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Deluxe Taxi / Taxi Driver 모범택시 [ S1- 2021] [S2 - 2023] [S3 -TBD]


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Episode 8


  • The drama really gives the impression that every road or highway in korea is completely without traffic. They drive and drive and do so many fancy stuff on the highway and not a single car is passing by or crosses them in any direction. :laugh:
  • I wished he would have just taken the crossbow and shoot the CEO right in his face, kill the others in the room afterwards and continue looking for the server. I mean, you can still search for it after everyone's dead and nobody is going to look in that bunker anyway. 
  • Go Eun cares so much for Do-Ki, they really have a special relationship and I wouldn't mind if they started to date towards the end of the drama. So she was at the hospital when he passed out even before Mr.Jang, but got scared again.
  • Baek is really scary, how cold she can become in matter of seconds. When she gave the money to Blue Bird for "compensation", she actually looked caring for a second. But the moment Jang found out about Do Chul she went completely different. I would really not like to have any business with her. She's so scary.
  • Go Eun in tears, crying and screaming "Destroy them all!" really made me tear up. :pandasad: She's so precious. 
    Time to kill Do-Ki :pandarage2:
  • How he was crying like a little kid after being hit just once. Honestly, I think they went a little light on him, for what he has done in the past, they should have done way more to him. I mean he did die in the end, but I was hoping for at least giving him more of his own medicine. Hitting him with the baseball bat, giving maybe even Go Eun the chance of getting some revenge on him.
    They even tied him to the tree so loose, that he would have been able to escape.
  • I also think that blowing up the data mine was a good idea, but doing it with a timer was a bit odd and dangerous, especially knowing that the police is coming. They could have killed a lot of innocent policemen and Prosecutor Kang with it. Also if Do-Ki is able to trigger the bomb manually with a button in his car, why even use a timer attached to the bombs?
  • So Do Chul was ultimatively able to enter Jang's Domain and stab him, potentially even killing him. For someone doing such large operations and having an underground base, he surely doesn't have much security. I also wonder why he didn't just hide in the base, knowing someone is after his life. 
  • It's possible that Jang is dead, so Do-Ki takes over and seems to confront Baek. I wonder if she becomes an enemy now.
  • Also seems like we already get a new case on the next episode, which makes it even more confusing what will happen. 
  • Eight episodes in and so far Prosecutor Kangs role still isn't really visible, so far she didn't really contribute anything to the drama except being too late, fail at every attempt to get someone and being in the way. By now my hopes she will join Deluxe Taxi are also zero.
    I hope they will give her character more color in the second half of the drama. 


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I was doing something else while watching ep 7 and 8 .. so while some of you got really tired with the CEO's face ... I actually got super annoyed with his voice especially towards the last bit of ep 8. What I was constantly hearing was his shriek + his loud scream + his swearing :KittyGun: I really wish DK 'silenced' him sooner (note that silence doesn't equal death because I agree he needed to suffer a little bit more :pandaattack:). Glad they're able to close the case and even took down all the evil videos. 

Agree with @Dhakra that I don't think it was a good idea to blow the storage with a timer. Of course this is only drama, but how would they know that the explosion wouldn't kill the good guys (they knew for sure that the police and prosecutors were going to that place). And I wonder whether they also tied him loose because they predicted the CEO would go to the storage and so they could blow him up along with the server. Risky though..coz what happened if he didn't have the energy to get to the storage in time for the explosion? DK's identity would definitely be exposed then. 


After these 2 eps, I actually started to grow a little bit annoyed with the lady prosecutor. She really wasn't tactful enough in handling 'informant'. What were she thinking when she approached DK in front of his 'office'? She wouldn't know that he's bugged but still ... everyone could be a witness that he's meeting up with a prosecutor. :680695677_HalloweenChampion2020:


I'm excited for the next ep and I truly hope that this time is the other Taxi member's time to shine (by going undercover). I'm sure DK will have a very important role still .. but I don't mind the change of focus at all. And I hope they'll also give the other guy a spotlight in the future eps :pandablush:

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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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Woah I can feel @dream's love for Le Je Hoon 😂😂😂


12 hours ago, Dhakra said:
  • The drama really gives the impression that every road or highway in korea is completely without traffic. They drive and drive and do so many fancy stuff on the highway and not a single car is passing by or crosses them in any direction.


