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Everything posted by JenL

  1. Haha...ah yea, I forgot, you like the build up of romantic tension! I think they're quite short episodes. so it's not very fleshed out in certain ideas. I do she's funny in reflecting the Jasper fan girl in all of us though. Also meta with Jasper playing a famous star being called Jasper Yep! I love the Victim's Game. Quite dark and tension filled and Joseph Chang and Tiffany Hsu are amongst my fave Taiwanese actors - their performances are quite good in this series. This is definitely a palate cleanser for too many romances There's definitely more Taiwanese crime dramas, but this is the most popular one last few years. Imagine Jasper on his knees in front of you
  2. Yep, it's a mystery why there are no subs for that - I guess because a Chinese streaming site released it and they never uploaded subs? I'm also confused as to why fans haven't subbed it...I know some wanted to, but it's a huge undertaking if you're not part of a subbing community! For some reason I thought you understood Chinese @SilverMoonTea Ahhh, then you're like me! I also don't like long hair and spotty beard He's too nice too be a cop But I do hope he does a cop drama some time. I feel like that's why he's popular...the romances...But at least most of those are rom-coms or rom-fantasy...pure romance is too dramatic for me I also didn't recognise CEW...I think it's the hair?? You guys are making me want to pick up She would never know...but I'm also not super into the story idea...is it good aside from Rowoon? Me too...but she's running out of dramas... Yeah, I'm really not a fan of Eugenia Liu (I was sad when they paired her with Jasper), but mainly because of how annoying her past acting was. Haha, I think her character is fun in Triad Princess though! I think it's light hearted and fun for the gangsters so I enjoyed it...it's definitely not a deep storyline though and has divided people - people either jumped on the Jasper train and enjoyed how comedic it was or hated this project out of all Jasper's works. I just don't think Netflix handled the marketing well...also TW directors are not use to the Netflix model I think. They're used to the conventional 13 ep/ 20 ep / dailies model.
  3. Hehe I love that everyone's mind went to LJW and GAR's matching clothes the minute it happened! A lot of fans noticed actually, so I have to say everyone must be missing them both. Also fans have such hawk eyes, I swear Haha, black jacket in the van?...well we all know LJW only wears black pretty much Hope you enjoyed the edits...I made a few more for my instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thesedramaticdays/ For that to happen they need another project together But I'm happy with either...or even if they just run into each other at an Award ceremony and take a selfie together...then I won't have to photoshop my dreams anymore She does seem happy...but she seems to present that way...but she does wear a lot of rings... Yeah I actually think it would have been the perfect move - it would have been comical and it's a good time for a more feminist kind of ending...I think people would have liked it as it would be different. Ahhh, these damn writers... This is so true! Image is very important and I do think males definitely get recognised for all their roles but it's a bit harder on females. I also do think if it's an image breaking role, it has to be popular. For example, True Beauty was a bit of an image ruining role, but because it was based on a webtoon that was already popular with strong romance love triangle, it still ended up being popular for Ma Ga Young . But I like that GAR and LJW seems to choose challenging and varied roles rather than just stick to safe roles. I have to say I do like rom-com as a genre, but I also think actors should try out different roles (especially when I haven't gotten over their pairings ) I feel like he wanted to work with her exactly for that reason He would have learnt a lot about romance and comedy from her I feel. As he said, she guided him through a lot of the sweeter scenes and I think he found her a lot of fun and silliness in the comedic scenes for sure Hahahaha a parting gift to sunbaenim for all her guidance and care? Yes this person needs a promotion They got included again in a meme type post about sprinkling salt! about cooking: https://www.instagram.com/p/CLV7nVjJUJ3/ I like that it's not forgotten or tossed aside now that the drama has ended! Hahaha I feel like he might actually live in hotels a lot...or like agency owned apartments I'm still working on my filming locations posts...it's taking me longer than I planned because I keep finding new things/ new photos to add. I found a new filming location for Mokpo today and plan to add it in. You can see on my blog if you're keen, but the posts are a bit messy as I continue working on them. Here's some teasers for the new locations/ new photos I'm adding in!
  4. I wanted to take a long live-watch drama break, but may have to watch this as it looks good. Also LDH to make a cameo...
