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Dr. Romantic 3 낭만닥터 김사부 3 [2023]

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Episode 7


Another good episode and some "growth" for Jang Dong Hwa and Woo Jin in the sense that from working together they get to resolve their differences and understand each other (more for Dong Hwa to understand than Woo Jin). Dong Hwa learns to appreciate his work—the feeling of "saving a patient" meanwhile Cha Eun Jae faces the consequence of losing one because she ignored her gut feeling/assessment and followed her father's opinion, who didn't even spend a single minute reviewing that patient's condition.


As for Dr. Ung, I just have to ask you guys this: don't people normally wear contact lenses will always have a pair of glasses on hand as backup, in case the contact lens failed or popped out of their eyes and get lost some where? I have once had one of my contact popped out and I was able to put it but still, I'm a glasses wearer 99% of the time. I may not bring my glasses with me when I'm using contacts but for his case, as a doctor, he should ideally always have a pair at the workplace!


Cha Jin Man's observation about Kim Sabu makes me nervous and sad. Is it really because Kim Sabu's hand condition and muscle sclerosis that he stepped down from running the Trauma Center? The reason feels valid because MS is not curable. :pandasadspoon:


I don't know how Woo Jin does it. His one and only day-off, he goes for a run in the snow! *FREEZE* ~ It's cold over here (<10°C and raining) and I've the heater on and comfortably staying indoor and not wanting to bulge even though I really want to lose some weight.


I also like that we finally get some backstory of Eun Tak. In the past we only have a short overview that he was in the gangster of the sort but it's nice to see that he needs to confront his past and we learn more about it, including his inner demons.

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22 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

As for Dr. Ung, I just have to ask you guys this: don't people normally wear contact lenses will always have a pair of glasses on hand as backup, in case the contact lens failed or popped out of their eyes and get lost some where?

When I wear contacts, I usually carry my glasses with me too. I would leave it in my car or somewhere nearby so it's there if I need it. It gives me a peace of mind when I have it because contacts can be uncomfortable for me after wearing it for a while. 


I am excited to see how Dr. Ung does in his first assisted surgery or wait...was he the lead surgeon?


Glad to see growth in Jang Dong Hwa, but still don't care about him. 


I'm intrigued by Eun Tak's backstory. I hope the video the guy took does not come back to trouble him -- not that they haven't already troubled him enough. 


This is the first time this season that I'm actually excited for the next episode. There were a lot of things happening and it didn't feel like a filler episode (most of the others have felt like that for me). 



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On 5/15/2023 at 5:43 PM, mademoiselle said:

By the way, I know everyone hates Cha Jin Man and thinks he's unnecessary but I do think his character brought some social commentary on what real doctors go through into the storyline and it isn't so much just on the politics like in S2 (which is a rehash of S1). The issue about the doctors performing surgeries that has low percentage survival rate and how they are constantly being dragged into lawsuit are valid. From this perspective, he's just bit more focus on the doctors than the patients. The humidifier incident is also a real life incident as well (I was thinking of investing in one and now I'm scared 😅 coz I totally never thought humidifier could cause harm!).

On 5/15/2023 at 11:10 PM, abs-oluteM said:

CJM's character isn't just a 2-D antagonist, which I appreciate. Too bad really that they had to use this actor.

I thought the recent episodes highlighted a very crucial difference in the philosophy between Kim Sabu and CJM. Kim is patient-centric, and I would love to have a doctor like this trying to save me. But being so unorthodox at times, invites more risks that could lead to career suicide. I was surprised that WooJin had 11 lawsuits against him in the past year - didn't expect the show to give a sense of realism like this. CJM , on the other hand, isn't wrong with the calls he made to not operate. Logically speaking, and based on the situation , I think many RL doctors would have done the same. 


Agree with you both.


But I didn't like that they let him do the transplant for the girl and he got credit for saving her (although they didn't show it) when it was Kim Sabu who took the risk. It just seems that things just fall too nicely/easily for Prof Cha.


Yes he stood up for Dr Jung which was a surprise. But he did so blindly which is also not correct - he didn't even make the effort to find out what happened before his very defensive speech to the dead boy's mother. As head of the trauma centre, he should also have been mindful whose son it was that died since the woman decides the budget. And he should also be reviewing the events to see how such situations can be improved in future - I mean, surely the hospital has some fault if a person dies because no doctor saw him. It is irresponsible.