Haha so true! But the car scenes are so fun to watch and done really well with the bgm!



https://youtu.be/DOces8N3pJY if the video is blocked


The thing I never understood, and this happens in almost every show, is why the car in the middle keeps going at that same speed. Just brake or suddenly slow down and the 2 cars will hit each other 🙄


So was Do-ki trying to save the prosecutor team? Although they landed in the sand instead of crashing into the excavator, he had no way of knowing they wouldn't be seriously injured. And again, why did the prosecutor car not stop once one of the car crashed out? 🙄🙄🙄


I'm full of rants for episodes 7 and 8. Most have been mentioned in the earlier posts. But this is probably an unpopular one.


The victim stories since the beginning have been really heart wrenching. I thought Go Eun's sister was forced into prostitution.


But once it became a case of a private sex video uploaded without consent, I felt nothing.


Yes, it's awful for people to see you naked and having sex online and people talking about you behind your back or asking you for services. Yes, the police can't help and you can't delete all the videos. So?


At the end of the day, this is a private act and you were betrayed. You did nothing wrong. What's to be ashamed of? The people who care about you won't let it matter. With time, it will blow over, to a certain extent. There is no need to die for it. You should go after the people who caused it instead. [This is similar to the Edison Chen case where he had all these photos and videos of naked celebrities like Gillian Chung and Cecilia Cheung in his laptop and the repair guy downloaded it all and published them online. How embarrassing it was for the women but they went on with their lives, and they are in full public view.]


So when Go Eun went into that crying mode and disappeared for a few days, come on. She already knew why her sister committed suicide. Why behave like this is the first time finding out? 🙄


And lastly, Ha Na. She fought so hard to make the case against the evil boss. And he just got blown up? She's got no case left. How is she supposed to "work together" with these vigilantes in this drama? Or is her arc supposed to be her catching them?


Edited by Chocolate
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1 hour ago, Chocolate said:


The thing I never understood, and this happens in almost every show, is why the car in the middle keeps going at that same speed. Just brake or suddenly slow down and the 2 cars will hit each other

:laugh: It’s good that you’ve taken your logic pills before watching. I also have same thought about this. There is no car behind, you just brake and they will continue speeding past you and in the meantime you can prepare to either crash them back or turn around and speed the other direction. But I chose to close one eye because it’s meant to be that dramatic 😆 and supposedly, they’re just too good a person to think of such revenge. Every time I see a person being chased by a car, I always scream for them to just escape sideways, turn! A car is not that agile to be able to change direction so easily 😆 It’s like those cartoons where a tree is falling someone shouting “timbre” and the character ran in parallel of the tree falling 🤣🤣🤣

  • Haha 6


Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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16 hours ago, SnowBlob said:

Glad they're able to close the case and even took down all the evil videos. 

Agree with @Dhakra that I don't think it was a good idea to blow the storage with a timer. Of course this is only drama, but how would they know that the explosion wouldn't kill the good guys (they knew for sure that the police and prosecutors were going to that place).


That's another pile I would like to approach. 


First, like the CEO said, this storage is just one of many, every customer who downloaded or watched it still has access to it or will reupload it somewhere. I thought Go Eun would potentially create a virus for the video to self-erase itself. The internet doesn't forget, especially in the Darknet. 


They spent all time talking about taking down those videos, finding and destroying the mine, and when they find it. They attach bombs, tie up the CEO very loose nearby and then just walk away. Cutie-beauty begged DK to destroy everything, and they just carelessly drive away hundreds of miles and rely on a button? If there was a malfuntion in any way, no one of them would have noticed, CEO would have still lived and everything would have been way worse than ever before. Either kill him directly (and give Go Eun immediate satisfaction) or attach C4 to him, drive a few miles away and look from a safe distance how everything blows up. 


I know, I shouldn't bring logic into a Kdrama and be happy, but it kinda triggered me to see them being so careless and unprofessional after being so clean and ruthless in the first case with Kang Maria. The CEO also escaped with little to no suffering.

Even the Insurance worker lady from the Maria Case was tasered twice and left to die in a barrel, either freezing or starving to death.

I hoped so much they would hit him with the baseball bat aswell.


