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Dr. Romantic 3 낭만닥터 김사부 3 [2023]

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I must really dislike that actor because I had a hard time watching his scenes. At least in the drama with Lee Joon Gi, I could skip his scenes because they weren't with Lee Joon Gi. I have no choice but to watch him because he's in scenes with everyone! :JigglyAngry:

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I forgot to mention yesterday (and episode 2), is it really possible to do chest compression (CPR) on the body and the surgeon had to operate on it at the same time? That's what I see Woo Jin did in episode 1 and then episode 2 as well where Kim Sabu inserted a needle into it to suck out the fluid. The body was moving so much during the CPR ... so much precision is required by the surgeon(s).


Also I notice they are wearing the 3D masks for the TB patient. Interesting.


Bleeeeurgh. I'm disappointed with Seo Woo Jin's reaction towards Jang Dong Hwa. I was hoping being the quiet type and when he explodes he will be the scary kind, but he isn't even scary. And WTF, why did the father blamed Woo Jin for their family issue? How rude. It's mainly because of Woo Jin and Kim Sabu that Eun Jae was able to become a real doctor, he doesn't even know that. Is this because Woo Jin dobbed his sunbae for medical misconduct and now Eun Jae did the same to her brother that they think Woo Jin has bad influence on her?


I really dislike the drama set-up of Cha Jin Man being Cha Eun Jae's father. It's just unnecessary and needless of a rehash since we already have Do In Beom and Do In Wan's father-son arc from S1. Moreover, what makes him think Kim Sabu should be excluded of the Trauma Centre when he's the core person who started it all. Why do we need Cha Jin Man anyway? So that Kim Sabu can have a holiday?


But LOL at Kim Sabu stressing out Director Park Min Guk and Jang Ki Tae. Hahaha. Jang Dong Hwa has a lot to learn and perhaps the newly joined doctor from the military will make him change, with some competition between them - just like In Beom and Dong Joo.


Edited by mademoiselle
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First thoughts:


This was a very NICE start! The way the wind blows their hair 😘

What I didn't like



This actor was the suave NK soldier in CLOY, considered more handsome by Yoon Seri (Son Yejin) than Ri Jeong Hyeok (Hyun Bin) 🤣 After watching him in 2 dramas since then (Awaken and Dr Romantic 3), I gather it is because he seldom opened his mouth in CLOY. The minute he talks, he's a joke! I think he has to be very careful in the selection of projects. While his 3 fellow soldiers in CLOY have been progressing, his roles have been minor and irritating. And his acting is quite bad too. I don't know how he is going to redeem himself here - he has no ethics/morals for ditching patients who are critically ill for something frivolous - not sure if these things can be taught/learnt.

I don't see the value of this character. Is he supposed to be funny? I find him super irritating, even more than Dr Jang above.


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I also have no love for this pairing. In fact, I was hoping they would change the FL but alas! And come on, this is overdoing it! They've been together 3 years and living together now. What's a peck! 🙄


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Thanks god these are all side bits.


The drama is still focused on saving patients, the skills of the doctors and the camaraderie of the team. Han Suk Kyu is a joy to watch. (I hope he is not going to have a problem with his hands.)


It baffles me why the Director wants to recruit this guy just because he is the top cardio, knowing it could create problems for Kim Sabu and the team. (How can Messi and Ronaldo be in the same team?) Wish they had found another way to create the angst but let's wait and see.



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And, could the 2 have been rivals in love too? 😅



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Edited by Chocolate
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I ask this question every season 😂 but he seems to be the "main" cast of Doldam too. Like you, I find him useless and not funny but yes, he's supposed to be funny except I wonder if it is only humour that Koreans understand/like.

2 hours ago, Chocolate said:

I also have no love for this pairing. In fact, I was hoping they would change the FL but alas! And come on, this is overdoing it! They've been together 3 years and living together now. What's a peck! 🙄

🤣🤣🤣 This is such a funny comment (from my imagination of reading the tone of this, that is). Hahahaha! Maybe they have been so busy saving patients they had no time to date and BOBO. Muahaha! Even Eun Tak and Ah Reum seem to have a bit of distance still.


Rating is really good since the start. Clocking at 12.7% for episode 1 and 13%+ for episode 2. Ahn Hyo Seop made a rating promise for 13% and it's already gone past. Haha!



