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IkSong 👀 The Super Slow Burn Ship

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@LaLa I was going to quote what you wrote about the part where IJ touched the table when he's holding back from going to SHwa to comfort her .. but can't delete the twitter part hahahaha. So anyway.. YES I noticed that gesture too..and it's quite special in a way that ShinLee gave that action of holding onto the table a 'focus' shot?? Same like when Shwa 'accidentally' held IJ's hand ... another special focus shot right there.


I read in someone's comment in another forum.. this was about the line (you know about those line theories we've been hearing since season 1), but this one is quite good. The poster said how there was a line between IJ and SHwa prior to Shwa standing up (we're still talking about the scene where she cried because of her mum's diagnosis)..but then when she stood up...she actually crossed the 'line' shown in the screen. So her interpretation was that at that time she actually wanted to get comfort from IJ but then she couldn't get it because she already friend zoned him and maybe hopefully she'll realise that she needs IJ more than just a friend. 

35 minutes ago, LaLa said:


Some fan theories that I have read, this might happened if Ik Sun's condition is not getting better. The fan theories are that Ik Sun needed a transplant surgery and being his brother and all, Ik Jun will offer his.

I didn't want it to go this way tough. I prefer for her to realize it herself. The nudge that she got in ep 3, from her patient's brother could be an opening. A new perspective that she didn't think of. It's not like Song Hwa didn't realize her feelings, but to take the brave step from going to be friends to lovers, that's what she need to take. The stakes of what if their relationship didn't go as smoothly as they think and how it will ruin the dynamics of their friendships of 22 years and with other boys must be also scary. Ik Jun is willing to try it so it all depends on her. 


I have also read that IJ might actually be giving his liver to IkSun. I feel that this might be it. I think I wouldn't mind if this nudges SHwa further to acknowledge her feelings. I have a feeling that she already started realising her feeling after that holding hand scene. When I thought about it again, her sad-longing expression after their hands parted, might be a realisation of some sorts. I wonder whether at that time she realised what she wanted but also realised that IJ has now put her in the friend zone. 


Oooohhh.. I did not see that smile! Or perhaps I did but didn't realise it :p @LaLa IJ is kinda too good to be true hahahahahahah... not to say that you won't get your IJ one day though :P but who knows you might get a JunWan (who is also...I might say..looking so dashing when he confronted IkSung in the hospital bed)... or a SeokHyung...or a JeongWon :eeeee:


@abs-oluteM ok.. you can come on board this ship now officially for the next 3 episodes :laugh:

Ahhh yayyyyyyy someone also thinks the same as me... thank you @LaLa - about IJ tried to let go but SHwa was still holding on to his hand. So I'm not delusional!! :hearties::love: I must say that holding hand scene is gold~~ I think I like this scene best so far in season 2. 

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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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6 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

This is why watching kdramas are bad for us ! 

Watching You Are My Glory is bad for us too! :laugh: There is that perfect guy there. Ooops, wrong thread...


5 hours ago, SnowBlob said:

about IJ tried to let go but SHwa was still holding on to his hand. So I'm not delusional!!

and I see that she seemed to be surprised that he let go so quickly and went ahead without her. She wasn't even disturbed that they held hands, like she thought that was natural...


Edited by ktcjdrama
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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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15 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

and I see that she seemed to be surprised that he let go so quickly and went ahead without her. She wasn't even disturbed that they held hands, like she thought that was natural...


Yesss... I saw that too! Let's hope that now she at least a bit regretted that she rejected IJ's confession in earlier episodes HAHAHAHAHAHHHAAHAH :laugh:


I really want their relationship to progress further in ep 10 (because we all know we won't be getting ep 11 until 2 weeks later -.- ) And I hope they won't give us a cliff hanger at the end of ep 10. 

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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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I'm scared now that I think I'm expecting something really good to happen to IkSong on tonight's episode @LaLa @ktcjdramaIt's just some people have been saying that ep 10 is gonna be special or something :niu: 


I also somehow hope 3 hurdles don't actually mean 3 episodes.. coz if that's the case, then we will only have our ship sails right at the end of the season :shocked: NONONONONONO. I hope they'll get through the 3 hurdles in one episode or something :laugh: maybe tonight?? HAHAHAHHA


After reading people's comments, I now think that maybe during that camping scene where IJ looked so longingly sad when SHwa went to bed, that's probably the point where he decided to move on from 'hoping'? Maybe he was hit by a realisation that after a year or so, her feeling had not changed. And probably therefore, he kept his distance when SHwa crying because of her mum's condition... and maybe that's why last episode, he just ran off first after the hand-holding scene. And..maybe now SHwa realised that IJ has moved on (and hence her facial expression after the hand-holding scene). :JuiceGhost: 


Anyhow, never mind... as usual, I'll be waiting for @LaLa 's report .. as well as checking social media on ikSong updates. 

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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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Report first, replaying for tags later :GrowDerp:

49 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

I am just waiting for @LaLa's report ...cause this was her reaction on twitter ...


I have my reason hahaha. Partly it related to our IkSong too.. 


