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Everything posted by JenL

  1. Episodes 7 & 8 -Watched both episodes late this week, but really liked both eps even though I watched them both at night and they scared me half to death at 2am in the morning! -Episode 7 really cleared up a lot of the mystery by showing everything in complete time order. Finally we saw what happened with all the characters that night and also how DS came to be the one that put the fingers out. Like everyone here, I do think the timeline was pretty tight...more than hiding the body, I'm more weirded out how he had time to tidy that space so that it didn't have blood...I mean when DS came into the room, all he saw were the fingers on the table, no body or blood. -I was so creeped out when JM came to give the hairpin to JY since I thought she would become his next victim....but also who hides a hairpin in meat for like a decade or two?! Gross. I feel like JM came with the intention of leaving the hairpin as a warning either to her or (if he had killed her) whoever found found her body. I feel like a lot of serial killers are narcissists and they can't resist leaving calling cards etc. - I was really sad for KMJ btw since her death was a lot slower and painful than what was initially thought. It was so horrifying. And DS and everyone must have felt so guilty. I find it weird that DS didn't call the police on the night he found the fingers, but I guess he's been very caught up on the no body, no murder rule that seems to exist - I have to say I'm liking the twists and cliff hangers for this series. Sometimes series end on very meh cliff hangers...but I feel like every episode in this series has left me wondering how they will spin things in the next episode. It seems that JM did not kill DS's sister...he seems to target prostitutes and those he judges as 'loose women'. It also looks like he brought up DS's sister's body as a bluff to DS saying he could find HM (JM didn't believe HM was still alive and they'd be able to bring her in...so it seems he would not have been able to provide DS's sister's body's location?). And if we go by the ending where he used his own blood to write it on the walls before committing suicide, it feels like the only murder JM doesn't feel comfortable being associated with. - Hmmm, so it seems like most people in town are still suspects for DS's sister's murder. JJ is at the top of the list for suspects since his whole thing is that he killed a deer and believes he might have killed a woman (perhaps it was an accident and he was so traumatised that he tried hard to replace the memory?) Also he has a dream about a woman. If not him, everyone else is also mildly suspicious in nature....like how is the police chief at their station so sure the murderer is not DS? Also just wondering just how involved side characters like JJ's mum, the developer and JW's dad are with this case - are they just trying to climb the ladder/ push for developments...or do they know more? JJ's mum is so annoying and I feel like she could murder someone who got in her (or her son's) way
  2. Truer words have never been spoken @Jane My fave...and lots of eye candies for variety
  3. That date was adorable and I feel like LJW and GAR would have laughed and NG heaps during this date in the BTS...if only they would show it! I always think of the Making DVD that should have been made but wasn't... However, I did feel a little better when I stumbled across a person on Kdrama reddit saying a lot of Kdrama Making/ Blue Ray/ Director's cut DVDs are not made because the whole process is a lot of work especially negotiating with the companies creating the DVDs and it makes very little money for the production teams (Read the first reply to reddit link below)...I actually think even True Beauty which was super popular didn't get it's DVD made (though the fan cafe had 3000 members and that drama had heaps of idols? One of the fans said it was cancelled on Instagram apparently. Haven't seen a post for 2-3 weeks about it too) But oddly enough Run On was successful - apparently the actors did their commentary recording recently. That drama was like a sleeper hit. Haha, ever since DDSSLLS's DVD fiasco, I feel like I have to check out other dramas (even though I don't plan to buy their DVDs) to see if they get their DVDs get rejected so I don't feel so bad! Haha...I also found a gif of LJW laughing at the hairdressers on Twitter which I remember you saying you wanted to see the BTS footage for....I wish I knew why he was laughing Some good news though...I found someone who had tweeted more of those videos/gifs from that deleted DDSSLLS account! Yay, some of her work lives on! Her account was so good...I'm always confused why she deleted it Haha, I've seen that drunk LJW video too...I think it was his live at the Extraordinary You wrap up party. It was very cute though...I think he actually mentioned being drunk Haha, yes, let hope they go out for a drink together and he gets into clingy mode again I know what you mean...I would prefer the drama Gods avenged us by releasing that Making DVD instead KBS got the full bad karma huh. But I hope everything is calming down. I imagine it's hard to keep filming dramas when there's so much disruption? Haha, the reaction of the girls from When the Weather is Fine listening to that legend and talking about the too many plot twists just made me think of every DDSSLLS viewer being taken on a wild, wild ride...
