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My Dear Guardian 亲爱的戎装 [2021]

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10 hours ago, themarchioness said:

I also think her insomnia is an issue for him because it's ZR-related.  From his perspective, how could he like knowing that she's still suffering sleepness nights over another man?


it was in the past....and ZR is making an excuse for changing the med to my thought and also something for him to hold back MuZe pursuit on XiaChu

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Ahhhh Episode 17 & 18 may be my favorite episodes yet in terms of the OTP.  There is just so much to love starting from their heart-to-heart conversation under the rainy cover of the night.  I love that XC's history of insomnia matters to LMZ and that he is so desperate to know whether she's really over it or just managing it -- in other words, are you over ZR or are you just managing those feelings?  I think she is over him, but there are complicated feelings that she still needs to deal with (more on that later).  I'm also, like XC, curious to know why he keeps asking about her prior statement that she'd never date a special forces guy.  Yes, LMZ, why do you want to know???  


Other things I loved are... the jam!  LMZ's concern over whether XC had made "anyone else" jam -- we all know that was code for ZR.  And his cute reaction as he dug into the jar.  I bet his happiest part of eating the jam was knowing it was made specifically and only for him! 


And of course that was the scene in the car where his cousin stole pictures of them holding hands... but the best part was after when LMZ told the cousin to send them a copy of the pics.  Hahahaha.


I found it poignant that when XC was faced with a car racing towards her, her first thought was of LMZ and his advice to just run.  And then of course calling out for him... it was so touching to see him rushing towards her and calming her down by reassuring her that he'd come and that he was there.  We can see how much safer she feels whenever LMZ is around.


We can't forget either the scene where LMZ tells the other doctor that since he's busy being a soldier, he doesn't have time to hesitate over love -- most importantly, I hope LMZ doesn't forget those words!!!!  Go after her!!!!


As for XC, I hope she knows that a man who'll wear a scarf to protect his nostrils in order to bake (multiple!) durian cakes is a TOTAL KEEPER.


Anyway... other thoughts about these two episodes.


- Looks like Tong Yian's prediction has at last come true.  His parrot has turned into a lady.  It's hard to feel good about that pairing right now, though, because the cousin is still driving me nuts with her screaming and erratic behavior.  That's not cute or even quirky.  She's just psychotic.  Hoping for a turn in her character, the sooner the better.


- ZR makes my skin crawl more and more with each passing episode.  And his hologram gift to Migu?!  I can't help but find it creepy, weird, and not a little bit narcissistic.  To the point where I've actually spend the evening wondering if I'd enjoy it if a guy I was into gifted that to me.  But ZR and his creepiness have tainted the idea so much I just shudder at the thought.


- As for XC and ZR... it's going to be so devastating for her when she finds out he's exactly as LMZ suspects him to be.  She's in such denial over the warning signs.  I can't really fault her at this juncture because no one wants to think ill of the people they know, and ZR's "badness" is like next level, but still.  For the sake of her own safety I hope she won't keep those blinders on for too long.  I also thought it was really sweet what LMZ said to her in the car, that he hoped she was right about ZR (even though we know she's not)... I also loved what he said about not wanting to see her hurt because of her past (even though we know she will be)... Fortunately, we know he'll be there to help hold her together when it happens and I have faith in XC too.  She always manages to pull through!  

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Nooooooo Tian Yong  - why did he interrupt that conversation between LMZ and XC at the beginning of eps 17?  It was gonna be a confession - I am quite certain. :pandawhat: . LMZ is super serious about this because he wants to make sure she is no longer  holding a torch for ex-crush. Hmrpphhhh it will be TY's karma that he gets tortured by Shrieking cousin later . LOL


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Ohhhh….  Spoilers re ZR



i just watched a clip on YT. It’s entirely in Mandarin so I didn’t understand all of it but regarding ZR, the clip points out how the end credits actually reveal that ZR and PY are played by the same actor. So our guesses were correct about that! Additionally, the clip says they’re twins. Which actually would explain something I’ve noticed but keep forgetting to mention… ZR sometimes refers to himself in third person. For example, when he’s talking to the guy who also works for the Old Master, he’ll say things like, “Only ZR can do that.” I’ve always found that odd but that would make sense if he’s actually PY pretending to be ZR. 


