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Everything posted by JenL

  1. No worries, Thanks for being such lovely fans of the series! It's been nice to have people to obsess over DDSSLLS, LJW and GAR with Also wanted to say...today was Kim Joo Hun's (Dr Cha's) Birthday...Happy birthday KJH...in honour of the occasion, here is a subbing of the short video from his agency that features both LJW and GAR It's the usual softsubs...you'll need to turn on CC> English on Youtube to see the subs:
  2. Hahaha I agree with this. I would be happy for any brand or any magazine or project to pair them up again! Haha Thanks for reminding us! And I loved that you used pics from their Korean Netflix Interviews On the one hand, I sometimes think LJW looks like such a cool kid that he wouldn't be into reading/ writing...but he also seems rather thoughtful and really throws himself into every role he's done that I could also see him being quite into story-telling. Hahaha, his Instagram captions for his latest posts have said that he's out drinking though Hahaha she's just too cool to care about other's opinions. You have to admire that. Of course, it's also good disguise tactic to shield any meanings in her rings like this meaning... Ohhh, yeah definitely watch it when you're back into dramas again (totally understand taking drama breaks...sometimes you just need to cleanse your palette and Disney+ has a lot of fun content to stream). I watched DYLB on its live run just before DDSSLLS, so it didn't overlap...but I was pleasantly surprised at the difference between both series though I liked them both. I think I discovered last year that I really enjoy dramas about classical music. Often because they pick such nice pieces to go on the OST and the characters are more thoughtful and gentle souls. Definitely more for underdog actors and pairings! I'm not a fan of either LMH or KGE, so I never watched The King series. I love Gong Yoo, but I wasn't a fan of Goblin as I felt there were some big plot holes in that story and didn't feel the chemistry with KGE? Whereas PEB and KMJ were super cute together and the story was quite realistic and thought provoking in a lot of ways, so was stoked that DYLB couple took out Best Couple for SBS! Haha, I'm surprised she is still such a side character here and then all of a sudden she will be second lead in another drama soon. KBS must like her But then again, she is a young idol of a rising kpop band and people seem to like her haughty looks I heard that Dear M was postponed because the main actress was involved in one of those bullying scandals that has exploded over social media. I'm not really sure what to believe - I don't think all stars are innocent and I think its possible some of them may have been bullies if they believed they would be successful/good looking/ from good families...But I also do think that some stars are targets by jealous ex-classmates/ "friends"/ ex-partners....There's been several cases recently...maybe it's better that both GAR and LJW are out of the limelight at the moment. I hope they both see that photo too Hahaha since he never mentioned, we are free to imagine a lot of fun terms of closeness Mmm this is true. It might be a distribution thing with Netflix, which is why The Swoon often updates with DDSSLLS and KBS has taken everything down. They also haven't advertised for new series, so hard to know what is happening. Oh well, I have all the additional videos so I guess I need to let this go like all the other things with this drama In Arts and Entertainment! It's got it's perks particularly in the form of movie tickets and occasional celebrity run ins (I wish they were Korean celebrities ) ...wow I imagine it would be fun to intern at CLEO. I always wished I'd interned at a magazine! Totally agree your feelings about rom-coms...In my opinion, Western rom-coms have also gone down in quality since the 90's as well because they tend to really only paint a very specific picture of women and romance and I can't help but feel like it's often a little too superficial and physical rather than about connection and understanding between characters. I am more into Korean dramas on the whole, and when I do choose to watch a rom-com I prefer korean ones because it looks at other things than just the romance - like family, community, being independent etc. and the scripts are often wittier humour and better dialogue/emotions. Hehe, if they don't give it a stressful final arc, I find them fun light