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The Sword & The Brocade 锦心似玉 2021

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@OsmanthusTea i think this is a different type of black HouYe is wearing...i saw the pattern at the color seems different?


its not really black either....more like olive dark green? he look dashing in this though




seems like this week will be the downfall for Wen Niang? the final one will be Qin Niang....the really big one in the Xu Family







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32 minutes ago, OsmanthusTea said:

This is olive green with black pattern/embroidery......Super dashing.....:love: 


hahaha thanks...cause i notice there are something greenish about the costumes so i figure it should be the olive green....since i always call it the dirty green or army green hehehehe


5 minutes ago, SnT said:

Looks like the red court wear for the two is not ending scenes but happening tonight hmmm..... Looks like a lot of roller coaster scenes happening in the last episode. 


ooo...thanks for the highlight....i had always thought that to be part of the ending....


its when ShiYi present the embroidery to the emperor i figure?

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23 minutes ago, SnT said:

Looks like the red court wear for the two is not ending scenes but happening tonight hmmm..... Looks like a lot of roller coaster scenes happening in the last episode. 

Really?? hmmm...interesting...I thought that will be last scene when they're finally get their happy ending after so many obstacles.  

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Yeah i really thought so too. Saw stills she is talking to snake ou. N they also met young ou. I think it is regarding the embroidery. But i think the embroidery saga slapped wen. I believe she is the scapegoatm. Scary!!! 






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There's also a picture on the drama's official Weibo where Concubine Qin is crying. The latest video they uploaded also showed


Concubine Qin talking to Ou's first son. Apparently it's Concubine Qin who seeked out Ou family (and not the other way around). Goodness... What a drama! 

But seeing from the image spoilers, I guess we'll see the downfall of both concubines? Then how did the prison scene come about? I can't figure it out!

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There are some speculation on weibo it has to do with smuggled fabric n xianlingge n they imprison her n try to implicate houye n xu family. Shiyi may used that divorce letter if dongching still hasn't burn it by now. I don want to see that paper ever again 


It could be those plot but i would say speculation for now 

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Waaaa previews up to ep 44 are all out. Good lordy lord... Looks so full of angst. Its crazy. Looks like no peace for our leads at all. I don even dare to watch. Looks like houye life is pretty screwed by his own mum. Amyone seen anything d? 

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I don't understand one word of Mandarin, but having watched some of the previews, have you noticed that this drama is working quickly to get rid of every concubine?  At the end of the day, it seems like this home will just be the Marquis and his legal wife.


And maybe his mother and his extended family.


Interesting way to get rid of the extended womenfolk.


And @NiteWalker great website!  I follow you on Twitter and finally registered because of this drama.

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7 minutes ago, SheepMoon said:

Can I shred that divorce paper up......Its been like like XXXXXXXXX amount of times.



In ep 42, Shiyi wanted to tear the divorce paper, but Houye said to keep it because with that paper, it'll act as a reminder for him to treat Shiyi well. 

I just hope that it doesn't appear again in the last 3 episodes... Or else... :shocked2:


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10 minutes ago, JennyKimWOP said:

I don't understand one word of Mandarin, but having watched some of the previews, have you noticed that this drama is working quickly to get rid of every concubine?  At the end of the day, it seems like this home will just be the Marquis and his legal wife.


And maybe his mother and his extended family.


Interesting way to get rid of the extended womenfolk.


And @NiteWalker great website!  I follow you on Twitter and finally registered because of this drama.

hey welcome hahaha...thanks glad u like it...


yes all the concubine had been get rid off and wen Niang is the last one to go lols


1 hour ago, SnT said:

Waaaa previews up to ep 44 are all out. Good lordy lord... Looks so full of angst. Its crazy. Looks like no peace for our leads at all. I don even dare to watch. Looks like houye life is pretty screwed by his own mum. Amyone seen anything d? 


i haven’t see the preview .... I just finished all the episodes lols however yes his life is almost done with his mother meddling ways....


like what the mother said.... I did a good deed that happen to be a bad one for you....


