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Bossam: Steal the Fate 보쌈 - 운명을 훔치다 [2021]

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@abs-oluteMI agree on you when it comes to participation of women in politics, given that in this drama , Sookyung had been there at the backstage , involved in the behind the scenes from the moment she was bossamed by Bawoo.


Lady Kim too, is more of an advisor to the King , which is quite unusual. Because Kings have eunuchs to begin with. But here, the court lady official takes the lead in ensuring the King's welfare as a priority--even if the King's daughter be damned, she doesn't care.


This is quite bold for the writer to highlight female characters that are more influential in the flow of the story. Maybe the writer took inspiration from the Queen Inmok herself--which is quite an interesting character who was not a significant part of this kdrama. Considering that Queen Inmook's exile is at the same timeline of the events that took place in Bawoo's life.


Queen Inmok (TBC, 1974)
Choi Yu Ri as Princess Jeongmyeong, Yun Jeong Hee as Queen Inmok, and Cheon Dong Seok as Prince Youngchang

Queen Inmok (TBC, 1974)

Choi Yu Ri as Princess Jeongmyeong, Yun Jeong Hee as Queen Inmok, and Cheon Dong Seok as Prince Youngchang


The event of the books which circulated because of Lady Jo as an insider of the royal family affairs (well, we have Sookyung too ), was similar with the accounts of Queen Inmok written in her diary 'Gyech'uk ilgi. The diary was composed and written by unnamed court lady official which is a devotee of the Queen. However, the narration of the Queen 's suffering during her exile, as well as the death of her son Prince Youngchang was debunked by scholars because the standard historical accounts of the King Gwanghae is known to be 'wise and good king'.


More about Queen Inmok and her relationship with King Gwanghae --



This is a calligraphic work by Queen Inmok, the second wife of King Seonjo of the Joseon Dynasty, who excelled at the art. The contents of the writing have been interpreted as a comparison of herself and her stepson King Gwanghaegun to an old cow and its whipping master, respectively. At that time, she was in a difficult situation due to the power wielded by the the Daebuk (Great Northerners) political faction. 




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What I don't understand is that how could bawoo marry his wife when at that time he was surely a commoner - his family was punished when he was a little - and his wife was a noble lady. Were they so in love that they decided to get married? They even got Chadol. Then again, how could she run away with Bawoo's friend? Was her family involved because they didn't approve her marriage with bawoo? Was love the reason she returned to bawoo now, because he's now a noble so her family will say nothing about it?

Now I'm quite worried. Wonder their background story

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OST 15 for eps 15!


 New stills....BW please pali pali come back. It pains me to even see SK suffer any further





@1217akkum4 Good catch on your post above. Could the token that CD's mum showed the old lady be a fake one? She doesn't seem so noble in her behaviour considering how she shamelessly helped herself to the food that Jo was serving the soldiers. I won't be surprised if BW "fell in love " for the mother since he was young then and lacked guidance. Say if she truly is from a good family, maybe she couldn't take living a hard life and ran away. Anyway I won't trust BW's judgement then...he told CD to not trust pretty women because of the mum right...well she is not that pretty to me :heiboi:

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Eps 15 raw recaps

CDs mum laughing loudly at SK when Jo introduced who SK was ...she annoyed me and she was like putting her fingers on SK , mocking SK

Then BW's mum overheard the commotion. She came to check. SK had no choice but to introduce her as CD's birth mum - BW's mum almost passed out. This CD's mum is a sweet talker.


Anyway in BW's mum's room , she officially introduced herself...the mother was actually at first quite angry at the birth mum then later she turned her anger to SK for not telling her this before hand etc. The old lady was getting all worked up. SK had to apologise . Sis in law tried to defend SK.


Thankfully , CB came in and tried to pull her away ( he knows her of course ) but damn CD's mum showed her token & the stupid mother of BW so easily bought over by her sweet words and fake tears. BW was trying to tell the old lady this was all fake. CB was yelling at CD's mum. The latter was begging the old lady to let her stay though CB was protesting. SK kept calm and even went to the kitchen to get water for them . 


