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The Long Ballad / Princess Changge 长歌行 [2021]

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I can't imagined having their long hair when it's so hot and humid out. :nervous: But I love how creative they are at trying to stay cool. :laugh:




When does the A'Sun wig with a headband show up?! :shocked2:


Hahaha! Was this a hugging scene? Are they that shy? :eeeee:


The way they carried the duck by their neck, WHAT?! Why would anyone do that when the duck is still alive? :letalQQ:


Liu Yuning and Zhao Lusi are just cute, that's all I got from this video. Hahaha!




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4 hours ago, AwkwarDerp said:


I only said hate cause some people mistaken me as an anti-Reba since I said I liked the side couple more? 


Please don't take what they say to hearts. I would say those people would need to go through some serious "character growth" and development of their own. While I can empathise with feeling hurt and miffed when others don't like what you like (understandable, because when you like something or especially someone, it means you see something in them that embodies either your own qualities or the qualities you value, and having others feel the same would validate your feelings and hence boost your self-esteem, while having others not sharing your opinion might naturally pose a "threat" to those), and while I also empathise with not being able to control how you feel, I am firmly of the opinion that we can control how we act. Attaching hater or anti labels to you just because of difference of opinions is a very low move. We can still love our own bias, feel a bit hurt when others dislike them, without hurling insults at each other. Not gonna lie, I would still feel a bit hurt when my fav character doesn't get loved, but I've been there so many times that what others think bears less and less impact on how I personally feel. After all, we can agree to disagree in the end and move on. So don't feel you need to apologise because you don't feel as enthusiastic about the main leads. You owe no one an apology if you express your opinion so politely and haven't so far resorted to bashing the looks of the actors (which I think is a very typical hate act). It's those people's loss not being able to accept that people are different and have different tastes, and that there's nothing wrong with that.


Btw here's the translated OST I've found. I want to share it with you and other Haoyan fans because it's so beautiful and poignant and ... well, is essentially Haodu in a nutshell:



And while we're at it, I agree that Haodu is characteristic of a tsundere male lead, and Leyan is depicted at first as a typical Candy character, but I love how he is not aggressive to and possessive of Leyan, and Leyan has also grown to be more assertive, has been able to stand up for herself, as evidenced by Ep 41 and 42.These characteristics have set them apart from the other tsundere-Candy pairings I have seen, and perhaps because I've deviated a bit from this type of pairing in the past many months seeing one that is not toxic feels refreshing and that's why I got sucked into their relationship.

So to pick up where I left off re. Leyan. Of course there are things that are completely out of her control given the era depicted in the show, but she has spared nothing (within her power, that is) to save herself, and even acts as the catalyst for Haodu's change (ep 42 during that confession scene - that is by far my fav scene of theirs and one which I think is worth all my wait for). Perhaps unpopular opinion here but I personally appreciate it that their story doesn't take centre stage in this show. They might have limited scene time but that only amplifies the impact their story has on me. I'm not sure I would enjoy their stories as much if there is a whole lengthy drama dedicated to only them. It might be true that the screenwriter originally added Leyan as Haodu's love interest, and though she got development of her own her story might not be woven well into the main story, but Haodu is an original character from the manhua and his growth in this show has also been tied to Changge. His letting her go when they lost that battle against Ashile Sun speaks a lot about how Changge's devotion to the country triggers an "awakening", sort of, in him and shows that he's also capable of empathising with others but for his obsession with fulfilling his duties. In this regard I think both Haodu's and Leyan's growth is well connected to the overarching theme of "patriotism" and "challenging and letting go of own preconceptions". The latter might not be as pronounced in Leyan's case (she mainly lets go of her prejudice against Haodu), but it's very prominent in both Haodu and Changge. The former because he now learns that things and people are not all either black or white as he has always been taught by his adoptive father; the latter also because of the very same notion: that one might be a criminal for what he did to her family, but it doesn't mean he is a tyrant as the king, esp. with the people's interest in mind. They both have choices to make: either to go with their deeply ingrained personal beliefs (that they originally perceive to be the ultimate truth and good for everyone else as well) or to shed them, make peace with them and move on. I think "love as the catalyst for changes in one's preconceptions" is one of the main themes in this drama and all romances here fit to some certain extent to this particular theme. If we remove this then, in my humble opinion, we can do without all the romances of Mimi-Mujin and Shiba-Xufeng as well.

