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Everything posted by JenL

  1. This is true! I do wonder about LJW since he's normally go several projects on the go He was pretty much doing Search WWW and Extraordinary You at the same time and when that finished, went straight into When the Weather was fine...and then into DDSSLLS. It seems weird not to leverage the momentum of having just finished his first lead role...but maybe he really needs a break...and he could be waiting for better projects. I know his fans all miss him for sure! Ooooh you're beautiful edits are always welcome if you choose to make any I love how much cheer your talents have brought to our little group here Yep, yep! I'm putting the finishing touches on these posts and refreshing some stuff for this little 3 month anniversary...I think it'll be pretty quiet for a bit from all the actors...so I guess I'll just send a burst of refreshed DDSSLLS content in 2 days time! Ahhh, I have watched him before! I've definitely seen I Can Speak . It was a very touching story and the elderly ladies back story was tragic, but it was inspirational how she survived that (I watch a lot of Korean film every year because I get free passes to them, so saw this one when it was fresh!) Highly recommend it. Hahaha, It should definitely be the other way around. I don't think LJW would let anyone taint his image like that He would die of embarrassment first I think! He'd rather be the cool one giving the piggyback. Btw, I can't believe I never saw the micro BTS video of them taking photos for the stills in front of Lalaland from YJW's Instagram until today (But it's a nice feeling discovering content you never saw before!). I love the way LJW looked at GAR in this...it had that Jun look and headshake, but also... he couldn't help but laugh and be charmed by GAR's craziness! Hahaha, rom coms are definitely not for everyone in terms of taste. But I do think rom com as a genre sometimes get minimalised as not having substance because it's seen as "a woman's genre" and too emotional even though stuff like action and sci fi can be just the same as well. It's not to say all rom com films/drama are deep, but after doing film studies about genre, I realised in a weird way there are lots of emotional/ reflective lessons to be learn from rom-coms too...often to do with things like self-love and friendships too I guess DDSSLLS is one example of that (let us not think of the ending though!) Yeah it's so weird. A GAR fan instagram posted to say that Monster Union did really well last year with several projects including DDSSLLS: https://www.instagram.com/p/CLqL6zlpvqY/ But if they did well...why put those videos on Private?? But it looks like they currently don't have any recent videos you can watch...the most recent is from 5 months ago? Something weird is going down there. Yep, seems like that channel has access to a lot of his acting school/audition videos...there's even a video of LJW rapping. It's very cute. He's so little I'm watching Beyond Evil! So far so good...huge twist already at episode 2! YJG is my new crush now that LJW is taking a break
  2. I'm still deciding whether I want to watch this one... On the one hand I'm curious about the squid costume and it looks funny! On the other hand, I'm taking a break from live watching several dramas at the one time...And I'm not sure if I want to live watch a KBS rom com since DDSSLLS got me with the ending of the last rom-"com" I watched Still, I might pick it up since I'm so use to having several dramas on the go... Speaking of DDSSLLS, I heard the male lead is similar to Lala in the money department...
