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Our Blues 우리들의 블루스 [2022]


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Take what I'm about to say with a grain of salt. 😅


Perhaps I'm not a mother, and this didn't happen to me so it's easier to say than done...


I'm also not sure whether it feels differently for you guys, but I don't actually feel emotional or clucky (when in drama) they show the ultrasound pictures of the baby or hearing the heartbeat. And in real life I'm not excited when I'm shown ultrasound pictures from other mothers-to-be. So I've always held the position that if a couple is not ready or financially capable (especially teenagers), it's best not to bring a child into the world if they can't guarantee giving the child a happy, good & healthy (physical & mental) life.


Abortion in South Korea is not illegal before 14 weeks. Between 14 - 24 weeks is permitted if it is due to rape, social, economic or health reasons. So Young Joo's case is probably eligible for abortion, which explains why Young Joo was asked to return with an adult or go to another hospital which can do it (I can't remember the details) and when Ho Sik found out, he too also tell her to abort.

5 hours ago, Chocolate said:

In my head, I keep thinking, who is going to look after the baby when H is working and YJ is at school? What is the plan if she is going to Seoul? It's so hard. Then I remember that their fathers brought them up single-handedly too. So it can be done. Family support would be really important. H and his dad look to be on their way to mending their relationship. Let's see what happens with YJ and her dad.

Her plan was to give birth, go to Seoul and leave the baby with her father to take care. This was where it didn't sit well with me. At least Hyun wanted to leave school to work so he could support themselves and not depend on both fathers. Either way, it's not something either fathers would want for their children.


She probably thinks by saying that it would make it look more OK that she's not putting her life on backpedal by the baby. But it's her baby, she should take responsibility of it. She has dream she wanted to pursue, so did Ho Sik (going out to sea and be free). Now he can't and I truly feel sorry for him.


If they keep the baby, they will have to trouble others to help them. The halmoni might seem willing but they are so old they shouldn't exert themselves, and one of them has cancer so she's not going to have the energy. If they don't keep the baby then everyone's life goes on (although maybe at the expense of compromising her own health).


So yes, it's hard. From either perspectives - there are pros and cons.

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1 hour ago, mademoiselle said:

Her plan was to give birth, go to Seoul and leave the baby with her father to take care. This was where it didn't sit well with me. At least Hyun wanted to leave school to work so he could support themselves and not depend on both fathers. Either way, it's not something either fathers would want for their children.


😱 That's a terrible plan and again shows that she is selfish. Did she even consult her father first to see if he agrees? Even if he wanted to, it's difficult for him too - it's not like he can retire now and don't need to worry about money.


In Singapore, family is usually supportive - the working adults leave the children with their retiree parents on the way to work, then come back after work to pick up their children. Most times, they have dinner at their parents home too. They do this Mon-Fri, then their parents get a break on weekends. The older generation were willing to do this, but I think by the time it's my generation's turn, most will tell their children to go and pay for external childcare. I may love my grandchild, but 15 min is enough 🤣


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@Chocolate Did you FF or not yet watch this episode? She spilled out her plans to Hyun before they told their fathers. Plan A was what I said and plan B was go stay at some homestay place for pregnant teenagers. Can't remember the details for plan B.


No, she didn't discuss or consult with Ho Sik. Ho Sik was watching drama and about to eat his ramen when she off the TV and drop the bomb. She informed him of her decision, asked him to rent them a house and said she'd go to Uni after giving birth and she'll leave the baby with him. Ho Sik's plan was send her to Seoul and then shut down his ice business to go to sea. So yes, she was selfish and she knew very well that Ho Sik would eventually lose against her. She knew how much she's hurting Ho Sik but she stuck to it and in the end she got what she wanted.


Yeah, that is what older generation Asian parents do for their children. My grandma babysitted my siblings and my cousins, and now my mum babysit my nephew since both parents work. I don't know if my grandma ever complained she has to babysit her grandchildren but my mum does, saying she doesn't have time for herself, even though my nephew is like her own life. But still, if I have to listen to this, I'd rather not have baby. My grandparents have big family. So all their lives are just give birth, raise them and then babysit grandchildren. When my grandma was bedridden and her time is almost up, I started wondering if this is a life she had wanted for herself? Was she happy? That made me sad and this is why I feel for Ho Sik.

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39 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

I don't know if my grandma ever complained she has to babysit her grandchildren but my mum does, saying she doesn't have time for herself, even though my nephew is like her own life

Contrary to my mum....who wants to look after all her grandkids. I am grateful she helped me with mine. My sis has her maid who's fantastic so my mum doesn't look after hers but my mum was very willing to do so. In fact she also wanted to look after my bro's baby but my SIL's mum wants to as well and they live closer. I think with birth rates so low and being so hard to have babies these days, every child just feels so precious. 