watches Hahaha, I wish the interviewer of Korean Netflix had seen his pre-debut videos and let it loose on GAR LJW would be so doomed...and super embarrassed to rap in front of sunbaenim for sure. Hehe, I love that coffee truck photo of the 2 of them Hehe you're not the only one! It looks like a few of the fans watch this drama on repeat, especially on Instagram. True Beauty is a fun watch though. Super light hearted and LJW makes a cameo! Hahaha I saw that too. But I think that KMS photo is from awhile back? I didn't see it on his instagram... So more likely she was (accidentally) matching with LJW Haha, I actually use to wonder this too...it's weird to see like 20 posts of the same actor's photos if you follow a lot of fan accounts...But it's helpful if they delete photos once in awhile like LJW...haha him and his careful social media management Hahaha, I'm not sure when I'll ever move on either. I've watched a number of romances since DDSSLLS ended but none of them have caught me like this. I've gotten over all of those so far....but still hanging onto Jun and Lala daily Beyond Evil is soooo good. Super suspenseful and the acting is on point. I think it's the best thing I'm watching at the moment...but I'm also not watching much Actually, I am watching When the Weather is Fine and I love it! There's something very warm about a countryside bookstore in winter with a book club. I like that LJW picked a role that had actors of all ages - young and old - it was like a precursor to DDSSLLS. He is very chatty in it...but I really like warm, fun, trash-talking characters And I have seen an interview where he said that character is similar to him...having watched Behind the Scenes/ Swoon games...I feel like he is cheeky like that! Hahaha it's a look of amusement and admiration that is is so much crazy fun
  3. Yes, I would agree with this! The woman was not likeable, but he was responsible for her by setting her up as a trap. And he promised he would help her if she reached out to him, but he never got to her in time...so I think he feels immense guilt especially as he seems to be a black-and-white, very categorical type of guy. He holds himself as being very upright, so having this as a stain on his morality and on his police record is killing him. I would say you're right, but harsh at the same time. Haha, and it's not (just) because I think YJG is good looking like @SilverMoonTea does I think HJW is a few things: being just out of the force, and top of his class, and also someone who seems to be quite categorical, black-and-white and tidy, I think he's just idealistic, driven and has a compulsion to clean up anything he thinks is 'messy' in life. He believes the crimes that haven't been solved are because people aren't working hard enough/ trying hard enough to solve them....And he's not necessarily wrong, in a lot of backwater towns, crime can be overlooked because people have relationships with one another. But he is emotional about this case because of what happened with the woman he got killed...it's like for once in his life, he made a 'mess' that he needs to clean, but can't. And because he is feeling emotional and messy, HJW is letting DS get under his skin...DS is also especially good at getting under his skin because he's hard for HJW to fit into a category except for stereotypical murderer. Honestly, if I was in HJW's shoes, I would also suspect him at first because of the things you hear and observe in that town...we probably feel smarter than HJW, but at the same time as the viewer we have a more omnipresent view of what else is happening in the town. I don't think HJW means to strut around town either, but I feel like that categorical personality type they gave him makes him come with a pre-conceived bias for DS. HJW just reminds me of some of my friends who are like IT guys or engineers...sometimes they categorise things neatly into boxes and it makes them inflexible to problem solving, even though they are technically good problem solvers That's the vibe I get with HJW...he needs to start looking outside the boxes. I feel like it's more representative of his compulsion to tidy up things that seems messy to him - like he has to set things right as soon as possible or it frustrates him. And that's why this crime is so raw to him...because he's part of the mess himself, not sitting cleanly outside everything as he used to being. Because he's involved in the mess this time, he's become compulsive about fixing this up at all costs.
