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Will Love In Spring 春色寄情人 [2024]

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Will Love In Spring




Chen Mai Dong was once a rebellious youth, but after experiencing a life-changing event, he chose to become a funeral makeup artist. Zhuang Jie became disabled due to a car accident, but she worked hard and became a career elite in the big city in order to pursue a better self.

One is a funeral makeup artist with a rebellious personality but is emotionally and physically lonely; the other is a brave and dazzling medical salesperson with physical defects. Through constant struggles, they gradually understand and respect each other, healing each other’s “imperfections” with love.



Episodes: 21

Premieres: 22 Apr, 2024

Airs On: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday

Network: CCTV, Tencent Video, WeTV

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  -  Sat-Sun: Miss Night & Day Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - 

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Director: Liang Cheng
Screenwriter: Even Jian


Main Role

Li Xian -  Chen Mai Dong

Zhou Yu Tong - Zhuang Jie

Supporting Cast (credit MDL) 

( in spoiler)


Support Role

Guest Role



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  -  Sat-Sun: Miss Night & Day Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - 

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I enjoyed the first 3 episodes very much. Pacing was great & leads have chemistry.


The setting of Nanping is first of all just lovely- a town with character and natural beauty. The way they shot this, along with the use of  the warm filter, is a feast for the eyes. Nanping is the hometown for both ChenMaiDong and Zhuang Jie, though ZJ is now currently residing in Shanghai where she works as a sales representative selling medical equipment. Both their families are still here and the story starts off with us seeing CMD teaching in a conference away from Nanping, and ZJ being wheeled into the surgery room for a minor procedure in Shanghai.


It didn't take long for them to meet where ZJ immediately recognises and greets CMD on the train home to Nanping. ZJ is truly a ball of sunshine - friendly with an infectious smile. Unfortunately CMD does not or claims to not recognise her and immediately set up this invisible wall between them. But of course being the small town that it is , they keep bumping into each other much to her amusement but to his disdain. :laugh:But I swear , she's going to win him over sooner or later as it is impossible to dislike ZJ. 


So what makes this pairing rather unique is the fact that both don't exactly have the right specs in the "marriage market".  CMD has a job as a mortician - not exactly a job that society looks up to. As the episodes unfold we are also told about his troubled youth being in gangs and beating people up, his parent divorced and remarried and has a ill-tempered grandma who raised him. I love grandma though. She's such a character but also greatly embarrasses him as she goes around looking for a bride. She chances upon ZJ and they hit it off. To grandma's delight, ZJ was school mates with CMD , and grandma finds ZJ a girl with outstanding personality and tries hard to set up ZJ with CMD.


Now ZJ would also likely find it hard to find someone given that she is disabled - has leg amputated and is using a prosthetic . The accident that lead to that killed her father. ZJ mother remarried to a lovely man called Uncle He whom all the kids adore.  ZJ has a brother in uni (by her father)  and much younger sister ( by Uncle He). I love the sibling dynamics - the younger ones clearly look up to ZJ.  Mum also has temper and is strict but loves her children dearly. ZJ left for Shanghai to further her studies and is doing well workwise but has come back to Nanping to recuperate from her minor surgery. 


So the interesting bits is in the backstory between CMD and ZJ, nothing is fully revealed yet but clearly there is a history between them. We are also privy to CMD's past love life and how grandma keeps setting him up on blind dates. However grandma now has her heart quite set on ZJ ( doesn't care about her disability) - this was fueled by what her fortune teller friend tells her about how CMD and ZJ have such a deep bond , and they seem like star-crossed lovers. Friend tells her there will be hardship ahead but grandma is certain CMD is resilient to overcome it! 



Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  -  Sat-Sun: Miss Night & Day Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - 

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Their first encounter after 10 years on the train was funny and the main leads have a natural chemistry.

I like how ZJ teases Chen but not in an annoying way. 





The blind date (ep 2)..I laughed so much. And the file misunderstanding, it was ZY's file.  :laugh:

The actors (the younger version of the main leads) also have a good chemistry. 

The tree scenes were so lovely...:heart:




The ML is the ML from Shooting Stars.

Im not a fan of Republic era cdramas but I watched the first episode. 

It is the first time I saw the actor and I liked him. 



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2 hours ago, rocher22 said:

like how ZJ teases Chen but not in an annoying way. 

Yay I am so glad I have your company for this show. I love it when she pushes his buttons. He's gonna cave in soon - she's got such an engaging smile and warm personality that it would be impossible to stay so aloof.


My fave scene from eps 3 was this when grandma told them both that they are destined. The horror on his face :laugh:





I have only seen Li Xian from Medical Examiner Dr Qin but that was eons ago and I can't remember much of him . Pleasantly surprised by how attractive I find him here. ZYT is a pretty good actress - last saw her in that tennis drama with WuLei. Though I found her a bit of mismatch with WL. She has better chemie here with Li Xian.




@NiteWalker @ktcjdrama @mademoiselle @40somethingahjumma @Lynne @Mouse @Tofu
 this may be something you guys can check out when you have time. Promising slice of life - romance.  Slated for 21 episodes - so pacing is fast and the story telling is nice. Pretty cinematography too. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  -  Sat-Sun: Miss Night & Day Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - 

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Such beautiful scenes for our couple. 

Both, past and present. 

And I laughed again...the meeting with the mayor of Nanping town and the motorcycle riding scene.

ZJ was so mischievous...  :lmao2:



The piggyback scenes  were warm and cozy...my fav is the rain piggyback scene...









9 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:


 ZYT is a pretty good actress - last saw her in that tennis drama with WuLei.

I havent seen her in anything but she is very good in this role..

