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Everything posted by abs-oluteM

  1. More from their promo stint for the show Think we will get more of his back story today http://osen.mt.co.kr/article/G1111588421 CEO Jang telling the team that they will disband & this I think is their final revenge https://osen.mt.co.kr/article/G1111588284
  2. I heard this is aired once a week like HP2 (Thurs) and Penthouse 3 (Friday) ...
  3. New poster! Let's see how strong this love triangle will be . LOL
  4. For one, supply is coming in slowly though more vaccines are expected to come in June. We're sourcing from 3 different brands - Pfizer( but supply is limited ) AstradZeneca and Sinovac. But Malaysia also suffers from other political problems, and incompetency of our current government that makes things worse. What has kept us going as a nation is because we have a resourceful & resilient private sector. @movingwheel I feel you. My country is no better. Corruption, selfishness , greed of those in power & authority.
  5. This is being done in Selangor by state government. Our employers have to register for us . We have to pay though . My boss is registering some of us who are interested . Right now the state government is registering interest. They haven’t actually bought the vaccines yet as far as I know . God knows when we can actually get vaccinated I was trying to get the AZ jab . I was on the wait list for Round one . But till today no news if can get or not even though the Govt promised that those of us on Round 1 wait list will automatically be slotted in for Round 2. Nevertheless I don’t trust our Govt , so I tried registering again for Round 2 when it opened on Sunday but stupid website got problem because So many people were scrambling to get it . I don’t know if I got any slot . My bro & some of my colleagues were surprised that yesterday they got notification on the MySejahtera app saying they got their appointments. The funny thing is when they were registering they got stuck at some page , and thought they wouldn’t get it. Damn stupid .
  6. @SnowBlob I just caught ep 9 - Jung Hyun had a lot of close calls of being exposed and playing into the hands of the NIS baddies. But I don't think he has a choice because at the end of the day the pandora box was opened when SY decided to take on being the head of the CIO. He isn't their ultimate target - she is. But clearly a lot of what has happened in the past is catching up with him. What is clear here is that the NIS do not want him to be revealed as Lee Suk Kyu - his original identity since it will open a big can of worms linked to the Widow Curse Project. Now I wonder when SY finds out , what will happen with the kids? Will they tell them the truth? Especially the son , how will he grasp this?. ------------- New stills - this is gonna be angsty! https://sports.donga.com/article/all/20210527/107135437/1 MV using OST 3 & 4 released by JTBC
  7. The 3 of them were on SBS Radio's Cultwo show doing promo for the show. Notice the t-shirts they are wearing has the Rainbow Taxi logo
  8. @mademoiselle I was a little skeptical about the pairing. SK is like our sweet baby from Navillera and even in Sweet Home , he was so young. And I was worried she may "eat" him alive since I have seen her act in more matured and not so innocent roles. But the recent teasers and posters look really good. Has subs
  9. It has begun in my country.... but got a big back lash from the medical fraternity & frontliners who were angry people would crowd and line up for it when Malaysia is going through such a bad wave of the covid. We have the highest cases of covid infections per million. @movingwheel My country is worse than yours now @NiteWalker brace yourself for a super long lockdown. I don't even go out - I try to order everything online and DG say better double mask / use N95.
