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Everything posted by JenL

  1. Finger is such a weird name for a drama. It either sounds kinda creepy or offensive? Hahaha, Ah, this drama again....we are not really fans of our oppas being paired with PGY Because I had to see all the LJW rumours with that drama, I remember it well. It's like some guy (a CEO of a food company) whose family made their fortunes from selling pork stew decides he wants to 'steal/acquire' an art gallery from a Director of an art gallery. The male character is apparently not very smart I kind of like stories about art galleries and museums. In some ways it reminds me of My Private Life. But...I find the male character's storyline bizarre...why does a food company CEO want an art gallery? Also why is his pork stew background important? But I guess a lot of dramas sound weird until you see the visuals and watch the story unfold.
  2. Episode 6 - Man, the real killer JM is creepy and calculative and it's clear from what MJ was trying to tell JJ (which her father seemed to have heard before he raced home to prepare to chop off her fingers) was that sometimes he gave her goose bumps. So clearly, it seems the reason that she didn't like coming home was that she also felt something was very off about her dad....I was going to say did he put on an act every time she was home from college? Did she think he was differently abled like the rest of society or did she see a different side of him where he functioned more regularly but with a creepily cold/ controlling front? - The other thing that weirds me out is that he even has a daughter? I'm sure this will be explained in future episodes...but if he is as different as he portrays himself to be, and the town's aunties were as judgemental as they were shown to be (they were all saying DS was lazy and no good in the first episode)...who would let their daughter marry/ have kids with him? - As much as JW does annoy with his antagonising of DS and the town's folk, I do also understand his impatience with the small town's police and their "turning a blind eye" towards erasing things etc. The root of corruption anywhere is this whole buddy-buddy, I do you a favour, you do me a favour type of attitude...and it's one thing to have faith in someone, but quite another to bend the rules so far that they're broken completely because you have faith...that's when the waters get murky and why it is so so so hard to investigate anything. - In terms of JW and DS, I think they both equally annoy me They are both at polar ends of the spectrum- JW is very in your face and hot-headed. But DS is also not helping with his sarcasm and refusal to co-operate, though I do understand why he seems to be reluctant to tell JW anything because he's so rash and would probably mess it up for them. DS also seems to have held onto his suspicions for a long time now and I think he wants proof before he attacks. From the context provided in episode 6, I don't think DS was trying to protect JM...more that he had always suspected it was JM, but he hasn't been able to prove it was him. Unlike JW, DS isn't about to openly tell everyone who he suspects. The other thing to remember is that DS was publicly known as the suspect of those past murders, so if he said things without proof, he would look even more guilty....especially accusing someone who seems differently abled. And it's been mentioned that without a body, the suspect of a murder walks free. So I guess all these years since the first sets of murders, DS has just held onto his suspicions quietly by himself while he worked to become a cop and tried to find the bodies. Since no other murders happened (or few), he couldn't really do anything to investigate JM. But I'm guessing the reason he became close to MJ (like a second dad) is because he was worried about her safety, which is why he was crying and saying sorry after she died....not because he protecting JM, but because he couldn't protect MJ from JM? Yep, I think it's definitely DS who sent the text and he did probably find the phone, but I thought it would have been after they left the butcher shop? I'm a little confused on the late night time line to be honest. What time MJ comes home and is attacked and what time everyone finishes dinner and when everyone follows her. Also agree, the scene with him putting out the fingers still hasn't been explained...did he imagine or dream it? If he knew where to find her fingers, wouldn't he know where to find her? also wouldn't his fingerprints be on the evidence then? (I guess he had gloves on. Still) I think it's interesting because through JW's character (who we follow a lot) we're reminded that we are also outsiders to this dark little town. We see a lot more than JW since we also get to watch everything unfold from DS's point of view, but we're never quite let in on the conversations between townsfolk...they are often snippets, cut short just before we can piece everything together...and we have to wait till a DS scene before things are clarified a bit better
