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11 minutes ago, Support_Somin_n_SG said:

Another thing that has not been resolved is the message threat for JaSung. Did I miss this?

I think this was resolved. She was just a former tenant and spread false lies. I think Young Won spent a lot of time clearing his name for him right? LOL....my memory is quite bad as I am watching too many dramas. @ktcjdrama do you remember?

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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1 minute ago, abs-oluteM said:

I think this was resolved. She was just a former tenant and spread false lies. I think Young Won spent a lot of time clearing his name for him right?

Oh.. yeah I remember this. So that’s the answer.. thanks.. 

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17 minutes ago, Support_Somin_n_SG said:

Wondering about YW’s dad also. Why he hide? Since he keeps the family picture, I believe he still loves his family.

I am on a wild guess that he had an amnesia and it just so happen the picture is with him so he put it up. But he probably no longer remember who he was? Because it's just weird that he would display the family picture but not try to get in touch with them.


18 minutes ago, Support_Somin_n_SG said:

Another thing that has not been resolved is the message threat for JaSung. Did I miss this?

Threat/hate messages, I thought the person was caught during the bazaar?

Ja Sung is still looking for that previous female tenant of unit 707 though. 


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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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@Support_Somin_n_SG @abs-oluteM @ktcjdrama


I think both former tenant and the hater issue can go either way. They're both somewhat resolved as mentioned above, but can still be further explored. 


Young-won helped clear Ja-Sung's name from all the speculation and gossip, but the former tenant is still nowhere to be found. Regarding the hater/threats, I actually didn't relate it at first with the one from the bazaar. I thought they were separate instances, but it is possible the one they caught is the actual person.


14 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

I am on a wild guess that he had an amnesia and it just so happen the picture is with him so he put it up. But he probably no longer remember who he was? Because it's just weird that he would display the family picture but not try to get in touch with them.


Interesting theory!! I can't remember properly though, did he disappear on a boat? And I thought he left when Young-won was still very small. 😄 

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MMH will air on NF Korea - 6 August. Not sure if it is available in other countries




Just now, Warm Paws said:

Anyone know where I can watch Drinking Solo? Saw a tweet thread showing some of similarities, and I'm willing to bet there are shot-for-shot scenes from there too. 😄 

I can't find it as well on the legal platforms now. Even the ones on the dark side is not available. But you can see if these are available where you are




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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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6 hours ago, Warm Paws said:

Anyone know where I can watch Drinking Solo? Saw a tweet thread showing some of similarities, and I'm willing to bet there are shot-for-shot scenes from there too. 😄 


It's available legally on Youtube on the "Cereal" channel (the official channel for all CJ ENM produced dramas). All the episodes are uploaded so you should be able to watch it there:




It's not region blocked for me (I'm in Hawaii), but if it is for you, it's also available legally on Amazon Prime: https://www.amazon.com/Lets-Drink-Drinking-Solo-Season/dp/B0786VJYRG

Edited by Ayame
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Ep 15 recaps Part 1


-Too cute...YW wonders if something is wrong since he is driving like tortoise speed. He says he wants to spend more time. Asked if he should go up to her place for ramyeon...:lmao2:

-She was surprised. He says he didn't mean to be out of line but he checked online that is what couples do. She says instead of ramyeon, let drink as her mum made a lot of food.

baahahahaah he sped all the way to her house.

- As she prepared the food, he saw how hard she has been studying real estate stuff. He gives her a back hug . I am melting.  I love that we hear his voice over : I love that my life revolves around you....I like that my life is wasted on you ,

- Many scenes of them secretly having couple time...even got bed scene at her place! :Ghastlel:



- Office meeting - these two holding hands under the table - how they keep a straight face - so hard. 

- Chief drop his phone and saw the hand holding. Shocked.

- Chief even saw JS do heart fingers - ( I swear it is not them he saw)

- Chief asked JS privately what he thought of office dating - he says he witness a couple secretly doing it ...JS was like I supposed they can't help it ..since you saw it ...ahahah then before he could spill the beans , Chief said he saw Nam & UJ's legs & fingers all over each other :pandaevil:....(wahhhh these two.  This scene was hot!)  