CB and Jo discussing what they should do - both so angry at all this. 


More conversations between the old lady and CD mum about who's her father , her token , her being a "yangbang"....am rolling my eyes even though I don't fully get the conversations. Anyway seems like she gets to stay. The old lady ask them all to leave the room.


SK was walking towards her room...that awful lady says that SK cannot stay in her room. CB wanted to fight with her but SK stopped them and said they must not do anything till BW returns. Wow that "beech" is going through SK's stuff. So rude. Anyway SK asked her to let her gather her stuff. Then SK also wrote a letter and asked CB to deliver it to someone (cannot catch who it was).

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Next scene of BW and DY in jail. The West faction guy came to see them


Lee with the King - wait for subs but something Lee said made the King sad. Then later Court Lady Kim came to talk to the King - I think the King knows what has happened to BW and DY. 


DY thinks of an instruction & letter his father gave him before he left . i think BW questioned DY about his sincerity in serving the King. DY says he is sincere. (DY is definitely caught in between the father and the King) 


SK packing her stuff in the room including the embroidery she did.

CD's mum surely is making herself at home - going to the kitchen looking for food.

Jo feels so angry and sad as she helped SK pack. CD's mum rudely walks in again kicked SK asking them to quickly get out. :shocked2:


CB came back having run the errand that SK asked him to (pass the letter to someone).


The awful woman lying down laughing on BW & SK's beddings.


Then the pre-released scene of CD returning from school . The mum was like all over him. CD was told she is his mum.  But CD ran behind SK . Sk gently told him to greet his mother  but he ran off. SK got an earful from her about leaving CD alone.


CD in the room with the birth mum who said even if he had forgotten her , she is still his birth mum. CD didn't want to warm up to her. CD then said he needed to go see omoni - SK. He wants SK to teach him. the awful woman was angry of course.

Scene of Jo complaining to CB about the awful woman. Jo is like cursing her . LOL


CD went to look for SK in the kitchen. But the birth mum was like your real mum is here ....she took him back to the room. BW's mum saw..she felt bad for CD.

Poor SK - she missed BW and CD.


CD cannot sleep with his birth mum snoring ...he sneaked out of the room. He saw SK in the garden. He was so happy to go see her. Both of them sat down & chat. CD said he preferred SK and felt weird with his birth mum. SK tried to comfort him that he will get to know her better and get used to it or something. Poor boy, he prefer SK of course.

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Jo said she felt bad for Sk (or was it CD )but then CB said it is even more pitiful for BW who has to deal with this. 


In the jail, a maidservant pass some rice balls to BW . In it was a key  . It was from the monk. Later in the night , BW tried to unlock the chain with the key . The Western faction guy came by, telling them to try and escape. True enough the guards came in toe hit BW , but BW had already unlock his chains and later knock the guard unconscious. He also help DY. Both then dressed in the Ming soldiers attire to escape. They were caught as they were leaving the gate but the monk saved them ( monk can fight).


BW and DY in the forest trying to escape. There were some soldiers after them . But they managed to run ...now it was night time and both sat resting under the tree. Next day, they continued their journey.  But  Lee's guy came to shoot BW...DY saw and pushed BW away and got shot instead. BW and the guy fought ...BW finally overpowered him and ask who sent you . But the guy got shot by some Ming soldiers...in fact he was surrounded by many Ming soldiers


(arrrgh my stream died - saw the King and Lee talking before it froze)

Lee's personal guard came to tell Lee that he got wind that BW's son kept mentioning about his mother. Lee was surprised about that.

( I got interrupted again on my stream, if it doesn't work I will recap the rest from the MBN videos) . 



