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Because of Love/ A Chance Meeting 今生有你 [2022]


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Ep.20 made me shake my head so much at TJ... Immediately when the episode title "Run Away" appeared, I was already anxious going into the episode. I really cannot believe she actually did run away and hide. I was so upset at this decision of hers. What her BFF said about it's an easy matter for NDY to find her wherever she tried to hide is so true. Why can't TJ consider more carefully about that? I mean, the little boy just got discharged from the hospital. We don't know yet if there will be complications from surgery or not, and wouldn't he need to go back for some post surgery checkup? So if anything happen and PP requires medical help, where is she going to take PP to? Another hospital and see another doctor? What was she thinking?!! Sorry, but TJ is starting to get on my nerves with her stubbornness. 


Anyway, there are viewers who are speculating that the real mastermind behind all the misfortunes years ago could be that personal assistant of NDY. I see that NDY really has PP's welfare as priority. He was willing to not do anything and wait until PP is all well. I have marked him as very patriarchal person so I can understand why he would want PP to take up the Nie surname. He expressed that he doesn't want the kid to be affected but how can that be when he's trying to separate the little boy from his mother?? As for TJ, couldn't she see that PP is really happy being with his grandpa too? Shouldn't the kid has a right to know a loving grandpa? The old man might be dying anyway. I know it's more complicated in TJ's mind and perspective, and that's why this is a drama. It's a good drama of course because it made us viewers feel strongly about what's going on. 


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Though international audience feel that the FL is the victim, the Chinese audience think the ML is the victim.


The family feud between ML and FL lead from 7 years is a misunderstanding.


Mark's intentions are not innocent. His goal purpose is revenge. Its appalling that she goes to a person she only just met to tell him her life story, a story she hasnt told her closet friends. He's already caused a discord between the leads.



Edited by Linnie
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7 hours ago, Linnie said:


Mark's intentions are not innocent. His goal purpose is revenge. Its appalling that she goes to a person she only just met to tell him her life story, a story she hasnt told her closet friends. He's already caused a discord between the leads.

I hope we can quickly be told more about Mark’s arc. I won’t blame TJ for going to him though because since their first meeting at the bakery, he’s shown himself to be a smart, knowledgeable and kind person. Besides he has the resources that her close friends don’t, ie.money and connections. I think his personal story brings sick child of a single mother resonates with TJ too, making her able to trust him easier. Another reason why she doesn’t tell her close friends/neighbors I think is that she doesn’t want to burden them. 

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51 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

I hope we can quickly be told more about Mark’s arc. I won’t blame TJ for going to him though because since their first meeting at the bakery, he’s shown himself to be a smart, knowledgeable and kind person. Besides he has the resources that her close friends don’t, ie.money and connections. I think his personal story brings sick child of a single mother resonates with TJ too, making her able to trust him easier. Another reason why she doesn’t tell her close friends/neighbors I think is that she doesn’t want to burden them. 

A lot of native viewers don't agree with her going to Mark at that particular time. Some say that it was perhaps the editing out of the 2 episodes that made the story feel choppy and you feel less empathy for her.  Its annoying a lot of viewers to the point some are considering dropping it.


It makes no sense she would rather trust someone she just met vs someone she knows would never hurt her and would have their child's interest at heart. It could be an editing problem. This drama was initially 32 episodes but was cut to 30. They're also second guessing her acting - that shes not able to portray the final moments leading up to her choosing to seek help from him so that you can emphasize with her.



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52 minutes ago, Linnie said:


It makes no sense she would rather trust someone she just met vs someone she knows would never hurt her and would have their child's interest at heart.

Sometimes we trust based on credibility, and taking a little risk. Like when we appoint a lawyer to handle our case. We probably never had any chance of interacting with the lawyer before, only based on track record and word of recommendation... I dislike her decision for not communicating openly with the child’s father but it’s clear she doesn’t trust the Nie family because of what happened in the past, that will include NYS, maybe because she knows he would never be able to stand against his father? There are definitely a lot more walls need to be broken before she can trust NYS. 


One of the things I like about this drama is that we don’t have perfect people. Every character feel realistic. They not perfect. They have their flaws but at the same time we see their good points as well. Eg. the “husband”, urgh so many times I want to smack him, but I cannot deny that he does love PP genuinely.  

