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Whale Couple 🐳❤️🐋 TaeBin (Kang Tae Oh x Park Eun Bin ) & WooHo (Woo Young Woo x Lee Jun Ho)


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59 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

Hello @SJW . Welcome to JangHaven. 
The ring KTO wears was given to him by his CEO for good luck . He mentioned it in an interview before if my memory serves me . It has a rabbit on it or something like that 

Thanks, glad to find this forum!

no the one given by his ceo is on his left hand index finger. he always has it on that finger! the right hand one is a different one! you can see it on this tweet -


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3 hours ago, SJW said:

@JenLthanks for your updates about taebin! i dont normally ship actors/actresses in real life. the last one and thought the only one was binjin as they look so compatible with each other. and feel the same with taebin! of course, dont know what will happen in their personal lives. just hope the best for them in their careers, in their relationships!


Hello! Welcome @SJW :Party01: And totally on the same page as you! I would say I'm not a shipper as such, or that I don't need them to be together in real life, but that I enjoy the cast chemistry between everyone, especially the leads. There's something very comforting about watching KTO and PEB play-fight, tease each other and figure out the scenes as their characters. It's something I like with all my actors in all the dramas I love the most, and like you said these two looked like they had a comfortable, compatible nature. :heart:


Well said! I think we all just support them individually, and together, as actors. People sometimes get too serious and polarising about shipping or anti-shipping and get mad at other people, but I think most regular fans are in the middle - you think they look good as actors and friends and if there's something there, that would be nice ...but if not, you just like that they brought you a very lovely drama and had convincing on-screen chemitry! :BulbaOWO:


3 hours ago, SJW said:

i have a question about the ring on KTO's right hand! is it a ring finger in asian countries? a couple ring? wonder if he thinks that might cause any misunderstanding about his relationship! 


1 hour ago, abs-oluteM said:

Hello @SJW . Welcome to JangHaven. 
The ring KTO wears was given to him by his CEO for good luck . He mentioned it in an interview before if my memory serves me . It has a rabbit on it or something like that 


Thanks for answering @abs-oluteM I have never noticed this ring!  :laugh:


It has a rabbit on it?!  oh I see what you mean by confusion. Actually, I think I do remember him saying he got something he wears from his CEO :heart::thinking:

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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1 hour ago, SJW said:

@JenLthanks for the warm welcome!

just pointed out to @abs-oluteMthat it's not the same ring the ceo gave him. the ceo ring is on the left hand index finger, it's always on that finger! @abs-oluteMhas told me that this is couple ring!


Hahaha wow, I'm impressed that people notice these things! :laugh: I never notice jewllery so if anyone does wear couple things, it would slip by me completely!


I got really excited today because I found a behind the scenes video of PEB and KTO that I'd never noticed before and isn't subbed. I'd seen people use some of a few scenes in their edits, but I just realised that it's not actually in the main behind the scenes video released by ASTORY- it's  the behind the scenes scene where WYW falls and JH catches her and then they're looking at each other on the floor....but I wonder where the original comes from and how people got it? :thinking:


Anyway I'm going to try to sub it and put it here  :heart:

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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11 hours ago, JenL said:


Awww, this is why we created this space so we can still chat about our favourite characters and actors and how cute they were. I'm going to miss this drama for sure, especially when it gets to that stage when the news, interviews etc dry up noticeably  :letalQQ: But till then, KTO seems determined to not let us forget him. :lol:



I think it's always hard for the female leads if the male leads become too popular because there's so many different groups of people to please - there's the fans who do hardcore ship and then the fans who only like the actors by themselves and are anti-ships. There's the fans who liked them with a past pairing and will be disappointed if they look too comfortable with another actor.Then there's the more regular fans who would like to see cast chemistry between the leads. As a vetran actor, promoting a drama that is more about the personal growth of someone who lives with autism, I think PEB was very careful (and rightfully so) not to sell the behind the scenes as a romance. :MewHi:


But with that said, KTO and PEB are both cute when they go through the scenes anyway and it's a very natural and not overbearing way or as a put-on-act. Cast chemistry naturally comes out if actors are hanging together and having a good time  :heart:


My theory on why no EAW couple shoot


 I have never been able to work this one out with K-Dramas because sometimes the best K-dramas get no photoshoot and sometimes K-dramas that do poorly get one :poliWeird:


If I had to guess, I would say it was a scheduling thing between the agencies, the actors and the magazines. Obviously, a magazine has to be prepared monthly and they often plan their spreads in advance and they only have limited space to feature a drama. When they do feature an acting pair, I guess they have to contact the agency/ agencies to figure out a time when both actors can do the shoot. So it's not always easy to organise. Most of the time they do the photoshoot before a drama comes out based on how popular or vanilla they think a drama will be. I think with EAW people were not sure how it would do because again the drama was not sold as a sugary romance, but more as a legal/ personal growth journey...so I don't think the magazines thought about doing a photoshoot. :mine:


But then, the drama did amazingly well...but by that time the magazines had already booked in their models/actors for other shoots. And while it is possible to do a shoot after a drama ends (Eg. they did a shoot for My Liberation Note leads after the drama ended because this series was well recieved)...by the time EAW was popular, PEB and KTO would probably have been booked out solid as individuals. There's been a million individual PEB and KTO commericials and individual interviews that are coming out now which would have been filmed/ photographed/ conducted a few weeks ago...so I think it would have been extremely hard to have booked both of them together then, especially because they are from different agencies. :idk:


Another reason is that cover shoots/ magazine spreads often (but not always) goes to actors who are both well known. Kang Tae Oh has only transitioned into being a lead recently...like he's been second lead more often and of the very few, shot first lead roles he did, he was either not a 'nice character' or not a high profile role. So they would have overlooked him. But not anymore now!


That's why I'm ok with a 2nd season if it does happen because the chances have increased of a couple actor shoot :heart::BulbaOWO:

Thank you for the long reply @JenL! Appreciate it! Indeed, she's very careful as things may go south very quickly. I also believe, agency has a role to play in advising.  Aaaand it's not quite the regular romance drama so yes will need to be careful!


as for couple shoots - yes schedules are crazy, kto didn't even get to go to Bali...and we know what they have been busy with after the content these few days... Well one can hope, there'd be more content going forward! 😍😍😍

6 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

Oh @SJW …bahaha . I never notice these things . :laugh: Probably why I will suck at shipping . I have no idea.  But yes either right or left ring finger is often used for couple rings . 

Guess we don't need to think too much about the ring. It's probably fashion. At this point in time and popularity, no point to "show off" the ring If he is really in a relationship. But whether he really is or not, we really can't tell - ring or otherwise.


Edited by Yunn
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So much content today... PEB's thank you post was so touching....




Anyone noticed like me that after a while he stopped liking her posts or comments... Miss the times when he'd comment directly, am sad that he doesn't do that anymore...



Ok am not sure what I'm doing wrong but the replies are being merged? Pls help this noob hehe!

Just now, Yunn said:




So much content today... PEB's thank you post was so touching....




Anyone noticed like me that after a while he stopped liking her posts or comments... Miss the times when he'd comment directly, am sad that he doesn't do that anymore...



Ok am not sure what I'm doing wrong but the replies are being merged? Pls help this noob hehe!

Oh it's okie now!

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@Yunnhe doesnt do much posts on his own ig. think he commented on hanbada's team incl PEB ig just to promote the drama! as the drama and he himself got popular, he must have been busy with pictorials, cf's, interviews. he has only a short time frame to make good use of his popularity. in the latest interview, he said he can now have his mom quit her job and support her due to the drama popularity. cant imagine how much money he has made during such a short period of time. 

that's why I was trying to figure out if it is a couple ring. i was like wouldnt it stupid to jeopardize his career to show-off his relationship status! but KTO is a pure and kind person, doubt he would give up his relationship to achieve fame. 