  4. Episode 4 - Wow what an intense ride. This series is really something - I'm loving the simultaneous slow burn and high tension of the series....and the psychological games we are all forced to play because of DS's character. He really knows how to irritate those around him - @abs-oluteM I don't think it'd be JJ that DS is protecting. It seems too simple...and JJ always seems to suspect DS or be afraid of him even though he bales him out and lies for him, unless that is an act... But his character is suspicious. I feel like there's just something off about him even if he isn't the killer. - If DS is protecting anyone I think it'd be more likely to be the supermarket owner....he's the only one who seems close enough to DS and outwardly helpless enough to need that level of protection But it seems hard to reconcile that he would kill his own daughter? I also feel there is a weird strained relationship between DS and him. DS seems cold, but then will melt a little at his doing nice things for his parents or bringing him food in jail....can't tell if that's just DS, or if there is some reason for that....also DS told him to take his medication...is it medication for some sort of psychological disorder?! - Haha, it's always the nice ones we should be more suspicious of...like that nice cop JH. I feel like his line about messing with people stuck in the miserable town was rather dark. And then the fact he saw MJ before her death and tipped off the reporters for DS seems very suss. But...it doesn't make sense that he would be the murderer of the first set of victims since he also looks super young...so therefore it's also unlikely he killed MJ...but again, he's like JJ with this business of doing the wrong things - But I do have to say...I feel like the killer may turn out to be killers. As in more than one. If I remember correctly, DS is still searching for his sister. If he is protecting someone, I doubt he would be protecting someone who killed his sister and didn't reveal where the body was? Unless they killed her by accident and DS does actually know where she is. Also it's possible that MJ's death is a copy cat one since 20 years is quite a time difference...it rules out a lot of the younger characters. - I think the title of the show is perfect though - DS looks like a Monster, but I'm starting to tentatively think that he's just extremely jaded and bitter at a world which is extremely unfair to him...he's refusing to play their games...instead he's deciding that he will play games with them. Whereas HJW is toeing the line to becoming a Monster to pursue what he believes is true evil...he feels like everyone is incompetent and seems to be rather emotionally attached to this case...and having too many emotions can turn people evil the same way that having no emotions does too. (Becoming too biased, having preconceived ideas, skipping processes to force things to fit as evidence etc).
  5. Hahaha spoilers! I'm finally watching it @mademoiselle...really liking it! It's such a cute slice of life so far. I like the quiet and mysterious main characters...but also the warmth and cosiness of a country bookstore in winter...And also LJW is such an adorable trash talker...so much to like about this drama. I just realised I have weird OST tastes. So I'm not huge on dance-y Kpop or Ballads (which is like a majority of OSTs. LOL)...but I do like old songs, indie music, piano pieces and some sugary pop songs. Classical piano OSTs Drama: Dodosolsollalasol Piano song: Twenty Fingers I will always love the piano pieces from Dodosolsollalasol. This is the piece Rara plays for Jun whenever he comes home. It's just so sweet. Drama: Crash Landing on You Piano song: Song for my Brother I also did like the piano piece for Crash Landing on You. I think it just sounds so beautiful and sad. Sugary Pop OSTs Haha, I don't know if I would like these songs if I haven't watched the dramas. These songs are tied to the super cute romances and are often played in that moment when they're starting to like each other...so I think I like these songs because they flood me with the happy drama memories Drama: Strong Woman Do Bong Soon Pop song: 'Heartbeat' by Suran This one is super cute and I'm pretty sure in played in every single moment that Park Bo Young and Park Hyung Sik so much as looked at each other. Drama: Dodosolsollalasol Pop song: 'Falling in Love' by April This is one is pretty sugary too. It's the song that plays when they're frolicking on the beach after Jun steals Rara away from her second wedding. More Korean Indie Drama: True Beauty Indie song: Flowerpot by Loveholic (covered by Hwang In Yeop) The original song was by Loveholic and was well known for being from Coffee Prince...but it was covered recently by Hwang In Yeop for True Beauty. It's so goood...not sure if I'll ever get over this
  6. I loved this song! Really set the secret feels between the two characters haha, Ghibli lo-fi or Ghibli instrumental is my WFH music when I want some quiet non-OST , non-indie music / podcast time
  7. I forgot again too! I'll do it now before I start a new episode of Beyond Evil ! Me tooo!!! It could be months of playing the same OSTs... Hahaha, yes, I'm still watching because it's still airing! It's a medium length TW drama so 20 episodes (TW mini series = 10-13 episodes). 1 episode is aired per week...so like 20 weeks or 5 months on air! (Everyone here is probably like...what is wrong with you? Why are you sad it's not 2 episodes? 2 Episodes is so intense and I'm already tired from doing that with kdramas!) I just wrote up my summary for episodes 10-17 since I got lazy and didn't do one every week...so it's one megapost Devil Punisher has interesting ideas...but it feels like they were a bit too ambitious since they really don't seem to have the budget to pull off the fantasy FX and also the script, while it had potential, needed to be tightened A LOT in terms of the ghost storylines...still it's been fun as a not serious watch. Also Mike He and Ivy Shao are so pretty...hahaha...not surprised SETTV put them in an intense bdroom scene for the aesthetics https://www.instagram.com/p/CLit49Cg2Nz/
  8. Hahaha more chance of KSH turning up in a Dominos ad in Singapore than here that's for sure. Here, half the population will be like...who is this? It's good to know you're well in Singapore and vaccinations are being rolled out. That is very good news Also good to know you've had a chance to catch up on Run On - that series had such good film references and cute KTO Hahaha, oh I don't mean mixing them up. I mean because they are both your oppas, that's why you can tell them apart...because you see their beautiful unique features...while the ones who have no necessarily adopted both as Oppas are like, meh, both the same!
