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Nevertheless 알고 있지만 [2021]

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I FF episode 10 too. I watched most of the scenes just FF the brooding scenes from Nabi & Jae Eon. I'm glad I didn't jump too much because I particularly liked:


1. when Bit Na had to reveal her password to the whole world that "Nam Gyu Hyun is the universe strongest & sexiest man". :lmao2:  I like that she dies in humiliation but it made Gyu Hyun happy.


2. when Nabi's art piece was fixed and Jae Eon bid his farewell to Nabi. I'm glad I didn't miss he was about to breakdown in tears but held it in. That bit of emotion was well conveyed. I felt it and had me in tears too.


3. Nabi's art piece. I really like it and I don't know about you guys but the moment I saw it at the exhibition, I just thought, isn't this Hyun Soo in Sweet Home?



It resembles Song Kang's former character but I like it. Feels like Nevertheless had took a bit of Song Kang's previous project and reference it in here, LOL.


I was a bit disappointed with Sol's artwork. She said the title is "Unification" but I honestly can't understand or appreciate the work properly because the camera doesn't focus on it. There wasn't really many very outstanding arts there except for Nabi's. I thought Bit Na had a good one from the BTS photo where it was a heel stuck onto a smashed mirror. Even that felt like it could be a nice creative piece.


I'm happy that we have a happy ending in the sense that with how the story goes, it's just not right that Nabi chooses Do Hyuk. I genuinely didn't want that because it'd be seen as insincere from her end and him as a rebound. The whole time it makes me wonder what's so much he likes about Nabi. His liking for her might have been stucked in the good memories from their high school times, not the Nabi now.


The story deviated so much from the original webtoon I wonder if we were overthinking like Nabi about Jae Eon, especially when the Professor emphasizes on "don't think too much~ just love..." We questioned Jae Eon because we, too, were made to believe by the webtoon and story-telling. However we know that when he was with Nabi, he was devoted. He probably didn't realise it himself and through the separation is when he figures it out - although a boring journey because that self-discovery felt deliberately blurred to continue with the confusion that he's messing with Nabi. The "does he or does he not like Nabi" played on for too long that I lost interest in the show.


Anyway, hurrayyyy! Homework completed! Bye bye Song Kang. I'll see you in your next project with Park Min Young which sounds much more interesting! Need to get rid of his Jae Eon's image. Can't say I'm happy he went from Hyun Soo to awesome Chae Rok to jerk Jae Eon, LOL!


  • Haha 3
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18 hours ago, bairama said:

OMG!!!! LOL WT :lmao2::lmao2: I'm in for this agenda, phikyl just too busy!


And yes it is :pandaheadstomp: :lmao2:



HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Fickles is super MIA....never hear from her anymore. haha


11 hours ago, Tofu said:

Most of the time I'm not encouraged to FF, but because of everyone's encouragement, I did it for episode 10. :laugh:


This is probably the second best thing (the first being Do Hyeok deserving better) that happened in episode 10.



This was cute....I was hoping for a little more progression before the show ended, but this will have to do.:heart:


BN and KH interaction was cute, i liked that this episode.


NB rejecting DH. This broke me, not because DH was rejected, but what was said between them.

It was like deja vu for me again. :cry: Those words hit harder when youre on the receiving end and can break you for many many years...... :letalQQ:


NB and JE getting together, couldnt care less.


again with the art expo's, making everyone wearing black but the main characters that have a say in the show wearing something colored other than black to stand out. Just doesnt feel natural for me. 


Anyway, show is over.....about time.





  • Haha 3
  • Clapping Hands 2

-- Survives on Bubble Milk Tea, Burgers, Fries, Chicken Nuggets and Fried Chicken --

-- Currently watching: {not watching anything at the moment} --

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Anymore last words/reviews on the finale @abs-oluteM @Tofu @bairama @Mouse? Look forward to reading them.

21 hours ago, TRaNz said:

NB rejecting DH. This broke me, not because DH was rejected, but what was said between them.

It was like deja vu for me again. Those words hit harder when youre on the receiving end and can break you for many many years.

I was sort of laughing dryly (in my mind) when DH tells Nabi not to be sorry. It was an experience blah blah blah. I was like, "Dude. Are you sure? If I were you, I'd rather NOT have to go through it."


I couldn't like DH either in the sense that he fully knew Nabi was never into him and yet he wants to push forward with it or be the bigger person and wait for her when in truth, he was also feeling jealous. I don't feel I could trust him not to be bothered by it if Nabi ever chooses him over Jae Eon in the future, you know?


It's way better to start afresh with someone else.

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@mademoiselle I haven't watched it yet. TDJ will be my priority when the drama time comes to me.

But based on some screenshots from the very last scene, I'm kinda unmotivated to watch it.. 🥲 huahahaha

I think I will finish this on the weekend instead.

