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Doctor Slump 닥터슬럼프 [2024]

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I finally caught up with both episodes. Had a good cry along with Jeong Woo when he confided in Omma. 😭 


I especially liked the part where Jeong Woo was so calm when Ha Neul was in the operation, comforting the rest of the family. It was impressive and showed he's a reliable person. I don't doubt it comes from years of experience practising in the same hospital and knowing what's best at that point in time... leading to his outburst when he found out the truth.


I sure didn't expect this will be Kyung Min's end. Considered this is a Korean drama where audiences craved over-the-top melodrama, I expected a more dramatic ending for him rather than car accident resulted in death. However, I kind of like it because it's made the show more unique, going the unconventional route.


Now that I learnt the full story, I'm just as conflicted as Jeong Woo on how I feel about this. It's 100% not Jeong Woo's fault. It's definitely a choice Kyung Min himself made; however, it was somewhat a cause and effect of the situation between Jeong Woo's parents and Kyung Min. I feel for Jeong Woo and the reason he finds it difficult to face his parents. His parents are two disappointing adults who only cared for themselves, but not other people's children. If they had shown a bit of warmth and caring to Kyung Min, all these may not have happened.


By the way, how did Kyung Min not know that clinic was Jeong Woo's? Did they lose contact for a while..? 


I had thought with their future would be to work side-by-side as a partners in Dae Young's clinic. Less stress this way for both of them, too, but guess not. It was sweet of Jeong Woo to put his money to good use and also is able to work together with Ha Neul this way. Maybe the upcoming episodes, Jeong Woo will also leave the clinic and join the hospital dealing with cases such as these... 


The bad guys are sorted so early, what will be left to see in the last two episodes? I'm obviously expecting Dae Young and Hong Ran to become official. Hopefully there is a scene for Hong Ran to meet Dae Young's daughter. 




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49 minutes ago, gilaswan said:

Haven’t finished watching this week’s episodes yet - still have episode 14 to go. But while we‘re on the topic of doctors, sort of, has anyone seen the news on junior doctor strikes in S. Korea?

Yes. And I don't know if I fully agree with  the strike. They aren't happy that the government wants to have more doctors - making applications easier. Citizens don't mind - more doctors. But the existing docs seem to want to protect the profession. 


@peperomia @mademoiselle I love that we had some JW centric episodes. I always wondered what it was like for him; he may have very successful parents but they are just so so awful - the mum especially. Kyung Min is responsible for the choices he made but I did feel sorry for him and I like to think he genuinely cared for JW. It was like a love-hate sort of relationship. Hence I can understand how hard it was for JW - how conflicted he must have felt. Plenty of tears from me too. 


And please let this be the drama where Yoon Park finally gets the girl. I love how things are coming along even if things seem somewhat complicate with his nurse in the picture. But our single parents here like each other so please let's have this work out. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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@mademoiselle @abs-oluteM About Kyung Min, you ladies are kinder than me. I did feel moments of sympathy for him during the flashbacks, but I can't bring myself to truly feel sorry for him overall. Jeong Woo's mom was terrible, but if Kyung Min's core/essence was any good, he would not have spiked Jeong Woo's drink, steal Ha Neul's dissertation and set-up the medical accident. If he had any regard for Jeong Woo, he would've backed off when he found out the target was Jeong Woo's clinic, but he didn't and ruined careers with no remorse. He only apologized to Jeong Woo when everything was revealed. So, any sorrow that I did feel momentarily for Kyung Min didn't last and dissipated quickly. 


I don't think Jeong Woo was at any fault for what happened to Kyung Min. I believe Kyung Min acknowledged this too. It was Jeong Woo's mom fault for not letting Jeong Woo know about the father's death. However, if he knew, would their friendship turned out differently?


I didn't realize Jeong Woo's parents left Seoul already. I guess his decision to not take the opportunity to see them was his way of acknowledging that he will no longer be affected by them and doesn't need them. He is in control of his own life.