  9. Hahaha, despite this not being my favourite Jasper drama, I have to say I really liked this song. I did think it reflected that longing, morally conflicted torture very well I actually think part of the success of the drama was this opening song (aside from Puff and Jasper in an intense affair) Hahaha, it's me a fellow Jasper lover! Before We Get Married is one of those dramas where all the characters do things wrong, so there's essentially no really likeable characters. Dramas like that go one of two ways for me: I either love it because it's a study of how terrible humans are especially if they are put in situations where they have no choices and are stuck in moral dilemmas....or I find it frustrating because the characters could do a lot of things to stop the situation from unfolding, but just don't! Before We Get Married fell into the second category for me - Jasper's character was pretty questionable at the start - he's like smutty CEO....he handcuffed Wei Wei (Puff's character) to a bed against her will and forced-kissed her on a balcony But somehow, Wei wei still falls for him (probably because he's hot and she's dating someone really boring who later becomes evil) and then started cheating on her partner...there were many times she could have broken it off with the boring partner...but she didn't? I was stressed watching it But I finished it because I love both Puff and Jasper together and their chemistry on screen and off is soooo good. And even though I didn't like Jasper's character, I thought it was good of him to take on a role that was outside what he was comfortable with because it helped to improve his acting....Also, it was a fun drama to discuss and attribute blame to different characters Hmmm, I think the Eng subs not fully accurate i that music video. I will look for better Eng Subs or give it a go translating maybe (Song lyrics are a bit harder to translate because they're often poetic/ metaphoric language)...I'll see Hehehe, ok I'll put this on the list. Quite enjoying When the Weather is Fine so far. He;s kind of cute and nervous and quiet in that drama. And he runs a bookstore with a book club. Such boyfriend material. So wholesome!
  10. Ahhh, Thanks for starting this thread @LaLa...I am very very very big on music and I do think the popular dramas and the dramas that get through to me have very good soundtracks, or at least OSTs that convey certain emotions and ambience to the dramas that makes you feel drawn or emotionally invested in them. Here are a few of my favourite: Drama: Someday or One Day Song: 'Last Dance' by Wu Bai I just love this song. It's like an old rock (?) love song first released by Wu Bai in 1996. (By rock song, I mean like Bon-Jovi style romantic rock). The song was included because the drama is a time travel nostalgia romance...and these lyrics fit it so beautifully. It just has the sense of longing, sadness and lingering love and the scenes painted with the lyrics are just so beautiful...If you know Chinese, the lyrics will probably have deeper meaning. I translated the lyrics awhile back so will paste them below... With the announcement of a Korean adaption, I'm really not sure how they're going to adapt the series without this song...mainly because this is the song that allows for the time travel? Taking it out will be really hard? Artist: Wu Bai 伍佰 & China Blue Album: Someday or One Day OST Title: Last Dance 所以暫時將妳眼睛閉了起來 Suo yi zan shi jiang nai yan jing bi le qi lai So close your eyes, just for a moment 黑暗之中漂浮我的期待 Hei an zhi zhong piao fu wo de qi dai In the darkness, my hopes linger 平靜臉孔映著繽紛色彩 Ping jing lian kong ying zhe bin fen se cai Your calm face reflects so many colours 讓人好不疼愛 Rang ren hao bu teng ai How can I not love you? 