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Nothing Uncovered 멱살 한번 잡힙시다 [2024]


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I have to find a place to watch this . My usual site is gone and I am not keen on other sites with all the virus and stuff. For my region, I will have to renew my Viu subscription. Thinking if I should as I already have 4 ongoing subscriptions for streaming sites :psweatduck:.

What are the key things that happened this week?


Preview eps 7


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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On 4/3/2024 at 8:38 AM, abs-oluteM said:

I have to find a place to watch this . My usual site is gone and I am not keen on other sites with all the virus and stuff. For my region, I will have to renew my Viu subscription. Thinking if I should as I already have 4 ongoing subscriptions for streaming sites :psweatduck:.

What are the key things that happened this week?


Bummer. Looks like I might be a lone watcher on this one. Lots happened but in summary…


Jung Won and Tae Heon went to Mueon city to investigate. Originally they went separately but ran into each other there.


Jung Won obtained a video copy of Cha Eun Sae’s consultation with the psychiatrist. Through this, she learned Woo Jae and the psychiatrist had a high school classmate, Lee Na Ri. So, Jung Won went to Mueon to visit their high school and the principal said Lee Na Ri died in the chemical plant fire. Based on Cha Eun Sae’s consultation, I think it’s possible Woo Jae might’ve killed Lee Na Ri back in high school. This would make sense why his father asked him if he killed Cha Eun Sae. If Woo Jae did kill Lee Na Ri, his father likely covered it up with the help of Moo Hyung Taek. Also, if this is Woo Jae’s secret, it would explain why he’s mentally unstable. A guilty conscience would do it. Somehow the psychiatrist might be involved in this too. It was revealed that she has something on him and he has something on her as well. She is definitely wacko.


Tae Heon went to Mueon to investigate the dead housekeeper’s husband who was the chemical plant manager. He met the husband’s sister and it was revealed that he died in the same year of the fire. Seems like like he was a scapegoat to take blame for the fire. I think Mo Hyung Taek might’ve helped Woo Jae’s father cover up the true cause of the fire.


We also learned why Tae Heon resented Jung Won. In a flashback, when his partner was dying, he told Tae Heon that Jung Won was only dating him to investigate a case. He likely believed it because Jung Won was there at this scene. In present time, he finds out that Jung Won only started investigating his partner after they already dated and realized he misunderstood her. Episode ended with Tae Heon wanting to know why Jung Won didn’t explain herself back then. To me, it seemed like he didn’t give her a chance to. He was already set in blaming her. I think the misunderstanding is getting cleared now so they could start trusting each other again and truly investigate together.


It’s unclear if Tae Heon’s partner was corrupted or not. Back then, Jung Won got a tip while she and Tae Heon were visiting her father at his columbarium. Then, she went off to investigate this. Another interesting thing is Woo Jae’s father secretary was a detective and Tae Heon’s former supervisor. He and Tae Heon seem close. We’ll see if the secretary and Tae Heon’s partner are also connected to the crimes.

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I am all caught up. Did you watch this week's yet @peperomia?


First off, I think we can comfortably write Woo Jae off as the killer. Not that we ever suspected him to be the one in the first place.  As the episodes progress, I feel very much for his character to the point  I am sorry for him. I credit this to JangSeungJo's fab acting. He is able to add these layers to what could be viewed as a scumbag of a character. After all, he did sleep with Cha Eun Chae and blames it on loneliness. He's got a lot self-destructive tendencies which I believe is due to his relationship with his father. That girl Nari which died in his school must be the one he loved before meeting Jung Won. I think that lead to him becoming dependent on sleeping pills and propofol.


Anyway, Yoo Yoon Young one sided obsession over Woo Jae  is the reason why Jung Won has become the target. So can we conclude she killed Eun Chae? If that is the case, what about the politician and his daughter who own's the cafe ? Somehow I feel they have something to do with both murders ( Eun Chae's and the housekeepers). But YYY is also kind of dumb...why would she have pictures of the crime scene with JW there? Does she think that Det Kim would not question that? 


Talking about Det Kim, I like his character and he's straight up good cop. You could tell how much regret he had for doubting her in the past. However I can't seem to get behind them getting back together and I am certain it's because  I don't feel the chemistry with Kim HaNeul. In fact I don't even feel anything between her and Jang Seung Jo. Both the male leads have even more explosive chemistry on screen when they bicker over her, but somehow I feel almost zero feels from her -  like hitting against a brick wall. 


Anyway , I do look forward to both men working together next week to find the actual killer.


