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The Sword & The Brocade 锦心似玉 2021

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Actually this many wives thingy was in every civilization. The European monarchy has royal mistresses too. It happens im the bible too.. Abraham wife sarah let him slept w her maid servant (sound fsmiliar to what mafame luo did m whay hapoen to yuanniang), jacob has leah n Rachel. N end up 10 brothers ganging up to kill Joseph the father favourite child. 


Its just improvement bits by bits to what we hv today. Civilization to acknowledge that one man w many wives are the root of many social issues like household unrest, abuse, neglect, siblings rivalry, etc. In chinese society, it is always sbout hsvinh offsprings thst carry the family name. In chinese saying, an man is to broke filial piety based on 3 mistakes n the biggest of them all is no offspring esp male ones. So many wives ensure that. 


Many of these audiences skip the scenes n therefore they don understand it is through these fights n schemes that our leads learn about one another n fall in love. By skipping they miss the interactions. 


Besides we r talking about a 30 yo gebetal w a noble title who heads a massive clan. If he hasn't got wives n children by now i m sure it is eithrr he is not into women or he is ill. Right?! 

Edited by SnT
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2 minutes ago, Niema said:

I wonder what they talk about here...



She is applying medicine on him n say that she will come daily to that. He says no need. She days she will tell his mum muahaha... Houye looks exasperated. Then she applied he flinched (from pain or from touch I wonder haha😜) then she asked painful is it, n dhe start blowing on it.. He is totally seduced orob n stsrt bending away from het till almost fall off the chair. She caught him. Hilarous.. 

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2 minutes ago, SnT said:

She is applying medicine on him n say that she will come daily to that. He says no need. She days she will tell his mum muahaha... Houye looks exasperated. Then she applied he flinched (from pain or from touch I wonder haha😜) then she asked painful is it, n dhe start blowing on it.. He is totally seduced orob n stsrt bending away from het till almost fall off the chair. She caught him. Hilarous.. 


The link is different than what you described....😅 The link showed a snippet of them drinking together and chit chat....


Tbh, I am not into making out session for this drama mainly because WC is happily married with kids....I cringed at the thought of them lovey dovey while WC's wife looming behind....🤣

Edited by OsmanthusTea
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33 minutes ago, MorningDew said:

Apparently there’s director cut still on the kiss scene. I don’t know how to upload that pics here. :pandaxmas: 

the kiss on the bed😜


give me the link i try to do something lols

15 minutes ago, Niema said:

I wonder what they talk about here...




hahaha matching this with what you shown....this still was pick up from weibo too



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1 hour ago, OsmanthusTea said:


The link is different than what you described....😅 The link showed a snippet of them drinking together and chit chat....


Tbh, I am not into making out session for this drama mainly because WC is happily married with kids....I cringed at the thought of them lovey dovey while WC's wife looming behind....🤣


i catch the last parts....where ShiYi is almost drunk and stated how carefree she felt last times....and how hard it is now...and she said she will resign or get out of the embroidery shop if that will avoid creating trouble for Family Xu....


HouYe proceed to tell ShiYi


"As long as I'm around you can do what you want."


this had ShiYi crying and hugging HouYe and saying ...HouYe why are you so good.....


after ShiYi fall asleep.....she kept apologizing for hurting him too and he told her, that he knew she didnt really meant to do it....that it was unintentionally 


HouYe thought to himself..


"Did you do this all because out of guilt?"

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16 minutes ago, SnT said:

Those fans in China are hilarous. Today many part of China is raining. So they say couple ti mian need a huge rainstorm haha.. So that is what is the missing ingredient, houye... The Rain

Haha... the fans in China is such a sport.. so funny..


The rainstorm can settle all misunderstandings in our couple case.. 😂😂😂

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9 minutes ago, NiteWalker said:


right at the last parts.....


HouYe said "This felt almost like dreaming"




tonight tonight !!! 30-36 right? so much sweet this weak i better go check my sugar lvl hahaha

 OMG.. They put to much sugar in 1 scene. With the caressing and cuddling, kissing and staring.. 


I thought that this drama couldn’t get any sweeter but I was wrong.. the chemistry between them in the scene is palpable. 

I don’t think I watch any historical C-drama with this much chemistry & sweetness before. 

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5 minutes ago, SnT said:

I know right.. This drams hss no typical passionate moves of pin gal against wall, hot kisses, fall n lip touch etc but all are so refined, classy laced w so much gentleness n sweetness. 




exactly...honestly it so hard to complain against such gentleness....that just like what HouYe said


'It felt like a dream' 



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5 minutes ago, NiteWalker said:


exactly...honestly it so hard to complain against such gentleness....that just like what HouYe said


'It felt like a dream' 



It felt like houye has found something n it is the most precious thing in his life.. N he is holding that treasure on his palms w so much care n love. Handle w his entire being of care. 


I just think we should split our episodes up. Otherwise we will hv 6 days of empty days. 

Edited by SnT
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