Okay move to report..  hmm our couple scenes like in episode 9, it's not that many. But from the scenes that we get, the chemistry is very apparent and the lovely gazes... Kyaa :heart:


- If you blink then you will missed it

First is when the boys are arguing and shouting about their menu choices for McDonald's drive thru, Ik Jun ask Song Hwa what she wants. But his voice got drown by others and he has to repeat it again before all get scolded by Song Hwa for being noisy. LOL.

Second one Ik Jun asks about the extra 2 burgers and Jeong Won let him know that those belong to duo eating monster. He glanced helplessly at Song Hwa for split of seconds before giving her the drink because she's already eating burger while also munching on the fries. 


- Song Hwa room is Ik Jun room. And rain is special for two. Two is better than one :hearties:


Ik Jun is playing game on his phone as usual in Song Hwa room when he's resting. He received calls about patient update from Gyeo Ul. After making sure that Gyeo Ul can handle it herself, he noticed that it's raining outside. After enjoying the rain for a short time, he makes instant coffee for two and shares the other on with Song Hwa who's busy looking at her paperwork. He also gently lets her know that it's raining outside. And they have a short rain gazing together.. what a lovely scenes... they look so natural, just like a couple enjoying this rain together, not just as friends. 





Later when Ik Jun sits first, my delulu mind is thinking that he no longer looks at the rain or the window, but he moves to gazing at Song Hwa who is smiling enjoying the rain. 


After that she asks what he wants for present for his birthday. He says he's too old to receive anything but at her first nudge, he points out he wants drying machine (for the clothes, it's the separate one from washing machine) or a refrigerator. (Note I read from a Korean fan tweet this type of gifts are something that is given for wedding gifts Too soon? Hahaha ) Look at Song Hwa expression carefully. She glared playfully at him while bit her lips. He then defend himself by saying it's time for him to change it. 


She then asks for the second time and he just say she can give him anything. " I'm going to like anything that you give to me "

notice how in the background that Aloha is playing and how exactly the music director play ' All I ever want is... your love ' as if saying the silent wishes of Ik Jun. Song Hwa replies she will take care of it herself. 


And when Song Hwa received a call fron Seong Yeong... Did you see Ik Jun gaze at her? That soft gazes? That intense gazes? Gah... :wow:


@SnowBlob for your reference this rain scenes starts around 60++ minutes mark, hahaha. I knew you probably want to FF the drama because you have only short time to watch because of your studies. 


The other scenes is Song Hwa calls Ik Jun for leaving her birthday gift for him inside his office, but it's almost near the end, and I won't put any video because it will become over limit of 3 video attachment as per rules.. 


See you all on weekends with my replies

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K-drama: The Real Has Come, See You in My 19th Life 



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Thank you @LaLa as always for your report!!! 


I think I hyped myself up too much yesterday and so this episode fell short of my expectation even though they did give us that IkSong scene watching the rain (which probably amount to what..less than 5 minutes all together???). I should blame myself for expecting too much :pandasadspoon:


And guess what... when I first saw the scenes being posted on Twitter.. I thought it would be such a nice butterfly-ish scene.. but when I watched the episode then... it actually didn't do 'much' for me. No butterfly feeling :cry: BUT.. I must say that scene is a significant improvement than most of the previous scenes in previous eps which only showed the two of them talked and goofed around most of the time. Here at least it was as clear as day to me that SHwa showed some sheepishness around IJ (see her reactions when IJ answered her on what he wanted for presents). I think she definitely is starting to see IJ as a man now. :hearties:

9 hours ago, LaLa said:

After that she asks what he wants for present for his birthday. He says he's too old to receive anything but at her first nudge, he points out he wants drying machine (for the clothes, it's the separate one from washing machine) or a refrigerator. (Note I read from a Korean fan tweet this type of gifts are something that is given for wedding gifts Too soon? Hahaha ) Look at Song Hwa expression carefully. She glared playfully at him while bit her lips. He then defend himself by saying it's time for him to change it. 


Wowww... so does it mean that he's being cheeky as in..he's saying he wants 'wedding' gifts?? Like... him and SHwa.... wed??? HAHAHAHAH


Anyway... I don't want to make other IkSong-ers unhappy so please don't read my spoiler


At this stage..I feel really disappointed in ShinLee. Sure thing HP is their creation and they are free to do anything with it. But as viewers supporting IkSong... it just feels sooo draggy and too long to get to where they 'should' be. Come on.. we past 22 episodes... and they're still not together. Season 3 may not be happening.. in that case.. we won't get to see how their couple life will be in great details..as Lala mentioned before.. how SHwa will fit into IJ's family... How IJ's family (eg his parents) see SHwa as their daughter-in-law... how Uju will adapt to SHwa and vice versa... How this relationship affects the interactions etc.  Don't think a sufficient amount of time can be given to cover these things if we're to finish in ep 12???? And I'll be super duper unhappy if they decide to make them couple right in ep 12 and that's it. Nothing more. 


Even if there's season 3.. I won't really be happy to wait for another year just to see the development in their couple life. That will feel like they purposely do this so just for the sake of sustaining a big chunk of viewers' interest. 


