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Hospital Playlist Season 2 / 슬기로운 의사생활 2 [2021]

Anticipations for Season 2  

16 members have voted

  1. 1. Based on the second teaser, the doctors in Yulje seem to be excitedly talking about something “hot”. What do you think it is?

    • A new doctor couple in Yulje
    • Hong Do and Yun Bok’s choice of departments for their internships
    • The identity of Daddy Long Legs
    • Bong Salon is open for business
  2. 2. Among the hidden characters (mentioned but not seen) in season 1, who are you looking forward to the most in season 2?

    • Jang Mane (Woo Joo gf)
    • Yoon Shin Hye (Seok Hyeong ex wife)
    • Song Hwa’s 3 brothers
    • Jun Wan’s sisters
    • Other Lacking 5 parents.
  3. 3. Which of the stories left untold in Season 1 would you like to see in Season 2?

    • What happened in Hawaii?
    • How did the Lacking 5 choose their majors?
    • Where did Dr Ahn Chi Hong and Dr Bae go?
    • How did Dr Bong meet the Lacking 5?
  4. 4. How many new GS residents do you think there will be?

  5. 5. The couple whose story you are most interested in for Season 2

    • IkSong
    • WinterGarden
    • Bidulgi
    • GomGom
    • Any other couples (could be romantic or friend-ships)

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  • Poll closed on 09/22/2021 at 01:43 PM

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1st Place Winner - JangHaven's 2021 Most Anticipated Drama







Korean Broadcast: tvN

US Broadcast: Netflix

Broadcast Schedule: 2021


About the Drama: Season 2 of Hospital Playlist continues the story of five surgeons who had become friends in medical school as their lives and careers intertwine. With episodic stories of the various patients who are treated by these surgeons as well as the hospital staff of doctors, residents, interns, nurses, and others, this drama presents a slice of life accounting of the lives of this group of friends who are dedicated to each other and their calling. 


In Season 1, the five friends were pulled together by Ahn Jung Won (pediatric surgeon) to all work at Yulje Medical Center, a teaching hospital, together as well as reforming their medical school band which was one of Yang Seok Hyung's (obstetric and gynecology) conditions for joining. But as life continues, there are challenges in store for both of them as well as for Chae Song Hwa (neurosurgeon), Lee Ik Joon (general surgeon) and Kim Joon Wan (cardiothoracic surgeon).


While the setting is a hospital and there are plenty of medical cases, this drama is a slice of life drama which happens to be set amongst the staff of a hospital rather than a medical drama per se. 


Genre: Slice of life, Medical, Romance, Comedy, Drama

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Created By: Lee Myung Han

Written By: Lee Woo Jung

Directed By: Shin Won Ho

Country: South Korea




Kim Dae Myung as Yang Seok Hyung, Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology


Seok Hyung had been a normal guy, warm and friendly, albeit born into a wealthy family, until he was called home while doing a fellowship overseas because of the death of his sister. On the plane ride home, he saw his father with his mistress. At home, he finds out that his mother knew about it and has become desperately unhappy. After seeing his mother crying out that she wants to die, SHyeong becomes a total Mama's Boy who only wants to be with his mother or watch tv. He's persuaded to work for Yulje Hospital by the promise of being able to reform the band from their medical school days.


He has no interest in being married since he had been married once, a family mandated match as befitted his social station. He was eventually divorced and feels sorry to his ex-wife thinking that she suffered in their marriage due to him and his family. However, one of the ObGyn residents, Mi Na has a major crush on him, and has been attempting to try to draw him out. SHyeong rejected MN in Season 1, so we're wondering if their story will continue in Season 2.


Jo Jung Seok as Lee Ik Joon, Professor of General Surgery


Ik Joon was always the life of the party and best friends with everyone he met as well as being the top of his class and being good at pretty much everything he attempts, including singing. Still, he's a totally outgoing and likeable guy as well as a top surgeon and cool under pressure which makes him a popular guy.


IJ was married to a wife who had accepted an overseas posting and was raising their son Woo Joo by himself when we meet him in Season 1. However, he's divorced by his wife who is having an affair with another man. IJ continues to raise his beloved WJ by himself.


