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Everything posted by JenL

  1. Hahaha oh @Tofu This one goes topless every second drama I think @abs-oluteM and @SilverMoonTea will enjoy this....sorry I change Dimples thread to topless Jasper thread Pleasantly Surprised I'm Sorry I Love You When I see You Again Before We Get Married Yep, I've seen that one...that drama is more slapstick comedy/ revenge plot. Jasper starts off really dorky and transforms into a cold hearted CEO. Because he was paired with Mandy Wei who I didn't love, I think I ended up being really into the second couple in that drama - Jet Chao and Zooey Tseng. They were so cute. Hahaha, he does look like Jasper in some ways. Not entirely alike, but enough for you to do a double take This picture of SKJ looks ALOT like Jasper though! Yep...I think Jasper has a warmer smile - like the kind that meets his eyes. SKJ is super pretty. I think he looks friendly too, but he has more of a deadpan model gaze. But I like his looks too...He's like Jasper's cool model brother. I put a dimple photo to make this post relevant to the thread: SKJ - pretty, but slightly more deadpan gaze
  2. Finally watched the last episode tonight! This series has been such a source of joy during these last few months....am sad it'll be awhile till I see my counters again. But with that said this was like the perfect ending, even if they didn't choose to do a season 2 Episodes 15 & 16 (finale) -After the last 2 episodes, I was really glad the series ended back with the sort of pacing it had throughout the rest of the show. I was worried they'd be cramming too much in...but it seems like they got through a bunch of things in 13/14 and went back to that nice balance of action and family warmth and humour. -Ughhh....they did that thing for the mayor which freaks me out in horror movies...they made him look into the security camera, full aware that his son was watching him and laugh manically -SHJ's cameo as the Counter JG from Singapore was so much fun! I loooved the way he rubbed JM the wrong way as his replacement because he was so disrespectful in the first meeting. Also their banter when JM told him he was late even with chartered plane and JG said he should have sent a limo too And then all his trash talking with the counters during every car ride where he tried to talk himself up and they were not having it -But I was so sad about what happened to his character...it's like he literally came to heal MO and then passed away And he was so caring towards her too...I feel like his talk to MO is very ominous for next season, especially since they keep saying they never want to lose another counter again -The most touching scene for me personally was the mayor's bully son eating at SM's house where the grandparents treated him so warmly. It was particularly heart-breaking after SM shows us his memories of his unhappy home life. What I really appreciate about this series has been it's reminder to us that sometimes those people we hate actually have very sad back stories...and if we can all acknowledge that everyone is suffering and be more empathetic and reach out, maybe we find we're not all that different after all. -Like @stroppyse, I'm glad they had the battle with Shin-Mayor at the start of the episode so they could tie up the last episode nicely in all areas. I knew he'd used the parents to try to trick SM, but was surprised he got to the grandparents too It was very satisfying to see this end though -The humour was so point for the last episode, which was great too. From the fact that everyone totally downplayed MT's act of pushing the truck by acting as though he was a show off...to the gangsters saying it was not to late to pray now that they were in Yung -SM's long awaited reunion with his parents was so touching...and it was no surprise that he wanted to tell them the truth and to not feel so guilty. If only kids who have had a similar experience (feeling survivor's guilt when their parents passed) could have some sort of closure like this in the real world -Another really touching reunion was the one with CJ the counter who died. I loved that they showed the same family warmth with him, as if no time had passed between them since his death. Having them meet at the noodle shop, his old HQ was perfect -For SM's grandparents, I was wondering why SM didn't tell them he had had a dream about meeting his parents...but the series did me better with SM asking HN to give them the dream to experience themselves....haha, I liked how they teased the romance as a joke with SM's parents "meeting" HN -You know, who had a real romance though? MO and CJ...haha he finally got his drive with her! -I agree with @ktcjdrama that the tracksuits look more comfortable for fighting and travelling across the country though as @Tofu said they were following the webtoon. I think it was just a celebratory. status thing....they'll probably go back to tracksuits -It really was such a lovely ending - from the mayor finally going to jail, his son apologising to those he bullied and SM spending time with his friends again (They are also the greatest friends - I love that they were always understanding and there wasn't the stereotypical fighting with him because they felt left out etc). Loved this series so much...Thanks everyone for sharing all your insights as well as additional content! Looking forward to s2!
