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La La Jun (Go Ara and Lee Jae Wook)

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Aw thanks for the goodies, @JenL. I certainly miss this show, and I don’t think anything will fill that void until I see a new drama with our leads lol. But right now I’ve been brought back to dramaland by Doom at Your Service! Can’t believe it’s been 6 months. Nothing else has piqued my interest since ddsslls ended. :cry:

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I didn't get a chance to release a translation yesterday because I was trying to catch up on my other dramas, so will release 2 goodies today :Party02:


Anniversary goodie #3


Full Subbed Cookie Baking BTS video


Not a new translation, but before I had only subbed bits and pieces of this video here and there. So I decided to sub this BTS video fully so you can watch the whole thing and feel that it was complete. I loved seeing LJW and GAR look like a little family with SMJ both on-screen and behind the scenes too :wow:



Other things I found recently was this very beautiful edit of Jun and Lala :wow: The music they used was so dreamy and I love the scenes too. Everything seems so whimsical and makes me think of all the lovely moments in the drama...must watch with the music: https://www.instagram.com/p/CPabei8geU6/




Also funny thing...someone made an edit with the stalker from DDSSLLS: https://www.instagram.com/p/CPT9ybrFDiq/ Haha this is like the first person I've seen who made an edit of the stalker :laugh: But each to their own I guess!


On 5/27/2021 at 1:21 PM, Unnie0110 said:


Hello @twinkler0415 I saw an interview of Lee Je Hoon that filming started with Move to Heaven last May 2020. By that time, When the weather was fine was done already so Lee Jae wook filmed DDSSLLS and his cameo for Move to Heaven at the same time!  No wonder his Move to Heaven character looks like Jun! :love:


Thanks so much for confirming too @Unnie0110 - I thought Su-Cheol looked like Jun too. They're both rather cute characters and also have a tragic storyline in some ways so there was a great similarity there :heart: 


Also explains why LJW was confirmed so early by Netflix to appear in this series. Because he was probably filming or had filmed his parts by the time they announced the cast for the show publicly since Netflix works differently to Asian channels and seems to make their announcements after shows are filming rather than before.


On 5/27/2021 at 2:57 PM, eNDe said:

I was calculating in my head too about his MTH filming period haha. Thanks for this share! Now that could also explain his body appearance/shower scene in DDSSLLS’s ep 2 haha. Director see it an opportunity perhaps.


Hahaha you're not wrong...if I was the director I would also have made use of that opportunity..."Oh you've been working out? Help us to pull viewers with your body!" :laugh:




On 5/27/2021 at 2:57 PM, eNDe said:

Sometimes actors/actresses when they cameo right before their main lead role drama, they do tend to carry that cameo character vibe or vice versa anyway, depending which drama you watch first. As a fan, it could be a fun helpful hint. 


I agree. There was something soft and adorable about both characters. In the past, I think LJW's characters have been great, but somehow different to both SC and Jun which he portrayed in the same year :wow: 


On 5/27/2021 at 2:57 PM, eNDe said:

GAR gave that impression too when she appeared on Hospital Playlist before DDSSLLS so when I think about it, I could also sense a little bit of RaRa (doesn’t help that GAR-RaRa are similar in personality too haha) in her HP cameo. 


I love that GAR is actually like Goo Lala...I mean she has that sort of energy and warmth that makes you want to be her friend. And I think no matter what characters she plays, I like that she's able to have this energy at the end of the day :heart: Haha, I'm not a hospital drama fan but if I'm curious enough I might check out Hospital Playlist to see her.

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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On 5/27/2021 at 9:11 PM, JenL said:

Anniversary goodie #2

LJW clip when he was filming as Jun in Mokpo 


Today's anniversary goodie is this very short translation - A test of my Korean abilities :laugh:

Awesome work 👏🏼 Thank you @JenL

Start small and you’ll get to see the progress in many ways when you look back. Good, good, good! RaRa would say so. 😊

On 5/27/2021 at 9:11 PM, JenL said:

I don't really cry for films and TV (though I can totally see why this drama reduced a lot of people to tears!). I felt like someone had stabbed my heart a few times in both episode 7 and 8. It was just so tragic because both episodes showed how unfair life was SG - he wasn't a bad person, but life just kept throwing these horrible scenarios at him and he made some big mistakes he could never change or reverse in his life :PiplupCry: But I loved how HGR's relationship with his uncle becomes a new healing relationship for SG - a way for him to make amends and find a connection with his past since HGR is essentially like both Su-Cheol (being a younger guy who need protection) and his brother (being his son who has learnt a lot of wisdom from him).

I read about you being good with holding tears for drama/film from the MTH discussion board haha. I think for me certain subject in that drama like adoption is something close to me as my mum and her two brothers were all adopted and raised by my late grandma.