  3. Hahaha do my villains have to be hot? I can't think of any hot ones!!!
  4. For you Rowoon lovers @mademoiselle @abs-oluteM
  5. Hahaha I'm glad you liked my discovery I have spent a little too much time on Instagram! He does seem to wear that jacket a lot! Here's another photo: https://www.instagram.com/p/CIAvSMmnUR4/ Haha, I wonder who made the call to let him wear the jacket as Jun...haha, a character's costume isn't normally fashion - it's specifically designed for the character so that they portray a certain style and behaviour...so I guess they feels like LJW 'is' Jun And I wonder if LJW offered it to GAR during the shoot since it was cold at night time...he would have been find because she's hugging him but she would be cold riding with the wind at her back. I feel like he would be the type to offer! Especially because it's sunbaenim He has let a make-up artist borrow it before too (which made a lot of fans super jelly!) But I think a lot of stars often treat their make-up artists super well because they spend a lot of time waking up really early to make them look good! Hwang In Yeop of True Beauty signed an autograph to his make-up artist, Aluu, that said 'Aluu is mine'! (It's a joke since he claims ownership on those around him, but damn to have it signed as an autograph is a dream! ) Haha, in my next life I want to be a make-up artist to one of these super good looking stars! Hehe, that bumping scene is super cute! Eh, these two were good at being natural! Haha, I know, I think she's been written off forever in my books. I was never a big idol fan to begin with since I don't care for Kpop (she's from a kpop band called CLC), but that character killed me and the pain is eternal The upcoming dramas to avoid if you can't stand the DDSSLLS reminders will be Dear M (she has a small role) and Blue Spring from a Distance (she is apparently second lead for this drama!) I saw the magazine photos for Hello! It's Me! I mean I'll never understand why there wasn't a variety show feature and photoshoot for GAR and LJW But I hope it'll somehow happen in some other way. Come on Balenciaga! Speaking of that drama, I hear the male character has reminded a lot of people of Lala... I know right! It's ironic - I'm a pretty Christmassy person, but my favourite drama ruined my last Christmas IBut at least Mimi looked super cute in a santa costume. I do wonder if the writer had a terrible Christmas once because why would you do that to your characters on Christmas?? Yep, this is the One Cloudy Day Instagram that is like the best DDSLLS Instagram! She's so lucky, but she deserves it since she's also the one who makes all the pretty DDSSLLS gifs I put here...like these ones... It's nice to see some new fan accounts pop up on Instagram, which means there's still people who watch it and still like it. This instagram has been very active lately with reposting stills and making some of their own stills: Seoulyoudrama: https://www.instagram.com/seoulyoudrama/ Haha I love that you used our favourite quote @Unnie0110. All we have are our dreams Yeah, no casting news. I guess we just have to think of them as taking a well deserved break though it's killing us! But for me, it's better than casting news where I hate the pairings...so I'm ok for now just watching their old projects! By the way I finished Miss Hammurabi yesterday night @eNDe! I'm just going to post my debrief in spoiler tag since it's not entirely relevant to this thread... Haha, are any of you working for The Swoon? Hehe, I'm glad at least someone on that team seems to like DDSSLLS and reminds fans to love the series too!
  6. Shen Yue and Jerry Yan is like what you said about Kingone looking like Rainie's uncle I do like Jerry a lot...but there's already a huge difference between Jasper and Shen Yue! I would die from happiness
  7. Wow this thread is so active lately! Feel like I've missed out by not joining This is definitely the definition of fast food - 2 min noodles! I've had dessert pizza before, but it turned out more like a flat strawberry tart with a cream base? So not really a pizza but a tart? How is Hello? It's Me going? I'm in 2 minds about watching it. It looks like it'd be fun and the story sounds interesting...but not really attached to any actors in it and lazy with live watch? Do you guys think I'd like it?
  8. Wow, this news is killing the internet today. So apparently they've signed a contract to re-make a Korean version of Someday or One Day which is pretty much the best Taiwanese drama out there. While I don't personally like re-makes, I am curious about it being remade since it was so popular in Korea. I doubt they would be able to do the series justice because original content is the best and it was just a good combination of actors, chemistry, cast chemistry, scriptwriting etc....but even just saying that it's be interesting to see a Korean version on Twitter earned me some salty comments from Chinese-drama fans The irony is that the Chinese drama industry are also doing a remake of this Taiwanese drama (And they were the first to say that like a few months after the drama aired). I'm not a Chinese drama person, and as a Taiwanese drama fan, shouldn't I be the salty one? Meh, fans be crazy over their favourites. But the thing I dread is that I heard one of the idol agencies were involved in the contract so it's likely to cast their stars This is a project that I realllllyyyyy hope they don't just attach popular, but inexperienced idols to. But I guess I can always just not watch it
  9. Also wanted to say the dialogue is very sharp and cutting which is fun along with that oddly dramatic and ironic music at the end of the episodes...And yay, the girl Min-Jung is Kang Min Ah from True Beauty This actress has had quite a fast jump - she's already going into a lead role next (Blue Spring from a Distance)