We really shouldn’t assume what we did is the best for the other person...we are not them...also like what the physician had said everyone body react differently toward the same medicine...what doesn’t harm them doesn’t mean it won’t harm you

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1 hour ago, SnT said:

Waaaa previews up to ep 44 are all out. Good lordy lord... Looks so full of angst. Its crazy. Looks like no peace for our leads at all. I don even dare to watch. Looks like houye life is pretty screwed by his own mum. Amyone seen anything d? 

not yet....gonna wait till the sub come out...i am not ready to see another angst scene:shocked:

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So Qin Niang was the one involved with ShiYi’s mother dead?? And she confesses it on her dead bed? Wen Niang is demoted because of something related to burning the embroidery for The Emperor and ZhunGe missing??

The concubines are get rid of one by one because they act out after they see how HouYe is totally devoted to ShiYi Niang to the point of willing to dies for her. Before they were contented  because they can see none of them really captured his heart. He treated them equally bland but now they can’t take his changed of heart.....

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21 minutes ago, OsmanthusTea said:
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So Qin Niang was the one involved with ShiYi’s mother dead?? And she confesses it on her dead bed? Wen Niang is demoted because of something related to burning the embroidery for The Emperor and ZhunGe missing??


yes and no.....



She wasn’t directly involved as she was already leaving when the bandit arrive


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Ou kill the mum. I think so far the trap is set up...all those divorce, leaving w ou, etc is to get the Ou to admit their crime. But i don know if madane xu forcing houye to take dongching is part of trap or that meddling old woman is endlessly screwing her son life. Poor dongching who is in love w general fu got into the huge mess. But i think it drag to0 long. All these angst last for like 3 episodes???? 


N i don like it yuge was blamed for helping his mum. I felt the script did not properly answered that. The couple visited chunge after the fright. What about yuge... Wen is right... He n his mum don treat his kids fairly n blatantly lopsided.. Poor kid. 

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From the way the script is ridding all his women, i realky feel bad for xu lingyi. He loves then all he cannot because that will msje jim a playboy , he loves one also cannot because he get blame for not doing his duty. He dont love them also cannot because his mum n luo madame are always stuffing him women. He is forced to sleep them n all their misfortune is his fault. He doesn't sleep w qiao he is wrong also. Omg those old women really mess up his life. The guy can do nothing right when it comes to women. No wonder he swear he will never get another concubine. 

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On 3/21/2021 at 5:33 AM, OsmanthusTea said:


Lin Yun aka Jely Lin, gorgeous ... She is Song WeiLong's ex....


Ohhh! I didn't know that!


On 3/21/2021 at 9:08 AM, SnT said:

Love their interactions here.. The little tap he did. N after releasing, they cont to hold hands. So sweet. 


Me too! Subtle but sweet. I also love how in their bed scenes, Houye is always caressing Shiyi - touching her ears, her hair, her face... 



On 3/21/2021 at 12:16 PM, SheepMoon said:

Created an account just for this drama. Hahaha.


Welcome @SheepMoon! Glad to see you here! Go Ahead is also one my favourite dramas!


3 hours ago, JennyKimWOP said:


And @NiteWalker great website!  I follow you on Twitter and finally registered because of this drama.


Nice to have you here @JennyKimWOP


I've only watched up to ep 30 since I'm waiting for subs but hope to catch up on all the episodes soon!!


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spacer.pngQueen of Tears, My Lovely Runner, Doctor Slump

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Wow... ep 37-42 was such a ride. There were happy scenes, sad scenes, angst scenes.. Gosh.. How did this drama become so dramatic?! Please allow me to let off some steam.. >.<



Did you guys see the "Xu Lingyi must take a concubine or else you're not respecting me as your mom" and "Dongqing was found to take one of Houye's belt so she either has to become Houye's concubine or be sold" fiasco?!? It made me go crazy!!! I mean... Seriously Madam Xu. Haven't you seen the results of taking that many concubines? Every one of them became cuckoo and starting harming each other (which if Shiyi didn't resolve it, it would have affected the Xu family). Plus, that poor Dongqing wasn't even given an opportunity to finish her sentence! If only they let her, everyone would have known that she likes Linbo, not Houye. And that Linbo... How can you distrust her that easily?