  10. Me too. My goodness - my patience was really tested each time she gets these fragments in her memory , and now to think they were just false memories because of her trauma. The other thing that I am also getting impatient with is the progress of the romance. I was happy initially with the slow burn....but this is waaaaaay too slow. To me it is clear that they both care for each other beyond a work relationship. All the teasing by the writer & chemistry between the leads should not go to waste. In the next episode, it seems In Bum's life is at stake - I hope that becomes the catalyst for her to realise how much he means to her. They are , in my opinion, perfect for each other. He has no issues being bossed around by her and she could do with the warmth that he brings (literally & figuratively speaking ). Their fates are already tied since the day he was brought to see her mother. His eyes also turned red like hers when her mum died. They are meant to be in this partnership. Now I am wondering if he too can carry out exorcism. Sigh KBS is not airing eps 14 this week and will only air it next week
  11. I am surprised that Sun Hwa's is now able to see what goes on elsewhere. The smoke she inhaled seems to be like some sort of network that she has tapped into. I suppose , she and whoever has a grip over their fears and not succumb to it will provide an answer to how people can be "cured'' of this. Initially I thought the doctor in the hospital was experimenting on the patients for sinister reasons . But it turned out serial killer nurse planted the idea in her in looking for a cure. So now the doc starts "sacrificing" weak patients to understand what is going on. I was happy initially that Tae Han and Sun Hwa ended up at the supermarket and away from that crazy shaman - that gives them higher chance of survival given that food ,water etc are available. But looks like Tae Han is going back into the lions den again to save the cops there. Anyway the supermarket may not be so safe since the monster is around though I am surprised the monster is selective in who it decided to kill. Subbed BTS
  12. Mine had the 4 ladies - Hee Soo, SH, Tutor Fox and young maid ( gosh I cannot remember all their names) and it was just a sparkly filter
  13. @ssteph @movingwheel if Soompi can post it like that usually very high chance....I am happy he has a new drama....YAY! Okay maybe we shouldn't count our chickens before they hatch. Anyway, @ssteph you open the drama thread ok if he confirms?
  14. Don't worry .. @SilverMoonTea won't mind...every post is $$$$$ for her. Are you watching I Married An Antifan? (did you check out @mademoiselle ? ) It looks cute (tropey but oh well ) but I haven't started yet . I have to watch Yuri's new show, Bossam Steal the Fate first as promised to silvermoontea and @ktcjdrama. If you don't mind historical, Yuri is doing a great job. I saw some cuts. And she and the lead actor have chemistry
  15. Most important spoiler tonight is what actually happened the night her mum died. The egg ghost jumped from IB to the mum. The mum even strangled IB's uncle and through him on the floor and he was unconscious. Then Ji A herself came in. She called out to her mum , but the mum turned to her and went after her. JA remembered what her mum said about using the pin to stab the heart, so JA did that not knowing that this egg ghost will kill its host as well when being exorcised. At the moment the exorcism was done , mum's powers passed on to JA. Little IB was lying unconscious next to JA, he also touched JA's hands as that happened . That is why he and JA are linked and he can absorbed her memories. Of course mum died , and that is why Joo tried to hide the truth from JA. JA passed out but she had block the memory of "killing" her own mum ever since the trauma. So I think mum hangs on because JA sub-conciously cannot let mum go.
  16. I love this too...I have a playlist on YT for all my favourite OSTs and this is one of them This one is also on my list
  17. Oh my I didn't expect bread throwing sis to be good in her studies...she obviously threw all her education and manners away. hmmm no wonder JY had no qualms having Tutor Fox do the same Thanks for the translations. Now I get a better idea of their behaviour
  18. I think my oppatism has gotten worse in these Covid times. I used to juggle 4 or so dramas. But now I am watching double the amount. By the way when this is done , come watch Mine with us. Your gal Lee Bo Young's drama. It's good! ------------------ Eps 12 I think this was the episode that both Do Ki and KHN found some middle ground. When she decided to use Rainbow Team to avenge Investigator Wang, she was acknowledging that the work the team does is still a means to which an end is met , and in this case justice for Wang. She is acknowledging that the system is broken , and she will have to eat her own words about likening them to criminals. In the same way Do Ki knows that this whole idea of using a private jail is muddying the waters. Something he is clearly uncomfortable with now and to which he brings up again to CEO Jang. He tells Jang they need to turn Baek's guy ( think was Seok Tae's brother) to the prosecutors. What they do for revenge is of course not quite legal as well , but I supposed it can be justified since the intention is good. But reforming these criminals outside the legal system , leads to a host of other ethical issues. Of course the fallout with Baek and discovering what she has actually been doing with these prisoners is proof that this was a bad idea from the start.
  19. Some food for thought . ( I read there’s only one episode this week! ) Kim Mee Kyung cameo tonight
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