  4. Hahaha...I know! It's so much work! Must keep it simple - 1 pic or gif for months. Maybe years. Until we go really crazy over another drama/ Oppa! Nah, that's impossible! She's way ahead of us all as documented on pg. 1 Hahaha, I see how it is I guess I know the feeling. Puff and Jasper just match so well...but some other actresses/ characters, I don't know if I like them paired with Jasper in some dramas Probably you for SKJ Hahaha, I loved that Easter Egg! Well played since it was his drama after too. It seems Eun Shil is subconsciously is a LJW fan since she's just picking between cool & cruel version or dorky & sweet version Hahaha, yes @mademoiselle knows us all too well. She's very accurate at describing my drama preferences and motives too Hahaha, Silvermoontea has a disclaimer! Her love must be shared and only distributed at whim Very reassuring! To be honest, I never thought I'd be categorising the newbie 22-23 yr old's as Oppas - I thought they'd always be Jasper-aged But between fangirling YJG and LJW, it's too late for me now
  5. Hahaha, I'm the same...cannot re-watch that xmas scene at all. It was very cruel since I do celebrate xmas...and last year's xmas was already super tiring because of covid - it would have been nice to have a fond memory of xmas...but no In all my drama watching years, I don't think I've ever seen a drama have such a sad xmas?? I have no idea how they thought it would be appealing in any way...even if it was going to go down exactly the same way...Jun should have come back on xmas and it was would have been nice for him to reunite with all of Eunpo (and for the TWD aunties to smack him for faking his death) Haha, when I've been sad about this drama (ie. The ending, the DVD and lack of Awards reunion), these are the things that other drama don't (necessarily) have that I'm always grateful we had with this drama and LJW + GAR: 1. Lots of cute co-star selfies on GAR's Instagram (more than most co-stars) I feel like a lot of K-drama stars don't post selfies with their co-star. Even (or maybe especially) the very popular stars. For example, Moon Ga Young only posted 1 photo with her and Cha Eun Woo for True Beauty. I really like how many selfies GAR took with LJW...and even though LJW is a not much of a poster with co-stars (apparently he only posts if the co-star has a birthday), Go Ara posted a lot and multiple shots often to do with the BTS of the sweeter moments. Also, even though LJW doesn't post himself, I love that he was happy to take dorky shots with GAR, probably knowing they would one day be online forever 2. Lots of Swoon Games/ KBS Games videos (more than most pairings) They played much more games than other drama pairings and their chemistry was sooo good. And also they didn't have to wear masks in the KBS games (due to covid restrictions, some of the actors in following dramas had to wear masks for their interviews/ KBS games...good for safety, but you don't get to see their true interaction) 3. That first meeting picture where they look super close (rare that K-dramas release first meeting photos) Every time I look at it and think of cute, clingy LJW, I'm like...well, that beautiful moment has been captured forever. Also, damn, they both just look so good together. And I hope one day some other casting agent sees it and asks them for some really good project! (Haha, I can dreammmm) 4. Lots of sweet scenes in the drama & BTS videos Even in romances, I don't think pairings are always given that many sweet scenes...nor do they always pull it off that well. They did so well in all their scenes. 5. DDSSLLS drama sets still remaining Well, this is definitely a perk. Not all dramas have specific sets built for them. And not all sets are kept either. So I love that at least the city of Mokpo loved the drama enough to keep it there as a tourist destination. It's literally the space that GAR and LJW spent months together in :) And it looks like it'll be there for a long time to come (if the other drama set in Mokpo is proof) It's nothing new...but when you think about all these things which some other dramas don't have, I guess it evens out with some of the things we had to miss out on... I just try to focus on these since I can't change anything Haha I didn't mind the lead, but Jang Woo was definitely so much sweeter and cuter in his dorky way. I was so charmed...and I like how passionate he was about his job, making things better for the town's folk and he invites PMY's character to the book club even though she's kind of aloof at first It's Jun's lovely gaze on Jang Woo Why is he always so pretty?
