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If the drama continues as it has in ep2, it's looking good. Everyone seems to have a hidden agenda/secret so there is a little suspense all around. Park Sung Hoon's appearance makes things even more lively.


Agreed that Hyun Woo is not likeable for now. Seems heartless that he was happy that his wife, a woman he used to love, was suddenly dying in 3 months. I'm not sure a decent person can do that, no matter how miserable he was. Plus, his misery is a little self-made - it looks like he was a pushover in the 3 years of marriage. Did he attempt to discuss his difficulties with Hae In? There were moments between the 2 of them where it felt they could have been a power-couple if only they worked together. I hope the show is not going to go the usual route of the wife finding out that he was faking (initially) to create the angst later.


14 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

The gender reversal of all the son-in-laws is such a great take on how all the daughter-in-laws had to do during memorial service and public holidays. There's a sense of great satisfactory seeing all the men in the kitchen, and likewise makes my blood boils when Soo Cheol, being the son, does absolutely nothing. 



This is a good observation. I realised that I pitied the men, but not when the women were in the kitchen because that was the "norm". I shall try to be more aware of my own bias from now onwards lol!


Do you think Hae In is not the mother's natural daughter? Could she be adopted or father's illegitimate child?


17 hours ago, UnniSara said:

@mademoiselle  Is the male lead in love with his wife?? 
Is she also in love with her husband??


At this time, he despises her haha. But I think he is going to find that he does still love her if they can get along better. It's clear she still loves him from ep 1.


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4 Mins+ Preview Trailer


On 3/12/2024 at 12:59 AM, Chocolate said:

Plus, his misery is a little self-made - it looks like he was a pushover in the 3 years of marriage. Did he attempt to discuss his difficulties with Hae In? There were moments between the 2 of them where it felt they could have been a power-couple if only they worked together.


I don't think he is a pushover. He did try to speak up and/or gave his opinions, but the family is just way too crazy and scary e.g., like the having baby bit, he spoke up and he didn't get any support from Hae In. After that he did try to talk about it with Hae In, too, but she was cold about it. Everyone seems to decide for him rather than asking for his opinion. That was disheartening.


I would like to think he has tried to voice his difficulties with Hae In, but we'll have to wait and see because not everything is revealed yet. This drama writer likes to include easter eggs at the end of each episode. I do think Hae In needs to work on expressing her emotions/thoughts with Hyun Woo. And agreed, they can be a power-couple if they are in sync with one another.


On 3/12/2024 at 12:59 AM, Chocolate said:

This is a good observation. I realised that I pitied the men, but not when the women were in the kitchen because that was the "norm". I shall try to be more aware of my own bias from now onwards lol!


I actually felt sorry for the men, but then I wonder if it was because I'm biased towards Kim Soo Hyun. LOL! Maybe if we put a bunch of nobody (non-Oppa), I wouldn't be too sympathetic. And I was honestly quite annoyed with Kwak Dong Yeon's Soo Cheol. I thought he will be a likeable brother, but clearly, he isn't!


On 3/12/2024 at 12:59 AM, Chocolate said:

Do you think Hae In is not the mother's natural daughter? Could she be adopted or father's illegitimate child?


I think Hae In is the mother's birth daughter. However, I think there's bias towards sons. Not sure the dead child's sex is, but since it begins with "Soo" and the same as Soo Cheol, I'm going to guess it's a son for now. Being a son would probably matter more since the big sister is supposed to look out for the younger one.


Edited by mademoiselle
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There are BTS released on Naver (but not tvN YouTube) so I can't share it here, but this scene turns out to be Soo Hyun's ad-lib imitating Kim Ji Won's aegyo and line (I'm born to be this way [cute]) in Fight My Way. :lmao2:




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To quote my husband, "KSH always gets the best scripts and production team..." I hope it will remain true for the rest of this drama because so far, I'm liking it! Very much! The cast, the characters, and definitely the leads' interpretation of their roles so far. There's something so chaotic and looney but mysterious and intriguing about the characters that have been introduced so far. 


