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Everything posted by JenL

  1. Haha, thanks for your thanks! It's my pleasure since I loved the drama so much despite the ending Everything about that drama was so lovely, particularly GAR and LJW/ Lala and Jun Yes! I agree...I feel like Instagram tends to have more positive DDSSLLS fans who felt the same as us - they loved the drama even if they weren't too pleased with some of the writer's choices (as opposed to Twitter where people are salty all the time). It's been lovely to see new fans post new edits and stills from the drama and talk about how much they loved it. Some lucky English speaking fans who live in Korea are also visiting the locations: https://www.instagram.com/p/CM7VXk4ruVp/ Awww Thanks! Yes, I've had that blog for ages and I don't delete content for dramas I've loved. There's even a few embarrassing dramas there, but I keep the content since there's always new fans who watch and appreciate finding everything all in one blog. I don't always keep it updated either, I think there was like 4 years where I wrote nothing But I'll always keep my DDSSLLS content there for new fans and to commemorate how much I loved the series Yeah it's not my type of drama at all ! Hahaha it's actually going to get 3 seasons! I think Koreans actually like Makjang dramas although they may sometimes complain about them too. Very popular series are almost always makjang - World of the Married, Sky Castle, Penthouse...I can't believe people prefer those to DDSSLLS I loved that series and Jun's dad was real evil in that! But sad that the status of second season probably will be up in the air (if not cancelled or replacing JBG) due to his scandals. LJW is still without an agency....but he seems to be happy? He was tagged in a post by a friend he recently added on Instagram and you can hear his laugh? He's also added more friends since quitting. Glad to see also the DDSSLLS crew is still there...I heard he and LDH unfriended each other awhile ago even though they use to interact sometimes on socials.... That seems weird....But I hope GAR and LJW stay social media friends!
  2. Hahaha oh so that's what you have! Hahaha your attention span only for Oppas not for dramas Awwwww cuteeeeee He's been my only March adoption. But I've only been watching Beyond Evil lately. Hahaha oh sorry! Like silvermoontea, I belong in the Janghaven group of those who avoid Sangeuks. I have a complicated relationship with them since I do like some period dramas (I like British period dramas a lot, sometimes I watch Spanish or French ones and in terms of Korean Sangeuks, Kingdom is one of my favourite dramas!)...but I also feel bored if it's one of those harem ones where it's like plotting against other wives etc etc. Some times they are a bit melodramatic too... But I'm surprised you feel like there's only a few - lately I feel like every drama announced with my favourites has been a Sangeuk...and I'm actually considering watching some (ie. Affection) so I get to watch my actors...or otherwise I have to wait for who knows when?! Yeah it was pretty intense to see all those broken contracts! Has it gotten better these last couple of days? I've been busy and haven't followed lately! Hahaha I'm happy too @SilverMoonTea!!! Even if it wasn't Jasper, I'm not a particular fan of Steven Sun....but it seems like the agencies are very seriously denying this. Meh, Puff and Jasper's chemistry was always better, whether friends or more... Hahaha you need to start watching his dramas!!! Hahahaha I find this so weirddddd....it's like not protective...but also not attractive fashion But then again, I sometimes think fashion is a flex - it's beautiful people wearing ugly things
  3. Mannn, it looks like Snowdrop might possibly be in trouble too. There's a big petition at the moment according to an article that was released yesterday... https://mydramalist.com/article/petition-for-snowdrop-to-stop-production-gains-over-100k-signatures
  4. Yeah something went down. Not sure if VAST didn't try to keep LJW enough or if LJW wanted a change (or more benefits/ pay rise/ freedom to pick more projects etc.) I'm going to refrain from thinking negative things like background checks unless there's some evidence of that. But whatever the case, it didn't end as smoothly as it should. I hope LJW gets a new agency that appreciates him. I mean if not AC with GAR, I wouldn't mind SALT with KJH (Dr Cha)...I've been impressed with how they've helped promote Kim Joo Hun, Kim Seon Ho and Park Shin Hye amongst many others. I feel like they usually keep the 'army' option open if not necessary to go yet. I think most actors who don't do it early end up doing it in their late 20's after finishing a drama. It would feel random if he went now...but who knows what he plans? Like