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Strangers 2 / 비밀의 숲 시즌2 [2020]


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11 hours ago, stroppyse said:

Also, we see Yoon Se Won (Lee Kyu Hyung) again! Not sure if this was just a cameo of whether he's going to play a part again, but it was good to see him. 

I was so happy to see him.  Who do you think sent him the mysterious package???

i think it was Shi-Mok.


@40somethingahjumma  and @stroppyse both your post makes so much sense. 
At the end of the day there must be a balance because HUMANS are easily tempted to do the wrong thing. 

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Favorite Favorite Artist  Bae Doona, Moon Chae Won, Gong Hyo Jin, Cho Seung Woo, Jang Hyuk,, Jo In Sung,  Gong Yoo

Drama watching now: Plot Love,  Chimera ,The Psychologist, Always have,Always will , Show Windows: Queens House

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Episode 6. Ugh. I was going to write my thoughts from episode 5 and 6, but the episode 6 cliffhanger has just wiped almost everything else out of my mind.


I felt real compassion for Prosecutor Seo in his scenes in episode 6 as we get a glimpse of what life has been like for him, being disdained by his colleagues, since he was transferred out of Seoul, and why he so wants to go back. And, then as I said, that cliffhanger. Totally unexpected.


I find the scenes between SM and YJ beautiful actually. And, the scene in episode 6 where it is finally them, but all the things that are said and not said between them. When SM asks YJ if she isn't drawing any more. Oof. They're both struggling right now, caught between their superiors and the possible shadiness that they might be in. They're both so isolated within their respective national office teams. I felt like crying for both of them. Though, I'm hoping that these meetings between them will continue and grow since SM has seeked out YJ to talk over at least some of what is going on.


There is also a scene in episode 5 where SM goes to the Western District Head Prosecutor Kang Won Chul about the warrant that Jang Gun's team had so wanted, and then comes to realize that he himself (SM) had gone to the person who he thought might have influence to make his request for the warrant. It gives him some new insight into why people might break the law about not hiring people from public office, but not think that they are breaking the law. It's almost as if a certain light went off inside SM's head, giving him even more to think about.


Anyway, it looks as if SM's superior Woo Tae Ha is dirty after all, though he cares enough to try to make it seem impartial.


But, anyway, all that I can think about right now is Prosecutor Seo, and all I have to say is that he had better be all right!

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I must admit it took me a long time to get into Secret Forest 2, unlike its predecessor which grabbed me from the get go. The first few eps felt like I was watching paint dry which didn't help, very likely because I was not in the right frame of mind physically or mentally to watch it then. Glad I persevered because as of Ep6, it has rekindled my interest and now I'm chaffing at the bit waiting for the next episode to air.

I cannot describe the wave of nostalgia and poignancy that overcame me when Lee Changjoon's voiceover drew us back into the universe at the very first scene, a gift for us who miss his character desperately and had pretty much resigned ourselves to never seeing him again. It is poetic that his monologue would set the tone for this season, the need to right what is wrong, to change what is broken. 

"Doggedly chasing after the truth and marching towards what's right is a never-ending process. To stop, even for a moment, is to fail. Marching towards change is like having two needles as your feet with an invisible thread trailing after you, never stopping for a breath as you march on. In the belief that a handful of hope is better than immeasurable despair, we move forward with unwavering determination once again.''  -- Lee Changjoon


Yoon Sewon's appearance in Ep5 too brought so much mixed emotions, the stilted conversation between him and Han Yeojin making me ache so much for all that had happened, that now stood between what was once such amazing camaraderie. The secret sender of his care package remains a mystery for now, and though I hope that it would be Hwang Shimok, the scrupulously honest man has denied it so I don't know. Hopefully we will see more of him. 


With the apparent cameos of characters that either died or are incarcerated in S1, I wonder if there is hope we too will see Young Eunsoo featured as well. Fingers crossed.


While remaining oily and ingratiating as ever, I really appreciate how we get to see another side of Seo Dongjae, finally understanding his desperate need to climb up in ranks. His description of barely getting to see his children in their growing up years because of his work hits a raw nerve, having heard similar regrets from parents who have to work in a different place or country, and time spent with their loved ones can be measured in just weeks or a mere 1-2 months. His relentless digging into Song Gihyeon's apparent suicide may have marked him, and I hope, hope that this is not the last that we shall see of the weaselly prosecutor who has ingratiated himself into my affections despite his ways.


Won't speak much about the plot per se, except to say that it is disheartening yet unfortunately quite accurate that the powers that be, the movers and shakers of this purported new reform remain unscrupulous if not corrupt, caring only about their own powers and influence, with our currently split up team appearing to be the very few who still adhere to their own principles and conscience.


While markedly slower in pace, S2 has carved its own narrative that is intriguing and thought-provoking, which now leaves me waiting anxiously for more. My hope is that it will continue to be strong, and bring us to a conclusion that is just as searing and unforgettable as its predecessor.