  5. Hahaha I'm never seen it! Is it horror? I became a big fan of PEB through Age of Youth 1&2 and since then she's gone from strength to strength with Hot Stove League and Do You Like Brahms. She just has such a lovely nature about her and she's a very convincing actress in different roles. I actually hope that if LJW has to do a pairing with someone new, she would be high on the list ...but there's a rumour she might be paired with Rowoon for next project. LJY is just sooooo cool Yea, I really liked Baseball Girl too - I watched it last year and was charmed once again by her ability to bring a strong female character to life. I think she's lead at the moment with Times which I'm not planning to watch, but the story sounded decent. I would love if she got paired with LJW for a project like that (That would be a drawcard for me to watch!) Haha, nope only up to episode 10! But enjoying the series. I find KMS/ L very relatable as a character especially his "I hate people" ness His character is so charming...haha, I can also picture LJW in a role like this too, opposite a stubborn GAR...maybe I miss DDSSLLS a little much and I just insert them into each other's past projects I'm looking forward to episode 15 then! I personally don't mind getting second lead syndrome (Do I enjoy self torture??? ). It's how I find my new loves in dramaland Also if an actor plays second lead convincingly, you know they deserve first lead. But I think it's refreshing to have 2 different love lines too...less chance of going into makjang story territory. I really disliked episode 14 of DDSSLLS because of the girl. She wouldn't even have counted as second lead.... Because she was literally a cameo It's terrible as I'm sure she's an ok person irl...but I can't watch the drama Dear M because I know she's in it and it only bring back the pain of DDSSLLS I definitely like the actresses that can take on an "unattractive" role and bring a warmth and relatability to it in a way that you don't even think about their looks anymore. I started out with Coffee Prince (YEH dressing as guy with boy cut) and still enjoy this as a concept...which is why I watched True Beauty (MGY did really well in that role). GAR is definitely on the more extremes of this with her roles...And I love that she had a bit of that in real life too with the way that she doesn't curate her Instagram perfectly...I hope LJW learnt a lot from her. I think he was impressed by her carefree ways and her ability to immerse herself in character, even if it was really embarrassing for the sake of comedy Thanks for this! It made me sooooo happy to read the way they talked about each other I wish there was a korean source for the original articles/ interviews they got that from. But it made me feel like they really enjoyed working with each other. Hahaha delulu all you want as this is the shipping thread! I've been burnt too many times that I don't ship anymore, but even seeing them both in matching brands makes me super happy because if it's not on purpose, it's like some secret link they even they might not know about...they have the same taste and therefore, similarities in their personalities Maybe this will bring them together one day in the form of modelling for the same brands... Hahaha these two and their mirror selfies! I hope he did reach out in the form of a DM I really like this edit btw...it deals with a lot of the sad scenes from DDSSLLS, but somehow makes them seem so beautiful and loving from Jun's POV? Also it skips out on the things we hate from ep 16, sooo...this is like a better edited ending. Song: All of the Stars by Ed Sheeran https://www.instagram.com/p/CLCU81mpeGj/
  6. Haha this is definitely the longest and strongest Oppa crush I've seen from you since I've come to know you. I don't mind though since you flood my feeds with Jasper content I'm surprised it's only 3 weeks. It's been an intense 3 weeks of passion though Even the lunar NY thread has a Jasper name drop there I've never been into Song Joong Ki. But this picture is really not doing any favours....His fringe down is not flattering. I hate turtleneck tops. And the orange on grey pinstripes look odd. Hahaha Jasper does so many skincare adverts. His skin is really nice though! Haha Of course! He was known as The dream boyfriend of Taiwan for many years (the title might have passed onto Greg Hsu recently though!) Yeah, he's pretty popular in his country. At fan meets, he'll never exit out the front entrance like other stars or he would seriously get mobbed. When I went to his concert, people lined from 9am to see him front row (the concert started at 6pm). I think he's doing well with his fandom Yep, I agree...haha, I was more into the second couple in WISYA to be honest. Jet Chao does bad boy well. He's also very charming. I think this might have been Jasper's first CEO role? He's still weak as the conventional CEO, even though people like him in that stereotypical role...he's improved a lot since then....though I prefer when he takes on his sunny, warm guy type roles. He's just so adorable and too good to be a CEO like everyone else. Also no one will ever beat Puff and Jasper. I think he gets along really well with Annie Chen too. They also look good together. I think it's the height! I was so sad one time when they both came to Malaysia for a quick fan meet and to promote More than Blue and I was also in Malaysia at the time but had to go to a wedding and couldn't go. Broke my heart Hahaha, I recommend it to other people because most people looooove this film and it had converted many into Jasper fans...I'm pretty sure I recommended it to you too.... but honestly, I myself am not a fan of this story Nothing bothers me more than the very makjang I-have-a-disease-so-I-will-pretend-to-break-up-with-you-so-you-can-find-someone-else trope It killed me in DDSSLLS too, but at least that only happened in the last few eps when I was already too invested to back out ...this was an entire movie and sitting through it was hard. Don't know about chemistry...I only thought it was ok, but didn't watch many of the interviews etc for this...I guess it was good or many people would not love it so much? I prefer the Jasper-Puff, Jasper-Annie pairings Actually Jasper and Eugenie Liu do alright too. I wasn't a fan of Eugenie Liu prior because her character was next-level annoying in Behind Your Smile than it put me off her as an actor (And I'm not the only one ...there was a whole thread about this back in the old forums)....and it killed me when they put her with Jasper. But her character is very fun and cool in Triad Princess. And their Swoon games/ Interviews shoed very good chemistry too...I ended up translating a bunch on my blog. I hope Jasper wearing the elephant onsie means they're FINALLY releasing the last 6 episodes! It's been a long wait with no updates on "season 2" even though there was a cliffhanger.
