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Crash Course In Romance 일타스캔들 [2023]

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Hae Yi is so smart. She decided to just leave her paper blank...


The last part of ep.13 was done well. We're presented with the possibility of Soo Ah harming Hae Yi, or SJ's mother harming her. But in the end we saw what happened. My guess is, Hae Yi is in a coma now. And her phone is used by Manager Ji to send the message? But anyway, why the police didn't think of searching the hospital in the beginning? They should also have received a report of car accident with an injured person, right? Or at least suggest that the family try to check the hospitals first. 


I hope Soo Ah gets help quickly. How is it that she questioned Hae Yi for getting all answers correct when she and some other kids cannot even get full marks... LOL... She is so doubtful and look down on Hae Yi's ability. That Hae Yi can never and must not be smarter than her. My guess for her arc is that the mother will be humbled and turn a new leaf, by realising her daughter needs help, and also with the affair of her husband coming to light.


I cannot guess what will happen to SJ's mother and his family. It's really sad that the mother, supposedly highly educated and a successful professional in her field, views academic achievement so rigidly, and forced it upon her children. She really should've known better that to be a successful person, it's not all about academic achievements.


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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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9 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

She really should've known better that to be a successful person, it's not all about academic achievements.

Exactly. She's the one with a successful career and would know book smarts can only take you that far. 


SunJae...see this is what the mother has done to her two boys. This show is no rom-com :nervous:

Thankfully our Mr Ice Hockey saw him 



How matured Mr Ice Hockey is




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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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Things are rather too chaotic for anyone to be thinking of romance... except for Chi-yeol, I suppose who is happily oblivious to what Dong-hui is up to. But not for long if the preview for tonight's episode is to be believed. I'd like to be happy for him now that he's found a family to be a part of except that Dong-hui seems to be getting in the way.


I feel for Seon-jae on one level with a mother like that but I think Hae-yi is the one that's really come out on top in Episode 13 because she did the right thing by refusing to cheat. She refused to succumb to temptation and paid the price for doing so. For a youngster she's definitely got a spine and her head's screwed on right.


It's also clear that everything is escalating all at once -- partly due to the progress made in the romance department but also progress in the police investigation. There are no surprises there with regards to Dong-hui who is both a victim and perpetrator. Kudos to Shin Jae-ha for putting on a better than average performance here. 


The entire situation is a sad indictment on some of the mothers featured here. But especially Lawyer Jang whose desperate actions are not the kind of role model her sons need. Being a good mother isn't just about getting one's children into a good university. It's far more than that. Much much more.


@abs-oluteM Looks like our prediction that Hae-yi's birth mother would make an appearance has come true. I'm not sure why the woman thinks she has the right to complain about how badly Haeng-seon is doing when she's been absent all this time.


I really wish there's more Geon-hu in this show. He's really one of the bright spots in this show. There's something really special about being the outsider when people all around you are going absolutely bonkers. He's been a great friend to both Hae-yi and Seon-jae all this time.


This is one of the few shows that I think the second half is more engaging than the first.

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Currently Watching: Joy of LIfe 2, The Auditors


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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@ktcjdrama @40somethingahjumma interestingly, I read some comments on Twitter that this drama has gone off the rails because it’s shifted from rom-com to murder , and some say even makjang. Personally I find it ok  - I thought the drama has already been setting this murder aspect since the start & people shouldn’t be surprised to see Hae Ee’s mum make an appearance. 

I watched eps 14 last night & I am glad that SJ did the right thing by confessing. It’s ok to make mistakes ( I still blame the mum for this ) but I think it takes much courage to right the wrong . I like the friendship between the two boys ( perhaps even more than whatever puppy romance or love triangle shown ) .

Also I am so glad that it’s CHi Yeol who finally discovers the truth about Ji on his own.  He pretended to accept Ji’s apology , shook his hand & later on tailed him. I wonder what he’ll do next …report to the cops ? (When I see Jung Kyung Ho in such scenes , I keep thinking he should do a crime procedural again ! :smile:

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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@abs-oluteM It shouldn't really be any surprise to anyone surely that this show was going to have a crime element since it was foreshadowed in Episode 1? Camelia was pretty much the same and I don't remember hearing the same degree of moaning. When there's a serial killing element to a K drama, it's bound to be somewhat protracted. They're not going to resolve things all that easily especially when there aren't that many deaths to justify a full-blown police investigation in those early days. I've seen the criticisms elsewhere too about bad writing but I think it would be very tough gig to do a straight romance show for 16 episodes without an added element that keeps the audience on its toes. Viewers should be glad it's not a makjang.