  6. Hahaha, I already saw that picture last time when you were disgusted by it BTW I finished When the Weather is Fine @mademoiselle ...I loved it! It was so cute and the background music for the whole series was lovely...and it really makes winter look like such a dreamy season. Also Jang Woo (LJW's cute and dorky character) got his happy ending...haha, I liked that his main reason for his crush was because he liked seeing her eat Also I liked the EY reference where she rejected him in high school for "Baek Kyung". 2 things though: I wished they had emphasised just how awful Hae Won's father was. It's like they place more guilt on the aunt? And the last episode felt weirdly anti-climatic...mainly because they had a weird semi-break up and then got back together again and I guess it's implied she stays?...but wished there had been one last book club scene! If only it was true that hot guys look at you when you eat the way Jang woo looked at Eun Sil Also, I read your spoiler tag @SilverMoonTea...hahaha I can't believe your problem with tWhen the Weather is Fine was that they slept together when you like Before We Get Married ?! (Where there was so much of that stuff in a cheating capacity)...haha, I am so confused!!!
  7. I finally bought a Jasper badge btw A sign of true love when you spend your hard earned points on Oppa
  8. I agree. I never really cared for him in past projects...but he is looking mighty fine in this drama. Even when his character is being shouty, I still think...but he's eye candy
  9. Hahaha my head hurts from reading through all her swaps...too many oppas at one time It'll be like months before I decide to swap my display pic...out of both loyalty and laziness Tell me about it...can't believe it's the working week again!
  10. I see you are going strong with this new crush on YJG @SilverMoonTea....My twitter feed is full of this pretty pictures
  11. I've been intending to catch up on this thread especially since @TRaNz is posting so many places from my city ... But maybe I read this during the day....it's late at night and it's making me awfully hungry
  12. Hahaha, can relate with this...those lists will never cover all our favourite oppas! I have quite a few on the list like Hwang In Yeop and Kim Myung Soo...but they left out LJW He's kind of not a pretty boy from first glance compared to others like RW...I think the switch flicked after seeing him act though and his interviews. Clear favouritism! Hahaha we really do have similar tastes! I thought he was cute from Hot Stove League - he's in a lead role with Nam Ji Hyun next for Come to the Witch's Restaurant! @Jane started a thread so you can come fangirl with us I love this new definition...makes me feel more at ease with my choices. Easy to catch my eye, harder to worm your way into my ice cold heart though Yeahhhh...you're too loose in the definition my friend Yes highly suspicious...we all know KMJ is @mademoiselle's oppa! LOL...I'm still undecided if I want to watch that drama...but since I already saw spoiler pics, did RW have his first onscreen wedding already? This is pretty genius ...but then most of mine feel more like Eye Candies I haven't started yet! But I feel like I just read a whole bunch of cute spoilers which make me want to start
  13. Yes both LJW and GAR are so much fun in their teasing and also take it in such a cute way from each other. I'll never forget how they were in all their Swoon interviews/ KBS interviews. One thing I'm grateful for is that they got to do all their promotions without masks since it seemed to have been done during a period where covid was under control for Korea. A few of the KBS projects afterwards did their KBS games with masks....so in some ways DDSSLLS was lucky! PMY's pairings are very popular, but I think I often don't like them because they're not the underdog pairings that pull at my heart Healer and What's Wrong with Secretary Kim were both ok, but am fans of neither actor. But with that said I liked her and her pairing with SKJ in When the Weather in Fine though everyone knows that I really watched it because of LJW Yep, definitely watch his clips! LJW's character Jang Woo is pretty adorable and the romance is very minimal - and the whole thing is more comedic rather than sweet like DDSSLLS (haha she is teasingly mean to him) Haha, I feel like it's good from both fan's perspectives....as