you, I think he needs a few more lead role dramas under his belt first. Even though people didn't love the ending, I hope it helped to convert many fans for both actors...I know it converted me! Part of that was because of the warm story...the other part was GAR and LJW's chemistry together and the sweetness of their characters love story Hahaha I've been listening to LJW's playlist during work and I'm enjoying it It's quite a chill list so while these aren't artists I normally listen to, I'm liking it because it's a style I can appreciate (Hmm even Justin Bieber who I normally avoid like the plague has a pretty chill song on this list ). The most likely scenario is that they're just chill songs LJW likes since he always mentions he likes artists like Post Malone and street style anyway. The image he likes to present of himself is just being relaxed and cool in his spare time and these songs definitely spell out that vibe But if looking at hidden meanings, this list reads like either LJW likes someone intensely or he's going through a breakup? Or both?! Maybe it's a code for breakup with his agency though? Haha! Lyrics: The Ways - Khalid Leave the Door Open - Bruno Mars Peaches - JB Hold on - JB Running through the night - Seori Lovers in night - Seori Overdrive - Conan Gray R U Ok? - Tate McRae To be honest, I think most K celebrities are dating someone, but only admit it if caught. They're all in agencies with very attractive people and also put into projects with equally attractive people. Not to mention they had lives before becoming celebrities and the years they are in the public eye are also the best dating years of their lives... I also heard once that some agencies have rooms for actors/ idols to chat with their partners away from paparazzi's. So I don't think he'd be pushed out if he was simply dating someone, especially as he's an actor (not an idol.) It might still depend on agencies and situations etc but some young actors have announced relationships before and not had an issue (Eg. Jo Byeong Gyu was dating his Sky Castle co-star for a year and everyone was fine with it. His real scandal was bullying accusations). Also Hyun bin is dating someone himself...it'd be so hypocritical to push someone out for dating! If hypothetically speaking he was dating, the agency would just deny it unless there was hardcore evidence with someone If it was an old-co-star like Hye Yoon, maybe people might even like it....If it was Go Ara (or Lee Da Hee), people would either love it because they shipped him...or hate it because they can be oddly judgemental about real life age gaps....When Suzy announced she was dating Lee Dong Wook (who is like 13 years older) the public were so judgemental that they broke up after a few months? However it's not like they got fired by their agencies for dating either. Haha, as much as I would love a real Lala and Jun situation, I would hope LJW was not kicked from his agency for this as it would cause trouble in paradise I guess that's why LJW's got a playlist of secret love songs for GAR huh?! (Hahahaha, We can dream right?) Seriously though, anything is possible since it's not like I work in K-Ent or know anything for sure - I just feel like the chances of getting kicked out of an agency for dating is not as high these day? So I feel like the issue was something bigger than just a dating thing? Anyway, I just hope LJW is really going ok and that he signs up with an agency soon to help everyone get over this unsettled feeling. I think every fan is sending Lala-styled hugs to him at the moment.
  5. LOLLLL What was that dance??? I feel like I must restrict my Oppas to Korean legal age of 20 or American legal age of 21 Hahaha, yes, hope you can visit! Always cold winds where I'm at This is a wise choice! Social media breaks help to refresh the soul, as much as I like them!
  6. Yeahhh, I haven't seen him lock in any projects since he hit such a high level of fame? I'm surprised that there's always such a gap between people (not just KSH) becoming super famous and taking on another project. I suppose they're already committed to some things, don't want to rush into new shows and also there's a lot of stars to distribute projects to...but I would have thought they would try to leverage the fame while hot. But I guess he's being lots of commercials and that is apparently where the money's at. Haha, I hope everyone avoids Sageuk to be honest Ahhh that cotton thing which has led to a lot of stars breaking contracts with fashion brands. I have to say even though I don't watch c-dramas in general I somehow hear about the scandals because they're quite dramatic most of the time and flood my twitter! Hahaha isn't he just so pretty?! I like looking at him Was kinda hoping he'd pick up a modern drama, but we'll see how he goes!