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1 minute ago, NiteWalker said:

dont worries guys TianYong will get his retribution for interrupting hehehehe.....


and its double in price from Cousin Shriek 

Cuz he gets bitten too! 

He should try taming the cousin with his harmonica and Tang poetry. 😝

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@themarchioness ahhhh it makes sense now what you said in the spoiler


Yes in some of the episodes I remember him saying that this is what ZR would do. Which I thought it odd and attributed it too perhaps translation. So it is possible that the ZR that XC loved , is dead and the twin is now using his identity. I was surprised that ZR would try to run her down in the black car at the end of eps 17. But then in eps 18 , ZR says that only ZR can decide if she lives. Talking in the 3rd person again. 


I think XC can no longer deny that something is amiss with ZR. I know she refused to believe that ZR wanted to harm her (or LMZ) with the switched pills . But the 3D gun should be a big warning to her. Anyhow romance wise , I do think the plot is moving along nicely . How pleased he was to eat her cherry jam! I think his entire troop is well aware of his oh so obvious feelings for her.




Poor Tian Yong ...now I feel bad for him @NiteWalker LOL




Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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I agreed ep 17 n 18 are the peak in terms of relationship development between the leads. I think muze is ready to go ahead but he needs to know if her feeling for him is 100%. With love matters, makes semse as he wants to hit the bulleyes, not just simply trial n error. It is also significant that she ask him whether he regretted being a soldier n he says no regrets... even if it means she will not date a military guy. 


I watched preview for 19 n 20. Looks like they almost kiss. The progression in next two episodes should be good. Arrrrghhhh so many more days to go. 


Yes that projection thingy is CREEEPPPPYYYY... i don think i will ever like it after the drama. Like a sadistic tool for someone mentally sick. 

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8 hours ago, SnT said:

I watched preview for 19 n 20. Looks like they almost kiss. The progression in next two episodes should be good. Arrrrghhhh so many more days to go. 

Oooo do you have the link? 

Gosh now I have to wait till next week just when the romance bit is picking up. 

My favorite line from eps 18. 



I have to say it was very sweet of him to bake that cake for her and he persisted till he got it right. 

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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I have to say I find it hilarious the different treatment LMZ receives from his Commander Brigadier when it comes to dealing with Cousin Shriek and XC.  


LMZ asks for time to drive his cousin home and gets scolded about how this the base is not a place for outsiders and this is not his home, so it's not a place that he can just come and go from freely.  But XC?  For her safety and protection, the commander reminds LMZ that he's got annual leave and suggests that he take it!  


Like the underlings who serve under LMZ, I think the Commander Brigadier is a bit of a matchmaker, too.  :smug:


7 hours ago, SnT said:

I watched preview for 19 n 20. Looks like they almost kiss. The progression in next two episodes should be good. Arrrrghhhh so many more days to go. 


Gahhhh, the wait until Tuesday already feels like torture.  Hope I'll be able to watch in a timely manner.  I've got stuff going on next two weeks -- just when things are getting really good, of course!!! 

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Oops... I just realized my numberings were totally off when I referenced episode numbers yesterday. I've gone back to fix my posts to reflect I was talking about episodes 17 & 18, not 15 & 16.  Sorry! 


Clearly my excitement over the show has me all scatterbrained!  :CharmanderYay:

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Love how he cut the bandage to heart shape. Come on LMZ!!! He is blatantly obvious. No wonder xc want to hook out those words from him. He is so actionful but words from him to her are just not coming out. Arrrghhh.... Its so obvious. N he admits to those around him though. 


N the conversation :


Xc: Why din u bring xiao xue home? 

Mz: I have things to do. 

Xc: What things? 

Mz Go after u ah= in chinese another meaning for zhui ni is court you. 


He is a flirt haha... Love how him n tian yong are poetic... They like to use certain words to express. 

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I believe there shoukd be the confession next week.. 

Mz: for a person who wears this uniform, i cannot be with to u all the time, but when u face dangers, i will definitely be the first to rescue u. 

Xc : u r arrogant n sharp tongued but u are smart n has integrity, n u never fail to make me feel secure. Your smiles arw like ur cakes, not frequently available but it is always warm. 