  10. Haha, it's just like her Instagrams...I like that GAR is so carefree with her rings. But also maybe it helps her when one day the rings come to mean something no one will know I'll watch a trailer and see how I feel...I never knew PEB and LJY worked together actually, so I'm excited about discovering it, but I'm not good with ghost stories unless it's reasonably light and there are warm/interesting backstories for the ghosts like Hotel Del Luna and even then I was covering my eyes. I always think of LJY fondly from Weightlifting Fairy and a few other side roles I've seen her in... but also Baseball Girl from last year...They will both remain my top candidates for a LJW pairing but it looks like they're both in projects or rumoured projects already this year so unlikely for 2021 unless LJW decides to take a year off? It would kill his hardcore fans though! Yes, totally agree! I have discovered so many actors through following PEB's projects. And it was ironic that there were two classical music romance dramas in the one year. Do You Like Brahms was very different to DDSSLLS, but I'd still recommend it. The romance was sweet and like DDSSLLS's story, the drama was about more than just the romance - it was about finding your path when you're not good at what you're doing, which is an interesting idea. It was also strangely opposite to DDSSLLS though - DDSSLLS played out more like a fairytale while Do You Like Brahms often had a sense of realism...but because of this, Do You Like Brahms had a sad undertone running through it with an uplifting ending, while DDSSLLS had a happy undertone with a trying/ upsetting final arc. I wish we'd gotten the type of ending Do You Like Brahms got. Plus KMJ & PEB won Best Couple at SBS over bigger dramas like The King Monarch I agree with this. I do lean towards GAR's character in her values (ie. the underdog and powerless need to be helped.) But I lean towards KMS's character's way of doing things - be calm and fight smartly within the rules, rather than tire yourself out fighting a system with a fighting-fire-with-fire approach that is likely to cause more fire But still I have seen people like GAR's character and we need them in society because sometimes you don't win immediately but you raise awareness and inspire others to join your cause. Haha, I do like KMS and his softness (and dimples!) as Im Bareun...but can definitely picture LJW in that role too Maybe he'll do something similar one day. I like Roh Jeong-Eui too! But yeah, definitely saw the fake girlfriend actress being advertised by KBS as having a role in this drama, so hard pass for me. Thank you for your lovely words Whoever did the location scouting for DDSSLLS did a wonderful job for sure! And yes, we'll have all the references for our future Mokpo trips! I saw One Cloudy Day's Instagram too!!! She's so lucky to have gone and also it looks like she was one of the winners of the KBS polaroid decorating game that GAR and LJW played since she took a photo of her photo at Lala Land...but she's probably the most deserving person to win it since she's made all those beautiful DDSSLLS gifs I always post, still has an active DDSSLLS Instagram account and has re-watched the series like 100 times Hahaha, still jealous though...I love autographed polaroids! It looks like she won GAR's polaroid: Haha glad the photoshops made you happy Yeah, I wonder if covid messed it up? I mean DDSSLLS was meant to air a few months earlier so it could be that they didn't have a spot for it on any variety show when it did air...but maybe on the plus side that's why Netflix did so much promotion for it? It makes me a little sad that they're uploading new Jenga games with different casts so now DDSSLLS videos are no longer on the front page...but they're still on The Swoon *cough MonsterUnion cough* I don't think think so? I think I can solve this mystery for you...I think it's from a compilation of LJW BTS clips in this short introduction video...Is it this scene at 1:13 on the video?
  11. Hahaha I was just about to ask this since I noticed the picture change! I have to say he is really looking good in this series. I use to not feel anything for this one. I do think his hair has gotten better...so maybe you're onto something about the hair
  12. Episodes 1&2 -Just finished 2 eps of this and I'm enjoying it so far, but man is SHK's face super creepy when he does his soulless eyed jeers at YJG -I love a good small, backwater town with a close-knit surface but massively sinister undertone. The fact that "someone is always watching" also means that someone in the town did the deed and there's often a few others covering it up for some reason or another -It looks like LDH's cameo might be reoccurring since they seem to slip in and out of his memories of what happened in LDS's youth? -I agree with @abs-oluteM there's something suspicious about both of the main characters for sure. But the drama so far is framing DS as the most sinister character. I mean, he did seem to know that corpse was a woman and then the end of episode 2 where he was the one that put MJ's fingers out??? Unless it's all pretend and he suspects HJW of being the killer/ or he wants to bait the real killer? I'm so confused. But yeah, HJW definitely still has flashbacks about whatever happened to him and the lady with the ring... - The other cops are also suss - the head cop who just dismissed LDS as a suspect and the record keeper who doesn't seem to care that reports are missing but then makes a big deal about it? But his also lingering around his yard...I think I find the record keeper really weird - Also agree with @SilverMoonTea, YJG looking fine and young I see she has traded Jasper's display pic for him I have to say he has brushed up good in this series. When I watched him in Hotel Del Luna, I thought he was a good actor, but didn't have a thing about his looks. I think his haircut looks a lot better this time around? He's pretty Also I just realised that it's him and LDH's character being connected-but-not-connected...like they're in the same story, but not....it's just like Hotel Del Luna all over again!