IJ has held feelings for Song Hwa since their medical school days, though he kept them hidden for various reasons. He ends Season 2 finally confessing his feelings to SongHwa before he goes off to a medical conference in Spain, telling her that he'll ask for her answer when he's back. What makes this relationship even more interesting is that IJ has always been pursued by women rather than pursuing. Even his ex-wife had chased him and really wanted to marry him. So, SHwa is the only woman that IJ has had to make the first move on.


Jung Kyung Ho as Kim Joon Wan, Chief of Cardiothoracic Surgery


Joon Wan can be a bit short-tempered, mostly on behalf of his patients. He's willing to go to any lengths for the sake of his patients. However, he's also brilliant, sensitive, a bit sly, and a bit of a playboy. He's also very loyal and attuned to his friends.


JWan started a relationship with IJ's younger sister Ik Sun who is a major in the army in Season 1. They have yet to tell IJ that they are in a relationship, however, so we have that to look forward to in Season 2.


Yoo Yeon Suk as Ahn Jung Won, Professor of Pediatric Surgery


Jung Won is the youngest child of a chaebol family whose older siblings have all become priests or nuns. JWon also wanted to become a priest, but it was strenuously opposed by his mother who couldn't bear to lose him to the priesthood as well.


JWon loves children and becomes very emotional depending on his patients' fates. When he loses a child, he's desperately unhappy and wondering how a quack like him is allowed to even touch children. When he saves a child, he glows with happiness and jubilation.


In Season 1, a medical intern Gyeo Eul is shown to have a crush on JWon, and he slowly becomes more and more aware of her. Though she knows that he wants to go to the priesthood, she figured that meant that she still had a chance since he wasn't a priest yet. JWon finds his desire for GE to be in conflict with his plans to enter the priesthood, but finally chooses to pursue a relationship with GE.


Jeon Mi Do as Chae Song Hwa, Professor of Neurosurgery


Song Hwa is a brilliant and caring neurosurgeon who is both one of the guys in their group of 5 friends, but also seemingly a sister to all the guys as they all keep an eye out for her. After IJ's divorce, SHwa is called on to babysit WJ when IJ has emergency surgeries, which is fine with her because she adores WJ.


She battled a cancer scare in Season 1, but was operated on successfully. A neurosurgeon resident, Ahn Chi Hong who is an ex-military officer developed a crush on her, but SHwa firmly laid that to rest. At the end of Season 1, as a chance to get away from everything, SHwa goes on a year long placement in Sokcho since she had wanted to be at a smaller, rural hospital for awhile anyway.


It's as she's moving into her new flat in Sokcho that IJ confesses his feelings to her. So, now we wait for Season 2 to see how SHwa responded to IJ.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hospital Playlist Special Episodes 7

When a moment of judgement comes like a tide, ask Jung Moon Sung


*put the video under spoiler because @wallflowersforjane has posted the same video just above me*





Rough translations and quick summary until the sub added to the video


- Shin PD and Joon Moon Ssung talked about their previous project together (Prison Playbook). They talked that at that time they couldn't enjoy or get closer because JMS joined the drama in the middle of airing and his character at that time was quite heavy and dark and felt like an outcast. JMS's character had to cry in front of many people (in front of his brother, to the mother of his brother's friend and in front of his friend). This time, he will play a bright kind of character, Do Jae Hak.

- June 13 2019. 1st meeting with JMS. During PP, JMS was quite busy juggling between the shooting schedule and his own performance and Shin couldn't build a closer relationship with him. Shin told him how he had this perceptive about JMS because of his previous character in PP. But when he talked with YYS and when JMS's name is mentioned, YYS said JMS is a funny man and JMS admitted it. Shin asked about what kind of person JMS is. JMS says that he enjoys everything when he works or having fun. He'd make many jokes because he dislikes awkward atmosphere. He himself thinks that he is a funny person. In PP, he joined late and couldn't mix with the casts that well. He's not overboard with his actions, but people can feel his funny side when they're talking with him.

- Shin asks JMS what his dating style. JMS says when he was younger, he didn't really know love so he would refer to dramas, movies and especially songs.  He would feel connection with the lyrics and learned about love through it. He likes to make people laugh.

- JMS has done lots of play and musicals for the last 13 years with varieties of characters, from human to not human (like a dog) and robot (the one he did with Jeon Mi Do Maybe Happy Ending).  He can almost make every character he plays to match with him and make it alive. 

