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1 hour ago, Warm Paws said:

Edit: just want to add. I always laugh when there's a mandatory cleaning scene in a kdrama just to show a Dyson in action. I'm actually quite amazed with the one Young-won used in this episode. It looks so high-tech! The light probably reveals dust and debris? 😂

I am wondering if I should get one cause they always look so easy to use ...ahahaha  PPLs work!


From KJS's IG



LYK cameo!





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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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1 minute ago, abs-oluteM said:

I am wondering if I should get one cause they always look so easy to use ...ahahaha  PPLs work!

They're super expensive... I've used a V6 before in someone's house. Love the cordless idea and interchangeable attachements/heads, but many other options are available now. Try checking out xiaomi deerma vacuums. Same convenience for a fraction of the cost.... (dyson gonna blacklist me now LOL) 

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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46 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

They're super expensive... I've used a V6 before in someone's house. Love the cordless idea and interchangeable attachements/heads, but many other options are available now. Try checking out xiaomi deerma vacuums. Same convenience for a fraction of the cost.... (dyson gonna blacklist me now LOL) 

Omg...ahahahah you're right. Just saw the Dyson prices...:wow2:...will check out the Xiaomi ones. Are they powerful as in is suction good?



New stills of the man who will suggest that Dragon CEO goes on a blind date! 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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11 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

the Xiaomi ones. Are they powerful as in is suction good?

I have not bought one yet, haha.... I think you'll have to compare the specs of each model. I know they have a newer one (with the word "plus") which has more powerful suction. VC01, VC20 plus and VC25 plus (different models). And remember to check out their weight comparison also.


Xiaomi products not bad. I have a friend who used to use iRobot but switched to Xiaomi also due to inability to find a broken part, and found that it does the job as good as iRobot. Again for a fraction of the price.


Edited by ktcjdrama
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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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Eps 14 Recaps Part 1/3


- JS drives back after the rejection. He decided he won’t give up . Texted her asking for lunch so he can explain everything. She read his text but ignored 

- At office library , he approached her asking to talk , she told him not to call her by name & will only talk about work matters :lenny:

- Oh my Nam is being so nice to UJ giving her hot drink etc . She says he must want her to reduce interest for the loan she gave . So the night before she came back for her phone & he ask her about who Rich Guy is . She said distant relative who pitied her after her parents passed away. Nam envy her having someone who’ll help her buy the house . But she says she’ll rather still rent & told him to stop nagging her as if he’s her husband / “yeobo “ . hearing that made his heart beat faster 🤣🤣

- Chief asked YW to cover the story with CEO as his son went to ER 

- In the car ,he tried explaining to YW but she cut him off . Says only talk about work 😜
- Chief call to JS to apologise but JS says it’s fine . 
- Nam asked UJ to have coffee but she was not keen. As they were walking - Nam’s friend pass by ( Tae In Ho cameo ) - haha instant attraction btwn UJ & friend ! He’s a lawyer called Dong Sik 

- UJ decides to have coffee- ulterior motive - she wants Nam to set her up with Dong Sik . They start bickering as Nam refused . ( actually he wanted to tell UJ about his feelings for her.)

- JS & YW goes to cover a story of a really pretty home . So funny cause the guy was telling about how he bought his house for his GF etc.  JS was fully encouraging him to tell the story instead of cutting to the chase . YW asked owner to get her water . She scolded JS for wasting time instead of getting work done . Says she’ll lead the interview instead. 😂😂😂 Role reversal ! 
 - UJ not feeling well . It was quite a bad tummy ache - Nam volunteered to help her. Looks like she was faking it as she actually asked Dong Sik for date . Nam found out from DS , and called her out on it . Luckily for her she could still go cause her appointment with advertiser got postponed. 
- Nam feeling angry , wanted to text DS not to meet UJ but he held back

- JS trying non- stop to apologise & explain himself to YW but she won’t take him back . 
- SG says Chan is at fault for telling JS & causing this mess.  

- SG meet YW. SG says sorry about all this . YW makes it clear that she can’t accept SG. SG says JS is hurting & it was because of him that JS did this.

- YW understood given their brotherhood but she says she cannot accept anyone who would let go of her like that ! 👏🏻👏🏻

-YW was sad actually & she’s also affected by her father who abandoned them.

- Lee YK cameo !!!! He comes in as a free lance editor. But he was taken aback that JS wants him to write it & do  things JS’s way 😹😹


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Eps 14 Part 2/3


- At first LYK didn’t want to join them for lunch but he did . His reason was because lunch time was when he focussed on his shares / stock market . They all talked about stock market stuff & investing . He seems like he knows  lot but don’t think he’s made that much money 

- YW mum came to the office . JS bumped into her . Was a bit rude saying office not opened to strangers or anyone selling stuff . She says she’s YW’s mum. Lol !!! 

