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Be My Princess 影帝的公主 [2022]

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5 hours ago, Tofu said:

Outside of this scene, I lied laughing when he pulled off the protective film he put on his lips after their kiss scene. Hahahaha! Only Mu Tingzhou can think of something like this to "protect" himself. 

I can't believe that he wore a lip mask. It was hilarious. But there was that deep kiss scene, surely he could not have used a mask here too? aaahahah




I am up to eps 7 and the drama kicks into high gear after his accident. I never expected Jeremy to have such good comic timing. Each time he starts bowing and doing his Grand Tutor stuff, it made me laugh no end. It does help that I like Ming Wei. Sometimes the FL's character can really make or break the show but she's a very likeable person - she's got gentle demeanor but wise and sensible. 


@NiteWalker do check out. Very enjoyable. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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Ahhh can't wait for eps 9 & 10. This drama has definitely got my attention. One thing I really like is that Ming Wei is really patient with him. It isn't easy to deal with the "rules" he is imposing on her - even if she is doing this to help him , I don't think she had envisioned how difficult it would be to have him "invade" her life this way. So I like how she's cleverly negotiating for some lines to be drawn .

This had me laughing hard...lol




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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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I cracked up when the Grand Tutor bought her a palace & got her servants etc...should not be surprised given that he's gone to great lengths so far to protect her.  Though he thinks it's his duty, subconsciously this was the next life & love he'd wanted to give her. Once he's able to rewrite the narrative of their tragic ending, then I think that is when will MTZ regain his memories.


This cut  is very telling of what goes on in Tai Fu's heart 



I like that MW is feeling conflicted about this - she started this  with the intentions of helping him. But along the way, she can't help but be swayed by the care and attention she gives him. She brought up a good point - how will she face MTZ once he regains his memories? I wonder how much of this he will remember. And it will be a different dynamic to their relationship once he is back to MTZ. The only comforting thought is that they did start liking each other before his accident. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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On 3/18/2022 at 4:07 AM, abs-oluteM said:

One thing I really like is that Ming Wei is really patient with him. It isn't easy to deal with the "rules" he is imposing on her - even if she is doing this to help him

She is very patient with him to the point where sometimes she lets him just do whatever he wants. I was happy to see that she started setting up boundaries with him. It's not easy having to take care of someone who's from another time period plus think everyone around you is dangerous. 


The ending scene for episode 10, I wonder how much of Mu Yun's "memories" he retained. Will he remember that the consort is the reason the princess killed herself? 


So cute, these two. :wow:




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By the way @Tofu what was MTZ thinking...ahahah why did he imagine her to be a bunny ahem? Mind in the gutter , this man! 


I wonder why Jeremy had to do push ups etc for this scene...not like he was showing his abs :laugh:


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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@abs-oluteM That birthday gift scene made me laugh so much! Hahahaha! 


25 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

I wonder why Jeremy had to do push ups etc for this scene...not like he was showing his abs

Hahaha! Maybe he needed to warm up his muscles so he doesn't drop her after catching her. :laugh:


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WAHH?! Why didn't they show if they ended up kissing or not in that second teaser?! :jinbtscry:


Wow, that consort guy has a bad temper. I understand that what "Mu Yun" did was wrong, but I didn't think he would react like that. I guess I should have expected it especially since he had motives for taking that project. 



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Wait till you see these....much progress

Tai Fu trying to find out if he's in love


Oh so they really get together for real though he's still Tai Fu?


I like that we still see some scene from their drama




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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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17 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

Oh so they really get together for real though he's still Tai Fu?

What if that's just one of those dreams he has of them together?! I would be so sad for him if it was! 


Mu Yun is hilarious! I can't believe he Googled up how to tell when you like someone. :lmao2: I guess being from the Ning Dynasty, it's not easy to express your feelings especially since most marriage were for social status reasons. 


I really like this instrumental. 



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@Tofu eps 11 & 12 were pretty fun. Tai Fu's jealousy was in full force. MW was disappointed  that he proposed to her on the pretext that he wants to protect her when she was hoping it was because he likes/ loves her. She is clearly falling for him. She did put up a good point though - when he regains his memories again would this mean that his feelings for her will not be the same? I can understand her feeling conflicted because MTZ is not Tai Fu. But perhaps like what the housekeeper has observed - Tai Fu & MTZ are one and the same - the feelings for MW are what MTZ has as well. 


This is her voice right ?


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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@Tofu @abs-oluteM I stumbled on a short clip somewhere in the later part of the series. Hhmmm... how can I describe the experience of seeing it? The FL seemed ok but the ML's character didn't charm me? I think it's my bias...I was expecting to hear that deep voice that I had gotten accustomed to in TAB and all I got was a voice over. I think it's spoilt it for me. sigh.