  • Haha 5

  G O O D  V I B E S  

♪ click me below for my cw, edits, about 

  d r a m a s a f f a i r . c a r r d . c o 

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I may be the odd ball here but I actually like how it ended.


Mind you, I didn't read nor was I familiar with the webtoon so I am just going by the drama itself.


A few things that I liked about the final episode:


  • Na-Bi's sculpture getting destroyed - I thought it was interesting that at Na-Bi's lowest point, it was Jae-Eon who showed up and helped her through it. Throughout the drama, Jae-Eon was selfish in that he seemed to only care about his feelings and what was convenient for him. But this act of helping Na-Bi was the one thing that told me he really cared for her. He helped despite knowing that he wasn't getting anything out of it. He knew how much the exhibit meant to her so he did it for her. The two of them working alongside each other was a nice testament to how well they work together because in a way, they understood each other and had a certain comfort level with each other. 
  • Jae-Eon saying goodbye - I've always thought of Song Kang being a good actor and this scene was so well done. You can clearly see the sadness in his eyes and how he struggled to keep his composure as he was saying good bye to Na-Bi. He kept his promise that he would disappear after he has helped her with her piece and he kept his word. For someone who Na-Bi had a hard time trusting, the fact that Jae-Eon kept his word meant that he was capable of doing exactly what he promised to do because it concerned her and for once, he was more concerned about her feelings and her wants. We know from previous episodes how aggressive Jae-Eon can be when he's going after what he wants. But in this final episode, he was very respectful and very aware of Na-Bi. He was putting her first. I also appreciated the part where he tells Na-Bi that she is happiest when she is working. He wanted her to be happy and he was willing to support her in anything that made her happy. It was also what gave her the confidence boost she needed in her work.
  • The separation - I thought it was good that they actually spent time apart. It was good in that it allowed both of them to really think about what the other person meant to them and sort out their feelings. Because there was such a strong attraction between them and all the time they spent with each other, doing all things couples normally do (plus sleeping together), it was hard for them to gain perspective. 
  • The reunion - again, Jae-Eon choosing to look at Na-Bi's piece in secret and alone was so out of character for him. He came without expectation, out of her sight. The sadness and desperation in his eyes in this scene.. you can see how broken he really was even in the way he asked her if he still had a chance... I also liked that Na-Bi, at this point, was choosing to just go with it. She's finally choosing to see where things go with Jae-Eon despite not knowing where it's going to lead. For me, this was a bit of a breakthrough for her because she was clearly traumatized by her previous relationship and this was a sign that she was ready to start a new relationship. Every relationship has risks - no one really knows if it's going to work out or not and when you let someone in, there's always a chance you're going to get disappointed or hurt. The more you love, the more it hurts. But to me, this scene told me that Na-Bi was ready for whatever it brings. To me, this was also emphasized in the last scene where she's walking hand-in-hand with JE and she sees DH through the window. For a moment, her hand slacks at the site of DH - fully aware of what she chose to let go. And the moment she grasps JE's hand tightly again is a re-affirmation of her being at peace with her choice to be with JE come what may.


On the other characters...


  • It was so cute when Bit-Na had to say her password out loud! Awww.. I just love the two of them together. They really compliment each other.
  • I also found the two seniors cute together (I can't remember their names right now). 
  • Do-Hyeok... I still don't know why he liked Na-Bi so much and why he kept pursuing her despite knowing that she liked Jae-Eon. I'm glad Na-Bi was honest with him though.



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spacer.pngQueen of Tears, My Lovely Runner, Doctor Slump

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52 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:


Question... is @TRaNz still watching the BTS? xD



I can confirm that he is no longer watching any behind the scenes footage. I believe he stopped doing this the other week. LOL! :laugh:

  • Haha 3

-- Survives on Bubble Milk Tea, Burgers, Fries, Chicken Nuggets and Fried Chicken --

-- Currently watching: {not watching anything at the moment} --

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6 hours ago, TRaNz said:


I can confirm that he is no longer watching any behind the scenes footage. I believe he stopped doing this the other week. LOL! :laugh:

Because he has moved on to Police University's film making @mademoiselle.

Tranz may just one day surprise us and start a ship thread since he so diligently watches all the BTS. 

  • Haha 3

Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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8 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

Because he has moved on to Police University's film making @mademoiselle.

Tranz may just one day surprise us and start a ship thread since he so diligently watches all the BTS. 




But no, I dont have the skill set or courage or time to create a ship thread. LOL!

I still gotta hunt for those bts with eng sub hahaha

  • Haha 3

-- Survives on Bubble Milk Tea, Burgers, Fries, Chicken Nuggets and Fried Chicken --

-- Currently watching: {not watching anything at the moment} --

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