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Link: Eat, Love, Die 링크: 먹고 사랑하라, 죽이게 [2022]


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36 minutes ago, SilverMoonTea said:

Owww.. Jin Goo now more daring hahahaha.... I remember he so shy around IU


Well, IU is 5 years or so older than YJG which makes her a serious noona. Also, despite YJG being the more talented actor with a longer filmography, IU, as a very popular k-pop singer, started her career as such while YJG was just a kid, so there is a good chance that he idolized her. I can understand why he might be nervous around IU.


MGY is nearer in age to YJG, plus she does not have the same level of fame or accolades as IU or YJG does.



Anyway, thanks for the shout out @SilverMoonTea. Is this one of those things that if I start to watch, you'll lose interest?

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On 6/15/2022 at 11:20 PM, mademoiselle said:

Done with the 4th episodes. I'm getting used to the so-called weird execution of the drama and starting to be more interested because of the occasional suspense and introduction of multiple mysteries. I am starting to think it was intentional the story at the moment to be all over the place and ideally all clear up when all the puzzles are pieced together. 


I think so. At first I was also puzzled with the structure, but then I felt like it was folding a lot of different elements into the story so just when you think you know what's going to happen, it shifts and you're left wondering about something else. :idk:

On 6/15/2022 at 11:20 PM, mademoiselle said:

1. Where did Gye Hoon's twin sister disappear to?

2. Did Han Ui Chan really kill her? Who is his son (the grown up version)?

3. Lee Eun Jung seems to be another crazy lady/stalker who is obsessed with her stalker brother, Lee Ji Geun. Will she be dangerous too?

4. Why is Gye Hoon able to feel Da Hyun?

5. What did the Taxi Driver do to Lee Ji Geun's body? Did he kill Lee Ji Geun?

6. The policeman Ji Won Tak was quite brutal when beating up the abusive husband. Is he a shady character too?


Good summary of all the mysteries! I feel like the sister of the stalker is pretty crazy. She scares me a lot. The policeman is also really fishy. At first I thought he was just derpy, but now I feel like he has a hidden dark past. It feels like the rage of his actions was more than just a normal person's anger? :thinking:


On 6/18/2022 at 11:02 PM, SilverMoonTea said:

I finished ep 1, somehow I quite like the pairing and the aesthetic. And dang YJG just so cute, they dressed him well here. Those child actor & actress also doing great.


MGY seems improved a lot too, she emote quite well in this drama. I'll go through y'all posts later... 


I agree - they look so pretty together. I feel like they're a whole beautiful species on their own! While the rest of us are...just average :pandahehe:


I like MGY. I'm not sure what it is...I feel like even though she's quite pretty, she can do girl-next-door very well :heart:


22 hours ago, SilverMoonTea said:

When the pairing was announced I actually felt they're not really matching. And from the interview they're like long lost friend rather than potential lover. But I was wrong, I enjoyed their drama so much and it gave me butterflies. Especially that umbrella scenes. @JenLhe's definitely is a 😍😍😍, I think he just becoming more and more handsome, no? 


Hahahaha Yes, I actually think he's quite handsome too :wow:  I'm not sure when it started because although I really liked Hotel Del Luna, I didn't think he was hot then. Maybe it was because the second lead was Lee Do Hyun, who I instantly liked. But when I saw him in Beyond Evil, I was like, yessss, he has grown better looking :laugh: And now he's quite a looker here!


22 hours ago, SilverMoonTea said:

The childhood story and the current one connected quite well, and the town is creepy but it grown into me. Especially her mom and the grandma 😅 


YES! Grandma and mum are so funny. I love that they may or may not have killed before. There's something about the femme fetale/ female killers that I think works really well in dark comedies like this one :popcorn:


22 hours ago, SilverMoonTea said:

I'm not sure what genre this drama is 😂, I think it's dark comedy, romance, thriller ? Somehow since beginning eventhough many people said it's strange, but I don't really feel so? Maybe I myself is weird 😆 @stroppysecome to watch with us. 