Mz: i don want to be breakeven w u anymore (i guess it means he lost hahaha). 




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@SnT I watched a YT video that said….



He proposes! I wonder if the person confused proposal with confession, or if he will really go from tortoise to hare in terms of speed and not just confess but also propose! The video said she was caught off guard but agrees. 


i guess we’ll find out next week! But I can’t wait to watch the convo in your IG link!! 

Re: the heart bandage. I can’t believe I left that out in my post yesterday! I love how she was feeling all down, but the minute she saw the heart bandage her spirits perked up. He always knows exactly what she needs. ❤️

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I'm rewatching some of the earlier eps and was reminded of this conversation between Xiao Jun and LMZ.  At a time when LMZ and XC were still in the bickering phase of their relationship and he was trying to get her to move out, Xiao Jun was already asking:


XJ: Do you like her?

LMZ: Are you crazy?

XJ: I saw you two fighting yesterday

LMZ: So what?

XJ: I like Xuan Xuan. That's why I like to fight with her. It's all part of the game.


Even at his tender age, he gets it!  

Takes the adults some time to catch up.  :MewGiggle:



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1 hour ago, themarchioness said:

I'm rewatching some of the earlier eps and was reminded of this conversation between Xiao Jun and LMZ.  At a time when LMZ and XC were still in the bickering phase of their relationship and he was trying to get her to move out, Xiao Jun was already asking:


XJ: Do you like her?

LMZ: Are you crazy?

XJ: I saw you two fighting yesterday

LMZ: So what?

XJ: I like Xuan Xuan. That's why I like to fight with her. It's all part of the game.


Even at his tender age, he gets it!  

Takes the adults some time to catch up.  :MewGiggle:



See how at the point in time he denied anything w her. But now his cousin say u look like am embarrassed youth falling in love.. He just went i m a youth haha... Meaning yes i hv fallen in love. 


Actually Johnny describes muze characters as cold n quiet n he dislike that. But  to me Johnny manage to make muze into a good man w a few words but all his words are meaningful n heavy... Much like a father or husband who doesn't say much but do everything for the loved ones. Definitely in the real world sense, not bf material but a husband n father material. Thats what i appreciated most in this muze character. Simple n clear mind kinda guy. 

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I revisited YAMH n picked up where i left off. Definitely two different styles in the story n characters. 


Mika is truly sweet, gentle n calm where xc is hyper n pretty. 

Xkl is very capable n focused w his works but he has a boyish air. More uncertain about relationship n would do things that makes me laugh so hard.. Overall cuter. While lmz is very capable kind responsible but stern n man of few words n so far he knows what he is doing. 


Mika definitely has a loyal n true friends in siao xia as opposed to the brainless migu. 


Dr shao is a a candy joy to watch. Definitely more manly than dr zhang haha.. 


Story wise yamh has no obvious antagonists. Its more about general life n relationships of ppl in special forces n medical line. While mdg is more dark i suppose w t4, old man n zr n that ugky sidekicks. 

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1 hour ago, SnT said:

Thats what i appreciated most in this muze character. Simple n clear mind kinda guy. 


Agreed and I think Johnny's doing a great job bringing him to life. 


As for YRMH and MDG comparisons, they're just two really different dramas.  Not only are the character personalities different but the nature of the story and its telling is different, too.  The comparisons are inevitable given the medical profession/uniform pairing, but I think it's just a popular pairing in China.  Doesn't mean the stories are the same, though, even if they may share common elements (such as a story arc that involves disaster relief efforts).    As an example, I've read another web novel that features a doctor who grew up in a military family and now works at a military hospital who's paired with a firefighter, but the story and its focus is vastly different from that of YRMH and MDG.  (I've heard that web novel has been picked up for a drama and I'm excited!) 


Anyway, if I had to put these two dramas on a scale along with DotS, as that's the other drama that inevitably draws comparisons, I'd say YRMH is on one end with DotS on the other and MDG is in between.  YRMH belongs on one end because it's very slice of life.  The story is mostly about two professionals falling in love, and while we may have seen XKL go on missions it was just him going about his daily life and work.  Similarly, Mika would go to the hospital every day to work and occasionally both their work would have their paths cross.  But, otherwise, their time was spent together outside of work.  