妳可以隨著我的步伐輕輕柔柔的踩 Nai ke yi sui zhe wo de bu fa qing qing rou rou de cai You tread softly, following my steps 將美麗的回憶慢慢重來 Jiang mei li de hui yi man man zhong lai Inviting beautiful memories to rush back 突然之間浪漫無法釋懷 Tu ran zhi jian lang man wu fa shi huai Suddenly I'm overcome by romance 明天我要離開 Ming tian wo yao li kai But tomorrow I have to leave 妳給的愛  Nai gei de ai   The love that you give 無助的等待 Wu zhu de deng dai I hopelessly await for 是否我一個人走  Shi fou wo yi ge ren zou   Should I go alone? 想聽見妳的挽留 Xiang ting jian nai de wan liu Want you to ask me to stay 春風秋雨飄飄落落只為寂寞 Chun feng qiu yu piao piao luo luo zhi wei ji mo The spring breeze blows, autumn rain falls, it's so lonely 妳給的愛  Nai gei de ai   The love that you give 甜美的傷害 Tian mei de shang hai Is a sweet painfulness 深深的鎖住了我  Shen shen de suo zhu le wo Locking me in deeply   隱藏不住的脆弱 Yin cang bu zhu de cui ruo Unable to hide my weakness 氾濫河水將我沖向妳的心頭  Fan lan he shui jiang wo chong xiang nai de xin tou   This river (of feelings) pushes me towards your heart 不停流 Bu ting liu And won't stop flowing 所以暫時將妳眼睛閉了起來 Suo yi zan shi jiang nai yan jing bi le qi lai So close your eyes, just for a moment 可以慢慢滑進我的心懷 Ke yi man man hua jin wo de xin huai And slowly slip into my thoughts 舞池中的人群漸漸散開 Wu chi zhong de ren qun jian jian san kai The people on the dance floor slowly move aside 應該就是現在 Ying gai jiu shi xian zai (The time) should be now 妳給的愛  Nai gei de ai   The love that you give 甜美的傷害 Tian mei de shang hai Is a sweet painfulness 想問問妳的心中  Xiang wen wen nai de xin zhong   I want to ask, what's in your heart 不願面對的不懂 Bu yuan mian dui de bu dong But unwilling to face what I don't understand 明天之後不知道面前的妳是否依然愛我 Ming tian zhi hou bu zhi dao mian qian de nai shi fou yi ran ai wo After tomorrow, I don't know if you'll still love me Drama: Someday or One Day Song: Someday or One Day OST Actually who am I kidding, the entire OST is amazing! I think because the music is sad, but also hopeful and the songs span across both the past Taiwanese music from the 90's and present day. The OST includes so many good acts including Mayday, Miss You 3000 and Shi Shi...Weirdly enough can't find Eng sub lyrics for OST...but can find Korean subs because the drama was so popular in Korea. Drama: Coffee Prince Song: Coffee Prince OST This was my first ever Kdrama...and I think part of the reason I loved it so much aside from the tortured romance and Gong Yoo was because of the soundtrack. It still remains one of my favourite OSTs and one of the few that used Korean Indie music as opposed to Kpop. Sadly, I think some of the bands disbanded like Donnawhale...but others have gone onto a steady career making music for Kdramas like Tearliner. There's not a whole video with all the songs...but here's one with the teasers to each song... And I think this playlist has the full OST...I loved this song...