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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On 4/13/2024 at 1:06 AM, abs-oluteM said:

I am all caught up. Did you watch this week's yet @peperomia?


@abs-oluteM I’ve been watching but there’s lots of eye-rolling when the show focuses on the romance. I mean, I have nothing against it, but I think crime/detective plotlines fare better when any kind of romance at all is subtle or just hinted. But here, there’s cheating and crossing lines of cheating. I really did not like Jung Won and Tae Heon’s romantic moment in ep 9. I also did not like how Tae Heon’s decisions as a detective were swayed by his feelings for Jung Woon. I get that he trusts her, but I rather he follow police procedures when he received those “incriminating” photos but do all he can to prove she’s innocent to release her. Ep 10 was a little better. Since Jung Won’s presence at Cha Eun Sae’s murder scence has been resolved, I hope the worst (of stupidity) is over.


Not sure if you watched this week's episodes yet so I'll hold off from discussing major developments on the mystery front, but you were on track about your intuition on Yoon Young and Mo's daughter.


Edited by peperomia
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On 4/17/2024 at 5:51 AM, peperomia said:

But here, there’s cheating and crossing lines of cheating. I really did not like Jung Won and Tae Heon’s romantic moment in ep 9. I also did not like how Tae Heon’s decisions as a detective were swayed by his feelings for Jung Woon. I get that he trusts her, but I rather he follow police procedures when he received those “incriminating” photos but do all he can to prove she’s innocent to release her.

Completely agree with you. The romantic moment felt out of place for sure. Also  I was surprised he was so quickly reinstated - in some countries , you'd definitely be disciplined for doing what he did. 


I have a bit of sympathy for Mo's daughter. YYY used her affections to manipulate her to kill the housekeeper and Cha Eun Sae. And then her father threw her under the bus with the supposed expose of his family's dark secret to save his own skin and political career. I believe the next part of the show would be focused on exposing the true story of that fire & his involvement or rather what he tried to hide. I suppose it will be linked back to how JW's father died and somehow WooJae's dad is involved too.


That said, if I thought that Jang Seung Jo was gonna play the psychopathic killer here, I was wrong. Compared to YYY, he's greatest sin was letting his own demons get the better of him. I know from the preview JW is going to ask for a divorce, and I hope he'll let her go. 



This film making is fun. Have to say Yeon Woo Jin is always good with his kiss scenes - have been a long time fan of his since I saw him in Marriage Not Dating. I feel he's one of the best kissers in the industry.  :laugh:Also seeing the chemistry with Jang Seung Jo, I wish this was a show that focused on two men solving crimes instead of this love entanglement. 



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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13 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

Completely agree with you. The romantic moment felt out of place for sure. Also  I was surprised he was so quickly reinstated - in some countries , you'd definitely be disciplined for doing what he did. 


I'm relieved that I was not the only one who felt the romance was out of place. Yes, it was unrealistic that Tae Heon was not disciplined at all for acting out of procedures. To be honest, I was disappointed in him for that, but oh well now. There's so much to look pass in this drama. LOL.


13 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

I have a bit of sympathy for Mo's daughter. YYY used her affections to manipulate her to kill the housekeeper and Cha Eun Sae. And then her father threw her under the bus with the supposed expose of his family's dark secret to save his own skin and political career.


This was an interesting twist. I knew there was something odd about Mo's daughter, but I wouldn't have guessed that she killed under Yoon Young's manipulation. I wonder if there's more to their family secret or if that was really it.


13 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

I believe the next part of the show would be focused on exposing the true story of that fire & his involvement or rather what he tried to hide. I suppose it will be linked back to how JW's father died and somehow WooJae's dad is involved too.


I agree. I think the rest of the show will shift the focus to the past in Mujin and will reveal the truth behind the fire. We'll find out all of Mo Hyung Taek's dirty deeds. Woo Jae's father too. Aside from them, I still think Woo Jae might have some skeletons in his closet as well and his father covered up. Otherwise, I don't understand what their cryptic talk about sins that need to be forgiven could be. There might be more to Lee Na Ri's death. We shall see...


13 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

That said, if I thought that Jang Seung Jo was gonna play the psychopathic killer here, I was wrong. Compared to YYY, he's greatest sin was letting his own demons get the better of him. I know from the preview JW is going to ask for a divorce, and I hope he'll let her go. 


Woo Jae is not a psychopathic killer, but I do think he's emotionally unstable. I'm worried of how he'll take the divorce news. Hopefully, well. He should let her go for the sake of both of them.