WG and Bidulgi couples are more 'wholesome' in the story because we saw their journey from not being a couple to being a couple to adjusting life as a couple to having problem as a couple to solving problems as couple. For IkSong... Nada. at this stage.. we're probably only going to see their journey to reach that first step of being a couple. and most likely have to wait another year to see the rest.. or not at all if no season 3. And honestly, don't feel like having season 3 for now :mad:


Note: and sure thing it's soo like real life... but also disappointed they're not using things that could have had really great scenes (after they put them in preview). Example: the camping trip (they put that in preview so we all expected so much out of it..but what..... ), and weren't they supposed to climb that Ridge whatsoever and had a holiday together this episode? Unless I misunderstood it .. again they put in in preview and I kinda expected this trip to be a focus of this fab 5 interaction..and again what did we get...nothing..except to highlight how awkward it is between Jwan and SHyeong... I wanted to see the 5 of them together :nervous: Well...but who knows next times ShinLee might show another camping trip..and another hiking trip. 


Ok..enough rant. 


I so hope hope hope that episode 11 will reveal that IJ is truly the one who is injured (yes I'm that mean in a hope that ShinLee will use that to advance IkSong's relationship...at this stage I'm just desperate). But of course it looks like.. as always in past episodes, we never get to dwell in sad/tragic events for too long.. so maybe even if it's IJ..I shouldn't hope for anything too much. 


Sorry that this post sounds so depressing after a really great episode last week which made me post so much :lmao2: 


On another note: love Jae Hak and his wife story :love: it was a great case since we are so familiar and have grown attached to Jae Hak (not like the weekly cases we get). I hope everything goes well with them...that they will get to have a healthy Bub and mama. 

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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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  • 2 weeks later...

A video made by me...my first one....this song from Jealousy Incarnate sits sooooo well on the situation of Lee Ikjun ....that i wonder why the idea of making this vid hit me so late... If any one of you have watched JI, you must know what i mean. Additionally not only their situation matches but also the character names have Lee in common....Lee Hwashin and Lee Ikjun. Also both character played by JJS.


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At last.. our ship has sailed.. :love:


Injured Ik Jun is the pushed that Song Hwa need to be brave. She's indeed fells in love with him but she didn't want to cross that friendship lines.. however after she realised that he might not always be there for her all the time and especially when his life is on the line, she knew that her hesitation will only cost herself. 


And she said so to him, under the rain inside the car.. 




Song Hwa: I feel embarrassed about this, so I will only say it once and quickly. Don't look at me, but at the front. When you got accident, do you know what the first thing that came to my mind? I should've confessed. I should say that I like you. I should've told you this. This what came to my mind. Look to the front. So... If you still have the same feelings.. should we... Should we date?


Ik Jun : I'm going to give you my answer.. 


And they kissed :wow:


@SnowBlob we have many IkSong scenes so make sure to watch and just use the FF button as you deem necessary


@Lynnecome back here and let's celebrate together!!


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K-drama: The Real Has Come, See You in My 19th Life 



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Wooooooooo the ship has finally sailed. It has been 22 years in the making considering that I saw in the flashback-  how it was very painful to hear that he would go on a blind date when she asked him out for lunch. How does one bury their feelings for so long?! Anyway very happy that we didn't have to wait till the finale to see them admit their feelings & kiss :wow:

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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This ship has finally sailed! I'm not sure if what I feel is joy or relief? But, I'm glad that they both decided to stop wasting time and be together!


You know, there is something about Jo Jeong Suk. From the first time I saw him in The King 2 Hearts (btw, what does that title even mean?), I was charmed by JJS. He's not the most handsome guy out there, but there is always something appealing and engaging about him. Not to mention, how he's always a super talented person, both the characters that he plays and himself in RL!


I think Ik Jun was a character that shared a lot of personality traits with JJS? And, even though I absolutely don't shop JJS with anyone other than his wife Gummy in RL, IJ and SHwa look very good together, and are the perfect friends to lovers couple. Though, who knows what would have happened between them if IJ hadn't realized that SHyeong also liked SHwa back in their med school days so that their romance could have taken off back then.

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@LaLa @SnowBlob @abs-oluteM @stroppyse


All I can say it was a long time coming... but somehow.. I think its worth the wait..

not sure if i have any coherent word right now..


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I have a question...watching the eps now...when did Ik Jun start liking SH? I was under the impression he did like her in their varsity days. But why did he "reject" her? He was rather cold telling her he had a blind date.

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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oh WOWWWWWWWW yes finally after waiting for this for so long~~~ @LaLa @Lynne @JJS Fan-atics @ktcjdrama 


But no..I haven't watched the episode yet (so busy this week >.<) I'll make sure to watch this during the weekend and I can post some more~ I did see some snippets on Twitter and Insta about the confession scene.. I just can't wait to watch it (and watch it with subs too). So glad that ShinLee didn't opt to get them together at the very end of season 2 episode 12 :KittyGun: 


@abs-oluteM Haven't seen the episode... but did this happen before or after SeokHyeong telling him that he liked SHwa? That might be why? 



