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Posts posted by gilaswan

  1. Have been meaning to drop in some thoughts on last week’s episodes but the year started off really busy for me. I’m just refusing to work at the moment cos I’m so tired. Is it Christmas yet? :cry:


    Ep 6 by far has been the best. Something so bittersweet about the encounters between the key characters. So many precious scenes. I especially liked the scene where KSG feeds the cat in his garden and personifies it while he talks to it. Tells a lot about the circumstances he grew up in and how he therefore relates to people around him. Funny how his sister also mentioned in Ep 1 that he essentially grew up in that house alone. I wonder why that was. 


    There’s been some mention of KSG’s apparent naïveté with regard to his response to May’s claim of a stalker in the neighbourhood. I beg to differ though. He knew quite clearly they were fibbing, but he needed an excuse to find that community and family he’s lacked all these years. While he didn’t really have deep relationships with his track mates, he was at least not living alone. And after he resigned and moved out of the training centre, he lived alone, ate alone, and was just... alone. He had nothing to do and that was what motivated his offer to just pick May up after work. After all, the ladies had given him an excuse to be around them, and he used his facade of aloofness to his full advantage. It’s this same facade that has Mijoo hating him but also crushing on him. His apparent non-judgmental persona judges, and it’s this same persona that allows him to deflect any kind of judgement placed on him as well. And so he can unabashedly accept random offers and make random offers, neither judging nor not judging, neither getting judged nor fearing judgement. No wonder Mijoo gets so flustered by him. And she strangely too craves that family attention she never had but is getting from him in an unconventional way. She wants to depend on him, and he wants to be depended on. 


    And DanA. Poor her, living under so much negative gender stereotyping. And here comes this young man who doesn’t quite respond to her rough tough exterior too. How she’s unable to annoy or rattle him the way she annoys and rattles other men around her frustrates her. He’s unexpectedly charming to her, especially when she’s so determined to not let men of any kind “charm” her cos she’s sick and tired of these gender stereotypes. That younger half brother of hers is so annoying though. Why does he pine for her attention so much?

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  2. On 12/27/2020 at 8:42 PM, abs-oluteM said:

    @JenL I read contradicting comments about the use this interview/ documentary style of story telling as well. Some find it a bit of annoying - kind of breaks the flow. I wasn't so bothered by it in the 2nd episode as you got to see how different their perspectives were despite them being in the same situation. I am not expecting any groundbreaking type of plot, should be quite predictable. But I don't mind since the leads look good together and its just half hour per episode.

    So I've let 3 episodes roll. Yes. Roll in the background. It just wasn't catching my attention. When it first aired, I tried watching it and turned it off after 10 mins. Decided to try it again today and I've figured out what's wrong with the show - the style of filming (short form) and their experimental format of blending "interviews" with drama is too jarring. Too much "art" in their way of framing the story in the form of cuts. There are too many scene shifts and cuts in a single act that it makes for a very disjointed storytelling. They're trying to film it in the style of shows like The Office, but the cuts shift too rapidly from character to character, And flash back memory scenes more like that of a drama pulls you back and forth in time - the "time jerks" disrupt story flow and don't build into information that should propel a story forward. I wish I could like the show better cos I like the main couple, but the format is annoying. They should've kept it as a drama.

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  3. So many precious moments in ep 6 and I’m only halfway through! Stopped so I could post this cos I just had to - SG’s incredulity at MJ’s eating habits when he saw her just drinking a smoothie straight out of the blender and asked, “Are you too lazy to chew?” Even if fried rice is the only dish he knows how to cook, at least he bothers. As May says, “No wonder (MJ) can’t get over you.”

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  4. 22 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

    Otherwise, Seo Dan Ah is supposed to be a lesbian? Is that just something that she told her father to get him off her back about an arranged marriage, or is she really a lesbian? If she is supposed to really be interested in women, then I'm not longer interested in her having a love line with YH. Sexual identity isn't something that can be changed at will.

    That’s what her older half-brother (who’s another brat) claims, and it would seem like she has this on-going anger feud with her father in the same vein of challenging gender identities rather than sexual identities. So if she decides to get into a relationship with YH, then the game with Daddy gets more interesting because she’s simply doing everything her father clearly doesn’t condone. She’s so resolute in wanting to prove to her dad that gender is the only unreasonable value placed against her. Korean feminism on display?

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  5. 13 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:


    1. Who was an actor/actress you discovered this year that blew you away?


    2. Who was the most memorable character you watched this year? 

    k-drama : 


    3. What drama did not meet your expectations? 


    4. Was there a drama that did not have a big following but you thoroughly enjoyed it? 


    5. Was 2020 a good year in drama land? 

    My first post of 2021 and response to this -


    1. Kim Seon Ho, because Han Jipyeong!

    2. Han Jipyeong

    3. Start-up

    4. Don’t think so...

    5. Yeah. I reckon so. Here’s looking forward to another good one this year!


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  6. 4 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

    Question. Mi Joo is hired as Seon Gyeom's interpreter so what she did there is actually requested by Dan Ah (Dan Ah is paying her)/favour for Seon Gyeom, therefore even due to code of ethics, is she still not supposed to inform them/him?

