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Because of Love/ A Chance Meeting 今生有你 [2022]


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@ktcjdrama I just watched eps 23 ...I agree the story is getting better. @SilverMoonTea when later on if you ever need to go back to Wallace you can try this again.


I liked the development in eps 23. Tan Jing and the old man playing along to help him with his memories amused me somehow. But more than that , I feel this may be the 1st step for the old man in opening up to Tan Jing and their relationship. As expected the regression will not last forever YS is now aware of the present and is just isolating himself as part of his coping mechanism. I look forward to eps 24 to see how this will unfold


Just a note about the 2nd romance - while I am at present pretty iffy about Mark especially with his advice to Tan Jing and him approaching Sun Zhi Jun, I hope he's sincere with Vicky. Vicky , as I have said before is one of the best 2nd FLs in cdramas , she deserves happiness. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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30 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

@ktcjdrama I just watched eps 23 ...I agree the story is getting better. @SilverMoonTea when later on if you ever need to go back to Wallace you can try this again.



Haha yeah I put bookmark in my bio nowadays on my uncompleted drama. It might be a very long list soon 😬


I have hard time understanding the FL, so I stopped at ep 13. Even I'm as international audience I also felt she's not really a fully victim herself. More like the unfortunate situation she's in now, were partially due to her poor choice in life. I think it's not the way to treat someone you dumped before like that. 


I not sure if I ever pick this up again, but I enjoyed reading all you guys point of view. It seems even more interesting than the drama itself 🙂


Sorry @ktcjdramait seems your potential customer @Tofurunaway because of me 😆 She has no confidence in herself to complete the drama after seeing me dropped out :laugh:

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My favourite eps to date is episode 24 ...

TJ realises she is the only one who can undo the trauma in his heart. YS's recovery can only be possible if the root of the problem can addressed. Her telling him she has never stopped loving him gave him the assurance he needed to get himself out of this "abyss" and return to the present . NYS's heart finally mended was the highlight for me.


As I had expected , YS's father would come round to seeing TJ's value. He thanked her and apologised. But I can understand that she would not forgive so easily yet. Until her father's issue is resolved , it would not make sense for her to accept the apology. But regardless , it is a big step that she didn't refuse the shares he wants to give PP, and I am happy that PP had plenty of time to bond with YS. I loved that YS is starting to become a  part of their lives.


But life is bitter sweet. While in the early episodes , I couldn't stand Sun Zhi Jun, I felt a bit bad for him when he saw their happy family moments. Regardless, he has always had good intentions - and a pillar of support in some way for TJ. He does love PP like his own. 


I was surprised too that YS would join Dongyuan - but I guess this is timely given that the father does not have much time left. Mark buying that apartment across from the Dongyuan building and proposing to Vicky had me questioning his intentions. But that aside , I am amused that they communicate better on the phone. I hope he keeps his promise of opening up to Vicky. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Sharing the episode titles below:

23 - Reliving the dream of youth

24 - I have never stopped loving you

25 - A risky chess move

26 - Is Truth more important than Happiness?

27 - There is a kind of obsession

28 - A dream/wish/desire
29 - We cannot do it

30 - Keeping watch till darkness recedes and light dawns (= all misunderstanding dispelled)


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

7 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

My favourite eps to date is episode 24 ...

Yes! Mine too... From here on, there will be more about the company. 

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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Full of spoilers for those who have not watched...



- Love to see NYS in his "younger" self having no reservation expressing his love and affection to TJ

- NYS also get to tell his father what his dream is, while NDY willing to listen patiently this time. I imagine in the past he would just cut NYS off. He is a loving father, just that typical patriarchal figure that we all love to hate. 

- NDY humbling himself by going to TJ's house and requesting her to help NYS with his mental regression goes to emphasise his love for his son. 

- Love the going back and forth of the past and current NYS-TJ during their scenes together.

- When TJ brought NYS to his apartment unit, it's funny to see NYS praising the taste of his own apartment, haha... 



- Again, the flashback interspersing with present is done well as they were visiting their old hometown. 

- The letters in time capsule gave TJ a deeper understanding of NYS's love for her. 