LJW's fan, it's definitely the most kisses and the best I've seen him do with an actress I love that they complimented her on her beauty...I think it's quite a nice thing for it to be said in an interview or game show when some of them were not doing promos with her. Quite heart warming.... But we should also never forget that LJW also said GAR was beautiful. This will warm my heart forever. Buam actually posted another post of DDSSLLS behind the scenes...it's a video that was recorded from far away and some photos of Jun...I really love that they're still posting DDSSLLS behind the scenes since I don't think they've posted as many with other dramas that were filmed there https://www.instagram.com/p/CMRIaD5pzEC/ I can even endure both a GAR and LJW drought for their safety! I still check every single hashtage for DDSSLLS, GAR and LJW news...Also, I guess it's nice to catch up on their old projects etc. I've finished When the Weather is Fine which I think matched Miss Hammurabi in that they were both aesthetic and heart-warming dramas (both JTBC projects!)...And now I'm thinking of watching them both ruin their images in Reply 1994 and Memories of Alhambra Ohhh yayyyy...please share a pic of your keychain when it comes. To be honest, it's one of the nicest real life merch we could get from this drama! That picture works so well in terms LJW and GAR working together again one day Also works well in terms of us awaiting their projects! Me too! I felt like it would have been lovely to see all the behind the scenes of that date especially since I feel like LJW would have NG'ed and laughed at least once with them both feeding each other! Even though I know the location of where they walk on that date, I also always wonder which cafe they ate in...I'm assuming it's on that street, but I don't think anyone found a definitely location! Thanks once again for curating these lovely shorts of them in their school days!!! I always love your eye for discovering patterns and putting them together!!!! I'm glad we have you putting together these scenes and details for us to enjoy all over again!!! These are so lovely and could be, as you say, an angsty teenage romance storyline where they are lonely and find each other only to be separated by timelines (Haha, kinda Extraordinary You style) I think I also had a post of Lala and Jun in their school uniforms on my blog, but mainly just the official photoshoots and GAR's Instagram shots! It's fun that DDSSLLS put them in so many different genres/styles of stories Yes! I finished the last episode yesterday and I really loved that LJW's Jang Woo said this quote. It was lovely and I think an important lesson I could learn myself too....he's so cool when he says that...like someone who really knows himself and knows that happiness is about living simply and honestly and gratefully rather than pretending to be rich and chasing the impossible rat race dreams. Definitely matches Lala's quote for sure! Haha, I don't know which theory I like or believe better...all I know is that the ending never really made as much sense as it should, so I just came up with all possible ways to explain what was a very unsatisfying ending until I could get over it....now I only live in the nostalgia of GAR and LJW having fun together in Mokpo and Lala and Jun being madly in love in Eunpo As for the likeness to the Korean legends, I think it's possible the writers could have made it alike to the pattern/flow of traditional legends/ fairytales, but still not in a way that was particularly obvious or particularly loved by the Korean audiences... as the girl from When the Weather was Fine said in those screenshots in my last post, she thought that legend had too many plot twists and she wasn't sure it'd have a happy ending....It kind of reminds me of the first time I learnt the true ending of the Han Christian Andersson version of The Little Mermaid...I was horrified that she turned into sea foam and did not get the prince...some Western books or films that have drawn from old fairytales/ legends have also shocked me at times with a bittersweet or non-sensical endings...and it sometimes takes me awhile to realise it drew from those traditional stories....All I really want is the fun, feel-good Disney version of things though Anyway, just another theory (whether true or not) that I was reminded of in another LJW drama!