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7 hours ago, Chocolate said:

What I didn't like

I completely agree with you on every single point in the spoiler. Even though I love the actress who plays ChaEunJae, I never warmed up to her character here since S2. It's a bit better now. And the love line she has with Woo Jin feels a bit flat. She had such great chemie with my other oppa in her recently ended drama Call It Love, that it feels hard for me to truly enjoy the romance here. 


For me the best relationship, the one that really got me in S2, is the one between Kim Sabu & Woo Jin. I have said it before when watching S2 that WJ's temperament and heart is the closest to Kim. And I feel that Kim has such a soft spot for him. I always love when these two have a moment together. Even though WJ now is no longer a resident and has become a mentor himself, I love how he still looks up to Kim. @mademoiselle I kind of expected WJ not to blow up though. He feels like the sort that would give you the ice cold treatment instead, no? 




Hmmm so my EunTak - Areum ship is looking a little shaky ya? Though there was smile between them at the end. Still , it does seem that there might be a love triangle with Dr Bones...


Anyway like @Tofu I just can't stand the actor who is playing EJ's dad. His personality here is also so awful that I don't want him to be redeemed. He was definitely so rude to Woo Jin , and I wanna slap him. I hate that he will join Doldam and all which really means he would have like 50% screen time :zzzz:

Does it look like we will have a Kim Hye Soo cameo again? It was cute to see the Ext Att Woo cast guesting in eps 2. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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20 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

is it really possible to do chest compression (CPR) on the body and the surgeon had to operate on it at the same time?

Yes, it is! CPR is needed when someone goes into cardiac arrest. When someone is in that state, the heart stop pumping blood and chest compressions keep the blood flowing to other organs. I'm sure there are other logistic doctors have to consider during a situation like this, but it is possible to perform CPR while someone is having surgery. Kind of random, but within the same scene, when the patient went into cardiac arrest, the nurse handed Seo Woo Jin a blue board. CPR is most effective when it's performed on a hard surface. Hospitals usually have these boards to slip under a patient when/if they have to perform CPR. 


20 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

I'm disappointed with Seo Woo Jin's reaction towards Jang Dong Hwa. I was hoping being the quiet type and when he explodes he will be the scary kind, but he isn't even scary.

You think so? I was upset, but I thought that if Seo Woo Jin approached it the way Cha Eun Jae did, the message would not get across to Jang Dong Hwa. Seo Woo Jin basically told him that if he wanted a work-life balance, he shouldn't have become a doctor because his actions affect his patients. If someone told me something like that, I probably would take it more seriously than someone just yelling at me. 


I am really excited for the Uncanny Counter's antagonist to start working at Doldam Hospital. Unlike Jang Dong Hwa, I think he'll strive to do his best because he's curious and seems like he wants to be a better doctor. 


Hoping for more scenes of these two in the future episodes! :heart:



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2 hours ago, Tofu said:

You think so? I was upset, but I thought that if Seo Woo Jin approached it the way Cha Eun Jae did, the message would not get across to Jang Dong Hwa. Seo Woo Jin basically told him that if he wanted a work-life balance, he shouldn't have become a doctor because his actions affect his patients. If someone told me something like that, I probably would take it more seriously than someone just yelling at me.

True. However I still don't think either of them make Jang Dong Hwa wake up from his behaviour since he still disappears off later. Eun Jae was trying to diffuse the situation and help Dong Hwa at that moment because she knows Woo Jin is pissed. Woo Jin made a point but I still feel it was not hardcore enough to get through to Dong Hwa. Kim Sabu scolds the Residents in S1 and S2 too, but when he does, the Residents get scared, listens and wanted to do better. I find that mainly because they have so much respect for him and didn't want to disappoint him. However this could only work on those who genuinely wanted to be better in their skills, unlike Dong Hwa.


We have people like this in my previous workplace. My ex-boss and colleague has so much headache with workers like Dong Hwa who doesn't understand their actions and responsibilities.

Is it best to just let them fail and get in trouble with the customers/higher-up and they will learn since they don't wanna listen to the experienced ones?


I do think the introduction of Jang Dong Hwa will make S3 slightly different to S1-2 because unlike Dong Joo and In Beom or Woo Jin and Eun Jae where all 4 are actually very competitive and thrive to be better and best each other, Jang Dong Hwa appears to have no passion or motivation. His character might represent the new generation, so it could be a good social commentary through his character.