  7. @SilverMoonTea -Jasper says he plays an ugly duckling to beautiful swan type character and talks about his character not meeting Mandy's character for like 10 years. -The reporters ask how he felt playing an ugly character and he laughs and says he's very happy - he hopes as Taiwan has different types of dramas and roles, that he can play many different types of roles like maybe a crazy person etc...he's excited to perform all the different imaginations he'd have as a teen - The reporters asked how ugly is ugly? Jasper laughs and says "Do my best"...The reporter asks if it's still good-looking ugly and Jasper says no, they have standards. Mandy says he doesn't look like him and thinks people wouldn't recognise him if they saw him dressed like that. -Mandy said he's too handsome they had to spend a long time thinking of how to uglify him. Jasper said they thought best about how to make him look different. -Mandy talks about how people look at her more with long hair and Jasper makes a joke about turning to look at her a second time (a pun on the drama title) -Reporters ask Jasper's first impressions of Mandy - he said first impression was that she was cute, once getting to know her, she's really has big energy...they're like brothers LOL. she's like her character. Mandy says she use to think Jasper was like his characters but once getting to know him...Jasper butts in and says "Very manly"...Mandy laughs and says he's mature -They asked if he worked out extra for this drama...and Jasper was like "Did I?" But he says he did because he felt there would be "dangerous scenes" (topless scenes) for this drama...so he prepared by working out more. He said he just eats better and exercises better and planned to go to the gym with Deyn Li (bodyguard from WISYA/ chef from PS) -They asked what they noticed first in a person, both of them said eyes. Then reporters asked Jasper if he likes girls with long hair...he says it makes him want to look at them again...he turns to Mandy and she says hi! Then the reporter teases him and says that so when Mandy had short hair he didn't want to look at her? They all laugh and Jasper said no it looked cute! -
  8. I enjoy pretty people doing a good mukbang. It makes the food look good and makes them look less attractive and more human. Really makes me happy Haha Why was it self torture? I'm curious now but I don't like to torture myself except for getting SLS when the second lead is worth it. Haha, ah these actors! Chris Wu not my oppa though- strong rumours he cheated on Avis with Ivy Shao And the timeline for the dating rumours vs breakup would support that? But he is funny! Hahaha you're not wrong @SilverMoonTea I'm not a self torturing type. I'm too soft for pain and if it'd meant to be romance, I like the super cute kind Also really do not like super makjang dramas But since it's unlikely I'll watch it and now I'm super curious, what sort of things go wrong in The Third Charm? I'll look up AYHT and see if I'll be interested. To be honest, I'm watching When the Weather is Fine more for LJW than SKJ Hahaha...nice try...I can't sell Jasper off for a look-alike
  9. I'm glad for this thread too...though also on Twitter a lot of DDSSLLS fans feel the same. And I haven't seen any major complaints about LJW saying no to the role. And if there are, there's a few hardcore LJW fans telling people off for not trusting his judgement in roles I hope so too. I think it would have been a fun one to film as he had to live out in Mokpo too and he seemed to have a good time filming and hanging out with his staffers on the beach Haha, after awhile...I think I'll eventually be ok with a romcom, but it'll never be the same deep love as I have for Lala Jun for sure. And I think I'll always feel a bit nervous about him being paired up with another actress if it's not going to be GAR and not being to be someone I like This isn't just with these 2 by the way, but with all my faves. After Weightlifting Fairy where he had the perfect college romance with Lee Sung Kyung (and they dated in real life for a bit), I haven't liked Nam Joo Hyuk with any of his pairings and I couldn't watch any Park Hyung Sik dramas after Strong Woman Do Bong Soon where he was so cute with Park Bo Young.. . I think you just have to accept that you'll be watching mediocre pairings for the rest of their careers, unless a miracle happens they get re-paired or paired with another actress you like (and the story/ characters are loveable too = a rare combination) Hahaha I just spend too much time on Instagram! And Google Maps! I think Asian standards for beauty can be rather insane - she's pretty tall and I think she looks normal weight for her height. In fact, I don't even think she looks chubby at all! She's still pretty slender, but her face has gotten rounder over the years...but it's not sudden gains. I think in this case she picked a dress that has a less fitted look and the giant bow fixture around the waist probably wasn't as flattering as it could be. It still looked nice, but because it's hard to see black on black, it gives a wider shape. Also the sleeves were a bit looser? When she was doing a selfie, her arms looked really thin. Anyway, I always feel like the fans who make comments about weight gain would not be as thin as her in real life Not even comparable to her apparently "weight gained size" I like her style overall though and that dress looked pretty comfortable and made her look quite tall and elegant Wouldn't that be a dream!