- Chief thinks this should not be allowed....JS says they probably cannot help it. Says he does not mind office dating. Chief says this is not good...bad for productivity. Dissapointed that JS would be so lenient. Is it because he has lost his joy in life that he doesn't care? :lmao2:

- Awww Nam is one happy man. He thinks back of how he brought back a drunk UJ back to her home when she was sad. He was going to go , she grabbed his hand and asked him to stay by her side. He refused at first but wahhhhh he says he refuse just for today , he wants to be with her every day. Then they had some happy bed time ...( imagine it ok!). These two met at the library for more a couple time. 

- Chief not happy and announced to all staff about how bad office romance is..bahahahaha.....Nam & UJ says they'd never do such stuff.. Chief , let me see if that is true.

- YW tells JS that she thinks that Chief knows about them. JS told her actually it is Nam & UJ. YW was shocked. They both agree that they better be careful.

- UJ & Nam also agree that they better be careful too.

- Nam makes it way too exaggerated that he doesn't care for UJ by not serving her during lunch when he served the rest! LMAO ...JS suddenly realises that this was what he did to YW to cover up. This whole lunch scene is so funny as UJ / Nam overact showing how much they "hate" each other. Funny thing is the 3 all know they are acting. LOL!

- Chief still finds it weird that JS is so lenient about all this - he teases JS if he likes someone in the office . LOL

- Chan asked SG if he is ok. SG says oh well he is just happy to see them happy. Mira ask SG for a meal. Chan discourage him from dating someone like Mira as he would regret it.

-UJ & Nam meet again in library both so proud of themselves for acting so well....BUT Chief and JS were there & caught them , and Chief says he knows for awhile ....so these two finally had to fess up in front of all the staff and make them swear they will never show they are dating. :lmao2:.

JS was like this is not the army , no need to go so far. JS felt so bad for them. YW dare not look up.

- Later YW congratulate UJ . UJ says sorry not to tell you as I know you just broke-up. YW tried to tell her the truth but just couldn't.




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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Eps 15 Part 2

-YW , SG and Chan go visit a building that has been made into a lovely home despite being so narrow. Every floor was done differently but with much warmth. After the interview, YW mentioned that she envy the owner. Then she mentions in passing that she her deposit with the her previous landlord was not returned to her making it hard for her to raise enough down payment for a house.


- JS busy making reservations for a place he wants to take YW to eat. He got distracted by a phone message and the reservation got printed thru office printer - it said couple dinner....

- Chief picks it up and immediately jumps to conclusion that Nam was doing this at work hours.
- JS says stop , asked what was the matter. Bahahahahaah.

- Chief scolds Nam for doing personal matters during office hours. Nam says not him. Nam says there is  credit card - let's check. JS immediately intefered and says don't waste time doing these things at the office.  JS later felt bad that Nam got scolded for nothing.

- YW saw a lady - she thinks it is her landlady - she chased the lady. SG and Chan followed her. YW wanted to get her deposit back. Finally caught her. YW then beg her please to return her deposit. Lady told her she also lost the building and talk about how she is not obligated to refund YW.

- Nam complains to UJ about being wrongly accused. UJ thought he pretending & was so sweet to take her to such expensive place. He had to go along with it since UJ really wanted to go there.

- OMO....YW and JS were having date there ...but UJ and Nam came in. JS hid under the table. UJ says are you here for blind date...YW says yes. Then they say they want to see who the blind date is. They sit down and wait....JS managed to sneak out. He text her and she left too. UJ though she was rejected. LOL

- YW then says let's have an early night since I am tired. JS takes her home.

- UJ and Nam have a lovely dinner...UJ says that Nam is such a sweet person. He asked her for movie. Says she has something else on her mind....OMG....these two were all over each other in her apartment . Then he said I love you, CUTIE PIE....ahahah...she was so angry and kicked him out immediately . UJ ended it with him straight away. 

- SG thinks about YW's deposit problem in his studio. He asked Chan about it ..Chan said this is no longer your problem. 

- YW cleaning her house . Then guard comes up with a letter from her . $$60mil KRW - she got back her security deposit.