13 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

@mademoiselle I kind of expected WJ not to blow up though. He feels like the sort that would give you the ice cold treatment instead, no? 

I do think he is the type that would give ice cold treatment coz he bottles up his emotions and endures. Which is why I think when this type of people blew up, it'll be scarier. Don't you think so? 😅


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38 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

His character might represent the new generation, so it could be a good social commentary through his character.

That's actually a good observation, because his comment on work-life balance is something that's trending in the workplace right now. Everyone wants a work-life balance, but I think some careers are just much harder than others when it comes to this. 


40 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

Which is why I think when this type of people blew up, it'll be scarier. Don't you think so?

Definitely way more scarier. It's always the quiet ones that are the scariest when upset. I don't know if we will see Seo Woo Jin get that way though. Maybe there can be friendly competition once Cha Eun Jae's mentee joins. I'm assuming she will be the mentor to the military guy who is a CS?


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Will catch up on the episodes shortly 

preview for eps 5 


On 5/5/2023 at 11:37 AM, Chocolate said:


Haha, this preview just shows he is incapable. He is disorganised and unable to prioritise. I will pray very hard not to meet such doctors lol.


It’s his attitude that bugs me the most.  

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Wow...Jang Dong Hwa. Is he ever going to redeem himself? With that kind of mindset, why did he even become a doctor? 


Dr. Kim is right to ban him from the operating room. If he does not have the mentality to save patients (regardless of who they are) or to learn, he doesn't deserve the privilege to go into the OR. 


I may not completely agreed with how Seo Woo Jin is mentoring him, but Jang Dong Hwa is selective, has an inferiority complex, and overall just shouldn't be a doctor. :GengarPout:


By the way, whenever I see scenes of how much Eun Tak's and Ah Reum's relationship has developed, I laugh thinking back to what @Chocolate wrote about Seo Woo Jin's and Cha Eun Jae's relationship progession. :laugh:


Edit -- I just finished the episode and saw the preview. I don't want to watch Jang Dong Hwa's doctor journey. :jiminbtssigh:


It annoys me how disrespectful he is to Eun Tak just because he's a "nurse". Nurses are more skilled than most doctors. My CPR instructor, who worked as an EMT for many years, always tell us never ask a doctor to insert an IV. Even my brother-in-law (he's a doctor) tells me his nurse does some things better than him. This third year resident not knowing his place...why do you and that new trauma center head doctor person have so many scenes?! :JigglyAngry:

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5 hours ago, Tofu said:

@mademoiselle How do you feel about Seo Woo Jin's mentoring now after what happened in episode 3? I think it's a bit harsh. It's more managing than it is mentoring. 

I agree in that scene he was only giving out orders rather than mentoring/teaching him. However, it seems to have gotten better in episode 4. Kim Sabu also gave Dong Hwa a very good scolding. Don't think Kim Sabu had ever scolded others as hard as he did with Jang Dong Hwa. But every time when Kim Sabu scold, I am like, "Ahhhhh...." :pandablush::pandapray: Although I wouldn't want to be scolded by Kim Sabu at all. Hahahahahaha!


I think in episode 3, Woo Jin himself was too pissed off at Jang Dong Hwa (and he was trying to be patient with him), and then he just kind of lost it after that. I agree with the EM male doctor that Woo Jin should explain to Dong Hwa the reasons behind his decisions. I reckon mentoring is more like what Eun Jae was trying to do with the new fellow doctor. LOL!


In Beom wasn't a good mentor either, remember how much scolding he gave the female doctor? :laugh:But I love how in the end it led to him arguing with Eun Tak. Gosh, I miss ma cranky boy.

3 hours ago, Tofu said:

By the way, whenever I see scenes of how much Eun Tak's and Ah Reum's relationship has developed, I laugh thinking back to what @Chocolate wrote about Seo Woo Jin's and Cha Eun Jae's relationship progession. 

They are soooo cute, but why are their relationship still so innocent and kiddy-like???


@Tofu Maybe YSJ won't cameo. That not-funny actor only mentioned Jang Dong Joo and Yoon Yoo Jung in episode 3, so maybe this time only them two will cameo. :scaredpanda2::pandasadspoon: In the final scene of episode 4 where they mentioned Doldam Hospital will only have Kim Sabu, Ah Reum and the two new doctors, I was really really thinking "Time for the S1 doctors to come back!" Obviously they wouldn't come back so soon. Hahaha.