Edited by Haoyan
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10 hours ago, 40somethingahjumma said:

I love Sun because he represents a positive masculinity that I see in many of my male friends. He's calm and thinks through things objectively. I'm still so impressed that he told She'er that if he thought killing him would bring his mother back he would have. When he was going to shoot She'er he realised doing so would only bring problems to the Eagle battalion. That kind of forethought is rare. He's a fantastic character that embodies all the characteristics of being a leader and a lover. Even if he wasn't in a romance with the female lead, he is still a great character. He is already a decent human being who just happen to have found his true love.

I love that scene too . I think I am finally in love with Sun. And he has overtaken CG as my favorite character . Lol! It’s taken me awhile to be smitten with him the way I was  in love with ZZH’s character in Ruyi . Possibly because Sun’s character reveal as the ML of this show has also been a slow burn . I am very happy for the episodes we got to see in the Grasslands because he demonstrated great leadership & also because we got to see what a good-hearted a person he is. 

Thanks for the explanation @Tofu about Sun’s lineage ,  Also I was thinking how awful it must be for the Khatun . She’s not only had to be separated from her son but had to be married to several Khans over the years :pandascared:


Hello @Haoyan. Welcome to Jang Haven . Nice to read your take on the 2nd pair’s romance. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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12 hours ago, Tofu said:

The way they carried the duck by their neck, WHAT?! Why would anyone do that when the duck is still alive?


Those are geese, and they're quite lucky the ones they have are quite tamed. They can get very nasty, and they strike like snake does. 😅 And yeah, when catching them, sometimes you've no choice but to hold them by the necks if you don't want to be pecked. 

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2 hours ago, MayanEcho said:

Those are geese, and they're quite lucky the ones they have are quite tamed. They can get very nasty, and they strike like snake does. 😅 And yeah, when catching them, sometimes you've no choice but to hold them by the necks if you don't want to be pecked. 

You're right! That makes sense if that's why they were holding them by the neck. I grew up on a farm for much of my teenage years and our ducks were vicious. You couldn't even get near them otherwise they would bite your hands off. I just always avoid them. Haha!


13 hours ago, Haoyan said:

Btw here's the translated OST I've found. I want to share it with you and other Haoyan fans because it's so beautiful and poignant and ... well, is essentially Haodu in a nutshell:


Thanks for sharing this but why did they use Shuyu's photo?! :scaredpanda2:


You mentioned the manhua in your post, have you read it? I heard the manhua artist has not been able to release more because she's in a legal dispute right now. A part of me wonders how much participation she had in the script and how much of it was because of the scriptwriters/director of this drama too. 


8 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

Thanks for the explanation @Tofu about Sun’s lineage ,  Also I was thinking how awful it must be for the Khatun . She’s not only had to be separated from her son but had to be married to several Khans over the years

In history, she was passed around too. She married four different people -- basically when one person died, she married the brother. She was killed by General Li Jing when he defeated her husband at the time. I know that Li Shimin (Leyan's father and the emperor) is made out to look kind of bad at the beginning of the drama because he "killed" Changge's father but in history, Li Shimin (Emperor Taizong) is regarded as one of the China's greatest emperors. He did kill his brothers in real life too. There was a lot of rivalries and bad stuff. The crown prince that we see in the drama, he doesn't become the emperor and is actually banished because he tried to kill his brother.



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7 hours ago, Tofu said:

The crown prince that we see in the drama, he doesn't become the emperor and is actually banished because he tried to kill his brother.

Oh that young prince? Gosh , that boy is such a brat. I can't wait for him to learn his lesson.


Am up to eps 30 just as the fire broke. Just wanted to say that it was really sweet to see Changge & LeYan reuniting. Their sisterhood is something I liked from the beginning and even though both girls have very different trajectories in the show , they both went through some tough times in order to grow up. The key thing was that both were forced out of their comfort zones , and saw that war and politics may advance the kingdom but the people become the collateral damage. For Changge especially, the time in the Abbey was critical for her personal growth. She was  hell bent set on revenge at first and that pretty much drove her decision making. But along the way seeing the bigger picture with the battle at Suzhou and her time in the Grasslands, her personal vendetta took a backseat as she realised the importance of protecting her kingdom & its people. The desire for revenge has still not been fully extinguished but she is realising that isn't what she truly wants now either. So she's fighting an inner battle , and seems like she's finally found the answer.

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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8 hours ago, Tofu said:

Thanks for sharing this but why did they use Shuyu's photo?! :scaredpanda2:


You mentioned the manhua in your post, have you read it? I heard the manhua artist has not been able to release more because she's in a legal dispute right now. A part of me wonders how much participation she had in the script and how much of it was because of the scriptwriters/director of this drama too. 