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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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My stream skipped a lot . We now have SK and Jo eating in a room - looks like a store room. The awful woman barged in and ask SK to follow her. Then she showed SK a whole bunch of plates etc...the woman ordered her around ask her to polish it. SK kept saying yes...Jo was so angry...the woman was annoyed that Jo was showing anger but SK just apologised .


Poor SK eating her meal in that small room ...she didn' have much of an appetite but forced herself to eat. She was on the verge of tears but trying to hold it in. 


Awful woman is a snake - she knows how to buy her MIL's heart - she use sweet words and help do some make-up for the MIL. Sk now like a servant...bring in food for them.  Then that awful woman said some stuff but MIL tell SK to leave the food there and somewhat chided the awful woman. BW's sis is not a fan of hers but the woman try to buy her heart with giving her stuff..


I think this woman is a fake ...the MIL caught saying some stuff that they were surprised about but she knows how to use her fake tears . BW's sis not really buying her stories.



Oh dang ...BW and DY now brought to the borders where the Ming soldiers have camps. They are both sat on chairs and locked up and have to face the General ( I think) who was talking in Chinese.


Our poor SK praying in the garden at night quietly for BW's safe return . The MIL saw her from afar and I think the MIL can see SK's sincerity .


Back to BW and DY still stuck in that camp. Looks like BW is telling DY what to do - DY is quite weak. 


My stream skipped so much...but in the preview - BW and DY do make it back safely.  BW and SK hug. BW drag that awful woman out but she told him something bad about SK. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Thank you so much for the recap @abs-oluteM 

WTH! I can only curse mentally at chadol's mom scenes. Sighs. I can't enjoy this episode. I thought of skipping this episode but I couldn't and here I am complaining here and there. Haha ...

happy to see the preview though when bawoo drags her out but it seems she threaten him? She seems to know a secret? Ah.... Don't get what they say

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3 minutes ago, 1217akkum4 said:

happy to see the preview though when bawoo drags her out but it seems she threaten him? She seems to know a secret? Ah.... Don't get what they say

Yes she mentioned she knows something about SK - ommoooooo does she know SK's identity?


The woman is a piece of work. I think my blood boiled each time her face came on screen. This is the worst!!!





I just post the sweet scenes...I love this of CD & her. He could not sleep and came out looking for her

This is good ...MIL saw the difference between the two of them. SK earnestly praying for BW. The awful woman just stuffing herself with food 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Finally the preview is out . Maybe  @ktcjdrama  , can see if the site you use has translations. Hmm it seems that BW used some trick to save him & DY . Was it the letter about Lee? DY looks so dejected here. My real consolation after suffering through CD's mum's scenes is the hug between BW and SK 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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11 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

This is good ...MIL saw the difference between the two of them. SK earnestly praying for BW. The awful woman just stuffing herself with food

Ah, I missed this scene. Well, they will love SooKyoung wholeheartedly if it isn't for the wife's identity. Hope she's lying being a noble. Or better she dies instead of SooKyoung in the hand of Lee YiCheom's assassin. *Evil laughs*

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On 6/7/2021 at 9:22 PM, SilverMoonTea said:

I admitted in ep 1, I can't wait for him to shave clean his mustache lols. But as the eps goes, I love BaWoo as he is. Tbh I kind of miss his rufian & haggard look, now that he's already cleaned up  


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@Ameera@Thong Thin do u watch this? 



Hey Chingu,


Is been a while since I visited this thread.


LOL, ba-wu looks sexy and handsome with the mustache. 


Whether he clean cut or haggard look, he is still handsome in the eyes of the beholder.






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18 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

Finally the preview is out . Maybe  @ktcjdrama  , can see if the site you use has translations. Hmm it seems that BW used some trick to save him & DY . Was it the letter about Lee? DY looks so dejected here. My real consolation after suffering through CD's mum's scenes is the hug between BW and SK

Bossam-deul.... I am back. Sorry I was at a place where WiFi connection was very poor so I couldn’t stream last night. I already watched with subs, so sharing a bit of what happened. 

