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Youth of May 오월의 청춘 [2021]

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It was such a good episode... With angst but it was a good episode. I was tearing at the end of it. 

So yes, the engagement happened, but from preview we are told that Hee Tae left the event before it ends (we know he ran away with Myung Hee). We see Soo Ryeon is conflicted the whole episode because that night Myung Hee did tell her that she wants to try dating Hee Tae @abs-oluteM I am neutral about her for now, because I am still hoping that at the critical time, she would do the unexpected and stand her grounds about what she is fighting for. Hopefully the father will support her as well. 

I really love the opening of the episode. We see why and how Myung Hee has become a “yes” person and the way writer/PD tied it to the present time when she has to answer Hee Tae’s question made it so poignant.

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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12 hours ago, ktcjdrama said:

I really love the opening of the episode. We see why and how Myung Hee has become a “yes” person and the way writer/PD tied it to the present time when she has to answer Hee Tae’s question made it so poignant.

Me too...gosh, I feel so super bad for MHee. I really am disappointed that MHee took the blame for SR during high school. And once again, here MHee is also suffering because of her. SR needs to step up.

The scene with MHee and her dad also broke my heart apart from all the scenes of Hee Tae asking her if she was really okay with this. 


Honestly the last few minutes saved the day. I was so glad she found courage to be honest with her own feelings . I somewhat thought he might have kissed her there...ahahah...but okay that smile he gave her when he went up to hold her hand was also very heart fluttery and moving. The road ahead won't be easy but I hope they can have some sweet moments.


 @mademoiselle hopefully you can find some nice gifs...


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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19 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

I somewhat thought he might have kissed her there...ahahah...

LOL!! I was thinking the same, but I thought better not, because they’re still at the engagement venue 😆 I probably won’t enjoy watching it anyway because I would be worrying if anyone will come out and see them. Then I thought also, nah, too early in the drama for a kiss just yet 😆

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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I thought it was funny the 2 little brothers and their friends were discussing in bed the difference between engagement and wedding. I ask myself the same question too :eeeee:

Did Soo Ryeon even heard Myung Hee told her she wanted to see Hee Tae? It felt like she heard/paid attention to absolutely nothing and just went on begging Myung Hee to persuade Hee Tae. Ugh. And now even worse is am I right to take what was shown about the past that Myung Hee took the blame for Soo Ryeon in the protest thingie? :pandarage2:

@abs-oluteM @ktcjdrama I thought Do Hyun walks like Ahjussi because he was playing one in 18 Again but I realised it's his style of walking coz he's walking the same way in this drama too. LOL LOL.

I don't know how I feel about being engaged to someone and then date another tbh even though I understand the circumstances. Still I feel there's something gone morally wrong here. :pandascared:

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6 minutes ago, mademoiselle said:

@abs-oluteM @ktcjdrama I thought Do Hyun walks like Ahjussi because he was playing one in 18 Again but I realised it's his style of walking coz he's walking the same way in this drama too. LOL LOL.

I don't know how I feel about being engaged to someone and then date another tbh even though I understand the circumstances. Still I feel there's something gone morally wrong here. :pandascared:

ahahah he has this old soul feel to him right? 

I think he will call off the engagement right? Isn't it why he got slapped? 
Can I say I am not too impressed with SR at the moment. She wants to stand up for her beliefs & protest etc - that is fine . But push comes to shove , she retracts to her comfy life and leaves someone else to clear the mess. Her convictions aren't that strong huh . Sorry la, what kind of friend is this. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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I went through the cuts & spoilers ...I was happy , then I was annoyed , then I was so angry, then I had a heart fluttery moment and finally I was so scared. This drama is killing me :Mimed:

Ep 6

So after that romantic running bit , he took her back . And they exchanged some keepsake - he took her earrings and she took his bow....maybe my mind little bit in the gutter , but when she took the bow off him it sent him to cloud 9 - it was an almost kiss. But a police officer came by saying it was curfew ...

so no kiss . LOL


But you know....I don't know why he got slapped here by dad, but I think it was because he ran off before the ceremony finished. Father gave him two tight slaps, but Hee Tae stopped him from doing a third. I HATE the father :pandarage2: and SR came bearing gifts - she saw the slap marks. 



Later the two of them had some argument out in the garden - but Hee Tae's step mum was like they shouldn't bicker out there. She went to his room . She saw the photo of his mum and was surprised mum was a singer ( in the club). Hmm did she feel sorry for him ?



Oh darn , it looks like Soo Chan saw Hee Tae & Myung Hee running off that night and he confronted Hee Tae. I am waiting for subs to see what Hee Tae told him. I don't think he denied it. And he even brought up SR here


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Alright in this post I just want to focus on the lovely sweet moments...after his class , he sneaked out to look for MH. She told him she was off for 2 days or something and he suggested they go on a date.

