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Everything posted by JenL

  1. Thanks @purplefin! I saw that after work today and it was a feel of relief! Korean article attached: https://n.news.naver.com/entertain/article/609/0000416844 I really don't understand the way VAST handled this end of contract though. I think it would have saved them A LOT more hate and grief to release a one sentence statement at least to say that LJW had ended his contract with VAST, Thanks for having been with us. Like...there was no communication and then suddenly deleting everything felt suss, especially since there's so many scandals with young actors atm. Like they did this all today...but it's been days too late!!! And honestly, people just wanted a warning so they could check for any LJW content they never saved! Ughhh, Well, I liked VAST while they were promoting him, but I guess he was always going to live under Hyun Bin's shadow while he was there? Anywayyyyy everyone has LJW's next agency on their minds!
  2. Episode 9 & 10 - The biggest crime in my opinion this week was not murder, which seems to be super common in Munju, but was the fact that the sleezy developer guy dipped his tuna sashimi into what looked like tomato sauce Who does that??? - Haha, well, I feel like I got my wish this week since I was disappointed that they revealed the killer too soon. Now it's gone back to everyone in town being a suspect for murder - I get really confused with JW and DS's banter....haha, I can't actually tell if they're just trying to seduce each other with their fake accusations and suspicions of each other...or if JW seriously wants DS to turn himself in for not calling the police when he found MJ's fingers... - Felt so traumatised for DS finding his sister in his own basement I mean MS did return her but that is fully creepy and obviously he's still responsible in some way as he could have reported what happened but didn't. I guess he knew the true identity of the killer. - I have to say while JJ still looks the most suspicious, the fact that he looks the most suspicious is probably meaning that he won't have killed YY. He does seem like he feels guilty that he didn't protect her in the end and maybe he hid the fact that he was one of the last people to see her from DS and it's driving him crazy? Assuming that it happened close to the deer farm, since he draws all the deers, I wonder if the other killer was only responsible for YY's death, or if s/he was responsible for those other deer farm deaths too (or if those were done by MS.) - I knew the chief was hiding something since he seemed so sure that DS wasn't responsible for his sister's death without ever disclosing a reason...but who would he be protecting that would be responsible for YY's death? Like some here, I am starting to think it could be JW's father...perhaps he protected him for his job/promotion? It would explain why JW is so drawn to this case....perhaps he has suspected his own father of doing something shady when he lived here and that's why he wanted to prove it...? He seems to hate his father an awful lot...but if that was the case, his father also doesn't seem as stressed (though he is annoyed) as he should be that JW has been poking around in this case. - While everyone else seem suspicious, I feel like all the other characters would not be the right age (or important enough a character) to be the killer? I guess there's the councilwoman and the sleezy developer...but they don't seem right since they have other agendas they seem to care about more. -Gotta stop watching this show at night. It makes me really paranoid!!
  3. I know right?! On the one hand, I'm glad LJW is alive and this seems to be a subtle, "Hey, I'm doing ok, I'm happy" message to his fans as he chills and goes bike riding like Jun. On the other hand, I feel like it's surface level comfort and who knows if he's really happy...like are you with a new agency? Did VAST treat you badly?...or did VAST have a reason for this? ...or did you ask to leave/ change agencies? So many questions!
  4. Well, this seems like a subtle, "I'm OK" message since his caption says "Happiness" and thumbs up? But no explanation on VAST's part
  5. Hahaha, do I make monies from you posting on a thread I started??? More cute Jasper snaps, slightly different from @SilverMoonTea's post, but probably from same batch of photos... It seems like 12 Legends might come out soon? I can never be sure with Chinese shows...I find the uncertainty confusing! Don't know how you both can wait with the Chinese drama schedules @Tofu @NiteWalker, though I guess there's lot of dramas always being filmed and coming out anyway.
