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Youth of May 오월의 청춘 [2021]

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Go Min Si gave viewers a behind-the-scenes look at the set of “Youth of May”!


The video starts with Go Min Si sharing, “I’m at Pyeonghwa Hospital in Gwangju right now.” She explains that the punishment for losing the quiz contest with the cast is to film herself working on the set. Go Min Si catches Lee Do Hyun passing by, but he quickly leaves her to film by herself after a few words of encouragement.


Go Min Si gets help from the staff to put fake blood all over her hands and uniform, revealing that Pyeonghwa Hospital will become covered with blood later. Looking at her clothing, she comments, “If it’s to this extent, I’ve practically been shot in the stomach.”


Trying to look for more content to film, Go Min Si visits Lee Do Hyun in his waiting room. Lee Do Hyun gets flustered and shares, “I’m a bit embarrassed to show myself studying the script.” Go Min Si congratulates Lee Do Hyun on his Best New Actor award at the 57th Baeksang Arts Awards, and Lee Do Hyun grabs his slippers to clap with. Surprised, Go Min Si asks, “Are you perhaps going to hit me?” and Lee Do Hyun asks in disbelief, “Why would I hit you?” Lee Do Hyun reveals that it has been over a month since he has seen his pet dog Ga Eul, who is staying at his family’s house.


Outdoors, Go Min Si looks for Lee Do Hyun again and comments that he put his hair down. Lee Do Hyun scolds her saying, “We’re stuck in the hospital because of you.” Go Min Si apologizes by making the camera bow down, but Lee Do Hyun sweetly squats down and says, “It’s okay.”

Go Min Si takes viewers on a tour of the set, including the locations of Kim Myung Hee (Go Min Si) and Hwang Hee Tae’s (Lee Do Hyun’s) first date. She explains that the Gwangju Park Hotel was widely known in the past, and she shares, “Our set is built better that you’d expect, so I’m very satisfied with how our drama is coming out.” As she wraps up filming, Go Min Si shares, “When this drama ends, I hope many people remember the Myung Hee Tae couple since it’s a story about ordinary people during this time.”


In the final extra clip, Go Min Si reveals, “Recently, I filmed the kiss scene everyone wanted to see with Hee Tae. That’s the first kiss scene of my life.” Clapping, she adds, “I’m really grateful it was with Do Hyun. I think it’s an honor. I’m also hoping it comes out looking sentimental and beautiful. I’m embarrassed.”



Edited by mademoiselle
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Lee Do Hyun Is Caught In A Dangerous Situation In “Youth Of May”


Lee Do Hyun is stuck in a crisis in “Youth of May.”


“Youth of May” is a romance drama about the fateful meeting of medical student Hwang Hee Tae (Lee Do Hyun) and nurse Kim Myung Hee (Go Min Si), who fall in love amid the whirlwind events of May 1980, a historically significant time period in South Korea.


Previously, viewers encountered a shocking ending when Hwang Hee Tae was faced with a truck that was purposefully speeding at him to cause an accident. Hwang Hee Tae had been on his way to get more blood when he ran into trouble.

In the new stills, Hwang Hee Tae is in a terrible state. His face and shirt are covered in blood, his mouth is blocked with tape, and his body is bound tightly to a chair with a rope.




The stills reveal that Hwang Hee Tae has been kidnapped, making viewers question who the mastermind behind the accident is. Not only is there a luxurious table clock next to to his head on the ground, but the location looks different from where the National Safety Force carries out torture.




However, despite the dangerous situation, Hwang Hee Tae’s gaze doesn’t hold a hint of fear. Having taken on each crisis with his brilliant wit, viewers are curious to see how Hwang Hee Tae will overcome this difficulty and if he’ll remain safe.




The next episode of “Youth of May” airs on June 7 at 9:30 p.m. KST.



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@abs-oluteM I think I'll be OK if they do not have a happy ending or that happy ending happens after a time jump because they were separated. However I also think whether or not Gwangju uprising resulted in many deaths, there were survivors too. So the lovebirds could be the survivors whereas perhaps Soo Chan and Soo Ryeon aren't that lucky (hahaha, watch me selectively choose my victims xD).