  3. I'm not sure if the survey was by Koreans or all fans. It made all the Go Ara Instagram accounts happy, that's for sure! I know if it was International then they would have had a hand in voting for sure! Haha, I feel like LJW is good at pulling off dislikeable characters (ie. Marco Han, Baek Kyung). I think he will be either cowardly or villainous in this little role, but hopefully it'll still be good. I know he had a huge fan base who will still love him regardless Hahaha, I like Park Min Young, but often don't like who she's paired up with (Not a fan of Park Seo Jun, Ji chang wook etc ). But I definitely like Seo Kang Joon, so I'm enjoying the drama...Also LJW plays such an adorable character. I'd say he is the warmest and softest as Jun in Dodosolsollalasol and Jang Woo in When the Weather is Fine. LJW is definitely cheeky....haha I always think about how GAR asked if Sunja would want a kiss from Manbok in the making for their kiss scene and LJW was like, "of course she would"...haha but GAR matches him with her cheek. I remember she made a joke saying she didn't think he could memorise all his lines and then said she was joking...and he was like "I don't think you were joking...Let's talk after this!" I miss these two they were sweeter than chocolate
  4. Ah yes, He was my first guess/ hunch too! Mainly because it's always the innocent looking ones...and he was the one that came out when DS and JW were talking and saying the criminal always returns to the scene of the crime. But in a weird way I feel a little disappointed knowing from this episode coz it would be more fun trying to figure it out between several suspects for a few more episodes since everyone in the town presented quite darkly. But now with these new scenes, I feel like DS isn't protecting him but has maybe always felt a little uneasy about him?
  5. Yes!! I saw his baby photos and thought they were adorable....haha he's so round He definitely looks the same
  6. Episode 5 - Just did the watch and it was an interesting episode. It seems like pretty much everyone in the town can be a suspect since a lot of them have motives and back stories as well....remind me never to live in a creepy small town - But the focus does seem to be toward JJ and the supermarket owner/MJ's dad...the episode was intercut between revealing lots of suspicious information about JJ like he was in a mental hospital for a long time, has dreams about women and thinks he killed a deer or a person that looked like a deer. But even before the big reveal at the end, this episode had lots of scenes with MJ's dad including the fact that he went to that event (which DS disrupted) and there was a scene of him watching the news and then curling up on the floor... - It's hard to know which person sounds more suspicious or whether the suspicions will move on next episode (ie. the young officer JH also sounds like he has issues...he use to avoid people and stay in his rooms? Typical teenage/introverted behaviour...or another suss backstory... ) - I agree with @Chocolate Episode 5 does seem early to reveal the killer...But I also feel like we're just going to get a focus on several characters and then we'll start to pick off the red herrings and get to just one of these guys in the line up...so even if it's not MJ's dad, it could be JJ or DS even...it's hard to rule out anyone in the line up at the moment. I wonder too There's always a strange tension between them...it's like DS pities him but also hates him? He's rough to him with a lot of yelling and sarcasm, but then seems to feel guilty for being that way and will reluctantly tell him to look after himself. That would seem like he suspects him....or is it that he has seen what he's done and protects him, but feels bitter about doing so?? Haha, while I like both characters, they do talk a lot and in very sharp tones and in indirect, misleading ways to each other which can be fun, but also annoying as it is a bit circular. @Chocolate I do agree JW can be rash and barges in a lot, but I also think DS could stop playing mind games on his part too....like he knows JW has this complex about getting that woman killed, but he seems to enjoy hanging it over JW's head...which doesn't seem to help with solving the crime either...it just makes JW more frustrated and therefore act more rash and angry? Will these two just stop provoking each other... I was thrilled to see LDH play the younger version of DS since it seemed like they'd flashback quite a bit given that the past case is a cold case and tied to the present case...seems more like a side role than just a cameo @SilverMoonTea Were you disappointed that the cameras were barely on YJG while he was fighting? Must admit to feeling like more was needed
  7. Oh heyyy you went all out on your first dining after covid experience. Longrain is super fancy Have to admit I haven't been yet! Will have to check it out sometime!