    Yes. Doesn’t matter who pays. The Code of Ethics actually state that all information exchanges between the parties you are interpreting for is proprietary to the parties and not the interpreter. The interpreter does not have the ethical right to relay this information to a third party as long as the party was not themselves present in the exchange. Interpreters professionally must remain neutral, else once it goes out that you are someone who is loose lipped, you will lose your reputation in the industry and people won’t want to hire you anymore. 

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  7. Why didn't she tell him that she returned the money? :idk:


    Anyways... my 2 cents on last night's episode - you know the part where Seon Gyeom asks Mi Joo why she didn't tell him about Woo Sik's plan to quit sports and she tells him it's cos she knew he would get upset and overreact? A very romantic notion and befitting of a drama of this sort, but in the profession, the real reason is that the code of ethics prevents you from sharing information you came into knowledge of during an assignment. You're just not supposed to blab and gossip. Interpreters are essentially "blind and deaf". See nothing, hear nothing, know nothing. During an assignment, we can even seem cold, but really, we're not supposed to socially interact while on duty. Many ethical questions... many ethical questions indeed.

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  8. Ok. So after seeing reports of high ratings, I decided to give this show another try. The political intrigue is starting to be insteresting, and though they say all events depicted have no relation to actual historical figures, I went to do a little background read of Cheoljong and Cheorin. They were rather inconsequential figures in Korean history, which could explain the liberties being taken with their histories. 

    All that said, I just wanted to see the queen cook. Hahaha...

    • Like 4
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  9. @abs-oluteMThat's what I said to hubby too re being so done with love triangles cos of start-up. Start-up really burned us, aye? Hahaha...


    I too like how unfiltered the characters are. There's something about KSG's childhood. He didn't grow up at home? Did he spend all his life at a boarding school? He does have a very pitiful life. But this journey to self discovery for him is interesting. I'd love to see what happens to the other thug athletes too. 

    • Insightful 1
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  10. On 12/24/2020 at 5:07 PM, mademoiselle said:


    This movie caught my attention on SNS because Golden Globe denied its entry to compete for Best Picture and shoved them to the Foreign Language category instead with the reason that it is primarily speaking in Korean even though the movie was produced by American company and about the lives of American Koreans who migrated to the US.


    Watched the trailer and loved it! Plus veteran actress Youn is in it, and that really pique my interest. Tissue papers are definitely mandatory. Gonna check this out when it's available.


    Tagging a few... not sure who else is interested, so you guys can do the tagging for me~

    @Jane @abs-oluteM @Tofu @bairama @abnoch @UnniSara @OsmanthusTea @JenL @ktcjdrama @Chocolate @bluepebbles @gilaswan @stroppyse@40somethingahjumma

    The little boy is cute lol. Think some of you mommies will adore him

    LOL at his "I'm not pretty. I'm good looking!" :laugh:


    Interview with VARIETY

      Reveal hidden contents



    Ooh. This looks good. I'm not into movies but this is an interesting story. I have to say, I'm always intrigued by Asian communities that continue to find America the place of their "dreams". I cannot say I fully comprehend that sentiment, but there remain very specific Asian communities that think like this to this day, the Korean community being one of them. It's very apparent in the sector I work in. 

    • Like 4
  11. Am finally all caught up with the episodes though I reckon I’ll have to rewatch them. 


    This show is quite intriguing in that it makes me look forward to the next episode, but I’m not sure why. Can’t place my finger on what it is - the characters? Storyline? There’s something about Ki Seon Gyeom and Seo Dan Ah that’s so typically atypical. Seon Gyeom is aloof without being irritating; Dan Ah is abrasive without being unlikeable. Somehow. I can imagine in real life they would be very vexing, but for some reason, not to the audience. And Dan Ah’s half brother - what’s it with him? Why does he crave her attention so much? And after the latest episode, I’m starting to wonder what Young Hwa’s back story is. He’s like a character out of the blue with no connection to anyone else in the main story arc. He’s like a character out of serendipity. Everyone in this show is so dysfunctional, the only normal person seems to be Oh Mi Joo, and the circumstances surrounding her work situation intrigues me the most so far. 