I also think that Lawyer Jang put Seon-jae in an untenable position with her emotional blackmail. I feel for him and I'm so relieved that Geon-hu was there to put the breaks on his plan to take a swan dive off the rooftop. The mother-son dynamic is so toxic and the men in white coats are really needed here before the whole family goes completely off their rocker. Frankly I don't want Hae-yi near that family for a while until that mother does a 180. Some family counselling is very much in order.


Thankfully Chi-yeol is a smart cookie. He didn't get to become the Trillion Won Man just on his good looks alone.


Interestingly enough I was just thinking of Jung Kyung-ho's superb performance in Life on Mars. He was so good in that. I'm still waiting for one of the streaming sites to put it on so I can rewatch it.

Edited by 40somethingahjumma
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Currently Watching: Joy of LIfe 2, The Auditors


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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I've been enjoying the crime storyline more than the romance, really. I've said it before, but really, while I think the acting is great, there really isn't much chemistry that I feel that's going on between the 2 leads. 

It is somewhat sad that the criminal has turned out to be Mr Ji, but then again, it seems quite perfectly creepy and sinister that it's him! I guess everyone is just wondering what the motivations are, but it would seem that they are suggesting an extreme response to his sister's last words that he should protect the adults who are worth protecting. At that age, without proper guidance (sister died early, mum died when he was still in middle school, doesn't seem like there was a father present), it's no wonder he took the interpretation of that to an unhealthy extreme. CCY's apparent "cure" such that he no longer had nightmares of his sister is probably thought of as an absolute act of betrayal.

Can't wait for Haeyi to wake up and tell all about what happened with Mr Ji, but of course, I am nervous as to whether he will attempt to sneak into her hospital room to snuff her out! Also keen to see how the kids sort themselves out vis-à-vis their crazy mums. I understand competition and being competitive, but these mums are just outright crazy. Crazy to the point where they have lost their absolute sense of integrity. That's why you've just got to say, some kids are they way they are in spite of their parents. But while parents are being crazy, the education system and narrow definitions of success are also at fault here. I find this to be an exceedingly Asian thing. We don't seem to know any other way of valuing people, and our societies generally also don't value anything else monetarily as well (in terms of career). 

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I feel sad that Mr Ji killed himself.  Not that he didn’t need to pay for his crimes but I don’t like the messaging it sends that suicide is the way out. Was he too far gone mentally to see what he did was wrong ? His obsession with CY was twisted but he’s in some ways a “victim” of this academy culture and how extreme parents can be. I would have rather him sit behind bars & realise what he did was wrong. Anyway kudos to Shin Jae Ha for taking on such a role. He’s played many supporting roles where  his character was usually quite one dimensional, so here he’s really had a chance to show off what his capable of. 

SunJae dropping off the school system was also painful to watch but the right thing to do . I can’t help but regret that such a bright kid like him became a bit of a mess,  no thanks to his parents. For me it’s not just the mum who’s at fault but the father too for just running off like that. Fortunately it’s not the end of the road for SJ. I do think a break will do him good & since he’s generally got a good head on his shoulders, he’ll still be able to do well later . 

Am also glad that SJ confessed his feelings to Hae Ee , even if he got “rejected “ . I laughed hard when Mr Ice Hockey teased him mercilessly about it . One of the best things about this show is how the friendship between the two boys developed. ❤️. I like it even more than the romance.  In some ways I appreciate Hae Ee not saying yes to any of them. I like both & I am neutral to whoever she chooses but this is not the right time to date given all that is going on in her life . 

As I had expected, Hae Ee’s gold digger mum is up to no good & wants money . And is now taking advantage of HS ‘s rich boyfriend. But CY is not dumb. I believe he won’t be duped by her. Once again though my heart goes out to HE who has to deal with such a mother. I know her decision to go to Japan is to remove mum from HS’s life , and she wants not to be a burden to HS anymore. But I hope Hae Ee realises that she need not make such adult decisions- just let the adults sort if out. 