Another aspect of the drama was certainly HGR himself that made me remember the many life lessons I went through to try understanding, even for a little, of special children and their parents while working in a preschool with ABA therapy for autism. I’m reminded of so many more that I haven’t understand of their views of the world. And HGR has an added depth beyond the syndrome’s definition because he is HGR and a true MVP character included in the drama. You’re right that he is so important being the key in giving SG the healing he badly needed. It’s such an amazing storytelling really, the way they thread these characters together like how even SC played a role in trying to get SG reconnect with his brother. 

The other impact it had on me was the reason SG’s brother didn’t turn up that day, because of the collapse of that shopping mall. And the memories from documentaries I watched about the real story of that mall came into my mind. The Sampoong Department Store disaster has been mentioned in other kdramas like Black (where GAR acted in) except renamed each time. 


So I guess that’s how I became a mess during the last bit of the drama hehe. And I knew the drama could be heavy after watching the trailer but however much I could prepare, I didn’t know they were that detailed in their storytelling to bring awareness to trauma cleaners’ work. Again, such a precious and memorable drama for me. I even started to watch short documentaries of such work in Japan. It’s such a tough work these people do. 


On 5/27/2021 at 9:11 PM, JenL said:

Also I do believe LJW filmed that cameo while filming DDSSLLS because there's a few photos of him wearing the same outfits while doing promo stuff for both DDSLLS and Move to Heaven...It's just his hair was styled differently

👏🏼 Good work @JenL haha...thanks again! 


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9 hours ago, JenL said:

Not a new translation, but before I had only subbed bits and pieces of this video here and there. So I decided to sub this BTS video fully so you can watch the whole thing and feel that it was complete. I loved seeing LJW and GAR look like a little family with SMJ both on-screen and behind the scenes too :wow:

Eek! Love this! Thanks again for reminding me why I love and need DDSSLLS in my life anytime. They bring me smiles 😘


9 hours ago, JenL said:

Other things I found recently was this very beautiful edit of Jun and Lala :wow: The music they used was so dreamy and I love the scenes too. Everything seems so whimsical and makes me think of all the lovely moments in the drama...must watch with the music: https://www.instagram.com/p/CPabei8geU6/




Also funny thing...someone made an edit with the stalker from DDSSLLS: https://www.instagram.com/p/CPT9ybrFDiq/ Haha this is like the first person I've seen who made an edit of the stalker :laugh: But each to their own I guess!


I love that edit! But not the stalker one hahaha...i watched for the fun of it, that how you could stumbled into such edit! 😆


9 hours ago, JenL said:

I love that GAR is actually like Goo Lala...I mean she has that sort of energy and warmth that makes you want to be her friend. And I think no matter what characters she plays, I like that she's able to have this energy at the end of the day :heart: Haha, I'm not a hospital drama fan but if I'm curious enough I might check out Hospital Playlist to see her.

I didn’t watch the whole HP drama either as the storyline isn’t too interesting for me so I watched only the scenes where GAR cameo. 😬 She was refreshing to watch as this was her comeback after her leg injury and I love the bts with her interaction with other actors. 👍🏼 She mentioned in the bts that the recent injury (the one we saw during DDSSLLS table read) was due to a fall during hiking trip with friends. 

Hope she’s resting well and we will hear good news soon! ✌🏼

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Belated happy 6th monthsary guys ( and LJW too 🎂). 

I missed a lot of content here 😳.

Work and school is eating much of my time 😅. Though I managed to squeeze in Move to heaven ( as well as  taxi driver and law school and tomorrow with you  🤣). 


I really love LJW'S cameo, he has such an integral part in the series. Like all of you I imagine him in an action genre or any other drama minus the romance. And seeing he was in uniform, had me flashbacks of baekyung and jun..😅🤣.  


Move to heaven, moved me to tears too. I wish there will be a second season (and GAR for a cameo 🥺). 

And LJH is becoming my new favorite 🙊🙈, he has such versatility. I think one of you here mentioned about LJW being similar to LJH, I think the same way too.. they have that same aura if that makes sense 😅😆.  And there was an excerpt from somewhere that LJH would like to work with LJW again in the future. 


I saw some IG pages with new wave of fams pomoting DDSSLLS too, And how they love the pairing, chemistry and the cast. Though, almost everyone was cursing the writer in the comments 😅.  Others were accepting of the ending, they don't care if it make sense or not as long as it was a happy one. 


And no news from GAR yet.. I hope she can get to work with LJH if not LJW in  her next projects. Might watch phantom detective until then. 