  13. Hahaha not going to lie, I always thought this too. Thanks for saying what he were all thinking
  14. Skipping a few replies to say: I know, right?? It's like what has this series done?? I'm sure the logical reason is that there's some sort of copyright issues...I just tested the other videos, and some have been blocked too, so maybe there is a disagreement or contract thing with KBS. Hahaha, this series was meant to be healing, but I think I've gotten so anxious about happy things being taken away The main thing DSSLLS has taught me is that if you like something, download it right away or it'll probably disappear! In any case, I've put up the other BTS videos that Monsterunion had (that KBS didn't have on their website) on my Youtube (below). The only blocked ones were the hospital one and the laundry video. I can't figure out how to put it on Instagram, but LJW's fan Insta has them https://www.instagram.com/yxxninixx/channel/ Here's something that might cheer you up also...I found a twitter channel that has a bunch of pre-debut videos of LJW doing auditions and drama practice. Wonder who released them? Is it his acting school? An old agent? I'm guessing he would be Jun's age in these videos
  15. Just found a channel with a lot of LJW's pre-debut auditions and drama practice videos. I wonder who releases them?? Like is this an old agent? An ex-acting mentor? Some of the videos don't have sound though. He's sooo young here!
  16. I love cameos too, especially if the stars know each other from previous projects. I don't know if Ivelyn worked with Mike or Ivy before, but she's around their age group so I feel like they would have met before. As for Kingone, this is like the best reunion!!! Haha brings back memories of Mike, Kingone and Rainie in both Why Why Love and Devil Beside You (Hahaha funny they are meeting in another drama about devils referring once again to Mike He!) They probably had fun catching up as they worked closely when their careers were taking off and probably are good friends even if they haven't met in years A side topic: Poor Kingone never got Rainie in any of the dramas he starred with her in He played second lead in a third drama with her, Love You...but Joseph Chang was the main lead and ended up with Rainie. I always thought Kingone and Rainie didn't match anyway since she looks ultra young and he looks quite mature? It looked like a bigger age gap than there actually was
  17. Hahaha...oh well there's always too many dramas to watch and I sometimes let some series drift too! I've actually caught up now and I enjoy this drama...not the best thing I've seen, but I have a real soft spot for Ivy and Mike being paired together because they're just so pretty Also the chemistry is good, and the ideas...I just feel like they've been too ambitious sometimes and imagined some good ideas but couldn't quite pull it off scriptwriting or SFX wise. But it's been a fun light watch anyway. Oooh Thanks for the update! I'm like 1 or 2 episodes behind so don't know what character he'll play This series has had some major cameos. They also had Ivelyn Lee from Murphy's Law of Love as a cameo earlier too.
  18. Haha, the Kdrama world does need more of their chemistry @eNDe so Thanks again for all your lovely edits! Haha I can't tell if I'm moving on or not Can definitely watch other dramas, but don't have a pairing I like half as much...Realistically, although it sounds sad, there might be not so much to talk about eventually and we might drift away, but I feel like I'll still come here and post the occasional gif or edit from time to time when I see someone make a nice one...or if I hear news of GAR or LJW. I hope you'll might too :) Awww Thanks for your lovely words too! The locations posts are just going through finishing touches...DDSSLLS ended on the 26th Nov...so I think I'll release these location posts and hopefully some translations on the 26th to celebrate 3 months of fanning even after the show has finished Thanks for all the screenshots of both these scenes! I loved the other car ride of them with Lala's hair blowing and her and Jun looking at each other and laughing. It would have been lovely to see them go for their night drive. Haha, being the audience that got left out of these scenes was no fun! I totally agree with you and the Lala, Mimi and Jun scene at the end...it would have been so lovely. And I had forgotten how much I laughed when GAR asked Mimi who she liked better. It was hilarious how seriously she treated Mimi's opinion, but also cheated with how to show her opinion I feel like being in SM only works if you're an idol. Being if you're an idol, they've invested