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Sunbae, Don't Put On That Lipstick 선배, 그 립스틱 바르지 마요 [2021]

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Episode 9 Pre-release cut - MUST Watch! @abs-oluteM @ktcjdrama It's not blocked, so we can watch! ^ ^

Direct link: https://tv.naver.com/v/18493123


Rough translations

Hyun Seung sighs loudly (looking troubled)

Ha Eun: Samchun, what are you thinking about so seriously?

HS: Oh, nothing. Have you picked out what you like?

HE: Is it still hard being dumped/rejected?

HS: Sam...Samchun didn't get dumped.

HE: Samchun, getting dumped is not an embarrassing thing. It's not possible everyone will like Samchun.

HS: But Samchun really didn't get dumped. There appears to be a little hope.

HE: It's a good thing there's hope isn't it?

Hyun Seung hesitated...

HE: But Samchun, where are you wearing that expression?

HS: There's a possibility that it's not...it's not certain yet.

HE: Samchun's heart is certain isn't it? Is it not that you still like her? Then just focus on the hope. Love is about going straight. That's more like uri Samchun. Is there anything else I need to teach you?

HS (smiling): No.

HE: Then buy this (book) for me.

HS: Buy that?



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New Stills

Kyaaaaaaa~ the sick scene mentioned in Episode 9 Text Preview I've been waiting for! :duckhearts:



JTBC’s “She Would Never Know” has revealed touching new stills of SF9’s Rowoon and Won Jin Ah ahead of tonight’s episode!

“She Would Never Know” is a drama about the complicated office romance between two co-workers on the marketing team for a cosmetics brand called Klar. Won Jin Ah stars as the perfectionist Yoon Song Ah, while SF9’s Rowoon plays her dashing younger colleague Chae Hyun Seung.


In the newly released stills, Chae Hyun Seung and Yoon Song Ah’s typical roles are reversed as she takes care of him in his house. Yoon Song Ah even looks after Chae Hyun Seung when he is fast asleep in his bed, gently holding the back of her hand to his forehead to check his temperature. The nearby lamp casts a dim glow on Yoon Song Ah’s face and reveals the worry in her eyes as she observes her colleague.




The scene is notable due to the fact that Yoon Song Ah is openly expressing her concern for Chae Hyun Seung, who has typically been the one to look out for her first. Previously, Chae Hyun Seung announced that he would let go of his lingering feelings for her, but Yoon Song Ah soon grew to realize that she had begun to feel something for him as well.




The drama’s production team commented, “Chae Hyun Seung made clear his one-sided love for Yoon Song Ah up until this point, so now it’s time for Yoon Song Ah to explore her feelings for him. We hope that you will support Yoon Song Ah’s growth and transformation as she wipes clean the unsuitable lipstick known as Lee Jae Shin.”


The next episode of “She Would Never Know” airs on February 15 at 9 p.m. KST.



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Episode 9 Cuts & Quick Recap


The episode opens with the rehash of previous episode's last scene. They didn't get to talk as Song Ah was called away to start her training session. The scene cuts to Hyun Seung returning home, in deep thoughts, sitting by the stairs. The scene takes us back to after the training where Hyun Seung tells Song Ah he won't misunderstand, taking it as Song Ah probably was not used to the distance. Song Ah explains she meant what she said, but she's not sure how she feels at this point. She needs more time and asks Hyun Seung to wait for now, and not move on. Back to present time, Hyun Seung smiles. *Sniff* ~ my pained scene is so short-lived.




Back at home, Song Ah gets told off by Ga Young for rejecting Hyun Seung too soon. Back at work, Song Ah was making coffee at the kitchenette and Hyun Seung walks in. The atmosphere is a little awkward still but Song Ah offers her already made coffee to Hyun Seung and she makes a new one. Hyun Seung didn't leave, takes a sip and smiles watching her.


Samchun Hyun Seung is in a book shop with niece Ha Eun. Hyun Seung is troubled and sighed really loudly. Ha Eun thus asked what is wrong and if Hyun Seung is still heartbroken about being rejected. Caught red-handed, Hyun Seung stuttered, "Sam...Samchun didn't get rejected."


Hyun Seung tells her he thinks there's a small hope. "That's good", said Ha Eun. But Hyun Seung said he's not sure either whether it's really hope. Ha Eun tells him to focus on the hope and what's certain is he still likes Song Ah. Immediately cheered up and confusion cleared, Hyun Seung smiles. Aigoo, these two.