  8. The Taiwanese actors of Someday or One Day jokingly weigh in on which Korean actors should play their parts in the K-drama remake. Greg joked if Alice could still be female lead, he hopes his character would by played by Gong Yoo so she can happily act alongside him Alice jokingly said Park Seo Joon or her husband (lol, not a Korean though) LOL I'm just trying to picture Gong Yoo in a school uniform these days. He's pretty, but might be a stretch!
  9. Hahaha I also saw when these two posted at almost the same times on the same day and I was charmed by their timing I like that everyone's mind went straight to..."Are GAR and LJW hanging out??" Well it's true that they barely post and so when they do post and do it on the same day, it's exciting... I like your comparison between rational mind and delulu fan mind Delulu mind is fun! Thanks @eNDe for your lovely words! I'm glad you enjoyed this little virtual visit to Mokpo. Every now and then I find a photo showing another angle of Lala Land or another place in Mokpo and I'll chuck it in because it's just like piecing together a puzzle of this dreamy place that makes up the lovely Eunpo of our drama. Even though many things have been taken away from this drama, I feel grateful that at least Mokpo seems to have appreciated the drama and left some keepsakes for us to come treasure hunt in the future Ah yes! Hope you enjoy the Seoul tour too I realised that although most of the happier memories take place in Eunpo, the 3 first meetings take place in Seoul since they were both younger and living there. And both of Lala's weddings that Jun crashes also take place in Seoul although they make the second wedding look like it's in an Eunpo church The place I want to go to the most is the cafe they met at. The cafe recently posted another picture from the drama, proud to have been a backdrop: https://www.instagram.com/p/CLvLQmrl0Q8/ Buam7 which is the location where Jun's house was filmed also recently posted more behind the scenes photos, though none with the actors (you can see Jun's mum on the camera screen though): https://www.instagram.com/p/CLwCl04JX8N/ Hahaha, thanks so much for this! But she's so tiny!!! How did she even manage?! Speaking of this, I am actually glad both GAR and LJW are on break because there seems to be a wave of accusations for a lot of actors who are on screen now. I think it's good that people who have actually been bullied speak up against their accusers and actors who have done wrong like Ji Soo own up and get punished for past bad behaviour (There must have been a lot of evidence against him for his agency to advise him to apologise.) But I am also worried that if actors are innocent, some jealous ex-friends/ ex-partners/ hater anti-fans are taking advantage of the situation to wreck people's lives. I would hope that the actors I like are not bullies, but I also hope they wouldn't meet false accusations that would hurt them I've seen so many nice things said by other people about these two so I hope it's a bubble that keeps them safe. Thanks for this official announcement! Why did they not mention DDSSLLS for LJW when it was a netflix show?? But seeing When the Weather is Fine mentioned, I'm enjoying that drama a lot! In fact it's helping to fill the hole that was left by DDSSLLS because it's also set in a beautiful country town location which lots of warm townsfolk which reminds me of how important Eunpo was and LJW's character is so funny and hyper in his super talkative form- He's quite convincing as over-sharer Jang Woo as much as he was being the secretive Jun. The story is such a beautiful slice of life with both an air of mystery, a lot of stories about family and friends and some romance, but so far being over half way I'm liking how mild and gentle it is with not a huge amount of romance for LJW (haha because it's still Lala and Jun for me!) Also didn't realise LJW had worked with one of the ahjummas closely from DDSSLLS before - the one who speaks English In When the Weather is Fine , LJW's character Jang Woo runs a book club and that ahjumma is part of the book club and they interact. Haha, I'll share cute LJW gifs in the spoilers since not DDSSLLS content It's a real drought now with DDSSLLS/ GAR & LJW content at the moment, but I'll share some edits I really like made with really nice gentle music: https://www.instagram.com/p/CIenKVIJ8LB/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CHAtMNcDH4W/ https://www.instagram.com/p/CGlGu-2oh8p/
  10. The main pairing for Taiwanese drama, Love is Science? (Drama to take over from Devil Punisher) is going to be Christina Mok and Wu Nien Hsuan. He's quite young and new, so no idea who he really is, but people say he's a good up-coming star. Hmmm they look good together, but not sure if I'll watch it yet.