  7. Wow they are very serious about their history?? Australians tend to be generally pretty chill with this type of stuff unless there are elements of racism (probably because we don't have dynasty type histories. It's pretty much colonisation so we don't really have that level of respect for historical figures anyway) . I understand the seriousness towards bullying issues for actors...but this is harder to understand But in any case I guess all brands would not want to be associated with anything with strong negative public sentiment. Yeah I was planning on watching Snowdrop not for an oppa, but for Hye Yoon who I love because she's so cute and always posting Thank yous to her fans. I feel like maybe K-dramas need to have focus groups with K-drama audiences when they come up with ideas to avoid getting into hot water later on. Cancel culture has been strong recently...and while it's good for setting things straight with injustices, it's also sometimes applied to other areas when people just don't like something? oooh yes please when you have time! I would love to see this funny webtoon...I have several webtoons on the go for far, but none of them have finished yet!
  8. Hahaha, oh good. I thought it was just me who thought this! Everyone keep raving about her dramas...but I always cannot stand them. Hmmm, but I feel like a lot of people do in every drama...but then again, I guess IU's character in Hotel Del Luna is also a "chosen one" for supernatural life and her past is also meh. For some reason though, I liked Hotel Del Luna but cannot tolerate this in Goblin. Hahaha, oh I wasn't really weirded out by this pairing for the age gap (my fav dramas last year included both DDSSLLS and 18 Again = steep age gaps!)...I was just more weirded out by the characters themselves. I found KGE's school girl character very irritating. Like they wanted to make her spirited with a hard life, but I kept feeling annoyed at her actions. And I didn't understand why he was so drawn to her, though maybe it's just coz I don't remember the story 100% now. In terms of age visuals...I love Gong Yoo, but KGE looking so young did make him look more uncle like in comparison and I'm not sure I liked that either I still haven't started yet! I'm more behind than ever...have you gotten further @Jane...maybe I have a chance to catch up tomorrow! This sounds so interesting! Wonder how they would execute what I assume is the internal life of the character? Maybe I'll read the webtoon because I can imagine lots of weird and fun situations the cells would be involved with in the character's life. Where did you read the webtoon, Jane? I wasn't watching this anyway, but I don't understand why it was cancelled? It really doesn't seem like a good year for dramas so far, does it? On a lighter note about another drama I'm not watching/ haven't watched...I'm glad they're refilming the whole drama with the same actor. It will make it so nice and consistent!
  9. I miss Malaysia And travel on the whole! Also @Jane this gives me hope for travel between our places! https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/australia-and-singapore-plan-for-travel-bubble-and-quarantine-hub-by-july-20210312-p57a57.html
  10. Haha, I understand your pain @TRaNz...I need foodie friends who will go out for pretty noms too!! I like taking pretty food photos and I have a few friends from uni who pick nice places and put up with my photo taking ...But a few of them moved away so remaining group don't go out as often which is sad What kinds of nice foods do you like eating? I suppose I should just catch up on your foodie thread first to see! The Arts are so important! Never let anyone tell you otherwise. We're lucky where I am because it's a large part of our city, so government put safeguards to keep artist and film organisations going through tough times with covid. Hopefully other places also have politicians realise this! Hahah they are smart...the media is power and the Koreans have such a stronghold on popular media. They do well to leverage it.
  11. @SilverMoonTea 62 books over many years though! I have to cross off the titles of my list, that's why I know how many books I've read. You're much faster with your oppas though....like 62 oppas in one month, is it? @abs-oluteM I'm imagining a bunch of students with shocked faces if you accidentally have some oiled abs projected on a large screen
  12. I always think of writing in your book club thread but I'm forgetful! I do love reading - my last book was 'The Secret History' by Donna Tartt. Very morally corrupt rich college kids kill someone in a bizarre way I couldn't put it down once I started. I'm at 62 books out of 100 - trying to complete one of those 100 recommended books reading lists. It's taken me years to get this far so far Hahaha, I don't know if I'll end up finishing the first ep either...The dubbing of Jasper's voice will kill me first
  13. @SilverMoonTea Are you the expert of cheesy pick up lines? Hahaha...damn, most of mine are just pretty eye candies! Thanks for explaining this @Tofu...I've always been so confused about Chinese dramas....haha this is just adding to more reasons why I think I've avoided Chinese dramas thus far. I like the semi-live schedule of Tw and K dramas. It feels like there's too big a gap if the drama was shot ages ago...like do the actors even remember what they're promoting if they're also shooting new projects?! Oh god...if they drop both Jasper's dramas, I'm not sure to laugh or cry or run away. Watching 28 episodes at once sounds too intense for meeee Runnnnn Awayyyyy Man, I also have to catch up on @TRaNz's food threads. Give me ideas for new food adventures! I can also actually go to the places mentioned too which makes me happy I want to win, but always forget to buy the ticket 0% chance! Hahaha oh no! I'll try to reply in your threads! I'm so chicken that I get scared reading horror movie descriptions ok wikipedia. I guess I should avoid Joseon Exorcist? Me too! I read one book recently...and now I'm back to drama watching. Good bye books again!