  3. Damn, why are Malaysian fast food sets so much better than Australian ones??? I think it's because Malaysian care a lot about food... Ooooh Thank you both! I think I'll need to look up tutorials. All good, I'm just trying to find hobbies to do...even though we're not locked down anymore, I'm still wfh and it's driving me crazy since there's not that much to do for fun...all I got is my dramas...but feel like I should pick up a skill of some sort Thanks for your help! LOL LSG is so funny. I should probably watch more of his variety shows! Yeah it's the same here too. I don't know if things will be the same for a lot of tourism jobs. Malaysia relied pretty heavily on tourism It's a worry now that the big 5 star hotels are going down. I assume this one is not an international brand though?
  4. This is so sad but so true. Apparently no travel till 2022 for us I feel pretty sad thinking about it. We're like an isolated island, which is good for protecting against covid but we're so isolated! I hope we'll be able to do a travel bubble with Singapore someday soon This is pretty sad - my extended family in Malaysia are pretty upset about lack of celebrations too Luckily some of my family live close to my grandparents or they would be really lonely. Hahaha I feel like you've been influenced by @TRaNz
  5. Hahaha, if it goes ahead I guess I'll have to watch the rest of Sweet Home hopefully to wash out my memories of her in IOTNBO I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way! I also want to see another LJW project, but I'm with you - I kind of hope he'd pass on this one. Wish someone would offer him an action thriller or something. Hahaha, no, I share the same opinions as @Tofu It's still in talks though. Yeah, aside from not being a fan of Park Gyu Young, I think he shouldn't do another KBS drama atm. I thought the stills were ok compared to some other dramas...they could have released more BTS content....but they definitely subbed DDSSLLS after airing at the end of year awards But yeah, the story does sound interesting. I like the idea of entering the art gallery world and the characters sound quirky as well. Hahaha all those dramas coming out in Feb! You've got quite a schedule!!! The only one I'm probably interested in is Beyond Evil
  6. Hahaha, so true! The irony is very deep This character is so different from Jasper Ahhhhh. Those gifs and pictures though. I feel like they messed his hair up in just the right way Have you seen the behind the scenes videos for their photoshoots? One thing is for sure, he's seduced you @SilverMoonTea Hahaha...That's ok. I'm happy to share Jasper I know you move on fast anyway
  7. Hahaha, no, no, BWGM is not my favourite, though I like him and Puff together. I've been following Jasper since 2014? Since his first project with Puff, Pleasantly Surprised I met them both at their fan meet for Pleasantly Surprised. Their chemistry was good already...in fact Puff asked Jasper if he wanted to do BWGM with her after reading the script: Of course, of course...he's very pretty suited up Hahaha wowww, very strong feelings for BWGM I'm glad you've found a Jasper project you like though!
  8. Haha, I saw that yesterday morning...but I'm not a fan of Park Gyu Young. Maybe it's just that the characters she's played have irritated me in the past (The nurse from It's Ok to Not be Ok) or I've not been interested in the projects. I'd give it a chance if it happens since she could be fun in real life, but I'm kind of not really into it. I think I'd prefer if he rejected it for something better Was hoping someone would offer him an action/thriller...or if romance, pair him up with someone else...but since it's already in talks, I guess there's a good chance of it happening. Sigh. At least the storyline sounds interesting. I do like that the story is centred on art galleries Yeah, I do feel like getting an award from the station makes you feel obligated to accept the next project they offer you. And the stations probably offer the awards because they see that star as potential for being in a high rating project. But KBS did DDSSLLS the dirty in the awards category, so I'm not fully excited especially since projects from the other channels seem better lately...SBS had a good run last year (Hot Stove League, Do You Like Brahms? etc), TVN has been super strong (Crash Landing on You, It's Ok to Not be Ok, True Beauty etc.) and OCN always has great non-romances (The Uncanny Counter etc)...I hope one of those have a project for him instead! I wonder if Korean actors have to wait for offers or if they can express an interest if they see a script they like I guess LJW is a fairly new actor and I don't see him with that sort of bargaining power yet. It's true that a non stereotypical character would be good for stretching his acting range...and he would be adorable as a dorky and sweet character He has a ability to do warm though they often like to give him a slightly salty character too LJW always described Jun as sweet and salty in his interviews. Like some kind of chocolate covered pretzel or something Hehehe, I feel like he did learn from the best. GAR would have been helpful with the dorky but warm side of her character I would go for anything even if they weren't Jun and Lala....a film, a photoshoot, a variety show....I feel like they would both be so good on a variety show actually. From watching their Swoon games and KBS ones, I think they'd be so much fun to play games with, especially since GAR would be happy cheering and LJW would be super competitive.