  6. I agree....That quote matches my life situation too And I would love a Lala and Janwoo pairing...It would be hilarious because they would both be so super talkative. Everyone else would run away from both of them! Hahaha those videos are a big win compared to other things with this drama....I'm always happy we got them! Yeah, still no news so far, though keeping eyes out It's hard to know whether he wanted to leave VAST or whether something happened and VAST wanted a departure? I feel like LJW's been bringing them lots of positive attention, so this all seems very strange...It's probably sad for his staffers, but hopefully he gets new ones he likes? His manager has stayed with him through this and I guess will follow him wherever he goes - the manager also took VAST Entertainment description off from his Instagram bio, but it looks like he's still Instagram friends with VAST? I reallllllllly hope it's not scandal related too! They deleted every single photo and took down his video playlist and stories It's like he was never part of the agency...I also think it's normally the announcement first before they delete things. It's very weird like just fading LJW out after his first lead role? It's worrying because no one wants him to be in a scandal, but without explanation, it's hard for people not to speculate. People are mad at VAST, but I would hate for it to be a situation where they did this to protect LJW from something. I would hope he is the person we'd all like him to be. Yeah, also the thing is even if LJW's agency didn't announce him leaving, usually the new agency announces that an actor will join them? But I'm just going to keep positive and think about how his account is still there following his past co-stars, but minus VAST actors/ agency people. This is possible....I don't really know how long contracts go for in K-Ent? Hahahaha, we all got to use the 'logic' of delu mind Yep, after following DDSSLLS and these guys for this past half year, I'm starting to understand why the big fan accounts all repost the pictures and you end up seeing everything 100 times....it's probably because they know things can be deleted or taken down without notice at any time! I think VAST not announcing anything had made people mad because a lot of people didn't get to save LJW's videos etc. This is true! And I think sometimes it can be nice because some new excited staffers might post more BTS content than previous ones (more different insights into their lives!) If VAST don't want him, he should totally go to AC It would be a total DDSSLLS reunion! And I think they would be charmed with the new talent...also they've done good things for their stars like Park So Dam.
  7. Hahahaha, Yeahhhh...I don't want to know what I've written or done on this thread. If someone from real life accuses me of such writings, I will vehemently deny I was here on Oppa tracker. "It's not me...there are lots of JenL's out there..." Bad oppa behaviour is so not on But I think YJG does seem sweet...he comes across as a fairly gentle person (Haha, is it just my oppa bias speaking? ) Hahaha, he has never been my oppa either. I also have never liked his looks.... I do think he's quite an actor, but he often plays kinda dislikeable deadbeat type (?) characters. But maybe because I've only seen him in movies (Burning, Alive etc) as opposed to dramas. Anywhooo...not my oppa and now I know he's a snob for reals It's been so quiet No news whatsoever. The hardcore fans are going a little crazy...but not even the Korean fans have any idea what is happening with VAST. I guess it's just a waiting game. I do hope it's just an agency move... Awww, I hope it never comes to that! Hahaha, yes! You tell them off @Tofu!!! Gong Yoo deserves to be liked, especially since he can pull off the pink shirt Hahaha, we do know you But he'll be back with Sea of Silence!
  8. I dedicate this intellectual KTO post to @Jane and @abs-oluteM
  9. Ahhhh!!! Your merch is so cute! I love how you did the same font and branded your own tote to attach your keychains. It all looks so soft and aesthetic and matches the feel of the drama Love how you did it as a screen printing project with your niece too. I also made some DDSSLLS merch to cheer myself up from all this waiting around in silence! These polaroid pictures came out so lovely for journaling, that I made some spares to sell in my new KdramaPolaroids Etsy shop I really love GAR's pictures as Polaroids!