Thanks for keeping this forum alive guys 😅

Edited by purplefin
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Haha, I was meant to translate more things, but I got distracted by the final episode of Taxi Driver this weekend because Lee Je Hoon :idk: Haha funny how he use to be "that guy I saw in movies" to new favourite actor! :wow: 


But definitely have some more DDSSLLS I'm half way through working on for tomorrow's post. Will deliver more Jun and Lala goodness then! :heart:




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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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22 hours ago, purplefin said:

Move to heaven, moved me to tears too. I wish there will be a second season (and GAR for a cameo 🥺). 

And LJH is becoming my new favorite 🙊🙈, he has such versatility. I think one of you here mentioned about LJW being similar to LJH, I think the same way too.. they have that same aura if that makes sense 😅😆.  And there was an excerpt from somewhere that LJH would like to work with LJW again in the future. 

Move to Heaven was such a pleasure and satisfying to watch, having the combo of LJH and LJW. I didn't think of it (loving LJH's since Signal) and never knew I would get to see them acting together right after loving LJW's acting. hehe. It's like a gift! 

I understand what you mean about them having the same aura. For me, straight up, on my first encounter, they both made me see them for their craft in the roles they play. It's the kind of moment where I would get lost in thoughts, why is this person so goood at this character!! Forgetting I came for the story or another actor in the first place hahaha. 


I'm still hoping for reunion of LJW and GAR in another drama/film with an awesome ending they deserved. We deserved it too for never giving up on DDSSLLS. :eeeee:


23 hours ago, purplefin said:

I saw some IG pages with new wave of fams pomoting DDSSLLS too, And how they love the pairing, chemistry and the cast. Though, almost everyone was cursing the writer in the comments 😅.  Others were accepting of the ending, they don't care if it make sense or not as long as it was a happy one. 

Right...I think being new wave of DDSSLLS fans, they may also feel less pain to follow up on the next episode but it's good to have such fans too because they give new perspectives and I'm happy to read about them. 


I mean, @JenL finding someone who made an edit of the stalker is refreshing too. haha. 


17 hours ago, JenL said:

Haha funny how he use to be "that guy I saw in movies" to new favourite actor! :wow: 

I'm glad to know we share the same sentiments with LJH too! In some ways, I thank LJW and GAR for connecting you to him. haha. Anyway, Collectors is his latest film from 2020 but between Phantom Detective and that, I like PD more for its cinematography and getting to watch LJH working with child actors throughout the film. I haven't seen bts for Collectors but I did enjoy the bts for Phantom Detective and plus hey, there's GAR and they appeared on tv appearances for interviews and Running Man, met fans in different locations to promote so as a whole, it's a good film package for fans of his and GAR's work. Hurray!


17 hours ago, JenL said:

But definitely have some more DDSSLLS I'm half way through working on for tomorrow's post. Will deliver more Jun and Lala goodness then! :heart:

Double hurray! :hearties: 


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Anniversary Goodie #4


Another new subbed short video of LJW talking about filming in Mokpo :wow:




I was working on another video, but that one is quite a bit longer, so will need another day or so more to finish it! But while you wait, here's another pretty edit that just got uploaded today.


I love people who make edits with this dreamy type music and all the warm, lovely scenes of Jun and Lala. Again, must watch with music: https://www.instagram.com/p/CPgdz0DgN3Y/





On 5/27/2021 at 2:57 PM, eNDe said:

Aww...thanks for this @JenL!! Love love their bts and it’s really nice to get a little insight of how GAR or LJW think in their performance just by listening a little bit of detail in their short conversation between takes. :hearties:


No worries! I'm loving it too - if we couldn't get any extras, I'm using my newfound Korean skills to squeeze every last drop of understanding out of those BTS scenes. I've watched a number of new dramas that I've come to love, but there's still something magical about this one...so I want to know everything about it :heart:


On 5/27/2021 at 2:57 PM, eNDe said:

Also loving LJW’s awesome chemistry with Lee Je-Hoon! What would it be like I wonder if I could have GAR working with them both again. I’m always thankful for GAR in choosing variation of projects that lead me to appreciating other excellent actors and actresses hence why I’m ok with waiting a bit longer for her next role. 😊



Wouldn't it be a dream to watch the 3 of them in something? It's nice to think that LJH has worked with both of them though! And it looks like he had good chemistry with them both too. He said such lovely things about LJW :wow:



I also saw some of this promotional stuff with GAR and they looked like they had fun doing their variety segments! 



On 5/27/2021 at 11:42 PM, twinkler0415 said:

Lol!!! Youre so right! He did some training for Move to heaven thats why he looks so fiiiine in ep 2 :cool: because in Extraordinary You he looks too skinny



Haha, yeah he was a bit thinner in EY, but he was looking pretty good in both Move to Heaven and DDSSLLS :lenny::wow:

On 5/27/2021 at 11:42 PM, twinkler0415 said:

Oh no! Stay safe!