I'm already sad this weekend is the finale. It has brought me some joy the past 2 months. I'll miss it and don't know what else can fill it.

Edited by peperomia
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16 hours ago, peperomia said:

I didn't realize Jeong Woo's parents left Seoul already. I guess his decision to not take the opportunity to see them was his way of acknowledging that he will no longer be affected by them and doesn't need them. He is in control of his own life.


I actually thought he chose not to see them because he was disappointed with them (they knew Kyung Min's situation), and is not yet ready to face them.

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Re: the doctor strike in S. Korea - @abs-oluteMI had a similar thought as you. It did feel like the reasons were very selfish, and I wonder if it’s because there’s just too much focus on status in SK. I would think if you were being overworked in your profession you would welcome more manpower…


@peperomia I don’t think I felt sorry for Kyungmin in that I don’t think his actions, whatever motivated them, could ever be justified for all the reasons you pointed out. I do wonder if the accident never happened and he was never at death’s bed, if he would’ve eventually come clean with Jeongwoo. Nevertheless I did feel sorry for him that he became a victim of his own low self-esteem. That was regrettable because clearly he was academically gifted and could’ve achieved much just on the straight and narrow. 

I didn’t catch that one bit - when he found out it was JW’s clinic he tried to prevent the accident from happening? And the nurse that JW visited in the prisons - was that an abetting staff?


Jeongwoo is such a resilient character, really. Life hasn’t been very kind to him but he’s always responded with such cheer. His parents don’t deserve him. So glad he met Haneul and family. I’m hoping the series ends with a wedding and our single parents finding their joy. Have yet to see how Dr Bin’s daughter will take to Hongran. Why did he get a divorce? I don’t remember it ever being said though it did happen while he was a resident, was it?

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10 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

I actually thought he chose not to see them because he was disappointed with them (they knew Kyung Min's situation), and is not yet ready to face them.


Yes, I agree. It was the final straw to realizing how terrible his mother was. He was disappointed, but it also seemed like he actually drew a line between him and his parents, which was why he basically rejected to see them.


3 hours ago, gilaswan said:

@peperomia I don’t think I felt sorry for Kyungmin in that I don’t think his actions, whatever motivated them, could ever be justified for all the reasons you pointed out. I do wonder if the accident never happened and he was never at death’s bed, if he would’ve eventually come clean with Jeongwoo. Nevertheless I did feel sorry for him that he became a victim of his own low self-esteem. That was regrettable because clearly he was academically gifted and could’ve achieved much just on the straight and narrow


Kyung Min did have great potential so I agree it's unfortunate that he was essentially his own worst enemy and took a wrong path in his life. Based on the flashbacks, it seemed Kyung Min wanted to be in Jeong Woo’s parents good favor as their high positions could benefit his career. I thought this was why he succumbed to Jeong Woo’s mother’s pressure to not meet his father and why did he not tell Jeong Woo about his father’s death. So, as much as I would like to think his sincerity to Jeong Woo was genuine, I don't think he would've been completely honest with him as propelling his career was more important. Regardless, I do think Kyung Min’s character ended up being good storytelling in showing us that not everything is black and white, which is why viewers feel both hate and pity for him.


3 hours ago, gilaswan said:

I didn’t catch that one bit - when he found out it was JW’s clinic he tried to prevent the accident from happening? And the nurse that JW visited in the prisons - was that an abetting staff?


In a way, one can stretch and say that he did try to prevent the medical accident by sending a note to the nurse who was involved in the plan to administer a lower dosage of anticoagulants (heparin) and maybe it would not have caused excessive bleeding. The thing is, based on the trial, heparin wasn't supposed to be used during the surgery at all. It was planted at his clinic.


3 hours ago, gilaswan said:

Jeongwoo is such a resilient character, really. Life hasn’t been very kind to him but he’s always responded with such cheer. His parents don’t deserve him. So glad he met Haneul and family. I’m hoping the series ends with a wedding and our single parents finding their joy. Have yet to see how Dr Bin’s daughter will take to Hongran. Why did he get a divorce? I don’t remember it ever being said though it did happen while he was a resident, was it?


