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Doom At Your Service 어느 날 우리 집 현관으로 멸망이 들어왔다 [2021]

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Aigoo, the rating is heading downwards each episode... I can tell coz I am talking to myself in this thread :PsyWhat::laugh:

We are still no where near getting our heads around the world building part between deity—doom however we are not short of OTP scenes. Yup. Not at all. It's also one of those shows that I don't mind because every scenes between Park Bo Young and Seo In Guk are just so lovely to watch. Myul Mang is being so sweet, taking Dong Kyung into the dream and let her see the people she loves using/wearing the presents she bought for them.


Myul Mang seems to be coming around and learning. I suppose this story could well be a journey for him to learn and accept his fate and not "hate it". We learn that the deity accepted her fate and reborn each time for the world. This set-up is unfamiliar. I hope it gets clarified before the show ends. Or we're just so used to think God / Shin is eternal that it is strange. Or it is more like buddhism - where a being (human) needs to go through samsara and then become the englightened one/awakened one reaching nirvana and buddhahood...?! Ok, just pondering out loud. Getting out of the religion realm since I don't know any religions in depth enough to discuss further.


As for the second leads... I'm not so sure I like how Hyun Kyu is being presented here. Give me back the cute Young Hwaaa from Run On. LOL. I can't say I like how he handles his love relationship with Ji Na. Sighhh. As for Joo Ik, loved his assertiveness towards the CEO. LOL. Yeah, you give it to that jerk.


Looking forward to tonight's episode with another Nam Da Reum scene and Myul Mang getting jealous at him. Haha.

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Gosh, I just love this drama... I think we have all said this, and can all agree that the chemistry between the leads are insane and they both play their roles very well.


I am still not 100% sure as to why Shin (female god) has to suffer and die in each life time but the way I understood it in ep 10 is that she carries the "sins" of the world dies because of it so as to redeem mankind? Not really sure.. it's like some stuff is taken from Christianity but also not.. it's confusing. In any case, I think the point is that she understands her role and is happy to play the part as it is for "the greater good". This is in contrast to MM who resents his role. I think this is what Shin is trying to teach him?


We all know MM resents his role and only seems to see the negative - the bad that he causes, the selfishness of humans, etc. - which is why he has no sympathy/empathy. Since all are selfish, all eventually comes to an end, there is no point in loving or being happy or feeling pity. But Shin does not see it that way. His existence is what makes humans appreciate the beauty in life and that while there is pain in parting or death, there is also joy and fulfillment in love.


In meeting and being with TDK, MM is starting to see the other side - MM is making him look at the good rather than focusing on the bad. This is what I got out of that conversation they had while watching the old wedding tradition. MM saw it as something negative while TDK saw it as something beautiful. This is also represented by him walking through the garden of flowers and everything dying while TDK walks through the same path and everything comes to life. I think this why MM started to really pay attention to her and love her then - because she is opening his eyes to what he previously couldn't see.


I especially loved eps 9 and 10 just because MM is finally letting himself feel all these emotions and letting himself fall in love and just go for it. I really enjoyed seeing him be all jealous every time someone touched TDK.


My favourite scene in ep 10 has to be the ending where he tells her to tell him everything since she has a habit of keeping it all in. To finally be able to say out loud everything she's been repressing all these years must be of comfort. It's ironic that the one person whose thoughts MM cannot hear happens to be the one person who hides how she truly feels.


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spacer.pngQueen of Tears, My Lovely Runner, Doctor Slump

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@mademoiselle I’m surprised that there’s barely anyone posting here because among the dramas I’m juggling right now, it’s the one I look most forward to. 

we still have a number of episodes to go so while I don’t fully understand Shin yet, I’m sure we’ll get more clarity eventually. 

What is unclear is whether it’s possible for TDK to live and at the same be with MM. If MM were to disappear, couldn’t Shin just create him again? 


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spacer.pngQueen of Tears, My Lovely Runner, Doctor Slump

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6 minutes ago, Mouse said:

@mademoiselle I’m surprised that there’s barely anyone posting here because among the dramas I’m juggling right now, it’s the one I look most forward to. 

we still have a number of episodes to go so while I don’t fully understand Shin yet, I’m sure we’ll get more clarity eventually. 

