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The Sword & The Brocade 锦心似玉 2021

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11 hours ago, OsmanthusTea said:


After what happened to ErNiang’s son of the biscuit of a husband, what she wants from HuaYe and ShiYi?? Also what HuaYe and ShiYi were talking? My Mandarin skill isn’t enough to understand what Ou Snake was talking about with Wang Family and ErNiang.

Ep 37 trailer for everyone. 


Is ok.. It is a very complicated scheme so not easy to understand. Lets talk about the backgrounf of this plot: 

1. Remember ou lx was the one who almost get wangyu  slaughtered by duke wei because wangyu try to kidnap the lady dancer ep 25. Ou lx introduced the lady to wangyu who knows lecherous wangyu can be. That lady is duke wei best friend daughter who was framed becsuse like lingyi he supported the lifting of the sea ban. His daughter was punished to a class of slaves n sold to this brothel like place. Duke wei had been protecting her all these time. She was Duke wei god daughter now.. Ep 25 wangyu was almost sliced up ny duke wei. Luckily lingyi find out stopped it. The intricacy here is because wangyu n houye are in laws, if wangyu is killed by duke wei, there will sure be prob between duke wei n houye no matter what our houye think of wangyu as a person. Houye need duke wei support in the ban lift cause. That was the first sttempt to segregated duke wei w houye. 


Now second attempt.. the snake ou lx wife set up a trap. She send her family confidant to murder wangyu, the biscuit hubby of ErNiang. All evidence point to duke wei because of part 1 of the plot mention above n because his door boy hit wangyu when he came to duke wei place to make a ruckus . Then snake lady gave idea to wang family saying the investigation bureau is scared n will not be serious about the case because of Duke Wei's power. All mum dad n sister who married the jiang family are so upset n the snake wife start giving them idea  that if marquis yong ping would stand up for them to bring this to the emperor, then bureau will be more careful n serious. This is to dealt a direct blow to duke wei n houye relationship. If lingyi help he will be accusing duke wei of murder w no evidence. If he doesn't help, ppl are gossiping that he is chummy with duke wei and xu want to get close to powerful duke wei for political reason n duke wei being a upright man will distance himself from houye to show everyone he is not houye buddy. Either way, houye is caught in between. Besides if he doesn't help the wangs, the jiangs n Luos (because ErNiang is a luo n chunge half luo is betrothed to a jiang) will be against him. But if he helped, ou lx will accused him of abusing his power for personal reason. 


But why need houye help. Because ErNiang n shiyi are sisters. Wangyu is houye brother in law. So that snake activate 2nd bit of the plot as follow. 


2. ErNiang was pregnant n lost her baby. The in laws were very grief stricken n decided to adopt a boy from wang clan. If the boy is put under wangyu name then this boy who will inherit the duke title will be ErNiang son so her future hua secure. If they put under wamgyu father, then ErNiang will be left w nothing. Her in laws pressure her to ask her sister to get houye to help to bring duke wei to justice. They offer if houye help, then they will put the son under her name.


Playing on her fear, ou lx wife suggested ErNiang to ask her sister for help..her words.... oh surely ur sister will help u. She has such a influential n powerful hubby. She aggravated ErNiang further by saying that ur sister is so close n  loved by her hubby i m sure if shiyi will help talk to houye he will help. ErNiang fall for it hook line sinker. Cause she need to hv that son n of course she hate shiyi to hv such a powerful yet good hubby. During the funeral ErNiang asked nicely first for shiyi to help. Shiyi response is houye cannot disturb the bureau investigation n there is no evidence that Duke Wei is the murderer, so i cannot influenced houye. She is definitely thinking for houye.


This is before the couple actually realise the plot against them. At first when knowing wangyu death n ErNiang miscarriage houye has been very concerned that shiyi will be worried about her sister. He already tries to find out forvher wobher asking n notifies the bureau to update him if there is anything. So the right thing to do is to neutrally wait for the investigation results. Shiyi told ErNiang how houye has been kind enough to keep an look out for the case. 