Nice detective work again Detective @JenL 😉



Thanks for your concern! It's all good - we're just not allowed to go out for no good reason - so I'm mainly at home catching up on dramas and translating DDSSLLS content :idk:


Haha I really have to thank the hardcore LJW on my twitter feeds for their detective work! :BulbaOWO:

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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On 5/28/2021 at 3:19 AM, CINNABOM said:

Aw thanks for the goodies, @JenL. I certainly miss this show, and I don’t think anything will fill that void until I see a new drama with our leads lol. But right now I’ve been brought back to dramaland by Doom at Your Service! Can’t believe it’s been 6 months. Nothing else has piqued my interest since ddsslls ended. :cry:


Oh, I know the feeling! DDSSLLS had the best, most heartfelt storyline and humour and romance. I've seen quite a few dramas that I've loved since this ended, but not in the romance department...This will continue to be my favourite romance for a long time to come I think! :heart: Doom at your Service does have good chemistry with the leads though! I'm watching it too - see you at the Doom thread!

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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15 hours ago, JenL said:

Anniversary Goodie #4


Another new subbed short video of LJW talking about filming in Mokpo

thanks because still provide some goodies for us.....a little goodies of you means a lot for us.:wow:


Still waiting for GAR new works as LJW already actively promote nowadays with his new pictorial with his agency. He look happy with his new agency and hope his new agency would give him a chance to act in various type of genre. 


As i'm scroll the ig, i find out LJW has liked GAR new photo in ig.:love:

Hope their would still keep contact with each other



Edited by multiloverss
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22 hours ago, eNDe said:

satisfying to watch, having the combo of LJH and LJW. I didn't think of it (loving LJH's since Signal) and never knew I would get to see them acting together right after loving LJW's acting. hehe. It's like a gift! 

Oh yeah.. i forgot to include signal, did watch it too but got sidetracked by taxi driver 😅😆. I know, it was like hitting two birds in one stone in a good way. 

22 hours ago, eNDe said:

I'm still hoping for reunion of LJW and GAR

 Yes.. i do hope so tooo. 🤞🙏

18 hours ago, JenL said:

I've loved since this ended, but not in the romance department

Same. I mostly watch crime/detective/law series after ddsslls 😅, aside from LJH's tommorow with you  ( i wanted to see him acting not in the crime dept 😆).


18 hours ago, JenL said:

Wouldn't it be a dream to watch the 3 of them in something? I

I did imagine this 🤩. It will be a very nice dream indeed plus the promos. Hahaha. It will be awesome. 


18 hours ago, JenL said:

think! :heart: Doom at your Service does have good chemistry with the leads though

I saw a lot of snippets of this drama in ig.. i agree with the chemistry but haven't had enough time to watch it though..😅


Thank you for all your hardwork @JenL🤗. For always giving us content 😁.


2 hours ago, multiloverss said:

i'm scroll the ig, i find out LJW has liked GAR new photo in ig.:love:

Omg me too 😍. He has not like anything much of her photos since they were filming DDSSLLS.  I am so so so glad to see this  🤩😄. A tiny bit if RaraJun was quenched 😆😅



Edited by purplefin
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5 hours ago, purplefin said:

He has not like anything much of her photos since they were filming DDSSLLS.  I am so so so glad to see this  🤩😄. A tiny bit if RaraJun was quenched

but he unliked the photo....i did not know why, but its weird.:thinking:


But at least i know he like GAR latest photo for a while....enough for our delulu mode.:love:

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40 minutes ago, multiloverss said:

but he unliked the photo....i did not know why, but its weird.:thinking:


But at least i know he like GAR latest photo for a while....enough for our delulu mode.:love:


I should have screencapped it for evidence 😆. Didn't think he will unlike it. 

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10 hours ago, multiloverss said:

 As i'm scroll the ig, i find out LJW has liked GAR new photo in ig.:love:

Hope their would still keep contact with each other




8 hours ago, purplefin said:

Omg me too 😍. He has not like anything much of her photos since they were filming DDSSLLS.  I am so so so glad to see this  🤩😄. A tiny bit if RaraJun was quenched 😆😅


I'll get back to other replies later (also still translating, so no goodie for today I'm afraid. Sorry, it's been busy lately :pandahehe:)

This made me smile when I saw your post :heart:  but I saw it too late because the like was gone by the time I saw the photo! :shocked:


8 hours ago, purplefin said:

Oh yeah.. i forgot to include signal, did watch it too but got sidetracked by taxi driver 😅😆. I know, it was like hitting two birds in one stone in a good way. 


Same. I mostly watch crime/detective/law series after ddsslls 😅, aside from LJH's tommorow with you  ( i wanted to see him acting not in the crime dept 😆).