I love Jeong Woo - he's such an admirable guy. PHS did an excellent job bringing him to life. I really hope that we do get a proposal and wedding too.


My preference would be to see Hong Ran and Dae Young's daughter meet each other before the parents get together, but however it will happen, I am looking forward to it. His confession was adorably sweet so I am curious how they'll make it official. I can't remember the details of Dae Young's divorce, but I believe it had to do with his high maintenance/wealthy in-laws and it did happen during the time of his residency.

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@gilaswan @peperomia Jeong Woo's parents paid Kyung Min double for the tuition fee. He's not well-off so I think partly due to that he succumbed to them. Their social status in the medical field might be another reason, but it wasn't clearly mentioned he benefited from them afterwards.


I also can't remember the full detail of Dae Young's divorce. I remember he was having a tough times with the in-laws and often feel small and not good enough when he's in front of them.


@gilaswan @abs-oluteM There was a post I came across a while ago which the reason mentioned was that the current residents felt unfairness, as it was very hard for them to get into medicine. Yeah, in this instance, they seem to rather overwork than not having more help. From another aspect, easier to get into medicine also means introducing more competitions. The medical system will need to accommodate this influx, to be honest. Contrary to this, I was in tears when Dr. Ruth Gottesman donated US$1 billion to Albert Einstein College of Medicine and the students now will never need to pay tuition fees. Of course, with this, one can only hope the college will produce more great doctors.


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In truth, humanity is complex and the Korean social psychology is very complex. Watching dramas is like taking an extended online course in “Understanding the Social and Cultural Complexities of Korean Society”. I cannot begin to express how all of this kdrama watching has helped me understand my Korean international students and the issues that come with them and their families! A drama that successfully highlights their very real challenges is very much appreciated and Doctor Slump does this quite well I feel.


Sometimes I look at these caricatures in the dramas, like Jeong Woo’s parents, and I think, “Surely not!” But fact is, these characters are written because they probably really do exist! You should see the type of emails I receive from time to time from Korean parents. At times I think, “maybe it’s a Google translate issue,” but then I go back to these dramas and go, “perhaps not…”

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1 hour ago, mademoiselle said:

This is so funny. Look at Hyung Sik's legs when he piggyback her! 😆😆😆

It was even funnier when she got home and called her mother! 

The comedy here is the best...gonna miss this show so much

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Eps 15 was so good...I was worried that time would pass slowly but I love how everything fell into place. Highlight include DaeYoung's confession to Hong Ran ( especially sweet that the advice came from his daughter)  , and them officially sealing the deal. Of course not to forget our main pair's most hilarious proposal after several tries. 
Can't believe it's the finale tonight - has been such a pleasure watching it every week. 

Pre-released with subs


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Jeong Woo buying a whole set of jewelleries, even a tiara. :laugh: That's not how one should be spending the money! He should just buy a house! Anyway, I had a good laugh again especially when the girls got drunk and both boys piggyback them. One of the favourite things I like about this drama is each pairing and how everything they get together there are funny stuff happening. Hong Ran siding Dae Young vs Ha Neul siding Jeong Woo. LOL. Look forward to more bickering in the future (though we won't see it anymore).


The blessing from the daughter is so smooth sailing, I'm not sure it should be this way...


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6 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

The blessing from the daughter is so smooth sailing, I'm not sure it should be this way...

I think it's okay...I come from parents who have separated too. Even at a young age, I was okay for my parents to find their own happiness. What makes all the difference is that DaeYoung has always been a good father who does his best, so I'd like to think she was raised well and would not feel insecure even if father finds a companion. 