Upon hearing shiyi unwillingness to go further, she kicked up a ruckus in front of xu manor on the day of shiyi flower party. N threatened to come again n again till houye agree to help. Causing a huge embarrassment to shiyi. On shiyi level, she was told off by madame xu n  also madame luo because jiang sister want to destroy chunge marriage alliance. She was pressured to settle her sister by madame xu n pressured to settle houye by madame luo. Poor gal.. 


Of course our houye at this point start to see the plot as mentioned in my point 1. They talked. N sort through their train of thoughts together. Houye suggest shiyi to stay away from ErNiang by going to their holiday house.. Shiyi refused as she bravely says let me deal w my sister. She told houye if houye openly deal w her sister either way it will look bad on houye. Either he will be seen as cruel n heartless to his wife poor sister or if he give in to her wild demand, ou will bite him for abusing his power.. But if shiyi deal w  ErNiang, then its the sisters n a women thingy. She will just be called a heartless sister who married well n now refused to help her relatives. For her, her reputation doesnt matter compared to houye. Houye is of course reluctant becsuse he is very protective of shiyi. The guy just want to make sure his wife doesn't suffer one bit in any way. But shiyi told him not to worry. The smart alec shiyi had her smart way too.. She manage to stall ErNiang n diffused ErNiang anger n stopped her from creating more ruckus n thus giving houye time to secretly investigate the case as he cannot openly do it. 

Edited by SnT
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14 hours ago, MorningDew said:

Did you guys realize there a symbolism scene on the morning after.. the 🐝 pollinated the 🌺... it is to represent that they consummated the marriage? 

I think that’s beautiful and brilliant..

yes! I caught that too!! I wonder if this means that Shiyi possibly gets pregnant later on? 


9 hours ago, OsmanthusTea said:




Love these Moon Gate Arches (月亮门) so much....I hope I can have it in my garden in the future....❤️🥰💞



yes! I love these arches too! And also the room where Shiyi is alway sitting with the round window behind her that has flowers. So pretty!! 

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spacer.pngQueen of Tears, My Lovely Runner, Doctor Slump

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10 minutes ago, gracebkk said:

Which trailer was this? Can you share the link, if you still have it?


Here you go: https://www.instagram.com/p/CMfzW30JDxm/?igshid=igt39gr04g4z


Watch with caution...I was a little sad.


I'm not sure if I am picky or not...I watch a lot of dramas. Probably an unhealthy amount. So I can't be that picky, but I know what I like.


I like 

- Houye - he is so in love with Shiyi. It's really sweet. Wallace is good had falling in love first. I kind of feel like it's his specialty.

- Shiye - I'm a blunt, fly off the handle kind of person so I am really loving her calm, smart, patient personality 

- The romance between the maid and Houye's subordinate Lin Bo (I think) is both cute and funny

- I don't mind the politics and war of the wives so long as Shiyi wins.

- I am enjoying their getting to know you naturally romance.


This is more than enough reasons for me to watch.


@SnT Thank you. I watched the whole thing but I don't really speak Chinese. So I missed the whole plot about getting Erniang to adopt a son.

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59 minutes ago, Funnypeopleswim said:



Honestly after going back and forth with one member yesterday about whether or not Shiyi was a good person or not and then reading about AvenueX's review and some comment about White Tea B***. I was fed up.


I like watching dramas with other people and commenting about plots and characters. But it's out of hand on MDL. 


I feel like I am a simple viewer. I like the actors, I like the story, I think it flows nicely, therefore I will watch it. I know everyone is different. 


I do think continuity is a difficult thing to comment on with Cdramas because they have to go up against the censors. And I believe this was suppose to be 55 episode drama. But poor Danyang is having a lengthy pregnancy.


Anyways it was nice to wake up this morning to yours and @AwkwarDerp comments this morning. Sometimes I just get tired arguing with people.


Has anyone watched the trailers? I just watch one on instagram where:


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Houye was getting captured and tortured


Don worry. No such scene cause that clips is made up of scenes from His last drama general and i.