in you, you have the backing of all those idol stans and so you will be popular in a role even if you're not a good actor. But for GAR, who was not an idol, I feel like SM would not have put as much focus on her, she would not have had the fans that idols do and then those who support actors rather than idols would also feel like she was not a serious actor because she was in an agency for idols...so sidelined by both parties. It's good that she did change agencies. Haha, I'm the opposite...I had no idea of anyone linked to the project...but I feel like I should go back and check out Signal since everyone has something wonderful to say about. Oohh a past GAR co-star and she had to carry him on her back Haha if LJW and GAR could do such fun activities that would be the dream! I might check out the clips when I'm done with Miss Hammurabi...I'm on episode 14 now! And it looks pretty tense but exciting in the trailers! I got distracted yesterday because I decided to start Beyond Evil ...nothing like gritty crime to get you when there's no rom-coms you're interested in I agree for sure! I feel like people should be less critical about less important things and not hurt people unintentionally! I say be supportive or just don't bother wasting your time as a fan! Thanks for find that hospital BTS by the way! and putting up those screenshots and reminding us how much LJW loved filming them and mentioned so at the first fan meet I tried to upload that hospital BTS again on Youtube but it's definitely still blocked! The reason they give is that it is copyrighted content to KBS (it also says that for the laundry BTS videos,but every other video is fine? ) . Weirdly enough it seems they never uploaded it on the DDSSLLS website, but let Monster Union upload it....And as mentioned yesterday Monster Union has now made all their DDSSLS videos private...so I'm going to upload everything to my Youtube or Instagram for safe-keeping and so you guys can find it when you want I watch scenes from this drama a lot too! It's super feel good and the chemistry is so strong (though maybe it's because they were really dating at the time ). Also NJH was really good in this character! I never understood why this drama didn't do so well in Korea, but it did crazily good overseas. Yep, sigh, I always think of all the BTS content with KBS/Monster Union. I wish we had a hacker here who could retrieve the unreleased footage As for the hidden footage that use to be available...it makes me sad that they hid it, but at least a lot of fans have saved the footage and it still fairly easy to find if you visit GAR/LJW's fan pages. I'm also going to put them up on my accounts. Yep it always makes me happy to see her happy and getting lots of gifts. At least she has good fans and is happy about receiving their love and care
  19. Have you seen this @SilverMoonTea? It's Puff and Jasper sharing the same 2 min noodles between filming...I think it wasn't part of the aquarium scenes, so it's BTS content. I remember fan girling about this video when Pleasantly Surprised was first out: Also I need to cut this video so it's just Jasper and Puff...They were so beautiful at these Awards...I remember being soooo happy they were there and looking really cute. Jasper was so awkward at that photoshoot, but they finally got some hot photos .Your other oppa Aaron is also here: Hahaha not sure...last I heard they broke up. Although everything has been a rumour since they never confirmed dating in the first place ...but those Mirror media tabloid shots do look like her and Steven had something going on. Oh well, as long as Jasper and Puff are besties, I will continue being a fan He's soooooo beautiful here Have you chucked these photos on the Jasper thread for safe-keeping?? Yeah, it came up on my twitter recently. I'm not sure what to believe. On the one hand it could be people being jealous and doing copycat behaviours. But then again, sometimes people are good at acting nice on screen? I think he's a fun trash talker and a good actor, but wonder if he's ever offended anyone by being too over the top? He just looks so friendly though! Haha...I was actually going to post about JBG because he did a photoshoot where he was full on smoking, and I thought back to our conversation about smoking oppas (Sorry to hurt you again @mademoiselle) Also he did a topless shoot too which looked very mature? Though I can't tell if this is real or fan photoshopped?! https://www.instagram.com/p/CKwhaAlpPUo/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CKzd7jIJ3AP/ ...Maybe he is more a bad boy than we thought? I hope he's really not a bully though. Bullying is not on.