So I think for me , I will be very happy to help my son do so. My great worry is that he tells me now he doesn't want to marry :psweatduck:....I have to tell myself he's only 11 ...he will change his mind. LOL! 


As to the ultrasound...it was different for me when I looked at other people's - I felt nothing before motherhood. But hearing my son's heartbeat for the 1st time was a completely different kind of emotion - so I get why it changed YS's mind. Perhaps if Hyun wasn't so supportive and determined to do this together, I may be more open to the abortion. But since they are determined to do this , then I think it is possible. 


Anyhow, are you guys looking forward to the next stories? I

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  -  Sat-Sun: Miss Night & Day Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - 

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41 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

So I think for me , I will be very happy to help my son do so. My great worry is that he tells me now he doesn't want to marry :psweatduck:....I have to tell myself he's only 11 ...he will change his mind. LOL! 

Ahahaha yeah he's still young, he will change his mind. He's probably at the age where they aren't interested of girls...?

43 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

Anyhow, are you guys looking forward to the next stories?

Not really. I did not find LBH and SMA a good match.

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11 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

Anyhow, are you guys looking forward to the next stories?


Yes, I am still interested in the stories. I am curious to see if Dong Seok will be able to help Seon Ah deal with her depression. Also, I want to know what will happen between him and his mother. I am very close to my mother so seeing their strained relationship is quite sad to me.


The preview only gave us a snippet of Jeong Jun and Yeong Ok. Seems like their story will build more in the second half.

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@abs-oluteM I have seen ep 9 which I enjoyed, but not 10 yet.

  • During the same night where ep 8 ended, the teenagers’ fathers sat down in In Gwon’s living room and had a heart-to-heart talk. They made up. Ho Sik started to refer In Gwon as hyung again, but he corrected him and said they are in-laws (family) now. Their kids are married and have their fathers’ full support.
  • We got to see Dong Seok and Seon Ah’s backstory as teenagers. Both came from messed-up family dynamics and were each other’s comfort. Dong Seok’s strained relationship with his mother stems from her becoming a mistress and turning a blind eye on the mistreatment/abuse on him. After Seon-Ah’s father’s business failed, he committed suicide by driving his car into the sea. This is when her depression started and may be why we saw her imagining herself with water in the earlier episode. Her mother who had remarried brought her from Jeju to Seoul. From here, Dong Seok and Seon Ah, separated and lost contact. Prior to Seon Ah leaving, she had purposely done some hurtful things to cause Dong Seok to resent her. However, reunited as adults, they were able to clear up the past. I don’t feel romantic sparks between them, but they are becoming each other’s support again. I like that. She opened-up about her depression, divorce, and custody battle with him. He talks about his mother with her.
  • With Jeong Jun and Yeong Ok, there was not much development, but they are slowly dating. She seems to understand that he is a rare and good guy so hopefully, she doesn’t do anything to hurt him. Jeong Jun is a sweetheart. He is so kind to everyone. Apparently, he almost drowned in the past, but halmeoni saved him which he is forever grateful.
3 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

But I think from tonight she loses the son's custody. However he's there for her


Sigh, if so, I am not surprised by it. I do believe she needs to get better before she has custody of her son again. I can see Dong Seok being able to help her become healthy and back on her feet again.

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Thanks for the recaps @peperomia I caught up with both episodes. I did feel bad for Seon A - but given her condition I don't think anyone expected her to gain custody of her child. I personally don't think she's  in the right frame of mind to look after her son alone. The good thing is that she now has DS by her side. I don't think she would have been able to cope with the verdict if not for him giving her moral support.


I look forward to our Captain and Yeong Ok's development. But we're only midway through- what other stories will they tell? 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  -  Sat-Sun: Miss Night & Day Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - 

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@abs-oluteM I agree... Based on Seon Ah's handling of her son with the father, the outcome of the custody battle was the appropriate decision. Reuniting with Dong Seok is indeed good for her. If he was not by her side, I think she wouldn't be able to cope and would've made rash decisions about living life without her son. He seemed to have talked some sense into her about depression being a viscous cycle. If she does not try to manage her illness and try to enjoy life for the sake of her son, he may turn out the be like her. I hope not just having custody, but the well-being of her son, is her motivation to get better as well.


I look forward to more of Jeong Jun and Yeong Ok's story too. Based on the preview, it looks like Seon Ah and Dong Seok will get romantic. :PsyWhat: Eun Hee's best friend, Mi Ran, will return to Jeju and be introduced into the story.

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Saw this and quite agree.