I watched the finale ! I love that they took time to address HN's depression and how she handled disappointments going forward. Main message of the show is that life is a mixed bag. It can't always be happy days but the dark clouds will pass too. The key thing is acceptance and perseverance; counting those little blessings help too. The wrap up for everyone was good even the most insignificant characters got a bit of screen time about how life would go on. The tone was indeed hopeful.


I am definitely gonna add this show to my favourite list! :hearties: 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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I think I got everything that I wanted in the finale.




Jeong Woo finding family with Ha Neul’s. So sweet where she told him that she wanted him to join her family. It was just as precious as his proposal.


A new and healthier Ha Neul. Unlike her old self, I love that she is telling herself to express how she feels inside going forward. Although it might not change anything, it allows her to get upset for a moment and move past it. She has her peace.


Jeong Woo officially overcoming his PTSD and re-opening his clinic. How great of him to invite Dr. Kang, someone he trusts, to work with him again.


Dae Young and Hong Ran’s “family” photo with their kiddos. Dae Young is happy Hong Ran likes him just the way he is. Exactly how we see him on his NeoTube channel. LOL. For Hong Ran, this warmhearted man will have a happy life with someone just like him.


No wedding but we got wedding photos, which were gorgeous!


Lovely story. I think the epilogue summed the plot the best. To show that we could be happy today and suddenly sad tomorrow, but it’s okay… If there’s sadness, there will always be happiness as well. The characters figured this out and found the strength to endure sadness and misfortune. And, that was enough. I’m happy Jeong and Ha Neul finally caught their sunrise that they originally missed in the beginning. Very poetic.


I will miss this show immensely.


Edited by peperomia
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Wedding Photos!

I quite like the wedding photos because all the places they took it are places that meant something to them and contain memories.






Must say I prefer Hyung Sik's hair in straight. Curly was cute/handsome too but straight seems to be even more handsome!

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What will you be watching next @peperomia? Check out Queen of Tears if you have time.


I love the wedding photos too @mademoiselle It suits the entire vibe of this show. 


This part was so funny but not easy to film :laugh:


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Episodes 12-15


I really LOVE this drama the most out of everything I've been watching, so I feel a little bad that I haven't written as much here! I have noticed that I tend to write a lot for dramas where I'm less satisifed than satisfied post-pandemic probably because I have limited time now and need to analyse and process the things I have troubles with :laugh::laugh::laugh:


I haven't watched the last episode yet, but I just wanted to say episodes 12-15 were done pretty well in my opinion. The warmth and humour of the episodes really made me laugh out loud particularly the friiendship scenes between the main 4 characters, most particularly between Jeong Woo and Dr. Bin. There's something heartwarming about the way those guys are like competitive and fight like giirls with the hair pulling, but also really have a strong brotherly bond. As much as I love the super extra and pretty Jeong woo version of Park Hyung Sik, I also really like the daggy dad version of Yoon Park. Hahaha, I feel like Dr Bin's cringey character could have been too much if played by someone else, but Yoon Park has a way of being just daggy enough to be laughable, but just charming enough for you to accept the dagginess. I honestly think it's been a good role for him! :heart: Also I'm so happy he's getting the girl in this drama @abs-oluteM though I expected this would be the way from the start (I think it was abs I was complaining to a long time ago but Yoon Park being made to play a villain and not get the girl in a few dramas :lettalKWA:)


I really like the pacing of this show because while depressing things happen, I don't feel like there's been a lot of drag. It's been really fast to resolve misunderstandings. And the reactions to events are just right. When Kyung Min died, I liked that Jeong Woo had trouble processing everything and they showed his depression in a balanced way. He didn't speedily forgive Kyung Min and be an unrealistically bigger person when it would have been hard to have been, he didn't throw a tantrum and blame his parents (even though they're really cold and horrible people), he didn't take out his annger on the female lead (which seemed to be the normal way in old dramas) - he actually cried and talked through his feelings and was conflicted with missing the good parts of his friend while feeling hurt annd resentful for the betrayal. I thought that was so well done. And like @mademoiselle was tearing up a little at the talk with Ha Neul's mum.