- SFT being drunk and telling Vicky how he felt about her, about their relationship was a great step for them.

- The mental regression turned out to be blessing in disguise. NYS finally gets to tell his father that he and TJ had said their marriage vows in Belgium. The look of shock on his face, a new understanding why these two are so tortured now because of the separation he caused in the past.

- Little PP missing NYS again. He remembered NYS often visited him when he was sick, and he wanted to be able to do the same for NYS now that he is "sick". Love the child actor.



- In the prologue, we get a more complete dialogue from that rainy night years ago.

- The tension in the car as NDY and TJ talked about how to help NYS. Both love this man so much, but they have their different perspectives and ways to approach the problem for a solution. 

- Love the short chat of TJ and her BFF at the balcony. We finally get to hear more about TJ's feelings and thoughts at that time which led to what she did, to what she is today. She knew that she is the only one who can take out the "knife" that's still in NYS's heart. I love to see TJ doing her "homework" at the laptop to learn more about whatever problem she is facing and needs to solve. 

- The reenactment of that rainy night, with different words and assurance from TJ, finally drew NYS out of his mental regression. Love that part so much. The image of a train stopping at the station was also a great way to illustrate NYS "coming back"/"reaching his destination" safely. 

- NDY wanted to celebrate the occasion as a family, but NYS tried to stop it considering TJ might not feel comfortable. Very unexpectedly TJ agreed to go pick up PP for the meal. 

- I love that TJ accepted NDY's gratitude for helping NYS, but she stood her ground and politely refused to accept his apologies for what happened in the past. Like she said, it's not something that can be forgiven and be forgotten with just a toast. What happened back then was still clouded in mystery. 

- Loving the family time that NYS-TJ-PP are having as they plan for his school. A bit sad seeing SZJ looking at them from the outside though. This director likes showing how a person feel from the back. It happened a few times. This is one of them. Unusual way of portrayal, but I appreciate it. 


Just watching his back when he stopped for a moment, yet you can feel his sadness and resignation.

- Second best part of this episode was when PP spontaneously cheered to TJ that he won against "daddy". No further explanation needed. Both parents were happy. This little boy is so natural in his acting. Especially when he tried to show his hesitation about playing against both mom and dad. 

- SFT bought an apartment unit with a full view of Dong Yuan Group building. Wow, talk about obsession...! The proposal was quite unique, haha... over a text message, in the presence of each other. That is a first. 


Edited by ktcjdrama
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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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4 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

A bit sad seeing SZJ looking at them from the outside though. This director likes showing how a person feel from the back. It happened a few times. This is one of them. Unusual way of portrayal, but I appreciate it. 

Oh gosh ...I have to say from disliking SZJ at the start , I ended up feeling bad for him. He understood his place and did care for both TJ and PP. And looks like he didn't give in to whatever $$ Mark was offering him.


Talking about Mark - I have watched both eps 25 & 26. YS really took over the company at the worst time possible isn't it? He's a great surgeon but it is a different ball game running a conglomerate especially for someone as inexperienced as he is. Roping someone of Mark's caliber would have been a good move ( and it does seem like Mark has helped him out from some initial troubles), but I can't tell what agenda Mark has. Is he friend or foe? If he's Old Man Nie's illegitimate  child ...then of course he may be undermining YS without the latter realising it.  There's also the old man's right hand man Mr Quan - is he also with his own agenda? 


But that aside - at least for now YS has TJ as a source of comfort. I love these lines at the start of ep 26:




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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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@ktcjdrama I watched eps 27 & 28 with subs, and could not help scrubbing through quickly  without sub for eps 29 and 30. It was not a bad ending - bitter sweet in some ways but at least happy ending for TJ/ YS. 


Finally eps 27 and 28 showed us Mark's true face, identity and betrayal. It was clear he had approached TJ from the start to get to Yu Sheng. In fact Tan Jing was already suspicious of Mark's interest in helping YS since he mentioned before how much he hated Dongyuan. She warned YS about it. But when SZJ got killed , it felt like she still thought it is linked to YS's father - which doesn't make sense since the old man is in coma. And of course Mark is spinning out more lies - so I don't know if she believes him. I'd like to give her some benefit of the doubt at this point ( till I watch eps 29 with subs)  that she will continue to be suspicious of Mark.