The EU project is finally announced and along with it is Jae Shin being promoted to "Director". Hyo Joo then appears and asks Haraboji if they could all have dinner at his house tonight. At dinner, Jae Shin asks to pour Haraboji a cup of soju and he requests Haraboji to pour him one in return. Haraboji then tells Jae Shin to report to him directly about the EU project. Uh-oh. The look on Jae Woon's face... not sure this is good news or bad. Back at his place, Jae Shin hugs Hyo Joo and promises he'll make sure Hyo Joo doesn't feel insecure. Making such a promise in that sad face is just... sigh.



Finally it is D-day for the New Product Presentation. All the rookies had excellent innovative ideas, Hyun Seung was the 3rd to present and he was nervous but did extremely well that he won first place for the team. He returns to the office and pretended at first, pulling everyone's legs. Hahaha. And yes, I feel sorry for his new hoobae. So much more pressure since the KLAR team won 4 times in a row.



I thought the KLAR team was going to have a gathering but the next scene cuts to just Song Ah eating with the rookies. Rookie Kim Min Seong is upset that he's in the 3rd place. Song Ah cheers him up by offering to take up his idea to see if it can be made into real products. They raise & clink their beer glasses and Song Ah clocks that Hyun Seung did not drink. Min Seong really lacks in sensing the surrounding like Ahn Daeri. He keeps pushing the blind date at Song Ah. Hyun Seung's expression was hilarious, especially not having the right to say anything. Tee hee. Rowoon looks exceptionally handsome in this scene though. Song Ah respectfully declines and said there's someone she's concerned about. Note Hyun Seung looking delighted at that! After dinner, Min Seong wants to grab coffee but Hyun Seung declines, citing he's tired, so Song Ah declines too.




Song Ah asks if he's not feeling well saying she noticed he didn't drink alcohol. He said he's fine. They walk together and talk. Hyun Seung asks Song Ah to compliment him again so Song Ah complied. But Hyun Seung wants more and lowers his body, asking her pat on the head. She pats him a few times and this puppy is super happy. Song Ah then notices he's running a fever (Like HOW? She's only touched his hair!). She nags him to go home... uri puppy is reluctant.



Ji Seung works late at her wedding dress shop. She gets a text from Jae Woon. He visits her at the shop with food and flowers. She invites him in. She tells Jae Woon a bit about her worries on the pop-up store and the talk leads to Jae Woon asking if she makes suits too. Cut to Ji Seung measuring him and things got a little hot for the couple. As Jae Woon takes a step, Ji Seung would take one backwards. This gets repeated twice and Jae Woon said if this time she doesn't backstep, he will kiss her. She then took the lead and kisses him first. They then share a passionate kiss. Not sure if it leads to ahem ahem but WLE, this moves so quick!


Another update on Yeon Seung is that she's getting really well with Chef. Still unclear as to whether there's anything between the men. But Yeon Seung is feeling unhappy because hubby isn't showing much reactions/interests towards her.


On the contrary, she's excited to be managing Chef's cooking class - finding some purpose in her life again other than being Ha Eun's mother and a housewife, I think.



Our main OTP arrive at Hyun Seung's place. Song Ah decides to go to the pharmacy to buy some medicines and tells Hyun Seung to head in first. She rings the bell twice but no answer. She calls and no answer again. Hesitating at first, she eventually let herself in having already know the password from before. She goes upstairs and finds Hyun Seung bundled up sound asleep.


We then see her (fake) wipe sweat off Hyun Seung's face. LOL. Sorry, I just can't not tease about this scene even though I'm swooning at my sleeping beauty. I honestly expected her to put wet towel on his forehead rather than dab dab dab for what looks like a dry face (although one scene we do see sweat on the forehead). Yes, I'm all about the details. :P


... to be continued.


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Next we see my sleeping beauty wakes up with a towel on his forehead! Ok, I forgive you now, Show. Looking like he has never been sick, he goes downstairs to find Song Ah sleeping on the sofa. He puts the blanket on her. She wakes up & checks his temperature.


HS: Are you worried?

SA: Of course I am. You always tell me to take care of myself. You should be the one. You're worst than me.

HS: It's nice... being scolded by Sunbae.


Song Ah wants to get up and get his medicine. Hyun Seung then smiles and tells her to take her time... but when she goes to him, he'll show her the most beautiful love. Cut to Song Ah sneaking into her house in the dark (it's probably morning already) and gets caught by Ga Young. She jumps and lied she went for a walk.