Hahaha sounds like you and I have been on a LJH bender since DDSSLLS ended. I know I have. I saw him in Move to Heaven, Taxi Driver and his cameo in Hot Stove League :wow: I'll have to go back to Signal too


2 hours ago, multiloverss said:

but he unliked the photo....i did not know why, but its weird.:thinking:


But at least i know he like GAR latest photo for a while....enough for our delulu mode.:love:


Hahaha secret affair with GAR? He doesn't want his fan girls killing him?  :idk:


2 hours ago, purplefin said:


I should have screencapped it for evidence 😆. Didn't think he will unlike it. 


Haha, yes, yes must always screenshot the things you like for evidence! Remember the curse of DDSLLS :laugh: Nothing stays up for long~


I was going to do it when I clicked into the link, but then I couldn't see it by that time :thinking:


36 minutes ago, twinkler0415 said:

Oh mehn!!!😆  Do you have an idea how long before he unliked the photo? Lol! 


Hahaha love that we need all the details. I want someone to have screenshot it, but it seems like a lot of people missed it? Or I haven't found anyone who did it anyway :letalQQ:

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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2 hours ago, purplefin said:


I should have screencapped it for evidence 😆. Didn't think he will unlike it. 

you right....i did not expect he unlike. I should takes the picture of that.


37 minutes ago, twinkler0415 said:

Oh mehn!!!😆  Do you have an idea how long before he unliked the photo? Lol! 

not sure....its quite a while i think. Still confused why he unlike.His action makes me wonder why:smug:


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2 hours ago, JenL said:

secret affair with GAR? He doesn't want his fan girls killing him

Hahaha!! Maybe LJW didnt even realized he liked the photo of GAR, then GAR saw it and had to call LJW that he accidentally liked her photo. She also dont want LJW fan girls to be upset 😁 

Good thing @multiloverss and @purplefin saw it! Something to bring spark to our delulu mind again 😆

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3 hours ago, twinkler0415 said:

Oh mehn!!!😆  Do you have an idea how long before he unliked the photo? Lol! 

I saw GAR's post 2 min after she posted it. I think LJW liked it probably around 4-8 hours after as I went to check it back then. I think it stayed for a while coz I went back to screencap it but I haven't (it didn't save 🤦‍♀️, i thought I did). And after @multiloverssmentioned that "he unliked", I checked and he indeed did 😔.


Maybe he accidentally liked it, he has an excuse before in liking GAR's photos as they were in the middle filming..but now, it might spark rumours? ( we don't mind 😏).  He looks a little guilty for liking and unliking sunbaenim's photo though 😅. Hehehe 







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15 hours ago, twinkler0415 said:

Maybe LJW didnt even realized he liked the photo of GAR, then GAR saw it and had to call LJW that he accidentally liked her photo. She also dont want LJW fan girls to be upset 😁 

it okay....this action give us a chance to  turn on our delulu mood. hahahah


14 hours ago, purplefin said:

He looks a little guilty for liking and unliking sunbaenim's photo though 😅. Hehehe 

you right....hope we can see this kind of  mistakes would be happen again in the future and i would make sure to take the evidence for this.:wow2:

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10 minutes ago, multiloverss said:
14 hours ago, purplefin said:

He looks a little guilty for liking and unliking sunbaenim's photo though 😅. Hehehe 

you right....hope we can see this kind of  mistakes would be happen again in the future and i would make sure to take the evidence for this.:wow2:

Hahaha now that we've learnt our lesson...we'll be ready next time! :SquirtleSquadCool:


Also, it doesn't help that she significantly posted on the last day of May (LJW's birthday month) and she also posted an update in early May after a long long time since March then again a day before his birthday. I'm not feeding just stating facts. :PikaSwag:


Her other DDSSLLS co-star Lee Seo-An and fellow Artist Company actress Lim Ji Yeon also interacted with her but GAR doesn't seem to reply/interact online as usual haha. 





And then I realised hey, why does her background looks like she's also at some kind of a boxing ring? and the hand pose angle coincidentally is similar too hahaha. Now I'm feeding ya some imagination. :eeeee:

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Sorry to have not followed up on my promise with more translated content! :psweatduck:

Something highly stressful came up in my personal life (but not covid!) and so I've been forced to deal with that first and it will take awhile. So I've had to pause my translation of the last of the DDSSLLS content :letalQQ:


But the good news is that I guess I can just release them for a few more months of DDSSLLS anniversary gifts :CharmanderYay: I may be a bit quiet for the next few weeks, but please tag me if there's some LJW or GAR news so it'll probably cheer me up while I go through these tough times!


Also not sure if you guys know but you have been earning points every time you post here and can use the points to buy badges in the member's shops (no real life money is needed, just your point earned from posting). To see what badges are available click on member's shop tab above. There are Mimi, LalaJun and Lee Jae Wook badge for sale. To see how many points you have to spend click on your profile :) :MewHi:



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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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11 hours ago, JenL said:

 I may be a bit quiet for the next few weeks, but please tag me if there's some LJW or GAR news so it'll probably cheer me up while I go through these tough times!