Hi yes that's my main gripe with the video's cover image too, but now that I've memorised the lyrics I just keep my eyes shut and insert Haodu's face there lol :laugh: Perhaps the video maker couldn't find a couple image of Haoyan at that moment. The translation is so good I'm willing to "forgive" everything else haha.


I haven't read the manga. I just read snippets of it from fans in online discussions. Since the major sentiment is deep disappointment and some even say the drama has dumbed down lots of characters and butchered the original work I think I'm going to finish the drama first before reading the manhua. That way my good impression for both works can be preserved. There are rumours going around too that considering how the publisher was so money hungry and the production team has ruined the essence of the original work it is very unlikely that the author would ever finish the novel, which would be a bummer if it really happens. At the same time I know I can't fault her though; if she chooses to stop updating on the manhua although it's sad for fans it's completely justified.


2 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

Oh that young prince? Gosh , that boy is such a brat. I can't wait for him to learn his lesson.


Am up to eps 30 just as the fire broke. Just wanted to say that it was really sweet to see Changge & LeYan reuniting. Their sisterhood is something I liked from the beginning and even though both girls have very different trajectories in the show , they both went through some tough times in order to grow up. The key thing was that both were forced out of their comfort zones , and saw that war and politics may advance the kingdom but the people become the collateral damage. 


I think the OP meant the Crown Prince who was killed in Li Shimin's coup (so he is Changge's father, that is), but I stand corrected. 


I love the dynamic between Leyan and Changge too. In my humble opinion theirs is the best sisterhood/friendship in the drama and I admire how both of them keep looking out for each other. It kind of saddens me to think that they will have to part because there's no way Changge would remain in Tang for lots of reasons. 

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@Haoyan @AwkwarDerp - Did watch the confession between Hao Du and Leyan in episode 42?! So cute. :wow: It was really heartfelt and I enjoyed watching it (video of the confession in the spoiler tag). The actor that plays the Crown Prince mentioned a wedding scene so we'll get to see that next week. :LarvitarSDab1:


Here are other Hao Du and Leyan clips with English subs too. =)


By the way, I read that the reason there hasn't been a kiss scene between Changge and A'Sun and why there might not be one is because in the manhua there isn't one. We will probably just have to watch the parakeets kiss. :idk:


Previews for next week's episodes:


I'm supposed to be working and here I am watching all of these clips...LOL! :eeeee:

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5 minutes ago, Tofu said:

@Haoyan @AwkwarDerp - Did watch the confession between Hao Du and Leyan in episode 42?! So cute. :wow: It was really heartfelt and I enjoyed watching it (video of the confession in the spoiler tag). The actor that plays the Crown Prince mentioned a wedding scene so we'll get to see that next week. :LarvitarSDab1:

I actually have and I’m still having trouble getting my heart rate back to normal....


You nailed it! It’s indeed a heartfelt confession from both sides. I’m fangirling over it so much because since he met the the Princess again after she was lost he was always like a second lead thinking her heart belongs to someone else. That’s why that scene feels so satisfying to me ahhhhhh. 

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8 minutes ago, Haoyan said:

I actually have and I’m still having trouble getting my heart rate back to normal....


You nailed it! It’s indeed a heartfelt confession from both sides. I’m fangirling over it so much because since he met the the Princess again after she was lost he was always like a second lead thinking her heart belongs to someone else. That’s why that scene feels so satisfying to me ahhhhhh. 

can we just talk about the "HaoDu" in love's face expression is blessed. I feel like i'm seeing Yuninang and not Hao Du 

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currently watching: Love Me Love My Voice, A Journey To Love

currently translating: The Legend of Jewelry 


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@Haoyan - I have a meeting in 20 minutes and I should be preparing for that but all of these HaoDu/Leyan clips are just way too cute not to watch. I'm happy for Hao Du -- all this time watching Leyan love someone else must have been torture for him. I'm glad she finally realized her feelings. 


5 minutes ago, AwkwarDerp said:

can we just talk about the "HaoDu" in love's face expression is blessed. I feel like i'm seeing Yuninang and not Hao Du 

Hahaha!! Since I've been watching a lot of Yuning clips lately, I can completely see that. 



Here's some romance development between Mu Jin and Mimi too:




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33 minutes ago, AwkwarDerp said:

can we just talk about the "HaoDu" in love's face expression is blessed. I feel like i'm seeing Yuninang and not Hao Du 

Yesssss he nailed that scene! :pandasadspoon: so much emotion packed in just one scene and his pain, disappointment, insecurity pent up to breaking point then followed by realisation, love and elation was so palpable I can feel it all! Yuning did the role and that particular scene justice!