  11. Episodes 10 - 17 - Finally caught up and saw the Kingone cameo too! I've become lazy with writing weekly episode summaries for this, though I might next week since I'm finally up to date. - Have to say, I think this fantasy drama has good ideas, but they're just really ambitious for their SFX/ set budget...But I think they definitely tried their best with making places look heavenly...like the Old Chin (Amada Chou's) office...they brightened it quite a lot...but it did kind of just look like a well lit office If only they had the budget to animate more heavenly doors or something. -The other thing was some of the ideas were good, but not fool-proofed...so came off a bit sloppy which is noticeable in fantasy themed dramas.... The big story arc with the people becoming scared or confused and causing havoc after getting the piano video was a bit silly - they seemed to have 'solved' it by making everyone at the uni undazed, but the video was supposedly viral? So it would have spread very quickly out of the uni? So then the incident starts again....but again seems contained to the uni. It just seemed a bit repetitive and clearly the culprit kept being the same piano player...so they should have just taken him and held him under their watch?? The confusion fluid arc, if it was just kept that way by itself, would work better for the storyline. -But I obviously must like something because I watched 17 episodes...2 things keep me going...the prettiness of Ivy and Mike's chemistry is one thing. Haha, partly, I'm shallow and I like their aesthetics together and think they light up the screen together...and even though I normally don't love traditional stories, they look good in their past life storyline together. Haha, they've also had bedroom scenes a few times in this which required that level of chemistry and they pulled it off - The other thing I kept watching for is Ou Yang Kai. His character is so fun. I like that he's actually a bully turned super nice guy and he really cares for his supernatural friends. He's really helpful and he is genuine....I just can't believe he likes En Xi who is the worse character in this. Even when she's not being controlled, she has a horrible temper and is really mean Ou Yang Kai deserves better...even getting the girl in this case would be horrible because she's treated him so badly all this time!!! -The main bad guy has been fairly obvious from the start though
  12. Episode 3 - I am really liking the suspense in this series and the story is both fast paced enough to be exciting and slow burn enough to give you the sense of dread and suspicion needed for this genre. And every character can be a suspect even though all clues are pointing squarely at DS. - I'm very suss about series where they force you to consider only one main suspect....the twists I have experienced in show/ movies like this is that you think it'll be DS, then it'll turn out to be someone else...but then it'll actually turn out it was DS who has split personality disorder OR it'll be someone you completely did not see coming - a really innocent looking person. Along these lines, I'd agree with @abs-oluteM, the one person I can think of is the supermarket owner adopted brother...mainly because he's like the person you suspect least being all kind hearted to DS's parents and MJ was his daughter...but she was also partying hard and didn't want him to know, so maybe he killed her out of rage? HJW also said criminals return to the scene of the crime and he came out to get the paper and cry... - I thought it was weird that HJW was so stressed about the phone thing. I mean wasn't it because he was investigating DS so he provided the phone as an undercover tool? Couldn't he just say that, or was it against the law for him to be looking into that case without permission? - I have to agree that I thought the fingers that DS put out looked fake...but can't tell if he's hallucinating that he put out fake fingers or he's not right in the head and thought they were fakes...And then there's DS's bunker with the blood?? Well, I assume they don't know who's blood it is yet since they arrested him so quickly...They probably went on HJW's camera footage and his mention of blood. @Darkarcana's theory is quite dark, but interesting...I don't know about actually using MJ's body as a lure since there's no camera footage of him bringing her....I also think he'd still be in trouble for messing with 'evidence' if that happened. - There seems to be a huge difference between the innocent DS of the first arrest and DS now...more than just jadedness...it's hard to tell if the town is turning a blind eye to real evil or if he is jaded because he knows who it is in the town, but can't get them to prove their guilt? -I agree also with @SilverMoonTea...HJW is quite obsessed with the case, but I think that's his personality...he wants to solve the issue. But how he started getting obsessed will be interesting...did he see something or remember something weird about it from when he was 7? Also agree the smile was weird...but it could just be that he was satisfied to finally 'catch' DS?
  13. Yes! Totally agree. The roles should be based on acting merit and giving it to a new star ripe for a lead role would be better than giving it to a well known actor who didn't put as much heart into it Yeah, I like to hear confirmation from their agencies first. I feel like nothing is set in stone until they formally announce it @Tofu LJW to cameo in Move to Heaven I agree.... I think people have said PSJ's name because he looks like the second lead character Mo Jun Jie (But if attached to this project, I don't think he would be keen to play 2nd lead anyway??) Of that list, I think the closest candidates are Lee Do Hyun and Nam Joo Hyuk. I can see them doing ok with the school boy element of the character...but it's like the other versions that I don't know about (mainly for Nam Joo Hyuk, who can be a bit of a hit and miss) Maybe it's just Lee Do Hyun in the running The character of the male lead, Li Zi Wei, has to be the right amount of immature, charismatic schoolboy and then later on in his older age, someone who has seen great tragedy and will do anything to stop tragedies from unfolding. I wonder how they would adapt the drama though. The story revolves around an old Taiwanese rock song...like it's plays in every episode and the lyrics are very central to the meaning and feel of the drama...they would have to change the song and that feels a little dangerous to the story unless there is a similar Korean song? Or this is a very loose adaptation?