What is unclear is whether it’s possible for TDK to live and at the same be with MM. If MM were to disappear, couldn’t Shin just create him again?

Looks like most people lost interest because of the confusing plot. :idk::jiminbtssigh::jinbtscry:


The ending for Dong Kyung is definitely the most concerning bit. Will she or will she not die? Obviously I want her to live but how and will it be done satisfactory and make sense? From my understanding, Shin reminds me of Phoenix. She dies and is reborn whereas Myul Mang seems to live on eternally.

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45 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

Looks like most people lost interest because of the confusing plot. :idk::jiminbtssigh::jinbtscry:


The ending for Dong Kyung is definitely the most concerning bit. Will she or will she not die? Obviously I want her to live but how and will it be done satisfactory and make sense?

From my understanding, Shin reminds me of Phoenix. She dies and is reborn whereas Myul Mang seems to live on eternally.

It honestly doesn’t look good for TDK. The likelihood of her dying is high but like you said, that’s going to upset a lot of people (like me!). My guess is that MM sacrifices himself somehow for her. Since Shin created MM, I think maybe she’ll just recreate him? I personally think she is capable of creating him again and that’s not really the issue. The issue is that he needs to learn to accept who he is and learn to love life even though everything is futile. I think it’s sad regardless bec even if they end up being together, TDK will still eventually die while MM will always live on. Kinda like Goblin. Lol 

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spacer.pngQueen of Tears, My Lovely Runner, Doctor Slump

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@Mouse Is there a possibility that MM become human? Initially I thought perhaps Dong Kyung will take over the role of Shin so that she and MM become One - they have their own purpose especially when the plants came back to life in MM's garden and they can be together forever. But now I'm not so sure anymore.

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Hello! I'm back for a little bit this weekend - I'm finding MM and TDK's disappearing act from episodes 7-8 quite relatable because this is totally me while life continues to be stressful lately. But actually found time to catch up a little bit of Doom tonight and it was comforting to see TDK's life was miserable but then all these nice fluffy things happen to her....and I'm wondering...when is a Seo-In-Guk-personified-version-of-doom coming to the rescue in my life? :laugh:


Episodes 7- 8

- It was so sweet to see MM appear in Nam Da Reum's characters' dreams to threaten him to finish off writing his stories. If there's one way for your supernatural boyfriend to show his love, this is it! :lenny:

- Looking at all the small miseries of TDK's life, I feel I can totally relate. Sometimes life just isn't fair...I've totally had that experience where public transport breaking down made me late for a job interview! Haha, now I know it was MM! :laugh:

- I melt a little seeing SIG's look of pain as he realises that he's the one who has caused TDK's sadness over the years. It must be so lonely to be MM because he feels like he's bad for TDK! I have to say before I ever watched a SIG project, I never understood why people made him an Oppa...but now I totally get it. He is excellent at emoting through his expressions...his glares are really something too...as are his lovelorn gazes when he looks at TDK, especially before he kisses/ hugs her! :BulbaOWO:

- Have to say MM has prime real estate- his house was real pretty from the outside :lol:

- TDK's brother is funny and kinda cute! Just looked him up and I see he is Rowoon's bandmate? I laughed hard at his "love advice" to his boss LHK. And I'm really enjoying his clingy brother behaviour now that he's matured and isn't being so mean to his sister. Also laughed when he reacted to the craziness of MM and TDK's combined house...and when MM kept reading his thoughts  :wow:

- I think this is my first time seeing a love triangle in the second lead storyline when there's no love triangle in the main lead's story. It's refreshing especially since I can now see the connection when TSK tells LHK to do the things he wants and not leave regrets in his life. The problem with both the guys in the love triangle is that they're both so hesitant to tell her how much they like her. I'm not a huge fan of JN's character, but I suppose she's a good friend to TDK. The kiss she has with CJI or "Mr Cha" made me laugh because he totally didn't make sense on her end...she's talking about all these things she wants to do with another guy including kiss and this guy is like, Well if you want to kiss I can do that :laugh:

- I love KTO...but I do have to say he's pretty much played the same adorable-silly-puppy-cute character since My First First Love and Run On. I'd love to see him take on a completely  different role in his next project. :MewHi:

- Random observation - That table in the publishing house with a glass top and a base made from books is so pretty :hearties:

- I loved TDK's words about how the good things in her life often come from the bad. Her words about liking winter and darkness in the middle of night and rain were so comforting, especially as I'm going through a hard time...and I also weirdly enough like those things. I guess I just have to look for the silver linings. Thanks TDK for making me feel better! :heart:

- TDK was so blunt about sleeping with MM to her brother and friend :laugh:

- One thing I both like and cringe a little at this show is that it does fall a little into the angsty supernatural teen romance type of genre. But then I have to admit I kind of like angsty, even though I judge it...soooo... :idk: The other thing is that I guess I'm not sure if it's a bit circular at times in the plot...like it might have been fun to have a clearer count down of the day remaining in her life and to see what she'd do with that time. But I'm still enjoying the watch!  

- There's so many pretty and romantic scenes in this drama. I liked when he came to her house and held her hand and when he chased after her for a backhug...And all those cherry blossom, carnival type scenes were so pretty  :BulbaOWO: Oh and the sudden kiss...SIG is a good kisser or at least he makes the scenes look quite passionate... And I liked his vulnerability when he showed TDK her parents and he thought he'd messed up, but she was happy. :wow:



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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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@JenL Glad to see you back! Hopefully this means you'll be back more? Just a few things I wanted to respond per your post.

7 hours ago, JenL said:

I'm wondering...when is a Seo-In-Guk-personified-version-of-doom coming to the rescue in my life?

I think this is one reason why we are addicted to kdramas. We can't get it in real life, we seek it in virtual land :eeeee:

7 hours ago, JenL said:

I have to say before I ever watched a SIG project, I never understood why people made him an Oppa.

Yes, Seo In Guk is not exactly the super good looking Oppa type but once you watch him in drama, you can see his charm.

7 hours ago, JenL said:

I love KTO...but I do have to say he's pretty much played the same adorable-silly-puppy-cute character since My First First Love and Run On. I'd love to see him take on a completely  different role in his next project. 

He has! Check out The Tale of Nokdu.

7 hours ago, JenL said:

One thing I both like and cringe a little at this show is that it does fall a little into the angsty supernatural teen romance type of genre. But then I have to admit I kind of like angsty, even though I judge it...soooo... The other thing is that I guess I'm not sure if it's a bit circular at times in the plot.

I have the same feeling about this as well. Agreed on the circular plot too. I don't know why but Dong Kyung and Myul Mang reminded me of Twilight's Edward and Bella. They are drawn to one another even though they both knew it would not end well and Edward is so freaking angsty because he's repeatedly thinks "it's wrong but I can't get away from you" ~ hahaha.

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Hi! I believe it's my first time posting here. Honestly, I've been watching and reading here since ep 3 or 4, but I wanted to post when I've caught up or at least understood the plot more... but we're already at ep 10 and I'm still trying to grasp what the story is supposed to be. But since @mademoiselle says on quote below, I guess I'm not the only one confused. 😂


On 6/10/2021 at 5:35 AM, mademoiselle said:

Looks like most people lost interest because of the confusing plot.


Even if I don't really understand the point of the story, and I've actually started watching this more on the background so I'm starting to miss more and more details, I've still managed to watch up till the latest episode (well, half of ep 10 actually 😂😂) I've found the concept to be nice and intriguing at least. 


