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Dal Li and Gamjatang 달리와 감자탕 [2021]

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Finally started watching this because it was so highly recommended, especially by @Tofu and @abs-oluteM, so I'm only on episode 4, but I'm getting impatient with Dali. Why doesn't she come clean with her staff, at least, and let them know not only what the museum's financial picture is, but also her financial position. She's basically sold everything off in an effort to try to keep the museum going, and she has no street smarts whatsoever. Rather than staying at the good, safe hotel that MH was paying for anyway, she goes to a shady motel where she flashes her wad of bills. sigh. Then she walks around with sunglasses on, even though she knows that's a prima donna move, and then she tells them that she has no money. For goodness sake, let them know that you were assaulted and robbed, at least. Why is that so hard to share?


I'm okay with her not going to Century Investments where her ex-fiancee is, especially thinking that it's unlikely that they'll agree to fund her anyway. However, no idea why she won't come clean with her situation, especially when it's not all about her anyway. At least, that way, the museum staff will understand rather than thinking that she's uselessly and helplessly swanning around. Just saying.


I'm going to give this 1 or 2 more episodes to get better, but honestly, Dali is a weak and annoying character thus far, so I'm easily distracted while watching this drama.


So, will it get better soon?


Btw, I do like Moo Hak as a character. He has a number of flaws, including not really knowing is own mind, but he's relatively honest with himself and he's actually a nice guy. The investment in the art museum was because of his weasel of a step-brother who is now back-peddling like furious to try to keep from taking any of the blame. Why are there so many weasels in this drama? MH'd stepbrother, his stepmother, his father, not to mention Dali's cousin. I like her foster brother Won Tak, the police detective, at least, in addition to MH.

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@Tofu and @abs-oluteM, thanks for the encouragement. I guess I'll keep watching. KMJ is very cute in this drama. And, why do I get the feeling that DL's ex-fiancee is going to be a big baddie in this drama?


If I've got his story correct, he broke up with DL just days before their wedding ceremony. However, he may have done it due to pressure from his family, possibly to marry another, richer connection instead. He begged DL's father at one point, probably seeking forgiveness for ditching DL(?)  but DL's father never forgave him. Anyway, he's now divorced and heads up Century Investments which is a huge investment and holding company. Also, he gave up DL while actually thinking that he would be able to get her back at some point in the future. And, now he finally wants DL back. Hmm, he's not a very well drawn character since it seems a bit all over the place.


MH's stepmother and stepbrother are really annoying, as is his father. Also, the whole thing about the stepbrother just wanting to become a real son to MH's father is just so weird. In a society where blood means so much, MH's stepbrother is just the guy that his mother brought with her when she decided to be with MH's father. As usual, with second wives and mistresses in kdramas, once they've leeched onto a rich guy, the next order of business is to try to get that wealth for their own kids, even if that means getting rid of the rich guy's kids. The sad part about this is that it seems to reflect what typically happens with a new wife/woman. Even in other countries, there are plenty of stories about the new children pushing out the existing children, e.g. Cinderella anyone?


Anyway, will keep watching. I hope the romance is actually cuter than the opening episodes seem to indicate.

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5 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

I'm guessing it's imagination or a past memory...?

I guess her father and Mohak met each other in the past and by chance, maybe even her father wanted Mohak to meet his daughter lol.. of course if they were to meet they would meet anytime as we saw them met in Holland...This is how fate works

On 10/30/2021 at 3:55 PM, abs-oluteM said:

There were a lot of people that annoyed me in eps 12. One was definitely the gallery staff. I hated that they scoffed at MuHak and called him uncultured when he questioned the money that they made from the exhibition. Am sure they will be singing a different tune if they had their salaries slashed or had no wages. 


Now that I have watched with subs, I guess I finally understand why Dali chose to go back to Tae Jin. This isn't even noble idiocy. She's pretty much been arm twisted by snake Tae Jin who used her uncle to emotionally guilt her into doing this. And Tae Jin is going after MuHak too. So I am certain she thinks TJ will stop if she returns to him.  I wonder how MH is going to fight back. Don't think Don-Don F&B has the sort of financial assets that TaeJin's company has. 

Haha I feel the same, I hate that they look down on Mohawk just because he didn't complete his education.


@abs-oluteMYes I see this too, I feel  at some point in this relationship they want to think if they have to stay together, do they love each other very much, are they destined to stay together... At the end they will have to accept and know that they are destined for each other but how Will they know? We will see this development for them...

Mohak feels that he is not worthy of her because he is not educated and wants to be her support and help her and he does not want to see her suffer because of him and Dali feels this also as she thinks that she is the reason for making Mohak's life difficult and despair.. I think despite If they want to separate, but it's okay for them to talk to each other and help each other, as happened in Holland, and about being behaving like a creditor and a debtor...

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11 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

I'm guessing it's imagination or a past memory...?


I'm thinking that MH met DL's father sometime in the past?


Okay, I had a work from home day which meant that I was able to binge through the rest of the episodes. Thank goodness I don't have to watch subtitles. LOL


It is a cute story, and DL has grown on me. However, I'm a bit upset about DL getting maneuvered by her ex-fiancee into (probably) accepting him. So, the ex-fiancee broke up with DL because she was adopted? Huh? I know that adoption is a stigma in SK, but she was still of the Cheongseong Clan, adopted or not, so I'm surprised that he pulled out of the engagement, especially right before the wedding. Though, he's pretty shameless about being able to get DL back now that he's ready for her.


I really like the detective Won Tak. I think that Chak Hee would do well to be with someone like him who would be loyal and protective of her. It's pretty horrible that CH feels that getting hit occasionally by her father is fine in order for her to have the wealthy lifestyle that she has. I wonder whether she could ever be happy without the wealth, if she is loved and cherished?