- JMS auditioned for Ik Jun's line (conversation with Jang Gyeo Wool) and Joon Wan's line. (I really enjoy this part a lot). After finishing his lines, Shin said now he now about JMS better and no longer misunderstood him.

- September 3 2019. 2nd Meeting with JMS. Both the production and JMS hard to meet because of JMS's packed schedule. Shin explained about Do Jae Hak character to JMS. He wants JMS to design the character Do Jae Hak as he see it fits. DJH is a resident who only has one age different with the professor who is in charge of him (JWan) because he entered the medical school quite late if compared with others. JH is a hardworking doctor but always get scolded, but he is still a bright person. Later JH personal life will have it appearances in the drama. 

- JMS then did his lines while conversing with the twins. (We can see how he styled the character JH to his own). 

- Shin said many people said good things about JMS and he himself can feel that JMS is a great person and fits with what he looks for. They sealed the deal and welcome JMS as Do Jae Hak.

- They talk about his relationship with the main 5. He is close with all of them. He has done a project with JJS and YYS (Musical Hedwig), appeared in 2 dramas with JKH (Cruel City and Prison Playbook), close with JMD (done several projects with her, the most memorable one musical Maybe Happy Ending) and knew KDM because they often meet at the subway and taking the same line. JMD especially says to Shin that she really likes acting with JMS. (Then we're shown the cut clips of JMS self cam. He 'disturbed' JMD who wanted to rest before her scenes and jokes with her.) Shin said JKH will play JWan, DJH's professor and he couldn't wait to see their chemistry. (We saw how JMS and JKH rehearsing their lines)

- Shin shares his worries whether the season 1 will be successful or not. He wishes at the very least, the show can lasts to season 2. JMS said he will do his best to help them and would even 'risk' his life to do it.


That's how Jung Moon Sung became Do Jae Hak.

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Thank you @LaLa for the translation! 🌻This episode had so much conversation compared to the rest. But it also gave me the opportunity to really appreciate JMS' acting when he read the lines.


9 minutes ago, LaLa said:

knew KDM because they often meet at the subway and taking the same line.


Hahah! I can't believe this is literal. I thought they did a project that was called Subway! 

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16 minutes ago, LaLa said:

JMS says that he enjoys everything when he works or having fun. He'd make many jokes because he dislikes awkward atmosphere. He himself thinks that he is a funny person.

I felt this was really shown in his relay cam lol... He made JMD and JKH laugh so much 😆


7 minutes ago, wallflowersforjane said:

Hahah! I can't believe this is literal. I thought they did a project that was called Subway! 

Haha! I think he said 'Line No. 1' or something... which is so funny because he met the rest through acting projects then this comment came out of the blue. 

23 minutes ago, LaLa said:

He wishes at the very least, the show can lasts to season 2.

YES because IkSong is in season 2 (I hope) 😂

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5 minutes ago, im0202 said:

YES because IkSong is in season 2 (I hope)


Ooh, this is a good crumb for IkSong! *praying hard for some kind of resolution to their story by the S2 finale.


6 minutes ago, im0202 said:

Haha! I think he said 'Line No. 1' or something... which is so funny because he met the rest through acting projects then this comment came out of the blue.


This would be gold to discuss on a variety show! 😁

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Hospital Playlist Special Throwback Episode 8. 

Eun Jin-a, you will become a good Min Ha



Summary with rough translations

April 24 2019, first meeting with Ahn Eun Jin. Shin PD read aloud her profile. She's born in 1991 and graduated from Korea National University (acting major). Shin PD saw AEJ when he's watching My Fellow Citizen (KBS,2019) and felt familiar about her and thought that she's quite good. Shin PD and his staff have seen her before for her performance in Judo Boy (2017). AEJ debuted in 2012 (at musical The Sorrows of Young Werther) and has been active in theater (play and musical) for about 7 years before debut in TV (a web series drama). Her height is 168 cm. 