Final preview 





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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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6 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

I feel sad that Mr Ji killed himself.  Not that he didn’t need to pay for his crimes but I don’t like the messaging it sends that suicide is the way out. Was he too far gone mentally to see what he did was wrong ? His obsession with CY was twisted but he’s in some ways a “victim” of this academy culture and how extreme parents can be. I would have rather him sit behind bars & realise what he did was wrong. Anyway kudos to Shin Jae Ha for taking on such a role. He’s played many supporting roles where  his character was usually quite one dimensional, so here he’s really had a chance to show off what his capable of. 

I feel the same with you. I much rather he admits to his crime, serves his punishment and receives help. He's never quite grew up since then, don't you think? He's holding on to the statement his sister said about Chi Yeol, that he's the only adult they could trust. Deep inside, he's just a boy. He needs help, not death. Or we don't want him to die because he's played by Shin Jae Ha? LOL, I'm a little confused with my feelings here. I definitely got a bit emotional when it flashes back to his younger self with sister and Show let us know him becoming Chi Yeol's assistant was actually his sister's wish. :pandasadspoon:


Additionally, having Chi Yeol witnessing his death is a no-no to Chi Yeol's mental health too. He's already traumatised by Jung Soo Hyun, and now adds Dong Hee. The show just seem to "glaze" over this issue too quickly.

14 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

SunJae dropping off the school system was also painful to watch but the right thing to do . I can’t help but regret that such a bright kid like him became a bit of a mess,  no thanks to his parents. For me it’s not just the mum who’s at fault but the father too for just running off like that. Fortunately it’s not the end of the road for SJ. I do think a break will do him good & since he’s generally got a good head on his shoulders, he’ll still be able to do well later. 

Sun Jae dropping school doesn't please me, because is this really the best solution? The good thing is, tuition schools in SK probably teach them more than schools in passing exams so I guess he can still go to tuition and pass the exam for Uni. I'm glad he came around to it although I'd like to know what repercussion he received at home and what happened to that brother of his as well? Is he forever going to lock himself in his room or he's going to be a Hyung and be there for his Dongsaeng?

17 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

Am also glad that SJ confessed his feelings to Hae Ee , even if he got “rejected “ . I laughed hard when Mr Ice Hockey teased him mercilessly about it . One of the best things about this show is how the friendship between the two boys developed. ❤️. I like it even more than the romance.  In some ways I appreciate Hae Ee not saying yes to any of them. I like both & I am neutral to whoever she chooses but this is not the right time to date given all that is going on in her life. 

Hahaha I like this ending too. It puts both boys on equal ground, and let's just go to Uni first kids and then we talk about dating!

Love Gun Hoo's teasing. I think it helps cheer Sun Jae up. He's a bit of a dap dap hae kind of personality - he will wallow in misery if not distracted.


Hae Yi's mother is up to no good from the start. LOL, and she's the same lady in Happiness who drives us up the wall, remember? I wonder Hae Yi saying she'll go to Japan with mum is her way of scaring her off or she thinks she's troubled Haeng Seon long enough. Obviously I know Hae Yi will stay, it had to be this way coz they are the real family.


As for Jae Woo and Yeong Joo, not that I'm against it but I worry about this pairing especially Yeong Joo's family. It's not going to roses all the way for Yeong Joo in this relationship as we all know the challenges faced when dating/married to a autistic person. The biggest haul is how Yeong Joo going to convince her mother/family on this. But since we're at the end of this show tonight, this matter obviously will not be a focus.

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This episode is so sad. 

9 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

Obviously I know Hae Yi will stay, it had to be this way coz they are the real family.

They are a family including including Kim Yeong-Joo. 

I just loved Nam Jae-Woo’s confession. I can’t wait to see Haesang-Seon’s reaction.  Jae-Woo and Yeon-Joo are so cute together. 

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Favorite Favorite Artist  Bae Doona, Moon Chae Won, Gong Hyo Jin, Cho Seung Woo, Jang Hyuk,, Jo In Sung,  Gong Yoo

Drama watching now: Plot Love,  Chimera ,The Psychologist, Always have,Always will , Show Windows: Queens House

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10 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

He needs help, not death. Or we don't want him to die because he's played by Shin Jae Ha? LOL, I'm a little confused with my feelings here. I definitely got a bit emotional when it flashes back to his younger self with sister and Show let us know him becoming Chi Yeol's assistant was actually his sister's wish.