I was thinking of you last night and hoped you’re doing ok so hearing this felt like we were indeed connected through the skies as fellow Twinkles like that quote I love. 😊 


Yes! We will tag you for sure on their news to cheer you on to stay well during the tough times. Fighting! 💪🏼

11 hours ago, JenL said:

Also not sure if you guys know but you have been earning points every time you post here and can use the points to buy badges in the member's shops (no real life money is needed, just your point earned from posting). To see what badges are available click on member's shop tab above. There are Mimi, LalaJun and Lee Jae Wook badge for sale. To see how many points you have to spend click on your profile :) :MewHi:

Oooh so fun! Thanks for sharing on this @JenL!! 

Please take care 💜

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Hello! Still going through some rough times, but back briefly this weekend. For those who were wondering where they could buy a Jun Lala badge (with their Janghaven points, not real life money)...you can do it here: :hearties:






And getting back to some late replies:


On 5/30/2021 at 12:18 AM, eNDe said:

Awesome work 👏🏼 Thank you @JenL

Start small and you’ll get to see the progress in many ways when you look back. Good, good, good! RaRa would say so. 😊


Thank you! I've got the basics with Korean now so at least I can read a tiny bit and look up a lot of things in the dictionary, so I'm hoping to translate more once I get over these tough times :heart:


On 5/30/2021 at 12:18 AM, eNDe said:

I read about you being good with holding tears for drama/film from the MTH discussion board haha. I think for me certain subject in that drama like adoption is something close to me as my mum and her two brothers were all adopted and raised by my late grandma.


Haha, yep, didn't cry through Move to Heaven, but I totally understand why people would - it was so touching and bittersweet in so many meaningful ways! Especially if it hits close to home on some of those subjects...wow, I hope your mum and her brothers had a happy family life through her adoption - my grandma was adopted. But she always knew her birth mum, so she was still happy in her adopted family. :MewHi:


On 5/30/2021 at 12:18 AM, eNDe said:

Another aspect of the drama was certainly HGR himself that made me remember the many life lessons I went through to try understanding, even for a little, of special children and their parents while working in a preschool with ABA therapy for autism. I’m reminded of so many more that I haven’t understand of their views of the world. And HGR has an added depth beyond the syndrome’s definition because he is HGR and a true MVP character included in the drama. You’re right that he is so important being the key in giving SG the healing he badly needed. It’s such an amazing storytelling really, the way they thread these characters together like how even SC played a role in trying to get SG reconnect with his brother. 


Yes, I totally loved the way that portrayed HGR - his world view was so different. But I liked that his father still reached out and connected him to the world outside and taught him how he could use his special abilities to make others' lives better. It was especially lovely to see him change SG, who was so bitter and jaded from all the things life had tossed his way. LJW's character, SC was the first to change SG in a positive light, but after things went wrong in such a bad way, it was good to see HGR pick up the pieces for SG. :heart:


On 5/30/2021 at 12:18 AM, eNDe said:

I didn’t know they were that detailed in their storytelling to bring awareness to trauma cleaners’ work. Again, such a precious and memorable drama for me. I even started to watch short documentaries of such work in Japan. It’s such a tough work these people do. 


I have to say I didn't know trauma cleaning as a job. It seems like a noble job that reminds people about how precious life is. And it's really sad to think about how people can pass away sometimes so alone in the last moments of their life. I think it's important that there are people who help them tidy the last remaining parts of their lives! :heart:


On 5/30/2021 at 12:37 AM, eNDe said:

Eek! Love this! Thanks again for reminding me why I love and need DDSSLLS in my life anytime. They bring me smiles 😘



Hehe glad you enjoyed all the DDSSLLS content I was putting up. While I can't finish my translation projects at the moment, I have found some more pretty edits other people have made.


Since we all miss GAR, here is a nice edit of cute Lala expressions: https://www.instagram.com/p/CP9jiCfBnME/


And another cute edit of Lala and Jun from a fan who is missing DDSSLLS...it's a recent post so nice to see it's not just use who miss this series :) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQBcXagHCto/




On 5/30/2021 at 12:37 AM, eNDe said:

I didn’t watch the whole HP drama either as the storyline isn’t too interesting for me so I watched only the scenes where GAR cameo. 😬 She was refreshing to watch as this was her comeback after her leg injury and I love the bts with her interaction with other actors. 👍🏼 She mentioned in the bts that the recent injury (the one we saw during DDSSLLS table read) was due to a fall during hiking trip with friends.


I thought you watched HP for the whole drama for some reason! She looked so pretty in the stills that I saw of her for HP...and I thought it was fun that she played herself. But yeah, can't wait to see GAR again...it seems she's waiting to find a good project again :) :BulbaOWO:


On 5/30/2021 at 7:05 PM, purplefin said:

Belated happy 6th monthsary guys ( and LJW too 🎂). 