16 hours ago, SnowBlob said:

And I wonder whether they also tied him loose because they predicted the CEO would go to the storage and so they could blow him up along with the server. Risky though..coz what happened if he didn't have the energy to get to the storage in time for the explosion? DK's identity would definitely be exposed then. 


But why not just attach C4 directly onto him or tie him up in the storage then? 


He could also just run away and hide, planning his revenge on DK and bulding a new company.


11 hours ago, Chocolate said:

Haha so true! But the car scenes are so fun to watch and done really well with the bgm!


They are really cool, although I missed the syntheziser this time. All the buttons in his car also remind me of Knight Rider from the 90s.

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I did wonder myself why I felt a bit bothered by how they dealt with the CEO this episode and I think @Dhakra pointed out something that might be the reason .. 

6 hours ago, Dhakra said:

I know, I shouldn't bring logic into a Kdrama and be happy, but it kinda triggered me to see them being so careless and unprofessional after being so clean and ruthless in the first case with Kang Maria.


A thought just popped .. 

6 hours ago, Dhakra said:


They attach bombs, tie up the CEO very loose nearby and then just walk away. Cutie-beauty begged DK to destroy everything, and they just carelessly drive away hundreds of miles and rely on a button?


Either kill him directly (and give Go Eun immediate satisfaction) or attach C4 to him, drive a few miles away and look from a safe distance how everything blows up. 


Maybe they didn't do this because killing someone directly was never their mode of action. The other perpetrators either got 'jailed' or threatened (like the case of the bullies)... right? So maybe they tied the CEO loose so if one day they got caught, they could actually say they didn't kill him. They tied him only BUT the CEO loosened himself and he himself chose to walk into the storage. They could argue that they only wanted to blow the storage but 'accidentally' killing the CEO. That's what I think they were thinking when they decided to tie him to a tree instead of attaching a bomb to him. :pandapopcorn:


@Chocolate LOLOL ... maybe the prosecutors weren't experienced in this type of thing and couldn't think of braking :laugh: they were super panicky when their car got rammed (wow..they didn't even know that they were followed hahahahah ... but I suppose it's because they're prosecutors and not detectives :idk:) . Not sure why, but I feel I don't want Kang Ha Na to join the team ... coz she has proven herself to be 'reckless' when doing a supposed 'covert' job ... 

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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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To be honest I felt the same way about the sister's suicide as well. Initially I wondered why would she take her own life and leave her younger sister to fend for herself and be left traumatized on her own.


That said, I imagine there's something cultural going on perhaps. It's probably very different among the ethnic Chinese who are not as tethered to the old ways . But in SK it's likely that these sorts of transgressions are taken a lot more seriously. Sex before marriage is one thing and then to have that and her most intimate side exposed to the entire university population is probably another thing. I'm sure people do this all the time but to have your dirty laundry paraded to the world is another thing. There's a stigma attached that she will have to live with in a very conservative society with social media. And apparently she didn't think she could. I suppose when she starts looking for work, this would come up as well.


Having no parents to protect her and stand up for her, I guess she was vulnerable. I don't understand the suicide myself but perhaps she's not made of the stuff of the people you've mentioned. I really don't want to victim shame her but people are complicated and make choices that we don't agree with all the time.



For me the sister angle at least gave me Go-eun's backstory and why she's a willing participant in the Rainbow Taxi scheme. I honestly don't feel a great deal of attachment to the sister but I like Go-eun and I had enough loathing for Kim Yang-jin at least to be engaged in the arc.


In some quarters I've read comments that there's too much trauma porn but I think that's the point because only people who have experienced these sorts of tragedy would put their lives on the line for others who have no recourse. The law is practically useless to them.

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Currently Watching: Queen of Tears, In Blossom


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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For tonight



Up until now, Kim Do Gi has been going undercover alone, but this time, he will join hands with Park Jin Eon (Bae Yoo Ram) to catch the criminals behind a voice phishing organization. For this mission, Kim Do Gi will transform into Mr. Wang, a businessman from Harbin, and Park Jin Eon will become Lee Ja Sung, a person born in 2002 who applied for a high-paying part-time job.