  14. You know I saw this message a few days ago, but I was like, I'll have a think before I answer...but still no answer! Yeah, I totally believe the actors shouldn't be too young or too old...The actors have to play several aged versions of two different characters each...so they need to look young but also age up as well! To be fair in the original Taiwanese version, the female lead is Alice Ke and she was 35 when she played the role. The male lead was Greg Hsu who was 30...But they still look young and were very convincing in their roles!
  15. Remember when @NiteWalker said she didn't know who Steven Sun was @SilverMoonTea and I said, "Don't worry, he's not an important actor, he hasn't played a lead role or anything..." Well, I jinxed it SETTV is giving him the lead role in second season of "Here Comes Fortune Star" which is I think a spin off (different actors) from first season where the main guy was Lego Li: https://www.instagram.com/p/CLrBTiuFNmB/
  16. Hehehe, I love his terrible piping skills. Have you seen this @SilverMoonTea?
  17. Hahaha, a few Oppas in one day??? I feel like this meme about self control does not apply to you @SilverMoonTea But then I saw this post and I did think that it was relevant to you.... I started the first episode of When the weather is Fine last night. I like it...it's very slice of life so I think it'll be a few episodes in before I start to understand their characters better. In motion, I don't think SKJ looks that much like Jasper. It's more like in stills when he models...I think he's quite pretty, but he seems more reserved and his expressions are not super animated?....Jasper is quite animated, even when he tries to be serious I like the cosiness of the village bookstore though. It seems like such a warm place in the winter for a romance to start up Also LJW is actually a trash-talking character in this series and his silliness is funny. Hahaha, when you put it like that, we do have similar tastes Except for our Western oppas
  18. He has interesting taste...I remember hearing about him dating Sandra Bullock who was years older than him, so I guess I wasn't so surprised when they said Eva Mendes, especially since they were in a film together and he seemed to end up dating his so-stars. But I agree I was surprised they got married and had kids together! Wow, not sure I've heard that yet! But celebrity divorces no longer really shock me any more
  19. Maybe I just use a plate...the safest method! You see the poster of KSH and automatically hand over your credit card for pizza... Is KSH on your pizza ads atm @Jane or is this just from Sth Korea ? And it's been awhile since were on the same thread...How are things going to Singapore? I miss that part of the world
  20. Happy 3 month anniversary since the ending of DDSSLLS aired in November, Twinkles! Thanks for all the lovely conversations, edits and news! @eNDe @twinkler0415 @CINNABOM @purplefin @multiloverss @Unnie0110 There were a lot of Behind the scenes pictures from crew members and fans while the drama was shooting. The Director of DDSSLLS recently made his account private, but many fans posted his photos so we're lucky to have copies floating around: https://bit.ly/3aTsSFW A List of all filming locations in Mokpo https://bit.ly/2NFXPEK A List of all filming locations in Seoul: https://bit.ly/3stoWl5 Also all the LJW fans were rejoicing because Netflix Korea just released the first stills of Move to Heaven....no LJW pictures, but he is meant to cameo in this By the way, it seems like they took two BTS pictures rather than the one than KBS released...wish they could have given us the other one too (fans just screenshot the video) Revisiting a favourite scene...this one always gave me flutters...
  21. Awww, I just watched that BTS and the kid is cuuuute She's also the kid that played little Lala/Rara in DDSSLLS. Man, I swear child actors are so lucky. All the handsome oppas are always charmed by them on set and they get to be THE closest to them
  22. I'm looking forward to Doom! I hope he gets a good storyline! I agree...my eye was twitching at this blurry photo! Please someone teach him how to use a camera phone. Oooh, those are pricey pups! Hahaha, you have a "type" of Western Oppa. My main Western Oppa (like the equivalent to Jasper)
  23. Haha, she will eventually swing back @NiteWalker...but she's too fickle to stay with just one nationality's oppas for long! I know @Tofu...I no longer have tags for Jasper posts...But he is in her signature! There' still hope. Hahaha guess I'm not the only one who likes "bad boys" She likes them like gangster bad though Is this a new record?!