It'd be difficult to give a direct happy ending because Hee Tae's father would likely still be in power because the government continued to rule SK for another 6-7 years. But then a drama is still a drama and since Ki Nam is a villain, I'm also banking on him being "dealt with" in the finale.


1961 - Military coup puts General Park Chung-hee in power.

1963 - General Park restores some political freedom and proclaims Third Republic. Major programme of industrial development begins.

1972 - Martial law. Park increases his powers with constitutional changes.

After secret North-South talks, both sides seek to develop dialogue aimed at unification.

1979 - Park assassinated. General Chun Doo-hwan seizes power the following year.

1980 - Martial law declared after student demonstrations. In the city of Gwangju army kills at least 200 people. Fifth republic and new constitution.

1981 - Chun indirectly elected to a seven year term. Martial law ends, but government continues to have strong powers to prevent dissent.

1986 - Constitution is changed to allow direct election of the president.

Return to democracy

1980s - Increasing shift towards high-tech and computer industry.

1987 - President Chun pushed out of office by student unrest and international pressure in the build-up to the Sixth Constitution. General Roh Tae-woo succeeds President Chun, grants greater degree of political liberalisation and launches anti-corruption drive.


Episode 11 pre-release cut


Edited by mademoiselle
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3 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

However I also think whether or not Gwangju uprising resulted in many deaths, there were survivors too. So the lovebirds could be the survivors whereas perhaps Soo Chan and Soo Ryeon aren't that lucky (hahaha, watch me selectively choose my victims xD).

Yes, it’s not that the whole town was wiped out. So I still hope for a happy ending. LOL at your not-natural-selection... 

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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Now finally have time to go through the cuts for eps 11.

Oh my the drama is reminding us about the present again....so who is this man? Who had the watch?



As per what @mademoiselle posted above, Hwang Ki Nam has clearly no mercy on his son. He asked him about why he was not in Seoul and what he was doing at the hospital. He does not want him out and about in Gwangju. The father is so abusive. Hate him

Dr Yoo did come back to the hospital but alone.  SR saw MHee , MHee told her what happened. MHee also told her father she won't go with him - she wants to wait for Hee Tae just in case he ends up in the hospital



Soo Chan came to the hospital ...She saw he was injured too but anyway he was worried about her staying on in the hospital too as won't know what Hwang KiNam would do. But MHee is wants to wait no matter what. SC finally just ask her to take care of herself. 



Omo...MHee father found out that Hee Tae is Hwang Ki Nam's son. He tell MHee it will be a lifetime of suffering for her if she stay on with Hee Tae. Of course , our girl has already made up her mind to be with Hee Tae no matter what. Dad tried to drag her , wanna slap her but Myung Soo stop them and cried . Poor boy 



Oh from seems that MH's dad gave the watch to Myung Soo??? Oh is the old man MSoo?





The father is such an awful man. Mental torture too but Hee Tae defies his father anyway



The two brothers are the best!

Jung Tae feels bad & thinks it is unfair for the brother. This boy has a good head on his shoulders. His mum didn't want to cross the father, but Jung Tae in tears - seems like he wants the mum to help Hee Tae. Anyway later , she did go check on Hee Tae and gave him some water.



Hee Tae also asked step mum to get Jung Tae out from this house. He knows his father is a monster.




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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Not sure how but our Hee Tae managed to escape. MHee thought she was hallucinating. Tearful embrace

 She treated his wounds. Then he mentioned that the reason why he went to his father in the past was that he had no one left. But now he has MHee. MHee then said that Hee Tae-shi , I will be your family . Let's get married!! :hearties:

Oh noooo why this make me nervous and made me cry. MHee dad knows that he can't change MH's mind . So he came to see Hee Tae. He gave HT money and the watch ( oh nooo) and tell HT to escape with MH :nervous:



Oh my gosh. I hope nothing happens to the father and MS here. Think because they were going back so late past curfew time, they had to hide from the soldiers



But the ending of the video  had MHee and Hee Tae alone in a nicer room - he held her hands and they smiled at each other. 