By the way i un follow avenuex. I thought she was being unnecessary picky. She picks on setting logic.. Not story logic. If one comment on story logic ya I think it is fine.. But setting logic is too much.. Eg 'ming dynasty should hv this this this that that that but this show dont do. Thst era girls don go out n therefore shiyi should not be drinking tea unchaperoned w lin in enclosed space.' Ello our shiyi is quite spunky in character all through. N she trade embroidery for years in yuhang. 'Houye is illogical cold to his other wives and he should be sleeping with all his wives for man of that era.'.Sounds like a man of that era cannot be fed up with all his wives n decide to celibate for long while. . Oh boy I thought that was too much. Why must he sleep with them when u married out of duties. I m sure neither Man today nor man of bygone era will  like to be treated ike an object of power struggles or a trophy right.. Every man want a woman after his own heart to love n understand him for who he truly id. She sounded illogical to me. Haha... This is like u already have a 80% A n yet she pick on why not 100%..i find her review getting more n more in those direction. Not on story, acting, sets etc. If u are so logical, don watch dramas ya. 



@Funnypeopleswimneed to add:

Her in laws pressure her to ask her sister to get houye to help to bring duke wei to justice. They offer if houye help, then they will put the adopted son under her nane

Edited by SnT
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16 minutes ago, Funnypeopleswim said:

Here you go: https://www.instagram.com/p/CMfzW30JDxm/?igshid=igt39gr04g4z


Watch with caution...I was a little sad.

Thanks for this! I think this is a clip from Wallace's other drama though (General and I)? He looks a bit chubbier here (compared to in The Sword and The Brocade). And as for Tan Songyun's scene in the video, that's from Under The Power. So don't worry. :) I think we'll only see Shiyi getting "harmed" (although it won't really happen or else we won't have our HEA). 

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Really I had no idea. I haven't watched the General and I.


I have learned that AvenueX and I don't share the same taste, when she basically hated Go Ahead, whereas I loved it.


But I like the industry knowledge she provides. I know not to watch her reviews, especially if I am in the middle of watching a show. Afterwards I don't mind so much because I've already made up my mind. Anyways my reaction was less about her than it was a viewer using her review to justify their own feelings. 

5 minutes ago, gracebkk said:

Thanks for this! I think this is a clip from Wallace's other drama though (General and I)? He looks a bit chubbier here (compared to in The Sword and The Brocade). And as for Tan Songyun's scene in the video, that's from Under The Power. So don't worry. :) I think we'll only see Shiyi getting "harmed" (although it won't really happen or else we won't have our HEA). 


The Shiyi about to be hanged is from this show. It's in the OST but yeah @SnT also said it was from the General and I.



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34 minutes ago, Funnypeopleswim said:


Yes, WC's tortured scene is from General and I but TSY's beheading scene is from this drama, saw it in the trailer. The poster also stated the source of the videos from GnI and TSnTB in the caption.



The one in her room is like a sliding window that open to a crescent moon and close to a full moon shapes. The 🐝 and the 🌺 in the morning after is symbolizing or should I say to your face kind of announcement that ShiYi has been deflowered.....😄 😄

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@gracebkk yes I totally agree w u. I love this one so much thst those details i noticed did not affect my liking at all..just let it pass because it dies nit affect the character logic, growth n story logic logic at all. Like I say in mdl. This is a fictional story. Just leave some room for imagination. It suppose to take our minds off real world. If we mind so much on historical factts, details of the settings etc, better quit dramas. They are almost all not logical in some ways. That is why it is drama. Unless it is a biography story or documentary . That u need to be accurate. 

Hshs bees n flowers hahs... Yes shoukd be right about consummate representation.. 


Lovr their morning after scene. Oh boy her glow n his tenderness just unbelievable. Oh another morning after i love is on sleepless princess between xue yao m chu yue. So sweet. He wss so tender n eyes full of love while she shyly smuggle against him. They were next to a window. Both will be my most memorable morning after scene. Hehr

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9 hours ago, gracebkk said:

Well.. Not sure if you watched up 35 yet, but

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Danyang did give birth to a son, so WuYe does have a son now (with Danyang). Fengqing/Xu Sijie is officially the second brother's son (since the sister-in-law adopted the kid).


Btw, did anyone else read the novel? I tried reading the novel using Google Translate and I must say, I'm loving all the changes the scriptwriter made to the novel. Like, for a novel, the plots the writer did was good. But for a drama, the changes the scriptwriter made made the drama much easier to digest and like. I honestly prefer the drama compared to the book (although I like both the novel and the drama). 