I agree that I am more sympathetic because this role is played by Shin Jae Ha. I have a soft spot for him having seen him play so many supporting roles over the years. But I also feel sad because we saw how Manager Ji's mum treated him and how his sister died. Plus this drama revolves around the education system and the young generation that the writer must be trying to say how bad things can be if their society doesn't do something about this academy culture and the unreasonable pressure that these mothers put on their children.


10 hours ago, UnniSara said:

just loved Nam Jae-Woo’s confession. I can’t wait to see Haesang-Seon’s reaction.  Jae-Woo and Yeon-Joo are so cute together. 

I am not against the relationship and I get many writers now are trying to be as inclusive as possible, and shed light to how people on the spectrum too have feelings etc. But I wonder if this romance was necessary so late in the show. Will it add value to the rest of the plot is what I am concerned about. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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Everything wrapped up well.  HaeEe’s birth mum came to her senses & left . She did give credit to HS for raising HaeEe , and that HS is HaeEe’s “real” mum. There was a two- year time jump . Ultimately everyone ended up with someone . I didn’t mind all the pairings- was pleasantly surprised that Mr Ice Hockey has interest in SuA . But they looked kinda cute . SJ made it to college & HaeEe  finally agreed to date him . YJ & JW are expecting a baby 😄. All the mothers here had a second chance at being better parents and that I think was the most important. The double proposal was sweet too and I am glad that HS went on to fulfil her dreams to study. 

While this drama was sold as a rom-com, the romance here in terms of leads’ chemistry isn’t the strongest. I have seen both JDY & JKY paired up with other people where I felt stronger romantic connections. Nevertheless, it is not a deal breaker. The romance here is like a comforting side dish to the main course of the show. From what I see the show is really a social commentary on the dangers of being too obsessed with academic success, and specifically poking at the “hagwon” culture in SK . I can completely see why the locals tuned in to the show , as this issue is very close to their hearts. 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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My feelings and comments for ep.15 are pretty much the same as you guys...

- Not liking how Manager Ji just ended his life like that, and then no more story on that. Wrapped up in a rush. I guess it's just a side story? But no, I thought that was quite an arc that needs more delving into. Wasn't that the main threading of the story from the beginning? 

- SJ dropping out of school... so unfortunate, but I think it's a good idea too. No more pressure for him, and I believe he can prepare by himself well for entrance to Uni. 

- JW and YJ pairing... agree that it is unnecessary. A bit rushed too. I wished we're shown more of their attraction from the beginning bit by bit.


I teared up when HY finally woke and how HS, JW were so happy. Seeing the scene of their hands all clasped together was so touching. 


Fist-pumping when Soo Ah's mother discovered the cheating husband. Witnessed by so many of the other mothers too. It didn't have to go viral though, but she was asking for it by making such a scene. I can't really summon any sympathy for her. 


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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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Yay with the happy ending ~ a bit too happy for my liking in terms of writing, but still I like walking away smiling especially after a long day.


• I'm happy Chi Yeol and Haeng Seon found their happiness. The proposal and ending scenes are really cute. Although I am wondering if South Koreans mistaken the true meaning of "scandal" because why would it be "scandal (negative meaning)" if it is Chi Yeol and Haeng Seon caught kissing on the street. LOL.


• I'm happy Hae Yi's birth mother went on her own ways. Inasmuch as I dislike Hae Yi's birth mother, the narration of the content of her letter made me cry. I knew it would be like this anyway so it's no surpise.


• I'd have been happier if they just left Hae Yi's romance as an open ending but I'm OK with how it is too since she took her time after being with both Sun Jae and Gun Hoo.


• I agree there's no need to develop Jae Woo and Yeong Joo's loveline, but since it's fiction, I'm OK with this.


Now, the real stuff that should matter...


• The education culture and the inappropriate involvement of parents in the education system - we were shown how awful this is and how much children is suffering from the stress but that's kind of it. There's not even a debate and stimulate food for thoughts. It's just left as "life goes on" ... with Haeng Seon joining them telling the kids to study well while they are still young.


• Soo Ah's Omma - Woah, writer let her become some sort of consultant? Really?


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1 hour ago, mademoiselle said:

Soo Ah's Omma - Woah, writer let her become some sort of consultant? Really?