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Signal, Thank You, Missing:The Other Side, Children of Nobody, Misaeng, Tree with Deep Roots, Story of a Man

步步惊心, 长相思, 琅琊榜之风起长林, 平凡的荣耀, 大鱼海棠, 九州缥缈录, 风声, 剑雨

Ice Kacang Puppy Love, Garden of Evening Mists

Mother, 空から降る一億の星, Ouroboros

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10 minutes ago, liddi said:

While remaining oily and ingratiating as ever, I really appreciate how we get to see another side of Seo Dongjae, finally understanding his desperate need to climb up in ranks. His description of barely getting to see his children in their growing up years because of his work hits a raw nerve, having heard similar regrets from parents who have to work in a different place or country, and time spent with their loved ones can be measured in just weeks or a mere 1-2 months. His relentless digging into Song Gihyeon's apparent suicide may have marked him, and I hope, hope that this is not the last that we shall see of the weaselly prosecutor who has ingratiated himself into my affections despite his ways.


Well expressed. Hearing him talk about in the previous episode and then seeing how he was treated by his superior in ep 6 made my heart ache for him which I'm surprised at because he's a character that I had found distasteful previously. And, while there may have been redemption, a person doesn't change that much and we saw him up to some of his tricks again. However, placing those machinations in context rather than having it be just a raw power grab was an effective way to cultivate sympathy for his character. The rest of this line of thought in the spoiler.



And that's why his disappearance and supposed kidnapping fills me with fear that it will be the end of SDJ. They made his character sympathetic now, so it would cut that much deeper if something serious happens to him. His character could be a sacrifice to the narrative as the higher ups don't care about anything other than their own power and position. And, SDJ may have gotten too close.


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Behind the Scenes


LOLLL @stroppyse we need your help to share this in detail.

All I know is that in that scene between LJH and JSW, JSW said he likes polo bun and strawberry milk and during filming LJH's mouth says "You like red bean, don't you?" and he ab-lib and took the strawberry milk and polo bun. hBl6IS6.gif Making JSW burst out in laughter.

Edited by mademoisellesia
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Finished both ep 5 and 6 yay!! 

Oh..hi @liddi ! Finally we got to 'meet' each other on the same thread~


I agree that S2's pace seems to be so much slower than S1 and it lies in the fact that there are now several story lines running at the same time. In ep 6 we nearly got nothing at all in relation to Song Gi Hyeon's case (and honestly, that's the one case I'm really interested in). And tbh I'm not sure whether I'm liking or not liking this different writing style of SF2. I'll reserve my verdict until this drama finishes airing. 


What I found intriguing was Choi Bit's question to HYJ. Would you arrest a criminal straight away or would you wait for a few months knowing that it would achieve something else 'greater' on top of arresting the criminal? If I were put in that situation, I wouldn't know what to do and so I'm also interested in seeing what HYJ's response will be. 


I also love the fact that this season showcases 3 strong, smart and independent women (I'm a sucker for this type of woman really~) HYJ, Choi Bit and Lee Youn Jae. Although I can't say whether the last two are morally upright (yet) but I just found myself unable to dislike any of their characters. 


I'm so glad that Ex-prosecutor Yoon is making an appearance in this season. Not sure thought how his role is going to be inserted into any of the existing story line but I'm sure hoping he gets a happy ending this season. 

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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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@mademoisellesia Thank you very much for sharing the BTS. Ah, I teared up along with BDN when HYJ saw YSW too, and her reaction is such a testament and reflection of our own when we see the faces of those we have loved and rooted for in Season 1. Love the explanation about the polo bun and strawberry milk adlib! Hilarious! Please don't let this be the last time we see SDJ! 


@SnowBlob Hi there! The writing style is definitely a departure from S1, and took me a while to get used to it too. It does ask thought-provoking questions. I love how HSM realised that he too had inadvertently thread the thin line of using what connections he had to get the outcome he wanted. Choi Bit's question is an interesting one - ultimately it boils down to what is deemed acceptable collateral, and I really hope that we will see HYJ be faced with the same decision and see what she chooses. My faith in the moral fibre of our team is pretty much unshaken thus far, unless the scriptwriter decides to pull the rug from under our feet. We shall see.


HYJ aside, Choi Bit is very much a mystery to me still. She is ruthless and unscrupulous, but is that all she is? Or will she surprise us like Lee Changjoon did? I must say I was surprised by LYJ's arc so far. At the conclusion of S1, I was certain she would turn around and demand her pound of flesh from HSM etc for her husband's fate. Perhaps she did understand what her husband hoped to achieve after all. As of now, all I see is the power struggle within Hanjo Group. Will be interesting to see how it ultimately ties back to the other threads in the narrative. 