- Instant regret - immediately bow  in apology & even took her for lunch ( he cancelled his plans) 

- YW mum  was like she’s a nobody but he is treating her so well . She likes him ( in his heart he hopes she’ll speak well of him)

-YW call mum & JS was hoping mum would say something nice about him.  But instead she lied about meeting someone else . Later she tells JS  that  YW hates being indebted and would kick up a fuss that the CEO had to buy her lunch.  Should see JS’s disappointed face 🤣🤣

- Poor JS though he had made good impression on future MIL , he can’t use it to score brownie points with YW.

- Scenes of LYK with YW . He was super happy at 1st that his stocks went up but suddenly the prices went down !!  He was thinking if he should kill himself.  

- UJ goes out with Dong Sik but long story short he’s got a GF !!! Haha she went back to office to complain to Nam about it

- Nam was somewhat laughing in happiness as he was happy they didn’t work out . 
- Staff meeting . LYK complain about the uncomfortable chairs in the office - got scolding from JS but when YW also mentioned the same , immediately JS says to change all the chairs .

- Aiks this LYK is such a bad fella , he was also freelancing for another mag & got YW to pity him with his sad story..She ended up agreeing to cover for him with his work here 

- Mira wanted to bring up coffee to SG but he was not free . She gave it to Chief who thought she was being nice . But Chan embarrassed her somehow & MR got mad at him . Chan likes her.

- JS accidentally saw YW covering the story that LYK was supposed to do . JS caught LYK playing with his phone & looking at his shares . 

JS was going to fire him but YW came to defend him , saying she volunteered to help . Chief scolding YW , but JS told him to stop saying he’ll give LYK a chance ! Anything YW wants , he’ll agree . 😆

- LYK apologised later to YW about lying that he needed to correct his work when he was busy playing shares etc . Anyway YW forgave him as she knew he was desperate to gather some seed money.  He told her that JS must care a lot for her as he listens to everything she says.  Is YW’s heart slowly wavering ?

- Nam asked UJ if she was ok . He felt responsible for his friend being a cheater . He actually asked her out for movie to make up for it . Since her plan with Rich Guy canceled, she agreed to the movie. 

- JS & LYK going through some material. LYK still distracted by his phone ( monitoring his share prices) . JS stopped him & scolded him . But just as JS wanted to take his (LYK's)  phone as proof , he was actually recording JS’s instructions,

- Later , JS apologised to him for misunderstanding. 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Eps 14 Part 3/3


- LYK tells JS his sad story about why he has been working so hard. He wants to break away from the poverty trap and that is why he has been working multiple jobs. JS empathised and say he knows since he was once like that too. He then tells LYK that money is not everything and that he should learn to care for those around him etc. ...ahahaah JS is a changed man!.

- LYK later talks to the staff and tells them now his new idol is JS ( and no longer Warrren Buffet) . He realised that JS is a warm guy and not just money obsessed . He even wants to introduce his younger sis who is a famous new anchor to JS. Oh YW's expression changed .

- Apparently YW has interviewed her before. LYK asked what YW thought of her - of course YW says she is nice. Anyway Chief and LYK goes to JS and shows the picture of sister and try to set up the date. YW seems jealous.

- JS was not keen at all...but Chief kept pushing it saying he needs to find joy and even says that YW says she's a nice girl

- JS asked YW at the library - are you really okay with me meeting another girl? She was still pushing him away. She was saying is it because you have succeeded all the way before this, that everything is easy ( Aiks ...this was a bit harsh, but I think she was jealous and confused with her own feelings). She told him not every thing can succeed with effort.  She walked off.

- Actually she was not okay with it of course but anyway she met her mum. Mum says that the landlord wants some money for the shop - renew contract or something and wants 30% more deposit. So mum asking for $$ help. Even told her to get help from CEO. Of course YW won't. At home YW asked on the forum what to do in this situation.

- Nam & UJ at the movie - he overhears her talk with Rich Man - he heard about his wife - he asked UJ if she was having affair. She was angry he jumped to conclusion and finally she revealed it was her DAD!!!!

- Then later she told Nam about actually how her dad had affair when her mum was dying in her teens. That's why she always said she had no parents. That is why she didn't want to get married etc because of what her dad did to her mum. But she had always craved for her father's affection and that's why she gets him to pay her monthly rent hoping he'd at least think of her once a month.

Nam comforts a crying UJ.

- YW pacing up and down thinking about her mum's problem. Meanwhile she got some good advice  from JS (on the forum) who told her the tenants rights etc. So actually problem somewhat solved since the law protects the tenant as what the landlord wants to do is illegal. 