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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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I admit I never expected a kiss from this couple. Because both are married in RL, and although I know JJS is fine with kissing a co-star, this is JMD's first drama and I have no idea how she stands on kissing on screen. So consider me super duper excited to see that they sealed it with a kiss! :pandablush:

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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6 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

I have a question...watching the eps now...when did Ik Jun start liking SH? I was under the impression he did like her in their varsity days. But why did he "reject" her? He was rather cold telling her he had a blind date.


IJ did like SHwa back in their med school days. And, in fact, he was going to take her out for her birthday and bought her a special present. However, he then finds out that SHyeong also liked SHwa and had just been rejected by her. He understood that for him to make a move on SHwa could mean the end of the friendship of the 5 friends, so he tossed the present away and cancelled their date which SHwa accepted, and decided that they couldn't be a couple. 


Later on, on IJ's birthday, SHwa who also liked IJ had bought him a special present and wanted to take him out. However, IJ turned her down, probably lying that he had a blind date, still in friendship saving mode, plus by this time, having decided that he and SHwa couldn't be a couple and burning the potential romantic bridge with her. However, that was when SHwa felt completely rejected by IJ and decided to shut off her feelings toward IJ rather than earlier when IJ had closed off his heart.


So, after watching this, SHwa had a much tougher emotional hurdle to cross over her feelings about IJ. I mean, he knew why he was rejecting SHwa after all, however, SHwa only knew that she had gotten mixed signals from IJ only for him to turn her down so cruelly.

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I went to watch the episode quickly yesterday (I seriously fast forwarded everything and only watched IkSong scenes... gotta rewatch the episode again tonight but most likely ffwd button will still be used). 


Correct me if I'm wrong..but these are the only IkSong scenes in the episode:

1. The scene where SHwa went to drop IJ present and then later flashback to the time where she got turned down by IJ

2. The emergency scene

3. The scene where they played cards against each other

4. The confession scene

I hope I didn't miss anything. 


And I must say, I think this is the first time where we got so many 'good' scenes on IkSong..not just simply those-chatting-and-drinking-coffee scenes. So I'm really happy with ep 11 gahahahhahaha. Let me break down what I thought about each scene


1st scene: Flashback

Ok so now we know..clear as day..that SHwa liked IJ back in the day and that after her crying scene in previous ep when IJ cancelled their dinner appointment, she didn't just give up and took the initiative to 'ask him out'. She gave him a hat as birthday present...and in the present time, she also gave him a hat (which I just realised was the hat he was wearing in the band scene and in the car :laugh:). Now I wonder if there's any theory out there about giving hat as present... or even the colours of the hat hahahahahah. 

And apparently... not sure what this means (but it's been said a lot in Twitter)...'Gobaek Hajima'?? IJ apparently said it when he turned down SHwa dinner's invitation? Although it's cool like how SHwa then used it to reject IJ in episode 1... I hope she didn't reject IJ out of 'spite'. 

Which brings me to the next question: Why did Shwa reject IJ in the first place (in ep 1 season 2)???? Had her old feeling not resurfaced yet? :thinking:


2nd scene: ED room

So should we say, perhaps dr Bong was the first person among the 99ers who might suspect the special relationship between IkSong?? LOL, when SHwa holding IJ's hands, dr Bong's expression was that of a surprised and a realisation of something. IJ is IJ...still a clown even though he was in that situation. 

I don't know why, but the part which touched me in that scene wasn't when Shwa holding IJ's hands or her concerned face... but it was when IJ said 'I'm tired Shwa-ya, can I go to sleep now?" 

Just happy that IJ didn't have any brain damage or anything! 


3rd scene: Card game/hospital room

This was an ok scene for me. Nothing butterfly-in-the-stomach-y feeling. It's a refreshing scene though..and of course..how funny that one of the twitter poster said that it only took that short time for IS to realise there's something going on between IkSong while it took 22 years for JunWan to realise that :duckhearts: Also, although only a glimpse, we got Shwa in the same room at the same time with the other Lee family - Uju and IkSun (and Wang Imo). Looks like Shwa is going to fit right in into the family. Please please ... as @LaLa is also desperately hoping, we must get scenes which show how IkSong fits into each other's family!


4th scene: Confession

At least..it doesn't disappoint!! I was so afraid that the confession scene would disappoint me but no..I actually quite like it. Unfortunately though for one of my friends, she said that because ShinLee dragged IkSong for far too long, the confession felt anti-climatic for her...which I actually could understand why she said so. I wonder if only this happened faster, the scene's impact for me personally...might be greater. 

I love the use of the silent period before SHwa confessed. It's good that ShinLee let that silent took its time and not to hurry it. It created the tension...although I must say the awkwardness isn't up to the scale in episode 1. I also wonder whether IJ knew what was coming (not exactly like SHwa was going to confess, but that SHwa was going to say something serious and important). Because he actually wasn't as chatty as he normally would be. LOL..he did try to breach the silence by asking whether they should turn the radio on or the heat up :laugh: I think it was a beautiful confession...although I wouldn't mind if she spoke longer...maybe explaining why she rejected in the first place....or how she felt when IJ confessed to her after 20 years... 