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1 hour ago, IpohBanana said:

@Tofu @abs-oluteM I stumbled on a short clip somewhere in the later part of the series. Hhmmm... how can I describe the experience of seeing it? The FL seemed ok but the ML's character didn't charm me? I think it's my bias...I was expecting to hear that deep voice that I had gotten accustomed to in TAB and all I got was a voice over. I think it's spoilt it for me. sigh.


btw i heard that now the artist cannot dub their own characters in the drama.....so im not too sure how this will affect the drama lands moving forward....


wondering is this the move the government set to protect the dubbing artist work?

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@IpohBanana I know!! I am not a fan either. :letalQQ: I'm actually not enjoying the current pacing of the drama right now so I'm hoping that it gets better soon. 


@NiteWalker WHAT?! Why would they do that? Some actors have amazing voices and I think they should dub their own work. Are they trying to create more jobs for other people? I guess I don't understand because if any actor wants to be an international star, voice delivery is equally as important as their performance. 

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15 hours ago, IpohBanana said:

@NiteWalker wah like that oso can ah? Got restrictions on dubbing your own voice? Come on! I thought this was only for costume dramas. Modern ones, quite often we get to hear the real actor's voice unless the accent is not acceptable or non-Mainland China artiste. Meaning even modern dramas, also subject to this?


not too sure if its overall...cause i read it in weibo and then file it off.....as to be honest sometimes i watch C-Drama in silence cause i couldnt stand the dubbing hahahhaa.....


1 hour ago, Tofu said:


@NiteWalker WHAT?! Why would they do that? Some actors have amazing voices and I think they should dub their own work. Are they trying to create more jobs for other people? I guess I don't understand because if any actor wants to be an international star, voice delivery is equally as important as their performance. 


arent too sure to be honest....cause its was just a casual look of the news for me.

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I watch eps 17 & 18 just now....wahhhhh the angst is like crazy...

I think I am as confused as both MTZ and Ming Wei about what they feel. The underlying question I suppose is whether this is a love between MTZ and MW or whether it is between Grand Tutor and Princess. Though I think deep down it's kind of both. But the faster MTZ tries to recall who he really is the clearer it would become isn't it? MTZ's muscle memory has come back - he was able to give directions in English. So I think his memories will return soon.



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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Not like we didn't see this coming from 1000 miles away. I thought it made sense when MW broke up with Tai Fu initially when she realised that she is risking her heart - she's in love with Tai Fu ( not MTZ) and it is Tai Fu that loves her, the princess. So when she changed her mind because she missed him so much and agreed to marry him, I knew this will be disaster. And true enough on the day they were suppose to register their marriage, MTZ fell unconscious and when he woke up, he was back to being MTZ with no memories of Tai Fu & MW, and not even of filming the drama.


I am sorry for MW but this is truly the risk that she had taken. I am of course annoyed about all that is happening to her - she started off wanting to help but her feelings got the better of her. And now the one most hurt is also her.


Trailer for next week

hahahah I think he thinks she is preggers...but I am certain this is some red herring 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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@abs-oluteM This has been such an emotional roller coaster. Haha! Ming Wei recognized that the person she fell in love with was Tai Fu, not Mu Tingzhou. When he woke up from the accident, she wanted him to be Tai Fu, but he isn't and she had to learn to accept it. 


Ming Wei knew what she was getting into when she accepted the marriage proposal; however, I do feel a little bad for her. Mu Tingzhou's family gladly accepted her help when he was "sick" and when he came back, they tossed her aside. I know Mu Tingzhou tried to compensate her, but she didn't do it for money. She genuinely loved who he was during that time, so really she probably just wanted acknowledgement and closure. 


I don't understand the need for the sister to be around Mu Tingzhou that much. She's practically glued to his side and he doesn't even see this as a problem considering what kind of person he is. :idk:



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@Tofu I like eps 24, the drama is finally going somewhere.  :heiboi:


It was funny when MTZ thought MW was pregnant and he went into I will take responsibility mode. LOL. Anyhow I was wondering how they'd get the two in the same space again but I guess working together on the same show will provide plenty of opportunities for them to fall for each other for real.


So I think Ming Wei could be the biological daughter of Xiao Zhao's dad? Not Ming Qiao. :thinking:

  • Haha 1

Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  The Judge From Hell  Sat-Sun: Love Next Door  Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The First Shot

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@abs-oluteM I watched the scene where he offered to compensate her and she was bawling. And then her father when to his house to 'vent their frustration and his anger' and it felt really strange watching that scene. I understand from your explanation and it makes a whole lot of sense. But it was a wretched feeling watching him stare at her like a stranger and she reeling from a 'break-up' with a character out of a drama. I suppose this offers us a glimpse of how actors/actresses feel if they can't pull themselves out of their own characters, when the drama has ended? Gee, it must be quite an emotional ride being in their profession, more so if they don't have a strong grip on their emotions. No wonder, I used to read articles about actors/actresses seeking professional help because they could not pull themselves out of the fictional world they had been residing in...

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