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Signal, Thank You, Missing:The Other Side, Children of Nobody, Misaeng, Tree with Deep Roots, Story of a Man

步步惊心, 长相思, 琅琊榜之风起长林, 平凡的荣耀, 大鱼海棠, 九州缥缈录, 风声, 剑雨

Ice Kacang Puppy Love, Garden of Evening Mists

Mother, 空から降る一億の星, Ouroboros

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43 minutes ago, mademoisellesia said:

I get a bit lost watching this show actually. The titles of the prosecutors/police flying left, right and center. I also Google on what is/had happened in SK in relation to the plot. Found an article that sort of summarises it, and thought I would share → link


Thanks for the link. South Koreans have been up in arms about the corrupt Prosecution Service, and it's constantly in the news there that Prosecutors are the most despised professions. In a way, though, I feel bad for those prosecutors who weren't part of the corruption, but the more they resist a house cleaning and try to protect their privilege, the worse it's going to get. It does feel as if the senior-level prosecutors were thinking that things would just die down, but that does not seem to be happening. It's a shame that the conservative party in Korea is aligning themselves with the Christian religion and ties to the US to argue for the status quo instead of thinking of ways to better their public service.


But, then again, I see what's happening in the US, and I just have no words to describe the current situation.

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What do you think happened to my smarmy oppa ? Kidnapped ? By who ?  Actually I do feel sorry for the prosecutors. This isn’t the first show that highlights how they hv to be relocated from place to place . In the Diary Of A Prosecutor, most of them stay away from their families, and don’t get to see their kids grow up . So for someone like Seo Dong Jae , climbing up the ladder to ensure they have their promotion is one of the ways he can  justify  that his sacrifice is worth it . Of course this is still a government job that is secure and guarantees a  pension ( assuming in SK , that’s the case ) . I get why he would stick on despite being treated poorly by his bosses. 

Well the scene between LYJ and Sungmoon’s boss, Kim Byung Hyun  was a highlight for me as it was  loaded with tension & power play. KBH definitely underestimated LYJ, still thinking she’s that naive housewife & clueless heiress  of the powerful Hanjo group . I was offended on her behalf when he asked her if she’d want to go back to those days of just depending on her husband . She knew Kim’s weakness was her. She put on a good show , wiping off her make-up , and tearing up in front of him. She got what she wanted - info on her dad at the end of the day . But nevertheless, her fate as Chairperson of Hanjo still lies with where his vote goes .


it was nice to finally have a scene of Shi mok and YJ alone. SM is still most comfortable when talking to her , and they understand each other well , no words needed . Their partnership working on things together like in Season 1 , is something that we see little off this Season. Well for those ahem, hoping to see some further development, this is the only crumb the writer is going to give you :smug: (@SilverMoonTea) I do feel bad that both their respective bosses are aware of their friendship, and expects them to exploit it to get info. 


Nice to see you here @liddi The one scene that confused me was the conversation between Choi Bit and YJ . It was clear that Choi Bit wanted YJ to look inside the envelope. From what I understand, she wants YJ to find out what happened to Assemblyman Nam’s son & she is also indirectly telling her to let the son go until this over . I am assuming that having Nam on their side will give the police the  advantage to wrestle power back from the prosecution.  Also what she said later on , about wanting to train YJ , to have her( YJ)  take on her position in the future, that makes me question if it was sincere. YJ does not seem particularly ambitious to me , so I wonder if CB is reading YJ wrongly. 


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Mon-Tues: -  Wed-Thurs: -  Fri-Sat:  Connection Sat-Sun: The Midnight Romance in Hagwon Daily: SooJi and WooRi C-drama: - The Double (2 June)

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Here is a translation of the dialogue and captions in the behind the scenes video that @mademoisellesia posted earlier. I would have finished this translation and posted it sooner, but @mademoisellesiakept distracting me with talk about soondae and kimchi pancakes on the JangHaven Discord server. :smile:




Translations are in the spoiler since it's long. But, it's cute, and there is even some material for the OTP shippers in it, though the bromance was actually cuter.



caption: What is it that Shi Mok is looking at?
caption: A resting Yeo Jin
SM: That’s the best Doona Bae~
YJ: Why?
SM: Adaptable!
SM: In your life
SM: this is the first time you’ve been here
SM: and it’s the first time you’re sitting on that sofa
SM: but you lay down on it as you were in your own home
Caption: As comfortable as if you were in your own home

YJ: Can you see it? +1
SM: Yes
YJ: Can you see it? +2
SM: Yes
YJ: Can you see it? +3
caption: All of a sudden, the atmosphere is of an eye exam test?!
YJ: Can you see it? +4
SM: I can see it!
YJ: Really?!
Caption: (It seems her eyesight may not be the best.)
YJ: Because my eyesight isn’t that good
YJ: This is too fascinating.
YJ: You can see this?!
Caption: Unable to believe it and so ascertaining it again, Yeo Jin. k k k



Forest of Secrets 2 The role of Deputy Yoon Se Won, actor Lee Gyu Hyung *SPECIAL CAMEO*
YSW: Hello. Hello.
YSW caption: awkward
Caption: (in the middle of avoiding the BTS camera)
YJ: Oh, hi~!
caption: Happy to see Yeo Jin again in a long time, Deputy Yoon
YSW: Noona, you’ve totally grown your hair long?