Where do I begin?


Baek Hyunwoo. He's such a tragicomic hero. I feel the pain of his belittlement by his in-laws - they're quite the horrid sort of people. It's like they expect him to work for his position in the family because he came with nothing (but his intellect). It's very easy to build up resentment that way. And then to learn that your wife is supposedly dying - wow, what a "way out" from the gods! It's funny and sad all at the same time. You're meant to feel sorry for him, and his wife dying presents as some sort of strange relief that allows him a resolution without any apparent long lasting negative consequence to him and his immediate family and friends (such as his law school bestie). Yet deep down we know, it can't be morally right to rejoice in the light of such tragic news. So the gods must really be playing some painful and game of irony - as he tries his best to "love" her so that all's well that ends well for him, he will start to discover that he does love her after all, only to have it come to an end in 3 months. A true tragicomedy in the making. 


Hong Haein. You've got to hate her to like her. She's is such a tragic product of harsh and loveless parenting. Every bit of her upbringing was intended to develop a coldhearted and hard personality intended for surviving in a dog-eat-dog world. But no person can truly be like that. Humans aren't meant to live that way. In fact all of her points to a person who really needs help, which was actually what Hyunwoo first saw in her when she was an intern kicking the photocopier. I do wonder what she was really like when they were dating. The montage at the start showed a much softer person, different in fact from the intern he'd met. She does still love him for sure - see all that she does to protect him in front of his in-laws without him knowing. But she's so emotionally stunted, she doesn't actually know how to express herself fully to him. Imagine having no emotions to process your own impending death too. 

Hong Beomja. That absolutely looney aunt. Just you wait. She's got something on her dad's girlfriend. That woman, as Haein's mum puts it, is worse than having a mother-in-law. And I think aunt is going to be Hyunwoo's biggest supporter yet. I believe she does like Hyunwoo and for the right reasons. 

Mum. I wonder why it is she hates Haein so much. Something must've happened to the elder child when she was carrying Haein. Poor Haein to be rejected by her own mother. 


Brother. Love the actor. Don't love the character. But he does come across as a poor little stupid rich kid. His wife is very sus... I'm sure she's manipulating him. 


Haven't quite decided yet if I like grandpa. It does not seem like he has raised his family well if you ask me, cos Dad does not look like an impressive son at all. And anyone who can be easily bewitched by a long-term live-in girlfriend does not seem all too great in my books.

Well, let's see how this continues. Cos Mr Investor is an annoying but necessary intrusion now. I'd like to see how he intends to disrupt things, all without know that Haein has only 3 months to live...

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@gilaswan Did your husband watch Kim Soo Hyun's movie "Real"? 😆




By the way, it has been pointed out by Netizens that episode 1's story was told from Hyun Woo's perspective and episode 2 from Hae In's perspective. The scene where we see Hae In asked Hyun Woo to see the doctor with her was done in two versions. Even the colour tone of the scene was different.


First version was Hyun Woo's, so we see a very cold Hae In in a demanding tone ordering Hyun Woo to go somewhere with her. The second version was a complete opposite. Hae In's tone was softer and not condescending at all, instead, it was Hyun Woo raising his voice and yelled at her.


I thought it was really interesting the drama seems to be showing us two sides of the story. Really looking forward to more episodes and see if this continues. With this in mind, @gilaswan I, too, was wondering how Hae In interacts with Hyun Woo in the beginning of their relationship and honeymoon, as we saw they got along just fine. Is it really Hae In being frosty, or this is actually Hyun Woo's perception of her and we see her cold front through his eyes...?


Another scene I wanted to point out, which I find it funny, was after Hyun Woo tells himself to lower his lips... Kim Soo Hyun kept "that look" throughout when he went to see Hae In in her bedroom. LOL LOL!