  11. @SilverMoonTea On Episode 9 of When the Weather is Fine and your Oppa SKJ is quite a kisser The episodes where he's starting to open up more are growing on me...
  12. Yayyy, I'm glad someone really likes it too. I am really calmed and soothed by it...everything feels so soft and pleasant...and yeah, I was surprised by how fast the episodes fly by for a drama that people told me was slow The only fix I can see is if they change the storyline a bit and kill off his character and have a new character come in and maybe leave an open ending if it's a romance...perhaps that means they'd only have to re-film a few episodes? Many years working in Arts & Entertainment makes me speculate that Ji Soo probably had little choice in how he'd handle this matter. His agency would have killed him (especially if they really had no idea about it) and then they would have investigated and then dictated the best PR course for him to follow....an apology only looks good if you have no way out since it is, by default, an admission of guilt. It's actually a horrible thought that the evidence probably is pretty damning. I totally agree that the Korean public can be like a total outraged mob, but then develop amnesia after awhile...it's not the greatest, but one would hope if JS is responsible he'd at least he gets a taste of his own medicine even if delayed and temporary. However if the evidence is strong, I wonder if it will lead to a criminal investigation I was talking to a friend about this today because she was upset about the victim blaming in this case on Instagram. It's apparently really hard to officially raise a complaint about bullying and sexual assault in Korea (Well anywhere really to be honest). It seems like JS use to be well known for sports at a national level in his youth? So he was probably seen as "important" in society and then people feared him during high school to report him. Then time would have passed and the claims would not have been taken seriously (Why didn't you report earlier if this was a real situation?) I guess we don't know if the victims also tried online before since there's also zealous fan clubs. So it makes sense that if they were still angry and the opportunity arose (ie. this momentum) they would take it, especially if they had tried to complain before. If they were being unheard/ ignored when they had tried to complain reasonably, then maybe they had no choice but to be disruptive to make their point. It's like when people protest on the streets - it clogs traffic, maybe people get hurt, buildings get vandalised, but it brings the issue to the attention of the public. I mean the silver lining is it does serve as a reminder not just to JS but across the board that bad behaviour comes back to bite you. Assuming they still get paid, they're not fired and their reputation is not damaged from being linked to him, I think it's definitely disappointing, stressful and frustrating...but I don't know if I'd personally put it into the same basket of suffering? I guess I just think most people have experienced a crisis with work or a setback in a large professional project before and bounced back, but people are effected by trauma differently. But yes, it does totally suck when you did not cause the problem and your project is cancelled or you have to do more work. This is true - KBS is just the face of it all, but production companies are the ones that put everything together. It's also been an especially tough year with covid and I think all of this will be really terrible for them combined Wow, really? I did not hear about her removal from trailer, though I know this is about her band's scandal with ex-member. Band drama is always complicated
  13. Hahahaha....noooo....now I'm am tempted to have a look Must...resist...finish drama first!!!
  14. Yeah, fair enough, there's always some actors that you think are good and kinda like. It's sad that it turned out this way. You're right, it would have been so hard for his victims - like salt on wounds. I think it's the second lot of allegations which made me feel grossed out. And 18/20 episodes is so far into the drama...it'll be hard to decide what to do Yeah, I've seen both the sad fan comments and the crazy stan comments. I do feel bad for the ones who are sad, but realising this is happening...I guess some people have been following him for years and it would suck to find all this out after years. Why 9 years? Why not a round 10 years? I never worry about you. All I have to do is go back to page 1 here and see your list and I know you will survive any scandal that happens
  15. Hahaha this is why I joined your religion @SilverMoonTea Better to have more Oppas than less in case they break your heart. Let me guess...is super slow pacing is one of your complaints? Haha, I heard this one before relating to this drama. I'm only on episode 7, so I don't know if there will be a downturn later on, but I'm enjoying it so far....aside from the first episode which was a bit slow, the pacing has been alright in my opinion. I find there's enough mystery dangling for me to be intrigued. Also everything in this drama is just so pretty Haha, look at this guy...
