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[C-Artist] Bai JingTing 白敬亭

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5 hours ago, NiteWalker said:


no i didnt cause it not my sort of drama....lols....even if i have to watch it for BJT and MarkChao who were really good in there


Haha - I understand. It is not a easy one to watch, and at times too real that it hurts. But I do agree that BJT is quite good in it. 


3 hours ago, Tofu said:

I never thought I would ever need Zhang Binbin and Bai Jingting in one frame until that happened and now....can they both star in a project together? :yoongibtspls:


Wow...those photos of Bai Jingting!! :wow:

I live that his studio post that their boss was too shy to share them. Hahaha!!


I stopped watching 8090 because I was getting a little frustrated too. :nervous:


I have not seen Ordinary Glory because there are no subs. =( I think it is the remake of the Korean drama, Miseng, right? That was a really popular drama when it aired in Korea. 





Haha - yes, the boss is too shy, but the employee at the studio decided to go for it for the benefits of the world. hahaha 


Regarding 8090, the editing is all over the place. I don't know what they are doing with Xiao Bai's parts, because they released some 20 minutes long so-called BTS (which in reality are actual scenes) of GSS on MGTV and you had to pay extra to watch it. Those are all important scenes that influence the completeness of the storyline, and how can you do this just to make more money?!!! I got so mad! I think I will only watch Xiao Bai's cut once it finishes airing... But it is such a shame, because the topic, the cast are so good. And, I really like GSS as a character. 


Re Ordinary Glory... yes, it is a remake of Miseng. I think they bought the IP of the original cartoon (?) and adapted it to the Chinese context. It is a shame that there is no sub... I am watching it on YT, and I think it is a high quality drama. Not perfect in any way, but a very solid project. 


3 hours ago, Tofu said:

Wow, Xiao Bai worked so hard!



Yes - he really did. He said that he was about 54 KG when he was shooting The Rise of Phoenixes because you need to be very skinny to look good in costumes. Then he kept it like this when we was shooting Ordinary Glory as the character is supposed to be someone who is more on the lean side. Right after Ordinary Glory, he shot Ping Pong, and that was the process documented in the first video where he buffed up... from less than 60 KG to 75KG.. all muscle gain...

And I think what impressed me more is when asked about it, he said it was not a big deal because it is for the character and it is just part of his job. 


He looks super think again now, which makes me think whether he is preparing for shooting again. 

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Wait, what?! They released an episode and then had people pay money for additional scenes? That makes no sense, but I guess this is why I had a hard time following the drama. 


19 hours ago, Xiaopz_pj said:

He looks super think again now, which makes me think whether he is preparing for shooting again. 

Yeah, I noticed that he is thin again too. Maybe it is for all those rumored dramas. :yoongibtspls:


There were some stills of Xiao Bai from 8090 that I laughed when I saw. I'll find it later to post. Some of the costume/clothes he wore, hahahaha!! 



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Apparently he bought the song right a long time ago and it took him a while to produce it. He said that he didn’t want to do it earlier because he didn’t have many drama shown to the audience yet so he was not very confident. 

Now I need to watch the newest episode of Happy Camp! 


I finished Ordinary Glory. I must say it is quite good. It is all around solid and probably one of best modern drama that is about white collar workplace. It is a slice of life type of drama, but has a bit of heavy tone just because it is about ordinary people and their daily struggle. 
I think Xiao Bai did well in it - I grew to like Mark Zhao’s character as well (he was yelling too much at the beginning).


Highly recommend if this is your type of drama :-) 

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I can understand why he waited. It probably would be odd to release a song for a non-musician if you are not promoting a drama simultaneously. Nevertheless, it's great to see Xiao Bai tries something new. 


1 hour ago, Xiaopz_pj said:

I finished Ordinary Glory. I must say it is quite good. It is all around solid and probably one of best modern drama that is about white collar workplace.

One day, I'll be able to watch. Haha!! 


Another possible Xiao Bai drama rumor:

It seems really...interesting. :pandathink:

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Ahh, I have really fallen into BJT’s charms thru YRMH and 8090 (even with its weird editing). He has such a great sense of humor. I especially love his friendship with Jing Boran and Jackson Wang. Their episodes of Go Fridge together were LOL, and BJT and Jackson slay me with their social media interactions. Is it sad that I’m looking forward to their next diss? Hahaha.

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Descendants of the Sun • A Love So Beautiful • Le Coupe de Foudre • Gank Your Heart • Go Ahead • Legend of Fei

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50 minutes ago, themarchioness said:

Is it sad that I’m looking forward to their next diss? Hahaha

Now that Xiao Bai is a musician, they should release diss tracks for each other. :laugh:


But in all seriousness, this made me :lol:



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7 hours ago, Tofu said:

Now that Xiao Bai is a musician, they should release diss tracks for each other. 


Hahaha, that would be amazing. Although I think Happy Camp would toss him if he came back with a rap song to promote on their show. :D 


7 hours ago, Tofu said:

But in all seriousness, this made me :lol:


Omg, yes!  I loved that one!  Although my favorite IG interaction is still: 



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My Fanfics

Descendants of the Sun • A Love So Beautiful • Le Coupe de Foudre • Gank Your Heart • Go Ahead • Legend of Fei

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11 hours ago, themarchioness said:

Ahh, I have really fallen into BJT’s charms thru YRMH and 8090 (even with its weird editing). He has such a great sense of humor. I especially love his friendship with Jing Boran and Jackson Wang. Their episodes of Go Fridge together were LOL, and BJT and Jackson slay me with their social media interactions. Is it sad that I’m looking forward to their next diss? Hahaha.


I really like how he plays GSS in 8090. All his scenes made me happy! There are so many good pictures and gifs from this drama we should post here ;-)


I will start with this one - seems to from the latest episodes. He asked the FL to kiss him. Wayyyyyy too cute!

Cr. Weibo User 噗叽咕咕咕



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1 hour ago, Xiaopz_pj said:

I really like how he plays GSS in 8090. All his scenes made me happy! There are so many good pictures and gifs from this drama we should post here ;-)


He has been sooo great at GSS.  Probably my main reason for sticking with it.  It's so interesting, too, see the contrast against his XKL character.  Just makes me appreciate BJT's acting chops that much more.  

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My Fanfics

Descendants of the Sun • A Love So Beautiful • Le Coupe de Foudre • Gank Your Heart • Go Ahead • Legend of Fei

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5 hours ago, NiteWalker said:

Bai JingTing stills during one of his appearance in Who is the Murderer




@Xiaopz_pj you can also spazz on BJT clips for Who is the Murderer here too hahahaha..





Thanks! This was the last episode of Season 6 and they connected the plot with the spinoff show of him and Wei Chen. Was quite fun to watch!


Happy to spazz on the Who's the Murderer thread! :-)))))

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