  10. Ugh, VAST still have not said anything, even though they have released a few new videos of Hyun Bin and others. It just seems very unsettling But all we can do is wait Hahaha...of all the dramas I like, why does this one have to be cursed to the point where even the main actor is being erased? But...trying to stay positive...I have some goodies below for everyone! So there's no BTS videos for the date, but I did recently find some BTS photos by coincidence of this scene that fans took! I don't think I've seen these before...have you guys? They look like they're chatting behind the scenes? Me too! I think it would have been so lovely to see their chemistry in multiple BTS scenes They must have so much footage somewhere which we missed out on....But I comfort myself by looking through fan accounts and occasionally finding BTS stuff I missed Totally agree, he's one of the most versatile actors at such a young age! He's younger than so many actors even Yeo Jin Goo, Song Kang etc. This is so true. Watching them banter was so much fun...I think it actually would have been boring if they were a pair that matched on a lot of things, but didn't have that level of teasing they had between them You have a good point about the side characters having a better ending. A lot of dramas do that actually which annoys me because they try to make it "different"...but actually, it's just another trope - not giving the main pair the best ending Even then I wouldn't have minded because HY and SG were such sweet characters...but they made such a stark contrast between them and Lala and Jun that we ended up not caring as much for the side characters Hahaha, nah, but everyone watching the live thought he was very adorable... Hahaha I always wonder why they didn't use those better kissing footage! Was it because it as too hot for a family drama? I guess even though we didn't get a behind the scenes DVD at least they aired the kissing footage Whatttt....her pairing is a trash oppa in Reply 1994??? I haven't started it, but that's disappointing. But I guess Jun still holds up as the best guy then! This is so beautifully put @eNDe - It's true, each kiss was the development of a new stage of their romance (or parallel story). And the sparks were enough to light up the screen each time (Hahaha, I like how you measure and justify this - I will think the same way so it doesn't matter how many past or future kiss scenes there will be. This pairing will always be best ) Hahaha...he always thought he could hold his drink eh? GAR is so smart to capture his cute drunkeness I do feel like she would have suggested taking the picture...a good keepsake as well as promotional material I'm glad they released it, though I'm sure if KBS hadn't wanted it for their own marketing, GAR would have posted it anyway!
  11. Actually this one looks extremely good in glasses too.... Greg Hsu
  12. Also this one Maybe I just like the glasses because I like this scene Lee Jae wook He wears them in real life too...
  13. My baby does glasses justice I'm sure @Tofu and @SilverMoonTea would agree Jasper Liu
  14. Thanks for sharing @eNDe! This weird non-announcement removal has been low-key anxiety inducing, so your story is quite comforting I think most of the time it is just a change in agency, whether because contract is up or because of a disagreement, but it does still make you wonder what is going on. Everyone is a little tense I think also because of the scandals going on and because LJW's contract shouldn't be up yet since he only signed like 2 years ago? But maybe someone else has happened to allow for a move. Wow I didn't know GAR had a different Insta account before. That would have been horrible for fans. Though I hope her biggest fans had saved her stuff! True - he is young and I think he has a lot of options. He's done well in acting and I think people will always be keen to have him if he's willing to act. Also I guess he would have to do these things one day, so if this is the day, so be it Yes, I know right! I hate when stars don't follow anyone...so I'm hoping his account with all his DDSSLLS follows stay intact, even if he does move agencies! I want him to follow GAR forever But I don't trust actors to act the way I want them to That would make sense! I feel like it'd be likely they all knew each other in some way or other. Rowoon also feels like he'd be a social person introducing everyone
  15. Haha, not being in Asia, I'm as far as one can get You both have inspired me with your extensive Oppa collections. I have built a small collection over the years, which has increased at a more alarming rate since covid started... But I trust none of them except Jasper Wowww...you are the first one I have heard say that
  16. Oh right forgot to mention, this week I met a Korean who was an actor for 5 years and he did extra work and commercials during that time before deciding to pursue something different (Because of course it's just wayyy too hard to break into the industry even if you are fairly good looking and get into a small agency ). Apparently he was able to act in a number of ads with Yoo In Ah. I won't take his word as gospel since he was just someone I met in passing, but this guy was pretty nice and easy to talk to and didn't brag about his past (we were all just persistently pestering him to name all the things he'd been in)...anyway, when we jumped on this experience and asked him if YIA was nice, he said hesitantly that YIA was a bit arrogant to the staff. Meh, I wasn't a huge fan (though YIA does act well)...but I feel prepared if I hear about something now? (Sorry if YIA was your oppa, but in this day and age, we all gotta be preparing our hearts for heartbreak now )
  17. Yeah it's definitely weird! I feel like normally they announce a change in agency before they delete the content and unfriend. I hope it's just a weird misunderstanding and he is just swapping agencies? Yeah, I realllllly hope he's in the clear. Currently actors in their 20's all have to undergo background checks as a rule in Korea. Also I think if they get accused for bullying and it's proven true they also have to cover the costs of damages like re-filming. I hope his background check was fine
  18. Hahaha is this ahjussi bingo? My loves are: - Gong Yoo - Ma Dong Seok - Won Bin - Nam Goong Min - Hyun Bin ....But maybe now I have to remove Hyun Bin unless they clear up what is going on with this LJW removal? I really hope it's not a scandal because then I guess that would also be terrible and no wonder they were not saying anything....ughhhhh Oooh, Thanks for checking @mademoiselle! It's so confusing....I thought they normally announced a change in agencies before removing things? The whole thing still seems a little strange I can't say I follow a lot of actors in Korea through their agencies though. I only know that when Jasper left Eelin in Taiwan, they kept and archived his photos and magazine scans...and I think if you scroll back far enough you can see find his videos and photos etc. But he had been with them for a very very long time and I think his move made a lot of sense since he was becoming quite a figure and wanted to expand into China. He also signed on to Pourquoi Pas for his music which made sense because they have some big names like Hebe Tian. This has all been so secretive. No communication...and he is a fairly new sign-on for VAST. Yep Hyun Bin's agency. And now he's the only male star there Hahaha I see your display pic is back on a lovely Jasper pic I didn't know this. I think it's a fair enough rule because they need some way around it or it'll just keep going. But I'm not sure if it solves the problem - still quite a circus to navigate between truth and false accusations. Reading it does make me feel suspicious...like did something happen? Are they cutting their losses/ risks based on a background check? Or maybe some sort of falling out happened with the agency? I guess that happens sometimes It's killing me. I have to go watch something now! Wait...whaaaaat??? Why not Gong Yoo??? That guy is so beautiful.