Shin PD asked if she's a bright person and AEJ confirmed it. Shin found her specialty that she has written is unique which is singing/dancing/doing sports. Based on that he thinks AEJ is a bright and cheerful person. AEJ used to be in a soccer team during her elementary days and also played badminton for her role in Judo Boys. Shin asked if she learned to dance and AEJ explained she dances freely because she has lots of energy. While she's on break, she found it hard to keep it in and dancing is her way to release the excess energy. (we're shown the cut of her relay cams where she was dancing freely)

AEJ did an audition by playing Ji Ho, a character from Prison Playbook. (During one scene, AEJ walked away while saying her lines. In the script it was written about what Ji Ho has to do but it was the first time for anyone who rehearsed the line and really acting the gestures like AEJ did. The caption showed that Shin PD is impressed and she passed for the bright character. Then moved to an emotional scenes where Ji Ho has to visit Jae Hyuk who was serving his sentence inside the prison. She nailed it too. We're shown the close up version of Chu Min Ha for emotional acting with Seok Hyung. It was after MH did emergency c-section that she took a lead at first while Seok Hyung was still on his way to the hospital. Look carefuly at her eyes, the tears wells up slowly matching perfectly with Seok Hyung's lines)
Shin PD asked if AEJ has aegyo (can act cute). She shared her difficulties for her playing her role in My Fellow Citizen because it's so contrast with her real personality who likes to have fun and chatty. Shin PD asked again if she can act cute or not. AEJ just remembered she hadn't answer that (LOL). She said it's embarrassing for herself to say that she can act cute. Shin PD fishes some answers "how about with your boyfriend?" "Oh yeah, I do act cute often." "How about with your parents?" "Sometimes, when I'm feeling happy. I do act cute a lot except when I am working."
(We're shown another cut of her relay cam where she told the viewers about her personality who likes to talk a lot and found it difficult to play character who's not talkative)
September 18 2019, second meeting with AEJ. It's been 5 months since their last meeting. He has been thinking a lot and heard she was casted in another drama (I think it's Diary of Prosecutor, JTBC 2019) so at first he wanted to give up due the schedule conflicts. But, just in case Shin PD hold the second meeting to hear from AEJ side and if she agreed, they can adjust the filming to match with her schedule. The production team wanted her to play as Chu Min Ha. (AEJ rehearse her lines for the first time as Chu Min Ha)

That's how Ahn Eun Jin who is like Chu Min Ha became Chu Min Ha who's like Ahn Eun Jin

(I think it means that she totally owned and potrayed and sync the character with her own-self perfectly)


Forgot to say we got about more than 4 mins of KDM piano practice session. He's working hard. :smile:

Edited by LaLa
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K-drama: The Real Has Come, See You in My 19th Life 



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This is a fantastic thread on the women of Hospital Playlist and something that has been running through my mind for the last couple of weeks. In particular I have been thinking about how these women have prioritised their careers and that they have little qualms in staying single / unmarried to pursue their career and academic goals. While they do have romantic interests and relationships, it does not take over their life either. It's just but one part of the greater whole of their being. 


The diversity of womanhood showcased in this drama has been one of the major reasons why I love this show.


P/S: It's also interesting to note that so far (on-screen), the most constantly nagged at person to get married is a man, and none of these ladies!

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Hospital Playlist Throwback Special Ep 9.

Our dog's name is Micky! Isn't Micky your sister's name? My younger sister's name is Ik Sun!



Summary with rough translations


For the opening, the productions staffs asked 3 actress (SHB, JMD and AEJ)


Are you a funny person?
SHB: A fun person?
Shin PD: Like hearing a comment 'You're a funny person' something like that
SHB: Yeah I do from my friends
Shin PD: Eeyy (he couldn't belive it)
SHB: Why? 
Shin PD: Is it true?
SHB: You don't even know me that well
(2nd meeting)
Writer Lee: Are you someone who is funny? What about when you are with your friends?
SHB: When I'm with my close friends, then yes
Shin PD: Ah, we did argue about that last time
SHB: When were we fighting?
Shin PD: I thought you are not a funny type

Are you a funny person?
Shin PD: Have you heard comment that 'you are a funny person' or something similar like that?
JMD: I do think I'm quite funny


Are you a funny person?
Shin PD: When you are with your friends, do you like to have fun?A
AEJ: Yes.


Are you an athletic person?
Shin PD: Did you do some sports?
AEJ: I think so. I used to be in soccer club when I was in elementary
Shin PD: Have you ever tried taekwondo or any other martial arts?
AEJ: No I haven't


Are you an athletic person?

Shin PD: I think you are quite athletic? 
JMD: Ah, yes


Are you an athletic person?