  16. Haha I am enjoying When the weather is fine a lot! I think it's getting colder here and I love bookstores, and I loooove dramas with a good community vibe, so everything in the drama is coming at me strong. I've just watched past your favourite scene and I was really charmed by that very sweet and mild scene SKJ matches nicely PMY...they both play the gentle, timid characters well. I'm afraid he hasn't quite reached Oppa status yet for me though...but I still have many episodes to go. I feel like he has strong competition in that Kim Dae Young just came in and he looks so much better with this hairstyle Hahaha You know me a little too well! My favourite character is Jang Woo coz it's this super chatty LJW and we all know I love a good warm-hearted trash-talking character But we will see if SJK manages to charm his way into my heart. I mean I like him, but it's not that Oppa-level of like so far, you know? Yeah, this is pretty disappointing for everyone around him. I feel really bad for the victims who had to suffer because of him but are now (as usual) getting blamed by some of his fans as trying to destroy him just because they've finally found the courage to speak up It's rare for an agency or PR company to tell an actor to publicly confess, so I would say that Ji Soo confessing probably isn't really being brave so much as his agency and their lawyers have investigated this situation and probably discovered there's some substantial proof/ witnesses/ group action of victims and they're probably going to lose in court if victims choose to pursue the case or release proof online. But with that said I feel sorry for those dedicated fans of Ji Soo who must now be really sad. Was he anyone's oppa? He wasn't mine (Haha, I liked PHS better in SWDBS)...but I mean I never know what the celebrities I like have done in life so I hope they really have not done anything harmful or toxic to others! And while I'm not watching RWTMR, I feel bad for the cast and crew who worked hard for the drama, but may not see their project through Even though I am was salty at KBS for not giving my favourite pairing a Best Couple Award last year, I even feel a tiny bit bad for them since 3 of their projects affected by bullying claims, one which now looks to be real.
  17. Hahaha, yeah I remember being upset for the stupidest reasons as a teen in high school...I felt left out at times or felt sensitive to friendly teasing etc. But I can't hold grudges (and have a terrible memory), so couldn't hold anything against anyone now But I've also been lucky not to have had faced real bullying. Someone close to me in another year level was bullied but it was lucky because they had good friends and classmates who told the bully to back off and it worked. I think most of the accusations against people have been like physical and verbal abuse. Like name calling or hitting someone...And if there is substantial proof, I don't know how I'd feel...because even if they turned a new leaf, I wouldn't know if that was genuine or just for show because they just wanted to be famous However, innocent until proven guilty and again, depends on whether there are any cracks in the stories told because there are also zealous fake victims too! But it is hard...like what if it was a play fight you had but one person was more hurt by it and never told the other but held a grudge for years?