@LaLa said she'll throw in some theories she read from somewhere else here..I'm looking forward to any theories at this point of time. My IkSong heart is just going to lap it up HAHAHAH. Lala also said next ep might be 150 minutes long?~?~? No offence to anyone who isn't IkSong-ers and reading this... but I said to her... I wouldn't mind 150 minutes..if we get 30 minutes on other things including patient stories and 120 minutes focusing on IkSong :lmao2: There's still so many things to explore after this! But still.. I don't think I want a season 3. Maybe a special on IkSong will be just enough. 


I should stop rambling now before I bore everyone. 

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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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Finished rewatching and I DID miss some scenes!! So glad I rewatched the ep~ 

It's the scene where SHwa told IJ about her upcoming difficult surgery and then later on she called IJ to brag about her successful operation...only to find out IJ has been waiting for her in her office :duckhearts: Well.. what can I say.. I like the fact that now she told IJ about what bothered her ... 


I also like the fact that we get to see SHwa worrying/caring more about IJ. Of course in the ED, but how she also worried about IJ running in the rain etc. In the previous eps, we mainly saw IJ worrying about SHwa and not really the other way around. So that's a really good thing! 


I rewatched the confession scene just then like 4 times :laugh: The more I watched, the more I truly appreciate that long silence. I feel like it's really befitting to IkSong... can tell SHwa's 'struggle' as she's deciding to cross that 22-year-friendship bridge (22 years... 22 episodes :P ). I think that long silence was really needed ... so we as watchers could also feel that the decision wasn't made lightly and it's actually really hard to take that leap. 


I must here praise the two's acting as well. Superb acting! JMD delivered that tense moments perfectly. We could see her struggle, her fear, hesitation...even when the shots were blurred by the rain and the car's front window etc. Her awkward head and eyes movements..the moments she closed her eyes and bit her lips...oh man..those were just...perfect! When IJ looked at her after she finished confessing...she also turned her head to look at him..and when IJ said that he'll give her the answer...oh my goodness...her eyes! Could just sense how she was really vulnerable then and there...and that she really took a lot of courage to confess... realising that she might jeopardise the friendship if IJ turned out to no longer have any romantic feelings for her. Again...perfect acting! 


And JJS always always delivers when he's given 'serious' scenarios..he never fails. And here too .. I feel that he didn't know that this confession was coming..but he could probably sense that SHwa had something that she wanted to say. So we could see that although he tried to breach the silence (I think that was just simply because it's awkward to be in that silence for a long time without knowing why it was so)..there wasn't any indication from his expressions or movements that were uncomfortable like those of SHwa's.... . However, once SHwa told him that she should have told him that she likes him... his expressions changed. Sense the awkwardness/nervousness but nonetheless he was at 'ease' if you know what I mean... I like it too how he didn't answer straight away..but gave it a pause before answering (coz that's just so good for us the viewers..tension tension). 


And the kissing scene was so romantic I feel~~ I mean I'm just so happy for these two xx


Anywayyy..... here's something unrelated to IkSong


Love love love the Lee siblings interaction. I just like IkSun character so much when she's around IJ and her nephew Uju. 


And..so happy that I get to hear the song that they sang on the best episode in season 2. I've liked that song ever since I watched Ji Jin Hee's "I have a lover". Have always wondered about the title and the singer but never got to find out about it. So I was so pleasantly surprised when I started hearing that tune sang by Mido Falasol :taebtsthanks: 


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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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On 9/9/2021 at 9:42 PM, abs-oluteM said:

Anyway very happy that we didn't have to wait till the finale to see them admit their feelings & kiss


And here I'm feeling if there's only one episode left, it's not enough for me to see the transition between IkSong from friends to lovers.. Yep I'm a greedy fan that's true :nya:


On 9/10/2021 at 8:27 AM, stroppyse said:

You know, there is something about Jo Jeong Suk. From the first time I saw him in The King 2 Hearts (btw, what does that title even mean?), I was charmed by JJS. He's not the most handsome guy out there, but there is always something appealing and engaging about him. Not to mention, how he's always a super talented person, both the characters that he plays and himself in RL!



His expressive emotion in delivering the characters emotion speaks up so much to me. I fell for his charm and acting when I watched The King 2 Hearts too. I remember I cried so much when his character died and then when the only memories Eun Shi Kyung left to the princess is with the holographic one, I lost it T_T

I think he can really make the characters he played alive and modified it to his own. 


On 9/10/2021 at 8:27 AM, stroppyse said:

And, even though I absolutely don't shop JJS with anyone other than his wife Gummy in RL, IJ and SHwa look very good together, and are the perfect friends to lovers couple. Though, who knows what would have happened between them if IJ hadn't realized that SHyeong also liked SHwa back in their med school days so that their romance could have taken off back then.