Seon A has decided to stay in Seoul for her son, even though she lost custody. That is a good decision as distance will be difficult for mother and son. Dong Seok says that he will wait for Seon A. I hope he meets another woman or he is more likely to be alone all his life. They are too far apart in every aspect. Unless he is willing to leave Jeju and make some sort of career in Seoul - but what career can he have? I need to watch a LBY movie to cleanse my mind of him clapping and stomping on his truck selling his goods 😬😂.


Yeong Ok has finally come clean about her background to Cheon Hui in order to keep her job as a hanyeo. Who is the person calling her all the time and why does she need to make money? She finally tells. But… not to us! 😭


All we know is she isn’t hiding a child or a man and her parents died when she was 12. What’s your guess? Sibling who is sick?


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9 hours ago, Chocolate said:

Saw this and quite agree.


Seon A has decided to stay in Seoul for her son, even though she lost custody. That is a good decision as distance will be difficult for mother and son.


Yes! I was happy to see Seon Ah come to this realization and for her ex-husband to recognize that she's getting on the right track to getting better. When he told her that he wouldn't appeal when that day comes, I felt it was his way of encouraging her. After all, a child needs his mother too - a healthy one. It is good that they're amicable now and opening the door to co-parenting Yeol one day - regardless of who has legal custody.


10 hours ago, Chocolate said:

Dong Seok says that he will wait for Seon A. I hope he meets another woman or he is more likely to be alone all his life. They are too far apart in every aspect. Unless he is willing to leave Jeju and make some sort of career in Seoul - but what career can he have? I need to watch a LBY movie to cleanse my mind of him clapping and stomping on his truck selling his goods 😬😂.


I am indifferent about Dong Seok and Seon Ah getting together so we'll see what happens... I just really liked that their teenage connection allowed them to support each other in their adult lives again. I was hoping her advice to him about his mom would click with him, but sadly it has not. I am curious to see how his story with his mom will wrap up. I only know Lee Byung Hun from Mr. Sunshine. It took me awhile to get used to him here. LOL.


10 hours ago, Chocolate said:

Yeong Ok has finally come clean about her background to Cheon Hui in order to keep her job as a hanyeo. Who is the person calling her all the time and why does she need to make money? She finally tells. But… not to us! 😭


All we know is she isn’t hiding a child or a man and her parents died when she was 12. What’s your guess? Sibling who is sick?


I was not expecting the show to purposely not let us in on it. I was like...wait...what?...I can't hear what she's saying. LOL. My original guess was an ex-lover, but since she said it isn't that or a child, my current guess is a sick sibling too.


I had a difficult time following Eun Hee and Mi Ran's story. All I can tell is their relationship seems a bit toxic to be friends for that long, but not really be friends.

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On 5/16/2022 at 10:01 AM, peperomia said:

had a difficult time following Eun Hee and Mi Ran's story. All I can tell is their relationship seems a bit toxic to be friends for that long, but not really be friends.

Yes. I think MR takes Eun Hee too much for granted and I feel that EH may have felt somewhat inferior at first in their childhood days then became overly grateful when MR came to her rescue. 

Looks like there's a catfight ahead.


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  -  Sat-Sun: Miss Night & Day Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - 

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Last weekend's episodes were pretty good. Initially I wasn't very interested in the friendship between Eun Hui and MR but I ended liking how the rift between the friendship was mended. I did say that MR tends to take EH for granted but to an extent EH allowed it as well. And instead of addressing how she truly felt she pretended it was alright and that lead to her secretly "hating" MR. It was good how they finally trashed things out and that their friendship was maintained.


I was quite surprised with how things are turning out for Young Ok & Jeong Jun. When this drama started, I didn't imagine their story would revolve around a sister with a Down Syndrome. Nevertheless, I like where they are going with this - at least I think the writer given a thoughtful treatment to the show.

Seeing the burden that Young Ok carries and her failed relationships in the past , I can completely understand why she seems to put up a wall with people and even in her current relationship with JJ in spite of her always appearing so chirpy. JJ is such a sweet and honest guy. I like how he dealt with things after he met the sister and when Young Ok wanted to break up. Young Ok shouldn't let go of him cause he is sincere in how he accepts her sister and that Young Ok will have to care for the sis all her life.