  14. Oooh...This is a lovely collection of DDSSLLS fan merch. Thanks for sharing! I saw that tote as well. I think it's so cute that someone made it from the drama This is my collection of of DDSSLLS merch...They ran out of the bigger keychain so I think I'll have to purchase it again to get the right size! Though I do love the little ones since they're really tiny and cute too. Also I have a diary which I wanted to make a whole bunch of DDSSLLS spreads when I'm in the mood and have time. I totally agree - I'm glad LJW didn't take that role. I think the story about the art gallery would have been interesting...but it sounded like that character was going to be a new-money type guy (family makes their money from food/restaurant business) who just tries to acquire an art gallery (not being particularly interested in the arts) and just happens to fall in love in the process...Kim Min Jae (from Do You Like Brahms?) has taken the role now, so I guess we don't have to worry about that... As for Art Gallery dramas, I would love to see one that would be warm and lovely like the musical ones I've loved...but again, I agree, most of them haven't really hit the mark. Mind you, I can only think of two Art Gallery dramas - Her Private Life with Park Min young and Kim Jae Wook...and I don't think I finished it? Also Run On - One of the characters is an artist wanting to exhibit his art and most of his scenes have to do with his art....but I didn't feel invested in Run On except for the quirky dialogue and Film reference Easter eggs. But I do really like Art galleries and museums as themes/ storylines for Kdramas...can we get LJW and GAR in a drama about that together ? Underdog pairings are the best and in a way I feel like GAR and LJW are totally an underdog pairing. It hurts my heart a little when I see their Swoon Games videos had much less viewers...as did their compilation of sweet moments... only 71k views compared to all the other videos with their 120k+ viewers (I'm talking about this video below) I watched all of Goblin, but didn't feel like the pairing had great chemistry and also felt the story had giant plot holes - ie. why is some guy who killed a few soldiers (but had a good heart) punished by the Gods to stay immortal as a goblin forever? I mean, there are serial killers and dictators that have evil intentions and have killed far more people, so this totally doesn't make sense to me ...haha, I still can't get past this plot hole. Never watched Descendants of the Sun , but she's the same scriptwriter who wrote Goblin and The King Monarch - Kim Eun-sook. I feel like her scripts are very popular but are overrated in my opinion. Haha when it happens at work for me, it's either local celebrities or Hollywood celebrities, but we have to stay professional...so it feels cool, but you can't fangirl freely I guess though sometimes if you're lucky, maybe it can still happen. I prefer either running into them in my own time or going to fan meets where at least you have guaranteed time with them. One reason I like LJW by the way is that I've heard he's usually been very nice and happy to take photos with fans (which most celebrities don't!) when people have recognised him on the streets...Look at these lucky fans...I'm so jelly https://www.kstarlive.com/news/2019/10/23/actor-lee-jaewook-made-headlines-for-his-sweet-gestures-when-fans-ask-him-for-a-photo-together-287376
  15. Ooooh Thanks for this one @Jane! I like both the leads from previous dramas so can't wait to watch this!
  16. Yes, I know you'll like When the Weather is Fine @Jane Hahaha, I like how it's very obvious who I pick up dramas for Lee Jae Wook's super talkative character is so adorable in this. But aside from him, the drama is so lovely and I would have picked it up eventually since I was always keen after seeing the drama poster with Park Min Young and Seo Kang Joon. It's hard to get over the dreamy, airy aesthetics of Good Night Book shop and the closeness of the book club I also like that sense of community in the village/town - all their events like their flea market and high school reunion looked so fun. The relationship with the main couple is quiet and warm and soft....I also really like the little sister Hwi. She's so funny and her logic is very charming There are some heavier moments, but even then I think there's a lot to reflect on about relationships and forgiveness. (There's one thing I wish was a bit better done, but I'll put it in a spoiler since a big spoiler tied to the later arc of the story...I haven't looked at @SilverMoonTea's spoiler tag, but maybe it's a similar thing? Hahaha I can't believe my temptation didn't lead me to look under her spoiler tag yet ) Hahaha can someone please tell me the spoiler? Did you all mention it on the thread? I have heard non-stop outrage about the show since it ended and I'll never watch it Why did I think Romance is a Bonus Book was about cleaning??? Ok if it's about books, I will consider even though I don't think I'm interested in any of the actors in it. Hahaha but I get bored. I have lovely work friends and I miss them all I'm kinda glad to be back at work. Hahaha, after watching the Harry and Megan interview, better not marry prince, lah. The family wars are too intense...more fun to watch from afar
  17. Wooo I love your drama reports! Haha I'm glad you have more drama time from working from home! Are you doing half working from home and half in the office? Flexible arrangement? Hahaha interesting! I had the complete opposite feelings to you - I was so-so on the drama but I liked the ending! I guess mainly because I wasn't invested in the main romances but I liked things like the background music, the dialogue and movie references...The ending to me felt like an update on everything that happened to every character in the drama, so it was super neatly tied up...but I'm guessing you were a DA and YH fan? Hahaha I remember you swooning over KTO!!! I thought the ambiguous break-up-make-up was confusing and probably did feel cramped in their storyline. Also, wonder why the product placements were weirdly placed all in the last few episodes Hahaha, your descriptions make this sound soooo enticing!!! What episode are you up to now? I'm definitely going to watch with you...though a bit behind as I won't start till the weeked (Still have one episode of When the Weather is Fine to go). Like you, am a big fan of pretty lighting, dreamy aesthetics, plants and good background music Also Chae Soo Bin. I can't remember what I've seen her in, but she left a fairly good impression, I guess.