    As a trained interpreter myself, I find the situations she’s in and how the profession is practised quite interesting but appalling too. For example the scene where the reporter asked Seon Gyeom’s sister why she needed an interpreter despite being fluent in English, and she goes on this nationalistic linguistic spiel which was obviously laced with arrogance and totally not politically correct. It seemed to me like she was testing Mi Joo then, and Mi Joo clearly “passes” when she responds with “No comment”. But (1) surely the reporter suspects something - so much said ends up being just “no comment”? (2) don’t they come with recorders? if they do, wouldn’t the reporters have their own contacts who can listen to the recordings and tell them what exactly was said? and (3) what went through my mind then was - Are there no interpreter ethics they are bound to adhere to? Or is it exactly that - with power and money, all ethics get thrown out the window even if there are written codes we all take oaths to uphold, like the issue with the Athletic Association’s refusal to mete out punishment in the first place? I have to say there have been many instances unsavoury things have been said either to my clients or in general that would be insulting or offensive to my clients, and the first instinct is always to filter. And I can’t say I haven’t made the mistake of filtering before. But the funny thing about the world of interpreting is the question - who is your client? The person who pays you to know what is being said and to render their intentions as accurately and clearly as possible (down to tone and semiotically accurate choice of words), or the other party who also benefits from your service but is not paying for it. Does the other party not deserve to know what was said either or that what he has said has offended? As Mi Joo said, she was hired to be Seon Gyeom’s ears and voice, but our ears don’t naturally filter either what the other party is saying. 

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  12. 10 hours ago, TRaNz said:


    I dunno @Tofu , for me it just didnt look right, nice elegant outfit and them BAM slap some runners on. I mean, some flats would have even been a bit better or heels ftw.. hahaha :laugh:

    Oh. But it’s quite the trend now to wear trainers or sneakers with formal work wear. I do it from time to time too! 😂 I thought it looked really nice!

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  13. @abs-oluteM I’m here!!!


    Watched episode 1 and 2 yesterday and this story has promise! Like it especially cos it revolves around a character who’s developing her career as an interpreter and translator, an area of work I used to do professionally in my past life (and still engage in pro bono assignments in my present life), so I totally understand her struggles and joys. 

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  14. On 12/15/2020 at 6:24 PM, Lynne said:

    he is  :cry: hahaha... being good means nothing if he ends up going home to a cold apartment every night....

    yes he has halmonie.. but she's old.. how many years will they have? sigh.....

    While I do think he'll move on from Dalmi eventually, but it'll be harder for him to opens up himself again. 



    You know..... choose your own adventure... we know which one we'll select right? lols 


    Injae and HJP could be a power couple if only they explore it... but canon wise.. i don't think they have a chance.... 



    I think if we allow the story to develop into a "season 2", I would say as he spends more time with Cheongmyeong and Injae Company, he will end up getting to know Injae better. And then he will open up to her about the letters and being the one that should have been there at the networking party instead of Dosan. Then Injae will find him such an intriguing person that they start to talk more and have more meals together - afterall, they had already known each other prior and this would be the chance for him to hear her side of the story of why she chose her mum back then and left Dalmi behind. AND THEN, Jipyeong and Injae will both finally realise that the things of their youth really need to be let go of. Meanwhile, there continue to be turmoils and battles between Injae Company and Morning Group as they try to battle it out - the conflicts Injae will experience as her former stepdad and stepbro continue to try to make her feel that she needs to be indebted to them for the "rich foundations" they afforded her. And this story of "did I make the right choices" begin to surface, harking back even to when Jipyeong said to Halmeoni in anger (at the hotdog stand), "I should never have met you!" and his choice back then of having accepted her offer to spend the night in the hotdog shop, etc.


    Oooh... do you reckon we could write a Part 2 here for the fun of it? Hahahaha

    • Haha 3
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  15. @Lynne Are you still lurking here, unable to let go? Hahaha... Our Good Boy is like Poor Thing Boy. Hahaha... They really should have made this a choose your own adventure story or at least put him with Injae. I'm still wondering though, how would it have happened with Injae though. 

    Why have the badges suddenly gotten so big? Or is it just my view setting?

    • Haha 3
  16. 23 hours ago, Thong Thin said:

    But...  guys having dimples make them looks more handsome, no ?


    Honestly ah... I’ve never thought dimples necessarily made someone look prettier or more handsome. They don’t always look nice? I dunno. Like Joo Won has dimples too, but am I being biased here? Seon Ho wears his dimples better, if that is even something possible. Even though Jipyeong is a serious character, his dimples don’t take away that seriousness from him. Hahaha... For sure I’m being biased. Good Boy can do no wrong. Hahahha...


    @Lynne Are you still mourning? I wish there was a compilation of only Halmeoni and Good Boy scenes from youth to adulthood. 


    I’m still mulling over two things 

    1. What if Halmeoni had not told him to only look her up when the going was tough - would that have changed things?

    2. What if the issue with the letters had not dragged, would Jipyeong have noticed Injae instead? Afterall he had known her as an adult before Dalmi. 


    This story feels like it should be a choose-your-own-adventure show. Imagine the day when TV watching could get as interactive as that and Netflix allowed us to opt for different episodes. It could right? Production budget will increase for sure. 

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