Shin PD: Are you an athletic person?
Writer Lee: The reason why we keep asking you about your athletic ability is...
SHB: I don't think I'm that good


Caption: The reason why we are looking for a woman who is athletic and funny
We're looking for Lee Ik Sun, not Micky


April 11 2019 First meeting with Kwak Sun Young
Shin PD admitted that he is her fan, because he saw her on TV advertisements (an energy drink (?) brand Bacchus D). Shin PD asked about her schedule and she did have a project that she's working on (I think she was getting ready for drama VIP, SBS 2019). Despite that, Shin PD wanted to meet with her. Even if he couldn't work with her for now, he wanted to work with her in the next project of his. 
One of the staff asked about her height (in her profile it's written 163 cm) and she honestly say her true height it 160 cm. Shin PD asked if she made up for the 3 cm. KSY explained that she did ask with her management about it, and they say everyone did that (means lie a little about their height for the profile). After all when she wear her shoes, her height will become 163 cm. 
She debuted in 2007 and has been a veteran musical actress for 13 years and only debuted in TV in 2018 (Your Honor, SBS 2018). 
Shin PD asked if she can sing well and she shyly says that she's not that good in singing, but she just did it. She's not someone with amazing singing abilities, but she can do it. Shin PD are amazed but confused. Both KSY and JMD says that they can't sing very well during their interviews with Shin PD. Shin PD brought up if her singing skills isn't as good as Ock Joo Hyun (another musical actress) and she immediately admitted yes!
Shin PD asked about her personality, is she a quiet person? KSY says it's different according to the situation or the environment.
Since KSY schedule and the HP schedule isn't match, the production staffs didn't have any intention for her to do any reading or auditioning, but they want to see her act or hear her tone, so they did a short reading with Song Hwa lines in ep 1 (the very first scene, at SHyeong's basement)
After finishing her reading, Shin PD asked if she's is a bright person (because during their first meeting KSY is being careful and cautious and speaks with a soft voice) or if she is someone who likes to being funny. KSY says yes but she hesitates to show it out (the productions staffs can feel Ik Sun's energy from her)
Closing ments from Shin PD, he says that he might contact her in the future when he feels he has a character that really fits with her


Sept 17 2019, the second meeting with KSY
Shin PD says that he really wanted to work with her after their first meeting, but because their schedule overlapped he couldn't. The reason for their second meeting because Shin PD is having a hard time to find someone to play Lee Ik Sun and he reminded of KSY. Since her character won't show up until episode 3, he hopes they can arrange the schedule that suitable for both parties. The reason why it's hard to find someone or Lee Ik Sun is they're looking for someone who is funny. And during their first meeting, Shin PD got IS feeling from KSY. KSY says that she can play funny character. 
Shin PD then explained about IS character. Their drama is a hospital drama and the story is about the daily life of the people inside the hospital. IS has an older brother and she is similar with her brother. They way the siblings talk are funny, quite smart and they never think whether they are talking too much or not and have no inferioty complex. IS is a cool person who can even leave to overseas when she is in a relationship. 
Before she read IS's lines, Shin PD wants her to try a similar character (Chu Min Ha). KSY is having an awkward time when she's reading the slang words (inssa for an insider, assa for an outsider). It's her first time to say such words but she does know about the meaning. Other than Chu Min Ha, she also read for Bae Jun Hee (the ER fellow) and GY's lines too (?).
Shin PD asks whether she's alright with a short hair cut, and KSY answers she has no problem with it. Shin PD asks if the hair cut suits her and she says she looks handsome with that kind of hair cut.
Shin PD asks if she did any sports. KSY says she did various sports from yoga and pilates. When she was young (when she's in elementary) she also did taekwondo and did have a black belt. She also go to gym and likes to swim. She asks if she has to be an athletic and Shin PD say yes. She won't have lots of action scenes, but she might have to do a high kick or something similar for a short scenes. (We're shown that for IS and JWan scenes at IJ's house, they have to re-take the scenes 18 times before the scenes is approved)


That's how Sun Young becomes Ik Sun.


Cookie clip, behind the scenes of Ik Sun's picture that she sent to JWan.