  10. Hahaha, I can't believe you found this! The name of the drink was appropriate to the character though...it's a Lala drink Yes! I'm so glad that this didn't go ahead. I am looking forward to his cameo in Move to Heaven though since the drama sounds like it will be a heartfelt one: https://www.soompi.com/article/1404667wpp/lee-jae-wook-and-ji-jin-hee-to-make-special-appearances-in-lee-je-hoons-upcoming-drama Hahaha, can you do episode 14 though?? I find that one just as bad!! I can do the first 10 mins and last 10 mins of Episode 16 if you take out the line about not making contact for 5 years Then it's just like he got sick and came back all better though Lala wasn't sure if he'd pull through. No one can ever replace the first, right? Congrats!! It's still a nice keepsake, if if it's not the one of our dreams. I've bought some keepsakes before, but usually I get magazines. Yesss, I love your edits and stories Such a source of fun...and I love your latest compilation of their matching telepathy instagrams today They do have oddly matching styles and poses for sure. No wonder they got along so well in all those games/interviews/BTS I follow the Korean Instagram tags! I figured out the words for "DDSSLLS Filming locations" and then you can usually find other locations from the photos posted. I'll probably have that locations post ready some time this week...I got distracted by edits today I felt like people would say that, but I honestly think it's the dress...it has a giant bow on the front so it's not as fitted/flattering round the waist, but she still looks ultra slender to me! I do think her face is rounded now, but that's been over the years rather than suddenly and it's not even weight gain! I was confused too! Her hair looked quite dark on the night! But I wonder if it was just flash on the photographs or something.
  11. Well depends on where you live, but it's Valentines Day for me...so here are some fun edits for everyone! Happy Valentines Day Twinkles Since @multiloverss asked for it...Balenciaga Edits! Can Balenciaga just ask them to model for them together?? Or at least invite them to a fashion show together? Balenciaga edits They both still give off their character vibes, so had to make this from their recent selfies... And then because I joked about more KBS Award edits... KBS Awards as it should have happened in a perfect world My story-telling skills are not as good as @eNDe's but here's what should have happened... They'd do Red Carpet photos. No mask of course, because there's no covid in a perfect world Then they'd win Best Couple Award and give a nice speech like the Do You Like Brahms Couple did... Here is their Best Couple trophy (Photo from One Cloudy Day's Instagrams) GAR would make them take a selfie...or a few...I'm not sure why LJW would give her a bunch of strawberries, but hey, it seems like a Lala/ GAR type gift! But they're both also into their bathroom mirror selfies, so they'd also take those when separated I guess... Hahaha, Thanks for joining me for this revised Award Show! This has been your host, JenL
  12. How's this going atm? Are you all enjoying it for a pure romance? Is it overly dramatic in terms of annoying characters? I wanted to watch initially...but then they changed the name of the series... Jks, jks I'm on a break from Live-watching dramas except to finish the ones I already had already started. I'm watching old dramas so I don't feel compelled to write as many essays Also there's a lot of older projects that I wanted to catch up on because they're classics/ good series/ I like an actor in it.