- YW so happy telling UJ about her sec deposit. UJ tells YW that she and Nam are over....

- Chan realise that the deposit for YW is from SG since he seems to know that the deposit came with a letter....

- YW so happy she takes JS for an expensive meal. She tells him she wants to use it to build her own customized houses with the money. JS does not seem so into it as he says it is a lot of hard work. She was sad that it seems he doesn't think she is competent enough. JS was like that is not what I meant....

- JS felt so bad that she was not angry with her ..tried to text her to say sorry during staff meeting. Chief yelled...JS was startled.  Nam got caught by Chief for texting UJ instead. 

- YW definitely giving him cold shoulder - she called him DaePyuNim instead of JS-shi.

- JS trying to write a sorry note - gets interrupted again by Chief...his sticky note got stuck on Chief's proposal....and Chief read the note. Chief thinks again it was written by Nam! LOLOLOL



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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:laugh: Chief Editor is bossier than the boss... I cannot... I almost fall out my chair laughing when Ja Sung slumped into his chair when once again Editor Nam got chewed out again about the post-it note. And also when he started ripping up the post-it note.


Ja Sung offering to share the 10 years of ageing if one chooses to build a house is so sweeeet :love:


But wait, the drama ends at ep.16 right? Why are they bringing in a new major conflict?? Young Won's father being the person who betrayed Ja Sung and took his money?? :nervous:



Edited by ktcjdrama
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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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Eps 15 Part 3

- Chief confronts Nam ...Nam says not me...he says let's look at the writing....JS came out to stop them saying don't waste time doing this ...after some wrestling he got his note back. Nam keeps telling JS this is not me....JS felt sorry to Nam

- Nam goes on his knees and ask UJ to forgive him. She refuses as she feels he still thinks of cutie pie.

- JS meets YW in library - he asked her to forgive him  - but overheard and got caught by UJ :lmao2:

- So now UJ scolds the both of them for doing this because of them, Nam gets scolded for nothing. UJ says her poor Nam. She runs off to see him...they reconcile with a KISS at the conference room.

- This two all lovey dovey annoying Chief. Chief says are you not sacred of angering CEO?


- JS interrupts that no problem showing your emotions & feelings at the office. Even gives his blessings for office romance! LMAO.

- Chan confronts SG and asked him to get a hold of himself - why use his own $$ to for the deposit. YW overhears them when she came to the studio,

- Poor Chief - nobody to drink with him after work as the couples have dates etc.

- JS and YW at cafe - JS says sorry ....YW says she knows that the money is actually from HIM - Ja Sung. JS says he did it because he had the same problem before where he lost all his deposit $$ and could not move on for awhile. YW realised that JS meant well. She feels happy now not because of the $$ but because she had him by her side.

- SG and Mira did meet up for a meal....ahhh she tells him she likes him. But he rejected her . She called her friend at the office about it. Chan overhears and laughs...then her friend says you are the one who likes her - he denies. Says he is going for blind date. Actually he went to see Mira and comfort her knowing she will feel bad being rejected. 

- YW wanted to give up building her own place but JS says he will build it with her since it would reduce half the time.

- YW sees a pic of her father in Nam's article. She calls Nam asking about him. JW has a photo of himself with YW's dad back when he was a construction worker. 

- eps ends- 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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39 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

But wait, the drama ends at ep.16 right? Why are they bringing in a new major conflict?? Young Won's father being the person who betrayed Ja Sung and took his money?? 

Yup it doesn't make sense. This isn't a light issue ....can it  be solved in one episode? Better give me a happy ending. Their last drama already broke my heart.

Eps 15 was very nice. So funny and sweet. 







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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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4 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

Better give me a happy ending. Their last drama already broke my heart.


IKR. 🤣 Jeez. It'll be too much to have this show get a sad ending. I'm still happy with most of the episode though.


The first part was so lovely. Jasung, finally, was able to complete the lean-over in bed kiss that he was fantasizing about. So did eat eat ramyeon or not? 😅 LOL. Sang-soon took a lot of hits this episode. It was funny seeing in them re-enact some of the things Young-won and Ja-sung did as a couple. I was certainly a bit shocked that they re-enacted the lean-over kiss as well, complete with music! 😂😂


One thing that I liked is the thing about the deposit money. I certainly did not expect it and I'm glad it was resolved that way. 