  18. I feel like it's both good and bad that there's a wave of these accusations...a double edged sword On the one hand I do think it's possible that some of these celebrities could have been arrogant/ cliquey / bullying people in their youths - I mean a number of them were good looking from a young age, probably were popular in school and probably were from privileged backgrounds. Also Korea (and parts of Asia) have a cultural issue where I think they need to teach kids not to 'look down on others'...but it's hard because I think it's a habit that adults have ingrained as well due to having high Asian standards/expectations for themselves and others....so I wouldn't write off all celebrities being accused as 'innocent.' And if they did do something bad (and depending on how bad - like if it was physical assault or caused the victim years of depression), as public figures, I don't think they should be let off just because they're famous. That's as bad as saying rich people should be let off because they're more "productive" in society It wouldn't be fair and it wouldn't help the situation where people are already judgemental in that society. Even if the celebrity had turned over a new leaf, but there was still proof they had acted badly in the past, I think they should make a public apology, accept that they will have some projects cancelled and this should serve as a warning for up and coming idols/actors. On the other hand, I do think that there's people taking advantage of this wave particularly jealous ex-friends/ ex-partners who want to take down someone who they see as being undeservingly more successful than them. There's also opportunistic acquaintances who can see themselves getting 15 seconds of fame/ money It's sad that people do make claims and drag others down for the wrong reasons. It does seem suspicious that a lot of the actors targeted have been active recently...so the timing is too perfect? If I was a celebrity, I would totally be taking a break at the moment. However, I hope innocent celebrities have enough evidence and friends to back them up and disprove claims. I was reading the Dispatch article, not on an Oppa, but on Park Hye Soo (which is why Dear M is postponed). And if the texts are real, then it would seem like a case of jealous ex-friends...Also some other classmates have spoken on her behalf....I think if you really are a nice person, people would jump to your defence: https://www.koreaboo.com/news/dispatch-reveals-park-hye-sus-accusers-lying-claims-reveals-text-messages-showing-friends/
  19. Haha I believe this is truly his feelings about GAR She is pretty and crazy fun The Instagrammer One Cloudy Day is known as Melody on Twitter...you can follow her here (below)...She also had a blog with gifs, but she recently turned it on private Still, she said it's only because she's fixing something and plans to turn her gif blog back to public when she can (I hope she does because she has lot of pretty DDSSLLS gifs as well as LJW gifs!) Nope only a cameo or side role. I think LJW will probably be in 1-2 episodes by the sounds of it ? Wow, you must be very busy! Haha hopefully a good project comes along worth your time. But we can always re watch DDSSLLS and be happy with the Jun and Lala moments Hahaha, I've definitely saved these interviews/ games for sure! Speaking of the Korean Netflix games, someone found the article which was one of the questions LJW asked GAR in the TMI Quiz and she got right...it was about a director saying LJW had that rare naturalness in front of a camera that few actors have. I would agree with that. He seems so comfortable in front of a camera whatever character he is! I knowwwww, that's something I would love to know... but I guess we just have to use our imaginations Lately I saw that fans voted GAR as the most beautiful actress: https://kingchoice.me/topic-most-beautiful-korean-actresses-2021-close-february-28-1260.html Wonder if LJW ever saw this and thought about how he got to kiss work with the most beautiful actress All good! Yes, we all need to go...Haha, because I follow the hashtags. I keep finding more pictures of Mokpo that I swear I need to update my posts....it'll be never ending! I'll put some photos here and put the credits on my blog. Someone recently posted a close up of the chair where Jun and Lala washed each other's hair. It's definitely not been put in the same direction, but looks like the right chair! Also someone posted a photo of the windows where Jun and Lala looked at the rain Actually there's many more new photos of the inside of Lala land, so feel free to check out my updates if you're curious about the detailings Some people might not like to see spoilers, but I feel like it'll be awhile before we can travel...I'm gonna look now and then figure out the best angles to take my own pictures when I get the chance to visit Thanks for sharing! This is so funny! Haha, he shakes his head, but he's always amused and charmed by her weirdness