The romance between the 2 leads is cute. Sometimes they're so silly, but this is still in the territory of humour I enjoy where the leads have slightly exaggerated play flights, but not too dramatic. I like the way they suupport each other and fight to make time for each other. And also Park Hyung Sik totally has the best gaze out of all the male leads...the way he looks at Ha Neul :BulbaOWO: At the end of Episode 15 when he asks Ha Neul to pretend she has night shift, that was a total swoon :wow: I thought they were going to let Park Shin Hye off from doing these kinds of scenes since there wasn't a lot of kissing to begin with, but I guess not :laugh:

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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13 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

What will you be watching next @peperomia? Check out Queen of Tears if you have time.


Likely Nothing Uncovered for the mystery and JSJ. Since you recommend Queen of Tears though, I will try to find time to watch this too.


18 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

Must say I prefer Hyung Sik's hair in straight. Curly was cute/handsome too but straight seems to be even more handsome!


I thought the same! He looks especially handsome with straight hair. I'm going to miss him/Jeong Woo so much.


2 hours ago, JenL said:

As much as I love the super extra and pretty Jeong woo version of Park Hyung Sik, I also really like the daggy dad version of Yoon Park.


Totally agree with you. Both guys are lovable in their own unique/special ways. I'm happy the drama made them at par with each other in this sense. It took some time for Yoon Park to eventually get his deserved screen time, but it was worth the wait. Writer did a great job with his character as a quirky NeoTuber, single parent struggling to understand his teenage daughter, petty best friend and romantic partner. LOL. I loved that in the end, he was happy knowing Hong Ran liked him exactly as he is. I thought it was good closure for him.

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@peperomia I am recommending Queen of Tears, too! Come join us there!


What's JSJ? An actor's initial?


Yeah, I will miss Park Hyung Sik again. His last (sageuk) drama was quite lacklustre. I really like Happiness, though. Hopefully he does another good one.


I've watched a fair few of dramas where Yoon Park is playing unlikeable characters, so I'm happy that this time he's finally a nice person.


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8 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

@peperomia I am recommending Queen of Tears, too! Come join us there!


What's JSJ? An actor's initial?


Yeah, I will miss Park Hyung Sik again. His last (sageuk) drama was quite lacklustre. I really like Happiness, though. Hopefully he does another good one.


I've watched a fair few of dramas where Yoon Park is playing unlikeable characters, so I'm happy that this time he's finally a nice person.


Since you recommend too, I will watch Queen of Tears. I think my mom might be watching this already. She likes Kim Soo Hyun. LOL. I last saw him in Moon Embracing the Sun so a long time ago. I do like Kim Ji Won and Park Sung Hoon.


Sorry, I meant JSJ for actor, Jang Seung Jo. Looks like I need to upgrade to Viki Plus to watch Nothing Uncovered.


Same. I hope Park Hyung Sik's next project will be a another good one and for Yoon Park to have more likable roles. I think we were spoiled by Jeong Woo and Dae Young so we'll see!


Looks like more wedding photos were released :wow: 

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Am finally done with this drama. All in all, I think it was a healing sort of drama. Nothing extreme, nothing nail biting, a very on-the-ground attempt to look at mental health issues from the position of those themselves in the medical profession, but nevertheless relatable to the everyday person.


Would I highly recommend it? No. I will recommend it, but if you want a drama for the purpose of excitement with something to look forward to each week, then this is not going to be it.


At times, the story was almost forgettable because it's such an everyday sort of story. But I did appreciate the effort to address mental health which is really plaguing many societies and people today.


Did I like how they wrapped up Haneul's depression? Not quite. I think they made it look so easy to overcome. But I appreciate the message they were trying to put out there - you don't really get over it; you learn how to cope with it. 


If you're looking for a drama which episode endings make you go, "darn the wait!", then it's gotta be Queen of Tears. See y'all on that thread!

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