And one thing I was sort of didn't like was Chang's story line. What the hell. It felt so rushed and random. I wasn't really expecting Gyeom to reciprocate Mira's feeling at this point, but I'm not sure what to feel about the sudden turn of events with Chang. 😂

Edited by Warm Paws
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translated from: https://nc.asiae.co.kr/view.htm?idxno=2021080510082691046

Actor Kim Ji-seok talked about the fun moments while acting as Yu Ja-seong in 'Monthly House'.


Kim Ji-seok is playing the role of Yu Ja-seong, a self-made icon and representative of a real estate investment company and living magazine 'Monthly House' in the JTBC drama 'Monthly House', which is about to end on the 5th. Yu Ja-seong, who was obsessed with money and did not care about relationships with other people, developed love with Na Young-won (Jung So-min), and is getting to know the warmth of humanity while working  with the people of the magazine.


How do you feel before the end?

Through 'Monthly House', I was very happy and excited to be able to show the viewers a warm smile and the story of us living as people. As it is a difficult time for everyone, it was more meaningful and happy to be able to give viewers a little bit of comfort and warm laughter.


In 'Monthly House', the meaning of 'home' is often mentioned. What does home mean to Kim Ji-seok?

I used to think that 'house = means to increase assets' like Ja-seong, but while filming this drama, I started to think about what a house means to me, what kind of space it should be, and what kind of space it should be, and I was awakened. I learned through this drama that a house is a place like a shelter where people can rest and find themselves.


What are the similarities and differences between Yu Ja-sung and Kim Ji-seok?

The difference is that Ja-seong is a wealthy person with tens of billions of houses and how many houses? (Laughs) Actually, there are too many differences. The similarity is that Ja-seong met Youn Won and came to know love, and learned the preciousness of home and the warmth of people that he did not know before. I also made my debut when I was 20 and lived only as an actor, so I think I missed a lot when I was in my 20s or 30s. . In the past, if I had only focused on my work, I have been belatedly thinking that I should look back on myself now through self-reflection.


Memorable scenes and lines

The most memorable scene is the kimchi terror scene. It was a scene where the car stopped when the kimchi container behind him exploded while riding in the car with Young Won . I was wearing a white shirt, but I prepared six sets, washed, dried, and changed repeatedly, filming for two days. It seems to have become a scene I will never forget. There are many other moments too .  Especially in the second half of the play, Young-Won's narration was always soft, and I remember it because it seemed to contain our hearts as well as me.


A word to the viewers

There has never been a drama based on a house, so I think it was a very interesting drama. If 'Monthly House' has been of some help to you, I am satisfied if it made you think about what 'home' should be and what kind of place it should have been. I also thought about that a lot, and through this drama, I was reminded of the things I had been missing. Home is a very important and precious place. I hope this drama will give you an opportunity to think about home once again. Thank you for loving 'Monthly Home'.

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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1 hour ago, abs-oluteM said:

eps 15 was lovely . But look at this pre-released. Yikes ….one eps for another round of noble idiocy? 


I don't quite get what's happening based on the clip. I'm getting flashbacks of BTIMFL and how they almost botched the last 2 episodes because of the sudden conflict and final breakup. 😅 But yes, please end nicely 🙏 Then boom surprise, MMH S2. Just kidding, I'm not entirely sure I'd want that.


56 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

The similarity is that Ja-seong met Youn Won and came to know love,


Sorry, my mind went blank and wandered off as I read this. I thought he was about to say something about meeting Somin. 😅😅😅

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Btw. Can someone explain to me the very first scene in this episode. 😄😄😄 What exactly did Jasung research? Did he research what kids do these days and found they "eat" ramyeon, not knowing the hidden connotations OR did he search how to be intimate and found out that kids these days use it with a double meaning. He did apologize if it were out of line... so I'm guessing it's the latter? I'll just assume it's the latter. 😆 

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