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16 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:


@NiteWalker @ktcjdrama @mademoiselle @40somethingahjumma @Lynne @Mouse @Tofu
 this may be something you guys can check out when you have time. Promising slice of life - romance.  Slated for 21 episodes - so pacing is fast and the story telling is nice. Pretty cinematography too. 


sound nice....i need something short hahaha

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I think I understand why he's been putting up that wall. It's because he fears being abandoned. That is the running theme of this show. The young people who leave for greener pastures and never return . His parents marriage issues and how they left him there with grandma. Her leaving for Shanghai after he had gotten so attached to her during high school. Even his career is about preparing a person for their final journey where they will not return. I cry thinking about this.


So for him to take this step to open his heart - sending her off, responding to her kiss took a lot of courage. By the way it is no wonder the whole town knew. I like this cut I got off weibo ...that was a pretty good first kiss ! 



But whatever excitement I had in eps 5 and even in upcoming eps 6 was dampened with the preview in eps 7 


OMG...I can't believe Uncle He died. I cried just seeing the preview



Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  -  Sat-Sun: Miss Night & Day Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - 

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19 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

 By the way it is no wonder the whole town knew. I like this cut I got off weibo ...that was a pretty good first kiss !

that was so funny... :lmao2:  Granny will be so happy....and Madam Wu....


Im glad that Chen got up the courage and that she kissed him first. 







all the posters are so wonderful...





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@rocher22 I was so surprised that they released 3 episodes last night - I had expected only one . But no complaints & it was a good thing too since it was to give closure to Uncle He’s death. 

I am in love with this show. It’s not just the romance - it’s how the relationships & conversations are written. A lot of shows claim to be slice of life but don’t quite cut it . This show though takes a realistic perspective about life & death without downplaying things but it doesn’t make it too dark. Through CMD’s views on death  when he spoke to  ZJ ( telling her how he became an embalmer ) , and through how he explained death & grief  to lil sis Niao Niao , I feel a sense of comfort myself. 


Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  -  Sat-Sun: Miss Night & Day Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - 

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5 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

@rocher22 I was so surprised that they released 3 episodes last night - I had expected only one. 

me too... I hope they dont change it again



5 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:


I am in love with this show. It’s not just the romance - it’s how the relationships & conversations are written. A lot of shows claim to be slice of life but don’t quite cut it . This show though takes a realistic perspective about life & death without downplaying things but it doesn’t make it too dark.

 Absolutely !

All the scenes are not overly dramatic or cliche or pathetic. 


the romance... the piggyback scenes are nothing new but they looked  fresh and they were a necessary 

part of the story. 

I also like that it was realistically shown that Chen had a romantic relationship in the past and that ZJ was in love with someone in Shanghai. 


The conversations about life and death are well done.

The talks between Grandma and her friend about a bridge as a parallel for life.

my fav from ep 6 is the breakfast scene between CMD and Grandma and the soft-boiled eggs conversation.

Grandma is so cautious. :laugh:


CMD always finds the right words of comfort for the bereaved.

Im not sure if it is his (the actor) real voice but CMD sounds so calm and reasonable.


ep  6

I laughed when Chen literally ran out from the train. And I can understand why he deleted the contact. 

He knows that ZJ loves the city and herself more then him. Although I think he was a little afraid 

to open up to someone. 








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A new couple ? XiaXia and Big Brother Cui...the shopping scene was hilarious...:laugh:

Dong is more smiling but when he saw Jitong and ZJ in that restaurant he became serious again.


The flashback scenes from ep 7 were  emotional and the actor (young CMD) was so convincing.

I liked when CMD turned off the lights in ZJ's apartment. ep 8..that was as caring as when he closed the restaurant door and covered ZJ's legs with his coat. 



Like him in the leather jacket...   





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7 hours ago, rocher22 said:


A new couple ? XiaXia and Big Brother Cui...the shopping scene was hilarious...:laugh:

Dong is more smiling but when he saw Jitong and ZJ in that restaurant he became serious again.

Yes...I am glad we see more of Xia Xia. This actress is quite good - have seen her in reality TV programme and she's capable of doing lead roles.  Big Bro Cui is like the local gangster head in Nanping right?



Dong's jealousy was so good . I am glad that the leads are getting annoyed because that shows there are feelings there. Hehe. But how in the world did ZJ even like someone like Jitong. He's so full of himself and such a prick. He's got that face you wanna slap. 


Hahahah this is hilarious 

 Think we should get this kiss soon




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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  -  Sat-Sun: Miss Night & Day Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - 

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11 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

Yes...I am glad we see more of Xia Xia. This actress is quite good - have seen her in reality TV programme and she's capable of doing lead roles.  Big Bro Cui is like the local gangster head in Nanping right?



He is a very polite gangster...I already like the dynamic between them...


11 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

But how in the world did ZJ even like someone like Jitong. He's so full of himself and such a prick. He's got that face you wanna slap. 




Im a bit disappointed that she was in love with him. 



Another nice poster







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Omg @rocher22. I just finished eps 11 & 12 . This CP love language is fight. & bicker , make-up & kiss. 🤣🤣 So much tension & passion between them . No complains though as I crave their moments together. CG & XX love line is also developing & they are too funny 🤣🤣


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  -  Sat-Sun: Miss Night & Day Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - 

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Both episodes were light and sweet, except for the part about Madam Lin.

The black-white picture of her boyfriend is beautiful. 


3 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

Omg @rocher22. I just finished eps 11 & 12 . This CP love language is fight. & bicker , make-up & kiss. 🤣🤣 So much tension & passion between them . No complains though as I crave their moments together.



The director timed the kisses nicely...and the CP chemistry is superb even when they are just talking

on the sofa in the living room.

Poor CDM, Shanghai is a strong love rival. 


Good development for CG and XX and Jitong contributed to that..but is he trying to have something with XX...:thinking:





Edited by rocher22
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