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HellO dear @taebinfan . 
yes it’s cute she called him a friend.  
Have been reading her interviews & really appreciate how she thinks . Her dedication to her craft is outstanding 

This is a slightly different translation to the above



oh how hot is he here ? 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  -  Sat-Sun: Miss Night & Day Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - 

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i know it would take a toll on PEB mentally and physically playing youngwoo. she had to act with her eyes, her fingers, her voice, her walk, practically her whole body, and on top of memorizing the law and whale info! but hearing that she almost burnout really makes me sad! this is one legendary drama and not the typical romance drama. it's a very unique and extraordinary drama! her interview is even reported on mbc news. she's like a national actress! am still glad that she took on this project and has made a worldwide influence on the subject of asd and whales/dolphins. viewers know she is a diligent, disciplined, loving and caring person and she definitely has the charm to bring positive changes to the world on some societal issues! certainly the drama is a superb team work of director, writer and actors/actresses.

i personally think it's difficult to write s2. what kind of growth youngwoo will have? she'll be 29 and her path in career, in having family. it'll turn into a typical storyline. PEB must be really burnout to say she doesnt want to go there again! I am all for supporting her decision and I hope astory respects her. hope she can take a good break after working non-stop for the last few years.

i prefer to see taebin in other genre, like romcom or saeguk. i think their chemistry will be amazing in romcom, like the edited youtube vid compiling yeonghwa vs song jiwon!



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@taebinfan agree with you. After seeing how burdened she felt my heart is heavy , and I would respect any decision she makes . Will be lovely if She does but I’d rather her be completely happy doing this rather than feeling pressured to do it , Last thing I want is for her to be burnt out . 

I would love them to do a crazy Sageuk like this :laugh:

Do share if you guys see any MVs that are fun , with potential drama plots . I love those.  


He needs a hug here . Love his attitude & sense of humor 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  -  Sat-Sun: Miss Night & Day Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - 

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21 hours ago, Yunn said:

Thank you for the long reply @JenL! Appreciate it! Indeed, she's very careful as things may go south very quickly. I also believe, agency has a role to play in advising.  Aaaand it's not quite the regular romance drama so yes will need to be careful!


No worries, you know I love to write long comments  :heiboi::laugh:


I think also aside from being careful, in light of PEB's post exit interviews, she really was burnt out and tired due to filming as her character this time around was so challenging to play :letalQQ:.So sometimes I don't think that it was that she was trying to be less playful...but more like she was just tired....actually I have lots of thoughts on this which I'll post in another post.


22 hours ago, Yunn said:

So much content today... PEB's thank you post was so touching....


I love reading her thoughts. She's so wise beyond her years and also so gracious as an actress! :heart:


22 hours ago, Yunn said:

Anyone noticed like me that after a while he stopped liking her posts or comments... Miss the times when he'd comment directly, am sad that he doesn't do that anymore...


21 hours ago, taebinfan said:

@Yunnhe doesnt do much posts on his own ig. think he commented on hanbada's team incl PEB ig just to promote the drama!


Haha, I wouldn't be too sad - it happens to a lot of actors I think. The last drama where I was obsessed about the leads (Dolsolsolsollalasol with Go Ara and Lee Jae Wook) they would like each other's post at the begining too and then stopped at some point. But I really like Go Ara because she provided the goods - haha, she took soooo many selfies with Lee JaeWook which she actually posted!. Wish it had happened here, but I still acept KTO's sunset photos of PEB. Also where did those dolphin spotting photos of PEB go??? :thinking:


Most actors do the public facing interactions on Instagram to promote, but then as time goes by they don't bother....but it seems like the EAW crew do have their own private chats and I like to think they're on that more than what they show us. Also it's probably a privacy thing since they know how much fans read into their every like or comment :laugh: 



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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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12 hours ago, taebinfan said:

am glad that Eunbin acknowledges Taeoh as a friend instead of using the term "actor"!


11 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

yes it’s cute she called him a friend.  


I found that very cute too :heart: It felt warm, since she could easily have said 'actor' ...but it feels like they have good communication and she values him after all the time they spent filming together.


11 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

oh how hot is he here ?


Those white T-shirt shots had me so bad when I saw them today :wow: This guy has been soooo busy with all his photoshoots!