On 5/16/2023 at 7:49 AM, Tofu said:

I think so too. My brother-in-law (who is a doctor) tells me that malpractice insurance is insanely expensive. 


I have a relative who is practicing in LA. She chose to be an anesthetist. The reason was the malpractice insurance is on the lower end 😂 US is very litigious and you have all these punitive damages which are illogical at times. These are Singapore's malpractice insurance rates. US is probably many times this.





So there is an advantage to being a GP hahaha.


On 5/16/2023 at 4:04 PM, mademoiselle said:

These days I think anyone thinking of being a doctor is insane because it's really not worth the time - 7 years studying then you have to do residency and extra to specialise in a field. It's crazy amount of time spent on studying and learning and in the end, you don't even know if you'll pass the test and if you don't, you'll just be a GP.


I know a GP who is driving a Porsche 😂 It's not a bad living since there is a lot less responsibility than a Specialist. But the hours can be quite punishing too. A lot of clinics work 9-9 with breaks in between, and including Sat. But some of the more established ones are deciding to have "work-life balance" so they follow office hours 9-5.


8 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

Cha Jin Man's observation about Kim Sabu makes me nervous and sad. Is it really because Kim Sabu's hand condition and muscle sclerosis that he stepped down from running the Trauma Center? The reason feels valid because MS is not curable.


I was just asking that same question - why did they ask him to head the trauma centre! If it is really due to his hand, you know this Prof Cha is going to stay right? He is going to learn how to be a good head. We are going to have to like him! Hahahaha.


8 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

I don't know how Woo Jin does it. His one and only day-off, he goes for a run in the snow! *FREEZE* ~ It's cold over here (<10°C and raining) and I've the heater on and comfortably staying indoor and not wanting to bulge even though I really want to lose some weight.


Some people are like that. Exercise to them is a form of relaxation and they get joy from it. I aspire to reach that, while lying on my bed lol.


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2 hours ago, Chocolate said:

Agree with you both.


But I didn't like that they let him do the transplant for the girl and he got credit for saving her (although they didn't show it) when it was Kim Sabu who took the risk. It just seems that things just fall too nicely/easily for Prof Cha.

I think in this instance, he didn't get the credit because the mother knew the truth. I also think Kim Sabu was trying to mend the doc–patient/guardian's relationship between the two. From Cha Jin Man's perspective, he was just merely giving his opinion as a doctor and they just happen to be standing at the opposite ends in that lawsuit.

2 hours ago, Chocolate said:

Yes he stood up for Dr Jung which was a surprise. But he did so blindly which is also not correct - he didn't even make the effort to find out what happened before his very defensive speech to the dead boy's mother. As head of the trauma centre, he should also have been mindful whose son it was that died since the woman decides the budget. And he should also be reviewing the events to see how such situations can be improved in future - I mean, surely the hospital has some fault if a person dies because no doctor saw him. It is irresponsible.

I think he does know the situation before confronting the Assemblywoman. He knew who she is that's why he was well-prepared with his counter-attack on her misuse of her secretary in picking up her son rather than serving his duty / at work. But agree that the fault is still in the hospital where no one was available (or too overwhelmingly busy) to attend to the boy. Dr. Jang has always been overworked since season 1.

2 hours ago, Chocolate said:

The reason was the malpractice insurance is on the lower end 😂 US is very litigious and you have all these punitive damages which are illogical at times. These are Singapore's malpractice insurance rates. US is probably many times this.

I'm confused. Doesn't the hospital pay for these insurance fee, not the doctors?

2 hours ago, Chocolate said:

I know a GP who is driving a Porsche 😂 It's not a bad living since there is a lot less responsibility than a Specialist. But the hours can be quite punishing too. A lot of clinics work 9-9 with breaks in between, and including Sat. But some of the more established ones are deciding to have "work-life balance" so they follow office hours 9-5.