For instance,

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- WuYe's concubine dies (in the book) vs WuYe's concubine stays alive and is set free (in the drama)
- WuYe's concubine became pregnant (in the book) vs WuYe's concubine didn't sleep with WuYe and it was just a scheme so she can become a concubine (in the drama)
- Xu Sijie becomes Shiyi's son (in the book) vs Xu Sijie becomes the sister-in-law's son (in the drama)

- Qiao Lianfang gets pregnant (in the book) vs Qiao Lianfang didn't sleep with Houye at all (in the drama)

- Houye sleeps with Shiyi the night they got married (in the book) vs Houye doesn't force Shiyi to sleep with him and waits until she's ready (in the drama)

The drama is so much nicer and easier to digest (+ romantic!!). I feel it's perfect for today's modern viewers. :d


Thank you for saying that!!! It is so nice to hear someone say that! I have not read the novel, but I will when the drama is completed. Some where complaining that it was so different from the novel but I never judge a show vs a book. I personally love the drama as well as the ML and FL.

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1 hour ago, Chele said:

Thank you for saying that!!! It is so nice to hear someone say that! I have not read the novel, but I will when the drama is completed. Some where complaining that it was so different from the novel but I never judge a show vs a book. I personally love the drama as well as the ML and FL.

**shamelessly promoting**


you can find a few translated chapter on my blog, link is in my signature :love:

3 hours ago, Funnypeopleswim said:



Really I had no idea. I haven't watched the General and I.


I have learned that AvenueX and I don't share the same taste, when she basically hated Go Ahead, whereas I loved it.


But I like the industry knowledge she provides. I know not to watch her reviews, especially if I am in the middle of watching a show. Afterwards I don't mind so much because I've already made up my mind. Anyways my reaction was less about her than it was a viewer using her review to justify their own feelings. 


The Shiyi about to be hanged is from this show. It's in the OST but yeah @SnT also said it was from the General and I.



I don’t think me and AvenueX can be friends. If she want to point out the illogicalness in this drama, she better start calling out other drama too. I honestly just felt like she forced herself to watch the drama just cause it have high rating and it would be much easier to grab people’s attention this way

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currently watching: Love Me Love My Voice, A Journey To Love

currently translating: The Legend of Jewelry 


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4 minutes ago, AwkwarDerp said:

**shamelessly promoting**


you can find a few translated chapter on my blog, link is in my signature :love:

I don’t think me and AvenueX can be friends. If she want to point out the illogicalness in this drama, she better start calling out other drama too. I honestly just felt like she forced herself to watch the drama just cause it have high rating and it would be much easier to grab people’s attention this way

I’m sure she did. She’s obsessed with WOH right now. She’s not even eating or sleeping because of it. But she also hates Mary Sue characters, voice dubs, and a bunch of things I don’t really pay attention to. She gave a scathing review of the Rebel Princess so I could tell she isn’t really into this type of historical drama. 

I doubt she and I could be friends either. But she is popular, I think because she gives reviews in English and has some industry background. What I hate is people quote her a lot like she’s Roger Ebert of cdrama land. She’s just another viewer like us. 

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52 minutes ago, Funnypeopleswim said:

I’m sure she did. She’s obsessed with WOH right now. She’s not even eating or sleeping because of it. But she also hates Mary Sue characters, voice dubs, and a bunch of things I don’t really pay attention to. She gave a scathing review of the Rebel Princess so I could tell she isn’t really into this type of historical drama. 

I doubt she and I could be friends either. But she is popular, I think because she gives reviews in English and has some industry background. What I hate is people quote her a lot like she’s Roger Ebert of cdrama land. She’s just another viewer like us. 

You know, literally her plus point was she's well knowledge in the Chinese culture, she speaks Chinese. So, for us international fan, if we don't know anything, we would be like "omg she's right" etc. I've read the comments on her youtube, it's literally a bunch of people who so surprised toward what she said, while I am here "what?" LOL. Like I'm not well knowledge in the cultures as her, but her reviews are legit full of criticisms, it's not even a review tho. If I want to hear a preview, I want a pros and cons

5 hours ago, Funnypeopleswim said:

Anyways it was nice to wake up this morning to yours and @AwkwarDerp comments this morning. Sometimes I just get tired arguing with people.

