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The Sword & The Brocade 锦心似玉 2021

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51 minutes ago, Funnypeopleswim said:

Yes well when China had the one child law.


France is famous for mistresses.


@OsmanthusTea you're right it is different legally. Women in general just had so little rights back then. 

now they can have two children hahahaha


maybe the other register under mother name ... I never thought of that before...I check with my colleagues and I get bk to u hehehe


now u make me curious lols

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7 hours ago, oppasaranghaeyo said:

How on earth could anyone conclude that she is evil? Or hasn't been honest in what she has done so far? I think we are all watching this drama while they are watching something else, perhaps? :GengarCool:






I honestly have no idea what they're watching... It's either I've been watching it all wrong or they've been watching it all wrong. And seeing from what the majority are saying, I don't think I've been misunderstanding anything lol. Shiyi is such a strong women & a sweetheart. Why would anyone hate her (except for that instance where she doubted Houye. But then again, she's still so young and hasn't seen much of the world yet, unlike Houye, so we can give her some slack there, yea?)? 


You know.. I'm wondering... why was madame Luo so mean to Shiyi's mom & Shiyi? Is it because the dad seems to love Shiyi's mom (hence, madame Luo was jealous?)? I remember when they returned to Luo mansion in ep1, the dad seemed very happy but then he had to curb it down because madame Luo was glaring at him. Is that why madame Luo always slighted Shiyi's mom & Shiyi?

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1 minute ago, gracebkk said:

You know.. I'm wondering... why was madame Luo so mean to Shiyi's mom & Shiyi? Is it because the dad seems to love Shiyi's mom (hence, madame Luo was jealous?)? I remember when they returned to Luo mansion in ep1, the dad seemed very happy but then he had to curb it down because madame Luo was glaring at him. Is that why madame Luo always slighted Shiyi's mom & Shiyi?

jealousy is always the seed of evil in all women :wow2:


and u might be right...

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32 minutes ago, gracebkk said:

You know.. I'm wondering... why was madame Luo so mean to Shiyi's mom & Shiyi? Is it because the dad seems to love Shiyi's mom (hence, madame Luo was jealous?)? I remember when they returned to Luo mansion in ep1, the dad seemed very happy but then he had to curb it down because madame Luo was glaring at him. Is that why madame Luo always slighted Shiyi's mom & Shiyi?


It's all about control. As a main wife and the head of the harem she had to stood firm to defended her and her children's rights. When she saw a certain person as a threat she felt the needs to suppressed it. If she let such person loose, her position will be threaten and she will loses everything. ShiYi is smart and crafty so Madam Luo who has daughters doesn't want ShiYi a concubine's daughter to have better life or things than her own daughters. Even the main purpose of ShiYi's marriage to HuoYe and ErNiang to WangYu is to provides protection and to ensures a great future for ChunGe, YuanNiang's son.


Edited by OsmanthusTea
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42 minutes ago, gracebkk said:

I honestly have no idea what they're watching... It's either I've been watching it all wrong or they've been watching it all wrong. And seeing from what the majority are saying, I don't think I've been misunderstanding anything lol. Shiyi is such a strong women & a sweetheart. Why would anyone hate her (except for that instance where she doubted Houye. But then again, she's still so young and hasn't seen much of the world yet, unlike Houye, so we can give her some slack there, yea?)? 

Haha... They say she scheme to exchange her wangyu marriage w Erniang. Haha lol its hilarous. I think either they dint understand the story or thry just ff too much.


Shiyi was selected for houye way in the beginning by yuanniang n jiang lady wangyu sister selected Erniang to marry wangyu. Shiyi upon understanding the scheme after the party decided to run away n ended up her mum died. That's why shiyi says i never owe u Erniang anything. If  Erniang had not schemed to cosy up wangyu n mislead him into thinking she is shiyi, wangyu mum will not come knocking at lou manor to see shiyi that fateful morning causing shiyi to be delayed in meeting her mum. Shiyi would hv successfully run away n ErNiang will marry houye as the replacement wife was their top priority. So it was Erniang who in a way owe shiyi for her mum death.


Upon returning back from the murder scene, she suddenly become wangyu hesrt desire besides grieving for her mum. God she was only 15 then. After recovering from the death event, she started to feel and any normall person will feel something amiss n think maybe he got the wrong person as their first and only encounter was a quarelling match in xianlinge n wangyu will prob beat her up then. So the right thing to do was send her own portrait to confirm w wamgyu. How on earth would she expect wangyu to come barging into the house n kiss Erniang. She has NO idea wangyu was into Erniang all along. Deal is seal with that kiss. Erniang is tarnished by wangyu d. Looking at the whole pic i don see amy evil scheme from shiyi to get out n get erniang in. So my guess is these ppl who complain about this plt really did not understand the story. Sigh.. 


Technically, i insist she never ran away from marrying houye because at that point after the party, yuanniang is pretty much still aiive. She could hv live on n get well n cont to be houye wife n  in btw there can be so much other possiblities too. N there is never a fornal bethothal of shiyi n houye until the sister death bed scene (by then Erniang is married to wamgyu d) n no one specifically says she is to msrry houye. It is just a guess on everyone part becsuse shiyi was with her sister when encountering qiao half undress w houye. So houye was right when Erniang brought it up in ep 34 to make them feel bad. He says... These are all in the past. It doesnt matter. She is my wife now. I feel it is even better he knows because it is a confirmation she never wanted to marry him n would not hv scheme together w yuanniang. It cinfirm what he already knows. N it is not like he had wanted to marry her n love her then as well. Nothing to complain about right. So what matter to him is does she love me now after all thsy they hv experienced n after showing her how he felt. I love how the script write xulingyi. He is sensible n doesnt dwell on petty things in the past. 