  13. I only watched the ending recently...Haha not sure why! I was busy I guess...Also I'm part way through Miss Hammurabi and was distracted by that...And although predictable, I was dreading the second lead pain. I mean when you see translations of what SJ was going to say in his confession.... Anyway I finally finished now. Episode 16 -I agree with @mademoiselle the drama wrapped up pretty nicely in terms of all the bits and pieces with main story and side story. -I actually think they did a good job with the changes they made to the webtoon since it's still running and very drawn out in it's comic form (At chapter 132, SH and JK have not started dating yet )...And I like the message of the series that people will still like you if you're confident and people who judge you on your looks are not worth being friends with anyway....It hasn't really come out as strong in the webtoons since she's never been outed/ revealed her true looks to others except to the guys. The webtoon reminds me more of a young adult novel which tries to take itself more seriously as a romance, so I can see why some fans of the series hated the drama...it's quite different. But I enjoyed the drama which had more warmth, even if it was silly at times! - I loved that conversation between SJ and SH with the drinking. It was so sad but lovely that their friendship won't be broken up by a girl even though the girl is breaking one of their hearts! -The way SJ lied to JK to get her to realise her feelings for SH and let them reconcile was so sweet but heart breaking especially since he then goes to cry in the fire hydrant stairs and you get to see a montage of the times him and JK had bonded and supported each other over the 2 years SH was away. This was like a stab in the heart! - One example of how much warmer JK feels in the drama is her crying because SH must have been lonely in the States by himself. Their car conversation was so cute and then the constipation talk made me laugh -Another talk that was done well was JK and SJ's talk when she rejects him...I liked the way JK at least acknowledged that she was sorry for not being able to give him back those feelings (sometimes the girl has no idea or doesn't acknowledge which hurts more!) And I like how SJ also just plays it off by being nonchalant about his feelings. At least you could see they'd be friends like they always were. -I also agree Cha Eun Woo's acting as improved and he seemed more like SH towards the end of the series particularly. I love that he knew JK's sister well enough to get her power tools as a wedding gift! -So many cute SH and JK moments like when she calls SH honey in public to make sure other girls know they're dating. And then JK rescuing a drunk SH ...and then that "Don't go...can't you stay scene" was pretty fluttery And they spent the night! -Yay the sister's wedding was fun. I found it weird that JK's like entire school was at the wedding, but meh, I guess Mr Grapefruit is their teacher and maybe he's ok since it was JK's class. I laughed at the sister's "necklace" - I love the actress who plays the sister...she is so candid as you've all said before -The ending for SJ was so bitter sweet! I can see why @Tofu didn't want to see HIY suffer! On the one hand he did his successful debut and sung Leo and friend's song...but on the other hand it was soooo sad when JK was doing his make up and it was a mirroring of the other scene - But all in all it was a good wrap up. Quite happy that's for sure! I liked the ending for Extraordinary You - or I felt like it made sense anyway for them not to be together in Secret. But it was a bit weird that the rest of DO's storyline wasn't really explained from memory (don't even really know what happened to BK either)...it's like they graduated but there wasn't anything else left. But I like that they met in a different story where they were free not to be DP and HR. I feel it's sad too. I think it is both parties fault...I mean, sure, the agencies and celebrities advertise a lot and make the stars a bit too elusive so people are always trying to get more in touch with them...but there's a limit before you're too obsessed? I don't know how there are fan clubs that can buy so many copies of people's things or make their members do that. It also really commodifies the sense of loyalty - because I spend so much money on you, I am your biggest fan...and because of that I 'own' you. It's so weird. This is true, but I think there's definitely a difference between say making a mistake by accidentally saying the wrong thing in an interview/ revealing something maybe not popular about themselves (which is forgivable even though the public will kick up a fuss)...compared to doing something bad and trying to hide it (tax fraud, abusing women )...I think the first type of mistakes are totally forgivable...but the second type is what I expect them not to do. Heck, even for normal people around me, like my friends or workmates, I expect them to have morals and not to do things to hurt others I guess... Hahaha, not that kind of bad boy...I can't even stand Gu Jun-pyo anymore I'm not sure what happened to make me dismiss LMH so much I think I really didn't enjoy Personal Taste which was the next LMH drama I watched and then he never picked a project I liked ever again? Also reflecting on BOF I thought his character was a jerk and then clingy, which I hate...and even at a shallow level, I'm just not charmed by LMH's looks (though I can see why others like him)....I guess when when I watched BOF I liked Kim Bum more and was a fan of the friend's storyline more than main pair. Meh, he's too mainstream too and I felt at one point he was too much in my face? LOL half of these things could apply to other actors, but I still like them? I'm not sure...I'm just a bad person maybe Same reason - his dad is sick in Japan. But he cuts off contact from JK without reason. He ghosts her I guess which I think is sad after he told her he liked her before he left. So I guess it makes sense that JK ends up in a relationship with SJ in the webtoon...especially since they don't have that first snow agreement in the original story.