  9. LDH is soooo pretty and also one of those really good rookie actors. The way he studied his co-star's version of the character so he could act like the same character says something about his acting. If they pair GAR up with LDH, I would support that drama Hehe just feel like doing something to mark our 2 months of obsession! Even though it wasn't always an easy ride, I think it's been nice to discover something beautiful to go back to...and most of DDSSLLS was beautiful Oooohhh would love to see more of your edits if you get around to it. They were so beautiful and I think were so healing to make up for all the GAR and LJW content we didn't get from the stations/ magazines/ life That's true. I remember LJW reading a cheesy compliment to GAR and she survived Wish she had gotten the chance to read one LJW because he totally would have laughed...I also suspect the compliments would be much worse for him Yeah, I wish they would have also played "Who me?" (But I guess that's like Telepathy test) and couch talk would have been fun. Anything to get to know them better. I liked that article too. Her character had such lovely clothes and I like that these descriptions remind you about what you loved about the characters in the first place Ah I see! Yeah, I did see some pictures of the CD from others and the pictures looked more papery than glossy. I think they just did the base, base level of merch for this drama Still I guess at least the pictures were there. I very rarely buy keepsakes, but I felt like I needed something this time around because of the burns I'm sure I'll love it anyway Yeah, when I was sad about the DVDs I accidentally found the Extraordinary You boxed set and was so sad because that one was sooooo beautiful and included so many extra things...but I do like EY and understand why it got made. As not related, I'll put the link under the spoilers if want to see it Hahaha, Thanks! Not going to go back and rewatch a topless LJW, no... Awww looks like they both sent them to each other - KMS/L sent one to GAR for DDSSLLS and GAR sent one to him for Royal Secret Inspector. I hope one day LJW and GAR will send food trucks to each other
  10. LOL I forgot about the extent of his stalking in that drama. I wish Jasper would turn up at my 7-11 Mind you, 7-11 coffee is considered cheap where I am. People are really into their coffee here, so Jasper would have to turn up at a cafe Haha if it aired in Australia, I think there would be many complaints. But, nah, I hear it was quite popular I think it just aired very late in Taiwan since it was quite mature content. I'm not a huge fan of Eugenie Liu and I was really really put off by her in Behind Your Smile. But her character is fun and pretty cool in Triad Princess, so it's worth a watch. Always worth a watch for Jasper....pretty sure there's a topless Jasper scene in that one too Yep, Jasper's series with Shen Yue should come out soon - it's called Use for My Talent Since you requested @Tofu, here's another video from HIY's agency today. Haha, his little wave is soooooo cute Yeah, it's such a mystery...I don't understand why they would leave that series hanging since it seems like lots of people liked it at The Swoon. But you're right...we'll just fill in the blanks Haha, I don't often watch historical dramas, but I have a Twitter drama friend who loves that series so I feel like I've seen a number of scenes from it. Also a lot of JDY turns up on my news feed I'm more of a Yoon Park fan....but that just means more JDY for you Hahaha, of course you love it because it's so wrong and hot! Nothing is moral in that drama I know your love for high-tension romance Haha, it's weird, as much as sexy affair dramas are fun they don't really get under my skin as much as cute ones do. My personal tastes are intensely cute puppy-love stories (that are not melo), so my favourite Jasper work is still Pleasantly Surprised. Overall, the romances that have taken me the longest to get over have been Weightlifting Fairy, Strong Woman Do Bong Soon and Do do sol sol la la sol...yeah, I'm reallllllllllllllllly into super cute romances
  11. New LJW casting rumour...I'm not sure if VAST have confirmed anything but apparently this one has been reported by Korean news. Meh, I'm not a huge fan of Park Gyu Young, but maybe it['s because her character really irritated me in IOTNBO and I still haven't gotten over it Kind of hoped he'd op for a thriller or action series too, but this is looking like another romance.