6 hours ago, taebinfan said:

i know it would take a toll on PEB mentally and physically playing youngwoo. she had to act with her eyes, her fingers, her voice, her walk, practically her whole body, and on top of memorizing the law and whale info! but hearing that she almost burnout really makes me sad! this is one legendary drama and not the typical romance drama. it's a very unique and extraordinary drama! her interview is even reported on mbc news. she's like a national actress! am still glad that she took on this project and has made a worldwide influence on the subject of asd and whales/dolphins. viewers know she is a diligent, disciplined, loving and caring person and she definitely has the charm to bring positive changes to the world on some societal issues! certainly the drama is a superb team work of director, writer and actors/actresses.

i personally think it's difficult to write s2. what kind of growth youngwoo will have? she'll be 29 and her path in career, in having family. it'll turn into a typical storyline. PEB must be really burnout to say she doesnt want to go there again! I am all for supporting her decision and I hope astory respects her. hope she can take a good break after working non-stop for the last few years.

i prefer to see taebin in other genre, like romcom or saeguk. i think their chemistry will be amazing in romcom, like the edited youtube vid compiling yeonghwa vs song jiwon!


Yep, I know what you mean! I feel like you could see her tiredness in the behind the scenes sometimes when she spaced out. I always felt tired watching her say her lines really fast with so many words as well! :psweatduck:


I loved this drama, but I have been going back and forth about whether I'd like a second season. When everyone was saying they wanted one (before episode 13-14, the angsty episodes, aired) , I was like, noooo it's not necessary, they'll tie it up  nicely anyway. But then the angsty episodes aired and we weren't sure iif we'd get a nice ending and they announced a season 2 and I was like, hmmm, maybe it's the way to fix the things that don't happen in the first season. Then I learnt to accept it, even though the drama ended nicely because of course, I just love Taebin and their characters...and if they said they would deliver a 2nd season, I would be happy to get things we missed like a photoshoot with those 2! I was also thinking it would be nice for KTO to slip back into the same role which made him popular. But in terms of storyline, I wasn't keen for s2 for fear that they would drag out angsty scenarios. K-dramas are genrally not set up for multi-seasons. Sometimes I even really dislike it for American shows since it just turns makjang with characters making up and breaking up several times or having unncessary affairs etc. :BulbaConfused: However, some people do think there were unanswered questions in EAW (ie with Jun Ho's family etc) so it's possible that it could continue, but who knows? 


In light of PEB's comments, I would accept any decision she chooses to make. It could just be burn out since she's been back to back on projects for years now and she could decide differently later on, as I've seen that happen before. But realistically, she seems to be someone who's always up for a challenge to play a very different character and she probably feels like she's fulfilled this role. Also unlike new actors she probably doesn't feel like she needs to reprise the role for popularity as some newer actors would. :MewHi:


I would however love TaeBin to work together again in another drama. Their chemistry was so lovely and I would miss it if they never got paired up again! :heart:

4 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:


I would love them to do a crazy Sageuk like this :laugh:

Do share if you guys see any MVs that are fun , with potential drama plots . I love those.  


Hahaha I'm less crazy about Sageuks, but would accept if it was Taebin :laugh:


Here's one from the same YT channel. A modern story between 2 arts students...this is just the type of thing I'd ike :heart:



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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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The thirst for selcas is still real...haha, sometimes I think they should have just posted one to keep the masses off their backs

 :laugh::laugh::laugh: I didn't do this by the way - I just found it on Twitter!







Found it here - not sure why it's potentially sensitive material, but maybe the person who made these wanted to hide them in some way too:





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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

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@JenLcontent is sensitive probably due to worries about other shippers. tbh i used to be a robin shipper. am a huge fan of PEB and noticed that she seemed to be very at ease and happy with ro in her last project. all i care is about her happiness and hope she will meet someone wonderful by her standard. after seeing her with taeoh in this project, their chemistry is another kind and at another level - more mature, more caring, and just more... think PEB is still focusing on her career and not thinking about any romance now. she simply enjoys her roles in each project and probably figure out what kind of man suits her as she meets more people and when her marital need comes. she is still growing and learning in social interaction as she was quite introvert and didnt make friends. think she started making friends since tka and now is making more friends here in eaw especially with HKY... so glad that she broadens her circle of friends in this industry and hope she can find more genuine support in each project. who knows, she might meet another male lead more suitable than KTO in the future! either way, i hope they'll achieve their success in their career and meet the special someone in their lives. 

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