- - - - - - -


I hope the remaining episodes will get the mystery plotline back on track. Some things I still want to know...


1. Jung Won's father - We can take a good guess of who might've killed him, but why exactly?

2. Who is the father of Cha Eun Sae's baby? My early guess was the Mo Hyung Taek.

3. Zeus is Jung Won's hoobae, Lee Da Reun. In the preview, it showed a photo of Lee Na Ri with a young boy. Could Zeus be her younger brother who is seeking justice for her?

4. Why did Tae Heon's partner say bad things about Jung Won as he was dying? What could be the misunderstanding? Who killed him?

5. Why did Tae Heon's former supervisor quit as a detective and became Woo Jae's father's secretary?



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The main page mentioned this is a 16-episodes drama. I'm on episode 4 at the moment, the pacing is slow, and each episode is very long. I'm struggling.


Also, before I picked episode 2 back up again, I saw a cut of Yoo Yoon Young forcing her kiss on Seol Woo Jae, so I knew I was spoiled the moment I saw Jung Won consulted in her. I also didn't suspect Woo Jae as the killer because Yoo Yoon Young seem obsessed with Woo Jae enough to kill Cha Eun Sae.


At the moment I'm interested to know who Zeus is? Is he a friend or foe?


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4 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

At the moment I'm interested to know who Zeus is? Is he a friend or foe?

Not a foe. He does provide very crucial evidence for her.


Yes the episodes are draggy - the reveals take forever,  and not to mention the messy love entanglements which I am not a fan of. Despite my complaining , I am still here hahahaahh. The story made sense after a while. It helps that I have @peperomia for company and I felt motivated having two VIP oppas of mine in a single drama. LOL! 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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@mademoiselle What a pleasant surprise to see you here. Since you started it, you must stay on this ride with us. LOL. I enjoyed the show up to episode 6 but it got annoying after it. 16 episodes might be the problem. It leaves too much room for nonsense. You'll find out who Zeus is halfway. I am curious to see how he's linked to everything.


I like JSJ and YWJ here, but I am not sure KHN fits the female lead role. Don't know why but I keep thinking Lee Yoo Young would've been great here acting-wise, but she deserves a better role than this. Jung Won, as a female lead and reporter, lacks basic common sense.

Anyway, stay with us! :CharmanderYay:

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I am up to episode 6, and I'm going to take a break from watching this. Hahaha! 


With the information discovered at Mueon and Yoo Yoon Yeong kept saying she wants Woo Jae dead, I'm now thinking she isn't the killer. I believe she and Woo Jae knew something about what happened to Mueon, but they had to keep quiet, and hence Yoon Yeong has certain resentment against Woo Jae. But really, it looks like Woo Jae's father and the Assemblyman might have a hand in what happened to Mueon (or a higher up political figure that everyone is covering up for).


I'm thinking whoever killed the last 2 ladies were trying to lure both Tae Heon and Jung Won to Lee Nari's murder and the Bongta fire. Could it be Zeus? Saw above post that mentioned he is Lee Nari's brother. Since the police wouldn't re-investigate, he decided to take matters into his own hands...?


@peperomia 16-episodes is definitely a problem. It doesn't have enough content. It's also annoying to see Woo Jae begging Jung Won back repetitively. The broken marriage is his own doing, and there's no way this is going to mend any time soon when the wounds are still so raw.


Agree. Lee Ha Neul has never been a strong actress. I can't even feel her pain and emotions from the betrayal and hurt she's supposed to feel. Lee Yoo Young is a better actress, for sure. Too bad she's now being paired up with Moon Sang Min filming a romance drama. Noona-dongsaeng relationship plot is getting old, to be honest and they are 10 years apart. I just don't see this pairing well. She would have matched well with both Jang Seung Joo and Yeo Woo Jin with her age.


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13 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

I am up to episode 6, and I'm going to take a break from watching this. Hahaha! 


You're just taking a pause, right? You'll be back on this train wreck with us? LOL. I've been amazed that @abs-oluteM is still watching with me. She's been saying it, but it's finally registering with me that the motivation is her two VIP oppas. LOL.


13 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

With the information discovered at Mueon and Yoo Yoon Yeong kept saying she wants Woo Jae dead, I'm now thinking she isn't the killer. I believe she and Woo Jae knew something about what happened to Mueon, but they had to keep quiet, and hence Yoon Yeong has certain resentment against Woo Jae. But really, it looks like Woo Jae's father and the Assemblyman might have a hand in what happened to Mueon (or a higher up political figure that everyone is covering up for).