  14. Hello! Been sooooo long since I popped in for a chat here. How is everyone doing? How has your weeks been? Hope everyone is going well Also sorry if anyone tagged me here and I never responded ...the chat is too fast and I can only concentrate on a few threads at the time because I'm a slow turtle who writes a lot...I'm not as ninja as @abs-oluteM Don't mind me as I play some catch up Yayyyy, I'm glad you liked it too. I really enjoyed it. It made me look up book clubs around my area to join...but then I realised it probably wasn't going to be as cool as the drama so I gave up This Bai Jing Ting is definitely one of @Tofu's favourites lately She says this here but her latest Oppa is 18 yrs old!!!
  15. Thank youuu everyone...I love polaroids. I've printed quite a few now. Hehe, there's a small LJW collection since he has quite a few pretty pics. Jun, Seol Ji-hwan and Baek Kyung: Hehe, it's a bit of a code for true DDSSLLS fans. I would recognise that font and logo anywhere! A lot of people have been more forgiving as time goes by...but yeah the other day I still felt the need to write a comment responding to someone trashing DDSSLLS as a flop. Rating wise, it wasn't a flop because people were curious about what would happen...but it wasn't like a surprise hit either. People liked the sweetness of the drama but were disappointed by the end, but it still did ok I loved how beautiful and meaningful the drama was and I'd rather the actors picked a project like this than say, Penthouse, which has been popular but really makjang and hyped! Hahaha I really will have to watch it to understand just how trash 'Trash' is I've been busy lately and haven't started watching my next set of GAR and LJW projects. But I have them pegged for when I have time. And since LJW hasn't announced a new agency, it may be a long drought so I guess I should reserve their projects for when I have nothing! Haha, I'm glad you guys like the behind the scenes pics for the date. I was so happy when I found them - I'm not sure if a lot of people have seen those before And I totally didn't notice him holding her bag...that's such a cute detail They both look happy and comfortable chatting between filming! I'm flattered you think I was a detective I just spend a lot of time digging through the internet. The person who posted those date photos was a Korean LJW twitter account and she didn't credit the original source....Not sure if it was herself. She had a few more LJW/Jun only BTS photos...I think the fan took them when he was running to find Lala at DDSSLLS cafe - they're just photos of his back, but I put them on my blog if interested. Hahaha, there might have been! I think it looks like this was between the filming though since filming crew look like they're in the way when fans took this picture. I would have just liked more behind the scenes of everything...The story was super sweet, but so was the real life chemistry of the actors Hahaha, we just have to think of the list of the good things I posted on the last page We'll always have those Swoon Games and KBS games to think back to... And Remember that Mokpo is also awaiting us I do hope LJW finds a new agency soon though. I think it does make people feel a little jittery that it's not been sorted out completely so far.... Hmmm looks like LJW unfollowed all his agency accounts and actress' accounts (the only other actors was Hyun Bin, who doesn't have socials). The only actress LJW (and his manager) continues to follow from VAST is Lee Yun Jee who also follows him back? It's weird to think of it as not being personal in some way...but then some of the other VAST actresses like Stephanie Lee looked like she stopped following other actors anyway (her and LJW use to mutually follow). Now she only follows a few brands.
  16. I saw some of the scenery pics on Twitter and it looks so pretty! And I like touching older and younger friendships. But hadn't plan to watch it mainly because I'm not a dance person and this is about ballet? Also no actors are strong drawcards for me in this one. We will see if I have time to try an episode...been quite busy lately! Hahaha...I don't know why I found this so funny, but I just laughed so much at this. I did ballet as a kid too, but I was a total daydreamer and would do what everyone else would do like 5 minutes after. I would never make the cut for Kpop group, huh?