YSW: In Secret of Forest 2, filming a special cameo, this is Lee Gyu Hyung.
caption: Even though without any tattoos
YSW: The shooting set was so bright and lively, it’s really nice.
YSW: I also want to be in the drama, but it’s too bad (that I can’t).

caption: After 3 years, having met in the prison, Han Yeo Jin x Deputy Yoon.
YJ: I’m sorry…
caption: She shouldn’t cry…
caption: but after seeing Deputy Yoon, feeling a rush of emotion, Yeo Jin
YSW: That’s amazing. Amazing!
YJ caption: tearing up
YJ: Don’t be there!!!
YSW: I guess I’ll go do some photosynthesis…
caption: For Yeo Jin’s sake, he’s going to do some photosynthesis… (meaning, he’ll go stand outside. LOL)
caption: Ultimately, doing the scene without Deputy Yoon. OK!
PD: Cut!
YJ: Was that okay??
caption: Now that the shooting has been safely finished, able to relax, Yeo Jin

caption: Yeo Jin | (If I’m smiling) As for me. (I look tang tang anyway.)
YSW caption: (tang)
YJ/YSW: As for me!
YJ caption: strong strong
caption: Well matching strength
YJ: So clear
YJ caption: Cutie
YSW caption: Matching

YSW: The reception lobby is over there.
YSW caption: (tang)
caption: Thought it was over, but TANG?!
YSW: At home with a pen (draw draw)
caption: UDT, not having drawn any tattoos at home, Deputy Yoon
YJ: You should have drawn the tattoos on, so that they could be seen…..
YSW: I don’t think it was here.
caption: It was so long ago, that he doesn’t remember where the tattoo was… :)
YSW: Actually, my face had gotten too big
caption: For the sake of a character who is supposed to look haggard,
caption: having fasted for 3 days, actor Lee Gyu Hyung
YJ: After you’re done, you should eat a lot
YSW: After I’m done, I’m gong to start by drinking water
YJ: Yaaah
YJ caption: feeling sympathy
YSW: My lips have competely dried out…
YSW caption: (closing them)
caption: (Finished shooting… going off to drink water….)
YSW: Hwang Shi Mok Fighting
caption: Thank you for the special cameo (heart)
YSW: Yeo Jin Fighting


caption: A method for memorizing their lines
CB: What was his name??
CB: Was it Nam Sa Ik?!!?
caption: (In the middle of memorizing Nam Jae Ik)
Staff/YJ: Nam Jae Ik!
CB: When Nam Sa Ik appears, that’s when you grab him.
caption: Nam Sa Ik (?)
CB caption: The wrong reception
CB: For some reason, I’m getting nervous.
caption: Before shooting starts, having a moment of nervousness!

CB: If really…
CB: your conscience…
CB: is bothering you…
caption: Buffering NG!!
PD: Cut. Yes. We’ll go again.

CB: Who is he?!!
CB: What kind of commissioner is he anyway?!!?!!!
Staff: He’s the Legislative and Judiciary Committee commissioner!
CB: What to do… (cry) (cry) (cry) (cry)
PD: The Legislative and Judiciary Committee Commissioner
CB caption: focus
caption: Focusing so that she can deliver it, the lines

CB: Because he’s a stupid idiot…
CB: for a long time, he was illegal….
CB caption: stop start
caption: 2nd time!
CB: Do you think that they are stupid idiots that they would support someone who has been under investigation for illegal solicitation for the Legislative and Judiciary Committee Commissioner?
caption: (it’s the line that CB says pus the red circle to indicate she did it correctly)
caption: (star) Success (start)
caption: The tension has suddenly left her legs, Choi Bit.
CB: Ahh, I’m really sorry.
caption: She worked very hard.

YJ: If she had said “If she gets it wrong two times, then she’ll treat everyone to a pork belly barbeque”, then she wouldn’t have gotten it wrong twice.
CB: Whatever we have to do, we have to finish it.
YJ: It always ends with the barbeque pork.
CB: I’ll buy the pork belly next time…



SM: For me,
SM when you (= Yeo Jin) get in the car,
SM: the car looks very stylish!
SM: It looks very classy!
SM: Yes, there must definitely be something different about a Louis Vuitton model
caption: (If you smile like that, that’s cheating, Prosecutor Sir) (me: The hand is holding a yellow card which signals a warning in a number of sports.)

caption: Shi Mok (true to form) in the middle of revealing his preference in bread!
SDJ: Is that really true?
SM: I originally liked soboro and strawberry milk,  (me: note that soboro bread is a sweet streusel bread versus the red bean filled bread that was the other one in that bag in the scene)
caption: Shi Mok’s PICK! Soboro and strawberry milk
SM:  but the first time you chose, you chose soboro and strawberry milk
caption: (Actually, having mentioned the soboro and strawberry milk to the prop team, Shi Mok)
SDJ: Oh, is that why hyung’s reaction was like that?
SM caption: An explosion of intense reaction
caption: The look of having it stolen away from him in front of his eyes.