I might be spoiling you... Only read if you want to know what was revealed about this so far:



Yoon Young is behind the present murders. She manipulated Mo Hyung Taek's daughter to commit them. Back then, they also set the chemical plant on fire in Mueon, along with Lee Na Ri's body. We saw Lee Na Ri already unconscious or dead when they lit the fire. We don't know what happened before that. My theory is there is more to be revealed about Woo Jae's involvement, whether it was with malice or pure unintentional. So, the fathers had to cover everything up. The dead housekeeper's husband was the plant manager and scapegoat. Maybe Jung Won's father unearthed something about this and was killed because of it.


13 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

I'm thinking whoever killed the last 2 ladies were trying to lure both Tae Heon and Jung Won to Lee Nari's murder and the Bongta fire. Could it be Zeus? Saw above post that mentioned he is Lee Nari's brother. Since the police wouldn't re-investigate, he decided to take matters into his own hands...?


This was my original theory but my spoiler above will answer otherwise at this point. Zeus gave Jung Won tips that lead her to the 2 ladies' crime scenes so I'm still waiting to see how he fits into this picture. My theory is also that he's Lee Na Ri's younger brother who is trying to seek justice for her. Seems like the police and media (Jung Won's boss) might've took part in the cover up. Zeus doesn't seem like a "bad" person though. Just seems to be on a mission to reveal the truth, likely through Jung Won.


13 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

It doesn't have enough content. It's also annoying to see Woo Jae begging Jung Won back repetitively. The broken marriage is his own doing, and there's no way this is going to mend any time soon when the wounds are still so raw.


I agree. I like JSJ and he's doing a great job as Woo Jae, but it's difficult to see his character being irrational like this. Jung Won will be asking for a divorce in the next episode. abs-oluteM and I are hoping he'll agree to it. :psweatduck:


13 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

Agree. Lee Ha Neul has never been a strong actress. I can't even feel her pain and emotions from the betrayal and hurt she's supposed to feel. Lee Yoo Young is a better actress, for sure. Too bad she's now being paired up with Moon Sang Min filming a romance drama. Noona-dongsaeng relationship plot is getting old, to be honest and they are 10 years apart. I just don't see this pairing well. She would have matched well with both Jang Seung Joo and Yeo Woo Jin with her age.


Yes. Her lack of expressions and emoting totally misses the marks! I kept thinking there'll be improvement but no!


I thought of Lee Yoo Young because I enjoyed her in The Lies Within. She did really well with the emotional and suspenseful scenes. I'll have to look up her upcoming project, but yeah, I'm not a fan of the big age gaps either. It's difficult to buy into the chemistry.

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2 hours ago, peperomia said:


You're just taking a pause, right? You'll be back on this train wreck with us? LOL. I've been amazed that @abs-oluteM is still watching with me. She's been saying it, but it's finally registering with me that the motivation is her two VIP oppas. LOL.

I'm actually also watching this haha... I haven't caught up last week episode though. The storyline a bit to muddled for me and the FL is just so unreliable that it's hard for me to root for her. I'm not sure if it's on purpose. You know sometimes in crime novel, the unreliable narrator of the story is actually the villain lols. 

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3 hours ago, SilverMoonTea said:

I'm actually also watching this haha... I haven't caught up last week episode though. The storyline a bit to muddled for me and the FL is just so unreliable that it's hard for me to root for her. I'm not sure if it's on purpose. You know sometimes in crime novel, the unreliable narrator of the story is actually the villain lols. 


Oh, you've been watching! Last week's episodes were kind of frustrating. I'm hoping the remaining episodes will be better with more secrets revealed and questions answered. I agree that the storyline isn't cohesive and it's unfortunate we can't connect with the female lead. Despite her, I thought the mystery started off decent, but then it got off track with the romance and over-the-top crazy characterization of Yoon Young, even Woo Jae sometimes. I'll finish this though because I want to know more about what happened in the past in Mueon, Lee Na Ri and Zeus. Also, I'm curious to know if Mo Hyung Taek and Woo Jae's father's had a hand in Jung Won's father's death.


If you continue watching, see you around here? LOL.

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@peperomia Hahaha! You're calling it train wreck. This is not promising. I swear, not another one with Jang Seung Jo in it! 😿 I supposed it shouldn't be even near as bad as Sisyphus. 😆


I intend to be back. I just feel like I need more episodes out, so that I can get to the end quicker. This, I don't mean FF. Also, I wanted to focus on my crack dramas since new episodes are out. By Friday and weekends, I'll be free to pick this back up again.


