fandom account, so you might have to scroll down to see some of the DDSSLLS content...but they draw parallels between different scenes and perspectives in dramas. I think it's such a smart idea and their edits are pretty too! Also you'll all be happy to read the beautiful positive comments written by fans even though they were disappointed with the ending on the first meetings post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CISUx__JV4p/ Parallel storylines Parallel first meetings Parallel bike rides Ah, that's good to know since I never watched it. It just confirms what I already know...that I'm not feeling it with this actress...and haven't been charmed by her interviews/instagram/ BTS stuff. Like you, I feel like it will depend on how badly I want to see LJW and how they present the feel of the drama. Maybe the actress will grow on me....but can't see anyone replacing Lala and Jun that's for sure! Yep, it is kind of feeling indebted to the station for sure! And without news of competition with offers, I think they just end up taking a particular project because it's what's available to them. I also agree that their agencies will definitely have a say in advising if they pick something or not, probably for relationship purposes. I don't know if they often take a long time to organise, but it feels like it's been awhile, so maybe LJW personally isn't too keen to do this one too ...even though he may take it if that's what is expected of him Yes definitely worth watching! I loved The Uncanny Counter so much...recently finished the series since it's ended it's first season's run! It's very different content and style wise from DDSSLLS, but it has that same warmth and community spirit that DDSSLLS has too. You'll really love the counters and their family and friends. Highly recommend for a watch! Hahaha I like how we are all like: No weddings for you on screen unless it's with GAR
  16. Thanks for sharing @Unnie0110! I like to hear about new fans to the show...I guess everyone get burned or feels confused or sad about the ending. Very few people get to the end feeling entirely ok But I like the fans who still enjoyed the good parts of the drama and still love GAR and LJW! Woo new fans of GAR and LJW! I personally am not a fan of Sangeuk dramas...but would watch if they cast both GAR and LJW together... My one came in the mail today! I agree. It's quite sidelined...on the one hand at least there's a small photobook....on the other hand it's just stills that we have all seen...it would have been nice to have at least gotten some unreleased stills or something. Is the second disc background music @twinkler0415? I haven't listened to it just yet....will take some nice pictures of it tomorrow. I still like it too because it's all we got Haha, if I'm really honest, I feel like I'll eventually get to be point of being ok with LJW doing romances in future...but I do need more time to feel like I'd want to see it happen and it needs to be with an actress I personally like. I'm not keen on that particular actress that he's apparently in talks with (I'm sure she's lovely irl, but she's not been to my liking so far). I would accept a zombie film as you all know already....a zombie romance with GAR? I think it might be less to do with DDSSLLS and maybe more to do with a scheduling thing. I feel like they get scripts and then align with actors schedules and what might suit them? I think rom-coms/ romances are the fast climb up for actors in terms of fame. So it might be why they're offering it to him as a new-ish actor? Also LJW has been known to do very well in acting all his past romance roles too. I know a couple of big LJW fans on twitter also hope he can do action/ thriller roles since they all can't get over his sweet pairing with GAR either! I definitely still see waves of new watchers stressing over the ending. I don't mind the ones that are just shocked and upset, but still liked the series on the whole...it did take time to process the ending as it was soooo rough. And I definitely appreciate the fans who have processed it and still come back to the drama despite the ending like @purplefin. It's just the ones that cancel the entire series and badmouth Jun's entire character very viciously that annoy me....like you had 13 episodes to know Jun's character and you liked him all throughout that time. Sure the writer's didn't do a great job in the last arc, but I also don't think his character was malicious either...just that the events at the end were not fleshed out enough to get from A to B. There are so many toxic kdrama males...but Jun's character never blamed or yelled at Lala in any way really...he always tried his best to look after her or made sure others looked after her Bravo! So well said @eNDe! The drama was so beautiful and warm on the whole and while I love Lala and Jun's romance, the romance was only one part of the story...it was also about community and life throwing you lemons and being unplanned sometimes....you experience sweetness and sadness, but hopefully the love of good people get you through On the plus side, a lot of LJW fans came to like GAR from this drama too Speaking of Filming locations, I found an Instagram which shows A LOT of the filming locations in Mokpo. I'm assuming the person must live in Mokpo and found it cool/funny to see everyday locations pop up in the drama. Although not necessarily a photographer, they took pictures with the same angles as in the drama I think I'll need to update my Mokpo/ DDSSLLS filming locations guide...I'm impressed at how many places they hunted down! Instagram: Bluemint_hs I'll start episode 3 over the weekend. It's a good watch so far....I was like "She was destined to be our Lala!" Haha, actually her character is quite fun with elements of Lala too....that same big heart. I like the strongly feminist elements of the drama too. And KMS/L is pretty....but yeah, Lala Jun is still deep in my heart, of course Oh my god, nooooooo Yeah, I normally don't care for weddings...They are very overrated...but I do feel a sense of dread when my favourite pairing don't get a happy ending...but then one of the actors gets a super happy ending in their next series...it has happened before I dread the day LJW gets a wedding scene. Even worse if it's with an actress I don't particularly like