Oh I am for one a very clear fan who only ship the characters in the drama, for Ik Jun and Song Hwa. The actors who played them are happily married with their respective partners and I am shipping CJS with Gummy too. Both are a very lovely and healthy couple. It just how both CJS and JMD made their characters really alive that I only wish nothing but the best for both to be a couple. Like Ik Jun and Song Hwa can bring so much humane expression when they are together. Kyaa  :wow: Well you won't get any other opinions from me because I've been shipping them ever since I saw Song Hwa taking care of Woo Joo in ep 1 and her shy smile behind the closed door while thanking Ik Jun for doing the surgery while still wearing that darth vader helmet. And that's even when I have seen Song Hwa still have her own bf and without knowing that Ik Jun is still married.


On 9/10/2021 at 11:23 AM, Lynne said:

All I can say it was a long time coming... but somehow.. I think its worth the wait..

not sure if i have any coherent word right now..


I'm waiting to see your complete and coherent sentence about our couple... For now let's just screaming and dancing all the way until we tired.. But will we ever get tired from seing our couple happily dating? It has been about 3 ~ 4 days since the episode airs and all IkSong scenes in ep 11 won't fail to make me smile like a fool when I came across it. :love:


On 9/10/2021 at 2:35 PM, SnowBlob said:

So glad that ShinLee didn't opt to get them together at the very end of season 2 episode 12


Thank goodness they didn't make us wait that long. I guess they are afraid for being hunted by any IkSong fans :pandapirate: if they make us wait that long or didn't give us enough scenes between the two especially since there's not much time left! 


On 9/10/2021 at 7:26 PM, ktcjdrama said:

I know JJS is fine with kissing a co-star, this is JMD's first drama and I have no idea how she stands on kissing on screen. So consider me super duper excited to see that they sealed it with a kiss! 


Oh she has been married longer than CJS and if you see her kiss scenes for her musical performances.. Hmm she's not that inexperience. It just when in musical you can't see the detail or zoom in because most of the audiences are far from the stage, but Iksong kiss scenes just showed how great they are in expressing that it was an over long due skinship for Iksong after 22 years journey... 


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13 minutes ago, LaLa said:


Oh she has been married longer than CJS and if you see her kiss scenes for her musical performances.. Hmm she's not that inexperience. It just when in musical you can't see the detail or zoom in because most of the audiences are far from the stage

On stage, do the actors kiss like on screen? From what I’ve personally seen before, kisses on stage are always just holding the pose. Not really a kiss.... anyway, I am very very happy they didn’t skimp on the kiss. 

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Expect a long post when you read this @SnowBlob I'm just starting with commenting back at your comments. hahaha


23 hours ago, SnowBlob said:

Now I wonder if there's any theory out there about giving hat as present


I have read, retweet and even likes many tweets since Thursday night and I might have passed one or two about this theories. I have to dig around and see about fans theories about this (but I don't think I have the time), but when I looked up for any Korean meanings in giving a gift, giving someone a hat means 나를 감싸주세요 which can be translated as please embrace me. @stroppyse can you help me for clarifying this part? Not sure if it's true or not.

here is the link I found when talking about the gift meanings -> Link


23 hours ago, SnowBlob said:

And apparently... not sure what this means (but it's been said a lot in Twitter)...'Gobaek Hajima'?? IJ apparently said it when he turned down SHwa dinner's invitation? Although it's cool like how SHwa then used it to reject IJ in episode 1... I hope she didn't reject IJ out of 'spite'. 

Which brings me to the next question: Why did Shwa reject IJ in the first place (in ep 1 season 2)???? Had her old feeling not resurfaced yet?


Gobaek Hajima -> Don't confess. It's what Song Hwa said to Ik Jun in ep 1. She's talking in a 3rd pov like he did in Sokcho and she give her advice to not confess. And Ik Jun didn't say that to rejects Song Hwa invitation to dinner on his b'day in 1999. He said I've made a plan, and it's because he would go for a blind date. 

I think she didn't accept his semi confession right away because she's not ready for their relationship to be that way. Other than she hasn't finished evaluating her own feelings, she might be afraid or confuse the feelings they have at that time, is it because they were getting closer again since they work in the same hospital and spend more time together? or is it because the old feelings she has for him coming back to her again? They have move on from the crush stage in 1999 and stayed as friends for 20 years. They had their own dates and partners during those times, so I think they have moved on. However like most people said about first love is memorable, I'm sure that it isn't easy for her to forget him that fast. Especially when she just realized that Ik Jun actually did like her too more than just a woman during NS team dinner, and he treat her special because eating and drinking coffee with her is like a reward that Ik Jun give for his happiness.


23 hours ago, SnowBlob said:

So should we say, perhaps dr Bong was the first person among the 99ers who might suspect the special relationship between IkSong??


Hahaha on my 2nd watch, I laughed at dr Bong o.O reaction when he saw Song Hwa's hands grasping Ik Jun's when she arrived. He kind of glancing at her before focusing back at Ik Jun when she tried to diagnose whether his head injuries had any other damages to his nerve or not. Kwang Hyeon has relayed his first diagnosis of Ik Jun that he looks fine for the pre-examination but they needed the CT scan to see the more detail injuries to his brain. However it looks like she tuned him out and won't believe that Ik Jun is fine without checking him herself.