- SG goes to JS's office and finds the forum page open on JS's computer. So now SG knows that the person who actually communicates with YW there is JS. He also reads about YW's thoughts about home etc. - how your home is your destiny and the it is the person who would never let go of your hand.

- SG then texts YW and tells YW that JS is actually Dragon on the forum , the person who has never let go off her all this while.
- She rushes to get a cab to go to where JS was supposed to have a blind date. In the cab she reads all the stuff he had written before this on the forum. His advice had always for her to prioritize her own happiness. 

- She arrives at the restaurant where JS is supposed to have blind date , and tells him to get up - how can he meet another girl when he wants to be with her and had asked her to forgive him etc. She was scolding him. 

- bahahahahaah ..it was not a blind date - it was his investment consultant. She ran off embarrassed.

He chased her...so cute...finally he caught up with her . She asked why he never mentioned he was JS...she hugged him ! YAY!!!!!  He hugged back and they smiled at each other.





Nam was in some forest hiking and he had come to look for an old man who lived in this place for some interview but the guy wasn't keen. Not sure who this man is...omooooo it is YW's dad who is living in some obscure place.



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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20 hours ago, Warm Paws said:

Speaking of, the three juniors in the company have somewhat similar living conditions. I've always wondered what the best reason is to get a place of your own so early, aside from independence. It's expensive, impractical, and probably can get lonely. I imagine these three to live together. Maybe then can be the first tenants of Ja-sung's recently acquired sharehouse?

I love this idea :heart: they will make a great company in bickering so it makes the house alive




Ep. 13 - 14


ep. 14 comment in nutshell: FINALLY. And the way leads couple listen to people surround them talk (ok, that is good idea the new editor talk much about meaning of life/clues to them)


I like so much on ep. 13 they bring again Youngwon's writing aspiration. She is now having the moment to write from scratch of her own idea & style :') :pandablush: and the thing she choose as topic is again, heartwarming :) the struggles :)


I was like kinda shocked how Gyeom want to get his girl in this episode like wow is it really become this, truly triangle arc after Gyeom looks wiser & wanting JS - YW together again??


But oh.. He is truly MVP here for me. In ep. 14, he is MVP. He just so pure & want the best for JS - YW.


ep. 14 Euijoo reveals.. Omg my heart is breaking with her I just want to hug her and make healing group together :heart: (heheh I'm bawling so much here I had 11:12 experience, ok call my life is kind of a makjang)

Somehow it is beautiful, the way Editor Nam-Euijoo find comfort at each other..


Ep. 15.. YW's father mystery.. Hope she will be all ok :')

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  G O O D  V I B E S  

♪ click me below for my cw, edits, about 

  d r a m a s a f f a i r . c a r r d . c o 

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@abs-oluteM we actually have an older one here, a... V7? Latest I think is V15  already, but I think they might have skipped a few numbers. 😂 For decent-sized homes - like where our characters in kdramas usually live in - it actually works quite well. I think it will work much better for more frequent-but-quick cleaning sessions versus occasional deep cleaning sessions. For traditional heavy-duty vacuum cleaners, the setup is very inhibiting - you have to take it out, roll it around, unroll the the cord, etc. But for the cordless vacuum cleaners, you can just pick it up and go. I also like that I can use it for the car. Like @ktcjdrama said, there are now quite a few alternatives. I haven't really taken a look at them though so I have no idea how good they are. 😅


end of commercial


Happy that OST 7 is out! I've been waiting for this one. So nice! 


I just remembered that I wanted to mention this for episode 13. Have they ever shown JaSung's current bedroom? They have shown his closet multiple times, but I can't seem to remember his room (please correct me if it was shown before). Just curious cause the room he was last shown looked very much like Young-won's room. 😂 Unless they have exactly the same decor... or did he just miss Young-won so much he decided to sleep there and save the prod team from preparing another bedroom? 






Anyway. Episode 14 is so nice. The resolution for me was actually unexpected - I thought they'll have us wait for the finale week. There was no real build up and it actually came quite out of the blue. Ja-sung did have some struggles and he did have to put in some effort, but its not much compared to what some shows have their characters go through before getting back together. No over-the-top, grandiose display of affection. No dramatic crying that just drags on and on. All it took was Young-won to realize how much Ja-Sung really cherishes her... and it worked for me.


Then, when Young-won finally came to Ja-Sung, he was still very much open for her. They didn't have us go through another push and pull by making Ja-sung unavailable for whatever reason - like giving up or pushing back, or going on a date (thank goodness it was just a business meeting!).


I think part of why it works so well is because of the scenes before Dragon's reveal. They already let the 'feels' creep in from Ui-Joo and Sang-soon's scene. Then there was so much tension when Young-won received Dragon's DM and they had a back and forth chat! Then Young-won's mom cried.... then Young-won is running... then...