@abs-oluteM Are you and your mum watching this? Come join us, soon!

@ktcjdrama Come join us soon, too, so you don't miss out on the discussion.

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On 3/13/2024 at 3:38 PM, mademoiselle said:

@ktcjdrama Come join us soon, too, so you don't miss out on the discussion.

Coming, coming....!! I promise I will start tonight.

I've been soooo busy lately. Can you believe I'm only watching one drama now?!? Really miss hanging out in JH and being lost in dramaland....   

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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2 minutes ago, ktcjdrama said:

Coming, coming....!! I promise I will start tonight.

I've been soooo busy lately. Can you believe I'm only watching one drama now?!? Really miss hanging out in JH and being lost in dramaland....   

Yes I can. At one point, I have one drama left...!

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On 3/8/2024 at 4:20 PM, abs-oluteM said:

@mademoiselle your oppa will be crying alot . :thinking:


What cruel fans. But it is true that in the first 2 episodes there were a lot of drunken tears :laugh:


On 3/11/2024 at 10:43 AM, mademoiselle said:

The gender reversal of all the son-in-laws is such a great take on how all the daughter-in-laws had to do during memorial service and public holidays. There's a sense of great satisfactory seeing all the men in the kitchen, and likewise makes my blood boils when Soo Cheol, being the son, does absolutely nothing. 


Hahaha this was my favourite part - the male in laws being treated the way that most women are treated in Korea. Finally, seeing men getting a taste of their own medicine in partaking in the in-law traditions :laugh:



On 3/12/2024 at 12:59 AM, Chocolate said:

Agreed that Hyun Woo is not likeable for now. Seems heartless that he was happy that his wife, a woman he used to love, was suddenly dying in 3 months. I'm not sure a decent person can do that, no matter how miserable he was. Plus, his misery is a little self-made - it looks like he was a pushover in the 3 years of marriage. Did he attempt to discuss his difficulties with Hae In? There were moments between the 2 of them where it felt they could have been a power-couple if only they worked together. I hope the show is not going to go the usual route of the wife finding out that he was faking (initially) to create the angst later.


I definitely felt that Hyun Woo was not that likeable. I mean while he's not entirely evil and some of his misery about his cold and demanding in laws is completely fair, he's also not a good person in that I feel like he's taken the coward's way out. Also, he's being slightly opportunistic in the the fact he does sort of think about her will as well :lettalKWA:


I definitely feel like she's going to find out about these hurtful things later (given that he had prepared the divorce papers with dates and told his friends and family that he was going to divorce her...someone is going to let something slip!) :psweatduck:


14 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

Coming, coming....!! I promise I will start tonight.

I've been soooo busy lately. Can you believe I'm only watching one drama now?!? Really miss hanging out in JH and being lost in dramaland....   


I'm shocked!!! :lettalKWA: Hahaha I thought I was the only busy one. 



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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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23 minutes ago, JenL said:

I definitely feel like she's going to find out about these hurtful things later (given that he had prepared the divorce papers with dates and told his friends and family that he was going to divorce her...someone is going to let something slip!)


Someone on Weibo translated his divorce paper. One of the points he proposed is that they keep their own assets after the divorce. At least this part, it was fair, and unlikely make things worse if she sees the divorce paper later. 


23 minutes ago, JenL said:

What cruel fans. But it is true that in the first 2 episodes there were a lot of drunken tears


Hahaha! God knows why his fans love watching him cry. He's always had very ugly crying face. 😆


@JenL Do you still go to cinema to watch Asian movies? Exhuma is playing in the cinema now. I'm contemplating of going. You probably won't go coz of KGE. Haha. Yeah? But I'm curious because it's doing very well in Korea.