Talking about SZJ - he really didn't deserve to die this way. I cried for him - when you see the flashback scenes you realise how much support and care he gave to TJ when she was at her lowest . His love for PP like his own cannot be denied. I know  who is the ultimate culprit now after spoiling myself but I will comment on that later.


The one person I felt bad for was Vicky. She clearly overheard  YS and Mark's conversation about Mark's plot but I was surprised she just went ahead with the wedding. I do think Mark was sincere in his feelings for her but there was no denying he had used Vicky to approach YS. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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4 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

In fact Tan Jing was already suspicious of Mark's interest in helping YS since he mentioned before how much he hated Dongyuan. She warned YS about it.

Yes, I appreciate seeing she warned NYS about Mark. So it’s clear whose side she is on and who she trusts more. Regarding the transfer of PP’s shares, it got me worried for a minute there, whether she was swayed or not. I am so glad she made the right decision. 

4 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:


Talking about SZJ - he really didn't deserve to die this way. I cried for him - when you see the flashback scenes you realise how much support and care he gave to TJ when she was at her lowest . His love for PP like his own cannot be denied.

He was a good man. I cried too, especially when TJ was trying to hold back her tears when she found their family pictures in his room. TJ and PP wouldn’t have made it this far this well if not for him around, although he did bring his share of problems home. 

4 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

The one person I felt bad for was Vicky.

Hats off to her. She remained her cool awesome self. I salute her for going through the wedding and for breaking off later on. I guess like what she told TJ, that although she has her reservation about Mark, she still want to marry him. Wayne Wang is charming, but I have no pity and compassion for Mark. He was too absorbed in his revenge that he used people and even threw away his chance for happiness with a super great gal. Yet at the end, he blamed people for abandoning him. Well, you keep people at arm’s length, what do you expect? The OST playing in the background as he sat on the Chairman’s seat looking blankly ahead was just so apt in describing his condition. Do you get to see the lyrics? Are you watching on Viki? Another thing I love about this director - Mark’s loneliness being at the top was clearly shown through his scenes. 

There’s one thing I wish was written in for Mark at the end. 


He needs to know that he was able to win because NYS chose to give the management of the company to him. If NYS had signed that “secret, back-up” document, Mark wouldn’t have been able to take over the company. He needs to know it was through the graciousness of NYS that he was sitting there in telegraph Chairman’s room.


Edited by ktcjdrama
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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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9 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

. Do you get to see the lyrics? Are you watching on Viki? Another thing I love about this director - Mark’s loneliness being at the top was clearly shown through his scenes. 

I think the subs I am using is Viki's as they sub all the songs too. 

Waiting for eps 29 & 30 subs so that I can understand better. 

Sweet ending ...


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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14 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

See the detail they added with the plush toy... PP included his Jun Daddy in the family picture. 

Nice touch . The dog also played a big role in revealing the truth about TJ's father's death right? 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Just now, abs-oluteM said:

Nice touch . The dog also played a big role in revealing the truth about TJ's father's death right? 

Yup... kinda guessed it will play a role, but the way it was used was unexpected for me. And that condition tied well to PP’s absence due to earlier health emergency. Also the eulogy NYS gave was touching and heartfelt too. Very natural and real. 

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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16 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

Last call to @Tofu to watch this great drama! My closing argument ~ We both love Rattan, whereas @SilverMoonTea would not give it a chance. So we actually share quite similar taste for dramas, no? Come, come...

Yes @Tofu it is only frustrating at first but the story develops very much later on and the angst is no where near Reflection ( which was so pointless).  The pace is relatively fast and I find this a quality drama. 

@Mouse  are you done with this? 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Subs came out and I re-watched and I cried a river especially at NDY's memorial - I liked how they did that. . Yu Sheng's eulogy for his father was so realistic and touching. He mentioned the less than rosy relationship he had with his father - of wishes and regrets. I have never seen a drama do something like this. NDY was a flawed man - he had his own mistakes , he meddled , he may have wronged Mark and his mother. But in retrospect he loved YS (and was overprotective) . And in his final days he did see what was important - his moments with PingPing moved me very much. 