  12. Hahaha I'm glad he's in your first month of Oppas for this year. You won't regret adopting him I want a fully tally of all your Oppas for this month at the end of Jan. Mine has been easy...only really Hwang In Yeop The cast of True Beauty asking Hwang In Yeop if he washes his clothes on his abs Very domineering smutty guy (who is already in a relationship) goes to seduce a woman he is interested in (also already in a relationship). At the start his character is like toeing the line with his handcuffing her against her will and constantly following her around...I was really uncomfortable with it This role gained Jasper lots and lots of new followers and his acting improved heaps from the past here (he was convincing even though said he was also highly uncomfortable acting the role since he said his personality is not like that at all!) But...his character does get better and is caring in the end and protects Puff's character. Haha, it's not like I can talk since my interest in LJW started after Extraordinary You and that character was a total jerk at the start until he gains consciousness. On the whole though, I really don't like abusive characters and find the domineering CEO trope really tiring Hahaha I'm glad @SilverMoonTea joins us in liking Jasper again. I liked Triad Princess too though I think a lot of people didn't like it because it's 6 episodes. I don't think it's finished either since the storyline isn't closed off?? I'm confused because I feel like it's at least meant to be 13 episodes (and probably was pre-filmed??) But nothing has been released/ no mention of a second season. Can't tell if it's because they want Jasper to promote it...or because Netflix don't want to make anymore original content in Taiwan (apparently all their original shows failed to get the ratings they wanted so now they just distribute ready made shows). Hahaha I haven't been charmed by JDY yet though I know so many people who love him.
  13. Hahaha so everytime I see the counter go up, I'll know it's probably one of us who re-watched the videos to give them more views... Heh, he really did look older here...have to say I'm surprised people haven't made huge video edits using this scene to change how Lala and Jun spent their night together Me too! Nice find...I'm glad other people have looked it up for me. I hope someday they'll interact again and we'll just happen to see it. Actually you know what I'd like and hope for? That one day one or the other or both will send a food truck in support of the other's projects. It always feels sweet to see that happen between stars...and then they post about it on Instagram Hahah it's been a looong time since I was this obsessed. I seem to really like super cute pairings and romances (I think I love non-melo, intense puppy love). DDSSLLS and the romance between LJW and GAR's characters really matches my other 2 loves: Strong Woman Do Bong Soon (Park Bo Young & Park Hyung Sik) and Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Ju (Nam Joo Hyuk & Lee Sung Kyung) I can't decide if this project Link is too popular because everyone seems to be linked to it (pun intended)...or too unpopular because no one seems to want it for sure It seems like LJW is only a rumour since his agency haven't confirmed even talking about it. But LJK's agency confirmed he was offered and turned it down. Wonder who will be linked next! Hahaha, I wonder if they have talked on the phone before. Even if it was just for work reasons, I think it would have been cool Probably! I think they did try, but after the drama aired and finished, they've only continued to promote the ones that gave them the ratings... How they easily forgot about our Lala and Jun But I like this article Soompi posted about LJW's role in DDSSLLS...it sounds like the perfect description of Jun and the drama: https://www.soompi.com/article/1441122wpp/from-rookies-to-stars-12-hottest-rising-k-drama-actors-of-2020 To say that Lee Jae Wook is a great actor is an understatement. It hasn’t taken people much to realize the versatility in his roles. Every role he takes on is so different from the one before that it’s almost hard to believe that it’s the same actor. This past year was special for Lee Jae Wook. He had his first starring role in the romantic drama “Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol” as Sun Woo Joon, a high school boy who falls in love at first sight with a pianist. He then goes to great lengths to show her how much he loves her and basically devotes his life for her. It’s a role that will make your heart swell up with love and you’ll definitely become a fan of Lee Jae Wook, if you weren’t already that is! Gifs by One Cloudy Day/ Melody