On May 7, the drama unveiled new stills that show a peek at Kim Do Gi’s, Park Jin Eon’s and Choi Kyung Goo’s (Jang Hyuk Jin’s) new looks. First off, Kim Do Gi steals the attention with his dazzling appearance. He is wearing a fur coat and thick chain necklaces, which are supposed to symbolize how wealthy he is, and his hair is gelled back into a trendy style.


On the other hand, Choi Kyung Koo is now sporting long hair that is tied into a low ponytail. He’s wearing dragonfly sunglasses and a wild leather jacket, and it almost seems as if he’s trying to look like the character Jang Chen from the movie “The Outlaws.”


In the upcoming episode, Park Jin Eon will turn into a fresh and innocent man in his twenties. He has a cute perm and a sweet grin, and his computer monitor is labeled “Central Distract Professor Kim Min Soo,” which hints that this is the identity he will have to use for the voice phishing acts.



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Personally , CEO's Jang desire to reform these baddies troubles me more than the revenge that the crew takes on behalf of their clients ( and even more than all the crazy things that Vincenzo did in the finale...those of you who watched it will know what I mean) . When a person pushes their own agenda the way he is , it reminds me of  what a cult leader would do to brainwash his congregation. Taking revenge is one thing, but the edification of these criminals is an uphill task. On top of that isn't it weird that CEO Jang is closing an eye to Madam Baek's underworld dealings ? It is clear to me that Baek is involved in some sort of human & organ trafficking. So this is where the line has become so murky. 


LOL...that fake fur coat and his signature dorky laugh/ smile 

Preview eps 10


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Episode 9


  • The start of the episode was very interesting. Go Eun's worried look broke my heart when she asked DK what they should do next. She looks so cute, worried and almost innocent, I can imagine why DK chose to act different. It also speaks for her that she didn't want to kill him directly, saying that they wouldn't be different than them if they do.
  • I wouldn't have thought Baek and her minions save Mr.Jang. She creeps me out everytime, they way she fed the fishes and talks in the meantime. Glad they were able to catch Choi though, I hope they lock him up again. I also wonder if they called the ambulance or really just let Mr.Jang left behind stabbed and bleeding. 
  • On a sidenote, I looked up the actress behind Baek, since I absolutely adore how she plays the character. I would really love to see her in a brighter, nicer role, but it seems she doesn't act that much. Which surprises me, because her acting is superb.
  • DK was punched multiple times, got smashed with a baseball bat several times and fighted with multiple people. His ability to still drive is already.....questionable.....but he even runs at the hospital. Seems like he doesn't need healing at all. :laugh:
  • It seems they already used Choi for organ transplant? Looks like they took his eyes. 
  • Do-Ki beating up all of Baek's men was kinda funny tbh. All those bulky, mean looking guys being on the floor. I wished they would have showed how he whopped their asses. He just casually walked in, beat them all up and checks the prison. Pretty lame security standards for something so valuable.
  • He was SO badass breaking Baek's cigarette. But damn did it worry me when he did it. She was all nice and funny the moment the realized who was in front of her, but I really would not like to be on her bad side. And GOD DAMN when he did it the second time. Is he crazy? The way she stared at him in the end was horrifying.
  • The U-Data CEO was even more scum than we thought. They really had a company to blackmail the victims in exchange for distributing the video? And once they stopped paying, they just continued to upload it. Gosh, after that press conference I wished they could have killed him a second time. They went waaaay to soft on him.
  • The advertisement is strong in this one. 
  • The presentation of CKK was so cute, I liked how Mr. Jang supported him. He is completely right aswell, victims of voice fishing are always blamed.
  • Gosh, DK new role will be SO MUCH FUN. Rich snob will be AWESOME. I think we are going to have an interesting case tomorrow. 
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1 hour ago, Dhakra said:

On a sidenote, I looked up the actress behind Baek, since I absolutely adore how she plays the character. I would really love to see her in a brighter, nicer role, but it seems she doesn't act that much. Which surprises me, because her acting is superb.

She's a stage (theatre) actress - so that's why she's so good and seasoned.

From the cuts , I love Do Ki as this rich snob with bad fashion sense . LOL!