I agree with you - it's like a mixing pot of all those genres! I think it's weird, but also enjoyable. Or at least I still get hooked in because I'm not sure what's going to happen :heiboi:


On 6/19/2022 at 2:26 AM, Tofu said:

@mademoiselle I feel a bit guilty when I abandon you in a drama so I'm slowly continuing on with this series. I just started episode two and will finish it after I do some work. :smile:


Hahahaha, is this abandoning a common move? :laugh:


On 6/19/2022 at 12:55 PM, Tofu said:

I think there's a connection between Da Hyun and the sister. Maybe something happened and Da Hyun received an organ from the sister? I don't know how to rationally describe the link besides that thinking they probably share a heart or something. 



This feels pretty plausible in come ways. Or maybe it's just that connection because it seems like they were friends and the sister would protect Da Hyun. But it seems like Da Hyun already had a crush on Gye Hoon....so somehow she was already tied with the fate of these siblings? :thinking:

21 hours ago, SilverMoonTea said:

Owww.. Jin Goo now more daring hahahaha.... I remember he so shy around IU 😅😂


Do I sense a shipping thread about to be made in the near future @SilverMoonTea:MonkaTang:

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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I still can't say I like this show ... 😅

Gye Hoon tells the town's people his name and one of them remembers him. So now the whole town knows who he is and this unnerve them. There is a Shaman (what is it with Koreans and the obsession with Shamanism?) who predicted (?) in the past that the culprit is amongst the town's people. She's no longer a Shaman now so not sure if her prediction was true.


The suspect (actor from Beyond Evil) appears not to be the culprit/killer. It's still unclear whether the police guy is his son or not. But he had moved to the same building as Gye Hoon so we'll see more of him. He's quite scary in the sense that he has history of beating up people in the past, but mostly this seem to stem from his protectiveness over the girlfriend.

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Ok, just finished watching episode 6. I'm getting tired of Gye Hoon rejecting Da Hyun because it's really no use drawing any lines with her when he can't stop feeling her feelings and worries about her. The good thing is it looks like he won't be able to anymore with Lee Jin Geun back in the picture.


This guy just had a concussion (unclear as to who sent him to the hospital, but we'll just assume the taxi driver did). He looks all fine at the end of episode 6 and has the gall to go meet Gye Hoon in person. Gye Hoon doesn't know who he is at first and shoo him out of the restaurant but eventually realises who he is, and runs out to find Da Hyun.


The episode ends in a cliffhanger/suspense. I just hope Da Hyun can report him to the police and have court order on him to stay X amount of metres away from her. Surely the messages he sent to her can be used against him. Then again, since Mr Violent Police who can't stand seeing women being harrassed, maybe he will join hands with Gye Hoon in guarding Da Hyun xD



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On 6/19/2022 at 10:15 PM, stroppyse said:

Anyway, thanks for the shout out @SilverMoonTea. Is this one of those things that if I start to watch, you'll lose interest?

Wait did silver called you for this? I tell you the answer, yes this one of the things that if you start watching you'll lose interest. 



First 3 episodes are quite okay but then it got bored as I don't really get the twin part connection or this telepathy thing they try to combine woth the story. I also got annoyed with the family acts pretty suspicious, obviously when they should try their best to keep their secrets. I just don't feel it so yea, I stopped watching. 


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Episode 10 Preview


What is this that red gate they keep talking about? How horrifying was the memory that Dahyun forgot about it? 


I was not surprised that all of them were childhood classmates. I expected something like that the moment the stalker said he met Dahyun before he started working for her company. 



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@Tofu I am still watching. I didn't think they were siblings because Dahyun seems too healthy to have a heart-transplant. Hopefully the writer will explain why Gye Hoon can feel Dahyun's emotions.


I did suspect the police guy was the little kid who ousted his father (now a beggar in town). When stalker said he has met Dahyun, it was also clear they might be classmates too.


And yes, Dahyun seems to have a large piece of memory loss or something.


I actually don't remember which episode I've seen. I know I'm updated so I guess this week's is episode 9, but I haven't watched so don't know what's going on. And episode 10 preview looks funny awkward cute. Haha.