  14. Favourite Actors and Actresses = Together Actually, I would love my favourite male actors together too, but that's rare since they're often of a similar age group and I feel they tend to vary older/younger actors together. In romances, my favourite actors and actresses rarely get paired as I wish since the industries are too big, so often I watch a series for one actor/ actress when I think they're paired with someone who I might like and then I grow to like the other person if the chemistry is good and they're a decent actor. But there is a certain thrill when they pair two actors you love together...or re-pair them . In Taiwanese dramaland, I nearly died of happiness when they paired Jasper Liu and Puff Kuo together for a second time even though the affair storyline wasn't really my cup of tea (though very much @SilverMoonTea taste). It helps that they're friends and Puff called Jasper up after reading the script and asked if he wanted to do this drama with her. They must be super comfortable with each other though since Puff rarely does intimate scenes and this drama had a lot of intimate/ high tension scenes... The intimacy was the only reason I watched I do find it's better if the storyline and characters are good when they chuck two of my favourites together. Again, with Taiwanese dramas, I like Marcus Chang and Vivian Sung....but I found their characters so annoying in Lost Romance...and then to add to the mix they put in a really strong second lead with Simon Lian and I died from second lead syndrome every.damn.epsiode. Ever since people told me that Yoon Park gets a painful second lead for Beautiful Love, Wonderful Life...I don't think I'll ever be able to touch it I like him too much. also I don't think I've ever done the 100 episode dramas They seem insanely long! Hahaha You love fashionable Jasper WISYA puts him in similar fashion to BWGM. I just liked his character in PS. It's probably more similar to real Jasper in some ways I'm about to start When the Weather is Fine, so I shall see how SKJ compares to Jasper in terms of similar looks Yep, Jasper is such a big kid himself I guess! I really liked those episodes of Return to Superman. Haha that kid was drawn to Jasper's charms for sure. He was also really attentive to the Pleasantly surprised kid and really looked after him at the fan meet. He even put him up on his shoulders a few times. Actually LJW with kids is super cute too. Watching him tease the little kid from DDSSLLS and help him with his apron and shoelaces was adorable
  15. How is WISYA going? Seeing/ Meeting Jasper irl = He's prettier Is that possible? It is Hahaha I feel like you like Jasper in CEO mode Of course he is handsome in a suit! Hahaha, it might be because you hang out with me @eNDe...even though we mostly talk in the DDSSLLS threads...I feel like I would have mentioned Jasper for no reason other than me always mentioning him in relations to dramas Yes, check out Twogether!! It's such a fun variety show and Jasper and LSG have such good bromance chemistry. Their energy and humour really work well together and the destinations will make you happy since we're not able to travel at the moment! Haha, I tried to resist due his youth, but it's impossible. LJW's charm is too strong And now I've given in to my full fangirling of him since I loved DDSSLLS so much and he's just a talented actor. Ah, I love HIY I think the Instagram pushing HIY content got to me in the end because then I found one of his fan sub accounts...and when you get what he's saying, it's harder not to be charmed by him: https://www.instagram.com/inyeopsubs/ One of my favourite things about HIY (which maybe @Tofu might know as well) is that he claims ownership of all his favourite people. Like they would ask him, who does Ju Kyung/ Moon Ga Young belong to? And he would say "she's mine"...but he also did this to all the male cast members and even the staffers like his make up artist, Aluu. He signed her poster with: "Aluu is mine. Don't you dare think of running away from me before the next project." All his fans are like, are we yours too?? We just want to be owned by HIY. Good taste. I approve of this list as they're all on my list too. LDH got me from Hotel Del Luna, Rowoon got me in Extraordinary You, Kim Seon Ho gave me SLS in Start Up Good summary @mademoiselle Hahaha, me too. I actually rarely watch varieties to be honest though. You're right...it's the storyline and character development and their portrayal of the characters that gives you the feels. Apparently our brains have a hard time differentiating that those character's emotions are fake (even though we know logically), so we get attached hahaha, I read about in terms of why we get attached to TV series and actors. The science behind your attraction to Oppas
  16. Actually yeah, that would have been fun to see them together at these awards, but I guess LJW was neither presenting nor receiving an Award so it didn't make sense for him to go :( I would love a reunion too! I felt like GAR's black dress would be such a match for LJW who is permanently in black Yeah, she definitely had Lala energy (and hair) on the red carpet. I love her happy-go-lucky walk and good natured laughs She's just so carefree too! I love her Instagram's to be honest. Even as a regular joe, I tend to spend time making my photos pretty and not-blurry...and a lot of celebrities do that - they look so perfect and polished....GAR just snaps a zillion candid shots (sometimes of super random things) and uploads them all without much edits except for a filter! I think it's good that LJW is considering his next project (and pairing carefully) rather than just jumping into everything offered Hopefully it means there's quite a few projects on the table for him other than what's reported! I suspect he wants to do different genres and also he might want to work with more experienced actors/ actresses...in terms of actress pairings, he's had a huge age gap with both Go Ara and Lee Da Hee (He was second lead with Kim Hye Yoon, so not a pairing per say)....some Korean actors I've liked in the past have said they prefer working with more experienced/ older actors/ actresses as you learn more and less rumours go around I guess. I've liked his project choices so far - even if I haven't seen them, I'm keen to give them a try from all the snippets I've seen. I'll support both of them for sure