  14. Episodes 13 & 14 - Upon a re-watch, still going to say the pacing felt a little funny, but maybe because it's not that someone else wrote the episodes, but more that it had been so gradual in it's build up of things...but then a lot of things...maybe too many things... happened in 2 episodes? -The murder of Detective, the introduction of staffs, Shin suddenly deciding to go back to his orphanage, Shin's death...Its was a lot for 2 episodes?! -Shin's orphanage story was random, but I felt like it was interesting that he still had enough of a heart to feel sorry for the kids. And it's quite sad to see he lived such a life of abuse which would drive him to have such rage...it seems none of his fathers were truly his fathers or caring parents -As for Detective JY's murder, I felt so devastated for MT...the timing! The poor counters have all had such tragedies in their lives. But I was really glad her assistant at the police station was actually an honest kid and helped to get the corrupt cops. Hope he appears in the story as a promoted cop! - Ughhh, the little kid who saves Shin I normally like kids....but I have to admit I was soooo annoyed! Hello kid, you were scared of him and witnessed him kill someone recently! - The death of Shin and the spirit becoming the mayor was terrifying...his bully son was so evil, but I actually felt sorry for him this episode because his father was literally going to kill him But it was more sad for SM who was really stressed about his parent's souls disappearing forever. - Maybe I also felt it was choppy because of there were a lot of side character scenes which sort of tied up little loose ends, but didn't feel all that important to the main story like SH's wife meeting her ex-mother in law MO and crying...But then they had to weave back into super dramatic demon scenes. Still I guess it was nice to feel like certain characters had their stories tied up for sure.
  15. Hahaha, it is super messed up! I actually couldn't stand Jasper's terrible character in the first 3 episodes I persisted mainly because I like Puff and Jasper from their first project and because they have really good chemistry in real life/ behind the scenes/ in all interviews etc. Also I was curious to see how far they would take the chemistry given the trailers
  16. Hahaha you're not wrong! I mean, I could just be speaking as a long time deluded fan as it's not like I know what he does irl but I feel like he's not even trying to hide a bad boy image...he's like an over excited kid who likes sports and music and is quite introverted when not doing showbiz stuff (he plays with his dogs and makes a lot of art) Whaaaaat?? Sounds like they did him a big dirty! I could never watch this drama now. Also, who gets back with their ex husband?? There's a reason people get divorced and they usually don't forget it Yeah, I feel like he sort of flitters out of second lead and and as you said, mild first lead roles in ensemble cast dramas. I think he was a main male character for Birthcare Centre but the focus was mainly on the female cast, a bit like with Age of Youth. His character was sooo swoonworthy in Age of Youth....but then he was only a cameo in the second season, which seemed like such a waste given the lovely will-they-won't-they romance in the first season. He's always charming Hahaha, I never finished Search because I was bored in the first episodes, despite being a chicken...maybe I should give it another go one day for Yoon Park I don't know who this is...but not my style either. Hahaha, I feel threatened that he is more into beauty and self care than I am Hahaha I agree with this actually. It's the Cheese in the Trap second guy, right? I actually came to the same conclusion the other day because I was looking up When the Weather is Fine and he's lead? It's on my 'missed but soon to watch' list because LJW. Like they look quite different in a lot of ways...I think Jasper has more of a babyface and a friendlier smile, the kind that is like the sparkly eyed smile. SKJ has a taller nose and more pouty...But at some angles they do look quite similar.