  18. Thanks for update tag @mademoiselle! I take every accusation and denial with a grain of salt...but I'm leaning towards not believing in this case since these accusations sound a bit fishy to me as anon accuser (old classmate) said JBG physically hit them. He's er pretty tiny looking though...I mean if they said he'd said mean things and was verbally abusive that might have sounded more believable if I was going to believe anything, but this is a bit weird. Also, he seems to have lots of other classmates saying he was friendly and well liked. Anyway it's dragged on long and hard recently Hahaha do the quiz again! I got 0%, 100%, 100% 2 out of 3 times means compatible right? Hahaha so harsh @Chocolate! Though Song Kang is not my oppa at all, can't deny he's quite fit and playing a ballerino in his new drama. Also he's everywhere at the moment... he's got like 3-4 projects this year?? Quite a year for him!
  19. Hahaha don't worry I think it would never happen. I feel like LJW would definitely offer to piggyback her or just die from embarrassment first But yes, please put them in a variety show or award show one day...I will cross my fingers hard Hahaha I believe he's quite the drinker (But what young 20-something-year-old isn't really?) Remember his good bye gift when he finished filming DDSSLLS was a bottle of wine that he said he'd wanted to try for awhile that his staffers somehow managed to get for him. Also his drink of choice in that Thai DDSSLLS interview with GAR was beer....and the first time they met together for drink, LJW drank a little too much and that's why he was so clingy with GAR in that picture where he was hugging her...haha, love it. I haven't seen Search WWW, but I think that's the most LJW has had to kiss one actress Also if you think of all the extra shots they did but didn't get used except for BTS.... A collection of kisses Yeah, I feel sorry for JBG...I guess we can never be sure, but the accusations seem a bit off to me because he seems too slight to be hitting people, so I think they're not true, or exaggerated...yeah, even though I'd like to see GAR and LJW, I think it'd be good to take a break for awhile and avoid KBS (3 of the stars accused for bullying have been in KBS shows....so there seems to be bad luck on that channel. Maybe Karma for not handling DDSSLLS right ) Hahaha, but there's been nothing recently Hope someone will post something again soon! I love the teasing both ways Even in that short video for Dr Cha's agency, GAR laughs at him for fixing Dr Cha's collar and he looks at her and is like "But they're taking pictures of him!" Hehe, he's always getting teased by GAR too The bullying accusations are tough. I think it's good that people have an avenue to complain and get justice if they were really bullied and there's hard evidence for it (like Ji Soo)...but I also think it can be a way for jealous people and haters to get revenge....So far, reading through Park Hye Soo and Jo Byeong Gyu's cases, I think the accusations sound suspicious and I don't think either of them look particularly like they're have the bodily capacity to hit anyone? I think it's good to read through the facts before judging. In any case, I'm just hoping GAR and LJW come back refreshed at a better time with good projects....In the meantime, I'm still happy to bask in the warmth of DDSSLLS and Lala and Jun's love...And also some of their past projects...I really like When the Weather is Fine - LJW's character is super adorable and warm....but the story with a countryside community book club also reminds me of the good things of DDSSLLS Hahaha, I'm finding all these links with their past projects and DDSSLLS. Actually there's a scene in When the Weather is Fine where the book club come together to read some old korean legends and the ending of the legends and reactions to the ending reminded me of DDSSLLS...I'll put it in the spoilers...but it made me think that the writer's were basing the ending of DDSSLLS on a Korean fairytale or legend.
  20. JBG Updates from classmates sticking up for him. LOL they all said what I was thinking - he was tiny and it'd be weird if he could hit someone?