Edited by LaLa
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Hospital Playlist Throwback Special Episode 10
I've stayed by your side for a moment, Goodbye Ahn Chi Hong



Summary with rough translations

Video started with the making scenes when Chi Hong is talking with ER Nurse about the patient who wants to leave the hospital even when in bad condition (forgot the exact episode). Kim Jun Han said his lines too serious.
Shin PD: Wait! The drama will be in mess~ We will start again with a comic (comedic) version. Okay Cue! (and KJH executed his act with a more funny expression than before)


Aug 16 2019, First meeting with Kim Jun Han.
Shin PD asked where KJH military base when he was doing his military duty. (This first question since Chi Hong is graduated from military academy (even though it's doesn't really have any meaning)). KJH served in YangYang, Gangwon Province. He was in Engineering Corps and act as the administration for the military transportation. (His real life military is very different from Captain Ahn Chi Hong)
The reason why Shin PD asked for a meeting with him, Shin is wondering what if KJH played a different role from his previous one (Spring Night, MBC). In his previous drama, he play a character that is... a little bit a loser (KJH laughed while admitted it). Shin PD said he did it so well that his character probably got a lot of curse from the viewers.

When Shin PD look from several of his filmography, other than Prison Playbook, most of the characters that he played so far are characters with a loser personality (Shin PD recently watch his work Sunset in My Hometown) and Shin PD thought maybe KJH somehow like to play that kind of character. KJH admitted it shyly. Shin PD mentioned another film of his (Anarchist from Colony) which in there his character also give a slight feeling of a loser. KJH then explained that actually he's thinking that he shouldn't really portray his character like a real man but the opposite of it, maybe a little bit cool. Shin PD joked that rather than looking cool he portrayed another side. KJH said he only acted as what the script says but maybe there's a loser side that come out when he acted. Shin PD said it was his charm and quite fun. 
They are talking about his character in Prison Playbook. He appeared only for a short time. His character was a little bit mean but it also suited him well. Shin PD even wondered if KJH true personality is like that since he did it almost like a natural. (We're shown short scenes of Prison Playbook where KJH appeared)
Shin PD felt that after Spring Night, KJH will get many offers soon (KJH asked his manager whether it's true or not) and Shin PD felt that he will be good for playing as a character he has in mind. KJH hesitated whether he can do well and Shin PD said that's why he asked for a meeting with him. Before they rehearse ACH lines, Shin PD wants him to read several characters first. (Yong Seok Min, Do Jae Hak and after that Ahn Chi Hong lines. Most happened in Episode 2)
After finishing the lines, Shin PD revealed that he wanted him to play as ACH. Shin PD explained a little bit about ACH. ACH will have a kind of love line, he has a crush with Professor named Song Hwa. His character has a warm-like crush and a calm and cool development at the same time. ACH will only appear in season 1. (T_T) Shin PD explained since ACH won't continue appear in other season so he doesn't want to burden KJH with a goal for seasonal drama. He wish KJH can act well and will have a cool exist. But then during their meeting KJH keep laughing and Shin PD felt maybe they need to revise a bit about his character. KJH laughed hard at this comment. 
Shin PD added that acting as Ahn Chi Hong can help his career too when they compare it to his current filmography. He can also show that he's quite a good actor. They will meet soon after some period of thinking.
Before ending their meeting, Shin PD asked about his ability to play drum. (KJH is a former drummer of band izi). Shin PD said if he did join, maybe he can give some pointers (to YYS). We're shown that KJH is having fun at SHyeong basement room where the band instruments is set. He's awkward at first since it's been a while since he played the drum, but he showed his skills that made everyone watching praised him (including YYS and YYS's drummer teacher. YYS requested him to show a solo drum performance)


Aug 29 2019, second meeting with Kim Jun Han
They have confirmed his casting through phone before the 2nd meeting. Shin PD wants him to play Ahn Chi Hong because they need an impact (?) for that character. Shin also wanted KJH to play a normal character for once. Shin PD introduced ACH background. ACH comes from military academy and reached a captain position. He doesn't have to act really stiff but he can show it a little from his way of speaking but also soft at the same time. KJH finally get his script as ACH. Shin PD said that he will succeed when there's a comment that he's quite good.


At that time, they're currently waiting for the premiere of film Beasts CLawing at Straws, and Shin PD asked about his character in there (he played as an antagonist). That film will be the 3rd project he did with Shin Hyun Been. Shin PD asked if he knew Jeon Mi Do and KJH said he didn't really know him. Other than Jung Kyung Ho and SHB, he doesn't really know other actors.