Jae Shin has a brand new super awesome-looking office. Jae Woon asks if he can have it. Jae Shin offers to swap but Jae Woon decided better not, knowing his sister will raise hell. Jae Shin gets up saying he needs to go report to Haraboji. Jae Woon asks him if he needs to worry about Jae Shin. Jae Shin jokes and both laughs... hmm, let's hope it doesn't go that way. On his way into the car, Jae Shin's dad was being ushered out of the building too. Dad intercepted Jae Shin telling him he found Mum. Really? We now going to go there? I'm not at all interested in redeeming Jae Shin!


By the river, Dad tells him Mum was being seen by an Ahjumma. Jae Shin doesn't want to care as both parents left him in dirt fending for himself. Dad puts Jae Shin down by belittling him that the rich will never see Jae Shin as their own and that Jae Shin will forever be their dog. Furious, Jae Shin tells him to get out of his life.



Problematic parent doesn't just end there. The next came Song Ah's mother visiting Song Ah in Seoul unannounced. She has temporary closed her coffee shop (but actually tells the worker to look for a new job). Song Ah was going to have dinner with Hyun Seung but had to cancel because Mum practically forced Song Ah to come home. The mother-daughter dinner quickly turned into an argument. Mum complains every single thing about Song Ah and nags her about never to have boyfriend. Song Ah finally exploded and revealed that she knew Dad was cheating, and that Mum actually knew too and have been pretending.


We get taken back to Song Ah's past where she goes to the school to visit her Dad and witnessed him being with a woman. Not knowing what to do, she keeps silent. One day returning from school, she found a note from Mum saying she's gone to send some food for her Dad. Worried, she ran to the school. As she reaches the school field, Mum appeared. She asked if Mum was ok and Mum said of course she is and lied that she can't find Dad.


Song Ah finally let it out that Mum tied her by Mum's side, that's ok, but every time Mum would mention Dad and that torture Song Ah to no end. Ga Young came home so their argument stopped. Song Ah storms out of the apartment, leaving Ga Young looking perplexed. Oh I feel sorry for Ga Young. AWKWARD. Haha.



Song Ah goes to Hyun Seung's apartment and asks if they could go get ice cream. Sensing something happened to her, Hyun Seung asks what happened. "Did you cry?" Song Ah still pretends to be strong, holding in her tears denying it. All of a sudden, Hyun Seung pulls her into his big manly chest and embraces her. KYAAAAAAAAA. Eeeeek. She's totally enveloped by the big bear puppy!


"From now on, I can't hear anything. No one can ssee you too (Yeah, you bet). So Sunbae, it's ok that you cry here". Song Ah finally breaks down and sobs loudly while Hyun Seung pats her back, comforting her. When she calms down, Hyun Seung releases her and asks if she wants ice cream now.


SA: I like you. I like you too.


OMGGGGG... this is TOO SOON!!!! I'm not ready!


Hyun Seung's smirks turns into a wider smile and they hug again. Gaaaaahhhh. So jelly.


-- The End --


Episode 10 Preview


Errr... is Hyun Seung being scouted by Seo BM? Looks like someone dies because Jae Shin looks like he's at the funeral. Dad died? Hyo Joo and Song Ah are wearing black.


Hyun Seung pays a visit to the hospital, Song Ah is happy to see him but immediately lost her smile when Mum appears. Hyun Seung introduces himself as Song Ah's hoobae. At night, Mum asks if Hyun Seung is not her BF. The OTP went to the beach (poor thing, it's too cold for beach scenes) and camping. They will share a kiss!


-- The scary thing is Netizens were talking about a kiss scene. They guessed it'll happen in episode 10 (Haru and Dan Oh also kissed in E10). How do they even know?!! What can I say, the kiss scene by visual looks good already because of the jawline. Heh. :wow:

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Yay @mademoiselle @ktcjdrama @Noonapau

I was so pleased with tonight's episode.  


At the start of the episode , HS was still cautious even though SA told him not to stay away - nevertheless she did give him hope. I liked that she was honest when she said she wasn't sure how far she would take this since she was confused with her own feelings for him. I was expecting them to drag this but glad that throughout the episode they showed her opening up to him & proactively being the one to close the gap between them. HS has always been the one to look out for her & protect her, so it was nice to see her look after him too . And I am glad that she looked for him when she was feeling so down - it shows that he's someone she can find refuge in . Glad that she  realised by the end that she likes him. 

Love his manner legs here lowering his height to speak to her



And you know I was also squealing when these two kiss! Wasn't expecting it but heck it was a good kiss!