And Hupo... girl.. haven't you seen how nice Houye is? How did you suddenly think bad of Houye just because she thought Houye was the reason for her sister's death (ps: her sister turned out to be Concubine Tong, the one that passed away). Ok.. I got to give her some slack and said that Concubine Qin was just too crafty and set up everything right. But I mean, seriously?!?! Even Dongqing can see that Houye is nice and that he's really nice towards Shiyi. Goodness gracious. 


I did feel sorry for the sister-in-law though. Ou family did kill her husband and her father-in-law and she took Ou Yanxing's painting to "give"(burn) to her husband. And when she realized that the painting was drawn by Ou Yanxing.. I can understand her feeling. But I agree with Houye's description of Ou Yanxing (said in ep41), "he's a gentleman. It's just that he was (wrongly) born in the Ou family.". If the sister-in-law knows how nice he is, and that he's nothing like his other family members, and the fact that Ou Yanxing has helped the family escape trouble several times (Houye did mention this in one of his arguments when the MIL & sister-in-law was telling Shiyi to stop going to Xian Pavillion), I'm sure she'll be fine much earlier. I mean, the sister-in-law did end up allowing Shiyi and forgiving Shiyi and all that (she said that she was just worried Shiyi would be used by the Ou family), but yea.. Would have saved all that trouble.


I did like the change in attitude of Shiyi's 2nd sister. Yes, she's still fiesty, but this time, she cares (in her own fiesty way). She even "helped" Shiyi in front of Shiyi's MIL. And based on ep 43/44 preview, we'll see the 2nd sister visiting Shiyi in jail (this time, not being fiesty!!!).


Goodness... Yu Ge. Poor kid. I'm sure he didn't get sent to the outskirts like his mom since he's a part of the Xu family. Houye & Shiyi also know that the kids were "used" by the adults (because they said that they didn't expect the kids would be used as a tool). But he probably either got locked in his room to "prepare for his departure" (this was the excuse the MIL gave to Zhun Ge) or he got sent to the school much earlier. 


Btw... I did request for another bed scene between Houye & Shiyi.. But WHY IS IT THIS ANGSTY & SAD?!?! I WANTED SOMETHING SWEET! THIS IS DEPRESSING!!! :shocked2:


On the bright side, it seems like Dongqing's relationship with Linbo has gone a further step. We might even see them get married by the end of the drama!!! :wow: So happy for these two! They're too cute!! <3


Love Danyang & Shiyi's relationship though. They're so cute together! :) Such a nice in-law relationship.


I'm sad that we only have 3 episodes to go. But looking back at this week's 6 episodes, I'm kinda glad they shortened the drama. Or else, we'll have more nervewrecking episodes.. I think this is good enough!


Btw, some "sweet" scenes, like the scene where Shiyi played the instrument in the middle of the pond, hasn't come out yet right? I wonder what the 3 last episodes will be like since, based on the preview for ep44, it seems like Shiyi will get out soon? Not sure what happened, but it should be something good since the 4 members of Xu family (Houye, 5th brother, Danyang & MIL) were thanking because the emperor said something. I heard "1 month", "Shiyi" and "emperor" before those 4 started bowing and saying their thanks. Any ideas?


PS: I'm glad I wasn't born then. I can't imagine not being able to do whatever I want and only being expected to give birth to children & taking care of the household+husband. And with those kind of in-laws? Goodness gracious. 

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Also joined just to discuss this drama! Though we're so close to the end now.. :pandasad:


2 hours ago, gracebkk said:

Wow... ep 37-42 was such a ride. There were happy scenes, sad scenes, angst scenes.. Gosh.. How did this drama become so dramatic?! Please allow me to let off some steam.. >.<


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Did you guys see the "Xu Lingyi must take a concubine or else you're not respecting me as your mom" and "Dongqing was found to take one of Houye's belt so she either has to become Houye's concubine or be sold" fiasco?!? It made me go crazy!!! I mean... Seriously Madam Xu. Haven't you seen the results of taking that many concubines? Every one of them became cuckoo and starting harming each other (which if Shiyi didn't resolve it, it would have affected the Xu family). Plus, that poor Dongqing wasn't even given an opportunity to finish her sentence! If only they let her, everyone would have known that she likes Linbo, not Houye. And that Linbo... How can you distrust her that easily?