too. Yep it must be nice to have the power to be more selective of roles. And I think it was brave to turn down a role after getting an Award...but maybe he was protesting KBS not giving him the GAR the best couple award In all honesty though, I reckon his agency would just say he is deciding between any projects and the TV stations probably want to maintain good relationships with the agencies. There'll be plenty of new actors to take the role if they do make the drama. In terms of the drama's plot, if I'm honest I thought the storyline was interesting in some ways. I liked that it dealt with the art world and stealing an art gallery! But I was confused about the guy being from a humble restaurant business?? What does that have to do with art. I suppose a lot of dramas do sound weird before I watch them though....I was more in protest of the pairing (not a fan of PGY) and the fact he was doing a romance...when I need a romance break for LJW I would love this! It could have been a full drama for sure Those edits were so fun and matching. I always love your storylines and interpretations of what could be happening for LJW and GAR @eNDe
  17. Hahaha I think I jinxed us! I was telling people here we weren't on lockdown and then today...bam!!! The silver lining was that it was a half day for work since my bosses were worried about us sorting things last minute or feeling stressed for lockdown. So I went to visit a friend, got bubble tea and now I'm settled for the 5 days Happy Lunar New Year by the wayyyyyy
  18. Inspired by @eNDe, here is what it would look like with LJW and GAR had presented an award together at the KBS Awards...but even better, they didn't even have to wear masks I may make a few more award comparisons if I have time...
  19. True, I guess if he had said yes, I would have tried to watch it anyway. Sometimes the actress grows on me, but sometimes no matter how much I like the actor, I can't accept the pairing...anyway, I'm really glad I don't have to make this choice I'm hoping LJW gets something he'll enjoy doing and it'll be a good project (and/or pairing) when he does say ok to his next work! I know, right? Mokpo is literally the top of my list right now! Though Seoul was where more of the less happier moments took place, I really like the locations in Seoul too. I'm compiling more locations on my Seoul filming location post...and this is the bookstore that Lala talked to Jun's mum at (where the TWD ahjummas planned to attack Jun mum if she was rude to Lala!) I will share post when ready, but here is a photo Thanks so much for sharing this! I wasn't in the know about these awards, so it was lovely to see your links and to see GAR dolled up for an award show. She's so pretty and I loved her look at the awards...she still looks like loveable Lala to meee. Skipping a few posts so I can respond to these amazing edits....Ahhhh, Thanks so much!!! These were so funnn I love that they were done with the Lala and Jun style and storyline If KBS won't give you an award show appearance, who says you can't just make your own one eh? Thanks for the laughs...and the cool edits...I like how you made the poses work too! Yesss! Happy Birthday GAR!!! Our darling Lala...Here's a lovely party picture! Also love this video by: MyMonica60 https://www.instagram.com/p/CLJQGDwpgNQ/ It reminds me of the colour video by that deleted DDSSLLS account! But only with Ara! Hahaha, I love that birthday edit you did too! I can just picture Lala and Jun having that conversation! Also that is one of the cutest under rated scenes I feel.
  20. I usually celebrate by going to Malaysia and seeing extended family...And as I'm not married, I shamelessly go collecting Ang pow with my cousins Since marriage is the barrier to money, I'm gonna hold out for as long as possible But like everyone here, the pandemic has changed life. The travel restrictions means who knows when we'll be allowed to travel again In Australia, we don't have public holidays for CNY, but there's often lots of festivals and stuff before the New Year. I didn't go to any this year (in fact, I'm not sure if they held them due to covid).We're technically restriction free at the moment since we've had 0 cases for a long time, but there's very few events or things to do anyway at the moment since I guess people are still reluctant to gather in crowds/ people are still working from home for the most part. We'll just celebrate tonight with Tuan Yuan dinner - my mum is cooking a feast and we'll just gather with immediate family. Then I'm probably just gonna watch dramas Life in the pandemic world is lived vicariously through my drama characters. Ooooh this is quite similar across Asian cultures then. Definitely the same deal with Chinese/ Malaysian celebrations for me. Hahaha never used to like it as a kid. But it grew on me as an adult Maybe you just need to eat it a few more times? I love how Jasper gets a mention on the thread about Lunar New Year celebrations Wow that's a long time! It's hard when family is all over the place. Definitely harder now with pandemic too. Its also tough when there's no public holidays, but sometimes just the holiday themes are fun. I'm like a weirdly festival person so will force holiday spirit on others by making them eat appropriate foods and wearing seasonal clothes etc. Ahhh, love this description...this is definitely the Malaysia New Years I'm use to. Lots of food and meeting all these relatives including people I have never met before but are told we are somehow related and then my parents supply me with correct title to call said relative because I am foreigner and don't know correct titles Food is so central to Malaysian life for sure and you do many Lou Sang over and over again! Hahaha every child's experience of their NY's money going into some unknown saving account... Wow, that's going to be tough with large families! I know it's difficult with those who have family across the Malaysian borders too! Wow steamboat is a fancy reunion dinner. I think my mum went all out with Lobsters, abalone, spring rolls etc. this year! But are you married?! This is the barrier according to my family! No marriage = still get money My grandpa still gives red pocket to the elderly 80 yr old unmarried next door woman because it's tradition Grouping the celebration makes sense! But yeah pandemic has changed everything HAPPY LUNAR NEW YEAR EVERYONE!