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Episodes 4-8


I'm still watching @Tofu and I agree with @mademoiselle in that I'm not sure if I actually like this show, but I'm very up to date. In fact I marathoned 4 episodes over the weekend...so I've come to the conclusion that this show is like crack. Like kinda bad at times, but quite addictive and funny other times. I think the addictive part is that I'm really curious about what happened to GH's sister and the events of the past with the sinister town. I'm weak for a mystery so this hooks me in for this show.  Also it's a bit shallow, but the visuals of the 2 leads are so pretty :pandahehe:  I also really like the mum and grandma...hahaha, I laugh just thinking aboout about their acting, especially when they suck up to GH because they feel like they have to be nice to him to not be on his bad side. Their forced expressions are hilarious!


The bad part is that the story-telling is a little messy. I've felt that way from the start, but I've felt it even more in the later episodes relating to the romance of the main characters...the whole being-cold-to-each-other-when-the-other-wants-to- be-close gets real old when there's no good reason for that kind of behavour? :idk: t feels a bit repetitive. I guess at least my question about the town's people not remembering him got answered. You know what else I think should stop happening...DH needs to stop walking in the dark on her own!!! :psweatduck: Like hello! You have a stalker!!! Why are you still walking by yourself in pitch blackness?! Another thing - I'm not sure if they'll explain the link between DH and GH, which would kind of  be annoying (but I'm not surprised as I feel like sometimes they just leave these things as an unsolved mystery)


The twist with the sister was interestiing. To be honest, I thought they might have been lovers or something since she was so intense. But oddly enough the twist makes sense as she was still looking for her sibling. A theory I have - I feel like they might have a repetiton of the event where someone got hurt and the person who did the hurting was not sure how it happened - the way it was with DH and the stalker. I mean the town's people all seem to know things, but also not really know things. I wonder if mum and grandma are closely involved? :thinking:



Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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Wow. More mystery...


Who was the man Lee Jin Geun talks to and appear scared?


All the while I thought Gye Hoon's dad must have passed away but he's actually missing!


Looks like both Jin Geun and Dahyun witnessed some thing horrific that day. Dahyun forgot about it. A bit like the situation of What's Wrong with Secretary Kim where the FL forgot the incident... both mum and grandma seem to know something.


The mystery definitely keeps me going for this show.

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1 hour ago, mademoiselle said:

Who was the man Lee Jin Geun talks to and appear scared?

Could it be his Gyehoon's dad? It could also be the person behind all of this, maybe they did something to the dad. 



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Episode 9-10


I'm not sure why I'm so up to date with this show! I think the damn mystery just hooks me along :idk:  Like you @Tofu, I thought the mystery man was GyeHoon's dad at first since LJE asked that question when he was with the guy. But it seems weird that he would be that scared of him? :thinking: So my new theories are:


Theory 1) The mystery man was LJE's dad (since he asked about a father when he was with the person) and LJE's dad might have killed Gye Young. It could be the ironic situation that he is was in the same position as Ji WonTak, except his dad was actually the killer and he covered for his dad, while Ji WonTak's dad was innocent and he dobbed his dad in. We still don't know who his father is is right? And he grew up in the town so surely everyone would know his family too??? He's psychotic because his dad is psychotic and he inherited it and what could scare a psycho more than his father who is even more a psycho than him?  Him and Da Hyun were asked to help LJE's father do something/bring something, but then they witnessed the death - it traumatised Da Hyun to wipe out the memories but it inspired LJE to kill. Not sure how Grandma fits into this - she followed Da Hyun and then had to help cover the murder so that her grand daughter wouldn't remember? :pandathink:


Theory 2) LJE and Da Hyun saw who Gye Young was really abducted by (some uncle in the town, not related to LJE) and followed him to the house and tried to rescue their friend. However, because of that the abductor ended up killing Gye young. This is why LJE says Da Hyun couldn't be with Gye Hoon. Again, Da Hyun ended up being traumatised to the point of forgetting everything while LJE ended up liking being psychotic....perhaps he was taken under the wing of the killer. Grandma followed the kids and rescuing Da Hyun in exchange for not revealing who the killer was??? Seems very dark :lettalKWA: But if you ask me which uncle it was, I couldn't tell you - The cheif policeman seems suspicious because he was trying to blame the piano teacher...but that's a bit too obvious and I feel like these mysteries often pick a more subtle character to be the bad guy