  19. I'm going to be cautious...I don't see a lot of news about this drama, so wondering if it's just a rumour? Might wait till I get more confirmation before starting a thread. Haha, it was just from talking about Start Up and her storyline styles with grandparent characters and romance lines. I liked the context because I don't think I've watched her earlier works. I've heard of them but I do tend to skip dramas where I don't care for the actors. My time is limited I can't remember Secret Garden too well. I think I was amused by their characters, though. Haven't seen the rest of them out of choice (none of those drama appealed to me though they were loved by everyone else) except Goblin, which I didn't like. It's sadly the only Gong Yoo project I've seen that I didn't like. I think I just could not look past the gaping logic ...maybe my memory was bad, but why is Gong Yoo's character punished again? Was it just because he killed a lot of soldiers in battle? I think it just doesn't make sense because he clearly wasn't a bad person and lots of those old soliders killed lots of people....And there are like serial killers and dictators and other clearly more evil people in the world and they choose to punish this guy? Was also weirded out by the pairing. I'm also not super keen on Kim Go Eun in general I guess. I don't have a specific problem with her, just never interested in her characters. Her character in Goblin got on my nerves It was such an unsatisfying ending, even though it was technically a 'happy' ending...but I eventually got over it and now I just think about the good parts of the drama in fond nostalgia. While I was watching the drama, I was planning to back track on all Oh Ji Young's projects...but I lost motivation due to the DDSSLLS ending even though people tell me her other 2 dramas had good endings and likeable characters Maybe if I like Doom at Your Service, I will backtrack. I would agree with this! I think considering it's her first drama, the dialogue was fun and quirky. But at times it needed a lot more clarity...and also not to obstruct the story telling. Sometimes it felt smart and funny, but it needed to have more story-telling purpose. Haha, I still didn't think the plot/ events in the story was interesting to be honest, but that other things like dialogue, her ability to weave movie references into the story to reflect her character's interests, her wacky characters and more balanced gender dynamics in the romance made the drama a lot more likeable. I would watch a new project penned by the scriptwriter if they could tighten the plot and make it more interesting. Hahahaha I'm so sorry I really did want to watch but my burn out was quite bad at the time. I had watched too many things and also I joke about the name change, but I think it did change my interest And then, I need some crime to wash out my romance binge at the time. I might check it out one day when I have more time! But I love Park Eun Bin and that will elevate the status of this project, especially since Rowoon is lead as well! I would have been worried for him, but now I'm reserving my worries for LJW because I don't know what is happening?!