  20. Haha, I think I talk about this one a lot...The 1st shop of Coffee Prince was my first Kdrama. I may possibly have watched a Taiwanese drama before Kdramas, but this was the first one I remember and the first drawcard. Gong Yoo was my very first oppa I loved it for the OST which was very indie, the girl-dresses-as-boy-and-gets-mistaken storyline and the tortured love based on misunderstanding. Poor Gong Yoo's character is so confused! Hahaha, this has happened to me before I'm sure. You think you'll never like x actor....then all of a sudden you love them forever. This is interesting! Usually a lot of people I meet like to wait till a series has finished to binge....then they like to watch several episodes together. Maybe it's a patience thing? Haha, you're the first person I've heard of who likes a schedule! But then again most people think it's weird I like having 1 episode per week as opposed to 2 episodes! I like both live watch and completed-series watching, but will swap at times. Live watching Kdramas is more fun in my opinion because everyone else is watching, so you can discus things and figure out things with other fans and all the behind the scenes content - additional videos and pictures from the stations/ actors - make more sense and builds up excitement for the show. And I guess even though most dramas are filmed earlier, because they are often still filming when it airs, it feels oddly real time which is fun. But it is energy intensive to live watch and I find myself much more addicted to the dramas. If I want a drama break, but still want to watch them, I take a live-watch break, which means I pick up an old series and watch it in any time I want (could binge, but mostly watch 1 episode a day/ a week). I'm less likely to watch behind the scenes content etc for things passed since I feel FOMO as it happened years ago etc. Oh well, you can't have it all
  21. Haha, looking at that gif...I never expected to be jealous of a child actor of a drama I'm not watching
  22. I think I'm a sucker for sad piano songs and this one is such a lovely piece that is a memory keepsake of his brother and I'd say his freedom in a place that doesn't allow for that. Haha, I also like that it was played at such a beautiful location in Europe where SYJ's character first heard it. Hahaha, I remember! I think it's such a lovely, hopeful and relevant song in a part of the drama where GAR's character was still quite vulnerable and needed a lot of support and comfort I love the soundtrack, especially the piano pieces... and I have a whole playlist that I chuck on when concentrating for work since piano music is meant to be good for concentrating anyway Hehe will we were get over the music for this drama? I also like these piano pieces from Do do sol sol la la sol Plasir D'Armour (Pleasure of love) Jun learns to play this song as part of his confession to Rara ...and when he's forced to separate from her with no way to communicate with her through words, he draws out the notes for this song to convey his feelings. Je te veux (I Want You) Rara says 'I want You' to Jun without context, which makes the poor boy's heart skip (But she was just referring to the title of the song ) Hahaha, I haven't seen this drama, but I did see the magazine photoshoot for it. I have to say it looked super intense and left little to the imagination Ahhhh, I forgot how much I loved this song!...Listening to his singing and the carefree sound of this song, I still like it a lot. I barely remember this drama though, but I guess it's been years since I watched it. I was a big CNBlue fan back in the day and saw them live when they played in my country. Oooh thanks for the intro to this song. It is light and easy listening :) To this day, this remains one of my favourite dramas. Everything was so well done with this drama and you're right the OST was quite fun and 'Dreams' was such a lovely song to play in the more emotional scenes between the leads. Yeah, I liked Heartstrings for the music and I didn't/ couldn't watch You're Beautiful - it had one of those horrible love triangles where the main guy was mega toxic-abusive and the female lead still chose him over the second lead who was nice to her. Pretty sure the reason they put her Heartstrings was because there was a lot of SLS going on with fans. It's like my dream book club with LJW
  23. I think his competition was too tough....I adopted Lee Do Hyun from that drama. He was so pretty LOL well, it's a bit weird, but if you say it's normal, ok then I don't have as much stamina and energy as you! This is already a lot of Oppas for me compared to past years
  24. Haha have you guys seen this old post? Rowoon got her sneakers last Christmas? Damn, did this kid save a country in her last life?! She is blessed with Rowoon's care and attention
  25. I actually rarely watch variety shows so never seen it...haha how can he have trouble with a water gun?? Needs lots of help, this baby I dropped Search after watching the 1st episode. I think it wasn't the sort of drama I was looking for. I like zombie dramas, but I'm not so big on monster dramas...and the pacing was a bit slow for first ep. Not even Yoon Park enticed me to go further Haha this is me too. Maybe because it's a monster drama I watched till Episode 2 and it's been paused so far What the tacos girl said in that ad (Why not both?) applies so well to Oppas collecting. @Tofu That gif of YJG is just so cute I think I'm gonna be like @SilverMoonTea and adopt him as Oppa. Funny how he did not much for me in Hotel Del Luna. But now he's gotten to Oppa status from a murder drama (Beyond Evil) My 2021 Oppa List so far (with pics from Projects I adopted them from) Jan - Hwang In Yeop Feb - Kim Myung Soo /L Mar - Yeo Jin Goo And then there's like the On-going Oppas I go on about the most - Jasper Liu & Lee Jae wook
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