I'm not particularly fond of GP merely because they are all about being "quick". However, I think I now understand the reason this. It's because their earning (or is it rebate from the Australian government?—sorry, I forgot what I've read) is based on the number of people they see per day. Because of this I've been shoo out of the doc's office in <5 mins even though I could wait to see him/her for up to 1-2 hours. It is annoying from my perspective since it's not like I didn't pay to see them (via the government's medical insurance). Lately clinics have decided to charge a consultation fee on top of us using bulk billing. The consumers always ended up getting all the fees in the end.


Edited by mademoiselle
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3 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

I'm confused. Doesn't the hospital pay for these insurance fee, not the doctors?


It depends. If you work for a government hospital, the hospital will likely pay this and buy the insurance under the hospital covering all their doctors. But if you are private GP/Specialist, then you will have to buy your own.


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1 minute ago, Chocolate said:


It depends. If you work for a government hospital, the hospital will likely pay this and buy the insurance under the hospital covering all their doctors. But if you are private GP/Specialist, then you will have to buy your own.

True true but the surgeons one would likely be hospital paying so not as much expenses - just still high risk for personal reputation. I felt sorry that Dr. Jang himself is suffering from PTSD in the latest episode. He needs some counselling too.

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11 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

I also like that we finally get some backstory of Eun Tak. In the past we only have a short overview that he was in the gangster of the sort but it's nice to see that he needs to confront his past and we learn more about it, including his inner demons.

I am happy they decided to explore this. Heheheh...I am a bit of a sucker for this rough and tough ex gangster type characters. :GrowDerp:. That scene of him getting mad was pretty hot. I like him angry. Plus we got to see Min Jae's back  :D 

But Areum is gonna be so shocked...it doesn't seem like she is aware of his past right?


2 hours ago, Chocolate said:

These are Singapore's malpractice insurance rates. US is probably many times this.

The rates are crazy. In Malaysia , I heard the premiums for gynae especially for those doing delivery have gone up so much that some have opted not to do baby deliveries anymore. My gynae who delivered my kid is one of them. He is a very popular doctor, and I used to wait hours just to see him even though it is a private hospital. 


Anyway I think the character that has really surprised me this season is Director Park. I was very impressed to see how he is handling things and had a bit of a crush when he starting running in the snow and yelling at that useless Dr Yang. 



I didn't they realise they were still filming...




Food truck for our Min Jae




I am sure Woo Jin will be fine tonight....but still they better not hurt his pretty face. 

New stills


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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@abs-oluteM I'm opposite of you. I want to see Woo Jin hurt :laugh:... I dunno, just feels boring if he doesn't.

Hahaha, Kim Zu Hun can be quite hot depending on what characters he play. Agree he was like, super calm and composed with running meanwhile Dr. Yang was like a clown. I had a good laugh thanks to him :lmao2:


What?! A gynae not do baby deliveries then how can be a gynae? I mean... you know what I mean. It's like the job is half-done kind of thing and if new gynae does that too then they don't have enough practical experience.


Oh oh, I forgot to mention above. I wonder what Dr. Ung was gonna tell Dr. Bone (forgot his real name) before the operation. Look forward to his growth too because Dr. Bone is a patient doctor.

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14 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

@abs-oluteM I'm opposite of you. I want to see Woo Jin hurt :laugh:... I dunno, just feels boring if he doesn't.

Did you see that tear running down his face at the start? That was beautifully done. This is one of the reason I like AHS. He looks lovely even when tearing up. :smile:


So EunTak's past is rather dark...he got beaten up here and the other guy says will destroy him since he was responsible for some other guy's death 10 years ago




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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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3 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

Did you see that tear running down his face at the start? That was beautifully done. This is one of the reason I like AHS. He looks lovely even when tearing up. :smile:

Yes! It always make me swoon when Oppa has a tear like that running down their face. I don't like ugly crying 😆


Oh, are you watching live or just following Twitter?

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@mademoiselle He is colorblind! That's why he needs his contacts and why it was such a big deal. It makes so much sense now! I'm glad he was able to finish his surgery without any issues.


A gynecologist deals with the female productive system so someone can work strictly within that without delivering babies. In The Real Has Come, the ML is a gynecologist and he specialize in infertility treatments. 


I like the bond that developed between Master Kim and Woo Jin. They almost have a father/son type of relationship. 