  24. Hello everyone! Been so busy lately haven't come here for group chat. How is everyone? Happy Friday! Hahaha Everyone has mistaken them at some point. I've seen at least 100 memes and comparison pictures before. I use to as well. But I think I know who is who now...I seem to like YJG better, but not sure why? Maybe I just have similar oppa tastes to @SilverMoonTea I laughed at this struggle. I was like I'm sure his name is KIM Min Jae... But I always think I have the names wrong...turns out it's others who are getting it wrong Loving this list. Very clear summary so I know which Oppa you are currently referring to... I am mind blown!!! She needs variety... Has to tick all the different boxes to all her different preferences I am confused...where is the member's shop? Is there a page? Really? I think perhaps because KMJ is your Oppa. It's like I can see all the differences between Jasper and SKJ. You just notice all the little things How can someone look cute with a slice of pizza? Truly a talent Haha you're not kidding...is this the power of photoshop Very likely to happen to me, that's for sure!
  25. Hahaha, yes! I saw that post. It seems to be her favourite cap lately :) I'm not sure what she feels the meaning to the hat is...but for me, the cap represents a matching fashion sense to LJW. LOL Hahaha I do hope they're both happy too - whatever the case is with both of them, I just love the friendship chemistry I definitely know is so very, very warm between them Hahaha it would be cool to be a detective in my past life...but I'm probably more just a crazy DDSSLLS/ GAR & LJW fan who has spent way too much time on Instagram I think I found that video while doing an audit of all the videos they had released and checking which ones were translated. Oooh could you imagine if it was his cap which he gifted her? Hahaha, I definitely agree - there's no one even close to GAR and LJW ...but I guess to be fair 2021 has only just started and it seems like all the channels have a big action/sci-fi/thriller focus with only mild romances lately rather than full romances/ rom-coms since it's currently trending: Vincenzo / Times / Beyond Evil / L.U.C.A /Sisyphus: the myth. The only two that are slightly more romantic that I think of are the historical River where the Moon Rises and Hello? It's Me! (though that looks way more like comedy than romance atm). Meh, aside from Beyond Evil, I'm just going through old GAR and LJW projects. Since I just finished Miss Hammurabi, I'm gonna swing to a LJW project and watch When the Weather is Fine. Monsterunion Studios is a company started by KBS and seems to distribute solely for them, but I'm not sure why they've made their videos from the last 5 months private? Yeah I'd probably download a copy for safe-keeping in case. I won't remove the videos from my channel, but you never know when TV stations may crackdown on Youtube things That reminds me to also download The Swoon games with them both. I mean, they've been good so far, but you just never know with this drama eh? Yep, it looks like stuff from his uni and early audition days. Pre-debut anyway. No idea if this person is like a fan...or like someone from his acting school/ ex-agent etc. So far they've been an excellent source of info about a LJW before he was famous...but you can see his charms already Hopefully not! Also hope she never gets rid of her Twitter and gif blog! (though I think I've saved most of her gifs by now!) Also recommending an instagrammer I love...This LJW fan account: 1998.0510 Her edits of Jun's photos are sooo pretty...I think she's managed to get every beautiful expression Jun has ever made I hope this account never goes down too! Speaking of someone who gets rid of things on Instagram, LJW sometimes deletes his photos. There's been a few selfies he posted then deleted...and I forgot he had posted his photos as high school Jun and then deleted them: https://www.instagram.com/p/CG482b0p1y-/ ...luckily LJW fans are very good at reporting everything he posts I did see a nice comment by some fans saying they didn't know why this drama was rated so low because they loved it a lot...but their pic was of an earlier episode so I couldn't tell if it was because they hadn't gotten to the end yet or they're just like us! Ah yes, he did a wedding shoot for wedding photographers before he made his debut. The shoot is sooo pretty. I wish him and GAR had done a wedding pictorial to advertise for DDSSLLS since it would have made sense...but then again, maybe it would have disappointed more if they had done one and the ending was as it is. Still, the On Your Wedding Day film had a sad ending and the actors still did a lovely pictorial for it
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