  20. That photo will always be the best first meeting dinner reminder. I can't believe they would release that photo but not give them best couple award Haha, I feel like DDSSLLS really have the strongest hearts otherwise we would have died from heartbreak already from all that we were put through But at least they kept the sets. I'm so determined that when covid is fixed, it'll be one of my first holiday destinations! Hahaha, oh I don't know about that. He likes to put his cool photos first and goofy photos second, but he does have some goofy photos...so in a way I can see him being like GAR But I think GAR's goofy photos are super candid, while LJW's are more curated. Some examples: https://www.instagram.com/p/CIAvSMmnUR4/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B-eOCBAnsfi/ Yeah, it's weird, I thought I had downloaded that hospital video from the official website but can't seem to find it there anymore. I'm not sure if they took anything down from instagram though, since it's pretty noticeable and time consuming to do that. Whaaaat!! I just went to look up this link for you at Monsterunion - the BTS editing company who did DDSSLLS video and they've put them all on private?? You can see below here: https://www.youtube.com/c/MonsterunionStudio/featured It's ok though, since I think I have a copy of all their videos and put them up youtube...I hope I do Damn, why is there so little love for this series! Not sure when Move to Heaven will air. It's a confirmed project but no confirmed air date yet. Hahaha, this is a good point. It's like 5 years looked like 5 minutes later... it was such a silly time frame to pick I also find it more believable that the baby would be Lala's than HY and SG's since they barely hold the baby compared to Lala Also a good point. Probably temporary hair dye to match her dress. Doubt it was filters since they were media photos? Thanks for sharing this! It was good to find out what happened! Hahaha sorry for not letting you move on...it's because I can't move on... I don't think it's an action story...it sounds more thoughtful like drama with touching stories...it also sounds episodic...like Miss Hammurabi - they focus on a case with traumas and sadness each episode. I'm guessing LJW will be in one episode. Here's the wiki plot if I haven't shared it already: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Move_to_Heaven Haha sounds like we have similar tases @CINNABOM! Yes, nothing can replace amazing chemistry sometimes Even though I'm sad those dramas end, I'm always glad the actors said yes to those projects and it warms my heart when they still interact with each other. I wish I could do full re-watches, but I do watch clips of the pairings I love. I wouldn't mind a GAR and PHS match...never watched Hwarang, but I did hear there was bad SLS for him there. I personally don't like PSJ very much, so would prefer PHS as lead
  21. Oooh, I forgot it was starting so soon! Where is everyone watching it? I can't seem to find episodes on any of my sites so far! Haha 4-5 live watch dramas is quite a lot! You are a gun! I could only do it last year due to quarantine. Now that normal life is catching up, that is intense! Yeah, I guess KMS/ L is my Feb Oppa. He just has a very cute smile And I'm starting to get up to the more intense episodes towards the end of Miss Hammurabi and he's definitely hitting all the right notes with his character and chemistry with GAR. The dimples give me the same sort of Jasper vibes I guess. He just looks friendly and cute Never heard of The Emperor: Owner of the Mask....was it good? Another period drama? Hahaha, I think I'm just disturbed by drama names to be honest. Those are the worse drama titles I've ever heard for all the projects of one actor. But I keep seeing clips of the angel one since both him and SHS have both had recent projects, both period dramas, that did really well. I'm surprised you haven't started a shipper thread yet! Suggests the person who claims she does not ship (But I truly appreciate their real life friendship and chemistry!)
  22. It's like The swoon heard me talking about the Lee Jae Wook owning that KITH jacket and GAR wearing it in the drama this morning because they posted the video clip of Jun driving Lala around on his bike while she wears that jacket on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/CLd8YMNplLW/ Thank you, swoon. Also LJW wore that jacket in a few of the behind the scenes DDSSLLS videos, even though he was filming different scenes on the day...even mimi can confirm it's his jacket Hmmm I'm glad @eNDe found the hospital behind the scenes video...because I just had a look at KBS DDSSLLS website and it's not there. I swear I downloaded mine from there. But maybe not. Maybe I got it off Instagram as well? I'll try and see if I can upload it again. But I think there'll still be a block on it. If I do get it subbed, I'll probably have to put it on Instagram then. Speaking of behind the scenes, I always like the ones on the beach. Hehe, this practice run of GAR bumping into LJW's back is too cute... Haha episode 14 is like the one episode that I don't know I could watch again. Ugh, it was such a waste of a whole episode's time. But some people have made pretty fan art even out of the sad scenes...This is melody's blog where I get those pretty gifs from...she even made nice gifs from that episode: https://melody-starb.tistory.com/502?category=934217 Speaking of which, I cant believe the girl who played his childhood friend/ fake girlfriend has already gotten