Edited by mademoiselle
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Episode 1-2


Once in awhile I'll watch one of the big dramas and this one has made it on my radar. I tend to watch most Kim Soo Hyun projects because he's a good actor and is nice eye candy. However, I do feel like he's oddly type cast in the romance dramas he stars in - the formula for his main romances have him as a gentle, warm and slightly stoic-on-the-outside guy with a very cold and often rich love interest (It's Okay to Not Be Okay, My Love from Another Star). I think it'd be nice to see him in a project where his love interest was a bit more realistic? A bit more unique? But this one is sticking to the same pattern :idk: I will say that Kim Soo Hyun is a good actor and so watching him is always a treat (I really liked him in his movie roles like Secrety Greatly and I think he did comedy really well there). He's not even a main Oppa for me (I like him, just not as big a fan as others), but I can see what all the fuss is about.


As for this drama, I think I'll go on watching so far because it's an interesting dynamic and I want to know if she'll end up living or dying. And it's nice to see them rekindle their romance and realise how important they are to each other. But if I'm honest, I've not warmed to the story yet. I think it might be because they had a very condensed explaination about their relationship in the opening that I don't really feel anything. Like I couldn't really tell you why they liked each other aside from the fact they both thought the other was pretty. There's not a real build up to their relationship - I didn't see them acting nicely to each other aside from a kissing montage and so I don't feel like there's been a change. I suspect they'll show this while the series goes on, but so far I don't empathise with either character just yet (I think  @SilverMoonTea or @Tofu may have said this and I kinda agree). This feeling goes further since both characters aren't particularly likeable yet - as discussed Hyun Woo's behaviour in over-compensating to be nice to his wife while secretly happy that she's dying so he can be free and maybe inherit something is not the greatest, though I look forward to seeing how it'll backfire on him. As for Hae In, I get that she's had a cold, rich-person upbringing and has her defences up all the time...but it's difficult watching such a frosty character. I like warm people, so I need her to thraw out and not be so frosty :laugh: The disease she's suffering from also seems very fantastical. In a way, it gives me the same vibes It's Okay to Not Be Okay had dealing with mental health. But perhaps it makes it more exciting and less morbid given that disease/fatal illness dramas can be very depressing when made to look realistic. :idk:

15 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

@JenL Do you still go to cinema to watch Asian movies? Exhuma is playing in the cinema now. I'm contemplating of going. You probably won't go coz of KGE. Haha. Yeah? But I'm curious because it's doing very well in Korea.


Hahaha, yes, I often have free tickets to watch Korean films through work etc. I've seen the trailers for Exhuma, but it looks scary!! It's horror right? I avoid horror if I can unless it's a zombie movie :heiboi: Are you going to watch it?

Edited by JenL
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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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49 minutes ago, JenL said:

Hahaha, yes, I often have free tickets to watch Korean films through work etc. I've seen the trailers for Exhuma, but it looks scary!! It's horror right? I avoid horror if I can unless it's a zombie movie :heiboi: Are you going to watch it?

It is a thriller. They always make thriller look like horror in trailers. I might watch it tomorrow if I can muster the motivation to get out of the house 😂


Kim Soo Hyun said in You Quiz on the Block that his role has a lot of Chun Song Yi (My Love From the Star) in it and he thought it was hard - so he is amazed even more JJH pulled it off with her comedic scenes. It does seem like now he's Chun Song Yi and Ji Won is Do Ming Joon (the cold one) in this context.

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Finished both episodes. Enjoying them so far... I like that they sprinkle some comedy in this drama. That part where Hyun Woo want to spill the secret of his way out of the marriage to his friend :laugh: so unnecessary to meet up with the car at a different spot when he could just whisper to his friend there and then at the diner. 


I once heard an illustration (on managing family conflict) about a DIL who hated her MIL and sought help. The person gave her "poison" to put in the MIL's meal daily to slowly poison her to death, on one condition that she must pretend and be nice to the MIL to the max no matter how she hated her. She obeyed and through the course of time, their relationship improved tremendously and she came to love the MIL. Then she panicked because she thought her DIL is dying, only to be told that the "poison" wasn't really poison, just some vitamins. I kept thinking this drama is going to be kind of like that, haha... Hyun Woo pretending to love her and then both rediscover their initial feelings and love. 