But a call came from her mum...think she had to go take her bro out



Surprise surprise...MH and HT discovers their brothers are close buddies and they take the boys out for lunch. Hee Tae's bro asked what is the relationship between them...HT said they are just friends

They also took they boys to amusement park...they all had alot of fun especially MH and the boys. LOL!



Sweet dates!!!

I am melting


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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But it wasn't a completely angst free episode. 
For one Soo Chan did confront Myung Hee about it & wanted her not to do this - but she realise that all her life she always had to give things up. And this is something she wants to fight for. Soo Chan was heartbroken since he really likes her.

And I believe that SR must have gotten wind of what happened she came to look for MH. This pissed me off because in the flashback to the past , you can see that in the protest, SR and MH both put up the posters but only MH was caught . SR did nothing for her friend



This kiss - I was rejoicing . It was so sweet. She pecked him first , then he kissed back. 

BUT OMG....at the end ....after he left , she was abducted :pandasadspoon:


And you can see in the preview that HeeTae had to beg his father - must be to leave MH alone.

I am so angry


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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I stopped watching after the kiss @abs-oluteM coz I can sense something not good coming... from the father’s look, from their conversation about being happy, from all the sweetness, from him not seeing her to the door... we can know that the real angst and melo is coming :nervous: Yeah, I didn’t even dare to look at preview yet. Let me go to sleep with happy scenes first. 

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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LDH can play the piano at the end of the BTS.  Before the kiss scene, supposed to have a forhead finger flick. But don't remember it in the episode.

And that running scene - waahhhhh that had to do so many times different angles. Felt it for GMS who is short compared to LDH - not easy to run aside someone who has long strides. LOL


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Woah the siblings are two pieces of work, aren't they? Both of them yell at Hee Tae like as if he owes it to them. Hee Tae should have told Soo Chan he agreed to engage to his sister to save his ass. Ugh. As for Soo Ryeon, how can she have the nerve to confront Myung Hee for making all the fuss? Looks like there was some misunderstanding in the past, however it doesn't cover the fact that she is being selfish this time round. And even worse, she pretended she knew NOTHING about Hee Tae and Myung Hee and play victim. Double woah.


And obviously it was extremely stupid of Hee Tae and Myung Hee leaving the engagement ceremony so openly. I was already thinking if it was OK last episode, and thought they got lucky no one notice.


I'm glad it was out in the open for Jung Tae and Hee Tae, although I don't know if that talk break the ice between them. It at least explained why Jung Tae's mother was being misunderstood as the mistress now. I find the talk still comes off sad because of Hee Tae being that illegitimate son even though he was born first.


I can't even feel happy for Myung Hee and Hee Tae for their short moment of happiness because I was spoiled for what happened next week. Their happiness is just so short-lived.



Edited by mademoiselle
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Finally done watching this week's episodes. Was avoiding coming here in case of spoilers.


The last scene really gave me a shock when Myeonghee was abducted! Evil dad is REALLY EVIL! Has he ever taken on good guy roles, actually? And who is that white haired guy that has a hold on Hee Tae's dad?


Soo Chan is starting to show off his selfish side. It's exactly as Hee Tae has asked - is he truly concerned for his sister's welfare or is this selfish thinking on his part? In any case, the real push came from the business end of things - they just should not have gotten involved with Hee Tae's dad for the sake of their business.

But if it can all be traced back to a single origin, would it be Sooryeon and her cowardly wilfulness, right from the first protest manifesto she wrote in high school?

Edited by gilaswan
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11 hours ago, mademoiselle said:


First Kiss


Lovely gifs 🥰 I think the kiss scene was very well done. Send shivers to me. Very appropriate for their time, their characters and the stage of their relationship. Ha! yes that was still the last scene of this drama for me. I will just continue the last few minutes when new episode drops. 

59 minutes ago, gilaswan said:

And who is that white haired guy that has a hold on Hee Tae's dad?

He is an assemblyman, I think. Not necessarily has a hold on Hee Tae’s dad but he is presenting him with promises of advancement in society/politics. It’s kinda a relief for me that Hee Tae’s dad is not the ultimate power here. So it gives me hope that as soon as this white haired guy let go of Hee Tae’s dad, he will become nothing. Better yet if the white haired guy manipulates and eventually squashes him hard. 

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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This is an abuse of power :pandarage2:. What a cruel man.





In the midst of this, in the photo released on the 23rd, Kim Myung-hee was captured by the security forces. The chilling scenery of the investigation room, where you can't tell the difference between day and night, and her messy hair make you guess that something terrible has happened.

On the other hand, Hwang Ki-nam's relaxed attitude toward her sparks anger from viewers. The brutality of the dictatorship is felt from him, who looks at her persistently with his arms folded, and Kim Myeong-hee falls into indescribable shock and sadness after seeing the documents he handed him over.


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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