Finally, a note about the English title to this drama, since I don't think it conveys the drama very well. The Korean title is literally "Dali and Pork Stew" where the pork stew refers to the main dish that allowed Dondon F&B to become successful and wealthy. Pork stew (gamjatang) is a hearty, spicy dish that workers would eat. So, the title works in 2 ways. One is the literal naming of Dali and MH as the owner of a company who specializes in the stew. The other is a contrast of the world of art which is so frequently seen as being the purview of the wealthy and aristocratic versus the practicality and earthiness of people who have found success in making their own wealth, e.g. the nouveau riche.


As usual with kdramas, this drama is rife with social commentary as well. It also plays with stereotypes and expectations. So, Dali who had initially seemed to be the somewhat fey and air-headed yet brilliant only daughter of a wealthy man is actually an adoptee who has an emotional affinity to art. MH who initially cares only about money was made that way by a traumatic childhood, and has softened considerably since meeting someone that he could care about.


Btw, MH's confrontation with his father and the coarse step-mother was a fantastic scene, and really showed KMJ off in terms of his ability to control the scene with his emotions and line delivery. I wonder where the story is going to go in terms of MH, his father, and the step-family who are so desperate for his father's wealth.

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7 hours ago, stroppyse said:

Btw, MH's confrontation with his father and the coarse step-mother was a fantastic scene, and really showed KMJ off in terms of his ability to control the scene with his emotions and line delivery. I wonder where the story is going to go in terms of MH, his father, and the step-family who are so desperate for his father's wealth.

Yes . It was very good . Part of me hope he will just cut off his family . But of course that won’t send the right message. 


14 hours ago, Hanin said:

Mohak feels that he is not worthy of her because he is not educated and wants to be her support and help her and he does not want to see her suffer because of him and Dali feels this also as she thinks that she is the reason for making Mohak's life difficult and despair.. I think despite If they want to separate, but it's okay for them to talk to each other and help each other, as happened in Holland, and about being behaving like a creditor and a debtor...

I don’t think that MH feels his unworthy of her since I do see him having a pretty healthy dose of self-confidence. But I get what you mean cause he does realise that his lack of education meant he didn’t always know the right words to say. I agree about Dali - I can imagine her being the kind & thoughtful person that she is and now feeling so bad about the troubles she thinks she’s brought to MH. 

@mademoiselle oh no the preview is so sad. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Waaahhh. This makes me want to cry and yell at the screen. I should have waited until it was all over before watching this drama.



Dialogue translation:

TJ: I don’t have any time. Get in the car.
MH: Don’t get in.
MH: Don’t ride that. Ride in my car. I will take you there, so ride in my car instead.
DL: Teacher Jin, I…
MH: Talk with me first. You have something to talk with me about. Let’s…eat breakfast together and talk about it. It’s because I have something to tell you as well.
TJ: How long are you going to listen to such loser talk?
DL: After I get off work, I’ll call you. I also have something to tell you.


I want a twist of some kind. I want DL to kick TJ to the curb so hard that his shins bounce off the kerb. :(


random note on an honorific: Teacher is a term of respect that you use to someone who is knowledgeable, so "Teacher Jin" or rather "Jin Teacher". For instance, doctors are frequently as Teacher or Doctor Teacher. DL has been calling MH that from since she thought that he was the art expert in that mistaken identity situation. It's just another sign of DL really respecting MH.



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28 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

I want a twist of some kind. I want DL to kick TJ to the curb so hard that his shins bounce off the kerb. :(

Me too. I think he is the most annoying and disrespectful second lead I've watched this year. I even think he's worse than General Go (who I disliked very much in River Where the Moon Rises). 



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19 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

So funny. You keep making me go look through the list of dramas I've watched and think whether Moo Hak is the best male lead and now I'm thinking about Tae Jin being the most annoying.

Hahaha! My list of completed Korean dramas is very short this year so Moo Hak didn't have much competition. :laugh:


Did you watch any other dramas with a second male lead worse than TJ? Haha!



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3 minutes ago, Tofu said:

Did you watch any other dramas with a second male lead worse than TJ? Haha!

I think it is TJ for now but he might meet his competition when Melancholia starts.


Melancholia-Choi_Dae-Hoon.jpg I think this actor's character has a high chance of being hateful in Melancholia. The actor is really good at being annoying too, as you already know that from Brahms.




However if we talk about small supporting role for an actor, this actor is definitely Top 1. He's sooooo annoying in Tomorrow With You, The Devil Judge and Deluxe Taxi.


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1 hour ago, mademoiselle said:

However if we talk about small supporting role for an actor, this actor is definitely Top 1. He's sooooo annoying in Tomorrow With You, The Devil Judge and Deluxe Taxi.


LOL. I didn't watch TWY or TDJ, but he was definitely annoying in Deluxe Taxi!


Great. Now you all have me thinking about annoying second leads, male and female. I feel as if there were so many of them. But now, I'm going to have to think back as to whether those were from dramas that I watched this year or not, plus I haven't watched that many romances this year...


Well, there is always Taec.



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17 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

LOL. I didn't watch TWY or TDJ, but he was definitely annoying in Deluxe Taxi!

He's going to be in Happiness. :(

His roles in these 3 dramas are the same type (typecast maybe?) so I'm not looking forward to him in there and pray he can play a different role for once.

19 minutes ago, stroppyse said:

I haven't watched that many romances this year.

It doesn't have to be romances.

I can think of a bad male lead this year, hahahahahahaha, Song Kang's role in Nevertheless :lmao2:

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