Gonna watch eps 9 now but here's a pre-released for eps 10. 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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A couple of things struck me while watching eps 9. First it was when Do Ki was not particularly satisfied for just leaving the UData CEO to the cops/ prosecutors. All things considered , I would not have bat an eye lid if Do Ki ended his life there. But Go Eun brought up a good point that doing that would make them no better than the "trash" they were trying to get rid off. Secondly, I am glad that Do Ki voiced out his concern (like what I had ) about Jang's reformist ideas. Seeing Jang in hospital and Baek's "private jail" , it dawned on him that this may backfire. One thing though, I thought U Data CEO died right? How come they say his body was missing?


Anyway it looks like Kang Hana is getting closer to finding out what DK and gang do. I know from a Naver article that one of the watching points of the 2nd half of this series is whether she would eventually join or in some way support them. 


As to the current case - I somewhat laughed when I found out that Mr Choi fell prey to the phising scam. He of all people should know better. But then again, these scammers train their operators so well that they are good at preying on people's fears & desperation...so it is not surprising that people fall for their lies. It cracked me up when they tried to make Park look younger. LOL! Anyway, I cannot wait to see how Do Ki in his fake fur and bad fashion teach these scammers a lesson.


Interestingly, this has been a season where dark heroes are all the rage. Somewhat off topic and will make sense for those who watched Vincenzo. 



I had a lot less to think about in that one probably because the narrative there was more straightforward .  I won't deny that the humor there definitely downplayed the violence . In VC , you have a clear group of protagonists ( even if they may be anti-heroes so to speak) and the ultimate villain was a man and his organisation. The justice system there was broken too and it was constantly mocked at , so that as viewers we can easily accept that  it takes a monster to bring down another.  Here though, the drama's narrative has more layers. For one, there is no ultimate villain. The drama seeks to address the brokenness of the system but at the same time in very subtle ways , the drama makes you think if we can justify the "revenge" that the  Rainbow Taxi gang carries out.  The complex & shady partnership between CEO Jang and Madam Baek , Prosecutor's Kang's role and the social  messages the drama leaves at the end of each episode (for victims to get help) show that the writer is keen on addressing the moral and ethical issues of dispensing your own form of  justice. 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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I'm glad we get to see a continuation from Park Yang Jin's case and more clarity to the despicable things he did. As hinted from the previous episode, I didn't think the boyfriend who filmed himself having sex with Jung Eun would let that video be the end/one and only. Although the show never confirmed it but one can assume Jung Eun was also being blackmailed, which eventually led to the suicide.


We also find out why Park Yang Jin was tied to the tree even though CEO Jang wants him in the chicken coop and blown away. I didn't think Do Ki agrees with Jang Sung Chul for this. But I was sitting afar so I may not have read his expression correctly.


As for the voice phising scam episode, it's very relatable because whenever it's close to some big holiday e.g. Easter or Christmas, I'd be getting a lot of voice phising calls on my mobile. And every other day I'd need to delete my house phone's voicemail from anonymous calls even after requesting our number not to be published on phone register and we've signed up to reject telemarketing calls! Speaking of the devil, I just delete one where a robotic woman tells me she is calling from Broadband and that they will disconnect my internet in 24 hours. My internet is still working right now! On a serious note, this issue has gotten so bad that when I do receive real phone calls from my bank trying to sell me their products (like loans, insurance), I become suspicious when they ask me to provide details for verification. There was once I even called the number back just to check but eventually I told them not to call me with the explanation that it would be hard for me to believe them and that I'd do the calling if I need assistance.


I am so happy to see Kang Hana's hair is now straight. Look so much neater!


@abs-oluteM I need verification. That guy who did the voice phising... is that Ahn gun? They look very alike but I think he's not Ahn gun but the actor playing In Bum's uncle.


With regard with what you said in the spoiler, just wanted to add that at the end of the day VC is more for entertainment in terms of context. It's also a way for the drama makers to put something on live what some of us wish for in our heads. VC is a bit more on the fantasy side (like a human version of DC or Marvel heroes).


In the context and presentation of Taxi Driver, like you said, it's more complex and layered. It also feels more personal. At this point, the writer is feeding our satisfaction by having these baddies punished when the system failed to do so. Apart from exploring the right and wrong, it is seeking to educate by bringing awareness to the general public as it's easier to educate (or influence) via entertainment visually than news report.