SDJ caption: search search
SDJ: You like red bean, don’t you?
SDJ: You like red bean, don’t you?
SM: Ya! Is this the second shake ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
caption: At the unexpected adlib, exploding into laughter, Si Mok

SM: Yaaaaaah~~~
SM: Don’t do it~~~~
caption: The shooting starting again!
SDJ: Did you only buy 2 of them?
SM caption: (Ya!)
SM: Let’s just not do it?
SM: DON’T  do It ~!!!
SDJ: Okay, fine. h h h
SM: Ah~ Really~!!!
SM: Don’t try to provoke me like that~~
SM: Do it when they’re filming you!
SM: Do it when they’re filming you! x2

SM: That is actually funny
SM: It’s because I can’t keep it in…

SM: I keep laughing, so I can’t seem to do it.
caption: (Bombshell) He said he can’t do it because it makes him laugh! (Declaration)
SM: I just really

SM: You say “You don’t like red bean, do you?”
SM: and grab the soboro bread.
caption: (heart) World’s happiest (heart)
SM: You know that’s the first time I’ve laughed on a shooting set. The one who made me burst into laughter is Seo Dong Jae…. You’re the first.
SM: That’s right, isn’t it??

Staff: You laugh frequently… h h h h h
SM: I do???
SM: Nooo~~~

caption: Shooting while only using the paper bag
SDJ: You only bought two?
SDJ caption: (adlib +1) (me: meaning the first adlib)
SM caption: (unable to act his role)
SDJ: You like red bean, don’ t you?
SDJ caption: (adlib +2) (me: meaning the second adlib)
caption: Earnest Dong Jae, with his adlibs, success (me: too cute, meaning DJ was able to get the reaction he wanted of SM bursting into laughter with his adlibs)

SM: Inside, they’re working very hard. Hm?
caption: If you don’t watch the live broadcast, then you’ll be scolded like this….
SM hand caption: Live Broadcast
YJ hand caption: Watch It



I thought it was adorable how Lee Gyu Hyung was calling Bae Doona "noona" meaning older sister. I had not realized that the actors were that close for him to address her that way. 


But, then LJH called JSW "hyung" and thought that was totally adorable as well.


It makes me think that this cast had gotten really close on the previous shoot. So sweet!

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4 hours ago, abs-oluteM said:

it was nice to finally have a scene of Shi mok and YJ alone. SM is still most comfortable when talking to her , and they understand each other well , no words needed . Their partnership working on things together like in Season 1 , is something that we see little off this Season. Well for those ahem, hoping to see some further development, this is the only crumb the writer is going to give you :smug: (@SilverMoonTea) I do feel bad that both their respective bosses are aware of their friendship, and expects them to exploit it to get info. 

Their friendship was golden, the honesty between them beautiful. Shi Mok and Han Yeo Jin will have to make a choice soon on what they want from their career soon because now a life is on the line. I fear they both have grown tired of doing the right thing all the time. They trust each other and he made sure not to involve HYJ in giving out secrets to betraying her boss. Both have come to the realization that they are being used. I wonder how will they tackle their bosses. 


When I started this drama I thought I would be judging these characters on good and evil but that is not the case. In episode 6 I believe, CB admits that some people have no other choices when they are pulled in someone's scheme. These schemes may affect their career for good.  SDJ's still has a career but no trust him because of his past actions. In episode 2 SDJ tried to imply to SM that the cop was murdered because he wouldn't mind his own business. Shouldn't he had taken his own advice when he was trying to solve the suicide case. He has not been careful and not informing SM on his plans step by step. Sure after hearing his complaint on how hard his life is as a prosecutor , it did move me but at the same time. He should also consider that his actions will also affect his families reputation also. His investigations got him way to close the truth and is not kidnapped or maybe murdered. 

Kang Won-Cheol appeared to be a bit fishy for me , in episode 5 I saw him in a new light after he spoke to Shi Mok. Shi Mok just wanted to help an old friend from the team he worked with.  KWC's answer made sense because he has no jurisdiction and it would put him in a bad light. It shook SM to the core seeing him also asking for a favor. KWC explained to him , it is a part of life . Special treatment aren't meant to be with bad intentions but purely a way to get things done much quicker. 