  17. Hehe, a few late opinions. I guess I'm lazier to write full write ups since no longer in quarantine and will probably take a break from live dramas soon since nothing takes my interest lately, The Uncounter Counter being my most favourite watch for Dec- Jan so far....think I'm gonna catch up on older dramas & non-Asian dramas once all my current dramas end in like a week or 2. Episodes 11 & 12 -The kidnap of SM and watching the counters get beat to a pulp was terrifying and exciting. I really do like the bad guys to be strong so that it's a challenge for the good guys to beat them. And an odd thing I like is when bad guys 'team up'...I guess it's a scary thought when evil comes together. But it did really hurt especially since we all love those characters sooo much. I was so scared for MO being beaten up to the point of nearly dying. -I have to say JBG's acting here was pretty good in the torture scenes...he looked a real mess and so scared. I was super confused as to how he managed to summon WG, but glad he did so that our Counters did not die in a pit of fire. -Also was happy to hear JM and MT call out those in Yung for not treating the Counters right by penalising them, but not offering more support in times of crisis like this -I feel like it was so bittersweet learning about <O's back story. I just imagine the guilt she'd feel when her child literally slipped from her fingers But I feel like her love was so strong that she stayed alive to keep him alive in Yung. -I really love those warm family moments with the counters epsically when they teased MT for going on his date...it was so cute how they told MT to bring her home and were teasing him about not knowing which clothes a woman would like -Detective JY's death was so so so sad...I think especially because she survived the wound but then slipped away...it made me wonder why MY couldn't catch her when she was in Yung though to say a final goodbye? -I really loved the way SM was able to comfort MT though...sure he can be such a kid...but I think he has so much heart and empathy...and has been through so many hard times that he seems wise to pain and suffering -I loved that the counters played the mayor at his own game...JM was super convincing as the rich man willing to co-operate with the greedy major and MT was convincing as the car repair guy with health issues Haha, it was so comical how they literally stole the suitcases by transporting from one care to another and replacing all with water!
  18. Hahaha, yeah, I noticed that too. I think his acting is improving, but he seems like such a happy and chill person in real life that I imagine it must take him a bit to cry like that! I think it proves JK is honest as a person (since she didn't want to feel dishonest to her friend), which is a contrast to SJin who hides all her schemes. It also shows that this couldn't possibly be a misunderstanding, so it is purely on SJin to be responsible for how she reacts...and she reacts badly. Wow, I find I rarely encounter 'bad' male second leads...I feel like I'm always encountering the dreamy second male lead and that's how I discover new Oppas and remain in a perpetual state of SLS I guess it happens every now and then....the one that I have a strong impression of is from a really old drama called Delightful Girl Chun Hyang ....he was a blackmailer. I agree! I love her version of JK, who I find to be much warmer than the webtoon character. She's just so cute and resilient despite having self-esteem issues from bullying
  19. Episodes 11 & 12 - Have to say this drama really went up in my eyes this week because I feel like the story finally picked up with the humour Like instead of it being more slapstick, it's finally pulled out the bromance card and used it for humour, rather than just having cakes flying and classmates being nosy as the "funny" element of the drama. -I have to say I laughed at the car accident because it was soooo melodramatic with how SH flew up into the air for so long while SJ ended up on the ground instantly -I'm proud that JK found the courage to tell SJin about SH...but I wish SJin's response to JK had been genuine! It just seems so sad for JK that one of the few people she thought was a friend will use her secret against her ...It also seems so much more evil for SJin to pretend to get over something, but backstab her friend! She is really quite nasty, which is sad because I wanted to like her character as she was so cool in the beginning. -Hahaha, the hospital bromance was soooo entertaining...I think partly because of the whole Mr Tinkles revelation to SH who then kept using it against SJ How embarrassing...especially when he then needed SH's help to use the bathroom . But I like that SJ didn't