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3 minutes ago, SnowBlob said:

@NiteWalker ok...woww..TIA asking your ultimate chef to help me leee~~~ It's minced beef...and yes it's frozen..but i thawed it first before cooking. Then i combined the beef and carrot and seasoning, and I used my hand to mix/squeeze them so they become together? then i put the mix into the dumpling skin, fold and cook in boiling water....


u still need to know which part? the head sides or the belly sides.....it depends on which portion and also did you put some pepper? 


mom said some pepper can help to soften it.......and also did u mix some fat meat insides which will help you to reduce the stiffness too

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@SnowBlob You must have over-cooked it. Beef tends to be harder as well. I'd suggest using regular minced pork not lean meat. You need the fats. Otherwise, chicken with prawns (both minced) or minced chicken (not lean so don't use chicken fillet) & whole prawns. Don't marinate the mixture and leave overnight, it will release water.


Carrots, how big are they? Perhaps grate them or fine-chopped them. What happened to spinach? You can also use Chinese cabbage (Wombak) and maybe add some cooked white onions (to add sweetness).


Hahahaha @NiteWalker said the same thing about meat. Yeah, needs fats!

Edited by mademoisellesia
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@NiteWalker i just bought 'minced beef' from the supermarket...it's already minced ahhahahahaha...so I have no idea which part :jkbtsthink: I put loads of pepper...but next time I'll try put some more.

@mademoisellesia AHHHHHHHHHH.... yess...i bought 5star lean meat..coz hubby hates the beefy smell but he can tolerate the 5 star one!!!! I decided to use carrot coz we had loads at home.. Wombok can? Okkk..so next time i use minced pork ... if it has star..i'll buy the lowest star one. And mix with wombok...and then loads of pepper... as with fat..won't sesame oil count as fat? I used lots of sesame oil too. 

WOWWW...thank you @NiteWalker and @mademoisellesia .. I shall try again next time (don't know when though). The best part about the dumplings i just made is the skin...the thing that i bought and didn't need anything done to it :P 

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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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19 minutes ago, SnowBlob said:

You like the evil man??? that prosecutor??? of course up to this point i don't know what will happen... but I was frustrated with the leading lady...still so nice to the prosecutor after he's found out to work with the evil organisation..eeekkkkk -.- 

ahahaah .. i found his character interesting and also twisted. What he did was wrong of course but I do think if you watch further you will see what led to his choices. 

oooo @SilverMoonTea I see UNCLE is on your profile pic...what happened to Lee Jae Wook ?

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@joccu__ I have a friend at the University of Helsinki and we have been in constant contact since March and he always shared that no one really wears a mask in the capital and life has been going on as if there was no pandemic. Glad that your town is taking it seriously enough to keep teaching online despite so little cases! Have I ever told you I have been to Finland? I was there for a conference and besides being in Helsinki, we went to Jyvaskyla too! I count Finland as the most exotic country I have ever visited!

Edited by Jane
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@Jane no you have never told me that.   Many people have said that. myself I don´t really know what this  country makes exotic to people. maybe it is the countryside or lapland or that this country so little. 


The thing about the masks.  the hard recommendation to use masks in public, malls and sports events only came last week.  So before that people used their masks only in public transport.  you should think that people would think about other people. 



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F1, crime/thiller drama and coffee addict!



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@joccu__ I think because its culturally so different from mine, and it's not a destination that comes to the top of one's mind when thinking of where to travel to. I enjoyed my time there! 


3 minutes ago, joccu__ said:

The thing about the masks.  the hard recommendation to use masks in public, malls and sports events only came last week.


Oh my, only last week! Agree that people need to be more considerate. Its the only way that we can battle the virus.

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3 minutes ago, Jane said:


Oh my, only last week! Agree that people need to be more considerate. Its the only way that we can battle the virus.


to be honest....sometimes i do forgot to wear a mask when i went out....however i always had one bag in the car, so if i forgot to wear one out....i usually took one off from the car before i load off from my car into the destination

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@Jane there´has been talks about masks in the parliament since march but I honestly don´t know why it took them this long to say to people that use masks in public. But luckily there has been wise people that has been using masks since march. I been wearing my masks since march. always when I go out. 


how it is different? I´m curious :wow:



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12 minutes ago, NiteWalker said:


to be honest....sometimes i do forgot to wear a mask when i went out....however i always had one bag in the car, so if i forgot to wear one out....i usually took one off from the car before i load off from my car into the destination


I have those moments too. Walk out of the house and only when I see someone wearing a mask do I realise that I didn't do so. Then I have to walk back if I don't have one in my bag. Lol! Alamak, I read that MCO was instituted again for KL, that means @abs-oluteM on lock-down again?


11 minutes ago, joccu__ said:

how it is different? I´m curious


For one, your national sense of style. Everything looked so stylish there. In Singapore, we go around everywhere in flip-flops. For another, the architecture, from the modern buildings to the older ones (I went to the Seurasaari Open Air Museum for that). And then, the food. I tried so many new things there. I loveee piirakka! I wasn't brave enough to for a whole reindeer steak, so I just bought small preserved reindeer meat stick to try. Haha!

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1 minute ago, Jane said:

I have those moments too. Walk out of the house and only when I see someone wearing a mask do I realise that I didn't do so. Then I have to walk back if I don't have one in my bag. Lol! Alamak, I read that MCO was instituted again for KL, that means @abs-oluteM on lock-down again?


not the whole KL i believe, only those area under red is having an enforce MCO, in Penang we too have that now, with the prison and the prison warden living quarter all under lock down....which mean the red area will be the one around the general hospital area too since the prison is just right next to the general hospital

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@Jane did you have sweet(blueberry, strawberry etc) piirakka/pie or salty( ham, spinach etc)piirakka/pie? 

the architecture here is so nice. Like you said old and new.

And I do get the style thing. when I go out I do think what I wear. I can´t go out on my sweatpants(they are my homepants) 


about the reindeer steak.  i do get why you were nor brave enough. reindeer meat is really good 

I had similar experience of whale meat. My dad used to work on north Norway(lofoten island. he was carpenter there) and he would sometime bring whale meat home and at first I could not eat it. But eventually I had a small bite and it was really good. 


Edited by joccu__
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F1, crime/thiller drama and coffee addict!



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