  21. Yesss!! Then I'm in for this cute romance Hahaha, I can't believe there's like an 11 year age difference between them...Jasper is such a babyface
  22. People be speculating that Triad Princess season 2/ aka second half of the drama is going to come out soon since Jasper is wearing the same elephant onesie from the series. Finally
  23. New drama to take over the timeslot for The Devil Punisher Cast and main pairing TBA . Basically sounds like a Noona romance? 34 yr old CEO female and 27 yr old hairdresser male. Something about maths. LOL
  24. Hahaha last comment: "Yeah I think Ive been on him for too long.. I pity all other oppas for having no chance... I should broaden up my perspective soon!" ....But it's hard to kick the habit with Jasper addiction Haha I don't mind this second Jasper thread Haha since you still love Jasper, I share with you some pictures from private collection taken last time I saw Jasper like 5 years ago. Haven't put them on my blog before. There's quite a lot but here's 3 lol.
  25. I wish one of those staffers would post more pictures of GAR and LJW that we never saw. I miss seeing them together, that's for sure! Since there's not been much on the actors, I've resorted to looking at Eunpo instead (Mokpo). I like to look at the places that GAR and LJW were filming at...and looking at it on Google maps is oddly surreal...I guess because it's like virtually travelling there. I put the co-ordinates in on my blog post in case it also gives you all a sense of joy looking at it! Yes, I always think about that. It would have been the easiest epilogue to do - panning over framed photos in the flowershop. And I think it would have been nicer to have Jun's voice over message with those pictures...at least we could have seen that life went on for Lala and Jun way after those events But I guess it is what it is....I agree that if I didn't love this drama so much, I would have just gotten over the end by now...but the love is too deep, so gotta live with the pain too I feel like he would have one at least, but he's probably never going to share Thank God GAR took a lot and is a sharer. Also she got selfies of them in bed together I have to say I doubt any other Korean actors have gotten this level of selfie game. However, GAR's post were cute and silly and scandal free. I'm glad LJW took those selfies with her, even if he didn't post any himself. I doubt he'll ever have 'bed selfies' with any of his other female co-stars I think he's going to climb safely into lead role territory first before going to the military. I think he just mentioned military because it's a 'safe' actor's response since everyone has to do conscription in South Korea...He seems to give very limited personal answers in interviews Not sure about study, but I think he's on a longer break since he's been working hard the past few years. Also I think he's being very careful about his next projects since the news is that rejected the project with PGY...I'm relieved...I wasn't ready to move on from LalaJun with a pairing I wasn't keen on ... Also a lot of people are saying they're proud LJW is careful when he picks projects and he's never picked anything bad that disappointed...That means people are less angry at DDSSLLS and accept that it was a good project for LJW! Also glad he said yes to DDSSLLS and was happy to have GAR star as his first leading lady...Hahaha, I saw this comment on one of their behind the scene videos... It was referring to Lala being Jun's first crush, but I laughed thinking about it also referring to GAR being the first leading lady (though I mean it as a joke, not as anything serious ) This was announced awhile ago. Move to Heaven sounds like an episodic series, so I'm guessing he might appear as a guest character for one episode? Don't think he's main cast, but there's an article somewhere early on confirming he would pop in on the series. I'm impressed! I can't re-watch to that extent...and can definitely watch other series, but I still obsess about it in other ways (ie. buying merch or looking up filming locations or searching up fan art). It'll take me ages to move on in that sense....All my Twitter account is still DDSSLLS content Since I added more to the Mokpo filming locations, I'm currently looking up all the DDSSLLS filming locations in Seoul...may as well update those too By the way I saw someone make this comparison...it's like the KBS Awards we all deserved, but didn't get...I feel like we need to edit a better quality version of this!
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