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[C-Artist] Chen Zhe Yuan 陈哲远


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He was great in Handsome Siblings, which is how I got into his acting. If you have spare time, you should watch. I enjoyed it, but his "twin" brother's story was a bit boring. I skipped majority of his scenes and just watched all of Chen Zheyuan's. :psweatduck:

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29 minutes ago, Tofu said:

He was great in Handsome Siblings, which is how I got into his acting. If you have spare time, you should watch. I enjoyed it, but his "twin" brother's story was a bit boring. I skipped majority of his scenes and just watched all of Chen Zheyuan's. 

I checked it already, but I prefer him in modern dramas! His hair more suitable for modern look. Haha... 

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  • 1 year later...

@Tofu I wanted to surprise you with this, but I didn't do justice with the GIF.



Thank goodness I took notes on how to make GIF. I literally forgot how to make 'em! I saw this video last night and :wow:  Do you think you can make it better? The video is below. Luckily I could find it on Twitter because the orignal video was deleted from Weibo.


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1 hour ago, Tofu said:

I think your gif is good enough! It's kind of hard to make a gif out of that video because the quality is not the greatest. You did great with it! He's so shuai! Time to buy more Shiseido stuff? :lmao2:

The banner during the event stated Shiseido Tokyo Ginza. That shop sells higher range Shiseido; a friend told me not every Shiseido shops would sell those range. That said, I don't use any Shiseido. LOL

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On 7/6/2023 at 11:56 PM, mademoiselle said:

Is it those moist ones like we see in kdramas? What's the difference to a facial sheet mask?

No, it's literally just cotton pads. You put toner on it and use it. LOL! 


WAH! So handsome! :PsyWhat:

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@Chocolate @Tofu This is an interesting insights into Chen Zhe Yuan's thoughts of himself as an actor. I'll try to see if I can squeeze some English translation in after work, but Choco, you should be OK understand everything he says right?




Rough Translations:


• First time acting, he said he totally had no idea how to act and was terrified of the camera. A lot of people helped him and he learnt that acting was fun, so he carried on with it.


• Handsome Siblings was a breakthrough drama for him in the sense that his personality is the complete opposite of Xiao Yu-er. He is the kind of person who fears making mistake. He learnt to let go while playing Yu-er and as he became Yu-er, he became bolder in performing and braver in making mistake and not feared it.


• Spy drama, he said when he first entered the production, he felt like he doesn't know how to act. All his previous experiences and what he learnt before are incompatible with this drama. He had to start afresh. It was painful but he's happy. Because there are many veteran actors in this drama, he will approach all these actors and asked them for advice. They will all help him.


• He will feel a sense of crisis if he's free for too long. Maximum free time is 2 weeks and then he must do something like reading a script.


• He is from Shenzhen and has Cantonese accent in his Mandarin, and sometimes his brain moves faster than his mouth (he stutters when this happens) or he has a slow reacton, he finds it challenging for line delivery and that compared to others, he'll have to work harder.

Edited by mademoiselle
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@mademoiselle It looks like the upcoming Shanghai era drama may be quite interesting. He says he had to change to act in that. You should try it then let us know if the plot is good, before we start 😂


Essentially, from the video:


- He thinks he is not a naturally talented actor, thus he has to work hard.

- His favourite seems to be Handsome Siblings, or maybe he thinks that helped him be more recognised.

- He doesn't like to have too much free time haha


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@Chocolate Ahahaha, I was hoping you watch first and sell it to me :laugh: I don't like the heavy communism period. But he and the news report did make the drama sound a lot more interesting by naming all those veteran actors he'll be acting against. LOL.


P.S. I've included what he said in English above.

Edited by mademoiselle
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That's interesting that he doesn't think he's like Xiao Yu'er. I think they are both pretty cheeky/playful. I do agreed that Xiao Yu'er is a bit more reckless though. 


I can see why he thinks so highly of Handsome Siblings. I think he still has a post about this drama pinned to his Weibo or something. This is the drama that probably became his turning point as an actor. Previously, he wasn't really well known, but people started recognizing his name after this drama. In my opinion, he outshined Hu Yitian by a lot (HYT is someone who is very popular in China). 


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@Tofu Like you said, they were some fans/stans that are pretty upclose & personal with him. I'm looking at some fan accounts and it's quite crazy to see that they were able to snap/video so many contents of Hidden Love makings! How do they even know where the production team will be filming? I even saw one at the set of his current drama where a staff walking past him started yelling to someone to stop filming and he was starlted by the yelling.



... I don't know Hu Yi Tian :laugh:


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@mademoiselle People are so resourceful. In addition, I think most (if not all) costume and republican dramas are filmed in the same area. If someone went to those areas, I'm sure they will run into the film crew. 



It's ok not to know Hu Yitian. Haha! His acting has continued to be ok to me (although, he has had some good dramas). He is the tallest Chinese celebrity, I think? He's over 6ft tall. 


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@Tofu @Chocolate Chen Zhe Yuan has bling bling eyes. Choco likes, yeah? 😄 I especially love big watery bling bling (水汪汪) type. He's also super good at holding the tears inside his eyes.


I think I came across a variety cut where Zhe Yuan met someone who is 190 and the guy's public height was reduced to 188, and Zhe Yuan told that guy because of this the public thought he is only 170 beside another guy (must be Hu Yi Tian) coz his public height is also 188. 😂




I finished FF through Handsome Siblings. Hu Yi Tian's acting is very stiff. Is his character supposed to be like this? I thought the drama is too long-winded. The main storyline had me rolling my eyes because of two sisters falling for one man and go to the length of raising his son for 18 years (hence torturing themselves) only to watch him kill or be killed by his twin brother. So many fishes in the sea to choose from 😓, must they fight for one and love only one? In the end the most evil sister still hung up with their father that she jumped off the cliff. :PikachuFacePalm:


It's kinda funny that I see some familiar faces from LLTG in this drama. The Crown Princess and 3rd Princess of LLTG were in here too.

Edited by mademoiselle
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On 7/15/2023 at 8:59 PM, mademoiselle said:

Is his character supposed to be like this?

I can't remember. He's supposed to be raised pretty sheltered, right? HYT has definitely improved, but I think he still a bit behind CZY. I think a lot of it has to do with HYT being in roles that are pretty similar to each other. CZY has branched out into doing a good mix of modern and costume dramas. Whereas, I think HYT is mainly in the modern drama world. 


I think CZY is pretty tall. He's just an inch or two shorter than Wu Lei, right? 

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4 hours ago, Tofu said:

I can't remember. He's supposed to be raised pretty sheltered, right?

Yes, sheltered. I guess only those who has seen this drama (old versions - it's common for remakes due to the writer) will know. He was just really stiff with his expression too. And the flying and landing of him and the lady sidekicks made me cringe lol.

4 hours ago, Tofu said:

I think CZY is pretty tall. He's just an inch or two shorter than Wu Lei, right? 

Media and himself says he's 180cm, so he could be shorter than this in reality. Lei is 183cm if I remember correctly. He has good proportion so looks tall in general as long as he doesn't stand beside a 190 and above.

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