( They hit jackpot choosing the kid to play PP - just adorable) 


Eps 29 and 30 were pretty perfect as far as I am concern. No, I didn't like Tan Jing asking them to part ways again after SZJ's death but the show made up for it when she didn't betray NYS at the shareholders' meeting. At least we know that she wasn't swayed by Mark's spin on things and she could see that YS was doing what he could to find out about SZY's death. I know she won't be able to let go till the truth about her father and SZJ's deaths were revealed. Fortunately the show didn't allow us or YS for that matter to wallow in that pain because so much just took place. An avalanche of problems for YS - the business being taken over by Mark, NDY's death and PP's hospitalisation.


At the end of the day all things were revealed - Quan , NDY's most trusted aide was responsible for it all. And then there's Mark. All his plotting was futile - if YS hadn't conceded as you have mentioned @ktcjdrama, Mark may not have been able to become the controlling stakeholder. Mark is the better person to run Dongyuan given his business acumen etc but he lost the most important thing or person - Vicky. I felt bad that it had to come to this because deep down the feelings between them are sincere but Mark's betrayal this way is not something that can be just swept aside.


YS was never really quite cut out to succeed his father in business . So I was quite glad that he didn't have to. I am sure he will go back to his passion which is medicine, since it was clear that he was a talented surgeon . More importantly for YS is that he had his family. I would have been very disappointed if he and TJ didn't reunite at the end ( even though I was so mad at her initially) , and that PP had to live without the presence of both the fathers he had in his life. 


Overall such a well-done drama, with some fantastic acting from the entire cast.  Love how the show went back & forth between the past and the present, moved its plot quickly and had great dialogues/ lines. I was initially rolling my eyes about the amnesia thing but it worked out well for the story. While I would have wished TJ's character see a bit more development ( less stubborn as the show progressed)  , it was quite consistent with her personality since their young days. And Wallace as Yu Sheng was :wow:This has become my favourite Wallace Chung drama.  

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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35 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

( They hit jackpot choosing the kid to play PP - just adorable)

He's really good... so natural...


This is one of the other "back" acting scenes. 



One of my favourite scenes. PP's talk with Grandpa about death. Love his acting, and the senior actor Zhang Chen Kuang as NDY. Both are so natural!


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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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6 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

Last call to @Tofu to watch this great drama! My closing argument ~ We both love Rattan, whereas @SilverMoonTea would not give it a chance. So we actually share quite similar taste for dramas, no? Come, come...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! That is very true. I'll give this a shot. How much angst should I brace myself for? :nervous:


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2 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

On a scale of 1-10, only 1... imo, lol.... @abs-oluteM?

There are quite a lot of touching and heart warming scenes too...


I think 3 ? .:thinking: It’s only angsty up to midpoint but it all comes together / makes sense later 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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On 2/4/2022 at 12:16 PM, ktcjdrama said:

Yeah, yeah... Maybe I forgot all the earlier angst already :laugh: Should plan a rewatch.

I can't find any good ongoing cdrama that I want to watch. And most kdramas now on break...but I also have drama fatigue. :hug:

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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5 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

I can't find any good ongoing cdrama that I want to watch. And most kdramas now on break...but I also have drama fatigue. :hug:

:laugh: you and me the same... look at the list of what I'm currently watching... After 2 days, it will be just one drama left there :lmao2:



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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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On 2/7/2022 at 9:01 AM, ktcjdrama said:

I heard about TTD, so will only start it like 2 weeks from now haha... Am gonna be busy for 3 months ahead as well due to a new responsibility I took up. That’s why I am keeping the list minimal for now. 

Yes, if you have to take up a new kdrama - I would say TTD is worth the time. 

For the new k-romances in Feb - I am only very keen for Thirty Nine. Business Proposal & Twenty Five Twenty One, I will check out but let's see if the stories can reel me in. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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