a lead/second lead role in a drama....she's only been in two cameo roles for KBS including DDSSLLS and suddenly a lead role. Someone said KBS likes her, which kind of annoys me if they had anything to do with adding her character in DDSSLLS (though probably it was still the writers if anything). I'll probably never pick up her projects because it'll remind me of that episode! Hahaha are you thinking of secret meanings hidden in the flowers? Yeah she has picked up some of LJW's street fashion sense huh? I wouldn't have picked her for a cap and bomber jacket type girl, but she can pull of that look too and still make it super cute. I hope they wear more matching things in future...still praying that they end up in some photoshoot together one day too Haha, the mystery of the black jacket...in our hearts, we all know who we'd like it to belong to
  23. Hahaha I do like the doraemon mask! Though the focus should always be on our boy Jasper Yep, Victim's Game does had a mystery/crime to solve, so you can't slack off while watching Yeah, it's almost the end of Feb and @SilverMoonTea is impressing me with her loyalty so far. The power of my oppa is strong Hmmm, maybe I will watch She would Never Know as a late watch. I don't seem to have the motivation at the moment though it does look decent. It just looks strongly romantic. I'm pretty sure I'll watch Beyond Evil. It looks exciting and interesting for a thriller...so I think I'll come out of live-watch break to live watch it Ahhh, I miss all these Puff and Jasper interactions...they just look so so comfortable together ...I feel like I should have saved the original videos, but I'm sure there's still a copy somewhere out there on the internet. I'm gonna go save them all soon I think mine is Kim Myung Soo / L ... he's so cute and he has such lovely dimples And I find his character relatable in Miss Hammurabi. I've never watched any dramas with him in it so new oppa for me! But I'm not keen to watch his past projects. Angel's last mission: Love? Meow: The secret boy? Why did he pick these projects? Not into historical dramas either, so not keen on Royal Secret Inspector though I know it had good ratings in Korea.
  24. @eNDe I hope I thanked you before for these matching Instagram photos! I love that your curated matching pics from both their Instagrams! It's so lovely to see that they are similar in a lot of ways even though they're also quite different too. My favourites of the matchy matchy pics you curated include the one with both of them in brown jackets looking down, the one of them both in paisley print puffer jackets (even the colours are inverted with their black and white prints!) and the ones they took in their beds Haha and I love your observations about their hairstyles. Hahaha I feel like the fandom were happily daydreaming about that... Well, GAR actually has worn an item of clothing that belongs to LJW (and not just Jun)...There's this jacket that Jun wears in DDSSLLS in some of my favourites scenes: where he explains to Lala 5 years is not a huge difference and he winks at her and where he tells Lala that he can't stop thinking about her...and he tries to kiss her but she tells him he'll need to grow...I always thought that jacket belonged to LJW since I saw a video of him wearing it once before he was shooting for DDSSLLS. Recently, one of the LJW insta accounts helped to link me to it...it's just a tiktok video it's from when LJW was shooting for Extraordinary You, but he's wearing the exact same jacket! I chucked it on Youtube: You can see him wear it in DDSSLLS below...so I'm pretty sure it is his own jacket rather than just a costume pick for his character. It's kind of sweet that something of LJW is shared with Jun... Anyway, the scene before they have that cute conversation, Jun takes Lala on a bike ride to the rock where they normally look at all of Eunpo and Lala is wearing that jacket as Jun rides her around and she blows her nose on SG's hoodie LOL. You can see it in this bottom picture here: Hahaha thank you! It's my dream to see them interact with each other again one day and hopefully take another selfie. Hopefully all dressed up at an Award show. Well as Lala once said "Dreams don't have to be grand..." ....They can just be photoshopped Hahaha, Maybe she was inspired by wearing Lee Jae Wook's clothes for a change He is always in Black...actually the clothes he wore at the end of DDSSLLS when he returns looks once again like his own clothes rather than Jun's clothes...I do sometimes joke that maybe if Jun didn't make it, he came back in the form of his twin, LJW, who I feel dresses and acts more like with his own brand of teasiing (minus the rubbish 5 year thing) I see that you managed to find the hospital post! I think it's viewable for me (and I downloaded it from) the original DDSSLLS KBS page. I did have the video and wanted to put it up on Youtube, but the last time I tried to do it, it was blocked from the uploading stage (which is rare!) I haven't seen any subs for that video, but that was on my list of BTS to have translated. The problem I'm finding is that a lot of people say that it's hard to translate when they're speaking so quietly? I'm still asking around. I didn't get to deliver a 2 month anniversary translation...but it's rolling around to 3 months! Time flies, huh? Maybe what I'll do is combine the parts of untranslated BTS videos with clearly audible parts and see if anyone can translate what is left...I really want to do this
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