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I am still waiting for subs :pandasad:...so far only up to eps 16.


Anyhow some previews ...oh the wedding is his dream isn't it?



Eps 21 -22



Eps 23 to 24




WC looks really good . The man is past 47 and he can still play characters in their 30s

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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The author posted to her weibo today to thank Wallace for his portrayal. The reply from one viewer is reflective of the masses



"Thank you, Wallace Chung for your portrayal. Thank you sincerely. I was worried when I was writing this piece about the memory loss. I don't know if it would be embarrassing. Today the teenager soul of Nie Yusheng was in the mature man's body of Nie Yusheng. Precisely, vividly and naturally he is Nie Yusheng. I completely forgot about the actor Wallace Chung, all I see is Nie Yusheng. Thanks Wallace for your dedicated and flawless performance. The play is good, what I envisioned is established"


This comment to the author echos how viewers are feeling now:

"Do you know how many people have dropped this drama recently? Has this script really been polished for so many years? Does Tan Jing really love Nie Yusheng? How high is her IQ? What mother doesnt put her child's illness first?"


Totally agree. TIme and time again it was pride over her child's health and safety

Edited by Linnie
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Ep.21 took a very unexpected turn. Unless it’s the same as in the novel but I just didn’t get the spoilers... It’s that dreaded typical melodrama trope. Urgh, and one of the kdramas I am watching had that too, arrrrgggh...


I feel like I am behind because ep.24 is already out (don’t mind me @abs-oluteM 😆 sorry, I know you’re still waiting for subs) but right now, I might watch this slowly. There are so much I want to comment on for ep.21 alone, that I will wait till I can write down my thoughts before moving on to ep.22 or else I will forget. 


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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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33 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

Ep.21 took a very unexpected turn. Unless it’s the same as in the novel but I just didn’t get the spoilers... It’s that dreaded typical melodrama trope. Urgh, and one of the kdramas I am watching had that too, arrrrgggh..

 I saw the spoilers ...I saw the trope..I laughed and rolled my eyes  when I realise they were going for this ...:lmao2:




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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Ep.21 ~ We can no longer go back ~


- PP misses NYS already. This child actor did well to show his disappointment that it wasn't NYS at the door, even though we only see from his side. He misses NDY too. It's really sad that TJ held on to her fears and thus denied PP the joy of knowing the two people who would've love him a lot. 

- The interspersing of PP and NYS going through their morning routines is done well. It's to show contrast, but to show similarity too. Brushing teeth, electronic vs. manual. Fried eggs vs. boiled egg. It's making me want to just hammer the two scenes together into one piece. 

- NYS is being accused of taking a kickback from the project he was going to work on. Pretty sure it's the work of Mark.

- The meeting for custody fight was a good scene. The lawyers both have their valid points. NDY also gave good point when cut them off and reminded everyone the point is how to give PP a better future. TJ's lawyer stated their conditions, however, those were not really what TJ wants. The conditions TJ's lawyer stated cut a deeper misunderstanding between NDY and TJ. NDY thinking that it's TJ's greed, yet he immediately agreed to meet those conditions. It shows how much he really wants PP. As they both argued with each other on the top of their voices, it's just so clear they have not learned and not willing to listen and understand the other party. NYS's simple "Let's get married" silenced everyone. Love that. And it got my vote too, because it really is the best solution if it's really for PP's sake. However, there are still such pride and fears from both NDY and TJ, that it's not a solution they will consider. Just then, TJ received news that PP went missing. The little boy misses NYS so much so that he went to the soccer field and stared at it blankly.

- Although NYS once again expressed his seriousness on the marriage proposal, TJ is still reluctant. He left the ring with her and on his way back, got hit by a white truck (I assume, lol). A simple accident or a planned one?... Hmm...

- As he was brought to the hospital and being saved, those scenes are again interspersed with TJ-PP quiet evening routines. A contrast only this time. A dire situation vs. a calm evening. 

- He lost his memories, or rather, he went back to his younger self. Okay, I get that this trope is so that he won't be too gingerly around TJ and continue to pursue her bravely without any baggage. Fine, I'll take it. As long as they get back together. I've gone through the same trope in another drama, yes, I can do this.