10 hours ago, JenL said:

Have to say MM has prime real estate- his house was real pretty from the outside :lol:


YES!!! I really love his place and I've been wanting to post here right from the start just to say it. Love it... It's like Batman's cave if he lived in Korea or Japan, cold and cavernous with hint of warm tones. I think it's a place that will be nice to go to visit, but I can't imagine myself living there full time. 😅😅 Maybe if it was scaled down a little bit, like only sections of the house has unfinished stone walls just to get that "cave" feel and then it'll lead to sections that are more cozy and has that hygge vibe. I've always want to have a place with interior plants and foliage, but not necessarily an interior garden, and I think it'll fit with this somehow. Anyway. 😅😅 


I've seen SIG from The Smile Has Left Your Eyes, and his character there is basically the same, only here he's omnipotent, so he can act more like he doesn't give a damn... but he does. 😂

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I am catching up this weekend. Just finished ep.8 and 9.... Not much to say though, except that it’s sooooo nice to have someone who can make a line of cherry blossoms magically appear, even if just for a couple of minutes :wow2:

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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On 6/12/2021 at 10:37 AM, mademoiselle said:

@JenL Glad to see you back! Hopefully this means you'll be back more? Just a few things I wanted to respond per your post.


I want to be back more :letalQQ:... I can't make any promises so far since things haven't really settled in any way. But since it's the long weekend, I've had some time to catch up on some stuff  and since I can't really sort out any issues on the weekend anyway, it's been nice to do some comforting 'me' things like watch dramas and come back to JH for a bit.


On 6/12/2021 at 10:37 AM, mademoiselle said:

I think this is one reason why we are addicted to kdramas. We can't get it in real life, we seek it in virtual land :eeeee:


Hahaha, yes, this is true. All my Oppas who don't exist in my real life who give me great comfort through the screen :heart:


On 6/12/2021 at 10:37 AM, mademoiselle said:

Yes, Seo In Guk is not exactly the super good looking Oppa type but once you watch him in drama, you can see his charm.


I feel like SIG has one of those unusual model looks that grows on you over time, particularly when you see him being charismatic on screen....Honestly in K-drama land, it's always the ones that I don't think are particularly hot at first that get to me the most :laugh: *Cough LJW cough*...Actually even with Gong Yoo, I didn't think he was particularly hot at first in Coffee Prince, but then he grew on me big time :BulbaOWO:

Different story for Taiwanese actors though. I always seem to like the pretty ones there :idk: *looks towards Jasper* :MonkaTang:


On 6/12/2021 at 10:37 AM, mademoiselle said:

He has! Check out The Tale of Nokdu.


Ah yes, the one KTO project I haven't and probably won't check out since it's historical :laugh:


On 6/12/2021 at 10:37 AM, mademoiselle said:

I have the same feeling about this as well. Agreed on the circular plot too. I don't know why but Dong Kyung and Myul Mang reminded me of Twilight's Edward and Bella. They are drawn to one another even though they both knew it would not end well and Edward is so freaking angsty because he's repeatedly thinks "it's wrong but I can't get away from you" ~ hahaha.


Hahaha I wasn't going to say it, but since you've gone there...yeah it does give me Twilight vibes :laugh: I can't deny it. It's not as bad obviously because Park Bo Young's character is sooooo likeable whereas I hated Bella Swan because she was so whiney and always putting down the people around her unless they were the cool edgy vampires :pandarage2:. But yeah, I guess the stories are not similar per say - it's just that the romance is between a human and a creature of darkness. And MM is sometimes super angsty because he thinks he hurts her and can't do anything about stopping her cancer :idk: And they keep making up and breaking up because of it. Just watched Eps 9- 10 and the plot really went around in circles there...I'm not quite sure things make sense sometimes but I'll write my thoughts in a different post.


On 6/12/2021 at 2:34 PM, Warm Paws said:

Hi! I believe it's my first time posting here. Honestly, I've been watching and reading here since ep 3 or 4, but I wanted to post when I've caught up or at least understood the plot more... but we're already at ep 10 and I'm still trying to grasp what the story is supposed to be. But since @mademoiselle says on quote below, I guess I'm not the only one confused. 😂



Hahaha don't worry @Warm Paws I've been been watching dramas for like 15 years and this is the most confused I've ever been with a storyline :laugh: So you're not alone. I don't think the plot is the strongest here, but the basic idea is that she's made a deal with doom and someone (or everyone if she decides to doom the world) must pay for her not suffering in the last 3 months of her life...Also MM will grant her a wish...but he doesn't seem to be able to do a lot since he has never been able to grant her anything she wished for :lenny: And the rest of the story seems to be weird making-up-breaking-up elements from the other deity and the characters making non-sensical choices :idk:


Actually, I think Abyss might have been equally confusing, but yeah, I think this one has more warmth and more likeable characters and this definitely ranks better than Abyss. I still can't believe I watched that entire drama :shocked:


On 6/12/2021 at 2:34 PM, Warm Paws said:

YES!!! I really love his place and I've been wanting to post here right from the start just to say it. Love it... It's like Batman's cave if he lived in Korea or Japan, cold and cavernous with hint of warm tones. I think it's a place that will be nice to go to visit, but I can't imagine myself living there full time. 😅😅 Maybe if it was scaled down a little bit, like only sections of the house has unfinished stone walls just to get that "cave" feel and then it'll lead to sections that are more cozy and has that hygge vibe. I've always want to have a place with interior plants and foliage, but not necessarily an interior garden, and I think it'll fit with this somehow. Anyway. 😅😅 


Hahaha, I'm glad you like MM's house too. I totally agree with you on the hide-out feeling of the place - definitely like a Batcave :laugh:. I liked the modern Korean mansion look on the outside too, when they were standing on the balcony and looking across at the view. And yeah, not a place I'd live in necessarily, but it'd be a nice place to go on a secluded retreat and get a spa/massage treatment or something like that. :lol:

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Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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Episodes 9-10


- I really liked episodes 7 & 8 and hoped the story would straighten itself out , but then felt episodes 9-10 were really circular. Not much happened except weird make-up-break-up scenarios. I still like the chemistry in this series, but it feels a little like Strong woman Do Bong Soon, where I wished so much more could have happened with the actual plot. :idk:

- Anyway, onto the actual episodes... It was cute that TDK and her auntie played chasey around a bemused MM. :laugh:

- The deity who seems to be the opposite of MM is a bit like a Jesus figure with her life being about suffering and dying for people over and over again? I felt really sorry for her when you see her coughing up so much blood and really suffering all by herself :thinking:

- I love Park Bo Young's cheekiness. I mean she seems to pull this off in all her dramas...but I think it's perfectly shown in episode 9 when she wants to buy the last designer bag for her aunt and one other girl wants it...and she pulls the sob-story-3-months-left card....but also simultaneously winks at MM...The other example of this is when she asked MM up for ramyeon *wink wink* to test him and he already knows these human tricks  :lenny::laugh:

- The beautiful dream where TDK can see her friends and family use their presents and share a meal together at a fancy restaurant was such a lovely caring gesture from MM :heart:

- The second lead love triangle is a bit meh to watch. I don't understand why they just can't say what they feel :PikachuFacePalm: But as individual characters, I don't mind them. I laughed when JN threw the laptop at the jerky Jijo King guy only to find out it was not his laptop. :lol:

- You know who I find random? Kevin, the auntie's Canadian boyfriend. He sticks out like a sore thumb when auntie barely seems to talk to him and the kids can't communicate with him. He doesn't seem to know any Korean, so it's just weird :heiboi:

- A cameo (which has turned into a minor role in it's own right) that I really like is NDR's cameo as Prince, the bratty writer kid. I really enjoyed his interaction with both TDK and MM to be honest. I thought his talisman autograph on TDK's hand was cute and laughed when he skipped over MM trying to trip him...smart kid! :smile:

- Dalgona = This writer's name just reminds me of the air-whip mousse coffee :laugh:

- The nonchalant wedding proposal from MM was cute. Who knew Doom was such a clingy partner? :wow: But I think that's why it annoyed me that she then wanted to "break up" by leaving everyone...it doesn't make sense to me. Just because you leave people doesn't mean you don't love them anymore (which means it wouldn't change the contract)? But I did like how MM made her say her real feelings. PBY's acting when she cried and said she wanted to live broke my heart, as did SIG's expression listening to her :letalQQ: 

Edited by JenL
  • Heart Eyes 1

Currently watching: My Lovely Runner // Chief Detective 1958

Current Obsessions: ❤ Lee Jae wook // Byeon Woo Seok - Sun Jae has run away with my heart!

Podcast: These Dramatic Days

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