Preview stuff: BW used the letter that DY carry to somehow reported to King about LC Lee’s plan. Lee was very upset with DY but DY answered  that it’s because the King is doing the right way and his father is not. And finally, that word from BW I was waiting for, he said he loves (yon mu) SK sincerely from his heart, although he seems to be talking to his mother. That opportunist woman knew that SK is the princess!! When BW was dragging her out, she threatened to spill everything out. 

Stuff from the episode: (not in order)

- Mother asked croc tear woman how come so many days she’s been here she’s never asked about BW. She replied, didn’t he go to the northern part because of King’s order. Mother and sister wondering how did she know when they’ve never mentioned it. She made the excuse that she heard the guards outside talking about it. Sister commented that she’s never seen the guards opened their mouths to say a word at all before. My guess is, maybe this girl is sent by Court Lady Kim? 
- SK wrote a letter to the monk, which is why he was there to help BW and DY escape. They were then captured later by a different group, not that Mo guy. 
- The King had to sacrifice BW (give him up to Mo) because if he doesn’t, he had to send some supplies/ammunition to Mo for the release, but if he does that, there is another group that he will offend, which is not a good idea. 
- The croc tear woman is definitely a liar and fake person. That’s what CB kept telling Jo. He was dragging her out when she produced the name plate, but CB quickly asked out loud where did she steal that from. Of course Mother preferred to investigate the croc woman herself to asses her nobility.

- Jo asked the very same question we kept asking. How did BW end up with this kind of woman. CB told her that that woman made him drunk and slept with him. She left them even while Cha Dol was less than a month old. Earlier CB also told BW’s mother that the woman ran away in the middle of the night. He is the witness. He was the one to raise Cha Dol since young, and he was also the one who stopped BW from killing himself and the child when that woman abandoned them. Mother of course preferred to wait for BW to return and sort things out. 

That’s about what I can remember. If any of you want to know more about other scenes, let me know. 

Edited by ktcjdrama
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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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@ktcjdrama Thanks a lot. Will you be recapping tonight...I was dying recapping for a historical. Not so easy to understand. LOL 


New stils



Lee Yi-cheom, who was suspicious of Gwanghae-gun's (Kim Tae-woo's) move,  had designated B Woo' s home as an insider, eventually bribed the woodcutter, and learned that BaWoo's son Chadol (Go Dong-ha) had a mother  through an eyewitness account that BaWoo' s son Cha-dol (Ko Dong-ha) said "I want to find mother." 

In addition, through a salesman who was brought into the house by Chadol's birth mother, he even understood the situation, "It seems like they have recently met again after separating  a long time ago." However, with an unusual flair, he said, "There's no way Ba Woo  is hiding his wife."


In the still cut released prior to the main broadcast on the 20th, Lee Yi-cheom did not miss the opportunity and went to visit Ba Woo's house, leading to a situation where Soo-kyung's identity would be exposed , making her nervous.


Will Soo-kyung's fate  be changed in an instant?  Lee Yi-cheom, who had made her dead and put her into a crisis with all kinds of schemes, will finally face each other, MBN said, “Soo-kyung, who decided that she could no longer hide, broke through the front  choosing not to hide,”  The production team also said , “You can expect a solid performance from Soo-kyung, who will face Lee Yi-cheom under the name of ‘Soo-Kyung’ rather than ‘Princess Hwa In.”



This latest development may not be such a bad thing. I feel SK cannot hide forever , and at least both BW and the King are in a better position to protect her. Plus they can just kick out that ex wife as she can't use SK's identity to blackmail them into letting her (ex wife) stay. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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10 minutes ago, abs-oluteM said:

Will you be recapping tonight...I was dying recapping for a historical. Not so easy to understand. LOL 

LOL... yes, I plan to live stream tonight. Hopefully there'll be less of the politicking stuff. 


I love that we see in the pre-release clip the first person BW wants to see is SK :wow:


Edited by ktcjdrama
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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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I am watching it live and waiting for the recaps...