  17. Jang Woo added the warm comic relief in Weather is Fine so that character was pretty well received especially since SKJ's character was so mild. Haha, I feel like LJW is quite ambitious...and his fans are ambitious on his behalf. I think a lot of EY fans I know liked RW and HY together, but thought LJW's acting was enough to make him a lead forever after that project DDSSLLS didn't do badly for a drama, though it wasn't super popular either. It had ok ratings since people wanted to know what would happen. But sadly, the ending left a bitter aftertaste which is what people tend to remember when they talk about it. I personally rather that he picks a range of interesting/ likeable/challenging characters than just taking lead roles in popular but superficial dramas. And I'm soft for warm, community dramas which he's done with Weather is Fine & DDSSLLS. Not sure Apparently LJW wasn't initially with an agency when he got the role in Memories of Alhambra so I guess it's possible he could still act without VAST? But not sure how accurate that is. Haven't heard any changes/ cancellations to do with Move to Heaven, but also haven't seen any stills/ news articles confirming he's still in the project either. Hahaha don't worry, @SilverMoonTea updates my Jasper thread more than I do Thread care is very difficult. Sometimes you just gotta trust others to keep it alive Especially when they are big fans of your Oppa These are good points! LOL at VAST planning BinJin's wedding I've heard a lot of theories over the days. Yeah can't tell if they didn't extend more offers/ benefits or if LJW wanted to pick varying genres of projects etc. Haha, people have even analysed the playlist he released for potential clues (That playlist is pretty chill and is now my work music ). I think people will be more settled if a new agency is announced. Is it weird to leave an agency without a new one lined up? Apparently Go Ara did something similar in the past though, so hopefully it's just like that?
  18. Hahaha, Jasper doesn't need to do the magic....He is the magic!! I feel obligated to watch because I love Jasper and it's been a long time since I followed his works. So I probably will watch a few eps just to see what it's like and whether I'll invest. But I wasn't really interested in the storyline or pairing. I have to admit I rarely watch Chinese dramas mainly because of the dubbing and because the romances often look a little too intense for me...I still can't believe how much they dub Jasper I agree...the trailer was ok but it seemed a bit too big budget special-fx-y for me But I will try for Jasper! She looks pretty! And the costumes are great (I hear the costumes are good for a lot of republican dramas)...but haven't really seen her act or anything. We'll see how we feel!
  19. I'm looking forward to this one a lot! Hehe, I saw these pop up on Instagram today! Script reading photos always look slightly awkward since they don't know each other yet!
  20. Hahaha better to have fringe conversations for your safety - it's not fun to get killed by stans! All my LJW discussions have happened on the shipper page or here as opposed to shrine And everyone on the shipper page has been fans rather than stans Hahaha, those break ups sound super dramatic According to a Korean fan, his Naver photos aren't deleted - the message indicates that they're privately archived? But yeah, some also felt it was not a pleasant end of contract period. I hope it's nothing bad (because obviously fangirl here ) But I also wonder if it's just saltiness from the agency because he decided not to re-sign a contract with them? Haha, I mean they gave him his break and if he said no, maybe they felt the sting/ or that he owed them Some ppl felt that his agency didn't push for stronger leading roles after EY on his behalf and he might always be in Hyun Bin's shadow, so maybe he wanted a change etc. (But I really liked When the Weather is Fine and Dodosolsollalasol ). But I don't know how true that is. Oh well, best not to throw wild guesses I am supportive unless there are reasons not to be!