I honestly wasn't going to comment at all, because I legit make a post in the past telling people to snap out of their fantasy, like stop rating the thing low before you started the damn drama. I only got annoyed to the point when I scroll down to see repetitive things and some people weren't even that far in the drama (like eps 10) they were so quick to make comments already AND someone have the decency to call ShiYi a "white lotus female lead" and criticized her character from the beginning til' the end. I noticed people are very quick to judge female characters whereas male characters' actions are justifiable? 

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currently watching: Love Me Love My Voice, A Journey To Love

currently translating: The Legend of Jewelry 


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5 hours ago, N3buLa84 said:

Thank you for the welcome. I’m loving the relationships between the leads. I’m in love with Houye lol. Seeing how long it takes for Shiyi to realize her love makes me think if you don’t want him I’ll take him. Lol. 


hahaha unfortunately HouYe only want ShiYi....u see how he forgave her and also how he still thought of her despite him wondering whether did she stay with him is out of guild and not out of love.....


@OsmanthusTea i see @SnT already explained to you wat you asked....had an early night yesterday....was really tired


6 hours ago, Funnypeopleswim said:

I have learned that AvenueX and I don't share the same taste, when she basically hated Go Ahead, whereas I loved it.


hahaha i dont listen to her reviews though i know that she is popular....maybe mainly i tried to avoid reading too much reviews so that i can gauge a drama for myself....i know there are many reviews that rave about a drama however i ended up disappointed....


so i will usually try not to take ppl reviews to heart and just read to get an idea of the the plots or maybe i just read the synopsis so i will see whether i like the flow of the drama or not.....


i find usually if you watch the first couple of the episodes you will know very well whether the drama is to your taste or not.....


4 hours ago, Chele said:

Thank you for saying that!!! It is so nice to hear someone say that! I have not read the novel, but I will when the drama is completed. Some where complaining that it was so different from the novel but I never judge a show vs a book. I personally love the drama as well as the ML and FL.


true sometimes a drama / movie need to twig a bit from the original novel however know the base story plots is base off the novel....i only read a novel on a later part after i get use to the idea of the drama though just to fill in some gap sometimes :)


thats what i did for 'Under the Power' 

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Just finally watching subbed episodes 28-30... gosh, 28 was just so heartbreaking.. The hurt in Houye's eyes.. :letalQQ:


Although episode 28 was hard, I thought it was well-done in that the "separation" was logical and it highlighted just how much Lingyi loved Shiyi. Regardless of how hurt and misunderstood he felt, he still loved her and put her well-being ahead of anything else. 


Houye, I LOVE YOU! :SquirtleWonderfull:

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spacer.pngQueen of Tears, My Lovely Runner, Doctor Slump

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Ladies look like our positivity and appreciation of this drama is being appreciated. Saw a posting in weibo the person took a few of janghaven postings plus few other forum n translated. To show how many international audiences of this drama appreciate the show n wallace n tsy acting. Haha... Yeah..like thumpers mommy says when u have nothing nice to say don say anything at all. 


I turn a c drama fan mainly due to lockdown last year. There were few many drama I like, so I try my best to support m comment.. Those that i don like because leads are too childish or storyline is just meh... I did not comment at all. Good or bad, whatever it is, actors worked hard n pd team, directors tried their best n worked hard within certain limitations they have, just try to appreciate. If really cannot appreciate no need to be harsh as well. 

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6 minutes ago, SnT said:

Saw a posting in weibo the person took a few of janghaven postings plus few other forum n translated. To show how many international audiences of this drama appreciate the show n wallace n tsy acting.

Congratulations!!! Wow do you have the screen shots? 

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1 hour ago, Mouse said:

Just finally watching subbed episodes 28-30... gosh, 28 was just so heartbreaking.. The hurt in Houye's eyes.. :letalQQ:


Although episode 28 was hard, I thought it was well-done in that the "separation" was logical and it highlighted just how much Lingyi loved Shiyi. Regardless of how hurt and misunderstood he felt, he still loved her and put her well-being ahead of anything else. 