I missed a lot of content here 😳.


It's all good! I've been going through something tough in real life so haven't been here as much, but it's just fun to post here when there's time...totally understand when real life takes over though! :idk:


On 5/30/2021 at 7:05 PM, purplefin said:

I really love LJW'S cameo, he has such an integral part in the series. Like all of you I imagine him in an action genre or any other drama minus the romance. And seeing he was in uniform, had me flashbacks of baekyung and jun..😅🤣.  


I love his cameo in Move to Heaven too! It was so meaningful...and LJW was so cute :wow: Haha they sure love stuffing him into a school uniform too :laugh: I mean these are all the times they've done it prior to Move to Heaven (including as Jun in DDSSLLS)




On 5/30/2021 at 7:05 PM, purplefin said:

And LJH is becoming my new favorite 🙊🙈, he has such versatility. I think one of you here mentioned about LJW being similar to LJH, I think the same way too.. they have that same aura if that makes sense 😅😆.  And there was an excerpt from somewhere that LJH would like to work with LJW again in the future. 


Oh me too! I looooove LJH now. He has definitely been my new favourite this year. And I think I was the one who said he is like LJW! They definitely have a similar skillset with acting and their ability to be empathetic to different types of characters. I love to see LJH and LJW work together again...and with GAR would be a bonus! :CharmanderYay:

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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On 5/31/2021 at 6:26 PM, eNDe said:

Move to Heaven was such a pleasure and satisfying to watch, having the combo of LJH and LJW. I didn't think of it (loving LJH's since Signal) and never knew I would get to see them acting together right after loving LJW's acting. hehe. It's like a gift! 


I know right? There's not really that many chances to watch your favourite actors work together since they're often done in male and female pairings, but I really like when it happens...and this combination of two really talented actors in such a heart warming story... :BulbaOWO::heart: 

I really have to check out Signal too since it seems to be one of those all rounder favourites on Janghaven.


On 5/31/2021 at 6:26 PM, eNDe said:

I'm still hoping for reunion of LJW and GAR in another drama/film with an awesome ending they deserved. We deserved it too for never giving up on DDSSLLS. :eeeee:


I think we'll always be praying for this for sure! I mean their chemistry was so good...I hope someone in the K-E nt scene noticed too and decides it worth getting both of them in a project together one day in the future...




On 5/31/2021 at 6:26 PM, eNDe said:

Right...I think being new wave of DDSSLLS fans, they may also feel less pain to follow up on the next episode but it's good to have such fans too because they give new perspectives and I'm happy to read about them. 


I mean, @JenL finding someone who made an edit of the stalker is refreshing too. haha. 


I'm hoping that less waiting (ie. the ability to binge watch) and potential warnings or spoilers means people still love DDSSLLS and aren't as heartbroken about the ending as we were...or at least they're more prepared to deal with it. :hearties:


Haha, I still laugh at that Stalker video edit. I mean, I always knew there were people with weird tastes, but it's so funny that they liked the stalker out of all the things you could enjoy about DDSSLLS...but I guess each to their own :idk::laugh:


On 5/31/2021 at 6:26 PM, eNDe said:

I'm glad to know we share the same sentiments with LJH too! In some ways, I thank LJW and GAR for connecting you to him. haha. Anyway, Collectors is his latest film from 2020 but between Phantom Detective and that, I like PD more for its cinematography and getting to watch LJH working with child actors throughout the film. I haven't seen bts for Collectors but I did enjoy the bts for Phantom Detective and plus hey, there's GAR and they appeared on tv appearances for interviews and Running Man, met fans in different locations to promote so as a whole, it's a good film package for fans of his and GAR's work. Hurray!


Hehe I thanks GAR and LJW for connecting me to LJH too! :CharmanderYay: 

I probably would have still eventually become a fan since I kept seeing him in things like films such as I Can Speak and cameos like in Hot Stove League. Also as I started watching Taxi Driver ...but again, that was because I initially was curious about Lee Na Eun (from Extraordinary You which I liked because of LJW), but then she was involved in scandals and kicked out of the show. I'm glad I still watched Taxi Driver because it was one of my favourites this year and solidified by love for LJH along with Move to Heaven.:wow:


But yeah, I'm definitely going to watch Phantom Detective and Collectors once I get some time and life is more stable/ less stressful again! 


On 6/2/2021 at 1:14 AM, multiloverss said:

you right....i did not expect he unlike. I should takes the picture of that.