I enjoyed how he told Kim Sa Hyun working with SM will only hurt them.  He knew SM's character and they didn't . They chose him because of his good reputation and did not investigate how obsessive he gets in solving a case. Deep down SM believes in justice and how you get it should be done the right way.  HJ was picked because she has a good reputation, CB also thought YJ is an ambitious person willing to do anything to get there. That isn't the case at all, she hates seeing injustice. She really wants to help people and she empathize with the victims. Don't worry @abs-oluteM  they won't be able to use them at all. They will never allow it. They care to much for each other.  

@stroppyse Thanks for the translation chingu. LIke you said on discord, " whoever has the ability to request/ get warrants has more power is disgusting. I believe WT and CB was dragged in the situation they are in. Instead of being disgusted by it , they grown used to it and not looked back. So for now they would like it to remain the same. Each of them have gotten a tasted of what has happened to YJ. Now we just have to wait and see what is Han Yeo Jin's next move. 



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Favorite Favorite Artist  Bae Doona, Moon Chae Won, Gong Hyo Jin, Cho Seung Woo, Jang Hyuk,, Jo In Sung,  Gong Yoo

Drama watching now: Plot Love,  Chimera ,The Psychologist, Always have,Always will , Show Windows: Queens House

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As much as I am reluctant to say this, I am really struggling with season 2 right now. There are several reasons for that. The pacing is the obvious factor. The window dressing is another and then there’s the relentless information overload. It almost feels like I’m watching an entirely different drama from the first season. The theme, premise and messaging of the show are loud and clear. It’s the laborious storytelling that’s taking some of the enjoyment away. It’s not all bad. The leads are still doing what they do well. Although until Episode 6, it seemed as if they were being sidelined by more flamboyant, bombastic characters. 


The level of cynicism was turned up several notches in the last couple of episodes. It’s one thing to hear about all the political blackmail that bureaucrats play amongst themselves but it’s still startling to hear that kind of talk leave the lips of indiividuals with unfiltered frankness. Choi “Dirt Collector” Bit is very adept at it and I imagine she would have to be to get to where she is. I don’t doubt she’s a shrewd operator who’s running her own affirmative action programme with one hand but one gets the feeling that she’s offering Yeo-jin a Faustian pact with the other. It’s clear that she’s just doing what everyone in her position does not just for the organization but also for self-interest. Sure, it would be good for there to be more women holding top positions in the force if they qualify but from my perspective I think it might be more important to have quality officers in the field. This is the incongruity that I feel and I’m sure it’s deliberate. Just looking at the police as a public sector organization ( and I don’t just want to pick on the cops either)  for instance, it’s clear that there are systemic problems… of nepotism, corruption and even bullying. In other words, it is a microcosm of all the problems of SK society. So it’s laughable… to me at least… that we have the cops and the prosecutors squabbling over investigative rights when both houses need a thorough spring clean. I imagine this is where the show is going with all of this (albeit at snail’s pace). Look, I’m sure there are good arguments to be made for either side of the debate. But the more the audience is privy to all the ridiculous political blackmailing that goes on behind the scenes, the more I’m convinced that neither side “deserves" anything. If anything, the powers of certain people should probably be curtailed. The entire criminal justice system is appearing to be one intricate extortion racket in arm twisting.


TBH I don’t know what to think of Chief Woo. While Choi Bit seems baldly ambitious, Woo Tae-ha seems much more enigmatic. He seems to play the game that everyone else is playing while giving the impression he’s running another game on the side. I wonder from time to time if he didn’t bring Si-mok in just for his “image”. He must know that Si-mok is something of a maverick and not easily manipulated. In fact, I feel that we’ve been plonked right in the middle of a gigantic chess game and the pieces are being shifted around at some unknown person(s)' pleasure. 


Although I consider myself a realist, it is chilling to think that competent people are obliged to chuck their consciences at the door before they can reach the higher echelons of these organisations. There’s obviously full frontal gatekeeping going on. Nothing surprising. Happens everywhere. But the egregious cynicism of Episode 6 even managed to send shivers down my spine.


It’s clearly the case that the likes of Si-mok, Yeo-jin and even Dong-jae are merely cogs in the machinery that they think they support. It’s not hard to see why Yeo-jin’s morale is at a low. She wants to support her organisation except that she’s having a hard time with what that organisation is. Is she barracking for a side just because she happens in it? She didn’t join a side necessarily to be a part of the war with the prosecutors. After what she’s been asked to do she must be questioning her own reasons for being a cop in the first place. Is it her job to protect the police’s interest even if that goes against her own conscience or even when that works against public interest.


It's rough on everyone (audience included) that Si-mok and Yeo-jin are seemingly on opposite sides of the investigative rights dispute. I don’t think they are in the final analysis. But right now the line has been drawn by other people and they’re being forced to toe that line. However, they are individuals who have aspirations for themselves and their respective organizations but that comes into conflict with what the people who run these "cabals" are trying to achieve. That’s why they’re clinging to self for dear life. Si-mok, the most radical individualist of them all as far as that world is concerned, is the textbook outsider. He is perceived as a danger because he can’t be controlled in the way his superiors would like to. He is the anti-social personality that doesn’t have the usual need to belong or to please. He’s not an idealist either. That’s why he can be the Dirty Harry of the prosecution’s office taken out of the proverbial drawer when needed. He does what he has to even if he offends all the right people. He beats to a different drum. Chief Kang knows better than most that someone like him is needed in the office because he is dogged to a fault. But he is wary of the potential for disruption that he poses. Si-mok clings for dear life to his own sense of self in a way no one else does in that world.