It takes a lot of courage to speak up, especially the sexual victims so I also think the drama is designed to give hope and encourage the victims to pluck up their courage to seek appropriate help, hence the quote at the end and the numbers to call. Of course whether or not there's anything can be resolved is another issue, but I think the most important thing/message is we must first try "to reach out" and not shut ourselves up (which will lead to depression, despair and the worse, taking our own lives).



Edited by mademoiselle
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So Do-ki doesn't just do dorky. LOL. I can't believe I'm sayin this but he looks hot in that fur coat ensemble. The rings are unbelievable. That deep raspy drawl is to die for. What hoot! Just when I think I can't be surprised by anything Lee Je-hoon does in this show, he does it again. What can I say, the man is hot stuff.


I'm really loving the format of this show -- the different cases while having a bigger continuing arc. Kang Ha-na's on Do-ki's case now and honestly I hope she can't find anything to pin on him. The variety is good and it means that the team gets to do different things and show off their skills. This show also has a really good balance of black humour and criminal elements.


Voice phishing is unconscionable stuff. As the husband says they don't go after the rich but take advantage of those who have to work hard for the money they have. I almost fell prey to one recently. I sensed something was wrong and the moment I said I was going to pass the call on to the husband. They hung up. Phew. 


So glad to see the timid one going undercover on his own. 

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Currently Watching: Queen of Tears, In Blossom


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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2 hours ago, mademoiselle said:

I am so happy to see Kang Hana's hair is now straight. Look so much neater!


@abs-oluteM I need verification. That guy who did the voice phising... is that Ahn gun? They look very alike but I think he's not Ahn gun but the actor playing In Bum's uncle.

Me too . That curly hair thing bugged me , lol! Yes , the voice phising guy is the same actor that plays In Bum's uncle in Daebak.


1 hour ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

So Do-ki doesn't just do dorky. LOL. I can't believe I'm sayin this but he looks hot in that fur coat ensemble. The rings are unbelievable. That deep raspy drawl is to die for. What hoot! Just when I think I can't be surprised by anything Lee Je-hoon does in this show, he does it again. What can I say, the man is hot stuff.

Completely agree. LJH's acting range is really fantastic. Not easy to pull off so many different characters. 


Will he be able to "seduce" the lady boss with his charm & dressing? :smug:



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Episode 10


  • CKK new hairstyle is kinda funny.....but for some weird reason I like it. 
  • This is definitely CK best role so far, I love his dark, husky voice. It also sounds so funny, but has a nice touch. He really plays the snob very well. How he gained Madam Lim's attention was so well played. She was hooked the moment she entered the booth. 
  • He also knows how to be charming. I can learn one or two things from him for sure. I should take notes. I really loved the part about "there are three things you must never show a woman". I totally liked it. And how he dealth with those punk was quite satisfying aswell.
  • The date between DK and Madam Lim was so goddamn funny. :laugh:And later at the bank where he suddenly turned from the mysterious, badass snob to this kinda dorky guy to make Madam Lim laugh. He totally played his charms perfectly. 
  • They knew that CKK was being following by Prosecutor Kang, but still all of them decided to join them one evening at the fishing spot. Mhm.
  • Cutie Beauty in sunglasses, smiling, the syntheziser song is playing, that's how heaven must be like. I love that theme so much, I TOTALLY need it to add it to my gym playlist. I really hope they release it soon.
  • I wonder what they would have done if she put the bag the other way around.....or on the ground. 
  • Her sad face in the end made me a little sad. :pandasad:What's wrong with me? I really do have a soft heart when it comes down to woman. She was a girl in love, I can feel her pain somehow. But she ruthlessly killed people, scammed honest people and took their money. She erased existences. She deserved what DK did to her.
    I just fear that somewhere else she will open up a new business, be even more cruel and do worse stuff. And maybe even try to get revenge. 
  • A sweet 2 episode case, I liked it, a little lighter and funnier than the usual heavy stuff. 
  • I really wonder if Prosecutor Kang doesn't even recognize the car that saved her from U-Data car attack. I mean yeah, she was flashed by the light, but she must have seen the back of the car. 
  • I also begin to wonder how DK or the company will end. Jail? Death? Flee? I think at this point we can say that Kang & Blue Bird won't work together and this is a cat & mouse play. 
  • Like 1
  • Insightful 2
  • Clapping Hands 1
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