I tried to see if any hardcore LJW and GAR fans screenshot his liking of her photo, but still to this day I haven't found anyone who did take a screenshot! :letalQQ:


On 6/2/2021 at 1:14 AM, multiloverss said:

not sure....its quite a while i think. Still confused why he unlike.His action makes me wonder why:smug:



On 6/2/2021 at 3:26 AM, twinkler0415 said:

Hahaha!! Maybe LJW didnt even realized he liked the photo of GAR, then GAR saw it and had to call LJW that he accidentally liked her photo. She also dont want LJW fan girls to be upset 😁 

Good thing @multiloverss and @purplefin saw it! Something to bring spark to our delulu mind again 😆


Hahaha you guys make me laugh! While I'm sad I didn't see it myself, I'm totally glad there were eye witnesses who can testify and who reported that it happened otherwise I would have never known about it! :laugh: Well, clearly he has to hide his likes so his 'liking' happens in secret :smug:


Speaking of LJW, his agency has started a V-Live channel for him and he'll do a V-Live fan meet stream next week. It'll be nice to see it since he hasn't really done much live-streaming since the start of DDSSLLS :heart: 


Time to download V Live app if you don't have it:  https://www.instagram.com/p/CQFity-AGqo/




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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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By the way it turns out that LJW has 2 live streams on Monday! He's doing a Marie Claire Live stream with his agency actors at 7:30 and then an individual one at 9:30 KST :Party01:



On 6/2/2021 at 4:14 AM, purplefin said:

I saw GAR's post 2 min after she posted it. I think LJW liked it probably around 4-8 hours after as I went to check it back then. I think it stayed for a while coz I went back to screencap it but I haven't (it didn't save 🤦‍♀️, i thought I did). And after @multiloverssmentioned that "he unliked", I checked and he indeed did 😔.


Hahaha I love that you have a timeline for these events :laugh: And you tried to screencap but it didn't happen :( Oh how sad! :letalQQ:


On 6/2/2021 at 4:14 AM, purplefin said:

Maybe he accidentally liked it, he has an excuse before in liking GAR's photos as they were in the middle filming..but now, it might spark rumours? ( we don't mind 😏).  He looks a little guilty for liking and unliking sunbaenim's photo though 😅. Hehehe 


Hahaha true, I think this might be his thinking. But come on, it's more suspicious unliking someone's photo :lenny: Haha, you can leave a question for his live stream on Monday on the fan boards on V-Live and I think we all feel like asking "Why did you unlike GAR's photo?" :laugh:


On 6/2/2021 at 6:41 PM, multiloverss said:

it okay....this action give us a chance to  turn on our delulu mood. hahahah


you right....hope we can see this kind of  mistakes would be happen again in the future and i would make sure to take the evidence for this.:wow2:


Hahaha, I also hope we get to witness these types of "mistakes" often too :smug:


On 6/2/2021 at 7:19 PM, eNDe said:

Hahaha now that we've learnt our lesson...we'll be ready next time! :SquirtleSquadCool:


I feel like I need an alert for when either of them post. Is that a bit stalkery? :laugh:


On 6/2/2021 at 7:19 PM, eNDe said:

Also, it doesn't help that she significantly posted on the last day of May (LJW's birthday month) and she also posted an update in early May after a long long time since March then again a day before his birthday. I'm not feeding just stating facts. :PikaSwag:


You have a point! Such precise timings... Haha, did you think about these timings specifically GAR :smug:


On 6/2/2021 at 7:19 PM, eNDe said:

Her other DDSSLLS co-star Lee Seo-An and fellow Artist Company actress Lim Ji Yeon also interacted with her but GAR doesn't seem to reply/interact online as usual haha. 


Haha yeah I noticed! She really doesn't seem to interact/ respond to comments. Whereas LJW will respond to any friend who comments on his photos...he always has when an actor writes in his comments - LSA sometimes comments on his pics and he has always responded in the past :BulbaOWO:


On 6/2/2021 at 7:19 PM, eNDe said:

And then I realised hey, why does her background looks like she's also at some kind of a boxing ring? and the hand pose angle coincidentally is similar too hahaha. Now I'm feeding ya some imagination. :eeeee:


Hahaha...you're not wrong...what if she went to visit Move to Heaven set because of both LJW and LJH?! LOL that would be such a dream :wow::laugh:


On 6/7/2021 at 11:32 AM, eNDe said:

I was thinking of you last night and hoped you’re doing ok so hearing this felt like we were indeed connected through the skies as fellow Twinkles like that quote I love. 😊 


Yes! We will tag you for sure on their news to cheer you on to stay well during the tough times. Fighting! 💪🏼

Oooh so fun! Thanks for sharing on this @JenL!! 

Please take care 💜


Thank you so much @eNDe for these lovely words. I thought they were beautiful - these tough times are still long and drawn out for me, but nice to think that people are cheering me on from somewhere else. I've come back on in little intervals, but may disappear again as well. But I will be around for LJW's double live stream on Monday :heart: Hope you all are too!

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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