Edited by ktcjdrama
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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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Aiyoooo @ktcjdrama I just finished eps 16 & 17 ...stress. :shocked:


The more I watch , the more I feel the real victim here is our darling doctor. I was initially quite sympathetic to TJ but her stubbornness is making it hard for me to continue to agree with her actions. But anyhow back to NYS - I felt so bad for him when he hears PP call someone else his father. It was so unfair for him - no one can ever compensate that time he lost with PP.  The man is a freaking saint because he holds no grudge against TJ after realising why she made the choice to leave him 7 years ago. I love it when he says they are PP's parents more than anything else. But of course TJ's judgement is now clouded with Mark's advice. Hmm Mark is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Now I am a bit worried about Vicky - how sincere is he ? 


I keep looking for spoilers to see if happier times are ahead . I am suffering but I am dying to know what happened:laugh:


Previews Eps 25 - 27








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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Eps 18 to 20 were somewhat bittersweet.


For one I was happy to see that Ping Ping  is now on the road to recovery. I loved Yu Sheng's gentle approach to getting to know and bond with Ping Ping. I grieve  for those lost years each time I see their little moments together. But of course the past cannot be changed. 





I understand TJ's concern about YS's father wanting to take PP away from her but I feel this could have been avoided if she would allow them into their lives. Some sort of compromise may have been a better way to handle this. I don't know if she realises it but YS is her greatest ally, and she should have trusted him.  I could go on and on about how I disagreed with TJ's decisions but I also realised that she may have had her views skewed and judgement clouded thanks to Mark's counsel and advice. While on the surface Mark may seem to have her interests at heart , he is getting way too involved for an outsider. I am not getting good vibes from him .


I hate the old man's meddling but I hated it more that YS the father of Ping Ping is caught in the middle of this "war" and he's just doing his best to be understanding of TJ's feelings. But then he gets undermined by both his father and TJ . Is it any surprise that he had to seek psychological help in the early years after the break-up? And now he gets framed for bribery? This man can't seem to catch a break.


Ultimately, TJ needs to stop punishing YS for his father's sins, whatever they may be. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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I’d have to agree with you girls. You took the words right out of my mouth 😭 I left a message at MDL as well. I’ll copy and paste it here too. I don’t want a happy ending. I really think ML needs to move on. 

Just saw previews up to 30. FL is not worthy. At this point I don’t want a happy ending. They should part ways with joint custody. Time and time again she allows anyone and anything to come between her and ML. She knows the damage she caused when she broke up with ml first time yet it doesn’t stop her from doing it again without thinking about him. He has to pay for everyone’s actions. She’s not worthy because it’s always her pride above all. I’ve never been so annoyed by a FL. She is so selfish beyond reason. Even if the drama were to end with them together you better bet she would leave him again over the stupidest reason if given the chance. I remember how hurt ZLY was in Sword and Brocade when she casted doubt on him. NYS on the other hand has patience of mother Theresa with FL in here. FL seriously needs some medical intervention. She’s so consumed by the past. Some of the decisions she’s making is not that of a healthy adult. She claimed the mistakes she made in the past was because of her immaturity and having no one to consult. She has not matured since they broke up 7 years ago. She held onto a grudge for many years but doesn’t bother to investigate it further before jumping to conclusions. The most pitiful is the Mr Nie who thought his only wrongdoing was breaking them up and was robbed of his time left with his grandson.

Edited by Linnie
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4 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

Eps 18 to 20 were somewhat bittersweet.


For one I was happy to see that Ping Ping  is now on the road to recovery. I loved Yu Sheng's gentle approach to getting to know and bond with Ping Ping. I grieve  for those lost years each time I see their little moments together. But of course the past cannot be changed. 





I understand TJ's concern about YS's father wanting to take PP away from her but I feel this could have been avoided if she would allow them into their lives. Some sort of compromise may have been a better way to handle this. I don't know if she realises it but YS is her greatest ally, and she should have trusted him.  I could go on and on about how I disagreed with TJ's decisions but I also realised that she may have had her views skewed and judgement clouded thanks to Mark's counsel and advice. While on the surface Mark may seem to have her interests at heart , he is getting way to involved for an outsider. I am not getting good vibes from him .