  21. Seems like there was no way she was not going to get cancelled due to several overlapping accusations: https://www.soompi.com/article/1457038wpp/dsp-media-denies-school-violence-allegations-and-dating-rumors-about-aprils-naeun
  22. @Tofu You've started a trend! There's no point in questioning @mademoiselle and @abs-oluteM on their watch schedules ....just bow down in awe as I have learnt to do... Not sure how they do it! I can't live-watch so many things...but then again I don't think I'm interested in as many dramas either...or sometimes my interest comes later? Hahaha, So people can re-add Oppas as long as they watched a project where they had strong feelings for them again? ...I think my count is still the same. Wait....does that mean I can add LJW again since his character is super cute and warm in When the Weather is Fine ? (Let's be honest. He hasn't left the Oppa list since 2020) @SilverMoonTea Speaking of When the Weather is Fine, SKJ might make it on the list...not from the drama itself, but from me watching the behind the scenes and SKJ was so cute playing with the kid from bookclub. Him and PMY were tricking the kid on who was poking him when he wasn't looking ...I was actually watching the BTS videos for LJW coz he's always a lot of fun in BTS videos....And then I came across SKJ cuteness... You guys have Ex Oppas?? Mindblown! I use to like LMH back in BOF days....and then somehow, it changed...and now I cannot deal with his dramas. Maybe never again (sorry LMH fans ) Ah yes, I loved him from Man from Nowhere But first first love was Gong Yoo
  23. Hahaha many of my existing oppas in this video too...from LJW, HIY, PHS, KSH etc. Damn I enjoy picking up from the SL pool a little too much! Yep keep me updated with JBG too!...I also want him back as So Mun...I would feel sad if they replaced him. Also I don't know if I believe that he hit people (which I think was the accusation). He's a bit of a talker...so maybe he might have said something that offended someone in the past? But he seems too petite to be fighting?! Not that I have any hardcore evidence, but somehow I always got the vibe he was fairly open and could poke fun at himself. Haha, he does. I think he's a sound actor, but I've not been drawn to SJK before (Haha, though I enjoyed looking at all your SJK personality type quiz results!) I realised today that from the mainstream pool of Oppas (the kinds with 10m followers on socials), I am more than often not a fan Not sure why, but I suspect they often pick projects/ character/ pairing that I don't care for Out of the mega star status actors, I can only think of that Gong Yoo and Hyun Bin as consistent Oppas that I love @Chocolate Last time @SilverMoonTea even talked about her Western Oppas. It's a very diverse thread
  24. Wow he accepted that one rather quickly. I don't think even PGY is even officially confirmed? Well good luck with KBS this year! Yep, it sounds like working-class, self-made rich guy (but without much class) meets noble, world-old rich girl (with lots of class). Since it's a rom-com it'll probably have some funny hijinks and misunderstanding while they struggle over the gallery. The Chinese description seems to be similar to what I've seen written in the English descriptions so far for the characters...he's a CEO of a food and bev company with like 400 stores but his family became rich from their potato/ pork stew restaurant...and she was always in the art world, becoming a director, but somehow may lose her art gallery? I think the story could be fun and I'm always intrigued about any dramas set in the world of the Arts...But I'm still very confused about the chain of events (I think there's still huge leaps as to why a food CEO wants to acquire an art gallery ) but the storylines often make sense once they get underway since these descriptions often leave out those links in the plot (I'm not sure if this is just things lost in translation or deliberate). But I don't think I'll be watching this one...I like KMJ, but don't know if he's on oppa status just yet. No interest in PGY. Depends on who gets casted and how it all looks and timing, I guess
  25. Hahaha, it's more @Tofu and me that have preference not for the pairings That is also true about KBS. Haha, I know a bunch of LJW fans wanted him to stay away from KBS because they were still sore about the ending of DDSSLLS...though to be fair, I feel like that might be more the writer's fault...But KBS does seem to be the witch-hunting grounds this year...and just the station with the worst luck so far...so just stay away for safety Ohhh, I didn't know Disney+ have entered the market for Asian dramas? I like Chae Soo Bin. Disney+ actually hold the rights to the original Someday or One Day through Fox...wonder if they will leverage it on their channels.
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