Did you catch the small smile that Ik Jun wore when Kwang Hyeon told him 'Song Hwa is here'? 

I swooned hard when I see her small hands immediately grasp his fingers and held it tight. :hearties:

And I don't know if this because I was affected with my shipping heart, but you can hear that Song Hwa's voice is kind of shaking when she speaks to Ik Jun. Comparing to Kwang Hyeon who checked him up before with a louder voice, Song Hwa voice is smaller and softer. You can see how frighten she got in her eyes. She's not blinking when she stared at Ik Jun's bloody face, trying to see if he could hear her voice and any response from him. 



Let's just continue with my delulu okay? I'm trying to see every action here is part of the actual scenes, no matter whether it's unintentionally done by the actors or not. 

After checking that Ik Jun is still conscious and can hear her, she asked him to raise his left arm while tightening her grip on him, like confirming that he's safe now in her hands and she has no intention in letting him away any sooner. I don't know if I imagining it but when Ik Jun lift his left hand, I could hear her relief breath before asking him to hold tight his right hand. And before he tighten his right hand, her grip is even more tighter than him. Only after that she can breath while closing her eyes. Like she's saying to herself that he's going to be okay. Holding back her tears and her worried about him. Her breath sounds so heavy. 


On 9/11/2021 at 5:03 PM, SnowBlob said:

I don't know why, but the part which touched me in that scene wasn't when Shwa holding IJ's hands or her concerned face... but it was when IJ said 'I'm tired Shwa-ya, can I go to sleep now?" 


I think the correct one is "I'm so sleepy Song Hwa, I'm going to sleep now". To me it's more like he's telling her to not worry if he didn't respond to any of her or Kwang Hyeon examination towards him. She herself has seen that he's okay so he's going to sleep now before following any other future examination or treatment. 


Different with you @SnowBlob Song Hwa's every little expression and the hand holding made me swoon after watching it for several times.. I won't lie that I was glued to my screen when watching the live stream. Don't know how I can manage to type at the same time for live tweeting.. hahaha



Because of the limitation for pictures in each post, I'm going to break the post here and answer the other comments in next post..



1 hour ago, ktcjdrama said:

On stage, do the actors kiss like on screen? From what I’ve personally seen before, kisses on stage are always just holding the pose.


Oh well, of course it's different with on TV or even movie. Not very detailed but all the actors did kiss each other not just a pose. Sometimes the lights would go out so we don't know the details. I myself never watched in person for a theater or musical stage so I don't have any comparison, but from what I saw in youtube clips so far, they do kiss even when they didn't show it in detail like TV. 



For Jeon Mi Do kiss, actually I've seen more but for the short time this what I can find in youtube for reference haha





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22 hours ago, LaLa said:

Did you catch the small smile that Ik Jun wore when Kwang Hyeon told him 'Song Hwa is here'? 

I swooned hard when I see her small hands immediately grasp his fingers and held it tight. 



I did not until you pointed it out and I rewatched that scene! Yes now I can he smiled a very very tiny bit..no wonder I missed it..we could almost barely see it unless we paid extra extra attention. That hospital scene was pretty cool for me too..the one that was so-so for me was the playing card scene. It's funny and refreshing but that's about it for me. 


Seriously JMD should be given an award...or rather..people should start giving her a lot of drama projects :wow: I so want to watch her in other dramas (I know there's one coming up with Son Ye Jin..but not sure whether I like the plot). 


Wow @LaLa if giving hat truly means embrace me...that's so telling of SHwa's intention :eeeee: I wonder at which point in the drama did she decide to accept IJ's heart. I kinda won't believe it if she only decided then and there in the car when she confessed. 


I told @LaLa about this ... but perhaps there will be a time jump (forward)? And also, I wonder if IJ's ex-wife is going to make an appearance in the last episode (oooohhhhh I so hope she does!!). I want to see a showdown between her and SHwa hahahahahaha :laugh: And I want to see SHwa gets jealous for once!!! Oh well she kinda 'did' when she heard IJ had a blind date back then in 1999... but I want to see her get jealous now too :smug:


@LaLa (I tagged you 3x in one post!!) interesting compilation of JMD's theatre acts. And can't wait to see her in other roles in dramaland..coz I can feel that she's such a different person than SHwa when I watched that compilation. 


I want to write some more about IJ .. but I'll do that next time. Gotta do something else now~

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Dear @SnowBlob since probably the one who will still visiting this thread is both of us, I'll just take my time in posting about my comments for ep 11 until ep 12 air on Thursday lol xD. Both in PM or in this thread, our conversations are mostly about Iksong. It's like a daily topic between us hahaha.. Our time difference too, I guess match quite well to give us time to add something or any other thing in each other posts? 


7 hours ago, SnowBlob said:

I did not until you pointed it out and I rewatched that scene! Yes now I can he smiled a very very tiny bit..no wonder I missed it..we could almost barely see it unless we paid extra extra attention.