My favorite is "forget about that bastard and think only about yourself" waaahhhhh. Duraegon-niiiimmm. 😂😂😂 


Then, they were still able to make me laugh in the middle of all of that. Good job! 👏👏👏


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:laugh: I LOL so much during Ja Sung's lunch with Young Won's mother, and how it didn't go as he (we) expected...... but seriously, I would have problem with a guy who would just do anything blindly because I said so. The way he immediately decided to change the chairs in meeting room, the way he not want to scold Young Won even though she made a mistake covering up for the freelancer. I know he's a total novice in dating, but that's really not good at all. I love Young Won's strong (yet gentle and kind) personality, and love that she stood her ground for wanting someone who will never let go of her hand. So I especially love the writer's way of reconciling them. She didn't change that standard but just a discovery of what Ja Sung has been doing all this while.


And we get other nuggets of wisdom in stock investment through our freelancer's story, and a way to get our couple back together too through the possibility of matchmaking with his sister. I love this writer!


UiJoo's story is so sad I cried listening to the reason why she wants to live in a rented place with monthly payment. Glad she was able to at least tell someone (Editor Nam) about it. I had expected the guy must be her father with new wife and daughter. Then there was the unexpected twist at the end of the mountain guy. Have I mentioned I love this writer? Writer-nim is really good!

19 minutes ago, Warm Paws said:

or did he just miss Young-won so much he decided to sleep there and save the prod team from preparing another bedroom? 

This is what I thought as well. He just sleeps in her room. I believe it's her room because there's the big partition that connects to the foyer hallway.

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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Naver article listing top 3 Naver videos that gets "infinite play" (many views)


Number 3 - Confession

Number 2 - First Kiss

and yes Number ONE - Ja Sung's  imagination!!! :lmao2:


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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5 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

Number 3 - Confession

Number 2 - First Kiss

and yes Number ONE - Ja Sung's  imagination!!!


😅😅😅 My favorite is still the sushi-cherry blossom-drinking scene. I really am a sucker for sweet moments before a couple becomes a "couple". Just like in BTIMFL, my favorite is their first real interaction at the back of the restaurant and they talked about football. 😍 Funny how the top 3 becomes more and more steamy. 😅


Speaking of steamy... I do want to share this set... more now since it reached number 1 in the list above. 










*is there a way to link a tweet and not include the tweet it is replying to?

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27 minutes ago, Warm Paws said:

😅😅 My favorite is still the sushi-cherry blossom-drinking scene. I really am a sucker for sweet moments before a couple becomes a "couple

Me too! There’s this adrenaline that comes with wondering when the OTP will start developing feelings . 
The  happy ( tipsy) smiles 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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I've just gone through a very emotional moment while making a video that I want to share here.


MMH might look like a typical romcom filled with tropes and cliches but its got so much depth. I've said here that it might look like I've become obsessed with all the parallel scenes (I have not, I promise! 🤣), but the parallel scenes have been speaking to me in a very different way. Here's the video and some stuff I said along with it:









Some parallel scenes might just look like for fun and are absolutely unrelated. Call me delusional for reading into it too much, but sometimes I feel it's much more than that.


Another more concrete example like the one above that I can think of is the MMH birthday scene. The parallel I've found to that is the exact moment Ji-ho says "I think this life is a failure, but I'll try my best" and Se-Hee responds with the iconic (and I'm assuming titular if translated) "after all, this life is the first for everyone."


And there, JaSung is like celebrating his life again. His life has been miserable emotionally, but now he has entered a new chapter in his life with Young-won.


Sure, I may be overthinking it. But it's things like these that go into my head when I find some of the parallels... And I love it. 

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8 minutes ago, ssteph said:

Tribute to KJS. He debut in this idol group called Leo. I am laughing so hard as I post this...guess who is rapping? :lmao2:





BTS with Lee Yi Kyung and Tae In Ho


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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I would love to see if YW is able to save towards her home. I doubt it was SG who gave her the money for the deposit. He's respectful of both YW and JS , and it would not make sense for him to give her money that way. Some say it is from Ja Sung. Hmmm I think it is from her dad.


JTBC releases couple cuts to commemorate the ending this week.



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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1 hour ago, abs-oluteM said:


I would love to see if YW is able to save towards her home. I doubt it was SG who gave her the money for the deposit. He's respectful of both YW and JS , and it would not make sense for him to give her money that way. Some say it is from Ja Sung. Hmmm I think it is from her dad.


Yeah, I also want to see her having her own home by herself. I think the money was from the lady that took her deposit from episode 1. On the teaser, YW is chasing the lady, then the next scene, the security guard gave her a cheque (60 million won).


Wondering about YW’s dad also. Why he hide? Since he keeps the family picture, I believe he still loves his family.

Another thing that has not been resolved is the message threat for JaSung. Did I miss this?

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