As I had suspected , Song Ah's mum did know that the father had cheated. But she was in denial all the way , and made SA's life so miserable because she could not face the truth. It finally made sense now why the mum is so against SA dating .  I felt so bad for SA. 


Jae Shin did have a bit of my sympathy seeing that his father still won't let him go. His dad is such a low life parasite . We also find out that JS's mum may still be alive and she abandoned JS. JS got promoted and promised HJ that he will never make her insecure , though the preview seems to hint otherwise. 


I find it interesting that HS's older sis seems to hit if off so well with the chef guy. She was so pleased that she finally had a friend. So if our assumptions about the the husband & chef being in love , she's gonna feel doubly betrayed if she finds out. \


Anyway , looking forward to tomorrow ! Let's have a good kiss. :Ghastlel:

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Just one more thing - I know HS's actions received  some negative comments especially in the early episodes when he exposed JS's infidelity to SA the way that he did. But if you look at his arc, you can see how he has grown as well. While his feelings for SA were always obvious and he was not shy to show her that ( and he could not help it as well) , he also respected her by giving her space. Even tonight , he kept telling her that she can take her time to come to him. If the audience had  initially felt that it was an unhealthy obsessive crush , they can now see this is sincere affection. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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I saw your kiss spoiler and quickly make time to watch LOL... so sweet... Smooth way of asking for that boyfriend title, big bro! These two... can we have a spin-off please... I really enjoy watching them so much.


- HS is so cheeky and cute with the way he told his team about getting the first place

- The parents in this show are all so unlikeable. So selfish... hopefully HS's parents are different

- Second sis is treading on dangerous waters... She's gonna be so heart broken later on I'm sure.

- So nice to have a tall guy with broad shoulder to cry into :wow:  If the show keeps doing this, I'm gonna have to declare my second February Oppa already.


From the preview, it seems that JS's father will pass away? 

What's with the mother of SA not wanting her to get married?? Especially now that she has a health risk that she might not be around forever to take care of her. Well, not like she is taking care of her anyway.... I really couldn't get her. Seems like it's been a while since I met such unlikeable mother in dramas.

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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2 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

So nice to have a tall guy with broad shoulder to cry into :wow:  If the show keeps doing this, I'm gonna have to declare my second February Oppa already.

Why are you even hesitating, do it do it do it!!! Let me convince you again with this shot:




15 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

And you know I was also squealing when these two kiss! Wasn't expecting it but heck it was a good kiss!

LOL, this pair is SUPER fast in development. I was shocked. Same for the main OTP... the quicker they get together the quicker the real angst will come bite them.

2 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

From the preview, it seems that JS's father will pass away?

Looks like it. Maybe during the chase he got into an accident...?

2 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

What's with the mother of SA not wanting her to get married?? Especially now that she has a health risk that she might not be around forever to take care of her. Well, not like she is taking care of her anyway.... I really couldn't get her. Seems like it's been a while since I met such unlikeable mother in dramas.

IKR. Weird Mum. I mean, I can understand IF her reason behind this because she actually thinks Men cannot be trusted. But not allowing Song Ah to find her happiness, be it she stays single or date/marry someone is ridiculous. She's so whingy, I don't like. And true, the last very unlikeable Mum I knew in drama last time was in Pretty Noona.


New Stills from Episode 9


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19 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:


I like this new word. Whiny and clingy 😆


Those stills for ep.10, seriously in real life, no one would go for outdoor activity when you are already bundled up like that, layers and layers of thick coats. Not romantic at all 😆 HS-ah, you have your own bachelor pad, go hang out there warm and cozy! 

Anyway, I really salute the actors filming these days. Super freezing cold. You can see whenever they speak, fog/cloud just formed in front of their mouth. 

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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4 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

Those stills for ep.10, seriously in real life, no one would go for outdoor activity when you are already bundled up like that, layers and layers of thick coats. Not romantic at all 😆 HS-ah, you have your own bachelor pad, go hang out there warm and cozy! 

Anyway, I really salute the actors filming these days. Super freezing cold. You can see whenever they speak, fog/cloud just formed in front of their mouth. 

I know! Crazy. During time like this I just want to stay indoor. They have to hide heat pack inside their clothes. Won Ji Ah's clothing from episode 9 last scene was definitely not enough to keep her warm. So if I am her, I would tell Rowoon to keep hugging me even if the camera is not rolling just so I can get some body heat off of him xD

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Episode 10 Cuts

- Can't do a thorough recaps tonight because I'm forced to watch raw without subs.