And Hupo... girl.. haven't you seen how nice Houye is? How did you suddenly think bad of Houye just because she thought Houye was the reason for her sister's death (ps: her sister turned out to be Concubine Tong, the one that passed away). Ok.. I got to give her some slack and said that Concubine Qin was just too crafty and set up everything right. But I mean, seriously?!?! Even Dongqing can see that Houye is nice and that he's really nice towards Shiyi. Goodness gracious. 


I did feel sorry for the sister-in-law though. Ou family did kill her husband and her father-in-law and she took Ou Yanxing's painting to "give"(burn) to her husband. And when she realized that the painting was drawn by Ou Yanxing.. I can understand her feeling. But I agree with Houye's description of Ou Yanxing (said in ep41), "he's a gentleman. It's just that he was (wrongly) born in the Ou family.". If the sister-in-law knows how nice he is, and that he's nothing like his other family members, and the fact that Ou Yanxing has helped the family escape trouble several times (Houye did mention this in one of his arguments when the MIL & sister-in-law was telling Shiyi to stop going to Xian Pavillion), I'm sure she'll be fine much earlier. I mean, the sister-in-law did end up allowing Shiyi and forgiving Shiyi and all that (she said that she was just worried Shiyi would be used by the Ou family), but yea.. Would have saved all that trouble.


I did like the change in attitude of Shiyi's 2nd sister. Yes, she's still fiesty, but this time, she cares (in her own fiesty way). She even "helped" Shiyi in front of Shiyi's MIL. And based on ep 43/44 preview, we'll see the 2nd sister visiting Shiyi in jail (this time, not being fiesty!!!).


Goodness... Yu Ge. Poor kid. I'm sure he didn't get sent to the outskirts like his mom since he's a part of the Xu family. Houye & Shiyi also know that the kids were "used" by the adults (because they said that they didn't expect the kids would be used as a tool). But he probably either got locked in his room to "prepare for his departure" (this was the excuse the MIL gave to Zhun Ge) or he got sent to the school much earlier. 


Btw... I did request for another bed scene between Houye & Shiyi.. But WHY IS IT THIS ANGSTY & SAD?!?! I WANTED SOMETHING SWEET! THIS IS DEPRESSING!!! :shocked2:


On the bright side, it seems like Dongqing's relationship with Linbo has gone a further step. We might even see them get married by the end of the drama!!! :wow: So happy for these two! They're too cute!! <3


Love Danyang & Shiyi's relationship though. They're so cute together! :) Such a nice in-law relationship.


I'm sad that we only have 3 episodes to go. But looking back at this week's 6 episodes, I'm kinda glad they shortened the drama. Or else, we'll have more nervewrecking episodes.. I think this is good enough!


Btw, some "sweet" scenes, like the scene where Shiyi played the instrument in the middle of the pond, hasn't come out yet right? I wonder what the 3 last episodes will be like since, based on the preview for ep44, it seems like Shiyi will get out soon? Not sure what happened, but it should be something good since the 4 members of Xu family (Houye, 5th brother, Danyang & MIL) were thanking because the emperor said something. I heard "1 month", "Shiyi" and "emperor" before those 4 started bowing and saying their thanks. Any ideas?


PS: I'm glad I wasn't born then. I can't imagine not being able to do whatever I want and only being expected to give birth to children & taking care of the household+husband. And with those kind of in-laws? Goodness gracious. 


Just watched the trailers for episodes 43 and 44 (you can find them here), spoilers below to answer your question gracebkk:



Shi Yi Niang isn't getting out yet - it seems like some combination of Ling Yi, his mom and the others petitioning the emperor has resulted in a 1 month extension on her execution date (otherwise she would have been executed in 3 days). 


Jiang Shi Fu gets beat up pretty badly in the jail, so the final scheme by the Ou's must have to do with Xian Ling Ge. The preview doesn't show it but I think Shi Yi Niang does use her divorce papers at some point since she's referred to as "Luo Shi Yi Niang" (her maiden name) in one part of the previews? 


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