Urgghhhh I tell you that woman kicked the clothes that Jo was laundering - even though they were so mad , you have to hand it to SK for remaining calm and held her head high. But of course awful woman was such a two-faced - pretending to be so pityful in front of BW's sis.

And it seems those Ming folks know that DY is Lee's son - they were gonna execute them both but BW stopped them . Somehow he negotiated for their release. I wonder what it is that BW offered to do to in exchange. Anyway so happy to see that they are dressed back in clean clothes and left on horseback to return to  Hanyang. 


BW & DY , plus the Western faction guy are all safely back in Hanyang and now BW & the other two are having an audience with the King. King was happy with how BW handled this. But of course Lee who heard that BW safely returned quickly came to meet the King . What letter did the King show Lee that his hands were shaking reading its contents? The King was very happy that he made Lee angry.

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Episode opens with where we left off last time, BW trying to wake DY and updated him about what happened, reminded him not to say anything about his father since they already searched his letter.


Next scene in the morning, croc woman asking SK to wash her clothes but she is throwing the clothes to her one by one. When Jo came to help SK, she handed her to clean the piss pot. She is kicking the basin for washing clothes. Oh man, this woman!! Let's shoot some arrows her way!! SK stood up to her and fiercely reminded her something. When sister saw SK and Jo left, she asked what happened and the croc woman pretended whining and asked her something. It seems that the answer from sister made her thinking. Maybe this is the time that she started to find out her real identity?


BW and DY still tied to chairs being questioned. A leader asked DY what's up with the letter. DY about to say who he is, but BW prevented him to say, only to get hit. But DY admitted that he is the son of LC Lee, which the person seems to know and immediately ordered for him to be slashed with sword, but DY said that BW has no fault and to please release him. The leader ordered for BW to be released. BW is released and talked to the person questioning him in one of tents. The leader wondered why he wants to help the son of Lee Yi Cheom. More talks, then BW went to give some water to DY. Then BW went to negotiate with the top leader. He is giving some suggestions to the top leader, asking for DY to be released. In the end, BW was allowed to release DY and he was brought inside the tent to the leader. This group of people seems to be the good guys, enemies of Lee? Next morning, BW and DY changed into regular clothes, got onto horses and left, after thanking the leader. Later, they reach the capital and entered the gate. Lee is updated by WY about it. Cut to BW and DY in their uniform, going to see the King, along with KJJ and Court Lady Kim. BW updated the King of what happened. King is pleased and smiling. At the same time, LC Lee requested to enter and meet the King. Still with those people around, Lee requesting King to punish BW. King said no way, and he handed Lee a letter. From the leader earlier. Lee's hands trembled and said that what's in the letter is a false accusation. 

Lee came out of the room and at a corner, DY followed and asked for his father's forgiveness. Then BW and KJJ came by too and the four of them had some talk but Lee just brushed them off. He ordered DY to go home with him.

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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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Clearly the King likes BW a lot and the latter has his favour. The King and him have a one to one eating & drinking session. The thing is that BW doesn't try to apple polish the king and is completely himself. He seems a little tipsy as he tells the King what he really think/ feels. BW seems a little down or perhaps there's some sort of cynicism in his comments  The King instead of getting offended seems to be humored by them.


DY facing the music with his father & brother and getting an earful as expected. I somewhat pity him .


LOL...BW fell asleep while drinking with the King. The King's personal guard feels this is rather impudent of BW given his reaction but the King did not seem to mind. LOL finally much later BW wakes up with the guard somewhat scolding him. BW realises the stuff he said to the king while tipsy and is regretting it LOL!!!!


But OH YAY ....BW is going home...and that pre-released clip of him arriving home and looking for SK.  We need to really soak these few and precious moments !!! The tearful hug is coming.

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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I am getting so much satisfaction from him dragging that awful woman out from the room to the street. But of course she was like I know that woman is a princess , the King's daughter . He was like how do you know? Then she ran back in ...she is like a parasite you cannot get rid off.