At the first script reading (around Sept, if I'm not mistaken)
KJH was sitting between KDM and Choi Young Joon (Dr Bong) and he felt awkward because he doesn't really know them well. He saw that SHB sit near JKH and quite far from his sitting place. He moved to speak with them and say his greetings to JMD and Jung Moon Sung. 

SHB: What's wrong?
KJH: It's nothing. I just come here because I knew you
SHB: *laughed*
KJH: Can I sit here?
SHB: Sure you can
JKH: Are you sure both of you knew each other?
SHB: Yeah, we're quite close
JKH: Ah really?
KJH: (to JMD) My name is Kim Jun Han
JMD: Yes, I have seen you a lot on TV, while I'm still a rookie (in TV). It's our first time to meet with others like this. How do both of you know each other (question to SHB and KJH)?
SHB&KJH: We have acted in the same movie twice
SHB: But we haven't got any chance to meet each other outside the projects
JMD: You are going to play dr Bong character, right? (to KJH)
KJH: No, dr Ahn. I will play as Ahn Chi Hong
JMD: dr Ahn? Chi Hong... Do you mean as Chi Hong? I thought you're going to play another character


Shin PD said that KJH has the type who won't just act according to what purely written in the scripts, so it will give fresh feelings. Shin PD requested as the scripts is still written, he hoped KJH can design Ahn Chi Hong character well. 


That's how Kim Jun Han became Ahn Chi Hong.




KJH: Our filmin set is famous where the staffs and actors were having good time while filming. And I felt that we've become really close with each others. I also have acted in Prison Playbook and I have worked twice with the same staffs and somehow I think I've become like a family with the staffs? I think I'll miss it a lot.

Q: To Kim Jun Han, Ahn Chi Hong is?
KJH: Ahn Chi Hong is like Bailey (?) I keep wondering what kind of character he is. Whenever I received the script, I keep getting surprised with his character. What is this? Huh? There is this kind of scene? The script is always something that suprised me. 

Q: The most memorable scene?
KJH: I think it is the scene where the it get much love from the viewers, when it's raining at the camping ground and Ahn Chi Hong went to meet with Prof Chae Song Hwa. I have heard a lot (comments) about that scenes. That scenes was filmed where it was supposed to be raining quite heavily. Actually filming that scene was quite hard. We were on tight schedule to film that scene. The sun was setting and we had to really focus to film that scene. And Shin PD did a magic with creating the scene look beautiful in the drama. But when we're shooting that scenes, the staffs commented whether it's a filming for a murderer scene or not. What is the genre for this scene? And then Shin PD said to everyone, 'It's a melodrama everyone, melodrama'. I wonder if there's a making scene for that scenes?
(We're shown making scenes for the drama)

Q: Last one. Anything that you want to say?
KJH: Chi Hong is... Eh why do I talk to Chi Hong by Chi Hong? Uh... dr Ahn Chi Hong won't appear in season 2, but I (Kim Jun Han) will become viewers and will cheer for the drama from the sides. Chi Hong is probably will be somewhere, becoming Chief Resident while also living his life. I'll be grateful if you can cheer for his character like that. And if one day Chi Hong is needed, Chi Hong will always ready. I'll be ready to join whenever I needed so... I feel sad now that I'm leaving. Thank you so much. I think this will be too sad, why do I keep saying something sad? Well... Really I will miss it a lot and I will visit the shooting place. I will visit and yeah... I will come to cheer the team.
I hope I can greet you all with another project when I got the chance, so please wait a little and I hope we can meet again soon. And please give a lot love for Wise Doctor Life Season 2. Thank you so much.


Ahn Chi Hong... Fighting!


Goodbye Ahn Chi Hong :PiplupCry:

Edited by LaLa
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@40somethingahjumma @ktcjdrama @Ameera Don't know if you heard ...I  am upset to hear that Ahn Chi Hong is not returning for S2. I really have to rant about it . I wrote multiple post on twitter lol...:shocked:.



I always felt that ACH was husband material , even if he was not meant to be for Song Hwa. For the record , I have no issues with the IkSong love line. 

They gave us such a compelling back story of his career change due to his medical condition, and they showed us what a dedicated surgeon he is. Determined, reliable and steadfast. I love that so much about him. 