I am one of those who wouldn’t mind a low-key romance between the leads. The foundations are already there. While Si-mok maintains a certain level of aloofness with most, Yeo-jin is someone that he clearly treats differently. His relationship with her is differentiated by his consideration for her as he follows up on orders dished out by Chief Woo. He does his own legwork and then takes it to her for confirmation. He understands her dilemma only too well as talk about the restriction line surfaces. At times taking a stand doesn’t seem to make a difference in the scheme of things. Structurally nothing changes. But maybe what’s at stake is something much more personal.


I liked the way Dong-jae was humanized in these episodes. He wasn't my favourite person last season but he was always an interesting foil to Si-mok. But here he's much more than just a bootlicking social climbing public servant. He's also a husband and a father who is playing the game as well as he can so that he can be there for his family. I'm looking forward to what they do with his disappearance. It's something the show has been in dire need of after such lengthy set-up.

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Currently Watching: Queen of Tears, In Blossom


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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(Very) quick thoughts after watching Ep 7...

My favourite duo is back :wow:

The way they riff off each other's ideas... I hope there's more to come! This was what I've been missing in season 2 so far.

And yes, referring to the spoiler link @abs-oluteM posted, I was like 'woah!' when Shimok just went into her car without being asked too lol. (More crumbs for @SilverMoonTea and me, I'm not complaining!!)




I'm so worried for Seo DongJae. He needs to be protected!!! :nervous:

It was nice to finally see the family he has referred to a few times in this episode though.

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Episode 7-8  Woo Tae Ha and Choi Bit have a secret and it still hasn’t been revealed. I wonder what could it be? I was rather shocked at Choi Bit’s reaction when she met with Oh Joo Son.   Woo Tae Ha and Choi Bit the good guys or the bad guys. I feel the political game they are playing are just as corrupt as the officers/ prosecutor they investigate. This game they are playing is not fair. 

SDJ get kidnapped because the kidnapper believes the cops & prosecutors are corrupt. 
Hello Chingu. @katakwasabi 

I believe Park Ji Yeon aka Jung Min-Ha is 


Probably playing the role of a mistress. SDJ never cease to disappoint. Sure he miss his wife and gets close to his Sunbae. A typical move on his part. Always trying to find the easy way to do things. All that whining was true but he is the one who messed up.

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Favorite Favorite Artist  Bae Doona, Moon Chae Won, Gong Hyo Jin, Cho Seung Woo, Jang Hyuk,, Jo In Sung,  Gong Yoo

Drama watching now: Plot Love,  Chimera ,The Psychologist, Always have,Always will , Show Windows: Queens House

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Yay..finally ep 7 and 8 sort of brought back that SF1 feeling (at least a little bit for me). Although I still think that 6 episodes are a tad bit too many episodes to introduce all these cases. And of course, why didn't I think of it before..that SDJ would be the one that connects all these cases together. Because of his disappearance, and his seemingly has somehow has a foot in all the cases: Hanjo, the teenager's death, the police homicide and the lawyer's death, now all these cases are brought back to our duo's attentions (and as @im0202 I'm glad these two are back putting their heads together to solve cases!). And i hope future episodes will focus on these cases and that the political issues can be solved through the process of solving the criminal cases. 


@abs-oluteM I think Jung Sung Il might be the one who kidnapped SDJ! His character has been quite prominent for it to just be a side character as simply LYJ's assistant. If he wasn't the kidnapper, he must be something else :P


Oh btw, i think he's quite handsome and from time to time i feel like he looks like Jung Kyung Ho hahahah


Anyone feels WTH is similar to Lee Chang Jun's character? He did wrong things in the past and he seems to still be somewhat doing it currently for his own and the prosecutor organisation's sake...but also it feels he's trying to rectify whatever wrong he did/the organisations did.. That's just my personal feeling though. 


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Currently watching: 1night2days s4; Arashi's Diary: Voyage; The Great Escape S4; The Soldiers

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With the kidnapping of Dong-jae, the show has made a definitive shift at least in emphasis and pacing so there's a bit more clarity regarding where things are headed. As I've said I don't have problems with emphasizing the political side of things but I’m sure (judging from how well S1 was received) that there are better ways to get there. It is possible to have substance without sacrificing storytelling.


It’s heartening to see Si-mok and Yeo-jin working together again even if ultimately their goals don’t completely align due to their respective sides. In their own way, Si-mok most especially, they are finding their voices, articulating them within the context of a cacophony of perspectives. Undoubtedly, their kind of views are easily drowned out in a sea of pragmatism. 