You know.. I'm wondering... why was madame Luo so mean to Shiyi's mom & Shiyi? Is it because the dad seems to love Shiyi's mom (hence, madame Luo was jealous?)? I remember when they returned to Luo mansion in ep1, the dad seemed very happy but then he had to curb it down because madame Luo was glaring at him. Is that why madame Luo always slighted Shiyi's mom & Shiyi?

I think dad is just a nice guy. N madane luo has been using her dowry to support the family since the dad lost his court position. I believe many of u are right, shiyi just understand how madame luo is selfish n grab everything for her family. Her center is the luo family, her children n hubby. So no matter how much she dislike the madame, she tolerate her. N don go against her upfront. But she doesn't necessarily follow her ways. She listened n go back doing her own things. 

Edited by SnT
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Watching ep 36 i hv only one conclusion. Being parents are tough, being a stepmum is tougher n will get the blame in everything under the sun. Sigh... Lol. 


Can we see more dong chin n linbo romance too. Hehe... N amber is shown more n more as smsrt, calm n responsible. Shiyi msny times say amber truly understand her. Hope thst is a sign they r making her a good match for master ou. Hope he will like her soon. 

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15 minutes ago, NiteWalker said:



lols ... wasn’t ErNiang who scheme to do that and she stop it by giving WangYu her portrait just to ensure that WangYu get the right girl?

Exactly. We audience saw the thing Erniang did, shiyi did not know.. So how did shiyi scheme anything she doesn't know. All she did is make sure whether wangyu got the right gal. N lo n behold, wangyu came barging in. I mean who will expect him so arrogantly rude amd daring. N him kissing her right then n there. The only way out for ErNiang then will only be commit suicide or run away (both she would not dare) 

@OsmanthusTea @SilverMoonTeathere is a collection on weibo on few of his clothin. Drool.. I love the one in ep 1 black with blue purple fringe n he came riding in shooting the arrow. His arrow releasing hand movement is so cool..

I just hope he ditch the pink one soon.. 

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5 minutes ago, SnT said:

Exactly. We audience saw the thing Erniang did, shiyi did not know.. So how did shiyi scheme anything she doesn't know. All she did is make sure whether wangyu got the right gal. N held n behold, wangyu came barging in. I mean who will expect him so arrogantly rude amd daring. N him kissing her right then n there. The only way out for ErNiang then will only be commit suicide or run away (both she would not dare) 

i won’t say that evil, she is just looking after her own interest ... besides if WangYu still insist on marrying ShiYi she can’t say no either ... she will still proceed with it... it was WangYu who wanted to change and not her...


if they really looking for evil...it should be erniang or even lianfang will suit that description more 

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1 minute ago, SnT said:

Love love love all his combat/riding robes. I love the fitting sleeves. Mskes him so tall, slick n well-built... whats the word shiyi used... kui wu. Amyone can translate that. Hsha... 




Another style.. Giing on a mission maybe haha... 


wow.. I love this as well :wow: he looks dashing!!! He definitely slays traditional costume..

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1 hour ago, gracebkk said:

Gosh... Those pics of Houye in back are just.... :wow: Can he wear more of those clothes? Or is it a no-go now because Houye is too happy? That brown robe really doesn't flatter his body. It looks too droopy somehow.. :(


Can someone post the Brown outfit. I just can't remember it being that bad

1 hour ago, OsmanthusTea said:

Another great black combat robe......:wow: He looks totally amazing in black.....:love:

The details and the fabric are amazing as well.....:heart:


That is a good outfit

Is this the one?



It's a weird colour kind brown.

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15 minutes ago, Funnypeopleswim said:

Can someone post the Brown outfit. I just can't remember it being that bad

I don’t remember brown one also but this mauve/old rose robe causes a nightmare......:shocked2:



For the life of me I can’t understand why on earth the stylist put this robe on him while he is super swoony on this??





Is this the one you mentioned?







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2 minutes ago, gracebkk said:

Yep, this one. Like, for some reason, his chest area looks too tight and his shoulders look too droopy when he wears this one, unlike when we wears the darker-coloured robes. 


Yeah. I can see what people mean. It's not a great colour and I think fitted sleeves suits him more. 

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14 hours ago, gracebkk said:

Yep, this one. Like, for some reason, his chest area looks too tight and his shoulders look too droopy when he wears this one, unlike when we wears the darker-coloured robes. 

Bingo.. Is the pink/old rose/mauve one which appear in ep 30, 35, 36. Exactly why why why.... It makes him look droppy n old. N most back shots felt hunch. 


He only has one brown that is the one he wore when he was super angry with wuye over fengching n shiyi came in to sooth him w the wine. That one is nice. Not bad at all.. 



14 hours ago, OsmanthusTea said:

I don’t remember brown one also but this mauve/old rose robe causes a nightmare......:shocked2:



For the life of me I can’t understand why on earth the stylist put this robe on him while he is super swoony on this??





Is this the one you mentioned?







Yes love this riding one see how his habd released the arrow. His palm daving upwards. Thought it is so cool. 

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