New stills :




Jung Eun Hye who has DS plays Young Hee. IRL, she  is an artist who draws caricature. Writer-nim communicated with her for 1 yr before  filming. HJM and KWB  met her separately earlier to become closer before  filming too. Some warm film-making stills


Eun Hye's  drawing:




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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  -  Sat-Sun: Miss Night & Day Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - 

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What a cryfest near the end! I think I like Yeong Ok, Jung Jun and Yeong Hui's story the most. Jung Jun determined to accept everything about Yeong Ok was sweet. I feel sad for Yeong Ok when she has her outburst and love the scene because Jung Jun was there to embrace, comfort and cry together with her. His tears was for feeling heartbroken to see Yeong Ok hurting. Yeong Ok's cries was because of so many emotions and feeling unfair for how things turn out in life for having a disabled family. They all feel the pain for one another, and that, I find beautiful. I love that Yeong Hui bonded with Jung Jun and instead of showing Yeong Ok, she showed Jung Jun her drawings. :heart:

Edited by mademoiselle
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23 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

Last weekend's episodes were pretty good. Initially I wasn't very interested in the friendship between Eun Hui and MR but I ended liking how the rift between the friendship was mended. I did say that MR tends to take EH for granted but to an extent EH allowed it as well. And instead of addressing how she truly felt she pretended it was alright and that lead to her secretly "hating" MR. It was good how they finally trashed things out and that their friendship was maintained.


I've given up watching this and just catch snippets. I saw the part where MR read EH's diary so she knows that EH actually felt hurt and shots of MR blowing up. Can I ask how they resolved this? What was the reason that MR said such mean things to EH?


Yeong Ok - I didn't like her at the beginning. Still have no feelings for her at the end. Despite that she worked hard to make money to support Yeong Hui, she overlooked the emotional side of things and seemed to have very little knowledge of her sister's life. I didn't watch the whole episode, but how can she assume that YH has the same memory span of a 7 year old? How can she not know that YH draws? Bravo to YH for blasting out how that she knew YO tried to abandon her. And now knowing that the phone calls were from her sister who has down syndrome and her irritation at receiving some of those calls - I think JJ could have done much better!


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2 hours ago, Chocolate said:

Can I ask how they resolved this? What was the reason that MR said such mean things to EH?

Mi Ran confronted Eun Hui. Told Eun Hui she's not that "重義氣" like she thinks. Eun Hui fumed over it and drove to Seoul to ask Mi Ran why she thinks that. Mi Ran explained if she was really 重義氣 then she would have called Mi Ran out right then & there and tell her how she felt. Mi Ran said those mean things to Eun Hui because Eun Hui is the only person she is comfortable enough with to tease/bully. You can just skip to the scene where Mi Ran gave Eun Hui a massage. That's where they patch their friendship up.


To be honest, I have an old friend whom I used to see as my best friend but we've grown apart now. And I must admit I wasn't honest with my feelings with her as well, and vice versa. We both chose not to in my opinion. I have another friend whom I feel more comfortable with being honest instead.


2 hours ago, Chocolate said:

Despite that she worked hard to make money to support Yeong Hui, she overlooked the emotional side of things and seemed to have very little knowledge of her sister's life. I didn't watch the whole episode, but how can she assume that YH has the same memory span of a 7 year old? How can she not know that YH draws?

Yeong Ok hasn't seen Yeong Hui for 2 years. Yeong Ok loves Yeong Hui but she's in a dilemma. She wants to live her own life too but having to take care of Yeong Hui every day until the end of her life drains her. She knows she's selfish for doing this but she wanted to breathe.


Yeong Ok has dated a few men before Jung Jun and each time they find out about Yeong Hui, they ended up breaking up with Yeong Ok and that hurt her. She was determined not to let Jung Jun find out but then Yeong Hui came to Jeju Island and Yeong Ok put up a wall against Jung Jun immediately to guard her heart.


Rather than overlooking Yeong Hui's life, I think Yeong Ok deliberately avoid it.

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@mademoiselle Yes, maintaining true friendships require effort. Those we treasure, we will make an effort to do so. My policy is also to be upfront and direct, rather than to let it fester. Some of my friends think I am very tactless 😂


I can understand Yeong Ok wanting a life of her own. I would too. The difficulty is in finding a balance. So did she just leave YH in a care home and not seen her for 2 years? 😲 That's quite extreme. But anyway, everyone in this drama is not perfect, except maybe JJ haha.


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17 minutes ago, Chocolate said:

So did she just leave YH in a care home and not seen her for 2 years?

They stayed together in that care home until they were 22 then Yeong Ok find the excuse that she needed to work and earn money to support Yeong Hui. She would visit but the frequency decreases as years go by. Before Jeju Island, they didn't see each other for 2 years.

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I laughed and cried when the kid cried and hit her chest (LOL) for last night's episode. I started crying and felt sorry for her when she cried/complained Halmoni Chun Hui should be on her side but burst out laughing while still crying when she started punching herself (and Halmoni Ok Dong asked her who she learnt doing that from...) :lmao2: 



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