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3 hours ago, Tofu said:

It annoys me how disrespectful he is to Eun Tak just because he's a "nurse". Nurses are more skilled than most doctors. My CPR instructor, who worked as an EMT for many years, always tell us never ask a doctor to insert an IV. Even my brother-in-law (he's a doctor) tells me his nurse does some things better than him.

Eun Tak and Nurse Oh are both very skillfull and experience nurses. I can see that if they really want to, I think they can also perform some procedures that only doctors can do. They had worked with Kim Sabu for so long so they gained those experience too. But of course they can't since they weren't allowed. So it's Dong Hwa's mistake to look down on Eun Tak, which he'll likely find out later.

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Oh woah, ok... Jang Dong Hwa is linked to S1's Kim Sabu's backstory. There was a patient Hyun Joo who likes to ask Kim Sabu lots of questions. She passed away. The cassette tape Dong Hwa listens to indicated "Hyun Joo's compilations". So he might be Hyun Joo's brother.

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11 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

Oh woah, ok... Jang Dong Hwa is linked to S1's Kim Sabu's backstory. There was a patient Hyun Joo who likes to ask Kim Sabu lots of questions. She passed away. The cassette tape Dong Hwa listens to indicated "Hyun Joo's compilations". So he might be Hyun Joo's brother.

Ahhhh...I came here just to clarify that. While right now this Jang fella is not particularly endearing , I really hope there's a good reason for him to do medicine in the first place. His attitude definitely needs a 180 degree change if he is to make it here at Doldam. I like the other new resident. He does lack the skills but because he is eager to learn and his heart is in the right place, he will make it. 



10 hours ago, Tofu said:

By the way, whenever I see scenes of how much Eun Tak's and Ah Reum's relationship has developed, I laugh thinking back to what @Chocolate wrote about Seo Woo Jin's and Cha Eun Jae's relationship progession. :laugh:

I laughed when  Eun Jae wanted to hide the fact that Woo Jin is her house mate. LOL...Honestly these sort of things will be made known sooner or later. I understand our Asian society can be quite conservative but they are likely in their early 30s...she doesn't exactly need permission to live with her BF.  


Anyhow this scene was so funny ...the way AR made that deduction

Anyway I am glad that WJ refused to be a part of the new trauma team. I am not sure why Kim Sabu wanted Cha JM to head the centre - the whole elephant and fridge thing...I don't get it. I understand it is important to have more doctors as a trauma centre can't run with the number of doctors that they have but surely there are many other good docs/ professors that can be hired to help expand the team? 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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On 5/7/2023 at 12:22 AM, abs-oluteM said:


It’s his attitude that bugs me the most.  

It is. You know, there are many shows where a horrible person becomes good and we all root for him/her to be a better person. But it is very hard here. I’m not sure if it is the way the character is written or the way it is acted. On my part, I’m hoping Dr Jang ends up being a spy for Prof Cha just so I can continue disliking him lol.


Prof Cha is another issue. It is a self-created problem which is so unnecessary. (I still don’t understand why they had to hire him and why Kim Sabu agreed). It used to be that whatever politics there was, the emergency room was sacrosanct.


I also don’t want to watch Eun Chae and Woo Jin fall out because of her father because there is bound to be some of that given how Eun Chae is around him. It’s such a stale plot and since this couple is not very interesting in the first place, the last thing I want to watch is them fighting and making up.


A frustrating few episodes. Wonder if I can finish this drama.


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16 hours ago, Tofu said:

@mademoiselle How do you feel about Seo Woo Jin's mentoring now after what happened in episode 3? I think it's a bit harsh. It's more managing than it is mentoring. 

I don’t find Woo Jin very likeable in ep3&4 too. Aside from his mentoring, I don’t completely agree with discharging that athlete just because he was faking it. Dr Jang had a point about consulting psychiatric - he seemed to be experiencing stress himself and could perhaps understand the boy’s reason for faking it. Even if they couldn’t treat him at the emergency department, there should have been a referral to a psychiatrist/counsellor or the situation made known to the coach.


14 hours ago, Tofu said:


By the way, whenever I see scenes of how much Eun Tak's and Ah Reum's relationship has developed, I laugh thinking back to what @Chocolate wrote about Seo Woo Jin's and Cha Eun Jae's relationship progession.


He’s probably trying to find a broom closet to kiss her 🙄😜


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