I know right...I am like no way I will have her advise me on what to do. But then again she's consulting for an academy, isn't it and all these hagwons are all exam focused , so I guess they don't care about ethics and stuff. While this drama tries to highlight the problems with this culture, it doesn't spend enough time exploring the alternatives. Is it because such a culture is too ingrained in their society that it is almost impossible to change? Or perhaps the drama is trying to touch on too many themes? Anyway, the root of the problem is  because of the education system. Unlike in the west, the amount of things that a student needs to absorb and learn is a lot. Every day they practically learn a new thing , and no time is given for them to process. So that's why they all end up needing to go to academy after school.  The CSATs is no joke. 



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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I actually watched most of this on a binge on the plane home and so I only really have time to write what I thought about the last episode. I thought it was quite a cute ending. I wasn't overly invested in the romance, so while some people wanted more romance scenes, I was ok with what they provided and I thought CCY and HS's romance was very natural and realistic in many ways - not overly sappy, but flirty and caring. :hearties:


3 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

 I'd have been happier if they just left Hae Yi's romance as an open ending but I'm OK with how it is too since she took her time after being with both Sun Jae and Gun Hoo.


I think opposite to @mademoiselle I liked that they closed off Hae-E's romance storyline with Sunjae mainly because I thought Hae-E's behaviour in a relationship also mirrored her aunt's (ie. she's not mushy and she's not afraid to initiate) So I'm glad they included that scene.:heart:


What I thought was random was GH suddenly taking an interest in Su-a in like the last episode!! :shocked: I mean maybe not surprising since he knew that Hae-E would most likely not pick him and he seems to like smart girls. But was that even necessary?! I feel like that never resolved Su-a's storyline with her mental health and that bugged me. Like her mum was going to book a psych, but then she got caught up in expelling Sunjae and the affair with the dad and it was never expcitiedly explained if she went to therapy or just had to tough it up and get through the trauma herself :psweatduck:


To be honest, I picked up this drama less for the romance and more for the multiple storylines that happened with the various characters and the overiding school theme. Having gone to a competitive school, I also found it relatable and remember the pressure kids would put on themselves around exam times. Also the expectation that parents would have that their kids would become doctors. I don't think the Tiger mums here in the West are on the whole as bad as in Korea, but I have heard stories from friends. I have a friend who got into Law and her mum came to the uni to try to switch her into medicine. :lettalKWA:


I thought everything was tied up nicely. Maybe a little toooo nicely. But there were 3 parts of storytelling that I didn't think were great:


-I don't like how they handled the Mr JI storyline - there wasn't an investigation into what made him the way he was? Like his character felt flat in that he would just die if he couldn't protect CCY?! And while CCY did feel sad, I don't think they really showed as much grief as they should have given that the guy was his right hand man for a decade. :nervous:


-Also thought the storyline with all the problem mums were rushed? The main one being Hae-E's mum. I feel like she said she just wanted to go to Japan to get her mum to leave, but they never really 'resolved' it. Like all of a sudden Hae-E and HS were fighting and then...they just got over it without so much as a conversation? Same with Sunjae and his mum and Sua and her mum - did they ever get to voice their feelings? The parents never admitted that they should change or at least have an awkward talk with them about the immediate issues they were actually facing to close the loop? :thinking:


-The third is the education themes - they seemed to want to explore the issues with stress with the student fainting in CCY's class, but they never really looked deeply into it


1 hour ago, abs-oluteM said:

I know right...I am like no way I will have her advise me on what to do. But then again she's consulting for an academy, isn't it and all these hagwons are all exam focused , so I guess they don't care about ethics and stuff. While this drama tries to highlight the problems with this culture, it doesn't spend enough time exploring the alternatives. Is it because such a culture is too ingrained in their society that it is almost impossible to change? Or perhaps the drama is trying to touch on too many themes? Anyway, the root of the problem is  because of the education system. Unlike in the west, the amount of things that a student needs to absorb and learn is a lot. Every day they practically learn a new thing , and no time is given for them to process. So that's why they all end up needing to go to academy after school.  The CSATs is no joke. 


Yeah I agree it didn't really consider what it would be like to have a different education system or to show that life will be 100% fine even if you don't become a doctor (sure, you don't make a lot of money, but maybe you have your mental health and a happier, healthier lifestyle :idk:


Overall, a fun series to watch, not the greatest thing I've seen, but it was still enjoyable and fun and made me laugh at times when CCY and the uncle were 'bonding' :laugh:

1 hour ago, ktcjdrama said:

I think this is the main problem of the writing. But like @mademoiselle, I'm fine with it too since it's work of fiction, and I already don't expect too much from early on. 