even get mad at his mum...SJ's character is so soft towards his family and I really like that warmth his character has! SJ piggybacking SH to get some fresh air was also quite funny...it's the banter between a very sardonic, cynical SH and a very charismatic, trash-talking SJ that has finally made this show really enjoyable to me And with the apology, it looks like more bromance scenes to come! -Another thing that has really ramped up is the romance I liked when JK fell into SH's wheelchair and he clung onto her, and the hiding in his hospital bed was also funny. And then the two kisses in episode 12 especially the one at the end when he pinned her against the gate...that was particularly pretty and not a freeze kiss -I like the openness of the guy's acknowledging they both like the same girl, but no longer really hurting each other over it even though it does hurt SJ and feel uncomfortable for SH. But at least they're willing to try to make their friendship work in memory of their friend and the fondness and care they have for each other . In contrast, SJin's actions seem so cold and calculating... actively using JK's secret to hurt her by continuously pulling the new transfer student in, blackmailing SH and teaming up with the old school bullies...she is really is such a terrible person...how is someone 'yours' if you have to threaten them to like you? And even if they liked you, they wouldn't anymore knowing you were like that. I feel sorry for her abusive situation, but her actions are totally not forgivable. -I say this every week, but JK's sister and her 'Grapefruit lover' makes me laugh so much. Also her constantly pinning him up and chasing after him is so cute. I definitely have a big girl crush on her and aspire for that level of coolness...That hotpot scene with the two guys being bossed about while the sisters argued was also one of my fave scenes -Wowwwww....I cannot believe JK's secret is out! This definitely does not happen in the webtoon, that's for sure. And judging from the trailer, it's not a dream....so wondering what's going to happen...you would think people wouldn't be so shallow...especially since her friends have known she was a nice person for months!
  20. Hahaha This one is always popping up on those rising star lists https://www.hancinema.net/hancinema-s-news-top-10-male-rising-stars-in-k-dramas-that-you-need-to-look-out-for-148525.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter Lee Jae Wook has had one of the steadiest career progressions in the industry. He has worked hard over the years without a rest and finally in 2020, Lee Jae-wook received his first offer for the leading role in a drama. "Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol" was a breakthrough success and it only heightened fans' expectation for his future projects. https://www.soompi.com/article/1441122wpp/from-rookies-to-stars-12-hottest-rising-k-drama-actors-of-2020 To say that Lee Jae Wook is a great actor is an understatement. It hasn’t taken people much to realize the versatility in his roles. Every role he takes on is so different from the one before that it’s almost hard to believe that it’s the same actor. This past year was special for Lee Jae Wook. He had his first starring role in the romantic drama “Do Do Sol Sol La La Sol” as Sun Woo Joon, a high school boy who falls in love at first sight with a pianist. He then goes to great lengths to show her how much he loves her and basically devotes his life for her. It’s a role that will make your heart swell up with love and you’ll definitely become a fan of Lee Jae Wook, if you weren’t already that is!
  21. Episode 8-9 -Enxi is like the most annoying toxic friend I've seen in awhile. Those friends who are always bossing people around and trying to match-make others against their will is so annoying...not to mention she's so mean to Ou Yang Kai and is a snob to everyone except Professor Lu who doesn't even like her...also why is she trying so hard to set up Hsin Yu with the Professor when she likes him herself? Then she gets jealous when Hsin Yu goes to get help from the Professor??? And she purposefully told Mrs Wu about her dead son!!! -The story has good ghost story concepts, but some of the scenes things don't make complete sense (ie. if there's a video on the internet making people lose their souls when they watch it, how would it be going viral???) -But....there's lots of swoon worthy moments between Ivy Shao and Mike He. They are just so aesthetic and I think they are such a pretty pairing. It's been ages since I watched a Mike He drama, but he still has such an intense gaze of love towards his on-screen co-star partners And they're giving them lots of cute lovingly gazing scenes together....