I noticed this small smile even when during the live stream.. Maybe because I was using my super ultra focus for their scenes and less focus in other scenes? LOL But for the tightening grab, and heavy breath, I only noticed it after replaying those particular scenes at least 3 times. 

7 hours ago, SnowBlob said:

That hospital scene was pretty cool for me too..the one that was so-so for me was the playing card scene. It's funny and refreshing but that's about it for me.


Oh you haven't read the card theories that both k-fan and i-fan have about that scene? I'll share it nearly in the future.. Might be in this post or my next post. At first I didn't understand about the card games other than for them being touchy with each other hahaha. Song Hwa really has put down her walls in those scenes. That little cute pleading voice of her, their flirting kind of tone that made Ik Sun and even Jun Wan surprised for finding them acting so different when they with each other. Even their tone opened the dense Jun Wan eyes to see that they're not just as a close friends but have something more than that going on. 


7 hours ago, SnowBlob said:

Seriously JMD should be given an award...or rather..people should start giving her a lot of drama projects


I'm really thankful that Shin PD and Writer Lee gave her the chance to take Song Hwa's character. I really can't imagine any other actress than her that could play Song Hwa role. She really made it as her own. And for CJS to recommend her too to Shin PD. His vote for letting her join the production team might have played a big role in casting her. Her acting alone is superb but with the vote from her fellow colleagues really helped (oh and thanks to YYS too).

Her schedule is already quite packed after HP season 2 finished. I wished she got a plenty rest and wish her the best in her journey.. Will update both of her and CJS shrine when I got more free time later hahaha



Okay continuing my post about our couple scenes in ep 11. When all remaining 99z gathered around Ik Jun's bed and when they talked about his accidents and whether to inform about his family, Song Hwa said she has contacted Wang Imo herself to let her know about Ik Jun condition and for not informing Woo Joo yet about it. Don't you find it curious why Song Hwa might know Wang Imo phone number? Did she already know Wang Imo or maybe from Ik Jun's contact number because she knew Woo Joo must be waiting for his dad to come home?



Anyway when Seok Hyeong asked Song Hwa if she's going to be by Ik Jun's side for the night, she confirmed it that she would accompany him. And when he advised that the other boys could take turn in looking over Ik Jun she refused by saying she wanted to be by and watch over him. You can hear her voice cracks a little and the pause between her answer to Seok Hyeong's advise. " I just... I just want to continue to be by his side... Let's just do that, okay?" 

When she closed tight her eyes and sighs, it like shows us that she knew the danger of his injuries was not over and she won't be relax until she could confirm herself that there won't be any complications or his condition worsen. She's going to take care of him by herself. 


And after she pushed the boys to home, she was all alone in the ICU corridor. Maybe because there's no eng sub for this scenes where she's alone, trying and acting to be strong while worrying about Ik Jun's condition, the song lyrics become more meaningful. And of course Kyung Ho's tone voice is really perfect in delivering the emotion. This k-fan comments about how the lyrics fit with the situation is really a great one



Song lyrics trans for this particular scene (rough trans)

I walked down the street

Thinking that someone was there by my side

Only then I realized

That it was already after you left 

And I was walking alon

Suddenly the cold wind blows


K-fan comment trans on the tweet: They used to be walk together, but when she realized it for sure, she was alone. The wind in Song Hwa's day that felt warm, suddenly turned cold in an instant. Because the temperature of that wind is Ik Jun.


What I gather from her comment is that the warm feelings that Song Hwa was having because of her moments spent together with Ik Jun. Spending time with him made her feel warm. But suddenly because of Ik Jun's accident and his injuries, it made her felt cold. His constant presence around her has gone in an instant. And the night felt colder than before. 


Okay probably the last one thing before we moved to the happy and cherry tone after Ik Jun recovered, I want to share about the opening scenes. At first when I saw a preview picture for ep 11 in the afternoon, when it showed that Song Hwa looked suprised (?) when she entered Ik Jun's room, I wonder if she saw something shocking. Like maybe Ik Jun lied about going to the team dinner and has been waiting for her present in his room? hahaha.. But then it showed that she looked around the almost dark room.



She lingered for seconds at the door, looking at the drawers where the spare scrubs and to Ik Jun's desk. Only after the second time for watching I remembered and pondered, maybe did Song Hwa remember that day? We rarely saw Song Hwa spend time in Ik Jun's office. The only day we saw her enter his office, when she delivered her answer of his semi confession in January. At this moment... Did she regret her choice of answer that day? I'm sure there must be some kind of meaning for the full shot of her expression in different angle, and the lone shot of the empty desk. 



From these scenes alone, we could see many emotions and guessed Song Hwa's thoughts. But really, it would be better or more perfectly done to me, if we could hear just a little of her inner monologue. If only they could let the viewers know about what Song Hwa was thinking inside her mind.. Not only guessing....

But Mi Do's way in delivering everything without words is astounding. Really. If not for her acting, I don't think I could many assumptions and filling the hole and puzzle of her thoughts and pov.


Next post will probably contain some theories and my observations for the card games.. 

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