@Tofu Hope you have a productive meeting! I can relate to that (watching their clips). I feel like I’ve been annihilating the replay button on Youtube because of them XD

Edited by Haoyan
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Here's the video to Changge's confession:



Changge took A'Sun to see her mother's grave which is a big step in their relationship! Even though their romance is a bit of a slow burner, I didn't mind it at all. They have this companionship that I find to be really admirable. A'Sun is really about letting Changge be who she wants to be and just being there to support her every step of that way. 


A'Sun got possessed by the music gods. :laugh:



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Am still peddling along :pandahappy:

eps 31 to 33 were so eventful and we get to witness the change / growth of some of the prominent characters , and some interesting revelations as well. 


But first off ...how happy I was to finally see Changge & Sun reunite. Despite the slow burn, there's this unspoken connection between the two -somewhat  so close but not quite there yet sort of romance  :lol: But I am fine with it as long as they continue to be together. For me there's already a lot of progress given that they are on the same page and agree that their story has only just begun. I loved that scene of them fighting together at the Abbey - they have really been through a lot  together. Maybe I am a sucker for "dangerous" romance settings !


I have also really enjoyed seeing Hao Du's arc. Initially, he had been presented as a very stoic personality with a one track mind . But it was nice to see the ice melting. LeYan's presence in his life has changed him or more like for the 1st time , he has begun to question his own principles. To be fair, he has been raised by PM Du  to be a good son and soldier, so I can see why he had always done what he has been told. I definitely felt sorry for him when LeYan slapped him...his heart definitely hurt more than his face. Poor man is in love and doesn't know it.


And oh my did not expect the Khatun to be so scheming. Madam Jianse working for her was a surprising twist and a good one. So I am assuming that the Khatun wants to restore the glories of the previous dynasty Sui by making use of the army strength of the Ashina tribe. Hmmm is Mimi also working for the Khatun undercover?


Anyway I am glad we got to see some scenes in the Grasslands again - I kind of miss it and not to mention Sun's beautiful wavy hair! 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Am up to speed as far as available subbed episodes are concerned . :pandahappy:


Hmmm more characters - intro to more tribes ruling the North :shocked:..but nevertheless it is clear that the Ashina Tribe hold dominion. I don't quite like the Khan but I think the Khatun now is even more scary. Her schemes have been years in the making and she is strengthening the army by forced recruitment , weakening the Eagle Army who are the only decent clan of the Ashina Tribes and poisoning the clueless Khan. She has two objectives in mind - ensure Shi Er, and not Sun becomes the ruler of the North and the Grasslands , and it seems she is also keen on attacking the Tang Dynasty and expanding their kingdom. It is clear that Sun cannot just sit back and let Shi Er or more like the Khatun have her way. He may be  reluctant but I think this is the path that he has no choice but to walk on.  I am quite concerned for Changge and gang who are in the North looking for the purple grass ( isn't that lavender?) , look forward to see the development in eps 37. Anyway it is now revealed that Mimi's master is Khatun but I do think Mimi was probably forced to do this - I hope so anyway or CG is going to be heartbroken.


And oh poor Hao Du. My heart broke for him as he had  to hear Le Yan confess to ShuYu...ahahah talk about awkward. But anyhow , LeYan would definitely be rejected  since it is clear that Shu Yu sees her only as his sister and still holds a candle for Changge in spite of what he says. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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This scene cracked me up. 


So I took a peek at some future previews - oh my word...is this all the kiss that we're getting. Must be in her last drama she  has  used up all her kiss quota 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Tomorrow marks the final week for The Long Ballad. I’m not ready for this yet :(( How can I handle the withdrawal? The gap Haodu and Leyan has left in my heart is just too big to fill.

Let’s hope for an awesome finale. I don’t know but I’ve got a good feeling this is going to be an HE. We might have an rpic fight against the last baddie i.e. Little Khan’s mother (what’s her name again? XD) and there might be some heartache in store but it would probably to drive the conflict to climax. 

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Today is the last day of The Long Ballad for those willing to pay for advanced episodes. Next week, will be the end for VIP viewers. I think this week, I won't watch the advanced episodes. I want to see them with English subs, but....does it count as cheating if I already watched the last episode without subs? :laugh:


Hao Du's and Leyan's wedding, from the photos looked very intimate. 







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Now I've resumed watching after couple weeks of hiatus. Just done with Ep7, about to start Ep8. Great way to be entertained and have some meal before the fasting hours start again. 🙂


Ep7- there are former friends and family members you can't be friends or filial to again. True. Trust abused or betrayed is a sure relationship breaker. The funny thing is that they expect that nothing has changed.

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