Jang Dong Hwa wanting Woo Jin to praise him was kind of endearing too. When he hugged Woo Jin and basically went on about how worried he was, that really showed his growth. But again, don't care too much about him still. 


@mademoiselle Besides the hospital administrators and Jang Dong Hwa, can they also exclude Yang Ho Joon. I really do not understand why we even have scenes of him. :idk:

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Episode 8


@abs-oluteM How do you feel about Park Min Guk spending the whole episode dead asleep in his office now? :laugh: I thought the contrast was hilarious. There was so many gunshot sound, how can both he and Dr. Jang not hear it, especially Jang?


@Tofu Yeah, someone mention colour blind on Weibo and question whether a colour blind can be a doctor. I Google it and turns out they can and also thought technology is great in inventing a glasses/contact lens that can help colour blindness! However, if it weren't for SNS mentioning it, the way the show does it would only confuse me since Dr. Bae never really respond to it, show didn't address and all it did was hinted Dr. Ung (Lee) received his contact lens and the len is red.


Glad to learn something new today. Often adults will say watching TV is bad but I do think I learn many things through it. This is the best example.


I really wanted to know if Woo Jin shouted Jang Dong Hwa the OJ. Hahahaha! Why didn't they show it? And yes, he did well in this episode. I was also pleased to see him being so worried of Woo Jin that he hugged him. Awww. They are bonding, kinda cute.


The bond between Kim Sabu and Woo Jin almost make me jealous on behalf of In Beom. :laugh:Or YSJ more like it. I remember Sejong was quite clingy towards Kim Suk Kyu behind the scenes. Sigh, I really REALLY want to see him back again. I re-watch his scene in S2 yesterday and I really wanna see another collaboration with him and Woo Jin. :heart: Ok I'm greedy, I want a big operation like they had in S1 so all of them can be involved. Ha.



I still hate Chief Jang and wish he isn't given so much screen time!

Edited by mademoiselle
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15 hours ago, mademoiselle said:



What?! A gynae not do baby deliveries then how can be a gynae? I mean... you know what I mean. It's like the job is half-done kind of thing and if new gynae does that too then they don't have enough practical experience.


Women have so many problems, gynaes are never out of business 😂


8 hours ago, Tofu said:


Besides the hospital administrators and Jang Dong Hwa, can they also exclude Yang Ho Joon. I really do not understand why we even have scenes of him.

But Dr Yang was quite useful the last episode. Without him, there would have been insufficient blood. It’s a case of “God always has a plan…”, in this case, for him to be irresponsible and drive faraway to eat his burger 😂

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25 minutes ago, Chocolate said:

But Dr Yang was quite useful the last episode. Without him, there would have been insufficient blood. It’s a case of “God always has a plan…”, in this case, for him to be irresponsible and drive faraway to eat his burger 😂

In his defence, it's just one chicken burger!!! :laugh: I love food, so I get him :laugh:

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On 5/21/2023 at 10:09 AM, mademoiselle said:

@abs-oluteM How do you feel about Park Min Guk spending the whole episode dead asleep in his office now? :laugh: I thought the contrast was hilarious. There was so many gunshot sound, how can both he and Dr. Jang not hear it, especially Jang?

This felt like a whiplash...from that heroic run , he completely disappeared at the most critical moment of the hospital. Duh....

Dr Yang is useless... I think among all the docs there , I have never seen him save anyone. LOL


When you see the two new residents , Dr Ung is the better doctor. It is really his lack of confidence that makes him seem incapable. But when thrown into the deep end , he rose to the occasion. He's got a much better attitude than Jang DH. I know the latter "saved" a patient too but not sure if  he would have been able to without Woo Jin there.  Anyhow , there's some character growth for him. At least you his heart is in the right place , though he's no Woo Jin.


For me Woo Jin is truly special to Kim. He and Kim Sabu are like father and son. I think I was almost tearing up when Kim thought that WJ has been shot - notice that Kim is always asking for him first.   And in the preview, again Kim is yelling for his name. I think in the long term, it would be Woo Jin who would take over Kim Sabu's place. While I can understand Kim wanting a very skilled and experienced surgeon such as CJM to head the trauma centre, Cha doesn't have the same sort of passion that Kim ( and WJ) has. So maybe Cha will just help to set this place up. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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