Oh what, you guys already have confirmation Yoon Young is the killer?! 😓 It's only at episode 10! I fear this early revelation/confirmation won't help with the captivating the audiences.


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18 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

@peperomia Hahaha! You're calling it train wreck. This is not promising. I swear, not another one with Jang Seung Jo in it! 😿 I supposed it shouldn't be even near as bad as Sisyphus. 😆


I intend to be back. I just feel like I need more episodes out, so that I can get to the end quicker. This, I don't mean FF. Also, I wanted to focus on my crack dramas since new episodes are out. By Friday and weekends, I'll be free to pick this back up again.


LOL. It would be a train wreck for me if the show continued on with the mentally unstable and crazy. However, Yoon Young is out of the picture now (explained in the spoiler below). So, the train might be back on track now!


Oh, which show of JSJ are you referring to? I might've skipped that one. Sisyphus was pretty bad, but I surprisingly finished it. I hardly drop thrillers/mysteries, but one that I could not finish was Mouse. That was bad for me.


Totally understandable. Whenever you do continue watching this, do let us know your thoughts.


19 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

Oh what, you guys already have confirmation Yoon Young is the killer?! 😓 It's only at episode 10! I fear this early revelation/confirmation won't help with the captivating the audiences.


I watched episode 11. If true, there is a major twist to this at the end.


I'll put the major developments from episode 11 in a spoiler below. @abs-oluteM I'm curious to know what you will think about some of this.


Yoon Young kidnapped Jung Won. Her plan was to commit suicide and take Jung Won down with her. She tied a rope to each other so that they would fall off the building together. However, Woo Jae and Tae Heon came in the nick of time. Jung Won is saved, but Yoon Young dies! However, before she did, she whispered to Jung Won that it was Woo Jae who killed Cha Eun Sae! Jung Won isn't sure to believe it or not.


After Jung Won asked Woo Jae for a divorce, she found out that she’s pregnant. Woo Jae was elated, but Jung Won was distraught about it. She is contemplating an abortion. In the preview, we see her break off any potential relationship with Tae Heon. I don’t care for the romance, but poor Tae Heon!


During another interrogation, Mo Soo Rin tells Tae Heon that when she and Yoon Young were gazing at the chemical plant fire and admiring the flames, she saw Lee Na Ri escaping from there at a distant. She never told Yoon Young about this. Tae Heon and his partner do some digging and figured out that Zeus is Lee Na Ri’s younger brother. Tae Heon doubts that Lee Na Ri is alive today and thinks there was possibly another crime. He’s going to try to get in touch with her family to investigate further.


Last is the major plottwist! Yoon Young hid a memory card in Jung Won’s copy of her favorite novel by Woo Jae at their home. It showed video footage of Woo Jae being the one who fatally stabbed Cha Eun Sae. Jung Won noticed that his knife had an emblem exactly the same as the knife that killed her father! Woo Jae walks into the room and episodes ends here.


If true, I kind of like this twist. Earlier in the show, Jung Won noted that Cha Eun Sae was fatally stabbed in the stomache just like her father. So, when Jung Won was questioned by Tae Heon as a person of interest, she was disgusted that she would be accused of committing murder in the same manner as how her father was killed. So, at least, the writer is connecting this part of the crimes. If the show is making Woo Jae somewhat of a bad guy, it might as well make him the ultimate villain?


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@peperomia:shocked2:....I am shocked. The twists are all unexpected. I consider myself a season crime drama viewer but the writer had me here. Just as I thought that Jung Won was going to be able to get a fresh start in life, I didn't see her


....being pregnant with the devil's child. LOL I was wondering quite a bit about how quickly they caught both YYY and SooRim. So at least now there's so much more to the story and this ties back to Zeus and his sister Hari. High chance now that Woo Jae killed her right? 


I am actually happy with this development because it would make me feel better that Jang Seung Jo took on a role that had plenty of layers. If if just ended with him being a loser who had a lot of insecurity issues , it would annoy me more. 


A little bit sorry for Tae Heon  who was over the moon that he had a second chance with Jung Won. I was prepared to accept this romance but now it has gotten too messy. I am sure that Woo Jae is going to become very difficult if Jung Won refuses to keep the baby and the marriage. 



@mademoiselle YYY and the murder is just the tip of the iceberg here. The plot twists and reveals were things I could not have predicted. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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@abs-oluteM I was shocked myself! I wasn't expecting the twists either. In some ways, the writer's tactics are kind of gimmicky, but I'll applaud her for the wow factor and her ability to blindside us. LOL.