The story in DotS, by comparison, was more about there being this big bad villain in the background with a love story that blossomed under that context.  Not only did Yoo Shi Jin and Kang Mo Yeon work together in their professional capacities to take the bad people down, but also and most importantly that experience helped Kang Mo Yeon understand Yoo Shi Jin's career, which had been the central roadblock to their relationship.  


MDG, in my opinion, falls in between because similar to DotS, we have the overarching story going on in the background with Old Master, ZR, the drug ring, etc.  But you also have the more day-to-day stuff going on as well, such as with Xiao Jun and his mother, the cousin/Tian Yong, and also the main leads as well.  


Personally, I love all three dramas.  I don't feel like loving one means I can't love the other because they're each different with their own charms.  

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One of my favourite scenes from the recent episodes. I love these heart to heart conversations. Though it was cut off prematurely....


I love Johnny, so I might sound bias but he's actually a natural when it comes to playing characters like LMZ. There's this genuineness to how he portrays LMZ. I find LMZ very attractive as a character because he tends to assess the situation and calmly responds. Perhaps it may come across as arrogant, or smug, but I would feel assured with him around. XC is more emotional, so his personality balances hers. And once he realised he liked XC, I noticed he did not hide those feelings. He has been quite forward, and took whatever opportunity possible to get to know her better. 


Thanks for the translations @SnT. Looking forward to new episodes next week.

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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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I rewatching ep 1 to 5. Their dislikes for one another was obvious from ep 1 to 4. Its the xiao jun operation failure first trail n him making the call to her that change the game. 


 Muze definitely wasn't a likeable guy from ep 1 to 4. He scolded her few times n actually the worst is she was the one spotting xj serious condition n she really tried to help but was constraint by office politics among senior doctors n depts n end up being scolded by him. What's worst is he never apologise!!! Dr zhang did explain to xj mum that it was xc who spotted the prob. 


But i still  don't understand why he din call dr zhang since he knows him better. Even though tian yong asked him to call xc cause xc is prettier haha... I still can't figure that out. In his imagination talking to xj dad, xj dad asked him to find the comrade whom he can trust n move on together. But why xc. I mean logically u will not call someone u don think highly off over issues like operation failures. Maybe that just c drama illogicalness. But definitely that is a turning point cause they started to encourage each other. 

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What i notice after rewatching ep 5 to 8


Ep 5 is turning point with they stsrt relying on each other. N for second operation muze follow the imaginary advice by xj dad. Trust ur comrade. N he did n operation successful. He adkked her to be his fake gf n send to airport n allow her to stay at his apt.. He added her on his wechat. I think he start seeing her a trustable friend. 


N their interactions even though crazy sometimes at home, kinda see him stsrting to find her attractive. Warm n cheerful, lighting up his otherwise discipline but rather flat life. Till ep 7 he was drunk n start confiding his pain in her n had a full night sleep after on the sailor moon bed haha... But next am,  he got upset when he lip read that she doesnt like n will not date army men. He even refuse to go see doc. 


Ep 8 can see him asking xj about his crush.. Fancy getting tips from a 8 year old. When dr zhang asked what muze n xj is playing. His response is working/planning on the next move haha.... The guy is very good w hidden meaning haha..n he got pricky w her i think because he is upset over the no arny man comment . N when that dr xiao asked why xj doesn't alkow xc change his bandage. Muze was very very quick to protect xc... He ticked the dr off... None of ur business!!! N off he carried her off to the camp. When his boys start calling her sister in lsw, u cam see muze reaction is almost smile before he saw xc embarrassment haha...but next thing he do is bicker w her till she stsrt crying haha that's hilarous.who wouldn't to hv this guy roaring at u while u just hurt yourself hahaha... I think ep 8 on he more or less start to show audience his liking for her d while she is meh about him haha... 