Yeah the writing was a bit off at certain part towards the end, sometimes really rushed, shoving in new events like Hae-E's mum. But at least it was a happy ending I guess!

Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: Cinderella at 2am // Love Next Door

Current Obsessions: Moon Sang Min is a dream. And Yoon Park is an old fav. Excited to see Lee Je Hoon!!!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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Finally done with the series and enjoyed reading everyone's wrap up comments. I think we all kinda agree on the same points. Just my quick take:

• Yes, I didn't like how they ended the case with Mr Ji. Suicide seemed "too easy". From a writing perspective, it felt lazy. From a social commentary angle, it just seemed incorrect. As many of you pointed out, surely you can't be endorsing suicide as the answer to end-it-all. And my, the trauma to CCY - can he even recover from it?!? At least they did show him having a hard time through that episode.


• The kids - Haeyi and her posse - I liked how it ended for all of them. Yay!


• Uncle and Best Friend relationship - yeah sure, why not? I thought she was sincere enough and Uncle on his own decided he did like her after all. No pressure. 

• I like that Sunjae's lawyer mum eventually set up her own law firm and restored her relationship with her family. I thought it was good.


• Su-A's mum becoming an education consultant... well... not so sure about her choice of career, but I liked the message that it's possible to live life without a man who has blamed you for his infidelity. Sure, she was obsessed about her daughter, but that doesn't make his infidelity justified. What absolute nonsense. 


Korea's education system is still crazy competitive (as evidenced by Su-A's mum's job), but care needs to be taken to not be overly caught up with it. Ultimately, nothing is more important than relationships with the people you love and care for. 


What's the next drama to move on to? Hahaha...

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9 minutes ago, gilaswan said:

What's the next drama to move on to? Hahaha...

Do you need some romance? Or you don't mind something quirky? 

If romance , I  like Call It Love - the premise starts off depressing but every episode there's progress and the characters' development surprises me. 

Something quirky that I didn't expect to pick up but did and I quite enjoyed the premiere episodes - Divorce Attorney Shin.

Our Blooming Youth started out promising but the pacing is just slow. Redeeming factor is how great Park Hyung Sik looks in Joseon costumes :laugh:

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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You're already watching Our Blooming Youth, so no need the selling and I can't really guarantee on the storyline. The guarantee I can give is Park Hyung Sik is simply dashing in hanbok.


I second @abs-oluteM's recommendation to Call It Love. Their romance is slow burn so it's a bit hard to say if they'll be the next AoS couple, but their couple photoshoot is great. If you want something fun/silly and light, Heavenly Idol.

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Whaddya know. As I suspected, the show did a big reset in the last episode and everybody lived happily ever after, all conveniently paired off... in some cases making no sense whatsoever.  Very schmaltzy, no real consequences. Everybody holding hands singing campfire songs. It is as if the last 15 episodes were just a bad dream.

This is why I should really say goodbye to K drama rom coms for good. And not allow myself to be enticed by the male lead.


The suicide of Ji Dong-hui was less of a problem for me but what really irked me was the messaging accompanying it. He would kill himself because the man that he did everything for rejected him. That's plausible but the fact that he was unrepentant to the last and his thinking went largely unchallenged -- that didn't sit right with me. He's a product of the system so the system's to blame. At the end when he takes the swan dive -- poor Dong-hui, he's just a victim. He took lives, several actually -- last I heard murder is a serious criminal offence.


I think the hardest pill to swallow is Lawyer Jang and family. The show just handwaved all the dysfunctionality in their family dynamic just so that Seon-jae can have his happily-ever-after. And Soo-a's mother Soon-hee. I don't know what the writer was smoking. All the time, these characters were one dimensional and suddenly we're expected to think that they're all just victims of the crazy competitive university entrance system. The system isn't just some inanimate amorphous entity. it's made up of people. People created this problem. People have perpetuated it through queue jumping or cheating. As long as people accept the status quo and prop it up, it will continue. This knotty issue however requires deep attitudinal change within the culture about education and universities before any real change can take place. 


That said I thought Jung Kyung-ho and Jeon Do-yeon were acting powerhouses even if the chemistry department was lacking. I'm happy to have discovered some talented young actors as well.



Edited by 40somethingahjumma
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Currently Watching: Joy of LIfe 2, The Auditors


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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