I also think it's highly likely that Woo Jae might've killed Lee Na Ri. Now, did he kill Jung Won's father because he might've found out something about this?


I really like the Woo Jae plot twist too. Before, just the mental and emotional instability made his character look a bit weak. Tying his psychopathy as a killer makes him much more interesting here. His crimes must be how he got his source material for his mystery novels!


I felt sorry for Tae Heon as well. The guy just can't catch a break. First, he lost his partner and possibly Jung Won again.


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Looks like Woo Jae didn't intentionally kill Lee NaRi. She had run in front of his car and he knocked her down . So he did call for the ambulance but I suspect the father must have intervened or something. 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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@abs-oluteM I watched episode 12.


Yes. So sad. Looks like Woo Jae was just driving and accidentally hit Na Ri with his father's car. I assume it would've been hard for him to avoid hitting her if she was escaping and running wherever. Based on the emergency call, he tried to do the right thing, but yeah, his father must've intervened and covered it up. Staying silent about it all this time is still terrible though.


What's interesting is it seems Woo Jae's father was eyeing the plant/factory for awhile to build his resort over it, but he was having a hard time acquiring it. I wonder if there's more to it than just Yoon Young and Soo Rin just setting it off because of Lee Na Ri. A part me thinks Mo Hyung Taek might've paid Yoon Young to do it. Helping Woo Jae's father helps him politically. 


Woo Jae's father's secretary was a detective and also Tae Heon's former supervisor. I also wonder if he may have helped with the cover up. If so, it will be another disappointment for Tae Heon as he seems to look up to him.


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I have progressed to episode 8. The ending of 8 was Yoo Young giving Tae Heon photos of Jung Won at the murder scene of Eun Sae. I rolled my eyes as hard as I could. I mean, should I not? Will episode 9 twist this around, and made it logical? Coz, how is it that she could think this would incriminate Jung Won and not herself?


Off I am, to find out. LOL.


Sigh. Woo Jae. I just can't with him. He cheated, and he gets all worked up about Jung Won and Tae Heon... 🤨😑

On 4/23/2024 at 3:34 PM, peperomia said:

Oh, which show of JSJ are you referring to? I might've skipped that one.

Strangers Again with Kang Sora.

Edited by mademoiselle
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@peperomia Somehow I picked to continue this over Midnight Studio. Not fans of the affair and it had me LOLs when she tried to denied it at first 😅 I normally seldom against affair, but here it made our detective become so unprofessional too with his work. Well it's love, what can we say 🤷‍♀️ I had ranting to @abs-oluteM offline too 🤣 😆


I'm at episode 11 and finally the case become a bit untangled. YY is quite erratic with her behaviour, I think her obsession with WJ is getting out of hand. It's interesting too that she's the one who stopped the watch and seems had fascination with it, she also give MR an antique watch before going to Malta. At times I just hoping the assemblyman to just kill her to stopped her maniacal laugh 😅 I'm quite tired with her too on top of already weary with our FL 😂


@mademoiselle WJ is indeed also another frustating character and so weepy 😅 It also made me remember how terrible Strangers Again too, I might need to avoid this absm fav oppa in future 😂


P.s I couldn't finish Mouse too. I was super dissapointed when they make the ML as villain. 

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@SilverMoonTea I thought it was funny how the news reported that Jung Won and Tae Heon have an affair and on that night, they go kiss somewhere out in the open. LOL! Like, I thought you guys should be even more careful with this?


Anyway, I was meh with what's happening, so I stopped at episode 10. Needed a break again, LOL. Midnight Studio actually made progress in the latest episodes. Well, at least for me because I'm up to episode 13 and 14 is finale (next week). You should just take up Lovely Runner instead.


Edit: Midnight Studio doesn't end with 14 episodes. Noooo.

Edited by mademoiselle
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TBH, this show is not like a must watch if you ask me @mademoiselle @SilverMoonTea. There are some twist and turns that caught me by surprise but would that be enough for me to recommend this wholeheartedly? Not really . I have very different reasons for sticking on plus I have come too far to give up now. :laugh:


@peperomia ep 13


I am confused. Woo Jae didn't kill Nari for sure. But did he kill Cha Eun Sae? Now I am no longer sure. I believe that Det Kim's mentor is the one that killed JW's father, and so given the knife, I am guessing he killed Eun Sae too. But did he kill BaReum? 


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  • Haha 2

Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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