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Haha, @SnT , I see you and I had the same idea. Kill time until Tuesday by rewatching! It's been an enlightening experience going back and watching everything with a more scrutinizing eye. Like you I think LMZ was the first to fall.  In particular, it was the experience with Xiao Jun that brought him around. He was clearly touched by her words when she said that doctors, more than anyone, wanted to see their patients do well. I really like that moment where Xiao Jun's mother is divided over what to do after XC presents new treatment options to her and when she looks to LMZ, he just says, "Trust her."  It's that moment where you know he's moved beyond their initial history and is entering a new phase of their relationship. 


A second moment that caught my eye on the rewatch was after the operation, when XC returns to her office and falls asleep.  LMZ brings her a drink and stands outside the door watching her and his head tilts ever so slightly.  I'd like to think that's the moment his heart really tumbles. 


[As an aside, after he brings her the drink, XC receives a phone call from her school senior about their professor passing away.  I'm still befuddled over the purpose of this side bit.  Was it only to show LMZ's willingness to drive her to the airport???  Is it going to tie back into the story somehow?  I also don't understand why, once home, she wouldn't just be open with her mother as to the reason for her visit.  It's not as if she was doing anything bad or that she was home because something bad had happened to her.  Doesn't seem like it should've been such a secret that she was visiting home because her professor had died.  The only thing I can think is maybe the mom might have become upset, if he heard the news, because her father is a similar workaholic type???  No clue.  It was such a random storyline that I'd all but forgotten about it until the rewatch.]


Another part I appreciated getting to rewatch was all the stuff that happened after XC ran into ZR in the emergency room and she made her comments regarding not being able to hear the word special forces.  The first time we watch that scene we know LMZ observes the two of them talking and it's clear he isn't happy about it, but at the time, all we can assume is that he just doesn't like seeing her talking to another guy (jealousy!).  Later, it's revealed he also knows how to lip read and when you go back and rewatch that scene and all the stuff that happens from that perspective, I swear it adds new meanings to his words and actions.  For example, after he hands her the phone and walks off, it feels like there's also resignation and disappointment in those footsteps!  It's like a major step back for him because now he knows he has an additional hurdle to overcome.  No wonder the next time we saw him, he was "planning his next steps" with Xiao Jun. 


As for XC purchasing flowers in LMZ's name to give to Xiao Jun's mom, I wonder if LMZ would've been as upset as he it hadn't been XC who bought the flowers.  Like if Xiao Jun had just asked some random nurse to do it.  Sure there still would've been awkwardness to dance around, but would he have been that upset that someone had taken it upon themselves to buy flowers in his name?  I suspect the fact that it was XC is what really had him so upset -- because that means she thought nothing of it and wasn't thinking of him for herself!


And that's because XC takes a little big longer to come around.  I think, for her, it was during the time of her stay at the base camp that she started to see him in a different light.  I really liked that scene where she goes to send him off in the rain.  They're so far apart from one another and it's raining sheets in between, but even with all that, there's definitely a connection of the eyes... you can also see his concern seeing her standing in the rain watching them. 


After that it's just fun, awesome stuff.  She's so eager to try and find him during the flood rescue and who would've imagined that he would happen right along just when they needed help!  I don't know why but I find that scene where she yells at him so hilarious.  Poor thing.  The nurses are pushing at her and her co-worker to operate and they're already battling nerves, and then LMZ opens the back flap to check in and she just screams at him.  I love that his only response is to tell his men to hurry up and zip the flap back up again, LOL.  Too precious.  And of course the scene that follows... after the operation is successful, the rain has let up, and XC and LMZ finally get to meet properly.  It's so hawt how she's all busy talking about his sleeping pills and he just ignores her and starts unzipping his jacket to share with her.  And then he puts it around her shoulders, and squee!  I love how even LMZ jolts to attention when Tian Yong arrives to report in.  LOL! 


Anyway, I just love these two a lot.  There is so much to appreciate about them and I can't wait to see what the new week brings!!

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I keep forgetting to also say: what kind of a lame excuse was that from ZR about why he had a gun on him?! It's a toy? What grown man walks around carrying a toy gun while ostensibly attending a conference work work? If Mi Gu believes a single word of what he said, she's a fool. I think it's more likely that she's in denial - she knows the cards aren't stacking up, but isn't willing to admit it. She keeps saying she wants to believe him and to trust her own instincts. Well, I just hope her stubbornness over her instincts doesn't get her in trouble! 

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