Some more cuts with translations

She changing his dressing here



No preview ...and this written preview..omg I think there was a army brutality at the office ...see the spoiler below about what happened in reality on 27th May. WIll our leads not survive this? :cry:




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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Can Hwang Ki Nam just die by the end of this show? Not only was he abusive to Hee Tae, he beat HT's photographer friend to death when the latter was being interrogated. And Hee Tae's step mum released Hee Tae. HKN found out and he hit her too. It wasn't shown but she told Jung Tae to go to another room, and you can see him cry upstairs and sounds of coming from downstairs. Something bad is going to happen to Myung Soo and the father too. 


Stills for tonight


In the photo released on this day, Kim Myung-hee, without blood, and the man with a gun aimed at him were put. It is not known what the pitiful expression means, which creates tension.

Hwang Ki-nam is also caught standing blankly with tears in his eyes with a shocked expression, raising curiosity about what kind of story there will be.

The production team said, "The final episode contains the message that the tragedy trampled on by the devastation of that day is not far away, but exists close to us. It would be nice if you could sympathize with that pain even a little."




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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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LOL, I actually embraced episode 11! Monday's homeworks all completed tonight. :P


Yeah @abs-oluteM, Hwang Ki Nam needs to die in horrible pain. When Hee Tae said to him, "No, you are the orphan and has no family." - I so wholeheartedly agree. Refresh my memory please, what did the wife's father did that they were stuck in Gwangju for 10 years? How ungrateful can he be when he marries her thinking her family could take him somewhere? And just because it didn't turn out the way he wanted so she's at fault now... or did I get this storyline confused with another drama i.e. Beyond Evil? Hahahahaha.


Was there a preview from the official streaming website? There's none from the dark side so I've no way to know what'll happen next episode.

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No preview @mademoiselle...

But I am following spoilers on twitter...

Major spoilers

They got married in the church...just the two of them





What happened to her father :nervous:



Hwang Ki Nam set a trap to get MHee to "meet" Hee Tae. The man tried to shoot MHee but Jung Tae protected and got shot instead. 




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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Yes @mademoiselle Scouting Report reunion. 

So sad I see the spoilers :nervous:


This I think is the last hug. I wish they didn't split up to look for Myung Soo

Hee Tae was saved by Ji Ah's bro but looks like MHee got shot . Myung Soo was told to go by Kyung Soo



So damn sad....MHee :pandasadspoon:



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Just now, mademoiselle said:

Who shot her? I didn't feel like checking that part after seeing her lying on the ground. So the skeleton is her then...

Soldiers... this was in the forest when she and Hee Tae split up to look for MSoo.


Looks like he kept looking for her long after...they did not find her body then. See how much he miss her :cry:

Think for the longest time , he couldn't move on with his life .Seems like he tried killing himself

But he did become a doctor as played by Choi Won Young




He wrote her a reply letter to the one she wrote for their wedding. This made me cry buckets





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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Hmm, I can't see much from the TL anymore. Everyone is flooding the hashtags with Go Min Si's IG photos of MyungHeeTae couple. But I think it ends with older Hee Tae (Choi Won Young) visiting Myung Hee's grave.


From all the spoilers, it looks like it's back to melo again. Now that Do Hyun has got melodrama genre in his filmography, let's not do anymore melo, shall we? xD

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4 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

Hmm, I can't see much from the TL anymore. Everyone is flooding the hashtags with Go Min Si's IG photos of MyungHeeTae couple. But I think it ends with older Hee Tae (Choi Won Young) visiting Myung Hee's grave.


From all the spoilers, it looks like it's back to melo again. Now that Do Hyun has got melodrama genre in his filmography, let's not do anymore melo, shall we? xD

Ya la ....let's have a happy drama next. 

I am depressed seeing this ending.

Yes - GMS IG post...her last two dramas also very heavy - Sweet Home and Secret Boutique.  But she is the sort of actress who can handle this genre well


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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4 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

Ya la ....let's have a happy drama next. 

I am depressed seeing this ending.

Yes - GMS IG post...her last two dramas also very heavy - Sweet Home and Secret Boutique.  But she is the sort of actress who can handle this genre well

I thought you liked melodrama, or the premise is it has to have happy ending? :laugh:

Heavy is OK but this one has elements I don't enjoy ~ like a toned down version of Qiong Yao :laugh:

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