  17. Hmmm good point! Wonder if they'll be involved? Gotta look like a fit evil demon...otherwise too easy to punch if there's no abs and all flabs
  18. LOL had a couple of really busy days at work and I come back to see @SilverMoonTea hard selling BWGM to everyone in the forum. Not that I'm displeased = more fans of Jasper shows, more people to talk about Jasper with once his dramas start airing Hahaha, I feel like someone has now become bigger Jasper fan than me I am a little behind in Run On....but I loooove him bromancing with SG. He has such cute facial expressions And he has such an electric gaze. When he holds his gaze against DA, I melt a little even if I'm not super big on them as a couple. Oh @stroppyse I didn't know you were a fan of Love Myself or You/ Pleasantly Surprised I loved that drama so much. BWGM was the hot drama of 2019. It's fun in that it's quite steamy... Jasper's character is quite problematic at the start...but the story is interesting and he does change I guess. I basically watched it for the reunion of Puff and Jasper Hahaha, did you test out this theory after I posted my topless Jasper thread? No one can resist Jasper if he tries to come for youuuu Wei Wei tried hard....but not hard enough
  19. Welcome to my life! Took me ages to get over Pleasantly Surprised. Now it's taking me forever to get over DDSSLLS (Actually LJW's style in DDSSLLS reminds me of Jasper's style in PS....seems I like sweet guys who wear shorts ) Maybe to keep our sanity, I shouldn't watch cute romances and you shouldn't watch sexy romances
  20. @SilverMoonTea This is the Puff and Jasper dancing from the picture above...it's actually a skit they did for a variety show I think: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV195411Y7tS?from=search&seid=199692718038938940 At that time when they did this skit Puff was really famous, but Jasper was not. And they joke about how he was really shy and asked her for her autograph
  21. Hahaha...that is one of the most common complaints about Ah Jie. I think the reason he didn't have that fame with Puff the first time they worked together (even though the chemistry was good) was because he wasn't styled very well. Those floral prints and choppy hair made a few of the older Jasper fans sad...I was too invested in the cuteness of Puff and Jasper to care though @Tofu now it's here permanently so you can never forget again If Jasper does more and more Chinese projects, will he drift further and further away from me? I'll try out some of those projects this year, but no promises that I'll like them. Aside from the dubbing issue, I haven't been able to get into many Chinese dramas, so don't know/ not invested in those actors either....we'll see if I change my mind this year! Ah, glad you like it even though Pleasantly Surprised is not like BWGM married. Cute and relaxing is my style of drama, so I guess that's why I liked it so much, even with Jasper's floral shorts
  22. Oooh, I meant to post anniversary present this week....but work has been pretty hectic for me, so I'll hopefully get around to organising it next week! But I do like this short fan edit someone made of how the ending should have been. I feel like I'd love to make a longer version re-ordering the wedding and stuff from episode 15 so that it could just be a happy proposal-wedding-ending.... Ahhhh that boy's gazes were always so sweet. I like that they were comfortable with each other in those games...I hope you all know that both their arm touches to each other are a memory that lives rent-free inside my brain He must work hard for Sunbae-nim's respect I think it would have made sense to include the classical pieces :( I think you can purchase them only as digital downloads...but then I guess I'd rather listen to them online. I agree I'm not a fan of this pairing, but I guess I'd give it a chance to be fair and the storyline sounds interesting....but she's not on the list of actresses I like. What was her character like in Romance is a bonus book @purplefin? I never watched it, so I can only think of her as the very annoying nurse from It's ok to not be ok. She's a bit better in Sweet Home, but I don't feel particularly interested in her so far I guess Yeah, I think LJW will probably take this offer since I haven't heard of conflicting offers so far and the award debt to KBS, eh. @Unnie0110 I agree with @multiloverss - don't think LJW has officially accepted the offer yet since his agency VAST hasn't confirmed yet. Dramabeans only translated the articles from a few days ago where some gossip newspapers reported they had been cast and others said they were in talks. But neither's agency has said yes....however, given the papers have reported it, there's a good chance they will accept if no other offers come along in conflict and they probably negotiate pay and stuff correctly. Mmm, I'm not keen on this, though I do miss seeing LJW on screen. Ohhhh, @CINNABOM and @multiloverss I'm the same Jun and Lala were my favourites and it was always so lovely seeing LJW and GAR being playful on screen and off. I'm not keen on new pairings yet, especially if I don't particularly like the other actors they are being paired with. But I've gotten to the point where I can watch LJW/GAR's past projects and pairings that I missed... @eNDe will be happy to know I started Miss Hammurabi and am really liking it so far. KMS is pretty cute and I'm liking the story...actually it reminds me of DDSSLLS...haha she was a piano major before a judge I'll be double watching with When the Weather is fine so I can also get a dose of LJW....but it's funny you mentioned Seo Kang Joon, as he's the lead in that. Lately there's been a lot of talk about SKJ on our other forum threads because he looks a lot like a Taiwanese star I love (Jasper Liu) ...But yes, I agree GAR and him would look very very pretty together!
  23. I think he also looks good with Annie Chen in My Goddess - but that's a community,/ countryside slice of life drama, so not sure if it's a drama that would appeal to you But Puff and Jasper I already loved from their first project. Their chemistry really shone from that point onwards. Also if you watch all their behind the scenes, they're pretty comfortable with each other....and Jasper always says Puff is one of his close friends in the industry
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