Houye, I LOVE YOU! :SquirtleWonderfull:

This is the very few drama angsty scenes i actually rewatch because it makes sense. Normally if it is too illogical i just skip. I skip ruyi pavillion angsty father burning n funeral scenes cause that was so hmmm...mehh... 


Here they talked about it and that the paper is for her use. No matter how reluctant he is to let her go if she need to use it, her life n death will be his top priority. I mean houye is a mature seasoned man here in the drama character, it is completely understandable he needs to do what he needs to do. No need to argue. It wasnt about him angry w her for the stab.


But with his sentence of finding someone u love n marry him, i think he actually want her to tell him about the ou guy haha... But he ended getting explanation of  her suspecting him instead. N ou had helped her to investigate. What?!!! An ou helped u n u believed him n suspected me.. Poof.. Ouch second stab on the heart.

But that hurt look when he realised she suspected him was amazing. I teared up as well. Wallace makes me cry haha... But tsy heartfelt cry of they said he died gave me a second wave of tear. 


All  the subsequent, ep 31 to 34 really revolved around that issues of why din u trust me. It was not about ou or stab. He want to know if shiyi love him as a person or not. Because she din use the paper when really need to. He sensed she has feelings towards him but not sure if it is love, gratitude or gulit. So in his own ways he tried to make sense why shiyi is guarded, careful with him. The root of his recent coldness is from there. It doesnt help at all when she always thank him profusely whenever he is good to her n look so guilty n sad whenever she remember the stabbing. To him i m ur husband. Do u really need to thank me like that.


N when he found out she attempt to run away from marrying him, his reaction was mature..love it. Thats in the past. She is my wife now. But i think the positive bit is now houye is very certsin that yuanniang scheme was yuanniang alone. Shiyi was innocent n never schemed to marry him. Now his issues is u never see me as someone u can depend on.  So, That is why u withhold everything from me. Heart n body. He had his answers even though it was not an accurate conclusion . To shiyi that is the beginning, now everything has changed. But Houye wants all or nothing because he knows very well she is the love of his life. That is why when she asked him to stay n she doesn't want to lost him, he knows she has open up completely to him and it is love. The consummation scenes were very well executed because it gave that feel of a long awaited, yearn for long consummated. Pure love with nothing like motives, power, responsibility mix in.. 

Edited by SnT
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5 hours ago, Funnypeopleswim said:

he’s obsessed with WOH right now. She’s not even eating or sleeping because of it. But she also hates Mary Sue characters, voice dubs

I’m not really familiar with AvenueX.. I don’t really follow review because it’s really up to personal preferences..I will watch drama based on friend recommendation and also if I watched and like the actor/actress, but is she really well known ? I’m sorry but I’m sincerely asking🙏

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30 minutes ago, SnT said:

Ladies look like our positivity and appreciation of this drama is being appreciated. Saw a posting in weibo the person took a few of janghaven postings plus few other forum n translated. To show how many international audiences of this drama appreciate the show n wallace n tsy acting. Haha... Yeah..like thumpers mommy says when u have nothing nice to say don say anything at all. 


hahhaa...we're getting famous lols

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47 minutes ago, MorningDew said:

@AwkwarDerpI saw your comments too though I’m a silent lurker there. I can’t stand the comments there as well. 

I must say I love your comment there..🙌👏👏

Aw, thank you. I am there to spread positivity :wow:

38 minutes ago, SnT said:

Ladies look like our positivity and appreciation of this drama is being appreciated. Saw a posting in weibo the person took a few of janghaven postings plus few other forum n translated. To show how many international audiences of this drama appreciate the show n wallace n tsy acting. Haha... Yeah..like thumpers mommy says when u have nothing nice to say don say anything at all. 


I turn a c drama fan mainly due to lockdown last year. There were few many drama I like, so I try my best to support m comment.. Those that i don like because leads are too childish or storyline is just meh... I did not comment at all. Good or bad, whatever it is, actors worked hard n pd team, directors tried their best n worked hard within certain limitations they have, just try to appreciate. If really cannot appreciate no need to be harsh as well. 

DO you have photos or do I need to hunt this down?

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currently watching: Love Me Love My Voice, A Journey To Love

currently translating: The Legend of Jewelry 


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