The one blackmark that I gave HP for was how they did him dirty towards the end - using him as a plot device so that Ik Jun would finally confess his feelings. Suddenly everything good about ACH was forgotten. Was he too forward? Was he out of line with his professor? I remember the backlash then, but I understood why he'd do that. Does that make him a bad person?  The persistence, which would have probably been lauded in a different drama if he was the male lead, was interpreted as annoying and disrespectful. Urghh. 


It felt unfair that his character was demonised over that one scene when the drama had taken time to make us see the good in him. I am upset because I came to love and connect with his character, and did not want his final scenes to be cast in negative light. I do understand of course that it may not be easy to develop / expand a side story when it is no longer related to the main cast...but it feels terribly sad that he would not be returning


Thanks very much for doing all the translations @LaLa

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Sad that Ahn Chi Hong won't be in Season 2. I thought that he might not have as a prominent role, but that we'll see him as Chief Resident, taking care of the other residents.




I didn't mind his actions towards SHwa at the end of S1. It would have been stranger for him, a confident, ex-military, alpha guy to give up the field without giving it a shot and at least creating a memory and a connection for himself of the time he fell hard for a woman.


Now, I just hope that even though there is not a specific role written for CH, that they'll bring him back for cameos.


It's funny that I was expecting to see some turnover from S1, especially with respect to the interns and residents and possibly the twin medical students. But, it never occurred to me that CH would also bow out after S1.


Now I'm wondering what other cast changes are in store. I suppose as long as the 5 main friends, plus their significant others are still there, then it will continue. The biggest question in my mind now is which way SHyung will go with respect to his (non)romance. I'm expecting the ex-wife to make an entrance, and wondering what that means for Min Ah.

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Every time I watched a drama with KJH he was the "pathetic"character and when I saw him in HP I knew he would not be one of my favorite characters. I never root for Chihong love line with songHwa but because Chihong is not only a resident who fell in love with his professor I was really interested to see him as a third year resident who overcome his personal health problems and start a new career.I liked those moments with him and I wanted to see him as a chief resident and how far he could go as a doctor.I also kind of shipped him with Seo Bin.Did not he find an apartment near the hospital ?Why he had to move and spend money if they knew he will not be in S2?

I start thinking what will happen to other characters.What will happen to Gyeoul? Do we know for sure if she will be in S2?

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The news that Anh Chi-hong won't be appearing in S2 was a big shock! I am still processing the news and that the production team dropped a bomb like that on us during the off-season. I haven't watched the episode yet (waiting for video's english subs) but from @LaLa and the various translations out there, I have the gist of it. 


I was looking forward to cheering Chi-hong on in the next season as he took on the role of Chief Resident (leading the team, mentoring new residents, leading more surgeries) as well as him moving on from Song-hwa (healing from that and opening his heart again). That would have been a professional development that would have been very exciting within the Hospital Playlist / Wise Life universe.


I am making my peace that his character arc is completed by ShinLee. But I hope that from the reactions coming out of the fandom, they will bring him back for cameos because he's part of Yulje (hopefully!) and Ik-sun's best friend. I would even be happy with voice cameos just to know that Chi-hong is well and happy out there in the HP universe.


Gosh, I am beginning to see the pain that ShinLee causes among the fans. I think this is an advance warning for more to come as we get closer to casting news for the new season, and the new season itself. 

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"Gosh, I am beginning to see the pain that ShinLee causes among the fans. I think this is an advance warning for more to come as we get closer to casting news for the new season, and the new season itself.  "

This is what worries me now alot.

i had these thoughts since SongHwa in first episode said to JeongWon he will die if he has headache after he complains for the pain in his head.

ShinLee's most of the time gives hints of the plot in the first episodes and I am just hoping that sentence from SongHwa was not a foretold but just a funny saying.

I try to see  Dr.Ahn 's departure what can mean for HP S2.Are we going straight to year 21?


Thank you for your translation :)


Edited by kiklaminho
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@kiklaminho I forgot about the headache that JW had. I don’t think it’s anything serious though. I figured it was due to him being stressed out about the conflict within him. I don’t foresee him doing anything drastic to the WG ship .  The backlash would be too much considering how a big a following they have even domestically - k nets often talk about being stockholders in this ship . 


What I do think they may drag out is iksong & even the gom-gom love lines . 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  -  Sat-Sun: Miss Night & Day Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - 

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