Now BW is talking to his mum...my god the mum want him to keep that woman because of the whole Yangban status and get rid of SK. She says it is for CD's good as without that CD's future is bleak. BW said no way. Finally BW could not take it and had to tell the mother about SK's real identity. The sis was listening in and suddenly saw SK - and was scared because they now realise she is royalty.


BUT the mother though at first shock now thinks it is a bad idea for BW to stay with her . Really long argument. But BW is not going to give in - I think he does tell her he loves SK - is this right ? 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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BW was about to leave the palace but Court Lady told him that King is asking to meet. Cut to King pouring BW wine to drink at one of the gazebo, with King's main guy there. They have a calm talk, and BW seems very reserved and sad. All the time, King's main guy keep listening and looking their way. King asked how BW feeling and explained some things about what happened. BW shared his heart with the King and talked in very relaxed way about what a King is etc etc, almost being disrespecting to King in his seemingly drunk way before he caught himself. The main guy looked at him disapprovingly.


DY being lectured by his father along with WY. As usual, WY spews stupid logics while DY tried to talk some sense to his father. WY told his father not to believe DY's lies. Father seems to soften as he asked how DY's condition is. He asked him to rest. WY asked the father if he's really going to believe DY. Lee scolded WY and asked him to leave, but we see him smiled with satisfaction when WY left. DY returned to his room and fell to the ground feeling tired.


Cut to King and BW scene. BW isi drunk, while King is smiling and asked his main guy to take care of BW. Cut to BW waking up on a table inside the library and he suddenly remembered that he talked rudely to the King. He quickly went down to the ground and said his apologies to the main guy who earlier scolded him do you think this is your room? Cut to BW returning home, the pre-release clip. He asked Jo where is that person (SK) did she go out with his mother. Jo said she is in the room, when BW heading to their room, Jo told him not there, but the other room. He wondered why. He asked for permission to enter. SK commented that his face looks tired. SK thanked him for keeping his promise to come back alive. BW replied it's all due to her that he is able to come back alive. They hugged with teary eyes.... In the other room, the crocodile panicked hearing BW is back and she pretended to sleep when BW barged into the room. He called BW as husband? and BW said who is your husband, and he dragged her out. SK was worried because BW should've thought about Cha Dol's sake. As he was pulling her, she said that she knows SK is the daughter of the King and BW said what kind of nonsense you're talking about. He didn't acknowledge it and somehow that woman managed to break free and ran back into the house into the room. As BW is trying to ran after her, just then mother and sister returned. Mother asked BW to go inside with her. They have a talk. BW told her that what CB said is true. BW is adamant that he is not taking her back. Mother took out the name tablet and insisted that for the sake of Cha Dol's, she must have a yangban DIL... stupid woman... then BW came clean with his mother that SK is a noble, no, she is a royal. She is the daughter of the King. Sister outside and overheard, and shocked. Just then SK came by and sister was panicking, at loss what to do. Back to BW and mother,BW told her that he bossamed her. She still asked SK to leave though, because it's dangerous to have her there. Urgh!! Mother is upset and scolded BW. BW asked forgiveness and told his mother that he really loves that person very much. BW went out and sister asked what happened and told him that she is on princess side. BW hushed her to be careful of what she said. Cut to Mother questioning CB about some truths, then next is questioning Jo about SK. 


Later, sister talking to mother, and reminded her that she looked down on SK before. Mother denied and saying only a little. Sister asked what to do about that woman. Mother said BW will take care of it. He went inside the room asking that woman to leave but she said why should she leave the house of her son. Then Mother and sister also came and Mother said she will take care of it. That woman started whining to mother but she pushed that woman to the ground, she kneeled and begged for forgiveness. Then BW asked her to move into a storage room.



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Currently watching: Queen of Tears // Midnight Studio // Lovely Runner // Hide // Snowstorm Love

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