The characters are interesting so far. Only not enjoying the Aunt from prison part. Not getting the character but I believe she will be the person from the Hong family to be on Hyun Woo's side later on.


1 hour ago, JenL said:

Like I couldn't really tell you why they liked each other aside from the fact they both thought the other was pretty. There's not a real build up to their relationship - I didn't see them acting nicely to each other aside from a kissing montage and so I don't feel like there's been a change.

I get you and want to know more too. It seems that they're going to show it little by little through the epilogues.


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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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@JenLThat's so well said. I think you have mentioned exactly almost all that I had in my mind, why I had not warmed up to the couple since beginning. Both so far a bit too dramatic for my liking and the attraction between them was not well depicted, so it's hard to get into their story. 


The incoming of the 2nd lead did make it more interesting for me. I probably will try few more episodes if I'm in the mood or when I have too much time on my hand lols. Anyway the outlook is not too good 😅 If I already not so excited for first few episodes, do you think it will be possible for me to stay until 16 episodes ? 😂

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Episode 3


Thoroughly enjoyed this episode. Kim Soo Hyun is so handsome in this episode, especially through Hae In's eyes. She represents all of Kim Soo Hyun's fans. Hehe. And love how Aunt admits to being fluttered by Hyun Woo too :laugh:


Funny how clueless Hyun Woo was with Hae In in the past. It's mainly because he's not a big city boy, and pays no attention to fashion that he did not realise everything Hae In wore was branded. Though I've noticed, he's got a habit of not letting Hae In speak, which resulted in growing misunderstanding. Of course Hae In has plenty of opportunity to set the record straight; however, I do think she liked the idea that he likes her without knowing her background.


Hyun Woo thinks he's lost his affection/love for Hae In, but he said so himself, he jumped in to save Hae In out of instinct. And Eun Seong lied to Hae In he hesitated. 😤


It's clear that Hyun Woo is an all-rounder-good-at-everything kind of man. Totally loved the bit where Father-in-law compared Baek Sobang to his son re: firewood. LMAO. Coupled with last week's information and everyone being impressed with Hyun Woo, the family must not think highly of Hyun Woo from the get-go and see him as unworthy of marrying their daughter. Glad to see their perspectives changing. This incident also showed us mum does care about Hae In. She ran to see her after learning the news.


Now, did that annoying butler/gossiper/matchmaker (who is she anyway?) work with Yoon Eun Seong in releasing the wild boar?That explains why he intruded the grounds he shouldn't. Also, Eun Seong sounds like a psychopath. That said, I need to remind myself this writer doesn't write very good villain. They may "seem" deadly and dangerous at first, but the way they dealt with things aren't always the smartest, and the villains' ending across multiple projects were always lacklustre.


Mistress Moh Seul Hee, I can only say "woah" with her move on the shaman's warning. Now she has Hong Man Dae at the palm of her hand due to the wild boar incident. Not sure whether it meant anything, but is there something behind Chairman's: "My parents passed away when I was 15"


Soo Cheaol's wife, LOL, can't wait to see her reveal her true self. She didn't want Soo Cheol to post her photos on social media also suggests she lied about her family background. She's likely not from any well-off or high society family.


Episode 4 Pre-release


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Yet to back read but just wanna say I enjoyed the first episode. Everything is kind of over the top but it is the charm of such chaebol dramas. Plus I think the leads are playing their characters so well. I love Kim Ji Won playing the ice queen here - nice to have this role reversal where she's the tsundere. It reminds me of her role in Descendants of the Sun. And KSH has good comic timing and still handsome while crying :laugh:. How his expression changed when he found out she was dying. I know it's a bit cruel but I really felt for his character and how suffocated it must be to be part of such a crazy family.

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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