  22. I learnt from other people's disappointment from the other awards that had paid tickets earlier last year...was it Asian Artist awards?...I heard that it froze and it wasn't even a live stream...just a stream from like 2 days prior...And people shared everything on Twitter anyway and even subbed it too...so I was like, I'm never going to spend money on streaming tickets...if I spend money, must include live meeting la But if it makes you feel better, I think that other AAA streaming ticket was more expensive. He's such a good actor! So well deserved
  23. Hahaha, oh I think he could gaze at her all day if he reallllly had to... Hahaha I know right! If I had known, I would have saved all their content! But as it is...I only have a few things that I downloaded and a few things that other people saved. Sigh...But I still find some nice DDSSLLS fan accounts...or multi accounts with DDSSLLS edits. Here's a new one I found today: Instagrammer: Lazychopstick They made some nice music videos with the episodes and OST: Always remember: https://www.instagram.com/p/CKLm27KBg76/ Love or Lies: https://www.instagram.com/p/CIyV-SxnmpP/ It's too hard for me: https://www.instagram.com/p/CIknE2vF0LB/ There's also a lot of lovely edits Haha, yeah I was surprised but happy that even though the show ended awhile ago, there was still a new fan account that popped up...also that they weren't as bitter about the ending and dedicated a whole insta account to the drama Haha, I feel like Go Ara has a huge fan base in Indonesia! Actually this person posted this and I thought you guys would find it relevant It will have been 2 months since the show ended in 3 days. If a friend will help out, I might try to translate one of the few leftover behind the scenes for this 2 month anniversary Haha, the blame is 50/50 KBS and the writers in my eyes....I do think KBS tried to push out a lot of content like stills and videos, but my main issue is that they ignored the drama at the awards I do wonder the TV stations have a say in magazine shoots though? I feel that might be a deal with agencies and Magazine publishing companies But if it was the TV stations job...yeah, they might not have pushed hard enough for LJW and GAR I think Netflix Korea/ The Swoon were the only ones that made a good effort promoting the series Haha, I swear they're one of the couples who have played the most games! Of course there's always some activities they didn't get to do.... Which games did they not play that you wished they did? I kind of wished they had done one of those 'Compliment me' videos where they read out the cheesy comments written by fans! Haha, I can imagine LJW getting sooo shyyyy if GAR read out a particularly soppy comment about him I feel like this would happen... Hahaha, waiiiiittttt.....which episode was this of Extraordinary You?? I watched that series and I don't remember. Not that I'm going to re-watch it or anything... Hahaha, this is a good way to look at it....I didn't even know Private Lives was on Netflix at all! I think it had pretty poor ratings compared to DDSSLLS as they were in the same time slot. Still it's weird of Netflix not to promote it at all...I'm glad they did a whole lot for Jun and Lala Yayyyy...I'm glad you still got a keepsake It looks like there's a few stills on the cover. I also caved in and bought it to fill the emptiness of not getting the Making DVD
  24. @abs-oluteM @mademoiselle Lee Do Hyun looking so pretty
  25. Oh @Tofu I came to the epiphany yesterday that I'm actually quite basic and am like a majority of people on social media...I like the bad boys from high school dramas (who are all actually in their 20s and 30s) Hahaha, I'm so basic...what a terrible realisation But luckily my forever Oppa is the ultimate good boy, Jasper Liu I guess that makes up for it? Hahaha I don't like any of the characters from Bridgerton! If we're talking British drama, my forever love will always be Richard Armitage's portrayal of John Thornton from North and South I seem to have returning Oppas lately. I've been a fan of Yoon Park since Age of Youth but have never finished any of his series since then (Dropped Search.... Birthcare Centre and Introverted Boss on hiatus) I think it's because he's almost never the lead role! This Australian Asia pop channel made a good list on actors who just seem to be permanent second lead and he is on it: https://www.sbs.com.au/popasia/blog/2019/07/12/k-drama-male-co-stars-wed-love-see-lead-role I just like him whenever he posts on Instagram The way he looked at Han Ye Ri Also his dance moves. LOL: gif credits: https://seokjinings.tumblr.com/post/156617156753/favorite-kdrama-couples-yoon-jin-myung-park Another returning Oppa is Mike He coz I'm still watching The Devil Punisher. He is still pretty fine...the drama is not the best, but also not the worst. I think the base ideas are good...could be executed better. Sometimes the scenes make no sense at all...but eh, TW actors are sooo charismatic and they get me every time
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