Continuing from Song Ah's confession, Hyun Seung invites Song Ah in and they confirm their status of relationship. Hyun Seung was eager to confirm, seems to be worried Song Ah might change her mind. Once she confirmed, he was relief and joked he's going to report her if she said no. Hahahaha. Cheeky. They hold hands for the first time.


Hyun Seung sends her home and they talk a bit in the car. He teases Song Ah a little to get a reaction out of her. He's satisfied now she's more responsive to his charm unlike before. Tsk.

Jae Shin was having a drink with Jae Woon and gets a call. As I have guessed, Dad really did hit by a car when he was running from the polices. He passed away at the hospital. Everyone was notified via phone (how the heck...?) So SK don't even get a break from work AFTER work?


Song Ah and Hyun Seung are the last to arrive at the funeral. Hyun Seung opted to let Song Ah go in first. Jae Shin confides in Song Ah about what the last thing he said to Dad was to tell him to get out of his life. Song Ah consoled him.

Possibly the next day, Song Ah is absent from work because she has to take Mum to the hospital for check-up. Mum eventually agrees to do a biopsy. All the way home to pack up some clothes, Song Ah and Hyun Seung talk on the phone. Hyun Seung tells Song Ah she probably doesn't know how much he wants to tell her things like "I miss you" etc. She tells him she misses him too.

Yeon Seung has a date with hubby for their wedding anniversay so she leaves Ha Eun with Ji Seung. Jae Woon arrives Ha Eun immediately goes into protective mode by calling Ji Seung "Mum". The three sat down and had tea. Ha Eun at first declares Jae Woon is eliminated because Jae Woon is not younger than Ji Seung and not like Hyun Seung (tall and handsome? - didn't catch that). However, Jae Woon shows her his ID and tells her it's the heart that counts. She eventually accepts and gave him a PASS. Jae Woon jumps up cheering. LOL LOL.

Hyun Seung literally stares at the PC's clock to hit 6 PM and immediately announces he's taking off on the dot. Hahahahahahahahahaha! BUT... 6 PM is super late!!! How long is their working hour. Cut to Song Ah at a convenience store picking up a triangle gimbap and was stopped by Hyun Seung. He brings her sushi. They have dinner together and Hyun Seung is being all cheeky again - unfortunately I can't understand every single word.

Hyun Seung meets Omma. He introduces himself as the hoobae. Mum is suspicious and they made up an excuse that as hoobae, the team's traditional is to send hoobae to run errand like this - bringing a hamper/visiting the team member's sick family. HA. Smooth.


That night the mother-daughter have another heart-to-heart talk. It didn't end quite well but both at least were being honest with each other how they made each other feel. Mum feels like she's always walk on eggshell with Song Ah and Song Ah tells mum she has a hard time.  Will need subtitles to understand the full conversation, sorry.

Hyun Seung then gets a call from Seo BM. He was asked to join them for drinks and had to endure listening to them talking bad about his sunbae, Kang Daeri. Hyun Seung's expression grew more and more impatient as the badmouth both Kang Daeri and Manager Kwon. When they asked him what he thinks about Kang Daeri, he gets up and excuses himself. The managers obviously find that rude but Hyun Seung does not comply.


God it's great to be well-off in the family as backbone eh?


The KLAR team has a meeting without Jae Shin and Song Ah. They wonder if the surgery goes well with Song Ah's mum. Just at that very moment, Hyun Seung gets a text from Song Ah informing him things went well. Without thinking, he tells the team the surgery just finished earning a "we know" look from all of them. Manager Kwon asks Hyun Seung if they are dating secretly.


Hyun Seung immediately denies. Boy stumbles off the stairs as he gets out of the meeting room. I think Rowoon has a knack with comedy. Must say Rowoon looks exceptionally handsome and suave in all black in this scene. I was wondering why, I guess he dressed up for the photoshoot he had next as the winner of the contest.


The funeral is finally over. Hyo Joo accompanies Jae Shin back. The police sends over the Dad's stuff. Jae Shin tells her to throw it away but she said they should check it first. Jae Shin then lost his temper and tells her to go home.


The biopsy result is not yet out. Song Ah's mum insists going home. I think finally she faces the infidelity truth. She smashes all the picture frames onto the floor and tears the letters to pieces.

Hyun Seung takes Song Ah camping.

Oh yay kiss! Can't say it is super woah but I think for first kiss it is OK, acceptable. We will need a more passionate kiss next, PD.