I hate the old man's meddling but I hated it more that YS the father of Ping Ping is caught in the middle of this "war" and he's just doing his best to be understanding of TJ's feelings. But then he gets undermined by both his father and TJ . Is it any surprise that he had to seek psychological help in the early years after the break-up? And now he gets framed for bribery? This man can't seem to catch a break.


Ultimately, TJ needs to stop punishing YS for his father's sins, whatever they may be. 

everyone keeps asking her why did she do what she did seven years ago. What they should be asking instead is, why are you doing what you are doing now. She is not worthy of his unconditional love, her love is full of conditions, we all know its a happy ending. But if you think about it, this couple wouldn't be able to weather any storms that comes their way in the future. Their relationship is so unequal where she holds all the power, shes not reasonable in anything that she does. She isn't selfless, she puts her pride over her son, him, their relationship and in life.  She has way too much pride even in their younger years. She would get upset at him for buying stuff for her. ok he gets in trouble for buying her stuff?  They wouldn't have been in the child custody battle if she agreed to joint custody, she refused. Not sure what she wants? no custody access at all. She uses him when she needs him and throws him away when everything is done.  She has the audacity to say this to his father, that he uses her and throws her away when hes don, when shes been guilty of doing the same thing. I rather him end up with someone else. I think their relationship wouldn't be able to survive in the future. Its like he said with her, hes unworthy in love and trust. How do you have a relationship without the main two fundamental that makes it work?  I believe she loves him to a certain extent, but not enough. I feel sad that they end up together lol. They all deserve a happy ending but not together. I think that would be my ideal ending, that he realizes that he loved her and their relationship was beautiful as kids but as grown adults they dont work. Kind of like what Vicky said you can forget about the person, but they represent love and thats what you dont forget. I think he never fully got the love he needed from his father and he got that from her,.

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@Linnie I definitely understand where you’re coming from . I have really only watched till eps 20 & sometimes it does feel she’s unworthy of his unconditional love . But I suppose that’s the thing about love - it’s not always about whether that person is the right person/ best person deserving of your love. The only reason I would want a happy ending so to speak is mainly for NYS & PP. 


Preview for final eps 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Thanks for the preview @abs-oluteM I teared up with just that short preview. I am all caught up to ep.28. Only 2 episodes left but there are still so many unsolved questions for me. I don’t know how it’s gonna wrap up 😞

So much happened but I didn’t have time to write down my thoughts and comments, because I just keep watching and watching, wanting to quickly know what happened next. . Will do that in these couple days on a rewatch. 

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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Finished!! This truly is a very very good drama. Realistically portrayed, and well directed and acted by the whole team. A word of warning.... prepare tissues for the finale ep.30. I will come back with more comments. So much to say.... I will be looking out for this director's work. I love the way the story is told.


@Tofu come watch. You won't be disappointed or tortured. I promised you before, and I guarantee it now.



Edited by ktcjdrama
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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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@ktcjdrama I caught eps 21 and 22 last night. Eps 21 is where it was  peak makjang :hug: - the custodial fight, Yu Sheng proposing that he and Tan Jing get married to solve this and of course the accident . Then we find out he has memory regression. LOL...but it wasn't all bad. For one, his father and TJ now puts a pause on the fight for Ping Ping. And then we have YuSheng thinking he's still in university feeling happy and hopeful reliving sweet memories with Tan Jing. At least after 20 long episodes we get to see Wallace smile . :laugh: 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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3 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

 I caught eps 21 and 22 last night. Eps 21 is where it was  peak makjang 

After that it only gets better. Ep.21 is titled We Can No Longer Go Back, yet at the end of the episode, NYS actually “went back” bringing TJ along with him 😃 How poetic...


7 hours ago, Tofu said:

Haha! But I heard the FL lead is hard to like?

🤔 I guess what’s more important is the ML really like her, no? Hahahaaa... Seriously though, she’s alright considering what she’s been through. I can understand where she is coming from. I’ve seen way more ridiculous FL. 

That’s one of the strong points of this drama. The characters are not perfect. You get so frustrated with some of their words and actions, but then you cannot bring yourself to hate them. 

Edited by ktcjdrama
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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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