Theory 3) Since Gye Young was already injured, someone did end up helping her/ driving her, but then some bigger accident happened which led to her death (ie. car ran over her or something). So it's not that someone purposefully abducted and killed her, but that they were trying to be helpful but got involved in manslaughter. Da Hyun and LJE were called to help (ie. bring bandages or get help from an adult) but then they ended up witnessing her last moments. If the adults that came to help were Da Hyun's family, then that explains why grandma was there...but they would have had to hide the body. Seems sooo dark still!  :psweatduck:


I have already started to overthink this drama :lol:


23 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

Wow. More mystery...


The mystery definitely keeps me going for this show.


I know right! Oddly enough, this drama genre reminds me of Abyss mainly because of the part inexplainable magic, part thriller/stalker/murderer element and part very cutesy romance element :MewHi:. I think this show makes more sense and is less choatic than Abyss because they've gone with less magic more stalker/ amnesia past...but still the story-telling for both has been a bit messier than I liked :idk:


22 hours ago, Tofu said:

Could it be his Gyehoon's dad? It could also be the person behind all of this, maybe they did something to the dad. 


At first I thought it was Gye Hoon's dad and who knows with these types of shows...it could still be since LJ literally asked him about the dad right in front of the person. But for now, I'm leaning more towards the person who killed/ or abducted Gye Young :pandathink:

  • Insightful 2

Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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I paid less attention to the romance than I do to the mystery, but the beginning bit was funny because of Gye Hoon's sidekick. The mystery is what's hooked me. I hope it's a good one because it would be a huge let down if it's not good.


I felt sorry and heart broken for Ji Won Tak when he cried-hugged his ex-girlfriend.


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1 hour ago, mademoiselle said:

I paid less attention to the romance than I do to the mystery, but the beginning bit was funny because of Gye Hoon's sidekick. The mystery is what's hooked me. I hope it's a good one because it would be a huge let down if it's not good.


I felt sorry and heart broken for Ji Won Tak when he cried-hugged his ex-girlfriend.



Yeah if not for the mystery, I don't think I'd be watching anymore - the romance alone would not pull me in especially since the hot and cold is getting real old though they do look good together. And agreed, I actually feel quite bad for Ji Won Tak. Like his whole situation really sucks and as a kid he was just trying to do the right thing, but he misunderstood the situation, jumped the gun and it ruined his family life. In terms of unforgiveable mistakes, his is a pretty big one :letalQQ:

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I'll be the last one standing for this drama, lol... @SilverMoonTea you traitor. :CubShy:


This week's episodes:


Ji Won Tak's ex-girlfriend finally figured out the scrap collector is Won Tak's father.


Da Hyun's Omma finally confessed what happened back then. Turns out there were not one but two abductors. One of them was about to hurt Da Hyun when her Omma came. One of the policeman came and while he was struggling to fight the abductor, Da Hyun's Omma attacked him from behind and killed him. The policeman took care of the dead body and told Da Hyun's Omma to keep quiet about it because if she confessed, she'd be sent to jail.


Another reveal was the current owner of the red door house. He bumped into Gye Young on the street that night and refused to take her home, so Gye Young was re-kidnapped by the abductor who survived. The man was tortured by his own guilt that he hallucinates and sees little Gye Young. One night after drinking, he went and told Gye Hoon this. Gye Hoon was completely disgusted.


Meanwhile the policeman who helped Da Hyun's mum hid the dead body finally figured out that night he was the one who searched the neighbourhood's vacant houses and the abductor was there pretending to help him and skillfully divert him away from the red door house by volunteering he'll search that house. Knowing that he has figured it all out, the abductor kidnapped him too.



Da Hyun and Gye Hoon keep going in the loop of "to break up or not to break up" - that is the question. It's tiresome although I think it's understandable. I think we're close to the end now so I'll just keep going but must say, once again the story could not out-do Hello Monster.

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