Episode 11 Preview


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@mademoiselle thanks for the recaps. The kiss was alright ...thankfully I tampered my expectations :lenny:... considering there's a level of shyness between them. I think the best part of the kiss was the look he gave her before that....



Coming to think of it , this is also pretty heartfluttering, so cheeky




There are going to be problems at work for HS since he stood up to BM Seo. That sort of work culture is pretty horrid , though it is such a norm for them. I am curios what BM Seo told the guy manager. 


@ktcjdrama yes we need more of Jae Woon & Ji Sheung time. I'd rather see more of them than some of the stressful SA mum scenes. 

I love this stare down that the niece gave JaeWoon


Agree with this twitter handle...this would have been a perfect kiss moment


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Subs seem to come out pretty early. I’m gonna have to reschedule my watching time 😁


About the working hours @mademoiselle I believe it’s 9am-6pm. 

I am considering adopting big bro JW as my next oppa hahaa... his smile is just so charming 😍

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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Episode 10 Thoughts


Waaa~ can't say this week's episodes are enjoyable. The irony of it all is I enjoy/like the pained scenes from Hyun Seung, but dreaded the heavy scenes in relation to both Jae Shin and Song Ah's parents issues. That said, I appreciated that Song Ah and her mother finally confronted each other and talk. It was a long overdue conversation and needed to be done for both to move on or better understand how they affected one another.


Thankfully we have some light scenes (though not nearly enough). Ha Eun sizing up Jae Woon for Ji Seung was so cute.


But Jae Woon-ah...  it's a tough standard to meet when one was born to have a Samchun looking like this:



source: 2RW


@ktcjdrama Gosh 9-6 PM. The older I get the older I want to reduce my working hours, LOL. Can't say I disagree with this entirely too because some people just keeps getting away with it without doing well at their job.



So what do you guys think of the kiss? I'm thinking this is just an entree (like Brahms 😂). Waiting for the main dish & dessert. Hahahahaha.

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51 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

So what do you guys think of the kiss? I'm thinking this is just an entree (like Brahms 😂). Waiting for the main dish & dessert. Hahahahaha.

hmmm the kiss is mild ...even the BTS. It really felt like she wasn't responding. He was doing more of the work. She could lean it a bit . I felt the position is not so comfortable. :smug:

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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33 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

hmmm the kiss is mild ...even the BTS. It really felt like she wasn't responding. He was doing more of the work. She could lean it a bit . I felt the position is not so comfortable. :smug:

The BTS, I can only remember Rowoon pulls away IMMEDIATELY when PD said cut. LOL. They did kiss many times (jealous). But yeah, I was thinking why he has to lean so forward. Can't they just sit closely to each other. Maybe if they do then his jawline won't be as prominent due to the angle. The kiss on the lips was more like pecking the lips ... but it was discussed how the kiss should be in the BTS so I think that's why it's mild and because it's mild, I'm expecting a more passionate one later.

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LOL. The kiss. 

I think HS's actions so far has been romantic. 

Yes, he was quite aggressive in the first 2 episodes but it looks like HS learned the art of patience. 

I feel JS's dad's death is a plot device to postpone the wedding and it looks like it will end the engagement. Not sure how JS will leave unscathed (from both his HJ and the granddad) 

I think the ship has sailed the port for him and SA. But you can see he still has feelings for her even when he was engaged.

So I expect angst to start appearing by Ep 11 and 12. 


PS. I can't figure out the chef. But with more knowledge about how they (HS's sister and her doctor husband) got married, it seemed that he was, as she put in, indifferent to everything. He seems to be going through the motions at home (even though you can see he cares for his wife and daughter). I hope there is a bit more progression within that story. 

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1 hour ago, Noonapau said:

I feel JS's dad's death is a plot device to postpone the wedding and it looks like it will end the engagement. Not sure how JS will leave unscathed (from both his HJ and the granddad) 

I think the ship has sailed the port for him and SA. But you can see he still has feelings for her even when he was engaged.

So I expect angst to start appearing by Ep 11 and 12. 

What surprised me somewhat was JS instead of feeling relived was actually sad. With this it does really mean he would have no more burdens on him . Yet, there seems to be regret.  I suppose at the end of the day, the old man ( as despicable as he is ) was still his father. Is this perhaps a wake-up call for JS to live an honest life. I agree the engagement will come to an end.  


I agree that JS still has lingering feelings for SA. What I do hope is that he be the bigger person & not give the new couple trouble when he finds out they are dating.


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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