  20. Your description is so spot on. All the things I like about Sung Joon He also has a very deep, pleasant voice. I think that's what got me first Ok, I'll start a thread...going to see if there's any other info out there right now about this drama now
  21. Hahaha no pressure to get back to me or anything btw...I just tend to write all my thoughts and fan girl here when I have time. Nah, VAST haven't promoted him since Lunar New Year...his whole agency did lunar new year greeting videos, but he didn't. At the time I thought he just wanted a break and wasn't required to do it. I'm not sure if he didn't take the project because he was planning on moving agencies? Or maybe VAST discouraged him from taking it if he was not going to continue with them? What's weird is that celebrities often announce they've joined somewhere new first before all this removals happen....there's been no announcements yet. But they have literally deleted him from the agency today - I was still looking up his photos today because I was printing them out for a project...but they've all been deleted now If he did part ways with VAST, I'd hope it was A) Not because of a scandal B) The split was on good terms, not because there was a fight C) He's being picked up by a better agency, not being left stranded
  22. I hope LJW is not involved in a scandal and just negotiating a move to a different agency...There's a lot of mysterious deleting going on. Has anyone heard anything about @Tofu and my oppa? VAST no longer have LJW on their artist list. And they've deleted all his photos on both their Instagram accounts, all his stories, all his photo pages on their Naver accounts...and he just unfollowed 5 VAST related accounts. But no announcement on either end....just that all his videos and media have disappeared and fans noticed when he wasn't on their updated banner. But he pretty much hasn't been promoted since Lunar New Years? And he rejected that drama...but now I'm wondering if it's because there was already something happening.
  23. Something weird is going on with Lee Jae Wook...all the LJW fans on twitter have noticed that VAST has stopped promoting him - he's been taken off their artist list and all his photos and stuff on Naver and Vastree playing have been deleted! I think they've also stopped following him... Have any of you heard anything? @eNDe @multiloverss @CINNABOM @twinkler0415 @purplefin @Unnie0110 Well he's also unfollowed VAST and Vast tree playing. Wonder what is happening???
  24. haha I know right??? I have nothing to watch because everyone keeps doing these historical dramas...it's like they're trying to spite me! By the way, did everyone know this one was coming to Netflix this year??? I'm actually excited for it despite not being a fan of the original American drama which I watched because I was curious about Hilary Duff being in a drama again I felt like the original had potential with the story plot but the characters all had that very, very annoying American Rom-Com vibe which put me off. And I quite like this K-drama pairing. It's been soooo long since Sung Joon was in a drama - he got married and went to the army and it made me sad...I really disliked the drama Lie to Me, but I endured the whole thing just to watch him in the second lead. Not sure if he was Oppa, but I remember him pulling second lead well! And I really liked Seo Ji Hye in Crash Landing on You. I hope this will be a fun watch!
  25. Haha, have to admit, I'm the same. I don't have an issue with the actress...just not a fan of the pairing x characters x network in the drama....the 7 languages would be fun...but I tried watching the first episode of Vincenzo and I was a little hesitant watching the Italian being spoken Apparently there's a clause in the contract about paying penalties if they have been involved in school violence and don't disclose and get accused or something like that I don't know what they'd do with false accusations though! Hahaha...I'm not sure if you'd love the story, but I think you'd enjoy looking at their work place! It definitely has a lot to do with an art gallery because both the main characters work at one. It's also funny because Park Min Young is a total fan girl. I have a feeling I ended up pausing it because I was so busy...and then I couldn't be stuffed going bac to it coz I wasn't that invested in the actors? Hehe, I want an art gallery or museum drama that has a good pairing that I'll like Is the webtoon good? I find it such a weird idea but someone said it was a bit like Inside Out Haha, we all rely on @mademoiselle! I've learnt more from Covid-increased drama watching hours. Like at least now I know I'm not a fan of Kim Eun Sook dramas (Goblin, The King Monarch, Descendants of the Sun)....they're very popular but totally the type of stories I either watch & dislike or avoid entirely. And mademoiselle taught me about Park Hye Ryun...and I really, really liked the wacky and warm style of Oh Ji Young, but she destroyed the ending of Do do sol sol la la sol. I still wonder what was going through her head when she wrote that But I still like the drama, so I guess she's good? I just pretend 2 episodes in that drama never existed. I didn't glue with all of Run On, but the dialogue was very fun. I would watch another of their projects just to see if they do that style in the future. It was unique and refreshing. This drama already has 2 seasons planned? Wow! That seems rare! Oooh Thanks! I'll have a read later :) So much to catch up on on Janghaven! Wooo...you know I think the story actually sound interesting and I like the pairing so I will give this one ago even though I don't tend to watch historical dramas! Hahaha I see you and @abs-oluteM praying hard for this scene I've been busy this week so haven't heard anything. Have their been any major developments with JBG?
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