The conversation between Chief Kang and Si-mok about nepotism, cronyism in general and Assemblyman Nam more specifically is noteworthy in so much as it continues on this theme of the role of public servants/officials as they represent our cherished institutions. That conversation and the one later between Woo Tae-ha and Choi Bit (who obviously know each other better than they let on initially) highlights to me how important it is that the general public be reassured that established institutions are working for the good of all and not just a select few. People need to know that the system is generally fair especially because life is hard. People need to know that having the right qualifications and working hard does get them somewhere. This kind of aspirational impulse is important not just for individuals but it benefits society as well. It’s good for organisations and communities to have talented, capable people at the helm and all throughout. That’s why progressive societies discourage nepotism and cronyism because it is generally acknowledge that we want the best people for specific jobs regardless of who they know. One of the issues that arise from giving jobs to friends or relatives is the echo chamber effect. They are more agreeable and less likely to tell you things you need to hear rather than than what you want to hear. Chief Kang and the other more senior staff who have become cynical and jaded over time might believe that the system is broken and can’t be fixed. But that doesn’t inspire public confidence or boost the morale of those at the lower rungs of the public service ladder that good behaviour is rewarded. Hence the vicious cycle continues. So what Chief Kang considers to be petty and trivial isn’t actually so in the long run. It becomes accepted behaviour. That is what Si-mok’s point is. It is the little things that tell you what’s really wrong systemically. Corruption doesn’t happen overnight. It is the accumulated effect of a whole range of things over time. 


The other half and I concluded after Episode 8 that the kidnapper is someone possibly related to the Park Gwang-su or Segok cases but is an unknown variable at this point. I speculate that this individual has some kind of long-term grievance against the criminal justice system … and Dong-jae possibly happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.


What I suspect the show is going for … after 6 episodes of information overload on steroids… after 6 weeks of wading through political mumbo jumbo and stats… is really one extensive and exhausting diatribe about the rot that is festering in the criminal justice system. Which seems like an obvious things to say considering this is a K drama. While the rot is most certainly a problem, the bigger problem is that no one wants to do anything about it. Except to band-aid as much as possible. All that talk about reformation is more about power grabbing and gatekeeping. No one wants to actually overhaul the system. Despite the whining and moaning, people prefer to maintain the status quo in some fashion because once you’re in a rut it’s just easier to stay in it. It’s also hard for people to acknowledge that they’re part of the problem because they had to learn the rules of the games being played and have become enthusiastic participants in some cases. To me that’s Chief Kang’s problem. He’s not a bad person but he’s so entrenched in the system that it’s a crutch almost.


There is an expectation… and a trust… that the system should work if the right processes are in place and followed. But the truth is “the system” is made up of flawed individuals who operate almost entirely on self-interest. Abuse is bound to happen. That’s why we have accountability structures in place so that no one person can hold too much power. One of the problems that arises out of cronyism is that power does become concentrated in the hands of oligarchs or autocrats. Yes, a person like Si-mok could be very annoying because he questions everything. Like the 4 year old that keeps saying “why?”. But every organisation needs people like that to keep them on their toes. To keep everybody honest. To keep remind the people in the organization why they have a job and what that job is.

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Currently Watching: Queen of Tears, In Blossom


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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After watching episodes 7 and 8, I actually don't have much to say about it. Though, I think @40somethingahjumma has beautifully stated some obvious truths that this drama is going for.


It's nice to see SM and YJ investigating together, even if they are coming at it from different angles, they both ultimately want the truth.


Good to see that SDJ is probably not dead yet? The scenes with his wife were rough. Not entirely sure that SDJ was playing around, but it still occurs to me that I feel sorry for him.


Choi Bit and Woo Tae Ha. Dying to find out their secrets with Hanjo.


This drama seems to reflect personal opinions in Korea about how corrupt their institutions are. In this miasma of corruption, self-service, half truths, and outright lies, it's harder to try to figure out who the good guys are. Except for SM and YJ, of course. However, they've held onto their morals and conscience, it's definitely something that is needed as they pursue the truth. Now if only there were people with those characteristics in real life who had a chance to go after truth rather than getting buried by the corruption.


One entertaining bit that has been a throughline for this drama for this season has been how all the people who don't know SM underestimate how incorruptable and thorough he is, while those who have worked with him before just shake their heads at them. LOL

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@stroppyse I wonder if you can clarify something for me.

There was reference to Crime and Punishment made in Episode 8. I was a bit confused by the subs. 29:15 onwards. The subs seem to suggest that the pawnshop owner was a man. I wasn't sure because the pawnshop owner in C and P is a woman.

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Currently Watching: Queen of Tears, In Blossom


"Love is not an affectionate feeling but a steady wish for the loved person's good as far as it can be obtained." -- CS Lewis.

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