  21. I love that Instagram account! They put up really charming pictures of him and it's all curated so nicely
  22. Hahaha when YJG and KMJ put together, she is confused because too many good looking faces staring back at her I keep seeing these kids from Chuang 2021...just how young are theyyyyy??? Also what exactly is Chuang? Is it like an idol training reality show? Whaaaaa.... ...Well I guess it makes me feel better about how much I fangirl over LJW who is older than that at least
  23. Yeah, I'm still extremely puzzled about the way this all went down. Like it would have been so easy for VAST to release a one sentence statement: "LJW has ended his 3 year contract with us and we wish him well" before deleting all his content?. It just felt a bit cold on the part of VAST - literally like "Now that you're not making money for us, we don't have anything to do with you"...I mean there could have been a falling out or reasons not disclosed for why they handled it this way, but even then, I don't see how or why they still couldn't have done the above mentioned action...it makes me wonder if this is the first time someone didn't re-sign with them? I guess my rationing has been that any scandals are very much in the public realm at the moment.... And to be honest, they haven't promoted him pretty much since New Years day after he got those Awards from KBS, so I guess this split is not as sudden as it seems This has all been very unsettling, but LJW does seem...fine and posting on socials? He just shared his current playlist....Haha, can't believe he listens to Justin Bieber https://n.news.naver.com/entertain/article/609/0000416844
  24. Haha, I think it varies with each agency as to whether they keep or delete content from stars who move agencies. When I was freaking out about LJW on our Oppa thread on this forum, someone checked a bunch of agencies where they knew stars had moved before and it came up differently. I think some agencies like KeyEast do delete the content of actors who had moved. But others kept that content and archived it. I personally think it's such a waste of time to delete that content which would have brought people to their sites (new fans) - I would archive it and leave thing like old Instagram photos except change captions and say actor no longer with this agency. Also give fans a chance to organise themselves! Luckily the hardcore LJW fans saved everything. If you're a picture saver and missing any behind the scenes Jun pics, this Twitter is good: Hahahaha....I have to admit I didn't noticed, but you're not wrong! They're both so similar that they even post the same Instagram shots Who needs telepathy tests when you're both channelling each other anywayyyyy.... They're both as active as each other Hahaha I think in our minds, we're never ever getting over or giving up on our DDSSLLS wedding dreams...We're just going to come to this scenario every single time! I'm glad he posted first too! At least he knew his fans were worried about him! But it really should be the agency's job to make an official statement...I think it felt really cold on the part of VAST. "Now that you're no longer making money for us we don't have to say or do anything on your behalf"...that's what it felt like unless there was a reason they did not disclose @multiloverss I'd say if you don't think you'll love the actors, Run On might not be for you. Personally, I didn't love the series and didn't end up liking any of the actors more from this series (Kang Tae Oh, the second lead, I had already liked from My First First Love) - I didn't feel the romance of the main 4 characters at all, though other people seemed to love it Also @eNDe is right in that is sells itself as a sports drama, but it isn't. However, I think it actually should have sold itself as a drama about film - it's actually a bit arthouse for a mainstream drama and references a lot of classical/ popular films! But I agree the drama's storyline felt quite random and needed more tightening for it to have a more engaging and coherent plot. But it did have 2 things going for it - Even though I love the warmth of DDSSLLS's dialogue the most, I will say that Run On had an interesting type of frank dialogue - I'd be interested in seeing this scriptwriter's future works if they make the story more interesting (If GAR and LJW took on a script like this, I wouldn't object I guess ) The second thing was that they had a super happy ending and tied up all loose ends of even very, very side characters, which was kinda fun. Anyway, hope that helps with your decision making. Yeah...I'm super relieved that it's just his contract ending, but also still a bit unsettled with the way they 'announced' (or rather, didn't announce) his departure I do hope it's of his own accord and he wasn't pushed out. But as long as he's clean, there's plenty of other agencies out there which might actually support him better. And I feel like scandals are very much in the public realm at the moment and people would not be afraid to open up if there was one, so seems like it was just a poorly handled end of contract period. I guess it's not exactly sudden in terms of VAST not promoting him from New Years Day onwards....I guess he finalised it recently and decided not to re-sign. Or they didn't re-offer him?? Mehhh, LJW can do better than them! Let's just hope (or dream) about him signing with Artist Company Also I liked what this person on Reddit said about DDSSLLS...haha they obviously wrote it before the ending killed half the fandom. But they made a good point about the leads and how it was unfair because the drama was so good! "A less popular drama that I think would have garnered high viewership ratings if the main casts are very popular actors is Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol. It’s currently airing and thus has the potential to go down the drain but so far the drama is actually really fun and cute and doesn’t have annoying, wishy washy characters (so far). While Go Ara is already pretty famous and Lee Jae Wook is gaining popularity very quickly, they’re not at that level of attracting a 10% viewership ratings on a free-to-air channel for the premier episode (it premiered to 1.9% but has been increasing bit by bit to the current 3.5%). Happy to see the love it’s been getting here though!" Original opinion:
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